Knack Nester
Knack Nester
Knack Nester
@androidkenobi Месяц назад
@androidkenobi 2 месяца назад
So i just finally scored over 88pts, winning at 121 at tonight's game night. I just happened to have the house finch,too! Thanks to your comments, i decided to go for a forest engine on oceania board with asia birds included. I managed to get 2 teal draw 2 tuck 2 down in round 1! 16 guaranteed tucks for the game haha! Only 6 tucks in my house finch tho, i was holdin onto dear life with those teals in my hand Thx for all your commentary!
@kalebbeelen8556 2 месяца назад
6 tucks on house Finch is perfectly fine in the forest! I'm glad you're figuring it out :) The real benefit of tuck/draw in the forest is the ability to take good and cycle cards in the same action. It means you don't have to choose between feeder or the bird tray :)
@androidkenobi 2 месяца назад
Hmm, is that an official ruling posted somewhere re: 25:00? EDIT: Nevermind, i found the explicitly written rule, pg2 in EE. Ignore all the rest i wrote Because "for any reason" seems pretty crystal clear to me! I swear, i find trying to follow stonemaier's thot processes to be convoluted about half the time for edge cases.... But this isnt even an edge case
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
I think the justification is that teal powers don't activate "between turns" which is a very specific time to activate. For all practical definitions end-of-round technically is between turns, however I think they have defined pink powers to have their own "phase" which is separate from teal powers
@theblissfit 2 месяца назад
Nightingale in grasslands seems like it would have been so strong
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
yeah rewatching the recording, I remember considering it in the moment but I really should've done that. My oceania instincts of "don't play low point birds that late in the game" betrayed me
@Scotsword 2 месяца назад
Gosh-hawk! Love it!
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
Right?! I mispronounced it unintentionally when I first read it, but then i started saying it ironically, now its stuck
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
www.youtube.com/@Scotsword Check out Scotsword's channel here!
@androidkenobi 2 месяца назад
Well played! Awesome match
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
Thanks friend!
@davidmaust1415 2 месяца назад
The noisy minor is only net 1pt sine oponent also gets a egg, finch may've been better to copy
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
You net 2 points, because you get a tuck + 2 eggs - 1 egg to your opponent
@davidmaust1415 2 месяца назад
Its a good thing the wood duck didn't appear until rd3, or it may've had different results vs a rd1 duck, even peleated was a little later when you could offset with enclosure nest too
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
tell me about it. That could've gotten scary real fast
@androidkenobi 2 месяца назад
Ok! Best of 7 then 😊 I just noticed Eurasian dove didnt tally your discarded nectar; shulda been +4, as the official ruling is "discarding = spending". iirc, Tuck n Cache has an interview with Hargrave and the game was much simpler. Testers and Jaime suggested stuff like bird powers and the action cube walking back, i think.
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
I used the nectar on the starling at the end, not the dove. It tallied in the wetlands.
@androidkenobi 2 месяца назад
Ive been watchin quite a few games now but still get confused sometimes who's board is being shown. I think i figured out the upper left name is who's turn it currently is. Is the board something i just have to remember? Likewise with the player icons, i just keep forgetting who's who, lol. The most frustrating to see is when oppos finish the round, there is no notification to what they played till the next turn starts, so round end bonus scoring is sometimes a big, 'wtf?' like this game's R2. Awesomely played tho! I have yet to break into the 90 pt range. A big part of me really wanted to see hooded merganser's repeat power after the penguin. I shouted at the screen when it got tucked😢 But i understand. I had a game with a 7x activated penguin... Total 0 cached food, rip
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
I hear you! I can try to do a better job editing so its clear whos turn it is. I tend to always play as the red kakapo symbol at the top so if thats highlighted, its my board. It'd be cool if monster couch let us make customized icons or let us use our steam icons, because then my condor could be my icon, but for now its the silly little kakapo. I also really wanted to use the merganser, but it would've taken too long with the way I was setup. I could have forced a more aggressive wetlands engine earlier but I think I would've gotten less value out of lesser whitethroat which was more important to me.
@tevinwallace4193 2 месяца назад
That's interesting. Didn't know that
@mtk52983 2 месяца назад
Sure you may have gotten extra bonus card with Plains Wanderer if you played it with Manakin, but you would have tied rather than won 4th EoR. That means you would have needed a 9 point bonus card from the last pull to make it worth it.
@KnackNester 2 месяца назад
ahhh I doubted my past self in editing. Good call!
@zacharyjames3091 3 месяца назад
I probably would have settled with the Gull earlier, but wow you can't argue with 172!
@KnackNester 3 месяца назад
Gulls and killdeer just don't quite hit like they used to. Ravens are better, but all of them need other grasslands pieces to really take off. Just my thoughts
@zacharyjames3091 3 месяца назад
@@KnackNester I'm definitely waiting to get that perfect Oceania full-tuck. Now what that'd be -who knows...though you made a compelling argument that the Greater Flamingo alone is the most powerful single card in wingspan lol
@lockface85 3 месяца назад
Incredible tuck engine! Best I’ve seen. Well done! FYI - it’s pronounced Goss Hawk. 🙂
@KnackNester 3 месяца назад
Thanks! I swear I pronounced at least half of these birds incorrectly when I unboxed it 🤣🤣
@lockface85 3 месяца назад
With scores like that, call them what you want homie! 😂
@androidkenobi 3 месяца назад
I prefer "NU'ddern guh'SHAWK" myself😊
@kalebbeelen8556 3 месяца назад
21:15 missed a black noddy counter both in recording and editing 😂
@kalebbeelen8556 3 месяца назад
31:40 missed another one. Total counter was 11 activation | 5 total fish
@y2kenh 3 месяца назад
"This is MasterWing and ME" People like to watch MasterWing and ME MasterWing and I lay eggs A player invited MasterWing and ME to another fabulous game MasterWing and I set their nests on fire
@KnackNester 3 месяца назад
yeah yeah, I heard them in editing too. Unfortunately, I can't go re-record it. It can sound like nails on a chalkboard to some, and others won't notice. Took me A LONG time to start using "good" and "well" correctly too haha
@eaglefruit 3 месяца назад
not to be that guy but its prnounced g'LAR not Gar-la and even though its spelled like kooky, Kookaburra is like cook.
@KnackNester 3 месяца назад
Be that guy all day my friend! I had a moment in an earlier video where I did a bit on how to pronounce Audouin's Gull. It's super French and hard to say with my super American accent.
@eaglefruit 3 месяца назад
Scheduling as an Aussie is such a pain, had to give up on certain tourneys because everyone is only available in 1am-5am block.
@KnackNester 3 месяца назад
oh definitely! I can imagine that being a real challenge
@davidmaust1415 3 месяца назад
Remember that nectar can be used for eggs to add to nectar count there, and always tuck cards to maximize pts on eagle
@KnackNester 3 месяца назад
Oh good point I didn't catch that! I certainly could've laid eggs with one of my nectar instead of a card and tucked it with imperial eagle. I was really struggling to keep count of my resources at the end!
@Master_Wing 4 месяца назад
am i the only one who watched the whole thing and thought it was amazing? (in my defense, i thought a lot of this would be edited out) 😂😂😂
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
Condor Skin Care Group uses all content possible
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 4 месяца назад
Am I the only one who knew that from the start 🤭
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
Yes, you are the only person. Even the designers didn't know this 🤣
@Master_Wing 4 месяца назад
yessssss. mind blowing for some, but just another day in the Condor Skin Care Group 🤣🤯 no i totally found out by accident
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
Ignore White Storks, tuck Gallahs, play Thekla's #CSCG
@leemarkowitz4709 4 месяца назад
Wow, I had no idea! It does say that adjacent could mean “above” but I never noticed that. It’s strange that it also says “below.” I don’t see how a bird could ever be below it.
@leemarkowitz4709 4 месяца назад
Well played! Behaviorist can be good but makes the game more complicated. It’s usually a bad bonus card to draw near the end of the game. I thought when you played a bird on top of another bird, you kept all the tucks!
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
With buzzard/red kite which are predators you place it on top of the bird, keeping the tucks. Cassowary specifies that you discard the bird. Lore-wise, it makes sense cause Cassowaries are basically small dinosaurs in real life and they would totally take out an entire flock 🤣
@whitemana6008 4 месяца назад
Done this many times especially in the last round where I have abundance of food.
@leemarkowitz4709 4 месяца назад
I like how you set this up with the commentary!
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
Thanks man! I plan on doing others as well. Cheers!
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
Hey all, This is the same video I uploaded earlier this morning, however I forgot to add the background Music. 🙃 Cheers!
@SirachaSauce 4 месяца назад
I've never seen this game before, but this showed up in my recommendations. Looks super cool! I'll have to check it out.
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
Wingspan on steam. Its quite a fun game :)
@t.s.180 4 месяца назад
Good to know. I figured you'd lose them.
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
It certainly opens up the possibilities. I've used Red kite to hit omnivore and falconer before, but this is a new an interesting dynamic
@leemarkowitz4709 4 месяца назад
Interesting! I thought you lost the tucks!
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
I thought you might too!
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
I've heard that liking and subscribing helps you draw more ravens, swans, and ducks. It's science
@porlando12 5 месяцев назад
Really enjoyed the video! As someone who has spent hours watching other people play videogames, I don't mind waiting for your next turn. It would be awesome to see another format where you're describing your thought process during a live game too.
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
I'll probably snag a game from my stream for that. When I've tried to do live commentary during a game on my own, I get distracted and hard focus on the game, forgetting to explain my thoughts 🤣
@thedoublehelix356 5 месяцев назад
First of all, love the channel and its great to see these competitive analysis of games. I do think denying the goldcrest wasnt as bad a play as you think. Your opponents board was not very full and they had plenty of cands in the hand; if i were them id like the goldcrest to accelerate their forest and start winning more nectar battles
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
Maybe my past self was onto something 🤔 Welcome and thanks for the support <3
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 5 месяцев назад
39:16 the tucked cards stay
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
they do? that's really neat!
@porlando12 5 месяцев назад
Really nice video! I'd recommend increasing the volume of your voice audio. I had to crank thinks all the way up with headphones, which is always risky business! Really enjoyed the content though!
@kalebbeelen8556 5 месяцев назад
Totally! I was using my headset mic which is ass... Hahaha. I've also learned how to suppress background white noise. This next video I release I'm excited about, cause it sounds so much better 😁 cheers!
@chrislukas959 5 месяцев назад
Great videos! New subscriber here 🙂
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
cheers friend
@philipcrandell3098 5 месяцев назад
Off the top of my head it seems like a misplay by your opponent to play the kingfisher. They didn’t know you had a cavity nest at the time so they should have just played PW, activated for a single egg, play WD, and then only activate PW at need. At least until your engine is up and running and the eggs are just points. All that said, Abiath is a higher ranked player than I am so maybe that analysis is worthless. I think the nice thing about starting hand Pileated is you can try to cheese your opponent right out the gate for a free egg if they don’t have a cavity nest. Or pressure them to take an action they might not have been planning to take in order to get one down. Enjoyed the video! Watching it i got the sense that you and I think along quite similar lines in this game.
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
I actually think the sacred kingfisher is a fairly safe play as a first turn. There are a lot of people that ditch a card to grab two nectar off the start nowadays and he may have wanted to deter me from that.
@philipcrandell3098 5 месяцев назад
Good point, i didn’t consider that. Maybe i overrate PW + WD combo then because in my mind if you have that combo then you should not be afraid of anything except not getting them out in time. I would be curious to get into their head this match because obviously watching from your perspective i could immediately tell it was a wasted turn. They must have thought differently since they took that action, it’s just taking some mental gymnastics on my part to make (possibly) gaining a fish/mouse/worm seem like a good play compared to getting the wood duck out a turn faster.
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 5 месяцев назад
I think the audio is a bit ahead around 12:00 You’re talking about birds that come in the tray a few seconds later
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, I'm still learning how to edit. I made a mistake separating the audio from the video and I ended up getting it way out of sync. This was my best attempt at bringing them back in sync but its still not perfect. Going forward, the videos should be a lot cleaner.
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 5 месяцев назад
You say wood duck is top 3, what other birds do you think are in there. Maned duck nr 1? Even going with lorikeet, yellowthroat and moltoni’s in starting hand would have been very strong Also I don’t think it’s a mistake to keep yellowthroat, if you find a chiffchaff/mute swan/tuck&lay bird the extra cards will be more points And yeah that northern flicker wasn’t a mistake, you were just unlucky. If you’ve gotten some worms I think it would have increased your tempo very well. Maybe you would have been able to play the ash-throated flycatcher if you didn’t play the flicker though or if you did get some worms, maxing out that bonus card.
@KnackNester 4 месяца назад
I never responded to this so apologies. I believe Maned Duck has the highest ceiling right now so that's my #1. The scary part is, even if you house-rule it, you can still play maned duck after other tucking birds, and it can be just as strong. Wood Duck is my #2 because forest engines are so potent with the OE board and card access is still really important. Wood Duck does need other birds to pair with, like pileated woodpecker, or California quail, but it really does what no other bird can do right now. 3rd I think is Galah. No other bird generates 2 points in the forest for free. Giving your opponent a grain and a reset feeder isn't really that scary considering you get 2 tucks for it. Honorable mentions: Ravens are still insane if you play them first round, Gulls aren't what they used to be but are still strong, Mute Swan is also crazy, but doesn't quite do what Maned Duck does. The Play-a-bird teal powers are sleeper strong right now, but they kinda need other powerful birds to work with so they don't quite make the top 3.
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 4 месяца назад
@@KnackNester nice, I think i could agree with that list. Thanks for the reply 🙏🏻
@MaudlinCake 5 месяцев назад
I think I would have used flicker to steal two nectar instead of gambling to get worms.
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 5 месяцев назад
@MaudlinCake 5 месяцев назад
@@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen discard the card to get two food.
@etzete7455 5 месяцев назад
Nobody picks up the Crane first turn unless they have Maned Duck/Raven or see opp having one of them. I think a mistake was to keep the Flicker instead of the Lorikeet. Yellowthroat is atleast a point with maned duck for a few turns.
@etzete7455 5 месяцев назад
But yes youre right. 2EOR Flicker helped.
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
@@etzete7455 lorikeet runs into the same problem the flicker has. It could definitely have helped me get all the food I needed quickly, but it could miss just as well and it costs 2 of my precious food off the start. In full tuck with maned duck, using as little food as possible in other rows is generally what I try to do
@HomerSimpson900 5 месяцев назад
Crazy pair of engines, that wood duck is a monster now, with eggs coming in that is the new killdeer-raven IMO. One question is why not grab the 9-point night heron just before you played the nightingale (and play heron instead)? You had free eggs coming in from his woodpecker and the heron wouldn't share food. I think with Oceania I've started to question putting low-point birds in the wetlands in general because there are so many bombs available.
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
hmmm I think that you are correct that would've been a good idea. Not quite as reliable as nightingale though, and if he stops laying eggs, its useless. Also, Night Heron would've costed 3 food, but the nightingale was able to play immediately
@HomerSimpson900 5 месяцев назад
@@KnackNester if he stops running that forest engine, mission accomplished 🤣 Well, he had the quail, but then he can probably only get enough eggs to convert to played birds as opposed to gaining two points per turn. Hard to be sure - brutal engine to oppose.
@MaudlinCake 5 месяцев назад
Kiwi is so tough, sad to see a 6 point go for a three and 5 point. Hard not to gamble though.
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
It's my biggest downfall with this silly little game. I always want to take the gamble 🤣 It could be anything! It could even be a boat!
@leemarkowitz4709 5 месяцев назад
Very well played! I love watching Wingspan with commentary. I know some people consider the Wood Duck the strongest card in the game now. It’s at least top 8 or so.
@etzete7455 5 месяцев назад
Your voice is pretty quiet. Great gameplay though. :)
@etzete7455 5 месяцев назад
You audio is a bit delayed too ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nhb9suOmV14.html
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
good to know! Thank you :)
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 5 месяцев назад
Just for fun I tried little pinguïn and repeat it with merganser and mockingbird trying to get as many caches as possible, conclusion being: it’s not that good ( around 1 cache per activation) I don’t think you can use it as an engine like mute swan, chiffchaff or maned duck.
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
oh definitely! It's not near as potent as full tuck engines, but you can use it to extend your wetlands to generate some points while digging for better cards, however imagine if you had penguin + merganser alongside a maned duck/mute swan? It could certainly be a great addition to a full tuck engine. That's my feelings on penguin + merganser
@RoderickEgbertJan_vAmbtsbergen 5 месяцев назад
@@KnackNester yeah sounds pretty strong, but would be slow to set up with the heavy food cost. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think the pinguïn isn’t a good bird but it might be less good than people initially think it is. I did have a game where i activated it just 3 times and it hit 4 fish, 3 fish and 1 fish. I like the extra luck factor with the new predator powers
@guilhermebrandaodoamaral1031 5 месяцев назад
Nice to see another Wingspan chanel!
@Scimi325 5 месяцев назад
I think the wetland bird you meant is the Red Knot.
@KnackNester 5 месяцев назад
Thats the one!