Dr. Nisarg Shah's - The Dental Clinic
Dr. Nisarg Shah's - The Dental Clinic
Dr. Nisarg Shah's - The Dental Clinic
Find tips, secrets, and facts related to your teeth and your dental health so that you can take better care of your teeth!
@jeffreybaba4155 20 дней назад
Both the bridge and implant cost a lot of money that I don't have wish I could have one.
@dreeam299 Месяц назад
Watching this after doing bridge treatment for posterior tooth. I am 21 and regretting the decision after watching this video.
@MuckRaked-h8b Месяц назад
@yunithaa1209 2 месяца назад
Jembatan merusak 2 gigi yg masih bagus
@Codydoggy 2 месяца назад
Implants are just too expensive!
@mariepolleo5714 4 месяца назад
@alafairxvx 4 месяца назад
We are not stupid, your bias toward implant by making the bridge photo have yellow teeth vs the implant with white teeth. Passing on this video for that reason alone
@RicPuzzles 4 месяца назад
I have both, implants and bridges. Bridges have never given me issues while implants- dont get me started. Biggest irreversible BS in my life. From chronic smells to numerous infections. Worst decision of my life.
@HermannPatriote 4 месяца назад
I know someone who is missing one teeth and the dentist said he needs two implants $3,600 each. The guy was born with a natural breach and the dentist wants to cover that breach with an implant tooth. Implants are way too expensive, so for him, he is using simple prothese for now and thinking to decide with method he will choose. For me both methods are dangerous and implants’ prices are too expensive to me. $7,200 for one natural tooth missing, this is crazy
@JulfiTheeng 4 месяца назад
@allisondarcy 5 месяцев назад
Got bridges a few months back, and although they're okay, I wish I had known more about implants at that time 😩. Your video, in addition to Kriss AI's explanation, adds to the reasons why I now regret getting bridges 🥺. Would it still be possible to switch from bridges to implants Dr. Shah?
@mero369 5 месяцев назад
Yes its possible. I'm in the same situation and looking to get implants too!! 🙃You mentioned kriss. What's that?
@rokishoto 5 месяцев назад
Omg I'm so sorry to hear that 😔I was actually planning to get bridges too but then I watched this vid. So thankful for Dr. Nisarg 🙏 But would like to know more about that ai. How can I use it?
@soposhhh1122 5 месяцев назад
Hiii, i think she's referring to the dental chatbot called kriss ai, i also used that to choose between amalgam and composite filling and it gave me me a very detailed answer@@mero369
@stormyay 4 месяца назад
technology like kriss ai is truly shaping dental decisions! your experience highlights the importance of informed choices in dental care. best wishes as you consider implants!
@lunasol435-tw8ij 4 месяца назад
@@stormyay how can i access that?
@razor15593 5 месяцев назад
This is funny cause he say ow implant is better u know today dentist do bridges on implants 😅😅😅😅 and this is totally the same u can got infection close to implant and gum go higher infection go to bone than implant starting moving etc u just didnt say about implants complications, the truth is somebody have bridge 20 years and nothing happen the same implants but somebody have problems with implants and bridges i know people from both groups and i say i totally dont know what is better😂 i see hard infection with implants really hard.
@josegalindo1262 5 месяцев назад
Im about to get a bridge having temporary crowns but im also worried about taking this option because of the cavities that can possibly damage my teeths but can't step back at this time, they grinded up where my bridge is gonna sit already, just waiting on my bridge to arrive possibly next week 🙏
@josegalindo1262 5 месяцев назад
El implante es mejor, pero basado a una experiencia con una compañera de trabajo Ella SE hiso UN implante y le costo fractura en la quijada. En mi opinion las dos son opciones pero a la vez son armas de doble filo dependiendo a la que uno elija escojer...
@Ashenjoy 6 месяцев назад
Edu theriya thapu panni taa na😢😢😢😢
@jordanlemay8399 6 месяцев назад
Why does America make the better options more expensive? Hmmm.
@firdauskhan27 6 месяцев назад
Should i get an implant at 19 as people say there might be implant failure or should i just leave the space will it cause problems in future ??
@sameenergy9414 4 месяца назад
Update? I'm thinking of getting an implant
@annephilipiah1455 7 месяцев назад
Is this painful
@KillMonger592 7 месяцев назад
What if u lost 2 incisors 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom The 2 teeth to the left and right of both missing teeth are fractured significantly
@kerrysupporter 7 месяцев назад
I lost a front tooth year’s ago. I just got one tooth on a metal frame. It’s perfect
@aumelb 8 месяцев назад
Definitely an implant but it is much more expensive.
@bsystem5774 8 месяцев назад
@hernanmoreira5455 8 месяцев назад
No hay punto de comparación, el implante es la mejor opción, los puentes necesitan modificar otras piezas dentales, en cambio los implantes se centran en la pieza faltante. Tengo 4 implantes hace 13 años y no he tenido ningún inconveniente.
@davidstewart9982 8 месяцев назад
There are many valid comments which should be taken seriously. This is indeed a biased presentation. I am a recently retired dentist, who has provided many bridges and implants for many years. Unlike some practitioners I don’t just wholesale recommend an implant in every case. The dentition and patient as a whole needs to be taken into consideration, and some future predictions ought to be made.... I call it crystal ball gazing!
@compDict19 9 месяцев назад
Hahaha only the bad side effects of the bridges but not implants? 😂😂😂😂😂 , i know it's too bad if you laugh too loudly , but during the time i watch this video , i can't help it but laughing out loud 😂😂😂😂
@fredsmith8498 9 месяцев назад
@klausmorpheus9946 9 месяцев назад
Musk wird finanziell über die Börse erpresst.... Und seine Aktien abverkauft oder sanktioniert von den Spekulanten..
@BigIndianBindi-jy1cz 9 месяцев назад
this is why i am not letting them extract my teeth.
@hemajoshi6186 10 месяцев назад
I lost a tooth 15 years ago Now i want implant Buy I'm confused between implant and bridge option
@mudasirsharif5 10 месяцев назад
Respected dentists/BDSs this post of mine is for my mental health regarding dentistry. I got my lower left incisor tooth (single tooth) crowned just for cosmetic purposes. Although I requested it but I wasn't aware that crowning of tooth is an invasive procedure. It was half dicolored from the gum line & wasn't too visible either. It been more than 2.5 years since I got the crown by a dental technician. I am somewhat in remorse over my decision to get the tooth crowned as my tooth enamel was significantly drilled & just a peg tooth remained over which a pfm crown was fitted. Although there was pain sometimes in the first year but as of now there isn't any pain for quite a long time. Sometimes some questions do pop up in my mind that I shouldn't have done this. Also, can crown work well as we age & step in old age as I will need a crown for ever as no one likes gaps in their teeth. (I'm a male, 35 years age). Please help me cope with such unsettling thoughts.
@ritujashah5418 10 месяцев назад
The best thing to do would be to visit a good and experienced dentist so they can examine, take the necessary x-rays and then share the next line of treatment.
@amandaburleson2035 11 месяцев назад
why cant i just stick i peieace of wood in the soace where my teeth is missing>?
I have minor pain after screw placement
@rayuwu5152 10 месяцев назад
is it gone now??
@battleheights Год назад
from my experience having a front bridge is really only cosmetic because you cant bite into an apple or eat spare ribs and if you could you risk breaking one of the teeth because it has been ground down and more then likely had a root canal. I got twenty years from mine and instead of having a two tooth gap from an accident it turned into four. If you loose your teeth from an accident and the health system covers dental costs insist on implants. Implants are more natural and doesnt require adjacent teeth being used as support posts which will fail in time and you end up with a bigger problem.
@OneDailyCrib Год назад
How much cost each teeth?
@thomasmitchell6312 Год назад
Something new is coming and it's free, if you're a born again Christian we have God's Glory coming for the whole world to see it. In his glory God heals us of our diseases and even bad teeth. Literally gives us new teeth. When ? He says very soon. The bad has to go first.
@tanko.reactions176 7 месяцев назад
the bible is not literal, but allegorical. its all parables and whatnot. there is no literal 2nd coming. there is no jesus in a desert or in jerusalem or in america. in fact, there was not even a literal 1st coming!!! the whole crucifixtion is an allegory, never happened literally. the book states this over and over, how that all things are parables, dark sayings of old, etc. you are lost. you dont even know Jesus or salvation. you believe you are "saved by grace through faith", completely misinterpreting the whole thing. the age of christ during crucifixtion is symbolic. its referring to the number of vertebrates in your spine. the place of the crucifxition is also symbolic. golgotha refers to your skull. the whole thing is a metaphor for something alltogether different, namely celibacy: keep christ (cristos, your holy seed, which descended form your "Most High" aka your brain down into your genitals, bethlehem, but must likewise ascend back up again), so that it travels up the 33 vertebrates of your spine, goes into your golgotha and is "crucified" there. this is the reversal of the fall. because the fall is exactly the opposite: Adam & Eve "ate". Proverbs 30:20 clearly implies that eating is sex. Therefore, that which beguiled Adam & Eve, was lust. the serpent is lust. Jesus commands you to "overcome the serpent" - which is overcoming lust. the genitals are in the "midst of the garden of paradise", your body. it is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. you may partake of any tree, except that one in the center. in other words, you can use all your bodily functions, including all your supernatural faculties (which are atrophied, a dead spirit so to speak, in the avg. Joe), with no limit, except for your sexual organs. this is the first and only commandment of God. the archetypical human transgressed and lost immortality. the way back to immortality is through keeping your cristos. thus the catholics are right when they state that chritsianity is universal. because buddhists are celibate and thus, are christ bearers (true christians). the hindus are brahmacharya (celibate) and thus, likewise, are true christians. the religion is irrelevant. are you keeping your seed within or are you ejecting it out of your body, due to giving in to the serpent? keeping it is the only way back to regeneration. in men, the physical aspect of the sperm is reabsorbed after 90 days in a process called spermatogenesis. the non-physical part (energy, "holy spirit") is created when the physical part is consumed in the skull. this is when "manna" is poured down from heaven (aka your brain, your "Most High"). it is also known as the "fire of the holy spirit".. its literally a tingling sensation, you get a sort of buzzing or energy, which goes throughout your entire body. it is the source of all "gifts of the holy spirit", spiritual powers. you can use it to reflect fire and become immune to it, just like the first few popes did, when the ignorant ones tried to burn them alive. you can guide it to your hands and blast other peoples blockages, to cure them of all sorts of diseases. the chinese buddhists do that. they are holier than the holiest western self professed "christian"!! you will NOT know it unless you keep your cristos. modern day christianity is a JOKE. Jesus proclaimed no marriage in heaven. no sex. angels are immortals. only mortals require procreation. procreation is the way that seems right to men, but the ends of which are destruction. because the wages of sin is death. and the ONLY sin that exists or initially existed, was the transgression of the commandment to be celibate. so, death is due to lust and it necessitates procreation. and this seems natural. death is not ordained by god. its a byproduct of free will and weakness to the serpent. what is then the rapture? it is an internal process. it is something beyond words (therefore can not properly be communicated). the buddhists call it enlightenment, the hindus moksha! it is something that happens when you have regenerated for long enough and become whole (holy) to the point of having regenerated all other 360 senses the natural, true noble human (arian) has. at that point, you become able to penetrate the transcendental in deep prayer. this is when you pierce into the heavens and "see God" and "live". duality perception ceases in that state, non-dual awareness arises, meaning all polarities will be gone, discernment of "this" from "that" (of any type) becomes impossible, the borders between male/female, hot/cold, good/evil, near/far, friend/foe etc. vanish and one perceives all as one. this is the mystery of godliness. namely, that there is NOTHING but God. AL-HAQ. multiplicity is an illusion. what you perceive and interact with, in your daily life, is none other than God. thus, while you are ignorant of this, the best mode of operation is to follow the golden rule, to love your neighbor. because loving your neighbor equals loving God. there is no difference. you may only intellectually realize or know this. there is an experiential part of this, which happens after the transformation. such people are no longer human. they become elevated saints and finally graduate from this place. this place is hell to which Jesus has allegorically come to free you from. the angels which descended in genesis 6 due to lust (wanting to have sex in a carnal manner), is an allegory about YOU. the prodigal son also testifies about YOU. you were first with God, one with God. then you left your father in heaven, as God, you descended into material incarnation beholden by all the angels. there you were chained to the confines of the corrupt body (human vessel), that is your prison. this is where the "fallen angels" (you) are chained. this world is tartarus, a place of suffering. when allegorically Jesus descends into the world and proclaims the truth of cristos-bearing, those who hear and accept and turn their back on the serpent, are set free. this freedom is not an illusion or a happy-feeling, there is a literal physical and spiritual transformation, not such as found by "testimonies" of modern day christians. like quitting alcohol or some bad habits. that is a joke. its larping. what im talking about is things like supranturally levitating up and vanishing. or turn in circles, like St. Rumi for 12 hours and boom, the next second you are no more. or you are taken up the heavens in a whirlwind. things of that nature. not some bogus western fantasy. you have absolutely no clue whatsoever. you have been cucked by the protestants, who have completely destroyed the bible with their literal approach to the interpretation of mythical, allegorical texts. shame on you! how many time does the bible explicitly state that all things are parables. "I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us". How is it not clear?? This wisdom is ancient. It predates christianity, it predates all religions, it is the universal religion. there is a reason you find monkhood in all legit religions. they have grasped this. why cant you??
@lilian3904 Год назад
How much one tooth to replace please
@somwangphulsombat8468 Год назад
@kokowalker Год назад
The implants is a good choice I know people that had crowns and the whole crown fell out with the tooth attached
@ChronoSerum Год назад
but there is a risk to implants. All goes well if the surgery is succesful without issues. But the risks are that the dentist can make a mistake and drill too far, puncturing sinuses or damaging nerves.
@nasreendemaar6106 Год назад
I had a bridge, lasted 15 years. It fell of automatically. The dentist I saw, I think she lied to me told me I gad an absar, on my tooth that was shaved and needed root canal, I wasn't given antibiotics instead she extracted my tooth. I went to another dentist and she recommend dentures. I wanted a bridge but she said it won't last long bevoz now it's 5 teeth. I considered implants but that's do costly. I really want the implants for my top teeth. I might take a loan, I hope it last a lifetime.. But for now it's dentures I can't walk around toothless.
@kimvivian5712 Год назад
You can use artificial for now dear it's good
you're SOOOOOOO bad all western globe dentists - You're poisoning and toxifying all your patients by putting amalgam and metals to their mouths and bodies suffered by that no matter what. Don't say any B.S. -
@philipswireless6051 8 месяцев назад
why can a metal dental bridge (covered with porcelain) damage my health? zirconium is safer?
@karmasagucu8266 Год назад
When you have a CT or a MRI done can you remove those out of your mouth since one of those are both has metal in them
@morrocangirl-hu6qh 10 месяцев назад
good question
@maryamk8026 Год назад
Im so sad becuase i lost a tooth im 20 right now i dont know i should get implant or bridge ?
@onepiece5586 Год назад
Bridge will do because they can last up to 15 years depending on how you take care them.
@nattyco Год назад
In this example with front teeth the implant is the obvious answer. Further back it's a more marginal decision.
@wallaguest1 Год назад
the single fact the method destroy a helathy teeth, is just non acceptable to me. If an implant fails, feels like there must be other material options that might not, but detroy a teeth is a no-no in my mind. Moreover is highly traumatic overtime since you just don't stop, its a never ending problem over problem. See bridges done is Heart breaking.
@asadalisheikh110 Год назад
Very good advice. Thanks a lot.
@carolinagoldbug983 Год назад
Who in Hell would choose a bridge under these circumstances????? The cost of an implant depends on if you need a bone graft or no. The downsides to a bridge are too many to overcome (as illustrated in the video). I really don't know how much less costly a bridge can be. You're doing 2 full crowns (the adjacent teeth) which are about $1100 per tooth ($2200) not to mention the other prep work and the prosthetic tooth to cover the gap in the missing tooth. That is NOT cheap (I just had 3 crowns done). You start getting bone degradation and gum recession down the line from getting a bridge and 'Katie, bar the door'! Just ain't worth it. Get the damned implant.
@John-ds6jz Год назад
Not really
@tejas6211 Год назад
People using single tooth denture are the smartest of all.
@pany167 4 месяца назад
@user-wy4xj6hr2l Год назад
Bias impormation😂