Українська Галицька Асамблея
Українська Галицька Асамблея
Українська Галицька Асамблея
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@user-wp5gu2sy3f 2 месяца назад
Das Historische dort ist mit Buchstaben bisher falsch beschrieben.
@marekzaun4814 3 месяца назад
ukraicy nie moga zmyc winy z siebie bo to cywilizacyjnie prymitywna nacja.Ukraina nie pozwala na ekshumacje, które Polacy chcą przeprowadzić na Wołyniu i w Małopolsce Wschodniej. Dobrze wiedzą co archeolodzy by odkryli, dlatego blokują. A domagają się, żeby Polska pozwoliła na stawianie pomników upa. Co za hipokryzja i stopień bezczelności. Oczekują, że w Polsce mają stanąć pomniki morderców polskiego narodu. Moja rodzina przeżyła rzeź w Małopolsce Wschodniej A potem terror i palenie całej wsi koło Przemysla. Więc wiem też to wszystko z opowieści dziadków.
@marekzaun4814 3 месяца назад
bandyci z upa mordowali zydow i polakow. smierc tym faszystom.
@user-le8md3xv5m 8 месяцев назад
Full respect to Ukrainian insurgent army Critics said they was bad, but who was worse Ukrainian partisans or Stalin
@jednatakaosoba356 3 месяца назад
Have you ever heard what these scumbags did to Polish citizens in 1943?
@user-ii2nx9nc1p 11 месяцев назад
вся героiчна iсторiя, iсторiя бандитов и убiйц!
@user-ii2nx9nc1p 11 месяцев назад
А дiтыны Донбасса прячутся в подвалах в это время от снарядов и пуль ВСУ, которые посылал Порошенко., и оставил без воды и света детей Крыма.
@user-ii2nx9nc1p 11 месяцев назад
Это вы, подожгли Украину, это вы, устроили геноцид на Донбассе, это вы оставили 2 млн. населения Крыма без воды на 8 лет! Это вы внушили ненависть к России и брешете украинцам про героев бандеровцев. Бандеровцы для нас бандиты и террористы и вы потомки бандеровцев и нацистов тоже бандиты.
@saturninkepa4915 Год назад
Every single one of them when captured wanted to kill themselves or pleaded with those near them to kill them swiftly. This is because they knew the torture and brutality, they subjected their victims to and wanted no part in having the same done to them. WW2 had plenty of POWs on both sides, even the Germans were willing to surrender to the Russians and many took their chances in the gulags. The brutality the Germans put the Russians though is legendary, yet very few actually took their lives rather than be POWs. This fact alone should tell you how brutal the Ukranian Insurgents were to their victims that not a single one of them considered being a POW because they knew how they treated their captured enemies... this should be studied in schools, the brutality, the sheer viciousness, it was so so evil... Keep in mind that this was coming from those that were used to the policies of Lenin and Stalin. A people that watched as their loved ones were slowly starved to death while rats pillaged bursting sacks of grain stored in warehouse bound for Moscow. Yes, Stepan's Bandera's brutality was legendary, farm tools pitch forks, sickles used on children and babies while mothers cried and pleaded ... where was this evil coming from, where was this cold hearted viciousness born? From the Soviet system, from Holodomor. This is not to excuse it, but to give context of the harshness, PTSD afflicted population that not only lost their lives but many of them had lost their minds. Many grew up fighting for grains just to survive and they did not know of love or compassion, stories of cannibalism were unfortunately far too common. When you read some of the pros and descriptions of those journalists that managed to see those times, how the population walked aimlessly, almost zombie like, as if they were already dead. You get the sense of the biggest atrocity faced by the Ukranian nation was a mental one, because those who survived, survived broken and were damaged in ways that only the most sadistic methodology could create. Soviet Communism under Stalin, the man who killed his best friends.
@poorpoora Год назад
UPA was a nazi organisation colaborating with Germans and responsible for Volhynia massacre in which Ukrainians commited mass genicide on 100 thousand Poles and Jews. Germans apologised for their sins and we can live with them in friendship but Ukrainians didnt apologise and deny the historical truth. This makes Ukrainians similar to russkies and they fully deserve this Karma coming to them today. If you dont address your sins and try to swip them under the carpet they will come back to you and knock to your door
@redwater4778 Год назад
I heard the Germans were against the nationalists. That they fought against them. that they imprisoned their leaders, including Stephen Bandera. That they gave Jews and Pole refuge
@GuinessOriginal Год назад
@@redwater4778 not at all. The Nationalists collaborated with the Germans, and did their bidding. They arrested Bandera after he announced an independent Ukraine on the Radio Lvov without their permission, but he was hero in a gilded cage and allowed special privileges including full communication with the UPA and B section, and the SS Galicia which he formed. He was also released towards the end of the war to commit atrocities in Slovakia.
@redwater4778 Год назад
@@GuinessOriginal Well I don't believe the Germans participated in these massacres. They came refuge to fleeing Poles and Jews. The camps were full of them by the end of the war.
@marekzaun4814 3 месяца назад
mordercy ukrainscy z ss galizien i policji ukrainskiej gorsi od niemcow. Banderowcy z upa to bydlo ludzkie. Zasluzyli na putina.
@ThisNinjaSays_ Год назад
The Jews that stayed in Eastern Poland/Western Ukraine were religious anti-communists. Secular Jews had fled to Soviet Union, USA and Britain as the Germans invaded Poland. The Jews of Poland were not communists and the Polish were not communists so why did Ukrainian UPA kill them? Unarmed powerless civilians killed just for who they were. And Ukraine wants to whitewash it all away.
@user-uz4xd2lk8s 3 месяца назад
Вивчення історії , це не її відбілення . Нагадаю вам пару дат : 1) Польсько - Українська війна ( 1918-1919р.) Яку почала Польща . 2) Окупація поляками східної Галичини , у результаті Паризької мирної конференції , за умови що українцям нададуть автономію , але польська влада знехтувала цим пунктом . 3) Погане ставлення польської влади до української меншини 4) одним з проявом поганого ставлення є : Пацифікація Галичини , в якій 100 тисяч українців були заслані до канцтаборів , 20 тисяч з них померло , тому що поляки не надавали їм необхідні ліки. 5) Варшавський Процес ( 1935-1936р .) Один з найкрупніших , якщо не самий суд над українськими націоналістами , де всім оунівцям дали від 7 до по життєвого ув'язнення , 3 ( Такі як Степан Бандера ) присудили смертну кару ) Між іншим ч ви забуваєте план ОСТ , і Акцію " Вісла " в результаті якої було виселено 482 тисяч Українця , 4000 тисяч потрапили у канцтабори , 655 померло . Також забуваєте , що армія крайова Хотіла повернути кордони Польщі у її довоєнних кордонах , тобто продовжити притиснення проти українців .
@marekzaun4814 3 месяца назад
ukraicy nie moga zmyc winy z siebie bo to cywilizacyjnie prymitywna nacja.Ukraina nie pozwala na ekshumacje, które Polacy chcą przeprowadzić na Wołyniu i w Małopolsce Wschodniej. Dobrze wiedzą co archeolodzy by odkryli, dlatego blokują. A domagają się, żeby Polska pozwoliła na stawianie pomników upa. Co za hipokryzja i stopień bezczelności. Oczekują, że w Polsce mają stanąć pomniki morderców polskiego narodu. Moja rodzina przeżyła rzeź w Małopolsce Wschodniej A potem terror i palenie całej wsi koło Przemysla. Więc wiem też to wszystko z opowieści dziadków.
@ThisNinjaSays_ Год назад
After the German Nazis lost, they started to work for the OSS then CIA and MI6. Most of their remnants moved to Chicago, Ontario and Munich. These Ukrainians ideology seemed purely based on the hatred of their fellow neighbors Czechoslovakia, Poland and Russians. The Austrians who had been their overlords, German Nazis's who had planned to exterminate 85% of their population for libensraum and the Anglo-Americans were their heroes. What a strange lot, the Western Ukrainians.
@redwater4778 Год назад
The Germans never planned to exterminate their population. war propaganda. . The Germans gave refuge to fleeing Jews and poles. They send them to camp and farms in Germany . By the end of the war the camps were full of war refugees.
@National-Democrat.Ukrainian 7 месяцев назад
These Ukrainians did not hate Czech or Slovaks and they fought against nazies. Their ideology was also based on democracy.
@robinbreeds9217 7 месяцев назад
What a load of crap you talk you miss the part out about the pushed on to Ukraine from Russia and Germany that is a pact that split Poland in Half and started to kill Jews this was from Russia
@markmitin7397 2 месяца назад
@@redwater4778Can’t believe people still fall for Goebbels propaganda. If Hitler himself said that the Jew is the enemy, why would they provide so called “refuge” for the Jews. Prior to German invasion of Poland, the Jews of Europe didn’t need any refuge. Use your brain.
@ThisNinjaSays_ Год назад
One of the best things the Soviets did for Poland was give it secure borders andagree to the removal of ethnic nationalist Ukrainians from within Eastern Polish borders. Some may hate communist Poland all they like but the borders they got were one of the best among many post WW2 blunders.
@rmml3434 Год назад
Achtung, achtung! In comments a lots of russian(maybe polish) scumbags
@poorpoora Год назад
Youre a scum bandera nazi clown
@olobolo1155 Год назад
Ty jesteś szumowiną ukraińscy historycy kłamią
@JakubCz77 11 месяцев назад
You are an idiot or a scum. I truly hope that the first one is true. Now go learn something: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia
@National-Democrat.Ukrainian 7 месяцев назад
​@@JakubCz77 And what about that?
@JakubCz77 7 месяцев назад
Ukrainian Insurgent Army was a terrorist organization responsible for Volhynia genocide. Whitewashing them now is pure idiotism and lack of historical knowledge.
@thenbenagcz3931 Год назад
True Ukrainian Nazi
@rmml3434 Год назад
Where? I see only little crying baby in front of me)
@krehmathorium1434 Год назад
Sorry to correct the title: Sure you mean: THE UKRAINE NAZI FASCIST ARMY.
@rmml3434 Год назад
Lil crying commie))
@poorpoora Год назад
@@rmml3434 You fully deserve whst is happening to you now bandera scum
@National-Democrat.Ukrainian 7 месяцев назад
They fought against nazis.
@marekzaun4814 3 месяца назад
ukraicy to bandyci...
@user-fe9rf8bn9r Год назад
Русские не меняются как были гнидами так и остались
@user-xq1xr3xh1z Год назад
Да не добили этих уродов после войны, а они дали потомство. Теперь приходится подчичать.
@Gaver2023 Год назад
Така і було ! Батько так само розказував
@uliya8112 Год назад
фашист и убийца.
@skywatchchannel1508 Год назад
Твой папаша
@uliya8112 Год назад
@@skywatchchannel1508 Мирослав Симчич по прозвищу Кривонос лично убивал детей, женщин, стариков, а также отдавал преступные приказы боевикам УПА. В 1944 году Симчич со своими подчинёнными оставили неизгладимые кровавые следы в сёлах Пистынь и Троица. Да такие следы, что 32 года, проведённые в тюрьмах за совершённые преступления, являются мягким наказанием. Нацистская падаль.
@user-mh1pm6kt8m 10 месяцев назад
​@@uliya8112 Сам сказал рашист и фашист?
@uliya8112 Год назад
The Nazis are trying to wash themselves
@user-pq3xs8hy4w Год назад
Спасибо за то, что боролись за вольную Украину. Мы вас не подведем, отгоним кацапов до Урала и вернем все свое.
Hoping that in 2023, Ukraine destroys the last vestiges of Soviet tyranny. Go Ukraine.
@jerboa303 Год назад
And I hope to win the Euromillions lottery 😀
@marekzaun4814 3 месяца назад
chwala rosji@@jerboa303
Suffice to say...any atrocities committed by Ukrainian nationalists, were dwarfed by those committed by Soviets, Communists, Russians.
@olobolo1155 Год назад
Tylko ukraincy mordowali w tak straszny sposób
@krehmathorium1434 Год назад
So it is okay to kill only 10 people instead of 100? God please give brain to the people !
@poorpoora Год назад
It doesnt wash you of your sins
@cezarrytel1958 Год назад
Sława sława ale bandery ubywali dzieci i starych ludzi bez honoru.
@cezarrytel1958 Год назад
11 lipca krwawa niedziela wyriezali wsich polaków Ormian Czechów dzieci starych liudej... bohaterzy
@skywatchchannel1508 Год назад
@user-zg2bh2qo6y Год назад
Старый пиздабол))))), у западенцев в крови пиздть...что тогда всех они бля побеждали,грузовиками враги трупы вывозили...а все равно почему то не победили.... Так же и щас... Укросвиньи всех побеждают,враг несет потери, но пизды опять получают они !!!!
@bohdan8121 Год назад
твари ти нещасна, ось хто ти
@lyndonwatson757 Год назад
It is hard to find any information about this. I had to really search.
@user-nh6ex7hu4n Год назад
Какая на х.. Твоя земля, у Польши земля твоя была
@user-nh6ex7hu4n Год назад
Мерзота конченая фашистский прихвостень... Погань...
@Gena_Tsidrusni Год назад
В кремле сидит.
@skywatchchannel1508 Год назад
Бомбануло у кацапа
@Gena_Tsidrusni Год назад
Мирослав Васильович помер 18 січня 2023 року у віці 100 років. Вічна пам'ять!
@helmutmultz8552 Год назад
Banderas. feith. for. Ukraine. not. for. Nazism. Antibolchevism. They. live. the. Holodomor. How. the. f...k. you. are. do. you. think. you. are. Thu. make. Jugment. 80. Years. latter. sitting. confertele. warm. in. Your. house
@bifforngloop321 Год назад
pluć na ukrainskie psy
@Free_Palestine_419 Год назад
Ukrainian Nationalists in WW2 engaged in a genocide which resulted in over 360,000 Poles being butchered and massacred in the worst possible ways. Even the Nazis and Germans were horrified by the Ukrainians brutality. Also Ukrainians in WW2 helped the Nazis kill Jews in the Holocaust. Ukrainians today either deny or downplay this due to their education system which white washes atrocities by Ukrainians. This is why a lot of countries like Russia hold a grudge towards Ukraine because Ukraine still celebrates Nazis and Fascist mass murderers. Russia at least tore down all the statues of Stalin and changed the name of Stalingrad to Volgograd!
Odd that the Poles despise Russians and support Ukrainians? Feel free to discuss.
@jerboa303 Год назад
@@CONTACTLIGHTTOMMY I would suggest you get a chance to talk openly to normal poles, and not the overly Russophobic Polish politicians.
@olobolo1155 Год назад
​@@CONTACTLIGHTTOMMYruscy i ukraincy są tacy sami dzikusy Katyń Smoleńsk i Wołyń pamietamy to było ludobójstwo ze szczególnym okrucieństwem na polskiej ludności na Wołyniu pomagamy ukrincom bo jesteśmy ludźmi ale o tych strasznych rzeczach które spotkały naszych rodaków Polaków pamietamy
@bradleywillis1654 11 месяцев назад
Then changed it back to Stalingrad and erected a new Stalin statue there in 2023
@urszula7994 Год назад
Ukraina nie pozwala na ekshumacje, które Polacy chcą przeprowadzić na Wołyniu i w Małopolsce Wschodniej. Dobrze wiedzą co archeolodzy by odkryli, dlatego blokują. A domagają się, żeby Polska pozwoliła na stawianie pomników upa. Co za hipokryzja i stopień bezczelności. Oczekują, że w Polsce mają stanąć pomniki morderców polskiego narodu. Moja rodzina przeżyła rzeź w Małopolsce Wschodniej A potem terror i palenie całej wsi koło Przemysla. Więc wiem też to wszystko z opowieści dziadków.
@VVishq Год назад
Our imbecile government and some of historians who work for their grants further endanger the chance to finally dig out the entire truth and do something about it. I hope that after the war the independent, non-government fund historians from both Ukraine and Poland will be able to get together and get to the bottom of this, starting from early 20th century.
@marekzaun4814 3 месяца назад
UPA to zwierzeta gorsze od niemcow z ss. Mordowali ludnosc cywilna. swoich sasiadow bo polacy mieli ziemie i lepsze domy. To prymitywna ukrainska swolocz. nie ma co wyjasniac. Aby putin dokonczy porzadki z ukraincami. @@VVishq
@urszula7994 Год назад
Ukraina zaklamuje historię. Upa zamordowala w bestialski sposób ok 130tys Polaków. Pomagali im ukrainscy chłopi. Chłopi mordowali siekierami, widłami. Mordowali polskich chłopów, dzieci, kobiety, sowich sąsiadów. Zostało to zakwalifikowane jako genocidium atrox, czyli ludobójstwo straszliwe. Nie byli w tym winni Niemcy tylko ukraiński nacjonalizm. Zapragneli mieć swój kraj i stwierdzili, że muszą się z tego terenu pozbyć Polaków. Mówili, że ukraina ma być czysta jak szklanka wody, w sensie że bez żadnych innych narodowości. Mordowali też Czechów, Ormian i inne narodowości które tam mieszkały. A wcześniej, zaraz po tym jak w 1941weszli tam Niemcy, to Ukraińcy występowali dobrowolnie do SS Galizien. Była to niemiecka policja pomocnicza, która pomogła Niemcom zamordować ok 150 tys Żydów na terenie Wołynia. Potem przyszedł czas na Polaków. Nawet swoich mordowali, którzy byli przeciwko tej nazistowskiej ideologii Upa. Taka jest prawda, są na to dokumenty które upa zostawiła po sobie. A Ukraińcy sieją propagandę i tworzą w tym zakresie kłamliwa historię bo nie mają odwagi się przyznać do tak strasznego ludobójstwa
@Lecheno878 Год назад
Learn about the abuse of Ukrainians during that time
@urszula7994 Год назад
@@Lecheno878 Upa zamordowała 130 tys. Polaków, cywilów. To jest dla mnie wykładnia. A ilu Ukrom krzywda się stała? Z wami szkoda dyskutować bo negujecie to ludobójstwo i uważacie się za aniołków, taka prawda. Cały świat wie jak było naprawdę
@user-mh1pm6kt8m 10 месяцев назад
​@@urszula7994 Przedtem podżegaliście do nienawiści, nikczemnie wbijaliście nóż w plecy UNR w czasie wojny z bolszewikami, przeprowadzaliście pacyfikację i polonizację.
@ettorerindone3807 Год назад
Lo schifo della terra! Gentaglia da sradicare con una pioggia di missili!
@tiziogg6350 7 месяцев назад
Ti rode sapere che dei popoli con le palle si oppongono sia al nazismo che il bolscevismo? Tu non hai le palle di dirlo in faccia agli ucraini quello che hai scritto, perché sei solo un vigliacco.
@adamwatson6916 Год назад
No mention of OUN activities prior to 1942. Wonder why? That part of the story a little to inconvenient?
@tiziogg6350 7 месяцев назад
They covered this in the first episode, this is only episode 2.
@user-lw5hg1bf3p Год назад
Не перехуячил вас мой прадед всех. Сейчас хуячас внуки и правнуки😡😡😡😡😡
@Gena_Tsidrusni Год назад
По имени видно.
@aaronrice2032 Год назад
My teachers didn't teach me about this in school but 🤔 what I'm gathering from all the new research I'm doing ...it looks like the Ukraine people and polish were the same people with a slight religious difference ...but as soon as hoe ass Nazis show up The Ukraine welcomed them with open arms ...and used the war to commit one of the worst and brutal genocide ever recorded during the war...what on earth did any of the Ukraine solider receive a single damn metal for.....💬....somebody clear this up for me
@VVishq Год назад
Ukraine and Polish people weren't the same. Ukraine's OUN movement was *one* of the resistance movement, and it had several regions it operated from. Those in Volhynia and Galicia considered Poles bigger enemy than the Reds, while the universal doctrine was that ruskies, Reds, were the /bigger/ and ultimate enemy of Ukraine. Germany was the only country that was willing to work with Ukrainian Nationalists as they tried to contact many other groups. OUN members were both fascinated with Nazi ideology, which was pretty common for those times. It is /still/ debatable on how much Nazi policy was spread among the OUN members. Both OUN branches worked with Abwehr (Germany's military intelligence) and Gestapo (Germany's secret service). OUN wanted to use the WW2 to try and setup the independent Ukraine again using Germany's help against the Reds. Germany denied both Bandera and Melnyk the independency and autonomy of Ukraine. Germany used Polish people, Ukrainians(OUN-M) and even Reds (Vlasow) to get more forces to police the conquered territories, or use them as armies to quelch the resistances - divine and conquer in action. Same did the Reds. The exact history, motivation, involvement in war crimes or genuine desire to fight for Ukraine's freedom is being researched to this day. It is not a page of history that is defined even in Ukraine. Most of what you will hear about Bandera, OUN, UPA - will be used for a goal of propaganda against Ukraine in an attempt to make a comparison bridge between 1943 and 2023.
@VVishq Год назад
@@MotivationalSpeechs302 Russia calls itself 'Russia' though that is a stolen name, same story for the language - so what? The breaking of myths and fundamentals back to truth doesn't come around in an instance or in a moment.
@VVishq Год назад
@@MotivationalSpeechs302 It has everything to do with it. Putin stated to his entire nation that his reason to invade is that "Ukraine does not exist, Nazis" which are speculations on their specific kind of swamp history. Which in turn causes people to study the claim and find a lot of interesting details. In this context Bandera is a tool for their propaganda, so each time you speak against him prior to the war's ending, you are playing into ruskies hand by justifying the invasion.
@tiziogg6350 7 месяцев назад
@@VVishq I respect your taughts about ukrainian nationalism. But about "Russia stole that name" I completely disagree with you. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-NyKS1xjp6ww.htmlsi=F1vHg-SQc6h75-_1
@gerasimos2112 Год назад
How come and I have the impression that these people at the west of ukraine are not even slavs, let alone ukrainians...
@joshuaderezyckyj740 Год назад
I did dna test I'm slav balkan
@joshuaderezyckyj740 Год назад
6 generations ukraine
@militaryhistory8771 Год назад
My Great Grandparents lived in Skole which is in the Lviv Country side. My Great Grandfather moved the the US during 1918 and my Great Grandmother moved in 1919.
@karlitoperez1806 Год назад
@user-ox5wj7hd4c Год назад
На сьогодні 227 день війни. Важко. Але є підтримка світу. І правда те, що Росія розуміє тільки силу. Хоч і люди є теж хороші, але імперська спокуса час від часу просипається і та ілюзія їм не дає спокою поки не дати по зубах, а через кілька поколінь те саме... Був час, коли я думав, що Тарас Шевченко перебільшує. А ні - він просто бачив зблизька!
@olek5903 Год назад
Akcja Wisła 😁
@13lionz Год назад
Сім год тему Матір Божа,як це актуально sogodni
@jerzynovak2493 Год назад
methods of killing Poles by war criminals and fascist murderers from the Ukraine Insurgent Army PART 4 - there where 362 - They had 362 ways to kill Poles, please remember that the worst crimes during the war were not committed neither by the Germans nor by the Soviets, but by the criminals and murderers from the UPA-OUN who are still considered the so-called heroes in Ukraine. Pounding children on sharp pegs and throwing them into a well. Chopping off children's heads on a chopping trunk. Nailing the victim to the window frame. Tied to the iron bed of my grandmother and her two grandchildren, doused with gasoline and burned. Burning the victim alive after having stripped it naked, being attached to a tree and lighting a fire under it. Punching the belly with pitchforks. Punching the children on a pitchfork and lifting them up with a Ukrainian shout to the other torturers: “Look! It is the Polish Eagle ”. Experience with the saw and, to facilitate this activity, sitting by accomplices on the head and legs of the victim. Ripping the belly of a pregnant woman and throwing the unborn child into the dunghill with a cry in Ukrainian: "Look at how the Polish eagle flies." Torture - tormenting the victim in installments. Chopping off two fingers and slitting the head open. Throwing the wounded down with lime. Massaging the face with an ax and chopping off the arms and legs. Tying the girl to a tree and raping, and then putting incandescent iron into the vagina. Nailing a mother with children to the wall with the Ukrainian inscription: "Polish Eagles". Throwing victims alive into the pit and covering them with sand. Torture the victim in front of his wife and children, to the point of death. Putting the victim in a barrel and beating it with sticks until it dies. Chopping off the feet, hands, then the limbs of the legs, up to the hips, and hands to the shoulders, and sprinkling salt, as well as selecting eyes, cutting noses and ears, tearing nails and cutting abdomens, in pieces of about ten centimeters. Burning eyes with red-hot wire. Chopping the head with slices - piece by piece. Cutting children into halves with axes and hatchets - from the head to the bottom of the torso. Driving a sharpened spar into the perineum of women. Burning alive women and children brought into the building and throwing exploding grenades inside. Surviving the torso with a saw in four parts and hatching the eyes and cutting off the tongue and head, and then sticking the head without eyes and tongue on a pole next to a burned building. Driving horses on those lying on the ground. Throwing victims alive into the deep well with their heads down, after stabbing their eyes with a knife. Nailing the victim to the planks of the bed. Hand skin pulling, i.e. "Taking off gloves", which consists in cutting the skin of the wrist of the hand and wrapping it downwards, and sometimes upwards. Cutting the number "105" on the skin of the back, ie the number of years of the victim and its salting. Trample the child's head and tear the legs and hands, leaving a large inscription in Ukrainian: "Polish eagle". Driving men into a brick basement and killing them with exploding grenades. Chopping off the heads of victims with an ax on a chopping trunk, having previously bound their hands and lower legs with barbed wire. On the trunk there was a card attached with wire with the inscription in Ukrainian: "This will be the death of all Poles." Tormenting a boy tied by his neck to the so-called a yoke (a yoke to carry two buckets of water on your shoulders) and lifting one arm of this arm up with your child. When the child began to choke and waved his arms and legs in the air, he was then placed on the ground. It was a show for a group of Ukrainians. Burning the swastika mark on the cheek with hot wire. Binding hands and feet with barbed wire and throwing victims into the flames of a large fire. The gang raping an adult woman and then inserting her into the groin of a red-hot iron. Cutting the forehead across. Cross-nailing children alive with nails to the wall. Breaking children's heads against agricultural implements. Hitting the back of the head with a wagon dragoon. Burying injured, still living victims. Tearing the victim apart by tying one leg to a tree and the other to a horse-drawn carriage and riding. Pressing the wounded man's head into the slurry until he suffocates. Nailing the extended tongue to the chin with a nail, having previously selected the eyeballs. Sticking the entire ax in the back. Cruel shedding of blood for the victims and filling the tub with human blood in the monastery's basement. Dominicans in Podkamień. Cut the cross mark on the forehead and cutting off the ears and nose. Stabbing with a bayonet and red-hot iron rods. Pulling out the hair braid and piercing with a bayonet. Pounding adult men and women onto sharp buried poles! in the ground vertically. Driving a nail into the temple. Tying a Roman Catholic priest to a tree and cutting half with a saw and putting a crown made of barbed wire on the head. The victim served the girls as a target. Crucifixion on fences - fences by nailing hands and feet. The gang raping of women followed by torture such as cutting out the tongue, cutting off the breasts, skinning strips. Tied by the legs with barbed wire and strapped to the horse and galloping over stone boulders. Hanging on a tree with both hands and setting the lower limbs on fire with flames from the fire under the tree. Burning fingers and hands with flame until loss of
@cowwow24 Год назад
why would the UPA be facist when they litteraly oppossed the nazis because they invaded lviv. Those crimes were commited because of the polish underground state who invaded ukraine and killed ukrainians living on 'their land'.
@slavkoaleksic9824 Год назад
To je gore od Ustaskih zlocina.
@slavkoaleksic9824 Год назад
@@cowwow24 Gdje ima zlocin ima,i kontrazlocin.
@markaguilera493 Год назад
Source for all this?..Why so much hatred? It reminds me of the rape of Nanking and of the fln insurgents of Algeria against the French.
@amaya897 Год назад
Stop spreading NKVD propaganda. And get some help.
@jerzynovak2493 Год назад
methods of killing Poles by war criminals and fascist murderers from the Ukraine Insurgent Army PART 2 iving stab wounds to the abdomen with a knife or bayonet. Bayonet piercing the belly of a pregnant woman. Cutting the abdomen and pulling the intestines outward in adults. Cutting the belly of a woman in advanced pregnancy and in place of the removed fetus, inserting, for example, a live cat and sewing up the belly. Cutting the abdomen and pouring boiling water - boiling water inside. Cutting the belly and putting stones inside and throwing it into the river. Cutting open the belly of pregnant women and throwing broken glass into it. Tearing veins from the armpit to the feet. Inserted into the vagina - incandescent iron vaginas. Inserting pine cones into the vagina from the top side. Inserting a sharpened pin into the vagina and pushing it all the way to the throat, right through. Cutting open the front of the torso of women with a garden pocket knife, from the vagina to the neck, and leaving the insides outside. Hanging victims for guts. Put a glass bottle in the vagina and break it. Putting a glass bottle into the anus and breaking it. Cutting the belly and pouring food for hungry pigs inside, the so-called They pulled this food out together with their intestines and other intestines. Chopping off one hand with an ax. Chopping off both hands with an ax. Piercing a hand with a knife. Cutting fingers off with a knife. Hand clipping. Burning the inside of your hand on a hot coal kitchen countertop. Chopping off the heel. Chopping the foot above the calcaneus. Breaking the bones of the hands in several places with a blunt instrument. Breaking the leg bones in several places with a blunt instrument. Cutting the body in half with a carpentry saw, clad with boards on both sides. Cutting the torso in half with a special wooden saw. Cutting both legs with a saw. Sprinkling hot coal on the tied legs. Nail your hands to the table and your feet to the floor. Nailing hands and feet in the church. Placing blows with an ax on the back of the head to victims previously placed face down. Hitting blows with an ax all over the torso. Chopping the body into parts with an ax. Live fracture of the leg and arm bones in the so-called you tread. Nailing the tongue of a toddler, which was later hung on it, to the table with a knife. Cutting a baby into pieces with a knife and throwing them around. Ripping the tummy of children
@jerzynovak2493 Год назад
methods of killing Poles by war criminals and fascist murderers from the Ukraine Insurgent Army Driving a large and thick nail into the skull of the head. Peeling the hair off the scalp (scalping). Punching a blow with the head of an ax to the skull of the head. Striking the forehead with the ax head. A cut on the forehead of the "eagle". Sticking a bayonet in the temple of the head. Pulling out one eye. Choosing both eyes. Cutting off the nose. Cutting one ear. Edging both ears. Piercing the ear through the other ear with sharpened thick wire. Edging lips. Tongue clipping. Baking alive in a bread oven. Slit the throat and pull the tongue out through the opening. Cutting the throat and putting a rag in the hole. Teeth knocking out. Breaking the jaw. Ripping lips from ear to ear. Gagging the mouth with hemp when transporting still alive victims. Undercutting the neck with a knife or sickle. Striking the neck with an ax. Cutting the head vertically with an ax. Turning the head back. Pulp off the head by putting the head in a screw clamp. Cutting off the head with a sickle. Cutting the head with a scythe. Chopping off the head with an ax. Giving stab wounds in the head. Cutting and pulling narrow strips of leather off the back. Inflicting other cuts on the back. Bayonet stabbing to the back. Fracture of the ribs of the rib cage. Placing a blow with a knife or bayonet in or around the heart. Giving stab wounds to the chest with a knife or bayonet. Cutting women's breasts with a sickle. Cutting women's breasts and sprinkling wounds with salt. Sickness of the genitalia of male victims. Cutting the torso in half with a carpentry saw.
@jerzynovak2493 Год назад
BANDERA - Damned murderer and war criminal. It is a shame and a disgrace for the Ukrainian people that they worship this fascist by creating his monuments from gold in many cities of Ukraine.
@RainerMichelle Год назад
Bandera was imprisoned in a Nazi Concentration camp from 1941-1944, where half his family was murdered by the Nazis, he was a peaceful politician and can not be held responsible for crimes committed by other people
@gloriamurray3289 Год назад
I wonder how those Russian soldiers tourtured those poor Ukrainians and raped there woman Putin a hero huh looser
@gloriamurray3289 Год назад
You idiot Ukraine fought for there independence five times maybe if all of your neighbors were trying to kill u for two hundred years you’d be like bandera too
@pablogaviria7113 Год назад
@RainerMichelle Год назад
@@MotivationalSpeechs302 sure, Bandera has committed all these crimes while he sat in a concentration camp, sentenced to death by the Nazis🤡the Kremlin propaganda has successfully made the world believe this nonsense, but times have changed, nobody believes it any more