Jason Weber
Jason Weber
Jason Weber
I am an aviation enthusiast and post content mostly related to aviation. The goal is to become a Southwest Airlines pilot.
@BlueAngelEdits 9 дней назад
@_averykadi 10 дней назад
@SSAviation737 4 месяца назад
At 27:40, u don't need to say "verified continue" at 80 kts. It's kind of a mouthful and SWA doesn't even require their PFs to say "check." It's a simple "80 knots."
@SSAviation737 4 месяца назад
I see you're reading directly off the flows. Good stuff but eventually you'll want to get to a point where you don't need to read the flows because it's a flow, not a checklist. You may not even have to do everything in the exact order the FMC says. Really try to establish a way for you to remember what to do; it speeds things up.
@SSAviation737 4 месяца назад
Also SWVA messed up the after start flow. No pilot will turn in the probe heats, go all the way to the APU and turn it off, then go back to the hyd pumps. The established flow is more natural. Official flow is gens on APU as req probe/pitot heat on anti-ice hyd a/c wheel well light oil quantity transponder start levers flaps Most pilots do gens on, probe heat on, anti-ice, hyd pumps, packs/bleeds, wheel well light, start switches, APU, start levers/transponder/oil, flaps and other stuff. Try doing flows in a chair (armchair flying) it helps.
@darnallgott3227 5 месяцев назад
✅ P r o m o s m
@shaanfliesplanes 6 месяцев назад
Where's my credit huh
@jasonweber21 6 месяцев назад
I gotchu dont worry lol
@shaanfliesplanes 6 месяцев назад
@@jasonweber21Nah I was joking I didn’t really care tbh
@Gunsforbuns 6 месяцев назад
@thelastaustralian7583 7 месяцев назад
Flak !
@SSAviation737 9 месяцев назад
Southwest has a standard noise abatement departure procedure out of SNA. It is briefed before start but here is basically how it goes: You do set your N1 limit at your standard max power (no derate just 24K) I believe, but then you set the N1 set knob to a different value, a much lower value (your reference N1 indication). This is for cutback thrust. In your takeoff reference page, I believe on the second page there is a selection for “Cutback.” You’d select it to on. Irl I think there are a few calculations you could do to determine the value but I’m not sure about that. So, you do your normal takeoff, then you will climb quite steeply (20 degrees). At 400 feet, you verify the proper roll mode is engaged. At 600, you say approaching cutback, then at 800, you will cutback the thrust to the select value. This value is very, very low. Usually between 75-80% N1. This is due to rich snobs 😂. You will pitch down to maintain your normal V2 + 20 speed. No bugging up, no autopilot, nothing. Just handily your jet. At 3000 feet MSL, this is when you will restore the thrust. If everything is set right, it should end up being set by the auto throttles. Oh yeah usually it will be a full power climb, not reduced. At this point you bug up and start your flap retraction. I’d recommend watching Shami’s streams where he departs SNA for more help because idk if I’m explaining this well. Nice stream!
@owenloney6024 10 месяцев назад
Excellent video clip, SW 737 morning take off out of Denver, great views
@jasonweber21 10 месяцев назад
Thanks! It was a beautiful day for sure. You can also check out the landing in Tucson if you want on my channel.
@CaptShami 10 месяцев назад
14:06 N780SW 🫡
@jasonweber21 10 месяцев назад
@SSAviation737 10 месяцев назад
Great stream! Why do you keep getting that takeoff config thing on takeoff?
@jasonweber21 10 месяцев назад
It was my throttle thing from logitech, the flap lever is a little finicky and it was switching between flaps 10 and 5 cause it was on the line irl.
@SSAviation737 10 месяцев назад
@@jasonweber21 Ok
@SSAviation737 10 месяцев назад
Great stream! Here is some nitpickery I noticed. Now, obviously, this is the sim; fly it any way you want; that’s the beauty of the sim, but here are some details I noticed you could identify if you want to resemble real world procedures more closely: 0:12: You’d wanna turn ur battery in before getting the GPU on the bus, since on the real aircraft, getting AC power before DC power simply will not work. I’d say it was a little early to turn on the hydraulic pumps, unless you had huge wind gusts or something like that. Per the AOM, the electric pumps should stay off until the captain’s flight deck prep where he does the A’s off B’s on thing 0:17: I had no idea why you turned on the packs and bleeds. You can get ground air hooked up anyway. Even if you didn’t, the APU bleed does not come on until 2 minutes after the APU has been fully started. Old procedure was 1 minute, but now it’s 2. Yea packs could come on if you had no ground air available. 0:40: Try to avoid testing lights that early. Align the IRSs first, get your position initialization done, do your flows and during the actual waterfall flow you can check the lights 8:10: SWA pretty much never sets fixed derates (24K, 22K, none of that). They simply use assumed temperature. They do use reduced climb thrust often however they will use full power climb usually if they are using full power (no assumed temp selected or whatever idk). That’s my guess. Now technically, assumed temp IS a derate, but not “fixed” to a certain power level. So for SWA purposes, if you want to follow their procedures, avoid fixed derates and use assumed temps. 9:56: Wonder why you changed the ECON speeds. Cost index of 40 usually takes care of that. SWA as of now uses 40 on the NG and 30 on the MAX. Back during the Classic, they used 30 on the Classic, and even earlier they used 20 on all planes. But yea before I go on tangents 13:15: Why did you turn on all the pumps then turn them all back off except the centers and the left pump? If you want to turn them on, leave them on. The AOM wants the FO to turn on one pump during his preflight then the captain during his turns on all the fuel pumps required for flight. Also at 13:25 frickin weirdo turning on the crossfeed (jk). Yeah but irl it could lead to large fuel imbalances if there are cracks (I think that’s what it is I’ll have to check). These are just preflight items. Too lazy to watch the whole thing again lmao. If you want to take a look at SWA procedures, check out Southwest Virtual Airlines (SVA) TV. They also have a video of the entire SWA preflight, so feel free to check that out if you want.
@jasonweber21 10 месяцев назад
Ill have to talk with you on a vc or something to understand what some of this means but thanks for the feedback! X-plane shouldn't act different than real world but it does in some instances such as the hydraulic pumps (Because my spoilers extend due to sensitivity in my Logitech throttle). But ya lmk
@SSAviation737 10 месяцев назад
@@jasonweber21Ok if I have the time when you’re streaming I’ll try to catch you on VC and maybe try to discuss a few SWA things that I have an idea of. Again, this is the sim; fly anyway you want, but if you want to fly a bit more cowboy Southwesty I can help you with that if I have time. Thanks!
@SSAviation737 11 месяцев назад
Wow that windshear… if you had to go around due to a windshear, do not put the gear up or change any sort of landing configuration until you’re completely out of it. Also you always wanna set flaps 15 before selecting gear up as to not sound the landing config horn IRL
@jasonweber21 11 месяцев назад
Thanks haha. Never done a go-around before. Will remember for next time.
@jasonweber21 11 месяцев назад
What about a normal go-around?
@SSAviation737 11 месяцев назад
@@jasonweber21A normal go around? Go around, flaps 15 Landing gear up, set missed approach altitude (positive rate, landing gear up) Pitch up to idk VREF + 20 I believe I forgot the speed At 1000’ flaps 5 then retract flaps on schedule
@SSAviation737 11 месяцев назад
@@jasonweber21 No prob
@SSAviation737 Год назад
Nice landing
@partyrock2081 Год назад
I should fly to Ontario CA
@jasonweber21 Год назад
That sounds fun
@partyrock2081 Год назад
@@jasonweber21 when are you gonna fly to Ontario Ca
@jasonweber21 Год назад
@@partyrock2081 I have no clue. I'll look at it for the future though lol
@partyrock2081 Год назад
@SSAviation737 Год назад
Nice video! The fairings are white. I’m assuming you mean scimitars? Though I wish SWA had blue fairings in their heart livery.
@jasonweber21 Год назад
Lmao my bad. You already know I get those mixed up all the time. Thanks for pointing that out!
@SSAviation737 Год назад
@@jasonweber21 Lmao it’s alright. You’re welcome!
@Spudzsudz Год назад
I saw your video from New Mexico
@jasonweber21 Год назад
@SSAviation737 Год назад
Really nice
@SSAviation737 Год назад
Now THAT is a proper Southwest taxi at Denver. 30 knots in 5 seconds.
@SSAviation737 Год назад
You can see 9:10 onwards that bird is WAY nose down, showing that they were quite fast on approach. Seemed to be an unstabilized approach. Great decision for to go missed from the crew.
@SSAviation737 Год назад
Wow… Can’t believe this aircraft is repainted.
@SSAviation737 Год назад
Miss the redbellies. Epic turn and burn!