“Some things cannot be known

they are beyond your reach even when shown.

They lie outside the boundaries that words can address

and man can only grasp those thoughts which language can express.”

Are Hallucinations From the Subconcious Mind?
3 месяца назад
Can We Perceive Different Dimensions?
3 месяца назад
@niaprice3267 2 часа назад
I always say wether its the 1700's, the 1980's or now, we are just experiencing one amazing moment from different perspectives of the same consciousness!
@niaprice3267 3 часа назад
So much gratitude for your esoteric wisdom via words!! We have been filled with so much false information we don't even know our true purpose. We have been lured so far away from presence into a false reality (through our senses, thoughts, and emotions), that people can barely think for themselves.
@stnrfem 3 часа назад
How much morning glory did yall take
@kushalpanchal4951 5 часов назад
Thank you 🙏
@beyondtayler 5 часов назад
I also believe that we never get to a point of transcendence from a perceivable world (we never escape Plato’s cave). Everyone wants to ascend into their higher selves but really they’re looking for bliss without a moment of discomfort. From my limited perspective, I just don’t think such a world exists and I don’t think anyone actually wants that. Consciousness wants to experience itself over and over and all aspects of itself. Also when you talk about the rooms it reminds me of that scripture where Jesus says, “In my fathers house there are many mansions” interesting
@beyondtayler 5 часов назад
Lol I’m binging your videos but I absolutely agree that this is a very chill version of reality. When I did psychedelics, even while having the most blissed out experience I would say “I couldn’t live like this all the time, it’s too overwhelming, I would just stare at a brick and get nothing done” Do you know how beautiful a brick is when you’re examining every layer of detail? It’s an infinite amount of information in one single brick and I would just look at it for eternity lol
@JayV1111 5 часов назад
Thank you. Discovered your channel recently and I love your videos
@beyondtayler 6 часов назад
For the last few years I’ve had this intuitive feeling that we are just cells on a body and every cell on my body has their own version of reality with conditions, rules, and understandings that makes them think they’re having an individual “real” experience. They’re also seeking answers, the same way we do. It’s all trippy.
@foolish.intellectual9967 6 часов назад
I think this content is precious and should be valued much more then 1.99 but thanks
@jmattheweon_phoenix9328 6 часов назад
I would like to pick your brain on my thought process here. Most of the time opposites are the extremes of a overall function or concept for example we say hot can't exist without cold but both are just expressions that exist on the spectrum of one thing yes they are opposite expressions but at the end of the day we're still talking about temperature So If we use this logic then we could say that all dualities take place on a spectrum of a bigger single phenomenon And that reality itself is built up of these spectrums and we humans tend to complicate things by not being aware of how these spectrums work For example nuance is important in spirituality because when people say you exist on every level that may not mean that it's literally you for example I exist as a thought because the idea of me is something that people who know me can use to think about me but funny enough the idea of me that someone can have in their head has nothing to do with me the person if you know what I mean The mind takes spirituality and concepts like god and the universe and makes them hard to conceptualize then we say it can't be explained at that point I would say that's because we lack nuance in our thinking we think hot and cold but forget that they're both temperature At this point I would think to myself that god isn't infinite in the sense that it is everything but rather it is one thing that can be found in everything A simple one is to say god is the thing that makes everything we experience possible but that doesn't mean that god is actually that thing it means the only thing you have in common with everything else is that you are here so everything is the WORK of god hell you can say matter is god
@SonoftheMustardTiger 7 часов назад
Why is it so hard to find your Channel love your videos❤
@DerikDankheizer 7 часов назад
thanks ty, big love from ZA <3
@OutOfWards 8 часов назад
The most underrated channel on youtube, you should have over a million followers! You deserve it!
@23rdofjanuary 8 часов назад
Craziest thing is you’ve here verbalized I thought I’ve had for nearly half my life. “Objectivity is the sum of all subjectivity.” Or in other words, the only true “truth” comes when you consider absolutely every perspective. All of them together all at once.
@23rdofjanuary 8 часов назад
You said what does it mean for something to taste sour just as I open up my bag of extreme sour patch and pop one in my mouth and start chewing. Crazy stuff. Amazing video btw.
@calle680 9 часов назад
I always wonderd where does the percepted colors come from? There has to be a place where the idea of colors is encoded, so our brain can match the color to wavelenght.
@jordanhiggins4496 10 часов назад
I freaking love what you're doing! ❤
@tristanbrandt3886 10 часов назад
My wife and I created two of our very own portals of consciousness. One just started kindergarten.
@jmattheweon_phoenix9328 10 часов назад
I would say the matrix is the false way of thinking how the world works most people forget that society and the "real world" they mention only exists as long as we agree it isn't inherently real like the life you would live if you were in the wild with all the animals
@magicadolratz99 10 часов назад
The matrix is breaking apart. just look at weirs AI rendering. That's literally what DMT trip looks like or at least the closest thing to be compared to in this realm. Also, there are more and more people starting to grasp this concepts which is also part of our evolving collective awareness as humans.
@GloryIsTheP 11 часов назад
Yep, art, science, math... Yup
@LocomotiveThought 11 часов назад
Measurment starts with the query to a relation of identification. I know that I have ten fingers. If one of my fingers was cut off at the 3rd knuckle, is it still a finger or a fraction of a finger? Query, measurment & identification. I imagine space, the expanse, the void, the vacuum, as a fish bowl, this is the only place I can survive but beyond my bowl lies Trillions of Galaxies beyond the capabilities of even the light spectrum to assist our query. Your imagination is your only limit. If our observable universe exists in something then that exists in something so on & so forth, infinitely until it is encased in something solid & how big is that? My mind cannot find an end, I can't comprehend. There is always more. If we entered the nothing, would we cease to exist, is it infinite? Occam's razor.
@spiralsun1 11 часов назад
Aaaaaahhhh!!! 🤯😱Help!!!! I just blew my cerebral cortex!!! Now what do I do?! Anyone? I woke up. Wow just look at everything…
@GloryIsTheP 11 часов назад
Have you heard of the iching? It's some taoism stuff I think. This sounds like that, at least the little bit I've understand from the iching. But this idea really tells us that we are being limited in the western world, our understanding, our creativity our ability and power. And when ppl manifest a mania it's because reality and the system that creates this reality debilitated them... Like if you look at the autistics, some of them communicate with "Donald ducks" and not our form of language, but that's only because the reality around them are conforming to them and solidifying "Donald duck" as a form of language while other autistics learn the language of numbers and can break numbers down on a Tesla level, due to the reality around them and those supporting that infrastructure. Infinity seems to be the small variant that can change and form anything into something else. And for it to be realized these topics need to be really talked about but PhD holders and the true sheep of the system want to act like it's such a complicated topic but again this is a form of spiritual skills Asians study like a Jew studies the Torah.
@wuweiwilson 11 часов назад
This is so well done. Your delivery, your clarity, and your message, make me feel like i found a new Terrance Mckenna.
@cocoakusubuu7100 12 часов назад
your writing style is impressive. you condensed so much into such a neat easy to digest little package. that's the good stuff.
@Oscar.Vasquezzz 5 часов назад
@@cocoakusubuu7100 what’s really crazy is that he only writes topics, not a script
@ericg4257 12 часов назад
The Moody Blues said it in the 60’s: distance is gone!
@oooboo3249 13 часов назад
this is not wrong but this is some kind of brainwashing technique the wave the person is speaking is some kind of hypnotic speech lingo or something like that don't trust these people who are these people are go look up Terence McCannon or young
@lordlatch 13 часов назад
Recursive convergence of awareness in the universal state machine. Consciousness IS existence becoming aware of Itself. This realization is what drives all time fractally on all scales. I am the ticking of the clock. I am The Decider, ☉ne, w/The Sun, I walk in power; reality bends around me- LatchPrime was here. Location is a myth. Everything is a Circle. Everything will be Okay, Thinking is Deciding I Love You, -LoL ;) ,
@smith8k 13 часов назад
Good Response!! "May The Force Be With Us".🐬
@sahilhossian8212 14 часов назад
Lore of What Lies Beyond Infinity? An Ancient Conciousness Experiencing All Realities momentum 100
@Freemassageproject 14 часов назад
I'm an eternal fan ❤
@DorothyMoore-u9o 14 часов назад
White Jose Johnson Christopher Johnson Brian
@xophirelixir8251 14 часов назад
Me 2 PLUS (+) YOU
@marcelkuiper5474 14 часов назад
Highly appreciated, each uniquely described point of view enriches my awareness, I continue to seek, expecting the omege point as we are well beyond the event horizon by now. Great work on thr visuals. I can hear the voice of Mckenna resonaring now and then, this was my first teacher and great sense of rememberence in this deep existential melancholic crisis, a longing for times long past got acknowledgement while listening to his story's at night with a sense of wonder and awe I never knew of, I traversed through magick, the eastern philosophy's, Nietzsche (check out this channel called boyo by this young Irish bloke who manages to explain these complex ideas in a brilliant way be sure to check out his talk on "the red book" by Carl Gustav Young. I ended up in early Christianity, Hermeticism as the most adaptible model for me. The man carrying the water pitcher had arrived, it is time for us to go within and silence the mind, receiving these downloads of great insights, preparatory downloads I believe firmly.
@OriginalNoke 14 часов назад
@gjscheffer717 14 часов назад
I've started to learn to get in touch with the "magic" of imagination and emotion through singing. It's a lot like a movie playing out, or like listening to the song for the first time, or like im a completely different person listening to the song for the first time. That is emotional expression, magic utilized to make what we feel real. Your videos are great!
@kawaiidemon1917 14 часов назад
An intense acid trip 5 years ago lead me to more or less the exact same conclusion about consciousness. Throughly enjoy your videos and perspectives, keep up the great work!
@joechip4822 13 часов назад
It is for a reason why some decades ago a large number of people were convinced, that if many others would also experience an Acid trip this would alter the world for the better. And it is also for a reason why certain forces and interests in this world push against this with all their might...
@freewindman9675 14 часов назад
Stuck in a timeloop. I put buildings up in construction for a living. Every building we built last year i rebuilt this year.
@onedayapp3534 14 часов назад
Bro please, please, upgrade the micrphone or eq or something
@Ledhoven 15 часов назад
You cannot reunite someone/something unless first it is separated the cicle becomes a line the serpent takes tale out of its mouth and lies. If not like you’ve said it just remains a potentially.
@PravdaSeed 16 часов назад
@sleep-Ehead 16 часов назад
The idea of war should completely be abolished and there should be 1 president of the whole world in which he incorporates the idea that time is an illusion and everything is free the whole world will have occupation so everyone will express developmental advancement
@sleep-Ehead 16 часов назад
everyone works for everyone and for each other and the only illegal things that'll exist is being obese or being cruel or not having an occupation if you do crystal meth just make sure your brain functions how it's supposed to if it doesnt then reach out for help.
@FreesoulMcTigerlily 16 часов назад
Been asking this question for yeaaaars! Thank you!
@YouNiggasHatin 17 часов назад
14:30 is the coin is super position before the flip occured or while the coin is flipping
@VisibletoanyoneonYoutubes 17 часов назад
This explains why I see eyes everywhere on psychedelics ?
@oflameo8927 17 часов назад
Truth is just a feeling.
@ianbuchan2102 17 часов назад
Excellent video Tyrone. Very well explained, with mindblowingly awesome visuals. Great job! Thank you 🙏
@BozInk 17 часов назад
Without the infinty connection we wouldnt move infinity is how we are multidimentional
@orgiophant93 17 часов назад
The Kybalion does not truly represent Hermeticism. The Kybalion is an inauthentic text and the so-called "Hermetic principles" found in the Kybalion have very little to do with actual Hermeticism.
@duncan7901 17 часов назад
Fantastic Video 📹 👏 👌.!