Dave Bradley - 8-Bit Commodore Man
Dave Bradley - 8-Bit Commodore Man
Dave Bradley - 8-Bit Commodore Man
Commodore computers of all sorts hold a special place in my heart! As do vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Most of my videos, but not all will be about my quest to fix and tinker with my PET computers, my Commodore 64’s, 128’s, Vic-20’s, and of course the various Amiga’s. Others will be about my Harley-Davidson Servi-Car and my efforts to keep it happy and functioning, while others might be about all sorts of random topics as they arise. For many years I documented the goings on of all sorts at the school where I work so that family from around the world could see some of the high school moments that their children and relatives were experiencing and triumphant at. These included sports and arts and interesting academic moments that are endless in such a setting! Comments are always welcome! Subscribers are most appreciated!
@theEIGHTBitBox 31 минуту назад
Hey Dave, all my best wishes for you, get well! God bless you!
@DRBradleyPhotography 7 минут назад
Thanks...I just wrote a very long reply to a comment on here...this too shall pass...bless you!
@cp256 6 часов назад
I had a bulb shaped like your "tiny" bulbs that was a safelight bulb for my darkroom when I was a teenager. It was a clear red with no diffusion coating so you could see the filament unlike my other 15 watter safelight bulb that was diffused and in the shape of a normal 15 watt bulb. I used to work in that room in the dark for up to 8 hours at a time without leaving it. I can't believe I was so patient back then.
@DRBradleyPhotography 33 минуты назад
So this was a darkroom for developing film? Or a darkroom where you would sit in the dark? It is funny as we look back on how much time and patience we had for things, but not at all surprising...if we are interested in something, the time is irrelevant...if we are forced to do something, we do it because we must, with little or no passion or drive, and get it done...so we have more time for the things that we are intrigued and interested in...I like bulbs where I can see the filament...I understand that diffusing is important for some applications...but I prefer to see the glowing wires unhindered...
@holosc 17 часов назад
Carnivore diet
@DRBradleyPhotography 33 минуты назад
Hey man. I believe in you and I am cheering for you.
@DRBradleyPhotography 31 минуту назад
Thanks...it is upsetting when excellence is vilified, and incompetence is celebrated and protected. When value is not valued, then value has no value. The truth is out there and it will come out, it will be known, and perhaps one day it might even be celebrated...
@cp256 День назад
That paint scraper is awesome! Two cool scrapers! It's paint scraper land! Can never have too many worm gear clamps. That bronze weatherstrip looks like it would also be good for shim stock. Lint On, Lint Off!
@DRBradleyPhotography 30 минут назад
Indeed, those paint scrapers are...built! The top of the line...and yes, worm gear clamps are always good to have around...you just never know when you might have a use for one, or more than one as you can indeed, join them together if you have a bigger issue to deal with...
@GeoHAMgamer День назад
Thanks for sharing again, for doing what you do, but more importantly thanks for being you.
@DRBradleyPhotography 29 минут назад
Thanks...I do try to be me...and as I soon head to the basement again, I will strive to be me, myself and I!
@GeoHAMgamer День назад
Looks like you made quick work of that! Glad to see it.
@DRBradleyPhotography 22 часа назад
I am not finished...but getting there...there is more stuff in the back of the car...
@GeoHAMgamer День назад
Whatever the unmentionable thing was, just like the cold, in time it too will pass. While the reaction you had is normal and necessary while you process it, don't let it hang around as that is probably its goal. I have many things that I need to take care of but have been having a go of it for the past week. When that happens, I find that I need to just try to get 1 thing done a day no matter it's size. There is no way to accomplish everything or you will get overwhelmed. And then there wouldn't be anything to do tomorrow!
@DRBradleyPhotography 11 минут назад
Thanks for your wisdom...indeed, yesterday was another tough day...and it will take some time to get over...but indeed, today, I am going to concentrate on getting one thing done...and I have started it...and it is the dishes...and while this will take a bit of time, and will not be done in one session...I have things soaking now, as I find soaking loosens up most anything regardless of how terrible it looks and saves much time as there is no need to scrape, etc...and if there is something that is still being difficult, well, I put it back in with the next batch and let is soak some more...and indeed, today, it is quite possible I will do something that I have never done before and that is go and sit quietly in the sanctuary of a local house of the God...I am not religious, but have always believed in do unto others, and much like Ghandi in the movie by that same name, he had a place that he went to think before he decided to do his big walk to the sea where he made salt...this march of one man turned into a huge happening that eventually played a part in the decision of the British to leave his land and let it by ruled by those who lived there...so yes, I need to think...reflect...and come up with a plan...not a plan of attack, as I do not want any battles or strife, I want things to go back to the way they used to be where after a situation, those involved could and would happily share their part of the incident, and together we could all calmly reflect on it, and learn from each other for the next time something like that or even something mildly similar happened...two mottos I have come to know are, "Let The Lamp Of Learning Flourish", and "Seize The Day!"...or something of that nature, and indeed, I very much enjoyed dealing with situations, learning from them and everybody became wiser and we all worked better as a team...this applies to sports, or anything in life where people work together collaboratively...maximize the strengths, minimize the weaknesses, and constantly be open to re-evaluation as to how things could be tweaked to help make outcomes even better...showing everybody the respect and dignity that they deserve...I shall ponder in the peace and quiet and solitude...as I prepare for another round of foolishness...
@GeoHAMgamer День назад
With the queue of videos you have, I am not sure if this is happening now or has been recorded for some time but nonetheless I hope whatever the cold was has now left you. You were down and not feeling well so don't let the other stuff pile on. You needed a break and need to rest to recover. All that other stuff will still be there or at least I have always found it to be. Hopefully this means you have had your go around with the crud and the upcoming flu season will skip over you.
@os5573 День назад
It is difficult dealing with others being toxic or selfish. I myself have been quite down about the Ontario Science Centre being abruptly and unjustly shut down.
@DRBradleyPhotography День назад
@@os5573 With good reason…it is a bad misguided maneuver!
@cp256 2 дня назад
All those Centronics style connectors remind me of when I dumped Nynex for a local CLEC called ANTC back in '97 and they installed CAC channel banks to convert T1 based phone lines into analog signals that would work with my 28.8 modem racks. I had to use RJ21X punchdown blocks to breakout the individual POTs lines to connect to the model racks. It used big Centronics connectors with fat cables to connect to the CAC channel banks. After busting my butt to get everything wired up correctly I found out that the CAC channel banks robbed so much bandwidth doing the DAC that my customers were getting lousy connection speeds, which queered the whole deal with the CLEC. It was a sweet deal too, I went from paying about $1500 a month for phone lines to being PAID about 8 grand a month in reciprocal compensation as Nynex had to pay ANTC for each minute a Nynex customer accessed my phone lines through ANTC and I got 25% of that because I was ANTC's first ISP customer and they didn't know how much to give me. The other ISP customers supposedly only got 10% recip after that. When ANTC found out my customers were howling they wanted to know what they could do to make it right. The only solution was to replace the CAC channel banks and modem racks with integrated digital terminal servers that ran about 5 grand for each 48 phone lines (2 T1s) and to my surprise they said they would be happy to pay for them. I got three of them gratis and became the first local 56K ISP in town. It wasted all my work wiring the RJ21X punchdown nightmares, but I made out like a bandit in the end. I still have a pile of those cables in the basement along with the punchdown blocks.
@cp256 2 дня назад
Hang in there Dave, do what you gotta do. I'm battling some things on numerous fronts these days. I'm not having many successes and it is very frustrating. Some days I feel like I am beating my brains out for nuthin. I have had some small victories with things like minor electronic repairs and that stuff cheers me up for a little while as it reminds me I am not useless, but there are a few somewhat major problems in my life that I have made little to no progress with over the past four months. I'm not the self destructive type, but if it weren't for family and my beloved dog relying on me I'm not sure I'd care much one way or the other about most things nowadays. I'll just keep on keepin' on, like always.
@GeoHAMgamer 2 дня назад
Well, I left quite a lengthy comment but now it doesn't appear to be here. 😞
@DRBradleyPhotography 2 дня назад
@@GeoHAMgamer I will check and see if somehow it ended up in the held comments section…so sorry…I know the pain of putting in a long comment and having it get sucked up into the interweb…
@DRBradleyPhotography День назад
I checking in the held for review section...and did not find anything there...so sorry...thanks for taking the time even though your words of wisdom were lost...
@GeoHAMgamer День назад
@@DRBradleyPhotography Thanks for checking. Thing is, I know better than to author a long response on a webpage but yet I went and did it anyway. Must be one of those dumb things we do, ya know?
@GeoHAMgamer День назад
@@DRBradleyPhotography I will attempt to recreate it later but it will never be as good as the original...
@DRBradleyPhotography День назад
@@GeoHAMgamer I know what that is like…
@cp256 3 дня назад
So, does your brother appreciate all this stuff you send to him? Does he send any stuff to you? I think the phone bells are made to run at 20 Hz and around 90 v. I should dig up up one of my old phones and see if I can get an arduino to run the ringer at 20 Hz through a transistor as an exercise.
@DRBradleyPhotography 9 минут назад
Oh yes, he sends me things...we both have too many things...and while it could be taken care of with a dumpster, that is not our way...better to share such treasures with others who might appreciate and enjoy whatever it is...good luck with the ringer...old phones are still something special...I do miss the sound of the bells ringing...
@goddessofwolves 3 дня назад
nice to see you again :) its night here in germany so i'll wish you a good night after this video! greetings <3 edit: omg that razor jumpscared me so hard 💀
@DRBradleyPhotography 8 минут назад
I hope things in Germany are going well...we might be several time zones apart, but we can all share and learn from each other...
@cp256 4 дня назад
I hear you about keeping people safe. I have no tolerance for exploiters of any type. I had three girls who were half Maine Coon and one of them was more like her daddy than the other two and would get terribly matted if we didn't stay on top of it. She hated being brushed. We called the bad mats hamburgers. One made it to 14 and the other two were 17. I miss those three very much. One of them, Chessie, was my all time favorite kitty.
@cp256 5 дней назад
I wish I had tapes of either grandfather. One died in '64 and the other in '73. I don't remember the one who died in '64.
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
One of my grandfathers I never knew...he died in 1963 and I was not born until 1965...the other one we were lucky to have until 1995 when he was 95! He was a character to be sure...and he worked for 75 years in the TV and Coffee industry...as a taster/blender...spent a very long career at the T. Eaton Company...and then carried on full time until he was 85...for the last 5 years a part-time consultant, until finally retiring at the age of 90...he began when he was 15! Indeed, a character he was...and I am still trying to get that tape to be loud enough to re-record...but it has either deteriorated...or perhaps the head on the recorder he used was a bit off kilter and this other players have a hard time picking things up as well as they might...I will get this resolved, perhaps with the help of twin brother...we shall see...
@cp256 6 дней назад
Quite the collection from your grandfather's past.
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
Indeed, a good record keeper he was to be sure! And those bank records were woks of art...but that is how they did it back then...likely the state of the art...and to ensure security...
@samuelbanya 6 дней назад
If you ever have a spare Amiga monitor, lemme know. I would say keep them, don't sell them imo, seems like they make you happy.
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
I am sure I will have some sort of Amiga monitor available...do you have a preference on the model? Thanks for having a look...stay tuned!
@samuelbanya 3 дня назад
@@DRBradleyPhotography Not sure what specific model. Personally, I got scammed a month ago, so I'm a bit hesitant at at the moment. I was trying to look for a Commodore 64 based monitor, like the 1702 model because it just has a cool vibe to it. However, any Commodore monitor would be neat. If I still lived in the NY area, I'd drive up to Canada for this ha, but I'll have to think about this since I'm in the midwest nowadays. Appreciate the response my dude, I think its still a solid thing to maybe just keep your stuff and enjoy it yourself though :)
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
@@samuelbanya I hate scammers!
@samuelbanya 3 дня назад
@@DRBradleyPhotography Well, now I learned, ask for post it notes before handing money over :/ Keep up your content my dude, you're like the cool computer grandpa I never had.
@cp256 7 дней назад
Back in the early '70s when I was 10 or 11 my mom had a Polaroid SX70 camera that had the camera's battery as part of the film pack. It was a flat battery roughly the size of a fat Polaroid picture and I think it was 6 volts or thereabouts. She also had this Olson combo AM/Police transistor radio that ran on 4 AA cells. I appropriated her radio and soon ran out of batteries for it and was too poor to buy more. I also didn't have an AC adapter for it. I had taken apart one of her SX70 film packs and discovered the battery although I didn't have a voltmeter so I didn't know how many volts it was. I managed to connect it to the radio somehow, wires and tape probably, and it actually worked. I had cleaned up an area in the basement and made a "room" with some blankets and sheets for "walls" and hooked up a giant old General Electric furniture speaker to the transistor radio with an earphone cord and while it wouldn't get all that loud it actually did make the radio sound a lot better. I strung up some miniature colored Christmas lights and I had me a pretty cool place to hang out and listen to music, albeit as a 100% sober kid! I wonder whatever happened to that little Olson radio. I later used it as entertainment when I was building my model railroad in the same spot. I wonder whatever happened to that little Olson radio that gave me so many years of listening pleasure...
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
I remember getting into all sorts of funny little projects when I was young...always experimenting, tinkering and hopefully not producing any sparks...or smoke...or flames...I remember those cameras very well...and the battery that did seem to last a very long time...too bad they could not and were not recycled or re-used more...but it is nice to hear that you found a way to connect it to that vintage radio and get so much enjoyment out of it...and yes, coloured lights and blankets remind me of building a tent with some chairs or perhaps the dining room table...we all like to have our own little place to be at peace and enjoy...helps spur creativity and indeed, makes a lifetime of memories and magic! Thanks for sharing...so sorry you have lost the trail on that radio...
@goddessofwolves 8 дней назад
you just got recommended to me on my fyp and i find it interesting to watch you on your journey :) nice afternoon!
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
Thanks for having a look...it is much appreciated...the journey is endless...but I must forge on with it...perhaps I will set a goal of listing a certain number of things on kijiji or facebook marketplace a week...gather for a few days, and then take a day to shoot and list...and see what people are interested in...I hope you come back again!
@cp256 9 дней назад
I have a friend with an autistic child. The child turned 30 not too long ago. I have known him for the past 25 years or so. he lost his mom last year. He too is "moderately" severe. I went to hockey camp in Halliburton in the mid-'70s. The "Hockey Haven." Yeah, vintage computers and cars and trains and old movies and historical things.
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
I always liked visiting the Haliburton area when I was up at Moore Falls...there is still, I think, an old steam engine there...and maybe a old airplane...I would drive there, but other times, I would take my little dirt bike, street legal, so it is an enduro, and ride up there via the abandoned railway right of way...all the tracks are gone and now it is used by all sorts of vehicles throughout the year...I think it ends quite close to that old train...it was not a very fast way to get to town, but it was fun...and I think I really must do that again soon...time to get that same bike out and get it back on the road...and thus the trails...indeed, there have been a great many great hockey players come out of the Haliburton area...and yes, some of them made it to the NHL and other pro leagues around the world...I have not been there in years, but there is a great old collection of theatres near Kinmount...with all sorts of historical items in the area that you line up in...yes, it is really a museum as well as a place to go and see movies...I think it is still there...quite the complex and a cottage country treasure to be sure!
@cp256 10 дней назад
Interesting old soldering kit. Looks like the sparklighter is quite a bit newer. Looks like it would be good for working on stained glass windows. Will that hose valve screw onto a regular propane cylinder? My wife had me buy a couple of old style rotary phones. She missed the ring,. She got over it fairly quickly after having to deal with the rotary pulse dialing for a while.
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
I suspect that valve might go onto a propane cylinder, but I will not get a chance to check that out...I sent it away to my brother along with other treasures...I do miss the old ringing sound of the rotary phones...and of course, now I can not hear them in person as years ago, we went to the cell phones like most people...but there are disadvantages of that...for example, in the old days, we would have power failures in the city of Toronto...and the phones would still keep working...that is not the way it would be now, as, unless the cell towers are all on some sort of backup generator, when the power goes, phones, internet and television services are gone, poof! If I still had a normal phone line or if I ever get one...I think I would a phone plugged in, and I might dial on it from time to time...just for the memories...I can still hear my grandmother dialing the phone at the cottage...black phone...metal dial...unique sound...and you could always tell who she was calling if you listened carefully to the the pattern of the sounds as she was dialing...I knew she was calling my dad, her son, if the last number took a very long time to go back around...as the last number in our phone number was zero...and I do like that way back when, it was quite impossible to lose a phone...it was either on the telephone table, or mounted on the wall...and while a longer cord might be available...generally at home, if you got into a long call, you would sit on the stairs...and yes, the bells were magical...
@jamesc2327 10 дней назад
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
That is me...I hope to see you again soon!
@cp256 11 дней назад
That's a Monkey Wrench not a pipe wrench! Pipe wrenches have teeth in their angled jaws and monkey wrenches have flat and parallel jaws. The old wood storm windows on our house used those butterfly toggles to hold them in place. Triple track storm windows and screens are much easier to use.
@cp256 12 дней назад
I have a grommet setter and some unused grommets somewhere. When I was 13 my stepfather bought an army surplus tarp and a grommet setter to make a tarp to keep luggage on the roof of the station wagon out of the weather on our cross-country trip. It was mostly successful. When we prepped our Ohio house for sale I polished all the vintage brass door hardware. The front door had really nice hardware on it. That's a handy little wood plane. My grandfather had a wonderful assortment of wood planes. I wish I knew what happened to them all. He had a great wood shop and taught me a lot in it when I was a little kid. You can never have too many allen wrenches! I have numerous sets in the basement, the garage, in my office and squirreled away here and there around the house. Metric and english.
@DRBradleyPhotography 3 дня назад
I am sure that somewhere I have a grommet setter somewhere...and like many things, I have never used it...but it is good to have around, somewhere, just in case of course! The tarp on the roof sounds like a good idea...most rain when you are speeding along bounces off, but if you ever encountered the rain like was recently seen heading into the continent via Florida, not much would keep anything dry...there is a point of saturation that much rain I am sure would go there and then some...I used planes in shop class and the odd time for things around the house...mostly around my old house...which I never should have left...looking back...things settle and sometimes you have to just use a place to make a door close properly again...I did not have to do much of that, but planes are indeed, very cool when it comes to the tool department! Allen keys are wonderful...as long as you get the right size in there, while you can run into issues if something is really rusted and stuck. generally you have a very good chance of getting the thing to loosen up with very few damaged knuckles...and cursing...not as many things use this type of head for fastening as I think would be generally helpful in the world...Robertson screwdrivers are also good, but slot head and even philips, while ok, often end up with too many slippage opportunities...Torx is pretty ok...nice to have a driver fit very securely into the receptacle...so you can apply significant twisting, without the fear of those damaged digits...
@cp256 13 дней назад
I have two leather tool belts and no cloth tool/nail/screw pouches that I can think of. I do sometimes feel a little silly with the serious tool belt setup with only a few nails or screws needed. I have an extensive collection of plastic square jars with big round tops maybe about a liter or a little bigger size from peanuts and grapefruit. They're nice because you can fit your whole hand into them, they don't waste much space and survive falls onto the garage floor unless it is very cold. I never throw out re-usable containers unless I have a ridiculous amount of them. Junkmaster Johnny J was a big fan of staple guns. At one time I had one full sized chrome gun and now I have a whole mess of them from unknown sources, including one the same size as yours in the video, and a whole bunch of staples in partial packages, mostly Arrow brand, that I recently gathered into a gallon ziplock bag so they would all be in one spot finally. One of these days I'll sort all my loose hardware by type and size. Nah, I doubt I'll ever get to it. I must have a few of hundred pounds of screws, bolts, washers, nuts, nails, cotter pins and manner of metal do-dads in bins, boxes, drawers, jars, toolboxes, trays and other container like things. I had once dreamed of a wall covered with Pik-a-Nut style of hardware store storage setup, but I (and Johnny J) never managed to obtain the right sort of storage system bits to make it happen. So when I need a specific size and/or shape of some type of hardware it is off to the last remembered container of such animals to rummage until I find a suitable piece to get the job done. Sometimes I end up fabricating bolts or nuts out of rods or bits of steel rather than just going to a hardware store and paying for one!
@tenminutetokyo2643 14 дней назад
Christmas lights rock.
@DRBradleyPhotography 5 дней назад
Indeed, nothing like twinkling flashing lights...maybe even multi-coloured...I like solid strings of lights combined with more such lights...and when you have strings with many different colours...keep them with each other...do not mix up the mix or lack of mix...have a great day!
@cp256 14 дней назад
My first pair of hockey gloves when I was little were in Habs colors. I outgrew them quickly :)
@DRBradleyPhotography 5 дней назад
Those old hockey gloves were built tough...today the gloves are much lighter and perhaps allow for more and easier hand movement...but the gloves do not last...these gloves are not classics...and yes, the patina helps!
@cp256 5 дней назад
My last pair of gloves were Cooper pro models that were all nylon except for the palms. The nylon survived pretty well, but the leather palms completely disappeared over the course of a few years or so.
@GeoHAMgamer 14 дней назад
Another of the kinds of videos I could watch hours on end when you are reflecting and just having a casual conversation. Maybe I long for that type of conversation during these times that we live in. Maybe it's because it's comforting in a roundabout way to hear that things I have experienced and are witnessing aren't just happening where I am. Whatever it may be, I can usually find it here.
@DRBradleyPhotography 5 дней назад
Thanks for your comments...I too like to hear stories and have such conversations...it pesters me to see so many online people doing all that they can to be obnoxious, loud and disagreeable...to get more views...etc, etc, etc...I have to get back recording soon...so much more to do!
@GeoHAMgamer 5 дней назад
@@DRBradleyPhotography Or want something monetarily in return to give their attention otherwise they just ignore you. The human factor is being lost rapidly.
@cp256 15 дней назад
Such ambience! It's Christmas in September! I had a missed connection with a young lady who I really liked when I was in my mid-20s. I later found out she had really liked me too, but we had both gone out separate ways and didn't find out until it was too late. I was in front of a Judge for a traffic violation who was the father of a schoolmate of mine. I had eaten dinner at his house ten or so years earlier. I don't know if he recognized me or my name. He let me off with a warning and 20 years later he got busted for corruption!
@DRBradleyPhotography 6 дней назад
Coloured lights are a good thing at anytime of year...I am very fond of the new LED bulbs that can be a variety of colours and intensities...I have three in my room, and I often have two of them red, and one of them blue so that the end result is varying shades of purple... It is indeed sad when these connections are missed...but then who knows how it would have worked out or not worked out...I have never seen her, heard any news of her, or what became of her...the last thing she said to me was that she would call me back after watching Dallas...it must have been a marathon of watching, as it has been almost 40 years and not so much as a thumbs up, a smile or anything at all via any e-mail or social media platform...mind you, I do not know what her last name is now, or where she landed or even if she is still on the upper side of the turf...and perhaps I will never know...or maybe when we are both well past the age where we could consummate our feelings, we will re-connect and sit in two rocking chairs pondering what might have been...likely not but life is funny and you just never know... A judge busted for corruption...well, I can not say that I have never heard of that, but I think it is rarer than lawyers, who are quite literally dancing along the line of what is legal for decades...I have been watching Better Call Saul, and indeed, he is always running afoul with what is legal, what is ethical, and what he must do and say to benefit himself, his lady friend, and whatever clients he has...of course before he was called to the bar, he was a scammer, and at times, just could not get that urge out of his system and would find himself pulling a fast one...
@GeoHAMgamer 15 дней назад
Once you get that new printer up and going, this newspaper would be a great candidate to start the process of scanning items like these and getting them saved digitally. Much easier to share, don't have to worry about environmental impacts, and no need to store the paper any longer!
@DRBradleyPhotography 6 дней назад
Indeed, I will see about testing out the scanner...as an update, that I have not recorded as of yet, I think I now have the printer where it will talk to my phone...but so far, the computer and it are like a married couple in the divorce lawyers office...no meaningful communication...sigh...I will get back to all of this soon...I have been dealing with a bad cold at minimum, and infection, and endless foolishness on other fronts...I do hope eventually to have these devices happily sharing soon and I will let you all in on the secrets of how it came together and what little step I was missing...so far, the only workable USB cables I have found have a big bulging area near the business end I suppose to give you a better grip when pulling it out, but that does not help when the port is deep inside the computer and that means that you have to have the scanner open at a funny angle...I shall continue to hunt for the answers...and get it all in sync...at least, that is the plan!
@GeoHAMgamer 6 дней назад
@@DRBradleyPhotography sounds like progress. If it will talk to the phone it sounds like it must finally be on the wireless network. This would be the best option then you wouldn't have the issues with the cable. The bulge in the cable is probably some type of ferrite bead. It helps to prevent interference. Hope you recover quickly.
@cp256 16 дней назад
My mom had the very tip of her nose removed because of skin cancer. It healed up nicely, but the big C eventually got her elsewhere :( I have several pairs of welding gloves that are great for all kinds of jobs and fun! They make great fire tending gloves and I used to use them to play fight with our Lhasa Apso, Daisy, who had been a rescue puppy and went into a ferocious berserker mode when you would try to pick her up when wearing leather gloves. She enjoyed it as much as I did, I think it made her feel like a dog. I miss her a lot, she made it to 19. Welding gloves are also handy when you need to make a cat do something they REALLY don't want to do. That doll is a bit creepy, but kind of cool at the same time.
@DRBradleyPhotography 6 дней назад
So sorry to hear about your mom...Cancer sucks! As for the leather gloves, oh yes, they can be fun...I had a standard poodle who used to love to play fight...but only when I had the gloves on...he knew that when the gloves came off, the battle came to an end...he was a big boy, black but of course he turned gray as he aged...lovely nice dog full of fun and character...I miss all the dogs I used to have...they were very special, and while they might have looked similar, they were so different...At one point I had three dogs...a standard poodle rescued from Texas, something I called a Cuban terrier who was rescued from Cuba, and an English Springer Spaniel who was rescued from Thornhill...very close to Toronto...she was so wonderful...as they all were...quite a collection of different breeds and for the most part, they all got along quite well...the little Cuban dog would often put her front feet on the back of the poodle so she could look around better...They were a sight to behold when we went walking...oh, yes, I miss those days...
@tenminutetokyo2643 16 дней назад
Good choice. I still have my main Brother laser I bought 10 years ago. Still works great.
@DRBradleyPhotography 7 дней назад
The place I got this from suggested it as a good printer that had large ink cartridges...that would do 600 or more pages...and while I was pondering the Shaq printer that costs lots more because they give you some bottles, I went for this one...it was also reduced as the box had some damage...I am sure it will serve me well, and yes, I would like to get it to connect to the wifi...sigh...stay tuned...
@GeoHAMgamer 16 дней назад
Oh, there will be a part 2...
@DRBradleyPhotography 7 дней назад
There will be a part 2...oh yes...it has taken awhile to get over the suffering of part 1...
@GeoHAMgamer 16 дней назад
You forgot to speak your WiFi password while entering it. How will I be able to connect and print something from out here on the sidewalk?!?
@DRBradleyPhotography 7 дней назад
LOL...indeed...let me know when you are standing on the sidewalk outside!
@GeoHAMgamer 16 дней назад
It looks like Rudy is playing on a loop on one of the laptops. I don't think I have ever watched a video while watching a video! 2 or 3 football games on at the same time however is another story.
@DRBradleyPhotography 16 дней назад
@@GeoHAMgamer Yes, Rudy was keeping me company!
@GeoHAMgamer 16 дней назад
Of course you spent all that time setting up to have everything you need except a thing to actually allow you to get at the thing the video is about! This appears to be a long video so I'll be commenting along the way or else I'll forget everything I wanted to say once it is over.
@DRBradleyPhotography 16 дней назад
I am still pestered by how long it took...and how perplexing some of this still is...I thought plug and play was supposed to be easy...easier...and when it comes to making use of the internet...well...that is another story again!
@cp256 17 дней назад
That's a nice book. I couldn't find an old copy cheaper than $27.87 USD plus shipping. Nice of you to give it to his family,
@DRBradleyPhotography 17 дней назад
We have not found each other for me to hand the book over, but it is an honour to be able to share it with his offspring and their offspring...when I encountered him he was a living legend...and he will always remain an inspiration to generations!
@TopMobileGamesDaily 17 дней назад
Good Gameplay 🔥😎
@DRBradleyPhotography 17 дней назад
@@TopMobileGamesDaily Thanks!
@cp256 18 дней назад
Never got too badly injured playing hockey. I loved it so much! We put up good sized backyard rinks every winter and had great neighborhood pickup games almost every night. People would hear us from the street and come to the fence to ask if they could play too. Most of the people were older than I was, which helped me to improve more. I also played in a youth league and at school so I probably played and practiced close to 30 hours a week for a several winters. Sadly, partying and girls kept me from continuing hockey past high school. Edumacated Idjits are a huge problem throughout society these days. So much that they know isn't so. I used to shoot a lot of train pics. It's been a while and they're a lot more boring these days.
@DRBradleyPhotography 17 дней назад
There has been many a sports career sidelined as the years pass and the indoor sports take on a much more appealing status than the hours of training, and the frigid temperatures... ;) Idiots seem to too often land in positions of authority, not positions of influence, but those people in those chairs can hurt and thwart the good people and the organization that they are supposedly supporting...so many great people have left companies for greener pastures and caring supportive upper management...and eventually, the original entity finally sees the light and sends the control freaks packing...or they go out of business...or suffer some other sort of losses or liabilities...sigh...and the ultimate victims are the clients...who put their faith and trust and resources in and get less than they deserve back...a vicious cycle... Indeed, trains of old were much more interesting, but indeed, more polluting than the sleek models of today...there is nothing like a steam engine pulsing down the track...not that I have seen many in person, but there are many old films that come up on my feed from time to time that I like seeing...and hearing the whistle sound...
@cp256 16 дней назад
I loved playing outdoor hockey, whether it was on a rink or a pond. I used to love winter sports outdoors. Now I just blow snow and shovel for exercise in the winter :P I rode behind CN 4-8-4 6218 from Toronto to Hamilton and back when I was a kid with my dad. It was one of the "last runs" I think in 1971. It was winter so the plumes of steam during the photo runbys were awesome! I really miss railfanning with dad, he passed in '97 at 55 years young. We rode behind and chased a lot of steam train excursions over the years.
@GeoHAMgamer 20 дней назад
Love seeing the RadioShack items still in their original packaging. You should be able to wire up a monitor where ever you could possibly want one with all those cables!
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
Indeed, I could run the collective wires a long distance away to set up a remote monitor far in the distance...I am suspecting there will be some vintage computer people out there that might be looking at some point in time...we shall see...what is old is new again as the next generation of collectors fire up their old computers!
@GeoHAMgamer 20 дней назад
This video premiered 5 days ago and has comments from a month ago! I must be in a void.
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
@@GeoHAMgamer There was a comment many weeks before it went live…
@GeoHAMgamer 18 дней назад
@@DRBradleyPhotography Glad to see a reply. Been wondering if you were ok after not seeing any on a few other videos. Hope you are doing well.
@cp256 22 дня назад
My stepdad had a stash of Playboys in his attic office desk in the '70s. I found them looking for his programmable HP calculator when I was about 12. Jackpot!
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
Those were the days...did you ever find the calculator? Or did the thoughts of uncovering it quickly forgotten?
@cp256 18 дней назад
While the jackpot was distracting I did manage to find the calculator and I even took it to school to show off one day. Fortunately it was returned unscathed to the desk and stepdad never found out, unlike some other not so lucky occasions with other things...
@cp256 23 дня назад
I remember Sittler. I remember Dave Keon and Ian Turbull and Tim Horton and Johnny Bower and all those guys. If I looked at a '67 or '70 program the memories would flood back in. The good old days when I was a kid and lived for hockey!
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
Indeed, and generally the Leafs played most every Saturday and Wednesday...and Dave Hodge was there in his blue suit...along with other legendary broadcasters and yes, Peter Puck!
@cp256 18 дней назад
Howie Meeker! I still love to hear the old Hockey Night In Canada theme, takes me right back to the early '70s. We had a good roof antenna with rotator that picked up the Toronto stations with a minimum of snow.
@cp256 24 дня назад
Very manly. It would go well with a wooden smoking pipe rack. I like the bigger finial on the lamp slightly more. I would definitely use that lamp.
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
I will find a place for it soon...and I will likely connect it to an X-10 module so I can turn it on and off remotely...and yes, there will be and LED bulb in it that I suspect I will change the colour that is delivers from time to time...I must get things arranged and other things moving out the door...
@cp256 18 дней назад
I have some high quality LED bulbs that have a nice warm color and you really can't tell the difference between them and incandescents. They seem to hold their color well. I replaced the front porch bulb and the one on the front of the garage with LEDs that draw about 7 watts and just leave them on 24/7 now. I know that's wasteful, but not having to remember to turn them on or frankensteining in light sensors is worth it.
@benstein7506 24 дня назад
This is a longshot, but... I am curious to know if you are still selling these keys? I was fortunate enough to have recently acquired one of these machines, but the return keycap is missing! I am struggling to find a source for one! Thanks in advance.
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
Hello, sorry for the delay in answering...I have been otherwise occupied...so, you have a Vic-20 with a PET keyboard or a "normal" Vic-20...or?
@cp256 25 дней назад
Cool saloon shirt. I think I have my mom's wig soemwhere from when she was doing chemo. I have my dad's Stetson. It hangs in my office and every couple of years I have to clean it. I had my grandfather's silk top hat when I was in my 20s and like a dope I ruined it. I wish I had it today.
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
I had more hats, but tended to look to sell or pass along some that did not fit my head...but I still have quite a few...but even with my shorter hair, some of them are a tight squeeze...sorry to hear about the top hat, those are magical...to be sure! My dad used to collect strange things like wigs for Halloween and other times it might be handy to have some sort of exotic costume...and I too have carried on this tradition...I have passed along one of the hair pieces I found to an art teacher for his and his classes amusement...thankfully I have not needed any of them for anybody suffering from the effects of Cancer treatments...yet...perhaps one day you might find a suitable replacement for the top hat, and maybe it will be one of the ones that collapses and can pop up...they were cooler than cool, although typically not made out of such exotic materials...and yes, hats, even went sitting have a tendency to collect dust...I find that one of those lint rollers can do well at some of it, but also a brush works very well...long live the memories of the hats of our ancestors!
@cp256 18 дней назад
That top hat would have survived if it had been collapsible. My dad's Stetson just gets dusty. I blow it off with an air tank and hang it back up. It stays a lot cleaner since I quit smoking a decade or so ago. I had a clown wig once that I found in a fiberglass stage coffin I was given by the Police Garage, where I worked. It had been fished out of a canal by the police after a hoax 911 call. I had ideas of mounting it on the roof of my black '61 Nomad wagon rigged so a dummy "corpse" could pop out of the top half by remote control for Halloween.
@cp256 26 дней назад
Those long tape measures are pretty cool, but I have to admit I have probably only needed a long one once in my life and I made do with a 25 footer.
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
Indeed, I think I used one of them...once...but like anything in the hoarders collection...they might come in handy one day...they just might...I am suspecting that I will indeed, find other homes for them...there comes a time to sigh and say...it is time...but of course, the very next week something will come up where I want to do a measurement for something unexpected and not be able to do it...oh well...that is life...
@cp256 27 дней назад
That's a pretty cool reading lamp with the dinky bulb. I think that's the smallest incandescent bulb that fits a standard socket. Sometimes all an old clock needs to work again is a shot of WD40 to loosen up old congealed lube. That and a strategic smack or two. Dipping the mech in carb cleaner (without the dial face) works too.
@DRBradleyPhotography 18 дней назад
I will try to find another bulb for the lamp...and as for the clocks...well, I might think about giving them a spray, or perhaps they will just sit on a shelf...and collect dust...or I will pass them along to somebody else who has suddenly taken an interest in vintage wind up time pieces...when the power goes out, they still keep on ticking...and will wake you up to realize you are in the dark, but you might still make it to work or school on time...if they decide the want to keep good time again that is!