the bumbling biochemist
the bumbling biochemist
the bumbling biochemist
New biochemistry professor (full-time, visiting professor) at St. Mary's College of California trying to make biochemistry fun and accessible for all. I aim for lots of detail without lots of jargon (or at least with jargon explained). Much more on my blog
Carbohydrates and glycobiology
7 часов назад
Protein chromatography overview
14 дней назад
Hemoglobin regulation - Bohr effect
14 дней назад
Quick enzyme basics review
28 дней назад
Tertiary & quaternary protein structure
28 дней назад
@thebumblingbiochemist 3 дня назад
-OHs are so valuable because that H can “easily” be swapped out for something bigger & better. I was careful to add the modifier “unmodified” to the carb formula I showed you above (Cx(H₂O)x) because monosaccharides are commonly modified. For example, they can have oxygens removed (be reduced) to give you “deoxy sugars” (like the deoxyribose in DNA); they can be oxidized to carboxylic acids to give you sugar acids like glucuronic acid (glucoronate) which the liver uses to flag potentially harmful compounds; they can be attached to nitrogen-y groups to give you amino sugars like glucosamine & N-acetylglucosamine; they can be sulfated (have an -SO₃⁻ stuck on) to add some negative charge.     And those modifications can occur on “any” of the multiple OH’s, so there are countless theoretical monosaccharides, but in humans there are 9 main ones that serve as the “glycan alphabet” (glycan is a term used to refer to sugars attached to other things). The mother of them all is D-glucose (Glc). All of the other letters can be made from it through a bit of metabolic magic (metabolism refers to the making (anabolism) & breaking (catabolism) of molecules). Those others are:  - D-galactose (Gal)  - D-mannose (Man)  - N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc)  - N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (GalNAc)  - D-glucuronic acid (GlcU)  - N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) aka NANA aka N-acetylsialic acid (Sia)  - note: derivatives of Neu5Ac are also referred to as sialic acids which can be confusing…  - D-xylose (Xxl)  - L-fucose (Fuc)    note: The “D” & “L” refer to how the sugars’ “last” OH groups are oriented in space relative to the simplest monosaccharide, D-glyceraldehyde. Don’t confuse these D & L with the designations for “dextrorotatory” and “levorotatory,” which are official terms used to describe the way in which certain molecules rotate light. Some “D-sugars” really are dextrorotatory (including D-glucose which is why doctors tend to call it dextrose seemingly to confuse us…). But other D-sugars are levorotatory.    Monosaccharides can link together (through glycosidic bonds) to give you:   - disaccharides: 2 monosaccharides linked together. A couple examples are sucrose, which is a disaccharide made up of glucose and fructose; and lactose, which is a disaccharide made up of glucose and galactose  - oligosaccharides: shortish chains of monosacharides like raffinose, the carb in broccoli that we can’t digest but bacteria in our guts can… and they let of gas as a byproduct…  - polysaccharides: (sometimes massively) long chains of monosaccharides. A couple of examples are storage carbs like glycogen & starch and structural carbs like cellulose & chitin.    Amino acids can “only” link to one another in one way - using their generic backbone part. So you can only get straight chains of amino acids (we call these chains “peptides” - the long ones are polypeptides & they fold up to give you functional proteins). But sugars can link to one another in multiple ways (e.g. 1,4 or 1,2 where the numbers refer to the “address” of the carbon the linkage comes from). This gives you a lot a lot of variety and the opportunity for lots of branching. So you can end up with massive branched sugar trees.     Branching is great for energy storage because there are lots of ends to start chewing from when you need energy. Both plants & animals use highly-branched carbs to store glucose - starch amylopectin stores energy in plants & glycogen stores energy in animals. Glycogen is a highly branched polymer of tens of thousands! of α-1,4 and α-1,6 linked glucose monomers. When cells need energy, they can break down the glycogen in a process called glycogenolysis. Since there are lots of ends, lots of glucoses can be broken off at the same time by glycogen phosphorylase. Similarly, the plant starch amylopectin is also made up of thousands of α-1,4 and α-1,6 linked glucose monomers, but it’s not as massive as glycogen and it only branches every 24-30 glucose residues, instead of 6-12 like glycogen does. So glycogen is bigger & more branched.
@thebumblingbiochemist 3 дня назад
But you don’t *always* want a lot of branching because it doesn’t make for very sturdy structures. Imagine you have a pile of glue-covered sticks you want to bundle together to hold up your tent. If the sticks are branched it’s hard to get them close together and you have less points of contact for the glue to go to work. But if your sticks aren’t branched, you can easily stick them together. The biochemical equivalent of this is at play in structural carbohydrates. Instead of glue, you have lots of -OH groups which can form weak partial-charge-based interactions.    The difference can be dramatic - compare cellulose and glycogen. Both are made up of just glucose, but cellulose is unbranched and β-1,4 linked. This linkage allows to to form long straight chains that can stick to gather for sturdiness.     For even better stickiness, many structural carbohydrates have modifications like amidation and oxidation which provide additional binding opportunities. For example, chitin, a structural carb found in fungal cell walls & the exoskeletons of insects & crustaceans (crabs, etc.) has the same linkage as cellulose, but instead of plain glucoses it has N-acetylglucosamines. This makes chitin super strong & stiff.     But “structure” doesn’t have to mean “stiff.” Some sugars play structural roles by forming gels. Those -OH groups love water, and water loves them, so sugars can “soak up” water to form gels. Depending on how much sugar vs. water and what type of modifications the sugar has, these gels can have different properties. In the lab, we use the sugar agarose to make gels we use to separate DNA pieces by size through “electrophoresis” (using charge to get the molecules to travel through the gel). That’s a really easy way to see sugar gels at work, but they’re also at work in our bodies, forming things like the cushioning around the bones in our joints & the bouncy-ball-ness of our eyeballs!    A lot of the time, sugars work together with other molecules in “glycoconjugates” where sugar chains (glycans) get attached to non-sugar things. And this teamwork is accompanied by team names that can be confusing…    The order of the names of these “hybrids” indicates which is dominant - the first one is the minor component and the last one is the main component. So, glycoproteins are proteins with sugar chains attached; proteoglycans are sugars with a sprinkling of protein; peptidoglycans are sugars with some peptides helping link them together; and glycolipids are sugars linked to the lipid molecules making up membranes. They have a lot of diversity and, correspondingly, a lot of diverse functions. Here are a few examples.    Glycoproteins     This is where you have the protein-ness dominating, with sugars attached. I know I said “minor” but some glycoproteins can actually be “mainly” sugar - ~1/2 of all proteins have at least one glycan & some glycoproteins are up to 60% carb by mass. Glycoproteins are often found in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, facing the cellular exterior, or secreted into the extracellular matrix.     The sugar chains can be O-linked or N-linked. O-glycosylation is where a sugar chain gets added through the -OH group of a Serine (Ser) or Threonine (Thr) protein letter (or a hydroxylated lysine or proline). N-glycosylation is where a sugar chain gets added through the amine group of an Asparagine (Asp) letter.     In addition to needing to use different enzymes, O- & N-glycosylation differ in several important ways. In O-glycosylation, individual sugars are added one at a time, but for N-glycosylation, the same “starter tree” gets added in the beginning of the protein processing process at spots on the protein containing the consensus recognition sequence Asn-X-Ser/Thr, where X is any amino acid other than proline (proline’s that awkward-shaped amino acid whose side chain swings back around and attaches to the backbone making things tricky). Throughout the protein processing steps, this tree gets whittled down to a common core, which can then be added onto.     This whittling might sound kinda pointless and energy-wasting - I mean, why add something just to remove it, right? But it serves as an important quality control measure and makes sure that the protein gets directed to were it needs to go in the right order, etc. Unlike proteins, sugars are *not* genetically encoded - only the enzymes responsible for making, placing, and processing the sugars are. So our cells rely on the selective expression of these, their compartmentalization to different membrane-bound protein-processing centers inside of cells (e.g. Golgi bodies), etc. to make sure that the “right” sugars get added in the right places.
@thebumblingbiochemist 3 дня назад
For example, proteins bound for secretion have a signal sequence that directs them to a membrane-bound room within the cell called the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) while it’s being made. From there it gets passed through a variety of compartmentalized pouches of the “Golgi body” and those compartments have different modifying enzymes that can trim & modify it. Since all of this is happening inside of membrane-bound rooms, the protein never has to really see the inside of the cell, so it can be optimized for the environment it’s gonna face when it gets released.     If a protein isn’t folded properly, it won’t get whittled correctly so it won’t get permission to go to the next compartment and, if it can’t get its act together, it will be directed to the protein shredder (proteasome) instead. But if the whittling goes well, it can get modified and then those modifications can direct it different places to get modified in more ways and/or get released outside the cell or onto the cell surface.     Depending on which “versions” of the modifying enzymes a person has, they can make slightly different sugars. This is the case with the ABO blood groups, which refer to the sugar groups displayed on the surface of blood cells. There’s this glycosyltransferase enzyme (sugar adder/mover) made by the ABO gene. People with type “A” blood have (2 copies of) one version of it that adds on an N-Acetylglucosamine. People with type “B” blood have (2 copies of) a different version of it that adds on a galactose. People with type “AB” blood have 1 copy of each of those so they make and display both. And people with type “O” blood have a total dud version of the enzyme that can’t add on any sugar, so they only display the core pentasaccharide (5 sugar) part (H antigen).    The reason this matters (and how it was discovered) is because these sugars can serve as antigens (things that antibodies recognize). People who have type O blood won’t be used to seeing A & B antibodies, so if you give them blood with A and/or B antigens, they’ll see that blood as foreign and attack it. Similarly if you give type A people B and/or AB or if you give type B people A and/or AB. This is why we say AB is “universal recipient” and O is “universal donor.” note: Rh factor is the (+/-) thing and it involves a different protein. also note that the ABO sugars can be attached to lipids to anchor them to the cell surface as we’ll discuss, or they can be attached to proteins and secreted, but not all people have the secreted version which is why CSI shows sometimes talk about secreters vs. non-secreters.  more on blood types here: bit.ly/abobloodtypes   Proteoglycans    Here, we flip around the starring roles - with proteoglycans, the sugars get the starring role and the protein just serves to kinda hold them all together. These sugars are GlycosAminoGlycans - large polysaccharides with a lot of modifications. These modifications include lots of amino sugars (hence the A in GAG) but they also often include things like oxidation to carboxylate or the addition of sulfate groups. GAGs can have different patterns of modifications that serve as a sort of code that is “read” by proteins in the extracellular matrix (ECM) (the molecularly-rich environment in between cells). How it works is that the different modifications make for different binding sites that complement different proteins’ structures. So then those proteins can bind, which can be useful in several ways. Sometimes, binding may get the proteins to shape-shift (undergo a conformational change) that activates or inactivates it. Other times, binding might serve to just keep the protein there. And, since GAGs can be really long, they can bind multiple proteins and serve as “hubs” or “scaffolds” at which that multi-protein reactions can take place.    In addition to those more specialized functions, proteoglycans have “generic” ones. Modifications like carboxylation & sulfation add negative charge. And when there’s negative charge, you know metal cations (positively-charged molecules) are gonna wanna come play! Sodium ions (Na⁺) drop in to serve as counter ions, and they bring water with them. So these proteoglycans soak up a bunch of water, gel-like. Different ones (which include heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate & keratin sulfate) have different gel-ness-es & thus are best suited for different things - from tense tendons & strong nails, to the shock absorbers between your joints, & the mucus in your nose! Yup, “mucus” is a proteoglycan consisting of a mucin protein covered with sugars! There are actually dozens of mucin proteins and the proteins involved in mucin & in all the other proteoglycans vary a lot - which they can do since it’s the sugars starring here!
@thebumblingbiochemist 3 дня назад
Peptidoglycans    Here, sugars get an even bigger role. Peptides play supporting roles (literally) - short chains of amino acids serve as bridges between carbohydrate chains for extra sturdiness. These are seen in bacterial cell walls, and many antibiotics target them. More on that here: bit.ly/penamp     Glycolipids    We’ve talked about how a lot of the sugars coating our cells are anchored onto glycoproteins embedded in the plasma membrane (the phospholipid lipid bilayer surrounding each cell). Another way our sugar trees can get anchored to the cell surface is by attaching directly to the lipids themselves, and these are what we call glycolipids. There are several different subclasses of them with different names (of course…) These include lipopolysaccharides, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI), cerebrosides, & gangliosides.     Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a glycolipid present in bacteria’s outer membrane, with different bacterial species having different sugar combos in their LPS. These sugars provide Gram-negative bacteria (ones w/o a strong cell wall) with a barrier that makes it hard for would-be attackers to get to the membrane itself (and potentially into the bacteria). So it serves to help protect the bacterial membrane from things like antimicrobial molecules and viruses. But not humans - our immune system recognizes LPS and attacks it. May sound great, but too much LPS can cause septic shock (a sort of immune system overreaction when bacteria are in your blood). You might have heard of LPS by another name - endotoxin - just like that nickname suggests, LPS is toxic to our bodies and is responsible for some of those symptoms of bacterial infections people experience - this includes fever (LPS is a fever-inducer aka pyrogen). To prevent over-reaction we have enzymes that can break it down    Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a short sugar chain that serves to anchor non-membrane-spanning proteins to the outside of the cell. One end of the sugar links to a phospholipid head and the other end hooks up (through a phosphoethanolamine linker) to a protein. So, with a GPI-anchored protein you have lipids, carbs, & proteins all working together! Molecular teamwork is so cool! Our bodies use a bunch of these proteins to do a bunch of different things including helping cells recognize each other and acting in signal pathways.     Cerebrosides & gangliosides are glycolipids that I’m not sure what do but there’s a bunch of them in nervous tissues & if there are problems making or breaking them you get issues.     Wrapping up our sweet science…    One thing I learned (or relearned since I probably did learn it in undergrad but then forgot) is that glycogen (that’s the animal storage carb remember) is attached to a central protein called glycogenin, which actually is a glucosyltransferase that does the pioneering work of adding on the first glucoses (before passing the job over to glycogen synthase & a branching enzyme).     Having glycogenin as a central hub allows glycogen to form granules that can chill in the cytoplasm (general cellular interior) until called upon. The main glycogen storage locations are the liver and the muscles. When blood sugar levels drop, glycogenolysis starts in the liver and the glucoses newly freed travel through the bloodstream to tissues in need! (your brain & red blood cells are a couple of the main reliers on this process).
@thebumblingbiochemist 3 дня назад
I had always thought of glycogen as just tangles of sugar, and apparently most scientists had too. Because when a scientist named Bill Whelan discovered glycogenin people didn’t believe him but he used his biochemistry brilliance to prove ‘em wrong!    Whelan served for a time as president of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) which is a great note to end on because was originally one of my weekly “broadcasts from the bench” for them Be sure to follow the IUBMB if you’re interested in biochemistry (now on Instagram @the_iubmb)! They’re a really great international organization for biochemistry.    This week I’d also like to thank Professor John Tansey, a chemistry, the Director of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Otterbein University in Ohio. I first met him at an ASBMB conference where he caught my attention because he was there with undergrads and he was so excited for and supportive of them. And this warmed my heart so much because a lot of profs at big institutions sometimes overlook undergrads and undergrad education is hugely under-attention-paid-to at many places. This is one reason I really want to become an undergrad professor at a small school and why I love being able to help teach undergrads (and everyone else following along) through this social media/blog stuff. Anyways, Dr. Tansey kept in touch on Twitter & when he wrote a biochemistry textbook he sent me an advanced copy (no strings attached). And it’s really good - and its where I learned a lot of what I told you today (glycobiology wasn’t covered that much in my undergrad classes). The book is published by Wiley & called “Biochemistry: an Integrative Approach”     here’s more about Carolyn Bertozzi’s pioneering work on bioorthogonal chemistry: blog: bit.ly/bioorthogonal_prize ; RU-vid: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LrwzFRY7gsk.html          more about all sorts of things: #365DaysOfScience All (with topics listed) 👉 bit.ly/2OllAB0 or search blog: thebumblingbiochemist.com                                                 #scicomm #biochemistry #molecularbiology #biology #sciencelife #science #realtimechem
@play150 3 дня назад
Super cool with the 1/2 area 96 well plates!
@giansaccount 3 дня назад
thank you! I hope you know that we are also your students too!
@thebumblingbiochemist 3 дня назад
Thank you! I'm grateful this platform allows me to help more people
@luyandokaluwe04 4 дня назад
I have a Molecular Biology presentation tomorrow and i've been struggling to understand the EMSAs. I hope this video helps (i'm yet to explore some more of your videos). P.S;i'm a doing a biochemistry Major🙃. And it's good seeing a young female Biochemist on board😊! Thank you for the video Ma'am!
@thebumblingbiochemist 4 дня назад
Happy to (hopefully) help! Best of luck with the presentation and the degree!
@robertcapota2195 4 дня назад
Thank you so much, it was a lot easier to understand the process (and also the practical aspects of it) after watching this demonstration.
@thebumblingbiochemist 4 дня назад
Glad it helped!
@pragyankumarsarma6187 5 дней назад
Very helpful. Thanks much😊
@thebumblingbiochemist 5 дней назад
Glad I could help!
@thebumblingbiochemist 7 дней назад
The sequencing part will tell you where the ribosome was standing - getting the sequences generally is done by first adding adapters to the little RNA pieces and reverse transcribing them into DNA, which is more stable and copy-able using PCR. These sequences are then fed into a computer program that aligns them to all the cell’s recipes to tell what specific protein recipes those sequences are part of. And not just which recipe, but WHERE on the recipe. If you see a bunch in the same part of a recipe, for example, it could indicate that translation is slow in that region (possibly due to something like a rare codon that there are fewer tRNAs for, so it takes longer for that tRNA to find its way there). You can take “where” one step further with another “add-on” - initiation site profiling can be used to find the translation start sites (some mRNAs actually have several “alternative start sites”). This start-finding can be done using a drug called harringtonine, which only stops translation at the first step. You can get even more information if, in addition to sequencing the footprints, you sequence ALL the mRNA - a process typically referred to as RNA-seq. This can tell you the relative abundance of each mRNA and you can then compare it to how many ribosomal footprints you got from that mRNA to get an idea of how “efficiently” that mRNA is being made. You need to know the total copies because if you find a bunch of bound ribosome-bound fragments from an mRNA that could represent a few, highly translated, mRNAs or lots of lowly translated mRNAs. Going back to the It’s a Small World analogy, it’s kinda like the difference between having a ton of It’s a Small World rides but only a few boats are traveling each versus having a few of the rides but lots of boats on each. (This can also be distinguished using a technique called polysome profiling which looks at “boat abundance”) When an mRNA becomes more popular, its RIBOSOME DENSITY (average # of ribosomes per mRNA for that gene) - (like average # of boats on each copy of the ride) increases. And so does the RIBOSOME OCCUPANCY - # of mRNAs of a gene bound by ribosomes (how many copies of the ride have boats on them). Note: Since different mRNAs are different lengths, and the longer the length, the more ribosomes can be bound at a time (but the longer it will take each to finish) you can take this into account - look at ribosomes per length unit when comparing    How can we tell? POLYSOME PROFILING. How does it work? POLYSOME PROFILING looks at whether mRNAs are associating with full ribosomes and how many. The ribosome has lots of parts, but it has 2 main “pre-fab” “halves” - a small subunit & a large subunit. It needs both to be functional. Because the halves aren’t really halves, we can tell them apart by their weight. We can’t just stick them on a scale - they’re super tiny and surrounded with other molecules. Instead, we can use centrifugal separation to separate them in a sugar gradient.     After freezing the ribosomes in place - often with a chemical called cycloheximide, which halts elongation, you break open the cells (lyse them), remove the insoluble membrane parts, and add the cellular insides (cytoplasmic fraction) to a tube filled with a sugar gradient. And then you spin it really fast. The bigger half is denser so it will “sink” further. Both together will sink even further, only stopping when they reach that point in the sugar gradient where the sugar is as dense as it is.     And a cool thing is that the halves are “glued together” by mRNA binding - they don’t normally associate. So an “intact” ribosome implies there’s a recipe poised to be baked. A single (mono) full ribosome on an mRNA is called a MONOSOME. But usually, active bakeries have lots of bakers - POLYSOMES are multiple (poly) ribosomes attached to a single mRNA. And they weigh even more than the monosomes. So they’ll sink further. (Yep, these are sinky boats….)
@thebumblingbiochemist 7 дней назад
Proteins and RNA absorb UV light, so a UV detector can scan the gradient and absorption peaks tell you where “stuff” is - and there are characteristic places in the gradient you can expect to find monosomes, polysomes, etc. You can detect “global” differences if the ratios are skewed (for example, if “all” translation is inhibited, you’d expect to see an increase in monosomes and a decrease in polysomes).     But the UV can’t tell you what specific RNAs are are in those peaks, so you can take the “fractions” of the gradient (e.g. the monsoonal fraction & polynomial fractions) & look to see what’s where. First you have to get the gradient out - after centrifugation and separation of your monosomes, polysomes, etc., you use some way to push the gradient out from a hole in the top of the tube (old school style by injecting a higher concentration of sucrose through the side of the tube to build pressure from the bottom or with a fractionation with a piston that pushes down from the top to squeeze it up through a hole in the piston. And you can UV it on the way out as you direct it into fractions (kinda like with protein chromatography except you’re taking the column with you and doing it from the bottom).    To do that you have to extract the RNA out of the sugar (often by phenol-chloroform extraction). It’s often harder to extract the RNA out of the goopier stuff (higher density sucrose), so you’re likely to lose more. To control for this, you often add known quantities of a control mRNA, like luciferase mRNA, to each fraction before you start trying to extract the RNA. This way, you can measure how much luciferase was lost during the extraction in each fraction to normalize the fractions (adjust them so they can be directly compared to one another). This way, you don’t get fooled into thinking there’s more of an mRNA in the monosomal fraction just cuz you recovered that fraction’s RNA better.    But how do you know what’s in what fraction? If you have one mRNA in particular you’re interested in, you can see where that recipe ended up in a couple ways. One is by doing a northern blot on the various fractions. A northern blot is where you use electrophoresis to run RNA through a gel mesh which separates the RNA pieces by size. And then you transfer those RNAs out of the gel and onto a membrane and use labeled probes complementary to RNA you’re looking for to see where that RNA is on the membrane. Alternatively, you can use RT-qPCR, which makes a bunch of copies of a region bookended by primers that you give it. So you can use primers specific to a gene of interest and see how many copies get made.     A northern blot or qPCR work well if you know what recipe you’re looking for, but they’re low-throughput and you have to know what to look for. With the rise of high-throughput RNA sequencing methods, it’s now become possible to sequence the RNA associated with the different fractions (e.g. monosomal fraction, polysomal fraction).     Most of the time, when people talk about mRNA-seq, they’re typically talking about sequencing “all” of the mRNAs without addressing whether the RNAs are actually being actively translated. The idea is that if you break open a cell and count the number of mRNA copies of a gene there are, if you see a lot of an mRNA, a lot of its protein is likely getting made - but that’s an assumption that’s not always true. It’s easier since you don’t have to go through all of this ribosome fractionation, and there’s less risk of losing some of the RNA in the process, but you don’t know if that mRNA is actually being used.     This is different from ribosome footprinting. Ribosome footprinting lets you see where along the river the boats are at a certain point in time. Instead of leaving the mRNAs intact, you use RNases (RNA chewers) to cut up the RNA around the bound ribosomes - the region the ribosome is standing on (~30 letters) is protecting from cutting, so then you can release this protected RNA and sequence it to see where the ribosomes were. Since ribosome footprinting chews around the ribosomes, it separates ribosomes that are on the same mRNA (but different locations on it) at the same time. So what you end up seeing is the average of where the boats are in all those copy “rivers.” So you can’t tell if you have 3 boats on the same river or 2 on 1, and 1 on another, 1 each on 3 etc.
@thebumblingbiochemist 7 дней назад
But, in the case of polysome profiling, since you don’t mess with the mRNA neighboring ribosomes are on, you do separate “3 on 1” from “2 and 1” and “1 and 1 and 1.” (But once you pass 8 or so on one you can’t tell if there are more cuz they all come out in the same fraction). But you can’t see where on the strand they are - so you lose information about whether certain regions are translated more slowly than others (rare codons causing a holdup?) or whether alternative start sites are being used.    If you want to validate stall sequences, start sequences, etc. and/or determine what’s required for ribosomes to stall there, you can turn to ribosome toeprinting (aka primer extension inhibition).     blog form: bit.ly/toeprinting ; RU-vid: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CJhQNzHOhLY.html     Ribosome toe printing (aka primer extension inhibition) works by giving ribosomes in a cell-free translation system a template and using reverse transcription with a labeled primer that targets the 3’ end of that template. Let the reverse transcriptase do its thing and it will make a complementary DNA (cDNA) copy of the end of the template until it runs into the ribosome. Then purify those labeled cDNAs and run them alongside sequencing lanes that show you where A, C, T, & G are in the template (you can prepare these by reverse-transcribing the template and spiking in labeled dideoxynucleotide (dead end nucleotides) - 1 letter per reaction - this will cause there to be a range of cDNAs ending in the labeled letter, and you can compare them to your sample. You can do things like add ribosome inhibitors like cycloheximide (CHX) (at concentrations where they prevent elongation but not initiation) to get the ribosomes to build up at start sites so you can see them. And even without adding anything you can see if the ribosome is stalled places already.     Sometimes ribosomes stall because they’re translating awkward sequences like things with a bunch of prolines. And “programmed” stalling can actually be used by cells as a regulatory mechanism. Sometimes stalling is caused or relieved in the presence of various drugs or metabolites (small molecules that are part of metabolic pathways - so breakdown or build-up products). This stalling often occurs in upstream open reading frames (uORFs) and regulates expression of the main ORF (which has the protein making instructions). A cool example of this is some bacteria making an antibiotic resistance gene, ermC in response to the presence of the corresponding antibiotic, erythromycin. More on that here:    Vazquez-Laslop N, Thum C, Mankin AS. Molecular mechanism of drug-dependent ribosome stalling. Mol Cell. 2008 Apr 25;30(2):190-202. doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2008.02.026     And here are some other examples of toeprinting at work…    Here’s the original paper: Hartz...Gold (1988) Extension inhibition analysis of translation initiation complexes, Methods in enzymology www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2468068    Here’s a paper that uses it in a PURE expression system (where the translation’s happening in a reconstituted system where the minimum required components have been purified and combined) as opposed to a lysate-based system (where you break cells open (lyse them) and use the machinery that was in there, unpurified - and you add some extra factors to make things more efficient). This paper has nice a methods section.    Cédric Orelle, Teresa Szal, Dorota Klepacki, Karen J. Shaw, Nora Vázquez-Laslop, Alexander S. Mankin, Identifying the targets of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase inhibitors by primer extension inhibition, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 41, Issue 14, 1 August 2013, Page e144, doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkt526     more on PURE systems here: blog: bit.ly/cellfreeexpression ; RU-vid: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--yVxvsF8gMM.html     This paper uses it to study stalling at termination codons: Karousis, E.D., Gurzeler, LA., Annibaldis, G. et al. Human NMD ensues independently of stable ribosome stalling. Nat Commun 11, 4134 (2020). doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17974-z    Here’s a paper describing a fluorescence-based system, where they do sequencing with a capillary gel electrophoresis sequencing machine instead of reading out radiolabeled bands on a slab gel.     Egorova, T., Sokolova, E., Shuvalova, E., Matrosova, V., Shuvalov, A., & Alkalaeva, E. (2019). Fluorescent toeprinting to study the dynamics of ribosomal complexes. Methods, 162-163, 54-59. doi.org/10.1016/j.ymeth.2019.06.010     Here’s a paper about a different technique, inverse toeprinting, which goes at things from the 5’ end with sequencing so you can vary the template randomly to see what sequences might cause a stall, and then see what caused that stall.     High-throughput inverse toeprinting. Britta Seip, Guénaël Sacheau, Denis Dupuy, C Axel Innis. Life Science Alliance Oct 2018, 1 (5) e201800148; DOI: 10.26508/lsa.201800148 www.life-science-alliance.org/content/1/5/e201800148   more on ribosomes: bit.ly/rad_ribosomes more on my postdoc work with mitochondrial ribosome profiling: bit.ly/postdocprerprint Context-specific inhibition of mitochondrial ribosomes by phenicol and oxazolidinone antibiotics Brianna Bibel, Tushar Raskar, Mary Couvillion, Muhoon Lee, Jordan I Kleinman, Nono Takeuchi-Tomita, L. Stirling Churchman, James S Fraser, Danica Galonic Fujimori bioRxiv 2024.08.21.609012; doi: doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.21.609012 more about all sorts of things: #365DaysOfScience All (with topics listed) 👉 bit.ly/2OllAB0 or search blog: thebumblingbiochemist.com
@arpitadas188 8 дней назад
Hi, where to start from to make protein crystals ?? I have protein of mol wt 37 and it's pure, but I have tried a bunch of diff buffers, like wizard n Morpheus 1,2 and 3... Can u please help
@thebumblingbiochemist 8 дней назад
You might want to try altering concentrations of protein, volume, etc. And/or sending out for high-throughput screening if you can afford it. Good luck!
@sillydoods 8 дней назад
this was very helpful. Thank you for the free knowledge
@thebumblingbiochemist 8 дней назад
Great to hear!
@plantsinjars 9 дней назад
This is a great video
@MarianaAguilarMorales 10 дней назад
Hello! I have a doubt i hope you can help me out. Considering the same sample, is it a "rule" , that the native page bands (i.e. native-like bands) be smaller than those on the SDS non reducing bands (i.e. native like + non covalent aggregates+ non native monomers)? 🤔 If not, when will this not be the case? Thank you as always ❤
@thebumblingbiochemist 10 дней назад
Sorry but I'm not clear on your question
@MarianaAguilarMorales 10 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist sorry! I was very confused myself but I think I might have found a way to untangle my problem 😊 thank you as always!
@thebumblingbiochemist 10 дней назад
Glad you got it figured out!
@thydanghoc3281 11 дней назад
Can you show me how to determine if the protein you want to purify undergoes native or denaturing conditions (protein solubility)? And why the His-tag residues amount must be 6 or 8 but not 7?
@thebumblingbiochemist 11 дней назад
I think this will help with your first question bit.ly/wherestheprotein ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jTQxHK3o3lE.html not sure about the # of His - guessing just convenience
@thydanghoc3281 9 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist Thank you very much!
@Dominoes0 12 дней назад
Have y'all tried both SLIC and FastCloning? They seem similar (Cheap PCR-based approaches using HF polymerase). FastCloning seems like it saves some steps; notably the the PCR purification. It's tough to find any comparisons - I may try both and see what I think.
@thebumblingbiochemist 11 дней назад
FastCloning is very similar, just more temperamental (but easier)
@Dominoes0 11 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist I appreciate the info!
@abhinishasenthilvel- 12 дней назад
I am working with HEK293 cells rn and your cell culture videos are really helpful for budding Researcher. Good work!
@thebumblingbiochemist 11 дней назад
So glad to hear. Best of luck!
@nandansheernaly 14 дней назад
Thank you. I was really confused about choosing the right plate.
@thebumblingbiochemist 14 дней назад
So glad I could help!
@mahhattaheen 14 дней назад
Great Resource. Thanks a lot 🙏🏽
@user-en3xw6dy4s 15 дней назад
During purification by Ni-NTA, I'm watching this video😊
@thebumblingbiochemist 15 дней назад
Good luck!
@arjanbains3682 15 дней назад
Oh man, I remember doing this, lots of troubleshooting in every step. Good times. And the need to keep track of the manufacturers! It's crazy how sometimes the manufacturer of the same kind of resin can totally change the purification results!
@abbyc4457 16 дней назад
queen, you are the overflowing wellspring of everything biochemistry. I'm pretty sure if anyone watches all your videos they should have an honorary Masters in Biology😂
@jpmartinez9165 16 дней назад
You bumbling genius
@ania.tceh1 16 дней назад
that is, you first added the nutrient medium to the plate, it solidified, then you seeded the bacteria. and after what time did you add the mixture with CAS?
@thebumblingbiochemist 16 дней назад
Correct. We added the CAS several days later.
@ania.tceh1 15 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist thank you 🙏
@NathanSoper-p7e 18 дней назад
Hi! Im running primer extension assays with an RNA polymerase on Urea Page Gels, I am seeing extension products but there is some smearing in between the bands. I have been pre-running and washing wells, so didnt know if you had any tips. I also had a few other quick questions. I know concentration of RNA as well as the volume loaded can help with crisper bands, what is the typical loading volume you have used? There has been mix of papers that either use a formamide or urea quench/loading buffer -- is there a benefit of using formamide vs urea in the loading buffer for the Urea-PAGE gels in terms of getting a better resolved gel? For denaturing RNA gels, especially at low molecular weight, how are you determining what length the product is at? There are not many options for low MW ssRNA ladders i have been able to find. Enjoyed your video!
@thebumblingbiochemist 18 дней назад
Thanks! The volume depends on the size of the well and gel thickness so I can't really be much help with that. Gel loading tips, slow, right into the bottom of the well is best. I don't know re formamide vs. urea. I typically used formamide, but urea in the gel. I typically just used markers of known size (purchased individually, then mixed). Best of luck!
@NathanSoper-p7e 18 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist Gotcha okay thought i was going to have to do that for the ladder -- theyre just the typical biorad 15 well combs with 1mm thickness if that helps in answering that question Also ive seen that TTE (taurine instead of boric acid could help), have you ever tried in your experience?
@thebumblingbiochemist 18 дней назад
I would probably try to stay 5 μL or below ideally. And no I haven't tried that. Good luck!
@thebumblingbiochemist 18 дней назад
More on peptide bonds & secondary structure: bit.ly/proteinstructure ; RU-vid: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-FFAhrp3EEoM.html   resources: Ramachandran tutorial: bioinformatics.org/molvis/phipsi/ & tinyurl.com/RamachandranPrinciple & Tutorial:Ramachandran Plot Inspection - Proteopedia, life in 3D proteopedia.org/w/Tutorial:Ramachandran_Plot_Inspection bioinformatics.org/molvis/phipsi/?fbclid=IwAR2O2hRdLXtazAqPStaiUAQueCvrWuWGLOcJ7uW32_0m_dMtmBVVwlFw33s proteopedia.org/w/Tutorial:Ramachandran_Plot_Inspection proteopedia.org/w/Ramachandran_Plot posts on proteins and amino acids: thebumblingbiochemist.com/lets-talk-science/amino-acids/       RU-vid channel on amino acids: ru-vid.com/group/PLUWsCDtjESrFQoCEsEmZX6NxnwlHzjHZ6  
                              more about all sorts of things: #365DaysOfScience All (with topics listed) 👉 bit.ly/2OllAB0 or search blog: thebumblingbiochemist.com                                                                                #scicomm #biochemistry #molecularbiology #biology #sciencelife #science #realtimechem
@JackieLiu0406 18 дней назад
Low-key feel like ChimeraX now has better aesthetics and functions for illustrating protein structures/subunits/complexes from PDB and EMDB than Pymol.
@thebumblingbiochemist 18 дней назад
ChimeraX is definitely a great alternative and I am in no way trying to dissuade anyone from using it. But we're using PyMol in my class and I'm therefore making content to help my students that I'm therefore sharing more widely as well. But thanks for your perspective
@ericjaramillo1381 18 дней назад
Hi! I came from your CO-IP "how to interpret" video since I am trying to understand a paper I need to present on and I just want to say I immediately subscribed. Your channel has a wealth of information and knowledge that is critical for any aspiring biochemist/molecular biologist. I am a first-year graduate student and you have been so helpful. Thank you, please do not ever stop uploading these educational videos!
@thebumblingbiochemist 18 дней назад
Glad it was helpful! Thank you! Best of luck with school!
@zameershah5171 19 дней назад
Awesome video as always.
@thebumblingbiochemist 18 дней назад
Thanks so much!
@MclytonLeir 19 дней назад
Hi! I'm currently working on RNA's native-page. But trying so many times, RNA just won't go down the gel and stick in the gel hole. Wonder if any suggestions for me🥲? Could it be my buffer? this is my running sysytem: RNA obtained from commercial kit, purified by Column Kit, dissolved in water with 30mM Mg2+ 6% page (6ml water, 2ml 5X TBE, 2ml 30% Acr-Bis (29:1)) running buffer is 1X TBE loading buffer is takara's 6X loading (basically stain and glycerol) Thanks a lot.
@thebumblingbiochemist 18 дней назад
Sounds like you might have some ethanol or something still from the kit. Be sure to spin the column well, including a final dry spin. Good luck!
@alfredogonzalez8735 20 дней назад
How do you check pre and post induction samples for SDS page when doing auto induction? I kinda asked before, but how would we know if this method is better/equivalent than our current protocol?
@thebumblingbiochemist 20 дней назад
We've been taking a sample from the starter culture as our "pre-induction" sample. And, you really just have to try it and compare! Good luck!
@alfredogonzalez8735 20 дней назад
We do the IPTG method and typically after adding it we let the expression happen at 15C for 44-48hrs. If i were to try the autoinduction method, how long and at what temperature should i let it grow? Would the 24 hours at 30C be good as it says on the protocol you provided? Do you think this would affect our yield or do we just have to do the experiments?
@thebumblingbiochemist 20 дней назад
Sorry, but that's something that - as you suspect - you've got to try and see! Different proteins like different things. Good luck!
@krishanuchoudhury7943 21 день назад
I just love it as I am in a virology lab and we are regularly using protein expression using T7 promoter of expression vectors, the explanation is Awesome! I JUST LOVE IT ✨✨✨❤. Love and regards from India!! ✨🌻
@thebumblingbiochemist 21 день назад
Thanks so much! Best of luck with your experiments!
@simonsays5094 21 день назад
in the last figure do you mean you swapped out the lac promotor with a T7 promotor and it still works the same way as the auto induction method but gives more protein? Is that plasmid public or could you publish the sequence? I'd love to try it
@thebumblingbiochemist 21 день назад
You need to use cells that have T7 with the lac promoter like BL21(DE3) and then put your protein under T7 - so it makes T7 that then transcribes your protein.
@thebumblingbiochemist 21 день назад
more on t7 based expression here: bit.ly/bacterialproteinoverexpression
@MarianaAguilarMorales 23 дня назад
Hi! I have a question... I'm doing densitometric analysis of native and sds under non reducing conditions. I'm trying to figure out the nature and ideally a percentage of the type of my protein aggregates (i.e. covalent or non covalent), so I'm thinking... If I substract the band intensity of SDS-NR - native band intensity of the same protein, is it reasonable to say that that difference is my protein that's involved in non covalent assoaication? Thank you so much!!❤️
@thebumblingbiochemist 23 дня назад
Hi - I'd be worried that the different conditions might influence the staining
@MarianaAguilarMorales 23 дня назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist oh ok great point! Thank you so much 😊
@IsaacColbert 23 дня назад
I work in the upstream MFG department of a gene therapy site and this information is very accurate. Glad you’re teaching others!
@thebumblingbiochemist 23 дня назад
Great to hear. Thanks!
@axelyainbaumann4043 23 дня назад
Love it !! Great content !!!!!
@thebumblingbiochemist 23 дня назад
Thanks so much! Glad to help
@MarianaAguilarMorales 24 дня назад
great video! thank you so much for selflessly sharing all you knowledge! <3
@thebumblingbiochemist 24 дня назад
Glad I could help!
@adamlee4141 24 дня назад
thank you so much for the refresher! I really liked your deconstruction of the equation.
@thebumblingbiochemist 24 дня назад
You're very welcome!
@schakaravarthy6244 24 дня назад
Hi im chakaravarthy your videos are good
@thebumblingbiochemist 24 дня назад
thank you!
Absolutely great and useful video!
@thebumblingbiochemist 25 дней назад
Thank you! So glad it was useful!
@mohammedaboualfotouh2984 25 дней назад
I just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank you for this incredible series on amino acids. Your detailed explanations have made complex concepts much easier to understand, especially for someone like me who is diving into the world of protein docking. Your passion for teaching really shines through in every video, and I’m so grateful for the effort you put into creating this content. I’ll definitely be recommending this playlist to everyone interested in biochemistry or protein studies. Keep up the amazing work!
@thebumblingbiochemist 25 дней назад
Thank you so much! That means a lot to me to hear
@ylidene6222 26 дней назад
Thank you for your videos, you help many people who feel lonely in this path
@thebumblingbiochemist 26 дней назад
So happy I could help and so sorry you feel lonely
@ansemkeit 27 дней назад
hi first of all congratulations for all the achievments on your profesional life and thanks for all the content you create, second i want to ask you i remember that you have a video on where you explain on how you do your presentations i try to search for it but i cant find it because i want to do something like that for study, hope you can read me =)
@thebumblingbiochemist 26 дней назад
Thank you so much! Hope this can help: ru-vid.com/group/PLUWsCDtjESrHU5vdztBYlQ4hK3iiccSnH & bit.ly/adobe_illustrator_fundamentals
@jeffuuuz7822 27 дней назад
Just a random question, i have this fusion protein A-B with pI around 5, and the two cleaved individual proteins A and B have pI of 6 and 9 separately. When I use buffer with pH 7 for the fusion protein, does it mean that the fusion protein is partially positively charged (B) and partially negatively charged(A) with overall more negative charge? Or is it more like that both individual component A and B in the uncleaved protein negatively charged? I tried to look up online but dont seem to find the answer. Anyway, been enjoying your videos. And appreciating for all the contents and informative videos
@thebumblingbiochemist 27 дней назад
Thanks! Your first explanation
@jeffuuuz7822 27 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist thank you!
@davidberrios5481 27 дней назад
I’m starting graduate school this year and having this tutorial was very helpful! Thank you for mentoring so many of us!
@thebumblingbiochemist 27 дней назад
Soooo happy I could help! Best of luck on your exciting journey!
@Ca-yj8wj 27 дней назад
Everytime I search for some lab info at RU-vid I end up in your channel XD would love to have you as a lab mate, tysm for sharing your knowledge!!
@thebumblingbiochemist 27 дней назад
Happy to help!
@bala1000mina 27 дней назад
Very helpful and informative! Thank you so much Brianna! God bless and good luck!
@thebumblingbiochemist 27 дней назад
Thank you! Happy I could help - best of luck to you as well!
@bala1000mina 25 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist Thank you so much Brianna! ❤🙏
@user-xf4ro8xf6b 28 дней назад
What’s your favorite layer of structure?? Mine is probably the 3rd
@thebumblingbiochemist 28 дней назад
Primary - cuz it leads to all the rest!
@user-xf4ro8xf6b 28 дней назад
Where was this a year ago I might have cooked the science fair 😭😭 lol I’m only half serious
@frans5255 28 дней назад
I can't believe you don't have any comments under your video. The way you connect all the concepts is amazing! Especially the diagrams and the way you format the text in a fun way... wow!
@thebumblingbiochemist 28 дней назад
Thank you so much! Happy I could help!
@jangyeeun8589 28 дней назад
can i ask where i can buy this agar? I need it for my research. Thank you
@thebumblingbiochemist 28 дней назад
I think we got it from Sigma
@jangyeeun8589 28 дней назад
@@thebumblingbiochemist What is sigma? Is it a site? Can I ask if international shipping is available?
@thebumblingbiochemist 27 дней назад
It's a brand/supplier
@moonxarya 28 дней назад
U made me fell in love with chemistry 🧪 so hopefully i make my own medicine someday 😊 I already looked it up( the structure of it i mean) in the website you told us in another video and 👀saw lysergic acid di..di... I forgot the rest thats because im trying to quit weed 😂 anyway and what a beuti 😍 I digress chemistry is fun ⚗️😅 hopefully but Im old (34 yrs and already enrolled in college again and download one of your playlists so i could listen to them anywhere even when I go for.hike in remote area after i took my medicine or 🍄🤠 and my background is Law and I really feel the TRANSITIONING phase 😅 its a bit hard i shall say! remembering all these chemistry jargons especially when English is not your native language but always good to keep up ✌🏻🍄 So keep it up 🧑🏻‍🔬✌🏻👩🏻‍🔬 girl 🤠😉
@thebumblingbiochemist 28 дней назад
That's so great to hear. Best of luck!