Channel of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics

For more information on the work of the Centre see: www.oxfordanimalethics.com
@syedachowdhury2609 2 месяца назад
WEIRD and halourious 😂
@hesedjackd.alvarez2452 3 месяца назад
Fr. Linzey, your RU-vid account should have more subscribers. Greetings from the Philippines! 💜🙏😺🐶
@therealjasonbueno 5 месяцев назад
Christspiracy sent me here.
@panes840 6 месяцев назад
Im astounded that we need a bunch of high-brow academics to discuss the blindingly obvious. Stop abusing and exploiting God's creatures for food, clothing, sport, and entertainment. Man is not God. Anyone with half a brain could figure out what we do to other earthlings is absorbant. Bur some folks through their own greed are happy to be brainwashed. What we do to animals is Satanic.
@panes840 6 месяцев назад
Yes, it was super. I, too, came here via Christspiracy as I thought this chap was excellent in the documentary. I am going to read his books. BUT, that said he does incredibly well until near the end. What do I mean? Well, I agree with his approach that everyone should start where they can and that starting point mat be different for different people. That's fine. It's good, practical advice. But where all falls short is NOBODY and this chap includes says, "but you must not be complacent, you must keep striving to do better, each, day, each, week, each month towards veganism". It's the good old get out clause given to folks to soften the blow! It really frustrates me (saying mildly on here). Because you will literally have people finding excuses to not progress. They will conveniently do as little as possible because they see it as inconvenient and tgey are not themselves picking up a knife to commit murder!!! For example, I know a lady who advocates publicly a plant-based diet yet STILL 6 frigging months later still eating cheese. I have offered to give her help, and she knows I have helped others yet finds some bloody excuse not to! She's even seen the suffering of cows and their beautiful babies. She knows why she's addicted. So yeah, there it's gods way to leave animals alone or it isn't! No in-betweens FOREVER. And yes, it is impossible to be vegan 100%. Just driving my car, I hit a fly, just mowing my lawn, I might stand on a beetle, but that's not an xcuses to not do all you can. If say veganism can be achieved for an argument sake 95% of the time, then people should shoot for that. So to conclude, he did very well but he's also talking to a bunch of people of an older generation who are in the main, from my humble experience, selfish to the core and I do wonder if that's partly due to being WWII children. They went without , now they want EVERYTHING. Oh and they also seem to be a generation, in the main that believe mainstream media for everything 🙄
@dawn8542 6 месяцев назад
Christspiracy brought me here.
@dawn8542 6 месяцев назад
Christspiracy brought me here.
@azariastacia 6 месяцев назад
Me too!! Thank God for this Genius Hero!
@cross-cultureethicalvegans 5 месяцев назад
Same here! Ethical vegan for the animals for 9 years now and for infinity.
@dawn8542 6 месяцев назад
I agreed up to the end. Yes, everyone should go vegan. The whole lecture was the argument for that. Vegan means doing the LEAST amount of harm. It's a moral baseline.
@MM-qp4pd 6 месяцев назад
There is a way to eliminate animal testing. Dr. Shiva Ayadurai created computer technology Cytosolve that helps eliminate animal testing. Dr. Shiva is the ONLY Presidential candidate who competent enough to explain this kind of science and invent it.
@MM-qp4pd 6 месяцев назад
There is a way to eliminate animal testing. Dr. Shiva Ayadurai created computer technology Cytosolve that helps eliminate animal testing. Dr. Shiva is the ONLY Presidential candidate who competent enough to explain this kind of science and invent it.
@NicoNico-ss9xb 7 месяцев назад
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." ~ Ghandi Thank you, Dan and Susan Boggio!
@svenerikjohansson8130 8 месяцев назад
So many inspiring individuals that have worked in Oxford. I like their work, for example Joseph Butlers and John Wesleys. And also You Andrew has inspired me so very much. I ´m christian and vegan and try to work for and promote this position and its ideals also here in Sweden. I am active in different christian denominations, mostly our eqivalent to Church of England - Church of Sweden (Lutheran it is), but also in the Catholic Church, and I have also visited the Syrian Orthodox immigrant congregation here and the pentecostals. I allways choose theologically conservative preachers, (and choose by that criteria more than by denomination) as the classic christian beliefs indeed are important as I think of it. And actually the catholic vicar in this town preaches more Lutheran than some priests in my own Lutheran church-so the differencens go stgraight through the denominations today rather than going between them.🙂 I hope for more people that are inspired for an animal friendly way of life and for faith. Best wishes from Sven in Sweden.
@Stanzin_K 9 месяцев назад
I am an animal rights activist from INDIA. how can I join there to understand more about the issue?
@susanboggio9155 9 месяцев назад
Brilliant and thought-provoking.
@susanboggio9155 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this!
@marilenademarco1298 Год назад
Thank you forever❤❤❤❤
@DrEdelPsychology Год назад
Thank you, for your brilliant and compassionate work.
@DrEdelPsychology Год назад
Thank you for hosting such an outstanding and noble conference.
@DrEdelPsychology Год назад
Yes, laws matter, and indeed, "Shouldn't laws protect animals as intelligent, sentient beings in their own right?" Yes! Each is a splendid being. Thank you for caring and for speaking eloquently on behalf of all animals.
@DrEdelPsychology Год назад
What a fascinating history and noble mission! Thank you.
@mclarenforever7798 Год назад
Please don't exploit animals, human the cruelest species.
@DearProfessorRF Год назад
I can't wait for the day I am abler to attend the summer conference.
@CoreyWrenn Год назад
An Irishman, William Drummond, actually wrote a book "Rights of Animals and Man's Obligation to Treat Them with Humanity" in 1838, not a British Oxford man decades later...
@DrEdelPsychology Год назад
This is an excellent example of human history and perhaps our interconnectedness, as so many outstanding ideas and inventions indeed happened at different places around the world within decades of each other. Perhaps Jung was correct, there is a collective consciousness. I have heard of William Drummond, and would like to explore his book. Thank you for pointing this out. He must have been a man of great intellect and ethics indeed.
@DearProfessorRF Год назад
Excellent presentation sir🙏🏻
@DearProfessorRF Год назад
My dear professor Sarah Bexell. How great to see her here attending again. ❤
@DearProfessorRF Год назад
I feel like at home in any “home of controversy” for animal right anytime of the day.
@leviathanworkshopltd.7245 Год назад
Fantastic work!
@lakehuron7733 Год назад
Eating animals and animal products cause us cancers, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia,...so tragically what we humans are debating is the right to cause pain, suffering and death in trillions of animals in order to cause pain, suffering and death in the millions of people.
@lakehuron7733 Год назад
Thank you for this discussion. For anyone interested please see: The Flaws and Human Harms of Animal Experimentation
@tierefuerimmer9635 Год назад
The way I see it: Save an animal use a:rapist, murderer, KKK member, serial killer, human traffickers, child molester etc. Basically anyone who's past redemption and has brutally and intentionally violated a person's basic rights. If they feel entitled to treat innocent people like dirt, it's only fair that they give their rights in exchange for the lives they ruined and they also save lives .
@MM-qp4pd 6 месяцев назад
There is a way to eliminate animal testing. Dr. Shiva Ayadurai created computer technology Cytosolve that helps eliminate animal testing. Dr. Shiva is the ONLY Presidential candidate who competent enough to explain this kind of science and invent it.
@mottstheapple 2 года назад
@dogblackprincehoney 2 года назад
Great video! Thank you.
@15ghostrunnindeaththrowsha31 3 года назад
GHOST 🦇🦇💯💯💯
@Saltylass 3 года назад
Such smart, focused people advocating for animals is Inspirational.
@g.reaper7946 3 года назад
We can calculate the rate at which other animals in the food chain at similar levels to us eat those below and then following that principle, we can divide the human population on the basis of this division, whilst manufacturing ‘healthy’ lab made meat
@DearProfessorRF Год назад
“Healthy” lab-made meat still requires the use of exploitation of animals, not to mention absurd amount of energy. It would only perpetuate the “thirst” for animal flesh.
@panes840 6 месяцев назад
​@@DearProfessorRF I sit on the fence with this. But as a vegan of 7years, I don't crave animal flesh/muscle or any animal fluid meant for a baby. The lab grown stuff is probably to appease the short sightened brainwashed folks who feel hard done by if they give up animals. Daft really but there you go. We have so many types of beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, wholegrains, fruits and vegetables for humans to say they can't thrive (as well as the nonsense around protein propagated by the animal agriculture industry) is just DAFT. Once your gut microbiome changes after a few weeks or months, the cravings for aninal flesh and fluids goes away.