Echad B'rikud Dance Ministry
Echad B'rikud Dance Ministry
Echad B'rikud Dance Ministry
El Gibor v' El Elyon   Choreography
2 года назад
Halleluhu Choreography
7 лет назад
Sukkot song choreography
7 лет назад
Adon Olam Dance
11 лет назад
Maranatha Feast of Trumpets 2012
12 лет назад
Passover 2012 - Shabechi
12 лет назад
Festivals Dance Program
12 лет назад
Oceanside Pier Outreach
12 лет назад
Unity Day dance celebration at NMC
12 лет назад
10 Virgins Dance Drama Trailer
13 лет назад
Hayeled Sheli
13 лет назад
El Adon
13 лет назад
Hanukkah at Horton Plaza
13 лет назад
Havdalah Dance - Rosh Hashanah 2010
14 лет назад
Ma Shmo
14 лет назад
UMJC SD Conf Dance "Modeh Ani"
15 лет назад
Passover '09 Dancing
15 лет назад
MJAA'09 Ashreinu
15 лет назад
Passover Dance
15 лет назад
Hanukkah 2008 Men's Dance
15 лет назад
Hanukkah 2008 UTC Dances
15 лет назад
@mariaconcepcion2982 3 месяца назад
Tengo 4 años viendo esta danza y cada vez me regocijo bendiciones para toda la comunidad Shalom y bendiciones
@ParkerPennies 4 месяца назад
Loved this. I can't believe how lucky we are to be living in the Messianic age. The Church age is almost over. The 1000 year Messianic kingdom age is upon us. Oy Vey!
@AnitaVeraAlice Год назад
@internationalsmiles 3 года назад
That’s not true.we celebrate all the biblical feast… Pastor Ray preach about them to celebrate them.
@estaleah 3 года назад
I love this dance and I’ve met Eli Segal at dance camp. The hand movements are spot on and i love the way you staged it by going from circle to lines to couples to circles. Great job.
@GoonerJak22 4 года назад
gotta love those palastinians......
@mconcepcionsoledad6832 4 года назад
Esta hermosa esta danza lo hacen con mucha alegria y regocijo para nuestro CREADOR
@ibanerjee50 4 года назад
Love the dance
@ibanerjee50 4 года назад
Love the dance
@ibanerjee50 4 года назад
@ibanerjee50 4 года назад
💝💝.... Waiting for New Jerusalem... Awesome dance....
@ibanerjee50 4 года назад
Wow nice dance... Love Israel
@ibanerjee50 4 года назад
Just 💝💝 the dance... Truly truly anointed heavenly....
@ibanerjee50 4 года назад
Love the beautiful song and dance...
@ajoogalini 4 года назад
Does anybody have the lyrics for this song?
@beautifulsunset6443 5 лет назад
Love it !!!
@janeysu7735 5 лет назад
i love this dance and song,toda lecha we also stand behind ouur messianic brothers and sisters ,may adonay yahshuwah blessed the whole congration yeshua ata hu melech ham lachim shalom from suriname, love you all
@concepcionsoledad5879 7 лет назад
con mucho animo le danzan porqué saben k es para HASHEM jasak jasak
@RonWallaceSafeHaven 8 лет назад
@rodriguez725 8 лет назад
@cheybaby568 8 лет назад
where did you get this song? can't find it anywhere.
@mariasoledad2488 8 лет назад
como me gozó viendo esta danza con la hermana más alta o mayor. me estimula yA k tengo 66 y quiero seguir danzandole a mi Adon
@rodriguez725 8 лет назад
@rodriguez725 8 лет назад
@JaronHaney 8 лет назад
Awesome! I love how the celebration got bigger and bigger. More and more people joined in dancing before the King of Kings Yeshua! All this right outside a hotel! God is good! May God bless all of y'all B'Shem Adoneinu V'Yeshuateinu Yeshua HaMashiach (In [The] Name [of] Our Lord And Our Salvation [Rescue, Deliverance..could also be Our Yeshua] Jesus [Yeshua actually means Salvation, Rescue, Deliverance] The Messiah)! Happy Hanukkah!
@JaronHaney 8 лет назад
HaShem is awesome! Tehillim (Psalms) 150!
@77Angelica1 9 лет назад
alguien tiene la letra de este canto? bendiciones. gracias
@174noi 10 лет назад
preciosoo!!!!! la verdad que desde que la vi me encanto ... :)
@luciabinet1372 11 лет назад
wooow que bella danza
@mrsmamacastro 11 лет назад
Music is to be expressed by the dancer. Let it be. I LIKE IT!!! AWESOME!
@mrsmamacastro 11 лет назад
@mrsmamacastro 11 лет назад
@PShawtx 11 лет назад
Maranatha Chapel only observes the Feast of Trumpets. The other feasts of God tlhey do not. There is no point in keeping it if you don't keep all of them. Feasts of God Levi 23 Bible.
@catalinamtz6337 11 лет назад
Hermosisimaaa !!! hashem Las Bendiga ♥
@Woofythewolf 11 лет назад
so much ruach!!! what shul is this shavuah tov Moshe
@sueavila1701 11 лет назад
@mercedeshunt1 12 лет назад
The Joy of the LORD is your strength..God bless you all....I love to see men dancing in the spirit of freedom for the LORD who gave HIS ALL....
@mercedeshunt1 12 лет назад
I love it! Praise the LORD! I shout for joy to the LORD for your freedom in the spirit! Hallelu Yah to Yeshua who has blessed you so.....
@BlakeToronto 12 лет назад
what the hell are they wearing????
@gettalong123 13 лет назад
does she have MS? I have the same symptoms as her.
@awapala5460 13 лет назад
Awesome and wonderful!
@awapala5460 13 лет назад
Baruch HaShem! Very beautiful, full of Avinu's love.
@ilovehiei 13 лет назад
Wooooo! Leonard! Go! Go! ~<3
@AwaitingGlory 13 лет назад
So upbeat! Great dancing and coordination, innovations. Also loving the dance costumes.
@slappy1234567 13 лет назад
For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11
@luis85031 14 лет назад
@LoveMessiah 14 лет назад
@KiraWei1 14 лет назад
Pretty though.
@aaliyahisrael 15 лет назад
shalom alechem its a beutifull dance i would like to know the person that sings the song