Kevin van Diest
Kevin van Diest
Kevin van Diest
Interested in cinematography, tips/tricks and gear? Join the fam!

ENGLISH: I'm a Dutch cinematographer and ambassador for both Panasonic LUMIX and BRESSER. Love video(photo), lighting and gear? Subscribe to my channel for short films, tips, tuts and gear!

DUTCH: Ik ben cinematograaf en zowel Panasonic LUMIX als BRESSER ambassadeur ..gek op het maken van video's en films, deel graag mijn short films, tips, tricks en gear met jullie! JOIN the fam en abonneer!

Website: kevinvandiest.com/
Instagram: instagram.com/kevin.van.diest/
Deviantart: www.deviantart.com/kevinvandiest
A change of plan ..(early 2024 resolutions)
8 месяцев назад
Cinematic Breakdown: Hallway set
9 месяцев назад
LUMIX GH6 VS S5IIX - Is de GH6 nu verslagen?
11 месяцев назад
@jamesmlodynia8757 5 дней назад
I have a 10-25 and I have several different primes from Panasonic and Olympus and even though the 10-25 is a good lens the size is a killer, so for me they all have their place.
@KevinvanDiest 5 дней назад
@@jamesmlodynia8757 true, in order to be such an all-in-one lens the size has to be larger. So for mft it’s a big lens, but compared to FF of course small. And I like the fact that even though it’s big it’s so lightweight
@madfinntech 9 дней назад
Is it just me, or are almost all the clips in this video overexposed by quite a lot? Does someone like that look?
@paperstacksfilms 9 дней назад
Apsc/super 35 is the best in my opinion
@KevinvanDiest 9 дней назад
@@paperstacksfilms thx for sharing. Left it out of this 2part sereisy
@NetvoTV 9 дней назад
MFT equivalent of Nikon Zf ith 28-400mm f4-8 isn't as good but weight nearly the same
@KevinvanDiest 9 дней назад
@@NetvoTV not really going into the comp between Nikon and LUMIX now …because that’s quite the obvious.
It’s a Leica lens and it’s $1500, so of course its great.
@KevinvanDiest 9 дней назад
@@PLANETWATERMELON well, I’ve tested lenses in past with serious brands which were still not so impressive..So I always look at the performance x usage and not the brand
@McSnappples 10 дней назад
Don't you think it's strange that it's primarily MEN that prefer full frame over other sensor sizes? I often work with and shoot with a lot of female DP's and photographers, and they have no issue with mixing up sensor sizes, as they can see the adaptability & versatility of doing so. But when you speak to a lot of younger, less experienced male DP's & photographers, all of them scream that the sensor size must be big! 😅🤣 Hey bro, are you compensating for something? 😋😂
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@McSnappples hahah could be…is that something about my package? 🤪🤣🤣🤣 Okay but seriously I think it has to do witch the fact that FF is like the standard now in photography and therefore people starting with film think that’s also the case with film. If Medium Format was the standard for photography then I bet people wanted to have Medium Format for film. They think it’ll make their photo and videos better …but as always it’s the skill and the sensor could be the proper tool when used in the right situation. Part2 of this video will be about Ff, curious what comments au will get then haha. Are you watching to then?
@McSnappples 10 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest well then you better not tell those people obsessed with full frame that the most popular sensor size in the world is the HALF INCH SENSOR found on Apple iPhones and used on the majority of other camera phone brands as well! More photos and videos worldwide are captured on half inch sensors than any other sensor size. And if you spend time on Instagram, you see the sheer scale of amazing images captured on those teeny, tiny sensors that are in fact a 5x crop of full frame! So yes, it's not the size of your sensor, but rather how you use it 😅🤣
@McSnappples 10 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest and yes, I'll be eagerly awaiting your full frame video as well. Not just for the video itself, but I'm curious about the comments too...
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@McSnappples hahah you’re right man. Had a good laugh 🤣🤣
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@McSnappples we’ll see … probably more people will agree so less interesting comments maybe
@edjefferson9175 10 дней назад
My favorite lens of all time is the Panasonic Leica 15mm f/1.7. I am considering a return to micro 4/3 for the 10-25 and GH7.
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@edjefferson9175 that is truly a great combo! Both the body and lens are so versatile. Fun fact, on MFT I never us AF primes simply because this 10-25mm does the same! People can’t see/ notice the difference…so for me it’s this lens and my cine primes.
@lonceyswildcairns333 10 дней назад
Come on man, it's neither here nor there! 😊❤
@filipmichalsaffray441 10 дней назад
BGH1 share the same sensor with GH5s...which I have but I read that it has more dynamic range do to newer processor...
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@filipmichalsaffray441 I’ve had the GH5s so for a short time, did not compare them side by side though…but have to say that it felt like the low light performance was a bit better on the BGH1
@filipmichalsaffray441 10 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest Yeah I still have GH5 5s and P4K and some MFT Lens...but I use mostly Lumix S5s . P4K and GH5s I use still sometimes P4K Blackmagic IQ one of the best in MFT. But WHO knows eith GH7 I maybe will reinvest in the system...Great Body Specs but Kind of late to the game
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@filipmichalsaffray441 late for sure. I wasn’t counting on a new flagship MFT ..though hoping for a BGH2
@constantsmile3370 10 дней назад
Sorry, but I definitely think full frame is far superior
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@constantsmile3370 no problem, part2 is about reasons for FF
@McSnappples 10 дней назад
For anyone that has shot for many years and has used a variety of systems, brands and sensor sizes, one thing is clear; MFT offers far more versatility Vs any other sensor sizes. If you're a run & gun filmmaker or a wildlife photographer, the ability to be able to travel light and remain inconspicuous is a massive advantage! And with speed boosters, MFT can be built up and down as needed. Again, a massive advantage Vs any other sensor sizes. And just like buying a car, every DP must identify and recognise their own unique set of circumstances and then build a camera system around that! For me, I gladly mix a variety of sensor sizes as I need them, depending on the job and the shot(s) required. Basically, I see MFT in the same way I see a great selection of lenses. Would you use a 16mm lens for an interview or talking shot? No, you wouldn't. But that same 16mm is excellent at making a small space appear MASSIVE! That's the advantage of MFT. Unmatched versatility & adaptability! And personally, I prefer true medium format images over FF, as that offers far more dynamic range and light gathering than FF does. And the images of true medium format also appears more 3D than FF or other smaller sensor sizes. But it doesn't offer the flexibility and versatility of MFT. So the answer: Use them ALL! MFT when needed. APS-C or Super 35 when needed. FF when needed. And the exquisite beauty of true medium format when needed. So if you have a chance, pick up an MFT camera, I'd recommended the Lumix G9ii and of course the incredible Lumix GH7 if you can get your hand one on right now, and you'll instantly see how versatile and adaptable that system can be. Will it replace FF? No! Of course not! But does MFT offer incredible creative opportunities over other sensor sizes? Absolutely YES! Simply put, use them all! That's what the world's best DP's and photographers do Sorry for my essay 😂 And if you've read this far, I thank you and hope you have an amazing day or night wherever you are in the world.
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@McSnappples awesome input, thank you. Totally right. Unfortunately lots of people say MFT isn’t good enough, simply by watching reviews instead of having their own experience with it. Often spoke with people during trainings or workshops about MFT being bad but never used it before! What is it with people? Simply making someone’s opinion as their own? Lots of people aren’t even aware of the fact that lots of films they love to watch aren’t shot on FF. Indeed, the MFT is more than only IQ. It’s a system and I love it because of that, it’s the workflow that I love, the options with lenses, the wide open shots without to much shallow DOF. Thx for the input. 👌🏼👌🏼😉
@McSnappples 10 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest Cannes 2024 has not one but two films shot on the BMPCC 4K invited to their film festival. That's two MFT sensor cameras being good enough for arguably the most prestigious film festival in the world. In other words, if sensor sizes smaller than full frame are good enough for Roger Deakins, George Lucas, Netflix, Hollywood, Arri, the Oscars and most notably the Palme d'Or, then YES, they are more than good enough for the rest of us! Use the best tool for the individual shot required. It's that simple.
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@McSnappples exactly man! What is it with people always liking one thing and instantly hating the rest? Both can be good, if only used properly. That’s why I currently used both the FF and MFT. Used aPs-c in the past too. I think people are missing out by this way of thinking, not giving themselves the opportunity to using the potential of other sensors(tools).
@JJARCHIE 10 дней назад
Mft is at its sweet spot and nearing its limit. The z6iii brought a 24mp ff with 6k60 internal raw , 4k120 with apsc crop and 9-10ms of rolling shutter for a lot less than the a7s3 offered. Wont be long until sony drops this on zve2 and have it be 2k or less ( the a7s4 is goibg use the same sensor reportedly )
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@JJARCHIE well. We’ll see… I mean, people are saying MfT is dead for years, yet LUMIX came and chocked the world with both the GH6 and GH7
@JJARCHIE 10 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest There hasnt been much camera that can do uncropped 4k60 and pull insane bitrates without overheating before z6iii now they cant really pull much out of it , the density is a downward hill - the one thing they can do like uncropped 4k60, no overheats and raw is now matched with 4k120 soon with no crop. Their rolling shutter isnt even that good since the z6iii pulls 14ms and the fast sensor advantages dissapear. Lumix pulls the ibis to ff and achieves what their mft lineup can , once the s5iii gets the z6iii's sensor then its over. Comparable in ibis and rolling shutter Larger sensor 1-1,5 stop better in low light Lets not even note that the a7v is usiang a semi/full stacked 33mp sensor , a 7k60 would be monstrous
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@JJARCHIE yeah LUMIX also has focus on their FF line up which is looking good already. It’s compact (even lenses), comparable I.S. performance, the amount of output options ..very promising
@sebastienblanchetiere1323 9 дней назад
The Z6iii costs 3000€, doesn't have a fan and the GH7 has more dynamic range (Stack sensor is not magical, Less rolling shutter but less dynamic range)
@JJARCHIE 9 дней назад
@@sebastienblanchetiere1323 gh7 has 11,2 - a proper entry stacked xh2s has 12. Oh would you look at that. sure , The semistack 24 isnt really tuned that great by nikon , but it still does 11+ dr for a sensor double the size, problem is the a7s4 will fix it and match a7s3's 12,4 - and then what. The z6iii doesnt have fan - yes , so they can just throw in a fan if they want , but even without it , it doesnt overheat that much. The z6iii being a hybrid looms over the mft cinema cams more so than any other ff cams ever. And thats coming from the smallest of the fullframe competitors. Arent you afraid of what the s5iii will pull ? The eventual 4k120 no crop and matching ibis with no overheat ? The fact that z6iii launches at 2,5k and will go down more ?
@rMr.big13 10 дней назад
What a stupid video
@cyborgchimpy 10 дней назад
great looking video man. just a TAD dark, otherwise great vid!
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@cyborgchimpy thx man… yeah always on the edge. Worked with green screen for this series so that’s always more of a struggle. Next episode will be the same..probably the last green screen I’m gonna use. Simply because it’s a pain in the ***. Seeing you in the next part? 👍🏼
@cyborgchimpy 10 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest ya know what, yeah. I subbed. supporting a fellow Dutchy ;) and I'm an MFT fanboy so let's gooo.
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@cyborgchimpy great having you! Another MFT fanboy… let’s enjoy this awesome time where we have such great gear to pick from!
@McSnappples 10 дней назад
Maybe your eyes are aging a bit 😉😂
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@McSnappples mine or his?
@thomasa.243 11 дней назад
2 more reasons, I would add: 1. Price: With the OM-1(ii) and G9ii, you actually get a very high end camera for half the price of what you would pay for a full frame equivalent. 2. You can get more tele range out of the box. But you lose in the wide angle. No pro without a con, I guess
@KevinvanDiest 11 дней назад
@@thomasa.243 yeah good addition, totally right. Keep them coming people!!
@sebastienblanchetiere1323 11 дней назад
You didn't mention rolling shutter wich is more important on full frame sensor
@KevinvanDiest 11 дней назад
@@sebastienblanchetiere1323 thx for adding. True. Rolling shutter is something that’s less on MFT due to smaller sensor. Another pro for MFT.
@2004Ches 11 дней назад
Nice😡 I just bought the s5 and now I have to switch to MFT?? lol just joking🤣. Thanks for the vid BTW🙏. Keep them rolling m8💪
@KevinvanDiest 11 дней назад
@@2004Ches Part2 of this series is coming, reasons for FF. No worries mate, you’re good😉👌🏼
@2004Ches 11 дней назад
@rMr.big13 11 дней назад
@KevinvanDiest 11 дней назад
@@rMr.big13 good for you👌🏼
@McSnappples 10 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest okay, reading through the comments, my point about younger, less experienced DP's obsessed about big sensors has now been proven! A guy literally called 'Mr big' is laughing at your video about a smaller sensor size. Are you compensating for something? 😅🤣
@KevinvanDiest 10 дней назад
@@McSnappples 🤣🤣🤣 now I’m lmao
@dangerrayy 21 день назад
How long have you had the bgh1? Would be great to see a project shot with it 👍
@KevinvanDiest 21 день назад
A few years…some of my shorts were shot with it, also quite a few YT videos. I’m constantly switching between BGH1 and GH6 and since the S5IIX als with that one. I’m not sure if I have a project which is only shot with one same camera
@2004Ches 21 день назад
Sry for my late reaction but nice vid and tu🙏for sharing ur set up👍
@KevinvanDiest 21 день назад
Hahah no problem man! Thx for your support as always🤜🏼🤜🏼
@liuliu-ue2hf 22 дня назад
Great for sharing! Do you have ideas for a camera cage? Maybe can attach more accessories.
@KevinvanDiest 22 дня назад
The one I use is the Black Mamba from Smallrig. Nice one, but minimal though
@psysword 29 дней назад
Gh7 doesn't support 12 bit raw internal recording. Since I record with my atomos Ninja in 12 bit ra, gh7 has nothing over my gh6 in my cinematic film making where I never use auto focus. Though a nice addition to have.
@KevinvanDiest 29 дней назад
Totally true. Gh7 is great for having the internal option for those without an atomos or work with 10bit (me!). The AF is great for my talking head YT vids ..but the Gh6 already does a good enough job at that (no mostly using cinelenses so…
@pragmaticfilmmaking 19 дней назад
According to Sean from Lumix, it is 12-bit raw internally. I was thinking the same as 12-bit internally isn't mentioned in the specs but is mentioned for external recording.
@KevinvanDiest 19 дней назад
@@pragmaticfilmmaking thx so much for your input I have to be honest, I haven't been able to check it with Lumix .. because there's indeed nothing mentioned in de camera with internal recording raw. I didn't have enough time to fully test it and check all the fact, due to the short time I had the sample and also had to meet the embargo. I will check it when I have the GH7 back (final version) and let you know when I know ;)
@pragmaticfilmmaking 19 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest Thanks and I'm looking forward to it.
@martysender5539 29 дней назад
No UFO detection? Pass
@iamalexchua Месяц назад
Lots of creators are pushing the GH7 because and only because the camera space is slow. Most fail to answer its usability in the field especially if you are in a dark space and you do not have and cannot set up lights. Most videographers are working in run and gun situations and a sensor that size means that it will struggle in the dark.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
nope, not really true. I think you should have started with the 'for the run and gun (wedding) shooters who are more like making videos (capture moment) instead of doing film (creating visuals). The latter is what the GH7 is perfect for, so for those who use lighting to create the cinematic visual. If you're more like the first user, than I understand what you mean(totally) and then the full frame sensor of the S5IIX could be the saver choice. But then again ..why stop there and go even larger: Medium Format 😉
@iamalexchua Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest I kind of not understand what your saying but I’m trying to understand it and I think I get what you mean. Medium format for run and gun film making? Yes. That would be great but there is none that is made for run and gun filmmaking that is affordable for the general people. What I’m saying here is that a good camera should be functional in all situations and yes, GH7 looks and sounds good on paper but we are yet to see it do good in real life.
@KevinvanDiest 29 дней назад
@@iamalexchua Okay, you truly made me laugh. Yes, the universal struggle of 'good camera for all situations' . Let me help you with that one: Never gonna happen man, impossible. Just think about it ...'all situations' ...that mean it must be big enough to fully add accessories on it, but then again so compact that it fits your back pocket, shooting in total darkness but then also at sunny beaches with at least 6K resolution (why stop there? Let's do 8K) but than with the at least 7,5stops built-in IS ..oh yeah, don't forget the 300 fps slomo of course and the lack of a fan so it stays compact....and so on and so on. I hope you get what I mean.
@iamalexchua 29 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest of course. There will never be a perfect camera. My initial point was this: RU-vidrs will hype a product for the sole purpose of making content regardless of how good or how bad a camera is. There is no integrity in this space anymore. If Sony drops a new camera tomorrow, everyone will say “this is the best camera ever”.
@KevinvanDiest 29 дней назад
@@iamalexchua please don't make me as one of those 'everything for the content YT'ers' because I you're following my channel you know I'm just not one of them. As a matter of fact, please watch my recent 'YT rant reaction on the LUMIX drama' and my '1K subs' video where I discuss the fact that I only make content for myself and never follow the hype or flow. Just watch and them come back to me alright ;) Here they are: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-MKzR_zCDxUE.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zefrDBuUV9I.html
@GrenlandUnderVann Месяц назад
How can I edit the ProRes RAW with DaVinci Resolve?
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Good question ..and I'm gonna be honest, didn't test the Raw workflow on DR (yet). Sorry this was quite a rush review project so only had time to use/test it on my main software Premiere Pro. I will of course check it when I have a full functional (final version) of the GH7 back in my possession.
@lumixS5M2 Месяц назад
only be one the best :), Nederlands tongval ;)
@KevinvanDiest 28 дней назад
Thanks for watching ;)
@martysender5539 Месяц назад
It has no UFO detection mode....pass!
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Okay, good input. I’ll pass it on to LUMIX😉 maybe for there GH7X(-files)
@mcronfpv8736 Месяц назад
The a7s 3 is over rated. Id rather shoot 80% of my project with a gh6+AF=gh7
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Yeah,.. there a bit of hype in that one and people are easily influenced. But then again, there are no bad camera out there nowadays
@jumbi555 Месяц назад
Great job with the video and explanation - looking forward to more content!
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Thx! Great to hear that. More is coming😉
@2004Ches Месяц назад
Nice man and thanks 4 the review 🙏
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Thx dude! 🤜🏼🤜🏼
@eelco6587 Месяц назад
Gefeliciteerd en leuk dat ze jou hebben geselecteerd als eerste! Een mooi compliment. Wat mij opviel in de specs van Panasonic dat er staat BSI CMOS sensor. Bij de G9II staat Live MOS sensor. Zou het dan toch een nieuwe sensor zijn? Andere reviewers gaven aan dat het dezelfde sensor zou zijn.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Hey thanks ..ja één vd eersten denk ik ..zeker gaaf. Moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik de G9II niet heb getest, maar alleen al de benaming zou inderdaad op andere sensor moeten wijzen. BSI is bedoeld om nog sneller dat af uit te kunnen lezen. Het lijkt mij zeker niet dezelfde sensor gezien de hoge output nu …of ze hebben de G9II zwaar gelimiteerd in output.
@eelco6587 Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest Welke output bedoel je? Want op dat vlak zie ik weinig verschil tussen beide camera's. Beide kunnen 75fps in fotomodus, allebei maximaal 5.8k 30 en 4K 120 video en ook kunnen beide ProRes extern opslaan op een SSD. Ik vermoed dat de interne ProRes van GH7 ook wel komt door de CFexpress slot, omdat die bij de G9II ontbreekt.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
@@eelco6587 intern RAW opname, kan dus zijn dat hiervoor wel snel uit leesbare sensor nodig is. Maar nogmaals, heb hem niet getest al lijkt het mij sterk..ook gezien dit het flagship model film is en G99ii photo
@2004Ches Месяц назад
Exiting!!!! Love to see ur review 👍.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Thanks man!! Almost done😉
@AlexReinholdsson Месяц назад
Love it🙏🏼
@AlexReinholdsson Месяц назад
Also released my video on it :)
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Same outside, new inside!
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
@@AlexReinholdsson that new Log C3 was new for me
@AlexReinholdsson Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest yeah same here, missed that in the video
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
@@AlexReinholdsson they purposely left that out
@angryrabbitproductions1690 Месяц назад
Flappy wings! There, I said it. This is the biggest problem of anamorphics that most people don’t realize. Let me explain. Classic anamorphic lenses often have either barrel or pincushion distortion. Assuming the image is kept level, this might be perfectly fine. However, if you’re moving the camera and you tilt up or down, it will cause the edges of the image to appear to bend up and down like wings flapping. It’s a nausea inducing effect. The more pronounced lens distortion, the more intense the effect becomes. I don’t think I’ve seen any videos on this.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
This is indeed an issue (for me too) but apparently that’s not shared with everyone. Lots are filming quite some moving shots with (strong) anamorphic lenses..something I always avoid due to those ‘laughing mirror’ effects. Therefore I stand for only static (or very slow moving) shots. Thx for the input, that is indeed another unspoken issue😉
@angeloplayforone Месяц назад
Great video about the S9. You made a lot of points about reviews. You have to understand that many look at this cameras as professional RU-vidrs looking for click which leads to revenue for them. Many of this reviewers have the wrong perception that all new cameras has to have new technology. Hence the negative towards the S9. Another point is that other reviewers are full time photographers and videographers who are not dependent on You Tube as their main source of income. That is one of the issues that Gerald Undone does not understand. This guys does not needs click to gather revenue from You Tube. This groups of reviewers look at the camera from their user case and apply criteria’s that are most important for their professional user case, hence without knowing introduce a bias. They cannot grasp the issue that a camera is not created for professionals. You sound like somebody speaking Dutch as native language. If that the case you need to understand that not every one wants to know the truth as was the case with Gerald Undone. Lumix was honest with Gerald, but he took this personal and an offense. As Robin Wong said it in his blogspot if you are not invited then you are not important. This may have trigger Gerald Undone to make a video as he feels offended by Lumix to not invite him. His video had many inconsistent and contradicting arguments. He said that he doesn’t review cameras as trip. As a manufacturer organizing an event we’re the engineers are present. So why invite someone which does not review the product on site and give feedback to engineers but pays all his expenses.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
thanks a lot for your time and effort in replying and sharing your thoughts. I do agree with you. Like I said this is just something I normally do but I was just done with reviews lately and this Lumix s9 drama reached my limit. Viewers/followers do take your word as kind of the truth, so stay objective and true ..and of course opinions are always welcome, it add value but as long as the review is properly done. Yeah I'm Dutch ..why? Didn't quite understand that part. As in Dutch people aren't interested in this issue/ developmen, you mean? You saw my S9 review yes? Thanks, still gonna do another more in-depth video about the concept and app ...because my demo version wasn't fully working on that matter.
@angeloplayforone Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest Most Dutch tend to be honest and that may be rude in other cultures. This means that for you, what the Lumix representative said to Gerald is honest, but from another perspective he sees this as an offense to him. Sorry for that, but needed to clarify what I meant. No, I didn’t saw your review, will watch it later. Even voor duidelijkheid, ik ben ook uit Nederland.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
@@angeloplayforone hahah dude!! Welkom! Ah I understand now, that true indeed! We are quite honest compared to other countries.
@NYCMDP Месяц назад
So the problem w 2x anamorphic is using them with crappy dslrs that don’t offer open gate. Noted.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
True …so using the MFT is a good solution because then you capture the total image offered by the lens. Then in order to get the usual cinema ratio you only need a small crop on the side. Advantage of MFT OG is that no crop on sensor takes place and therefore you fully utilize the anamorphic character like the full barrel distortion. DSLR’s are not even an option for shooting video (not to mention anamorphic), they’re meant for photography
@NYCMDP Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest mft og is nice for things like Vazen mft but for something full frame Blazar Remus, you’d be cropping out all the barreldistortion w that small sensor. I’d recommend Panasonic, z cam, or something that can do a 24mm height sensor capture
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
@@NYCMDP of course using FF lenses on MFT isn’t ideal, so using anamorphic adapters can be a nice solution. Because the taking lens will properly cover the MFT sensor so you’ll enjoy the full anamorphic character. Remus isn’t ideal, than I’d switch to my S5IIX ..but then again I far as I know the Remus isn’t really full frame in coverage. For that reason I do like the 2x character, but prefer using 1.5-1.6x, nice not too obvious character and getting a nice usable ratio. And if I use 2x I often use it without crops, even though it’s wider than cinema ratio.
@Gadgetsjon Месяц назад
Perspective is key! Great video.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Indeed ..thx man! 🤜🏼
@KofiYeboah Месяц назад
Thank you for lending your voice! 🙏🏾 you approached this topic with class and respect I respect it
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Thanks Kofi, that truly means a lot! I'm usually not like this, this is my first 'rant' video ...but I seriously felt like it was time to speak up for the brand, for fellow-reviewers and upcoming influencers. Thanks again 👊🏼
@KofiYeboah Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest anytime !
@jw112mail Месяц назад
No mechanical shutter so it's poor option for photography due to banding and picture quality. Very limited record time length. No EVF. Manny Ortiz's vid clearly shows the camera struggles with focusing really bad. No headphone jack. The PROs?: Stabilization is top notch. If you are a Lumix fanboy buy a Lumix s5ii.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Thanks for your reaction and effort ...you're kinda generalising though, banding when moving much or fast moving subject, yes. Funny, back in the days when cameras came with electronic shutters, people were switching because it has its pro's. Focussing really bad? Really? Have you tried it yourself? It's comparible with Sony, so good enough. (but then again I'm MF shooter) No EVF, that I can understand from the perspective of a photographer. But honestly, the Lumix S9 target user is mainly a smartphone shooter (you know this right?). No headphone jack? Again, does the target user really need this? (because having this small of a body comes with compromises ..and headphone jack is that important ...again for the target user) Are you the target user? Keep in mind, the concept of this camera is fast (shoot- share) with the most compact 'stylish' body. So of course is missed features from the S5II, but that's totally irrelevant ..since this isn't the S5III.
@eelco6587 Месяц назад
Heel toffe camera. Eindelijk weer wat mooie designs in de toch voornamelijk lelijke fullframe camera design wereld en ook in compact jasje met behoud van veel mogelijkheden. Alleen mis ik wel erg het ontbreken van een EVF. Dan zou het wel een A7CII achtige camera zijn, die tenminste mooi is om te zien en dan van een merk die ik wel wil hebben😂. Hopelijk brengen ze deze ook uit voor M43 uit. Ik heb de GX9 die is qua bediening niet zo fijn door het ontbreken van focus joystick en met de human detectie zou dat echt een perfecte straatfotografie camera zijn. Ik heb een mooie collectie M glas met een adapter past dat erg mooi op een formaat als de S9. Met een EVF zou het mijns inziens ook als alternatief voor de dure digitale Leica M bodies kunnen zijn. Ben ik de enige die steeds aan Samsung Galaxy telefoons denkt bij de naam S9😅.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Ja vind het ook een gaaf design en die kleuren maken het nu nog persoonlijk ook. Ja EVF is voor fotografie top en daarom zou dan juist een MFT versie hiervan perfect zijn omdat er dan nog wel ruimte over kan zijn omdat sensor kleiner is. Maarrr blijft lastig om compact te houden. Ik kijk ernaar uit om met echt final sample aan de slag te mogen, de app te testen en mijn volledige review hierover te geven! Dus blijf lekker hangen😉
@eelco6587 Месяц назад
Ik blijf je zeker volgen, ben benieuwd. Weet je zo wanneer de LUT app beschikbaar komt? Ik las ergens dat die ook geschikt zou zijn voor de G9II. Ik was nog bij de KE Videografie workshop die je gaf in Amsterdam met mijn G9II. Dan heb je er een gezicht bij.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
@@eelco6587 ah kerel! Leuk je hier te treffen. Ik heb nog niet bevestigd gekregen dat deze app met ander camera’s werkt …maar ik heb de app dus zal het even testen met m’n GH6 en S5IIX zsm😉
@eelco6587 Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest Ja wederzijds! Was een leuke workshop! Ik vond op 43rumors een bericht dat de connectiviteit met G9II en S5II(X) gepland staat. Nog even geduld dus voor niet insiders 🙃. Gisteren gaf mijn G9II plotseling problemen met het achterste scrolwieltje bij de menu/set knop. Die luistert niet meer en gaat willekeurig zowel naar boven als naar beneden als ik 1 kant op scrol. Vanochtend heb ik hem daarom maar langsgebracht bij de fotowinkel. Wel balen. Hoop dat ze het snel kunnen maken.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
@@eelco6587 ah dat is pech zeg, heb zelf nooit dergelijk issues gehad met de bodies die heb gebruikt/ gebruik. Maar dat natuurlijk gebeuren. Ja nog even wachten dus😉
@CZOV Месяц назад
At this point i am getting out my FF with 15-35 or 24-70 2.8 and forgetting this 3.5 lens ever exist as it is larger and more expensive than my FF kit, and have a 20-50 range which is meh.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
hahah, thx I had a good laugh. Hey man (canon user?), whatever suits you best. No worries ..thanks for sharing, but ..Don't really think you understand the advantage of using this F1.7 (yes, not 3.5) on MFT ..thought I was clear, but maybe not. Just think about this; I also got FF with F1.8 and F2.8 lenses ..and still I prefer this F1.7 in most of my cases (video & film). But then again, I'm not like the typical 'max shallow DOF bokeh lover'.. If you are, then you're totally right.
@DarrenLeBlancx 6 дней назад
@@KevinvanDiest His point about f3.5 is that the depth of field on MFT for 1.7 is equivalent to f3.4 on full frame. But the light gathering is still 1.7, so it's really a fair statement - just relevant to the depth of field. I have the 25-50mm and it's wonderful.
@KevinvanDiest 6 дней назад
@@DarrenLeBlancx enjoy it, very nice one
@2004Ches Месяц назад
Thanks 4 sharing and looking forward to the revieuw. 🤞🙏
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Thx man! Yes waiting for a final S9 version😉
@Valerossi0 Месяц назад
black mamba vs falcam ? :). Vind de keuze moeilijk.
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
Ik heb de Mamba cage voor mijn GH6, die is super. Cage technisch zeg ik Mamba, voor overige accessoires vind ik Falcam super ..beetje duur wel.
@Guillaume9 Месяц назад
"new standard" ... well it is pretty much a bit less old than cinema itself standart, the well known cinema scope come from 35mm 4:3 with 2x anamorphic to mimic 70mm (65) film so that's much infomation forgot than not known
@KevinvanDiest Месяц назад
True, and good to see you’re aware of it too. Nevertheless for the majority of shooters out there it’s new and becoming more like the standard. Same goes for the Open Gate and the true purpose of it.
@2004Ches 2 месяца назад
Thanks again m8. Keep them coming💪
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
Thx buddy! I will for sure😉🤜🏼
@martinr2962 2 месяца назад
I bought it three years ago. Became instantly my daily driver. Does a great job on weddings both on my G9 bodies and now on my G9m2. Its bigger sister, the 25-50/1.7 is even a bit bulkier, but is also a great lens for those special situations, when the 42.5/1.2 offers not enough flexibility.
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
I see you got them both, that’s a great pair! Yeah it’s just great having that f1.7 over that total range.
@JoshGloverMedia 2 месяца назад
I wouldn’t say it’s unspoken (it’s why we are seeing a bunch of 1.5x options) or even all that important. All that matters is the actual sensor height and vertical resolution. My workflow is the same whether I’m shooting 4:3 on a GH5 or 17x9 on a C70. The sensor ratio cuts off the sides, or I do in post. Either way the edge of the image circle gets cut off. I monitor the centre 4:3 portion regardless.
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
I understand what you’re saying, in your case it’s just your workflow I guess. It is unspoken though..and it’s quite important since it does impact your overall composition. Not to mention the impact on the actual field of view after crop, which will be different from what the lens in fact delivers. Only when using center framing the amount of crop from sides can be less important (for me it would still be important). For me the sensor usage(aspect ratio) is way more important than resolution. Because 6K or 2K doesn’t matter for the total shot, shooting 4K MFT open vs 4K 16:9 results in a totally different shot after cropping to let’s say the cinema 2.39:1. But that’s just what I think. Your workflow can work perfect for you of course😉
@JoshGloverMedia 2 месяца назад
@@KevinvanDiest I went from shooting 4k OG MFT to shooting 4k 17:9 on my C70 and my lens acts the same because the sensor height is virtually the same, but you’re telling me the shots will be totally different. The only thing that will change the FOV is sensor height. Anyone shooting 2x and in the market for a camera shouldn’t care about aspect ratio, they should care about physical sensor height.
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
@@JoshGloverMedia hey man, great hearing it works for you. As long as it suits your workflow and needs right.
@willcarter7079 2 месяца назад
As a sound guy it really bothers me that you are holding that microphone
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
Yeah and you should! (Being a sound guy) Normally using a boom but honestly didn’t had the time so just held it this way …better sound than putting it on me (clearer sound)
@toolizcool 2 месяца назад
Yes, when using 2x anamorphic lenses, please use the 6:5 sensor format, or at the least, use frame lines in monitoring.
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
By this you mean the 6:5 crop on a 3:2 sensor right?
@toolizcool 2 месяца назад
@@KevinvanDiest Yes, pretty much. Alexa 35, Venice 1&2, and Red all have a 6:5 cropped mode.
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
Interesting talk! Okay, but how about the crop then? It's not only cropping out the unnecessary 'wider' part, but you also the top and bottom part compared to OG (total field of view). Don't you mind always only use crops of the total image, the total field of view? Would it be better(more time consuming though) to use OG and then desqueeze in post ( and then crop to get the 2.4:1)? Then you'll have more image.
@toolizcool Месяц назад
@@KevinvanDiest Yes, you will miss out on the extra sensor space and resolution which could be useful for reframing in post. It's a trade off with file sizes. Also, if you use crop 6:5, you can access higher frame rates for slow motion than open gate on some of these cameras like the Alexa 35. Another thing to keep in mind is that most anamorphic lenses cannot cover open gate on a lot of sensors, as their image circles are often small, especially Hawk anamorphics amongst others. CineD has a great lens coverage tool to check this. You can also use an expander if you don't mind the loss of light.
@EmberSkyMedia 2 месяца назад
I've been playing around with a 2X anamorphic (MFT) but when I use it on a normal camera 16:9 aspect ratio its as you pointed out, unusable and once you start cropping that much of off the sides your final resolution is signfiicantly decreased and the image appears "smeared" so its something to defienetly keep in mind when you go out to get one of these lenses that if you are NOT on MFT then somethink like 1.5-1.8x might be a better buy (as 1.33x and less doesn't give enough bokeh oval to really justify the expense and complexities of anamorphic IMHO).
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
Yes totally agree, I’d advice you to use 1.6x at max. That’s already quite extreme with a 16:9 sensor/recording.
@EmberSkyMedia 2 месяца назад
@@KevinvanDiest agreed for those who use 16:9 but 3:2 and 4:3 can get away with the wider anamorphics.
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
@@EmberSkyMedia yeah but have you used 1.6x on 3:2 sensor already? That’s already quite max ratio I’d say😉
@EmberSkyMedia 2 месяца назад
@@KevinvanDiest no i have not as I'm using MFT with Open Gate is 4:3 at the moment.
@KevinvanDiest 2 месяца назад
@@EmberSkyMedia in that case, keep going strong..you got the perfect sensor for this. Using 1.6x is easy without any crop ..even 1.8x can be used without any crop. Enjoy!