Northampton Neighbors
Northampton Neighbors
Northampton Neighbors
Candace Currie : The Way To Go: Green Burials
4 месяца назад
Vivien Weiss: Easing the Way for Others
6 месяцев назад
Northampton Neighbors Membership Meeting 2023
8 месяцев назад
Kelsey Flynn: My Improvised Life
Год назад
Martha Hanner: Exploring Our Solar System
2 года назад
Karen Foster: All Out Adventures
2 года назад
Lisa Downing and Dylan Gaffney:
2 года назад
@tiffanyohara6364 3 месяца назад
Sophy dear, i met you years ago in Marin County California. This is nutty, but you might remember my sending you, in an envelope through the mail., A little gift. Soft Cloth Kleenex box cover. When i went to your presentation and met you face to face, you asked me if the little gift was a tea cozy. I explained that i had a design/export business and the Kleenex box cover was from one of my lines. Do you recall that? It was so long ago you probably don't recall. Anyway, that is a quirky little incident which you just may remember. It identifies me!! I also know Suzanne Guiseman, through IANDS and Serenity Spiritualist Church in San Francisco where she did a presentation a few years back. What i want to talk to you about is a very good cause that will help many people. Check your intuition, if it feels right to respond to me please do so through writerstemple@gmail ,com. If it does not 'click', i understand, a Higher Power determines these things, not us and i will not feel rejected. See you in THE LIGHT!!!
@joelobryan1212 3 месяца назад
say “No!” to the climate scam. The climate religion has devolved into a cultish, pagan belief system centered around a belief in fossil fuel CO2 sins.
@jeanenestermer17 4 месяца назад
What a joy! I bought this book many years ago.
@kirstenmerrild4865 4 месяца назад
Hej fra Danmark. Jeg vil gerne høre, om du har eller har haft kontakt med identiteter fra UFOs?
@deannelehnertz-hansen2100 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful I Believe 🕊💞🪽
@fieldweber9943 5 месяцев назад
more stories from SOPHY 💕
@valetabruce130 5 месяцев назад
Sophy, every cell of my body, heart, mind and spirit, responds to the goodness and love communication intuitively and well meaning for all our betterment. What validation to share this conversation with this community. Sensing your freedom. Love love. V
@Chadf838 5 месяцев назад
left some Amherst venues out (well, he came in ’77?) like all the spots dwn twn. Just 1 example I saw, at QuickSilver’s (now McMurphy’s) “Quick Silver Msg Service” in ’71 or’2, but plenty more, plus the Dead on lawn @ the pond UMass, original Drake’n more.
@TheSherriLouise 5 месяцев назад
I LOVE listening to Sophy! She is SO gentle and lovely and informative! Thank you and blessings to you both!
@ellengrobman3729 5 месяцев назад
What a wonderful, deeply informative and caring talk. Great talk about a difficult but totally normal topic-illness and death. Thank you!!
@annettehordov5030 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Sophie - loved your talk and learned so much - since my husband suddenly passed two years ago I am often overcome by fear of being alone but now feel comforted knowing angels are close by helping me ❤
@3in2Art 6 месяцев назад
Thank you! 🙏🏻🥰😇
@b.comeau2597 6 месяцев назад
What a thoroughly fascinating and delightful discussion with Sophie! I have never heard of her before and look forward to purchasing her book about angels! I experienced a kayak accident several years ago in late August on the Salmon River in Idaho and was caught under a snag ( downed tree) in whitewater rapids. I desperately tried to pull myself up out of the washing machine turbulence of water with no luck several times , until I realized that I was going to drown and my husband would be taking me home in a body bag. I relaxed and all of a sudden in my minds eye to the left, an oval appeared with my immediate family animatedly shouting, fight it, fight it…don’t give up, and so I became angry instead and pushed against the tree fork instead of pulling upwards which made me tumble down to the gravelly rocky bottom and pop up on the other side of the snag which made me surface. The current pushed me down the river where my husband who was clinging to another tree along the bank, reached out and caught me. Broke several ribs and gashed my nose but I emerged alive. The guides who were in a kayak behind us said they had never recovered anyone alive from such conditions before. I ended up becoming a new adoptive first time mom at the age of 46 in December of the same year! In this situation, I didn’t see any angels but my immediate family members. I wish Sophie could see this and comment. Blessings! Thank you for the opportunity to view this wonderful video presentation!
@lucstendingnewsvideos 6 месяцев назад
Hello, Sophy. I want to turn out just like you as I get older. I love your calm and great knowledge! I love you very much. 💜💜💜
@kikiseable 6 месяцев назад
Thanks to both of you!
@kikiseable 6 месяцев назад
You are an angel Sophie!
@laurafahey542 6 месяцев назад
Wings some say no others say yes yet history
@heather6511 6 месяцев назад
Brilliant discussion and message 💠 wow so much gratitude for finding you Sophie on Suzanne Giesemsemann's podcast Discovering the Angelic Realm: Thank you and much Love to all on this life journey. 💠
@judithpreston7795 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Sophy.❤
@jenifermullin7168 6 месяцев назад
Doorways matter!!!🚪💡🕯️ Animals count!!❤️‍🔥
@jenifermullin7168 6 месяцев назад
I've been assisted by Angels. We forgot that they are* here! To protect Us- Human beings. They serve Us*, Messengers and Helpers as sent from God.❤ God is faithful. And We have the Holy Spirit in Us- to confirm to Us* what We experience. ❤️‍🔥
@townlily 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this wonderful video. Angels are not from here. They never lived here. Guides are people who lived before and help us. Ghost can be good or bad like people. We can meet them in this life or know them before birth. These three groups are very different when we experience them. Angels have a power that a ghost no matter how good has. Angels are pure love. I used to give courses on Angels and meditation. I also see the dead and have been asked to give messages to their loved ones. It usually has to do with life and death or deep sorrow on the part of the loved one. I get no rest until I tell them and usually the person I talk to tells me more about what's going on. We are never alone nor unloved. BTW, there's magic in Prayer, we can manfest through Prayer so it is not all bad or seeking power.
@jodyhuston1516 6 месяцев назад
Sophie! I’m so glad to find you here today ~ I’ve just purchased your book on Angels, as a matter of fact I’m waiting for Amazon to deliver it right now! I found myself quite drawn to your eyes and voice as you spoke to us, a beautiful truth in them. Thank you for sharing your experiences! I’ve been speaking to my angels almost daily for about 35 years now. I’ve never seen them but I feel they are there when I ask them for urgent 56:27 protection or some small request for help. They’ve never failed me. I’m quietly, deeply grateful for them. I ask every day for the highest angels in Heaven to be with each person experiencing war, for the highest good, in Israel, Palestine, Ukraine and Africa … as so many of us are doing. God bless your Angels, our Angels, my Angels for the love and help we need and they offer so freely! Take good care, Sophie!
@shariberry3123 6 месяцев назад
I read your little book about angels and ghosts, eons ago, probably 30 plus years ago. When you told your story about the male ghost in your apartment, I remembered reading it. Nice to see you here now.
@martacheetham845 6 месяцев назад
Hello from Michigan, USA. I was given Sophy Burnham's book on Angels a long time ago and I love her stories here that add to that book. Thank you for this interview of her and her wonderful outlook on love and life.
@laurafahey542 6 месяцев назад
I e all hav a earth angel real angel n guides yhe earth angel keep us on this earth if not our time i no we’ve all been saved by angels I no I hav n my sisters too . All of tens❤
@laurafahey542 6 месяцев назад
Agree we all have lessond to learn n live s we it’s all about the
@laurafahey542 6 месяцев назад
Yep news makes us feel fear for sure my tv is off unless . I’m watching a movie or reality show
@laurafahey542 6 месяцев назад
I believe u my dad watches out for me n my sisters yes mam👍👕🙏🙏🌙🙏
@danthemansmith6095 6 месяцев назад
Yes, there are so-called invisible beings diving down here to deliver whatever scenario that you have bound yourself in. I was a typical person getting up for work one morning, it just so happened to be the summer solstice. It was 4:45 in the morning. I reached over and hit the snooze button and said in my mind, I'll slip in another 5 minutes before I get up to start my day! As I looked up at the ceiling I tried to close my eyes, but I could not close them? Then I tried again but still they remained open? I said I must be dreaming? Then I felt as if someone put their finger on the space between my lips and nose? You know like the shushing or the ssshhhh motion over your mouth. Then I heard whispering in my left ear? I got the understanding that this has to happen for you to go forward? Then the only way I can describe it was a electric burning searing sword or like a yarning needle now was being pushed into the space between my lips nose. The pain was other wordly! I screamed at the pain but the scream was only in my mind because if it was outward I would of woked the whole neighborhood. I then was rendered paralyzed and bound. I then was in two realities is the best way to describe it? My normal room and then one where everything was water. Where a presence was there monitoring me in all aspects, mentally, physically and emotionally. Then a thorn was put into me or my side? My body was now being rearranged at the physical plane. I was being limited in such a way I was unrecognizable to myself. I could write for the rest of my physical life but I will get to the point. I am no longer the same person that I was before the shift. I was in years of recovery but the so-called angel had rearranged me in such a way that I had to grow back in a specific way so I could regenerate inline with my purpose!!! At 7 years now I am in the mind that The Most High originally made me but this contrived matrix got in the way from my true self. I was prepared for what is coming. I am just giving you the cliff note version but my life is like pie or the natural order of life, meaning that I connect to everything. I can take something whatever it may be, I can connect and trace it back to all origins. I was given dreams to apply to my life. I applied them and I am a new being. I only eat plants, even against the wishes of my recovery team. When my body adjusted, the whole staff was amazed!! 😮When people see me now they have no idea that I was in dire straits or that I was in a serious terminal trauma at one point. I believe that the messanger was sent to me to get me back on track! God knows your heart and if He knows your potential is worth saving and not reincarnating, thy will be done! One more thing! I learned years later that the space between your lips and nose is known as the philtrum. In Jewish mysticism it's known as the thump print of God!!!!! In the womb as the child is being prepared to go forth to the world,then a angel hushes the baby and places or touches the child so the baby does not reveal the secrets of the unseen (behind the veil) when coming to our physical plane of existence (here and now). I hope this message reaches who it is supposed to and it will. Take care everyone!
@wadeleedarrow167 7 месяцев назад
From forks WA.a New blessing.. My angels put your message up for ME at this xme 😢 thank you
@kornelia8627 7 месяцев назад
Your favourite book is beautiful how angels are.
@HearTruth 7 месяцев назад
Gal 1: 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
@user-tf6vq9tz6b 7 месяцев назад
Thankyou, very good video but ruined by too many ads cutting in.
@MinouMinet 7 месяцев назад
Oh my gosh, you are making so much sense to me and inspiring. I’ve had your book, for decades, love it. What a thrill to ‘meet’ you this very moment. I too am a story teller, thank you for motivating me with your shares. 💕 My life has been filled with many angels and guides and no shortage of miracles! Been told of late, to write it all down. Your story is another angel message to get it started! Thank you 💞
@loril.mangold8160 7 месяцев назад
I Loved this session with Sophy Burnham, all these things she has talked about are also descriptions of what other people with abilities have reiterated. Also I have an animal Spirit story, I had a dog named Spumoni, Australian Shepard, anyway I always fed her carrots, I said, she's in training to be a seeing eye dog, as a joke, Anyway some terrible surcumstance happened, where someone Poisoned her, to rob our building, so after she died I was distraught, and I went to a festival, an at the festival a dog came right up to me, like she knew me, It was a seeing eye dog, the dog tried to jump up on me. The woman said that it weird my dog has never done that. I ASSURED her I was fine, I was o.k. but after the woman and her dog left, I felt like somehow my dogs Spirit led that dog, to reassure me, that Spumoni was fine, it was the Coolest encounter, I didn't feel the need to explain that to the woman
@sarahsmithers4725 7 месяцев назад
A mouthpiece of true life! Thank you Sophie! ❤ You’ve got an honest grasp on what life is and is meant to be.
@AndreaDingbatt 7 месяцев назад
❤ Sophy, Blessings to You and Yours and Many Thanks for Everything Lovely and Loving you have brought here today and Ever more, as you are an Earth Angel 😇❤
@phyllishandy2367 7 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@Songshare 7 месяцев назад
I am so glad I found this video. It brought me a renewed sense of hope. I have been struggling a lot mentally from feeling overwhelmed by the troubling times we are passing through.
@slcoly1 7 месяцев назад
I might not be the responder you hoped for. Accept my insights or don’t. We are living in troubled times, we always have. World affairs, family affairs and all other distractions to keep us from realizing who and what we are. Distracted by “fear propaganda “ on all fronts. All by design to keep us from unwrapping the present. Stay in the moment and enjoy your gift. Do not look back( what if doesn’t matter, nothing can be done, the future is speculative) stay in your present. I send this with love.
@Songshare 7 месяцев назад
@@slcoly1 Thanks 😊
@karenjewitt6639 6 месяцев назад
@@slcoly1 Beautiful! Yes, living in the moment is best to keep us on track and appreciating every simple joy in our day . We each have our wonderful Guardian Angel with us Always and I’ve heard that, as we rise in vibration and connect more with our Soul, we are assigned another beautiful Angel to guide and assist us also on our path! I have had lovely signs and support from my Angel that fill my heart with such Love and Magic💛
@sonyaparkin7841 7 месяцев назад
@grateful2021 7 месяцев назад
Such great wisdom and advice. ❤
@8no1likeme-infinitestar65 7 месяцев назад
Thank you .I could listen to you forever ❤
@steveshell123 7 месяцев назад
Thank you. Fascinating interview.
@expandingreality369 7 месяцев назад
Love this!!
@cherylstclair4783 7 месяцев назад
Hello from Australia. I found this video because of Suzanne Giesemann's upcoming interview and I wanted to learn more about you beforehand. Your encounter with a evil entity reminded me of a dream I had some years ago. I was in a deep state of sleep when all of a sudden a tiny image of a grotesque demon head came rushing towards me. I instantly knew it meant me harm. As it became bigger and bigger I screamed out in my sleep 'Archangel Michael' and the head instantly disappeared. At no time through this did I actually wake up and only remembered it in the morning because it had shocked me so much. It is good to know that the Archangels and Angels can help us so quickly. I have felt protected ever since. ❤
@29sagittarius51 7 месяцев назад
I found her through Suzanne also❤
@i.d.8837 7 месяцев назад
I have found her through Suzanne also. It was a very beautiful interview.
@freebird6331 7 месяцев назад
Sophy is a genuine delight to listen to.
@pb7353 6 месяцев назад
I remember this book!!!❤❤❤
@beccismith4454 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing this experience, Cheryl! Greetings from Germany 😊
@Rvnmoon111 7 месяцев назад
🎉he was a spirit not a ghost🎉
@Rvnmoon111 7 месяцев назад
Ghosts ?? That term is not really helpful in my view-
@goat8477 7 месяцев назад
What term would you suggest?
@ritaelainefishburn883 11 месяцев назад
I live in Mexico. GREAT to have found this interview of one of my favorite authors, Sophy Burnham! When your book came out in the early 90's, I couldn´t wait for it to be in Spanish to give to my friends. I bought so many copies to give away, that I would order them directly from the publisher in Mexico. Another book of yours that I read every so many years is The Ecstatic Journey: The Transforming Power of Mystical Experience. THANK YOU SO MUCH for bringing the belief in Angels to my life and to so many others. (By the way, I lived in Granby, MA, from 2009-2013 and went to Northampton frequently)
@MED6471 Год назад
Shalom greetings of Love, my name is Peter Pascua Deaño from Burnham Park Baguio City,Philippines. I am a Reborn Christian, 9yrs ago I dreamed in two days of Angels and on the third day early morning beautiful blue sky I saw many white Angels in bright blue sky. My heart beat so fast I want to cry. I have A Book of Angels by Sophy Burnham gold cover like that. I am so grateful and so happy to see Sister Sophy in this video, thank you and we Love you. 🤍🙏
@EC-dz3fb Год назад
Kelsey is awesome. ♥︎
@hideitagainSam Год назад
A long time ago I was crossing with my car. I was doing perpendicular cut in to put myself on track but the view to get in the waiting track was a little blocked. I crossed, and I had the physical sensation of being shaken by the wind that a truck makes when it passes close to you...I didn't see any car or truck when I turned. A year before I lifted a dead cat from the road who was hit in the exactly same spot, I am not kidding, I remember I cried when I realized that. I hadn't save the cat, But at least he was not on the bare concrete. I named him Charlie. RIP boy, I know we will meet again...
@cfuller926 Год назад
Thank you for addressing this weighty issue! I very much enjoyed Ms Blumenthal's part of the presentation. Fantasy is less a part of my interest... the hospital provided an economic engine that built Northampton for over 100 years. Those incarcerated by society are a disenfranchised group (no matter the intentions, I worked there). This is a legacy that effects us today. History effects the present and the amount of questions and comments show its currency. Could NN be part of the reconning of healing we could address through more events? Truth and reconciliation, not "we have no records" can assist many today (both the directly involved and general public) could go far in closure and development of more sound policy today & tomorrow (still lacking). We are finding the city working on this issue w/another disenfranchised population now (Reparations). This issue deserves nothing less~
@allysazzaro1546 Год назад