Dejan Jankovic
Dejan Jankovic
Dejan Jankovic
As an artist, I'm looking for things that move me, inspire and give energy to go further and to create works of art and a better world around me.

This is a reason why I started this channel: to share all this with you. And their works, but also everything that is my inspiration and current subject of the study.

My Bio:

Dejan Jankovic is a multimedia director, producer, drama educator and photographer. He was born in 1988 in Belgrade (Serbia). He studied theater directing in class of avantguard professor Ljubisa Ristic and master studies of art theory in the class of professor Tijana Popovic Mladenovic.
Already after the second year of study, he made his debut as assistant director of Slobodan Unkovski, in the play “Life is a Dream” at the National Theater in Belgrade. Since then he started to cooperate with many acclaimed theater artists in the country and the region. Dejan Jankovic is professionally active in the field of theater and television directing, photography and production
@lucanikrstac 4 дня назад
Karakterni dijamant
@StojanCvetkovic Месяц назад
suupeer glumac i covek
@helenahjarta8665 2 месяца назад
I feel I learned a lot about the essence of what a woman should be when I watched this at age 16. By far, the best of the trois. I still take much of my personal style/personna from Binoche's characters.
@bobcoats2708 2 месяца назад
Pia was beautiful and smart. She had no problem interviewing Hitch
@michaelcohen7343 2 месяца назад
Her mother is Ingrid Bergman. You can see the resemblance
@kevinfillingham5255 4 месяца назад
Such a clever gent. Way out of my time but such a pleasure to hear his opinions. Genius.
@jamescatneyarbuckle5390 4 месяца назад
This is excellent, thank you A brilliant director...he was amazing.
@AmericasChoice 5 месяцев назад
I have to admit to having a major crush on Pia Lindstrom back in the day...
@AmericasChoice 5 месяцев назад
I considered the Man Who Knew Too Much to be a good movie. Then after I had children of my own I considered it a GREAT film. It is torture to watch the pain the parents go through...
@velja26 5 месяцев назад
@nedeljkorvovic7326 5 месяцев назад
22:05... zbog ovakvih reci, zbog ovakve introspekcije i kolicine i spremnosti na javnu izlozenost obozavam ovog coveka kao i mnoge starije, zrele licnosti koji umeju da priznaju i otkriju svoje slabosti... Ova recenica je ono sto svi mi nosimo u sebi kada smo u zenitu svog zivota ili uspeha ali tada to nikada necemo priznati, vec cemo se kriti iz laznog osecanja skromnosti. Hvala ovom coveku koji je iza sebe toliko toga ostavio da evo ja, kao i mnogobrojne generacije iza mene mogu da poslusaju i vide umetnika na delu, ono Bozije sto mu je dato, sto je prepoznao i unapredio doveo do savrsenstva jroz ljubav i posvecenost... Veliki naklon i hvala 🙏
@elessar2665 7 месяцев назад
Jedan od najboljih evropskih filmova svih vremena. Ostala dva iz triologije su dve klase ispod.
@temurshahhussaini2763 7 месяцев назад
I watch the movies of Alford th i ch cook in that's Time I'm 17 years old
@danilozivkovic7727 8 месяцев назад
ovo za protezu xD svaka cast nasmejao si me za ovo ... nek ti je laka crna zemlja kuco !
@rotting_flesh3274 8 месяцев назад
Love Hitchcock's movies, he was BRILLIANT there's no question. Not just with the suspense, but the crazy shots he would go for and get, working with the camera/lighting, the dialog, manipulation, he was breaking new ground for future directors to follow. A master
@AmericasChoice 5 месяцев назад
He was a genius, but he also had some incredibly talented camera and lighting men.
@veselinscepanovic6712 9 месяцев назад
@Ravikumar-kn7zp 11 месяцев назад
Saw some of his movies...wow what a filmmaker...Every plot is laid out but still moves the movie through different characters...Rope was so amazing...story moves just within a single room in an apartment...stunning that he kept the suspense till the last...the character's differentiation, dialogues, camera movement, and angles wow.
@VeljkoMitic-d2k Год назад
svaka cast dikcija je odlicna voleo bi da cujem kako pevas djurdjevdan
@vladimirstojanovic6892 Год назад
@piplee1439 Год назад
The man who brought us the Holocaust. And you Yanks, Wilder
@HoahsbJksbs Год назад
Le Manippelateur
@isthme8103 Год назад
Vertigo is the most beautiful movie I've ever seen
@KevinShaughnessy-mt9jt Год назад
He never told us how Scotty got down from the roof 🤔
@jchow5966 Год назад
He is the Lennon/Mccartney lf music.
@jchow5966 Год назад
What a powerful mind. I love his work. 💟💟💟
@KevinShaughnessy-mt9jt Год назад
NORTH BY NORTHWEST Hitchcock was forbidden to film the Untied Nations scenes . In typical Hitchcock style he filmed the exteriors from the inside of a carpet cleaning van across the street !
@jchow5966 Год назад
@zikanovak5039 Год назад
Koje glumatanje i proseravanje ovog Lečića!
@marinakoszmegac2048 Год назад
Mice ubice su zakon! FT1P
@marinakoszmegac2048 Год назад
Upgrade. Balkan clerk workers.😂😂😂 No need to be sad. We fight for smiles now.
@saymyname218 Год назад
@Jantonov1 Год назад
Has anybody in this comment section taken the time to mention how much of a genius Hitchcock was??
@juanitolopez9731 Год назад
My favourite director of all time. I never get bored of watching his films, and I have seen some of them dozens of times: THE 39 STEPS, ROPE, DIAL M FOR MURDER, REAR WINDOW, THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, VERTIGO, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, PSYCHO, TORN COURTAIN, FRENZY...
@KevinShaughnessy-mt9jt Год назад
Tell me again, what you thought you saw .& tell me what you think it means !
@juanitolopez9731 Год назад
@KevinShaughnessy-mt9jt He explains very well how he makes his movies: the carefully planned framing of the shots, the editing, the long silences to create suspense, the camera movements... All of those work together to give meaning to the sequence; nothing is gratuitous. He was a visual director who made his sound films as if they were silent, telling the story through images without dialogue.
@smeka88 Год назад
Србија се умирит не може мој Вучићу Бранковићу
@solezeta1314 Год назад
The man was a brilliant director. R.I.P. Mr. Hitchcock, you have taught and inspired me.
@draganpavlovic5345 Год назад
Radmila Andrić Elizu Dulitl igrala je dva puta u karijeri. Prvi put u toj čuvenoj predstavi JDP-a., a drugi put u Kragujevcu, u Teatru "Jokaim Vujic". Uskočila je u predstavu na godinu dsna, kada je kragujevačka glumica koja je igrala Elizu otišla na porodiljsko odsustvo. Profesora Higinda odlično je igrao Mirko Babić.
@jacobs83133 Год назад
@jacobs83133 Год назад
Vucic isto sto I Milosevic a ovaj isti Sadam.Implikacija :Vucic Sadam!
@hulyaruya4852 Год назад
Türkçe alt yazı yok yaa
@elonif4125 Год назад
His rant about method actors is hilarious. The whole interview is, for that matter. Brilliant man with a great sense of humour.
@ClashGamerGTA Год назад
Yes, he didnt like actors who act. The work with Laurence Olivier was surely difficult for him xD Not to imagine what he would have done with a Vivien Leigh
@Jantonov1 Год назад
Well, Hitch apparently never went to other people's movies all that much and you can tell.
@AmericasChoice 5 месяцев назад
@@Jantonov1 In fact, he told Tom Snyder he never visited other director's sets, ever.
@gorepluh Год назад
Divno 🤗🤗🤗
@Naughty-jq2gg Год назад
Thank you❤🌹🙏
@kalinastojakovic3679 Год назад
Ovo mi je lektira za danas sad prvi čas i ne razumem nista 😘
@kalinastojakovic3679 Год назад
@smiljanradic3638 Год назад
Stevo, fala za čas mudrosti, poniženja i ponosa, stvaralaštvo, umetnost (!), viziju koja još uvik prid nama je! Na Tvoj Hum doći, cviće položiti,sviću upaliti, minut pokraj ostati, u momentu o porukama razmisliti (....),je čast za svakog našeg čovika koji ovo Pismo zna da čita! A znaju ga 25 miliona ljudi!!! I još više! Samo nije vrime sad!
@elsestrell4168 Год назад
Respekt Smiljane 🍀🍀🍀🌻
@smiljanradic3638 Год назад
I još samo ovo;" Stevo govori čistije Srpski od čovika koji vodi govor. Viruj te!"
@elsestrell4168 Год назад
Stevo istinski Intelektualac, Prica knjizevno, sto je rijetko cuti, Cisti je Briljant koji zraci do Neba
@smiljanradic3638 2 года назад
Ovaj čovik je došao iz raja! Učimo. Ljudi...,učimo od pametnog kako doći u Raj!!! Nemožemo, jer njegov um je vanzemaljski! On reče;"ja nisam važan". Ejjj, razumimo poruku! Tek tad si čovik!!!!
@matke4681 2 года назад
Hvala legendo ziv bio
@dannyteal9130 2 года назад
Pretty interviewer but not the best for AH
@Taradise85 2 года назад
Watched Frenzy today and was very intrigued. The picture is beautiful. The way the camera 🎥 pans at certain things. The scenery is so cool. Love all hitchcock movies. Especially Hitchcock hour.. so many stars in the shows.
@marijamaya2038 2 года назад
Jedinstveni, legenda❤🙏
@aleksandar3599 2 года назад
Ovaj voditelj ima glas kao aca lukas
@arsendionisijev8758 2 года назад
Odličan, čudo od umetnika...Ali onaj deo života i odluka da bude uz Slobodana Miloševića, da govori o njemu toliko pohvalno ne mogu razumeti i stavlja veliku mrlju na moje mišljenje o Žigonu, nažalost...
@vlajkonarancic1596 2 года назад
Šabane, šta ti imaš protiv pokojnog Miloševica, najumnijeg političara koga je imala Srbija
@arsendionisijev8758 2 года назад
@@vlajkonarancic1596 Ti sigurno nemaš ništa i protiv Hitlera, Staljina, Cedunga...
@stefanbrkovic7231 2 года назад
Znaš koliko nas zabole kakvi je mrlju na tebe bacio ovaj genije...ko si bre ti da sudiš o njemu
@arsendionisijev8758 2 года назад
@@stefanbrkovic7231 Ko si pa ti ? Pa da daješ sud o Miloševiću?!
@elsestrell4168 Год назад
@@arsendionisijev8758 Ovce su uvjek trazile svog Kasapina