Random gameplay and piano.
Why not to run Oufi Heathcliff in Tremor
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@AncaTDP 8 часов назад
Counterpoint: consistent envy resource fueling and slash dmg type
@megagamesvlog7537 День назад
I wish to bring my thoughts on various matters. It might be worth running another Tremor unit in place of Yuro Ryoshu because of her support passive, which makes ramping on Self Tremor Units faster, especially on Yuro Hong Lu, which gives you another way to apply reverb and also bursts Tremor a shit ton. Molar Yi Sang naturally fills the role that Ryoshu has of "The Count Fixer" with basically the same Sin generation sans Gluttony (Which isn't too useful on Tremor atm) and otherwise, you could slot in another unit of your choice. Oufi Heathcliff clashes well while dealing good damage and provides extra Pride and Gloom Resources, which are very valuable to various Tremor E.G.Os. If you like more consistency, it's really fucking nice to just have a fat roller to clash reliably. T Corp Don is weird. She's generally just a strong unit all around with good clashing and respectable damage, and she still has 2 Tremor Bursts. She could, and honestly likely will still find a way onto optimized teams, but idk. As for T Corp Rodya, she has worse sins, less Potency, fewer bursts, and less damage, but has stronger clashing, more count, and utility. In a damage optimizing setting, there's no contest that Rosespanner Rodya is just better but T Corp Rodya isn't a bad unit by any means, just obviously worse in this specific setting.
@NeX-ow1ih День назад
@@megagamesvlog7537 with regards to molar sang I'm personally conflicted whether to run him over Yuro ryo. His utility far outshines hers but her tremor count application is really nice, especially when everlasting is involved. The actual benefits her support passive provide arent felt as much because of how quick fights end. With regards to consistency I think its worth to just take hits for easier staggers, so clashing isnt that important. For TDon I agree she's in a bit of a weird spot. Funnily enough its not optimal to run her in something like 2 turn gossypium, because tremor can kill that without her. Id argue that Tcorp Rod has better sins (S1 envy) than rosedion but I think you'll really miss the 12 potency/pseudo triple burst she has on her s3
@megagamesvlog7537 День назад
@@NeX-ow1ih The sin generation is mainly in consideration of the fact that Tremor doesn't really use the bulk of the Sins that T Corp Rodya provides compared to Rosespanner nearly as much. The revelant E.G.O for this team don't use Envy or Wrath much if at all compared to Pride or Gloom, so trading Pride and Gloom for extra Envy and Wrath and a tiny bit of extra Sloth isn't a good deal for this team. Extra Envy is nice for Fluid Sac though.
@NeX-ow1ih 22 часа назад
The reason I say that TRod has better sins is almost completely just because she has more envy, the team has no envy gen otherwise. You can get gloom/pride from other IDs (regret/lccb/hong lu) but there isn't an alternative for envy unless you take oufi. Tho if you're going for sin resources maybe oufi would be better for that role too, idk
@megagamesvlog7537 20 часов назад
​@@NeX-ow1ih Hmm, I guess to more accurately put my thoughts. Many of them were in consideration of going fast, meaning resources are tighter. It's not T Corp. Rodya's sin spread is bad, but not having Gloom and especially Pride would be bad for the comp you show. If you were running her in that comp, having 3 pride generated across all of your skills, 1 of them being a skill 3 on a non discard unit, with the top priority E.G.Os requiring 2 to 3 Pride would hurt. The Gloom tank isn't hurt nearly as much, but it's still dented by proxy of there simply be less of it. Oufi could also just be slotted in if you want Envy as you mention so it's not like you have to slot T Corp Rodya if you need it. I bring up Ryoshu on the Bench mostly because Hong Lu building to 10+ count with just skill 1 into skill 2 or having +3 Coin power with 3 turn setups instead of +2 Coin power when going for Skill 3 could be useful in some way. It's niche, but certainly something, and also isn't Cavernous Wailing so less resources used.
@yaeldejesusavilestorres63 День назад
Counter argument: the mere existence of Tremor Superposition
@lanxcapo7496 2 дня назад
can't believe that molar yi sang wasn't brought up, smh, trash video, i should run IRS don instead for her totally legit 100k damage skill 3
counter point: bind king health + everlasting faust = ded enemies
@ericraululyeetusdelyeetus5028 2 дня назад
Counterpoint: Incredibly consistent clashing, and surprisingly good raw damage.
@Lulu_Gaming1025 2 дня назад
Counter argument:binds
@user-od4nl2rp6c 2 дня назад
Dunno, I think Ryoshu is overkill in terms of count. Also she's like 1, max 2 bursts per battle, and that sucks, because the whole point of the team is bursts. I prefer either molar yi sang, or t-don.
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
Molar Sang is fine as a replacement, but he is a bit slower to get his bursts/clash power. TDon I have no clue why you'd use her to try and stack tremor count, you might run into count issues with the team overall if you do that. At least from my experience, not having a ID for dedicated tremor count was an easy way to run out of it.
@user-od4nl2rp6c 2 дня назад
@@NeX-ow1ih Dunno, recently tried your time, but instead of ryoshu t-don in rr2, ended up making a new record of 55 turns, had 0 issue with count, and I don't even have a Effervescent Corrosion on rodya.
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
eehhhh i don't particularly like tdon replacing ryoshu cause I don't like dealing with the rng in the early turns. but i haven't really optimized tremor in RR. I think TDon can be better in optimized but tbh i don't want to put in the effort lol.
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
Actually, what does your average fight look like, I'm curious
@user-od4nl2rp6c 2 дня назад
@@NeX-ow1ih In rr its like reroll until you see that's don's 3rd skill at top, press guard skill, inflict some tremor, then 2nd turn don is like 99% to go first, she inflicts moratorium, you hong toad the enemy, and then you burst as much as you can.
@neferkar112 2 дня назад
Just run sinking
@heavygruby1984 2 дня назад
Why not to run tremor overall*
@zephyrsaix8319 2 дня назад
I have a few things to say about this video Let me begin by outlying the tremor composition ive eventually chosen to use as the one im most comfortable with, I have accrued basically all of the tremor ids and used them enough to the point where ive found a composition that suits my needs best, this team being: Regret faust Collector don Yuro hong lu Oufi heathcliff lccb ishmael collector rodion/yuro ryoshu I've tried a number of teams against story bosses to best mimic hard encounters without ego gifts and ended up settling with this. What im gathering from this video is that the team you propose seems to be hard geared towards tremor burst with reverb and push for high damage, meanwhile the team I use is more focused on clashing potential/control. The reason Oufi heathcliff doesn't seem to fulfill a particular role from the things you mentioned is because the thing Oufi is good at is clashing, he flips a 15, 20 and 23 with his skills which is amazing and he provides envy and gloom sin affinites which are very useful and envy in particular is not all that common on tremor units. He has some count on his s1 and good potency on his s2, the tremor decay is honestly more of a ribbon effect than a driving reason to use the unit. I want to talk about t don as well since she isn't mentioned in the video. She is in a similar spot as Oufi heathcliff, she does ok potency but her main benefits are very high clashing power, strong clashing control with power decrease, bind infliction and aggro, and time moratorium as an additional effect that gets to deal a really high amount of damage. Regret faust, molar outis and yuro hong lu have very good clashes naturally, but ive noticed that lccb ishmael, rosespanner rodion and yuro ryoshu struggle clashing a lot more. I think the team you propose is probably the best in slot for something like mirror dungeon where tremor management is free, but specially for something like railroad where a lot of the times you will have to abide by specific clashes and part mechanics, saying Oufi heathcliff has no place/utility given that he is a dedicated clasher seems misguided to me I've been trying my team on current railroad and story bosses, and while it takes me a bit more to ramp up tremor i've found the clashing control the teams gives me to be very comfortable and reliable while managing tremor. I dislike rosespanner rodion in particular because her clashes are pretty low and her conditionals are a bit annoying, and given that you already have a lot of bursting units I feel like she doesn't bring that much to the table. My team isn't perfect by any means either, ive been running collector rodion because im experimenting with moratorium and I feel like she has very good clash strength with borrowed time, but not having yuro ryoshu or molar outis is giving me trouble as I don't have good lust generation which a lot of important egos need. You can definetly still do reverb everlasting setups and blow up enemies with cavernous wailing quite easily, I just feel like with the setup you propose you have a lot less leeway in controling the direction of the encounter in case things don't end up panning all that well. In all what im trying to say is that saying that Oufi heathcliff, or collector don shouldn't be run in tremor teams is incorrect. They simply provide different utilities that takes your team in a different direction, which is legitimate and viable. Given the amount of units that tremor has, I don't think its a good idea to try to shoehorn the status into a particular meta composition, specially with how finnicky this game is about resource management. It is a pretty good video though I enjoyed the id analysis.
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
First point, that it's geared more towards tremor bursting. This is because staggering enemies becomes really easy, and you can then repeatedly stagger them afterwards. This is also what tremor does as a status effect. Oufi not having a role outside of clash and damage is derived from this. With the introduction of reverb, tremor bursts are stronger than before so in terms of ease of clearing, increasing potency and adding more bursts now has the upside of doing more damage instead of just having easy staggers. The poor clashes are acknowledged, but the downsides of not taking them are not worth benching them. Rosespanner has a pseudo triple burst on her s3 (+40% x2, 280% total burst) along with 12 potency on coin reuse. Yuro Ryoshu actually has respectable clashes after stacking enough tremor on herself so I'm not sure where you're getting that she has poor clashes. The inability to ramp up tremor is probably tied to you always taking clashes. When playing tremor you have a bit of leeway in the hits you can take, it's often worth it to take a few hits for freely stacking tremor -> stagger -> repeated stagger -> death, with no reverb. With reverb it looks more like stack -> stagger -> death though. It might also be because you don't have an ID dedicated to count. I'm not sure if TRod can fit that role but I know that Molar Yi Sang/Yuro Ryoshu can. In terms of running tremor differently, sure you can run Oufi and TDon. But it's going to be worse than reverb, which is why they aren't run in tremor. I would argue that it's because of Limbus' resource allocation that it's better to have knowledge on what is best to put resources in, instead of putting resources into teams that would have issues further down the line. If you want actual proof that I've done stuff with tremor I have other videos of me fighting Gasharpoon/Trio in RR respectively, before reverb came out.
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
I apparently can't read, didn't see yuro ryoshu whoops. In which case then your inability to not stack tremor is probably because you don't have high potency (like rosedion) and are using options that make it harder to stack (TDon).
@danilim7529 2 дня назад
i just use all the 000 ids from tremor a lot of bursts side effects clashing a little bit of count on some s1's like oufi r rodion and lobotomy faust and the remaining count comes from ego effeverscent rodion + 7 count frog lu +2 count since it consumes 1 on burst and everlasting faust atleast + 6 count since we are going to use atleast frog lu and everlasting faust on a boss we dont need that much count on the ids themselves for potency i use a time collector dom s1 for agro and them block to activate borrow time and deal 16 potency on block and that kinda replace lccb ish
@zephyrsaix8319 2 дня назад
@@NeX-ow1ih my thought would be that I don't doubt that your setup is more efficient, but I feel like prioritizing clashes ends up being a more reliable strategy. I think the teamcomp you suggest in this video has more damage potential, but as a result it is also not as consistent to pull off. Even with a setup like this you aren't getting a straight tremor ramp into reverb everlasting every fight, and I don't really think my putting units like t don or oufi heathcliff is really giving you any issues. I just think its a different way to play and there are many more factors to effectiveness than raw damage potential
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
Personally I think staggering repeatedly would be more consistent than having to clash for more turns but if it works it works.
@hoangyamides1403 2 дня назад
heath aside wouldnt rodion better with t corp than w corp one? since she fuels envy so without heathcliff nor tcorpya you wouldnt able to use rime shank for sp or hp recover
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
T corp is competing with Yuro Ryoshu for count application and is overall worse at it than her. Moratorium is also not great in full tremor since they do a really good job of nuking sloth weak to begin with. And if you do run TRod, you lose out on 12 potency + tremor bursts.
@ComputerGamingg 2 дня назад
Nice team im subbing, hoping to see more info stuff like this (Hi 2018 Esgoo)
@ComputerGamingg 2 дня назад
Counter argument: everlasting faust
what does this mean
@Name-sk3jk 2 дня назад
Everlasting Faust can combine decay reverb and everlasting into one mega tremor for one turn, causing the enemy to be instantly deleted by one daring decision or let’s rack up some scores
@keyboardtaskforcephi-3689 2 дня назад
Counter Argument : 7 Tremor Souls
@bosscoolaid1015 2 дня назад
He no burst but golly gee he does good damage
@VASHTORCH_Dev 2 дня назад
But what about TDon and TRodion?
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
Neither are that good in tremor. Moratorium is a bit gimmicky and TRod is just worse than Molar Yi Sang/Yuro Ryoshu for count as well. When I say moratorium is gimmicky I mean that it's overkill in almost any scenario, and also makes it harder to play, so I haven't really found too many use cases. Would be nice to be proven wrong though cause I do like TDon's kit.
@adityawiryawan560 2 дня назад
Molar Yisang being forgotten even though he can apply decent count.
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
Its cause ryoshu is better at applying count, is all
@outofideas4824 2 дня назад
@@NeX-ow1ih her tremor burst is a lot less plentiful though, and yi sang has better ego options (sayin since tremor tends to be slow side, TETH for sloth fragility, sunshower is busted on its own but tremor can use sloth buff actually.) All ryoshu offers is her zayin ego wise which is limited when a lot of your damage is from reverb instead of raw damage anyway. I’ve never had much issues with count without ryoshu, but even if it a a problem, Rosespanner rodion has a very spamable ego that gives a ton of it. Or regret ego that applies at LEAST 10 for some reason. If you account for tremor bursts you’re still 6 positive; count really isn’t hard to upkeep. Yi sang has the most access to tremor burst out of all the 2 stars and that alone justifies him more than ryoshu for me, but he still clashes well and applies decent count on top of it - also he’s a discard ID so he’s constantly cycling skill 2s that are both sloth and almost always tremor burst!
@RacletteLynx 2 дня назад
I'd debate that Ryoshu's passive is kinda better than the ID herself. Then have Oufi in there (no we will not lcb heath in a tremor team)
@outofideas4824 2 дня назад
@@RacletteLynx her passive? It’s not going to trigger that often in a focused encounter given you don’t usually stagger a boss more than once. Her support passive, though, helps hong lu a LOT with meeting his skill 3 conditionals and I think that’s her best use, and also the big opportunity cost of fielding her.
@zephyrsaix8319 2 дня назад
@@outofideas4824 it's completely fine that she doesn't have a lot of burst, having regret faust with everlasting, molar outis and yuro hong lu is a really good amount of burst
@dore9441 2 дня назад
Presentation my beloved
@imascientist3687 2 дня назад
Great video! It’s nice to know that I can swap him out. Is TDon worth pulling for this Tremor team?
@NeX-ow1ih 2 дня назад
No, her usage is more niche than anything. Not a lot of scenarios you'd really use her
@imascientist3687 2 дня назад
@@NeX-ow1ihThanks for the reply! I shall save!
@Lulu_Gaming1025 2 дня назад
Shes great for full dmg in tremor team
@su4682 5 дней назад
Zero damage
@ramadanikurniawan8541 5 дней назад
Now the worst status is bleed right?
@Usotsukii. 5 дней назад
Id say burn since you need mb outis
@NeX-ow1ih 5 дней назад
Outside of mirror dungeons, bleed has always been the worst just cause of how hard it was to stack
@Lulu_Gaming1025 5 дней назад
No its rupture
now we wait until we get artery bleeding
@randomize4189 6 дней назад
From one of the worst status conditions to one of the best, it is literally better than rupture.
@NG_v1 6 дней назад
Damn can Red Shoes do it in 2 turns too? Somehow I doubt that
@NeX-ow1ih 6 дней назад
No clue. As far as I know the other 2 turn setup involves BL Meursault and N Corp Sinclair doing a lot of damage, and is very rng heavy.
@Meowsamurai 6 дней назад
If you can somehow set up a guaranteed clash tie for the second turn, it's possible
@Llamanator_ 6 дней назад
Tax time!
@IyanuKwent 6 дней назад
@angelcarrasco7801 9 дней назад
You don’t have Philclair?
@NeX-ow1ih 9 дней назад
Worse than nclair for potency stacking in 3 turns
@WhymeR 10 дней назад
Floor of History
@RyoshusShitposts 20 дней назад
I forgot Everlasting had 4 coins so my brain bursted trying to figure out if Regret Faust got a new skill
@YDBHpoTheIllegal 19 дней назад
A legendary skill 4
@RyoshusShitposts 19 дней назад
@@YDBHpoTheIllegal ut4 looking good
@k.liability.v2 18 дней назад
@@RyoshusShitpostsI have good news and bad news
@diaishist 20 дней назад
got absolutely scammer out of a ten pull only got 0s
@Zoobydeeby 20 дней назад
That cant happen, you are guaranteed a 00
@noahi.1381 19 дней назад
​@@Zoobydeeby maybe bro single pulled 10 total, doing that won't guarantee a 00.
@Wlrlvr 19 дней назад
Same thing happened to me. I pulled a bunch of singles and no 00 until the 14th or so pull. Does the ticket and lunacy have different counts counts or what?
@kingchaos1084 18 дней назад
@@Wlrlvr Are y'all pulling 10 at a time? If so, 1 is guaranteed every time a 10 pull occurs.
@diaishist 18 дней назад
@@Zoobydeeby Does anyone really count the 00s you already got?
@12.chef.pierre68 20 дней назад
It's Tremor time
@doro420-69 22 дня назад
i can feel the anxiety of thinking if the run is fucked or not, after all i myself failed several times due to bad timing. 1 second late and it's over.
@rimurutempest4886 23 дня назад
Bro went through the full five stages of grief in the pause phase
@galaktiksuperman Месяц назад
Good job man!
@NTpolyR6943 4 месяца назад
For ish, I thought LCCB ish would be better for the insane amount of tremor on her skill two and the fragile on her skill 3
@thegoldenraysoftheglorious1180 4 месяца назад
You mean lccb ish?
@NeX-ow1ih 4 месяца назад
Lccb ish can't clash and isn't fast enough to be reliable with fragile. Also pierce does more damage for the ahab fights. This fight only works if ish moves early in phase 3 to use roseate to prevent the counter from staggering my team.
@NTpolyR6943 4 месяца назад
@@NeX-ow1ih I see,thank you my fellow tremor enjoyer
@OpiatesEnjoyer1984 4 месяца назад
peak fight just because of the music
@KnakuanaRka 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I love this music too, though I thought it was oddly placed; why have such an atmospheric chill tune in a fight where Ishmael is at her most emotionally raw and Ahab is trying to break her spirit one last time? Even understanding the lyrics better, I still think the sense of catharsis would better fit the denouement/credits scene afterwards where Ishmael is looking to the horizon and considering what to do next than the fight itself.
@FishermanofTHEFishingCompany 4 месяца назад
@NeX-ow1ih 4 месяца назад
The only way I could find for Ishmael to tank + let the entire team tank the counter in phase 3
@RenoKyrie 4 месяца назад
@SeagullScenes 6 месяцев назад
wow amazing nice job
@dandyalexandro6331 7 месяцев назад
nicely done, gg
@brankye517 Год назад
@SaintAdmiralLangley Год назад
@Artameful Год назад
was attempting this just a few minutes ago with R ish as well. Adjust shell is actually fuckin annoying. The amount of times where I would just straight up lose turn one because it rolls higher than evade...
@NeX-ow1ih Год назад
Yeah I spent a long time resetting turn one. Still less depressing than losing on turn 4 though
@Artameful Год назад
@@NeX-ow1ih What if you wanted to |Evade| But Everything There said |Adjust Shell| with heads and +6 power
@user-cp2hz2dd9q 2 года назад
nice cover
@user-pv3rb1ox7u 2 года назад
I hope that you finger wasn't broken.
@akm5769 2 года назад
Esta genial!!! Yo llevo tiempo intentándolo y no me sale
@user-kp8vf3cj2t 2 года назад
@erickazahelaguilarsoto1989 3 года назад
Beautiful interpretation, this look hard as hell, excelente job
@ThePianstJames 3 года назад
This is great
@zzzAnimeonPiano 3 года назад
A good overall attempt at playing this difficult piece! I would consider using less pedal in some sections, such as at 0:27 (where there should be no sustain at all), but good work otherwise! (particularly 2:33) (also pls give me your hands mine are too small for this piece)
@NeX-ow1ih 3 года назад
Thanks for tip! Though I'll admit, this isn't exactly my best showing of the piece. I need my hands to finish my attempt of unravel first.
@zzzAnimeonPiano 3 года назад
@@NeX-ow1ih ooh good luck I'll be waiting :)
@NeX-ow1ih 3 года назад
I'll probably rerecord this one first tbh. I'm still trying to play the first chorus for Unravel.