Congregational Fellowship
Congregational Fellowship
Congregational Fellowship
we present a variety of speakers speaking about different subjects,as well as interactive biblical discussions.
02. Luke
9 часов назад
65. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
9 часов назад
John Leitch "Live by Every Word of God"
21 час назад
64. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
21 час назад
63 . Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
14 дней назад
Tom Kerestes  The Manifestation of the Word
21 день назад
62. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
21 день назад
Romans 14 Presented by Herb Solinsky
Месяц назад
61. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
Месяц назад
01 Luke
Месяц назад
60. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
Месяц назад
59. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
Месяц назад
Guy Swenson  Who Earns Salvation by Works?
Месяц назад
Allen Turner Declaring the Son of God
Месяц назад
58. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
Месяц назад
Dan Difranco  presenting The Holy Spirit
Месяц назад
05. Psalms 11
2 месяца назад
57. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
2 месяца назад
16. Epistles of John Final
2 месяца назад
56. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
2 месяца назад
55. Prophecy Insights: Two Witnesses
2 месяца назад
A Friend At Midnight by Tagore Kota
2 месяца назад
15. Epistles of John
2 месяца назад
54. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
2 месяца назад
04. Psalms 8
3 месяца назад
53. Prophecy Insights Two Witnesses
3 месяца назад
14. Epistles of John
3 месяца назад
52. Prophecy insights
3 месяца назад
@jimmytiler5522 День назад
new old testament.
@shilohpointfarm8544 5 дней назад
Slide 67. I’m unsure what the morrow “of” the first day means. Can someone explain? I could understand morrow after. And then, can you explain how that would have worked the week Jesus died?
@nolanjoseph1892 10 дней назад
An all time favorite and classic
@MalachiSpring-s1t 14 дней назад
Lopez Sharon Walker Richard Garcia Mary
@patricksee10 22 дня назад
Faith without works is dead
@ricklamb772 24 дня назад
Jesus did.He was circumcised,He was baptized,He was obedient,He was kind,He was compassionate,He was forgiving,He was faithful,He was of high moral character,He was truthful,He loved God ,His Father.He did everything His Father commanded Him to do.Heckeptcthe commandments.ahe taught scripture.He healed the sick.Thise are all works,and He said he like Me.Hecpickedcup His cross,and told us to pick up ours.All a form of works.
@davidseverin7764 28 дней назад
wow, it only took 48 minutes to decide: NOPE. false. salvation is not received by faith AND a commitment to behave. we are saved by grace through faith in that grace, and that grace is hyper abounding, and no commitment to give our lives to Him is required. if it were, salvation would not be free nor by grace. how could you ever know if you're committed enough, repenting of sins enough. and by the way, the Bible never says "repent of sins", only "repent" which means to change your mind. and in the context of salvation, one goes from not believing the gospel (ie, thinking that it is at least in-part earned by a commitment), to believing the gospel, that God gives eternal life to the one who doesn't even work at all (Rom. 5:4-5) but believes that salvation is by grace through faith in THAT GRACE.
@OrangeMonkey2112 28 дней назад
Salvation CAN NOT be earned by works, but is a free gift of Grace from God! Thanks for the question.
@busoptr Месяц назад
If you can't earn anything, why even go to Church on Sundays?
@OrangeMonkey2112 28 дней назад
Reverence for the free gift of grace given to us. Also God wants us to meet together to uplift and encourage. Gratitude isn’t something people are big on, especially today with all the “You owe me” self entitlement mentalities. Sin brings death. Death follows wherever sin goes. The wages of sun is death Romans 6:23. That is what we are owed for our sins; however, Jesus died on the cross specifically stop Sin and Death. This goes all the way back to satans rebellion. The pride in his heart to think he could rule over Gods creation and even put himself above God. All creation suffers from the effects of sin. Romans 8:18-25 18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. There is so much more, but this is why we gather. God sent His only beloved son that we may have life in the New Heaven the new earth with no more pain, death, sorry, tears…. We go to encourage each other and lift each other up. The world hates us and we have peace and support while gratefully waiting for the free gift of Salvation. Again, this is a very small part of the WHY, but it explains it pretty well. Of course not everybody wants to believe and to them it’s just foolishness. That is their choice.
@santosconcepcion9616 Месяц назад
Jesus earned it not for himself but for all of us. ;p
@ishiftfocus1769 Месяц назад
All the righteous works of human history put together could not save a single man from a single sin. Even under the law, when works were required of covenant Israel, the law was never intended to bring salvation, but condemnation. “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” - Romans 3:20 It is wrong to think that Israel was saved by works, but the church is saved by grace. Israel was required to do works because their covenant demanded it, but the law was supposed to send Israel begging God for his mercy and grace. Men of faith did just that (Hab 2:4; PSa 51:1).
@Church888 Месяц назад
Cooperate with God's grace in good works ❤️
@OrangeMonkey2112 28 дней назад
No works needed, but out of gratitude we offer to freely follow His will. There IS NOTHING you can do to make God love you more. Ephesians 2:8-10 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
@Church888 27 дней назад
@@OrangeMonkey2112 , cooperate with God's grace in good works ❤️
@SherleyJoseph-pj5ot 4 месяца назад
@FrankClement-g1c 6 месяцев назад
So interesting song
@rafaelgonzalez4175 6 месяцев назад
Why do you not start at the beginning? In the beginning there was the word. And the word was God. Here are the first two entities. In the very beginning. Now throughout the present to future the begotten son is already talked about on day one. Where Lucifer is cast to Earth. You have the word. The Holy spirit which is God. You have God the Father, God puts in plan the begotten son. You have Jesus Christ the born son of God. The living word and body of God. Jesus Christ is God. The Trinity.
@dslite7985 6 месяцев назад
The Jews prays facing the Wall Abraham did that, and Ali with Umar sawed their bewitched prophet kissing the black stones, and they did too not because they believed upon the stones to be anything but just for the sake of honoring their leader's deed and then why shouldn't you as the Christ's like honor your Messiah's deed and get baptize for the sake that He first did it?
@dslite7985 6 месяцев назад
God spoke through with His Word to Moses, and while His Spirit burning the tree, because it's in His unity form which's the Trinity, that God's will's being done upon us the mankind and there's no, any other ways than that meaning God's One.
@dslite7985 6 месяцев назад
"Is it God the Father that have the image that we had or is it the Holy Spirit... Or will it be the Word that visited Abraham, and also fought Jacob, and Moses sawed His Back and Leg then later became Flesh as the Son and dwelled among us that's the Image, He created them male and female of?
@dslite7985 6 месяцев назад
Remember that God said to Moses: I God can forgive blasphemers. and but My Spirit that;s going along with you doesn't forgive any blasphemers.
@dslite7985 6 месяцев назад
The Father glorifies the son just as the Son glorified the Father. Meaning God, the Father cannot glorify a mere man, but only God like Him of which He can say to: Lest US make man in OUR own's IMAGE! And that's the TRINITY.
@dslite7985 6 месяцев назад
Animal's bloods are not holy to takes away mankind's sins of the father which's Adam's sin. And so, does Issac's blood that inherited the sin of the father from birth can't as well save mankind and then it has to be the Blood of God that gattabe Pure and Holy, blameless, sinless Lamb that's only main's to be slain for the sins of the mankind.
@dslite7985 6 месяцев назад
"If God directly beeing your father, then what will such made you be; human... or what? Because satan was tempting Jesus Christ in the wilderness and not God the Father that was in the heaven by then, and but Jesus Christ said to the satan, "It's being written that thou shalt not put the Lord thy God into a test. So... then the question should be, "Who was the Lord our God that satan was tempting in the wilderness by putting Him into the test then? For Jesus Christ started His ministry after being baptized by John, and also later baptized others as well too and ordered His Disciples to do the same and then who're you that you won't have to be baptize if the Messiah Itself got Himself baptized, and then urged everyone to be baptize in the name of the Father, and of the son and the Holy Spirit? And mind you that the Holy Spirit didn't decide to come and took in a human's form to die for the sins of the world, and but the Word did! Because He's the Creator. The Word's the Salvation in Hebrew's language that's being translated inro english's language to be meaning Jesus. Just as the Messiah meaning Savior of which nor on earth can be a savior to humanity by bearing the titles messiah as a name except of the Christ that also means the Anointed's one, and not the anointed one, because He's the Anoint, Savior, Salvation, meaning; when God said that: This is My Beloved Son, He's actually saying that He's His Beloved Salvation that He has sent into the world that whosoever believe in Him... Shalt not perish and but shall have everlasting life. And Jesus said: This is the eternal life (Him), that they may look upon to know Him the father that's the true God; just they looked upon the snake on the cross sign of Moses to get healed they shall also look upon Him on the Cross too being the one they've pierced to get Salvation.
@apreju7298 10 месяцев назад
Thank you, Don, Peggy and All, for providing, a God honoring Festival of Sukkot. Grace and peace to all!!
@mbrown6837 10 месяцев назад
What were your 2023 dates for the spring and fall Feasts? If your dates were Oct - Nov how did you determine these dates?
@donaldwales1113 10 месяцев назад
Most of the people attending were observing the Traditional (Hillel Calculated Calendar) some of us were keeping the Observed 1st crescent (local and Jerusalem same dates this year, 1 day later then Hillel) Sept 30 to Oct 7th or Oct 1st to Oct 8th
@mbrown6837 10 месяцев назад
@@donaldwales1113 So you were just broadcasting services held a month earlier?
@donaldwales1113 10 месяцев назад
It took us a month to edit and post the videos from the feast.
@mbrown6837 10 месяцев назад
@@donaldwales1113 At about the 4 second mark you have the date of Oct 2. That is why l thought this was the date you were holding the service.
@parrisroy 10 месяцев назад
Really enjoyed this format and tempo.., with good Bible study by genuine Christian brethren! 👍🇮🇱🙏 Subbed.
@sophietyrrell3131 10 месяцев назад
Saints in the making. I love testimonies and to hear God's work in believers.
@gladyshancock6601 Год назад
Thank you! We all know whats coming. How grateful we are to our loving God that he lets us know what a wonderful we can have if we remain faithful!
@xmoomy Год назад
Leviticus 19:18 You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of YOUR people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.
@apreju7298 2 года назад
Clear, concise information! Thank you, Dennis [and Don].
@laura7434 2 года назад
Danke 🧡☀️
@miraclemannequin 2 года назад
This cult of ours was all kind of messed up but we did have some good tunes.
@barbarasanders7965 2 года назад
I have never heard of a cult where people have good times.
@nolanjoseph1892 9 месяцев назад
Jesus' movement was called a cult too.
@xmoomy 2 года назад
The flood was local. Written history proves this. Shem, Ham and Japheth were all white and their ancestors can be traced in history. The creation of man in Genesis 1 is not talking about Adam and Eve. Look at the order and the concept of toledoths and colophons.
@xmoomy 2 года назад
We know Adam was white by who came from him. Real life comes from Christ, Christ came from Eve. In that sense, she is the mother of all living. If you took that scripture too literally, the grass, ants, dogs have Eve as their mother. It does not say, "living humans," it just says "living."
@xmoomy 2 года назад
Deuteronomy 23:2 A mamzer shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord. Look up the true meaning of mamzer which the KJV translates into bastard.
@xmoomy 2 года назад
If I am of the tribe of Judah, and I move to the Congo, and my children marry Africans, then their kids marry Africans, and same thing happens for the next ten generations, it is true that my progeny can claim they are related to the tribe of Judah.
@xmoomy 2 года назад
John 8:33 . . . “We are descendants of Abraham, and have never been in bondage to any one. . . . John 8:37 I know that you are descendants of Abraham . . . Israel/Judah were in bondage in Egypt, Assyria and Babylon revealing the people Jesus was talking to were Edomites (related to Abraham through Esau).
@JacobStarclassik 2 года назад
Very interesting discussion. I was hoping to do some deeper digging to quiet my inquisitive mind but I couldn’t find the source credits at the end. what I do know off the top of me noggin is that the Egyptian idols are widely considered to be derived from the Mesopotamian civilization, which is thought the earliest civilization in mainstream history.
@777Gaile 2 года назад
Thank you its so eye opening.
@nanakedakenyatta9628 2 года назад
Reminds me of the good old days of Worldwide Church of God
@evabartlett7196 2 года назад
Good evening Mark. Thank you for your awesome presentation. A lot of work was researched by you in reference to the book a Ecclesiastes. I too! enjoy reading this book.
@apreju7298 3 года назад
Mind blown🤯🙌 Apparently, I ventured too far from the kiddie pool scripture zone straight into the high dive depth! But, glad I did. Coming from a Baptist, AG, plus 33 yrs of Reformed Theology, this is a majorly different view from churchianity. Thank you.
@apreju7298 3 года назад
Beautiful! Thank you. I am do enjoying the ability to "attend" Sukkot and am very blessed by what I "get" to be a part of. So, want to be there in person, but thankful to have real time connection to others at this important meeting.
@eliaspaulinodesouza7612 3 года назад
more, more beutifull
@evabartlett7196 3 года назад
Amen...... Glory be to God always. Thank you Donald Wales for organising this presentation and the planning involved to enabling this presentation session successful discussion. Mark thank you for your awesome, edifying, encouraging, inspiring and thought provoking presentation (planning involved on researching and gathering background information and knowledge outlined in your message) on Replacement Theology in Scriptures and for your discussion was referring to Israel and Christ in reference to Galatians 3:29. May the Lord continue to bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding always 🙏 The explanatory and excellent comments stipulated from Laureen, Chris and Allen, Mike, Hal and John. Thank you all for engaging with each other. May the Lord continue to bless you give you all wisdom to spread the good news,/words of God. To God we give glory honour and praises always 🙏😇🙏.
@evabartlett7196 3 года назад
@evabartlett7196 3 года назад
@evabartlett7196 3 года назад
@evabartlett7196 3 года назад
@evabartlett7196 3 года назад
Mark you carried out a lot of research, supporter with evidence to support your facts.
@evabartlett7196 3 года назад
Mark, thank you for your awesome edifying and excellent presentation session.