Comprehensible Mandarin
Comprehensible Mandarin
Comprehensible Mandarin
Welcome to Comprehensible Mandarin! For decades, research has shown that acquiring a new language by listening to comprehensible input may be the fastest, most effective method for learning a new language to a high level. It's also a lot more fun than traditional classroom & grammar study!

Unfortunately, for many languages including Mandarin Chinese, there is currently a major lack of material designed to be understandable to beginners without relying on translation. Our goal is to fill that gap, by crowdfunding to hire native speakers to produce a shared resource, with large amounts of compelling, comprehensible input suitable for absolute beginners.

Comprehensible Mandarin depends on viewer contributions for funding. If you would like us to be able to continue producing more & better Mandarin content, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Even $2 per month helps keep the channel going!

Thank you, & we hope you enjoy our upcoming videos!
Shapes - Chinese Comprehensible Input
14 дней назад
Chores - Chinese Comprehensible Input
14 дней назад
@UserVladyslav Час назад
Thank you 谢谢
@vulongbanh4698 День назад
症状【症狀】【zhèngzhuàng】 疾病【jíbìng】 在老年人里面比较常见的 高血压【gāo xuèyā】 高血脂Gāo xiě zhī 量血压【量血壓】【Liàng xiěyā】 量血压的装置zhuāngzhì 擤鼻涕【xǐng bítì】 感冒【gǎnmào】 发烧 喉咙疼【喉嚨疼】【Hóulóng téng】 嗓子疼【sǎngzi téng】 嗓子沙哑【嗓子沙啞】【sǎngzi shāyǎ】 缠了一块绷带【纏了一塊繃帶】【Chánle yīkuài bēngdài】 扭伤【扭傷】【niǔshāng】 脚踝【腳踝】【jiǎohuái】 受伤 磕到了脚之后【磕到了腳之後】【Kē dàole jiǎo zhīhòu】 及时处理【及時處理】【jíshí chǔlǐ】 导致细菌感染【導致細菌感染】【Dǎozhì xìjùn gǎnrǎn】 用净水去冲洗 发炎【發炎】【fāyán】 幻灯片【幻燈片】【huàndēng piàn】 骨折【gǔzhé】 注意保护自己 熨斗【熨鬥】【yùndǒu】 衣服皱了【衣服皺了】【Yīfú zhòule】 熨斗烫平【熨鬥燙平】 开着状态 用手去碰就会被烫到了 手起疹子【Shǒu qǐ zhěnzi】 体温计【體溫計】【tǐwēnjì】 被蚊虫叮咬了【被蚊蟲叮咬了】【Bèi wénchóng dīngyǎole】 打寒颤【打寒顫】【Dǎ hánzhàn】 被子盖起来保持温暖 牙疼-下巴疼 腰疼-背疼 肚子疼 头疼 眼睛淤青了【Yǎnjīng yū qīngle】 脚磕破了【腳磕破了】【Jiǎo kē pòle】
@vulongbanh4698 2 дня назад
展览 展厅 木箱 提包 [tíbāo] 背包 [bēibāo] 一套衣服 屏幕 这边墙是有包储藏 [chǔcáng]
@vulongbanh4698 2 дня назад
长条形 长方形状 先煎一下 一起下去翻炒 荷兰豆 [hélándòu] 花菜 [huācài]
@vulongbanh4698 2 дня назад
润饼菜 [Rùn bǐng cài] 春卷 [chūnjuǎn] 闽南地区的特产Mǐnnán 具体有什么样的食材 润饼皮 必不可少 把菜卷起来吃 到底 海蛎子 [hǎi lì zi] 非常普遍pǔbiàn 胡萝卜变成丝状 条状 豆腐 花生碎 用手直接去抓的 耗时 [hào shí] 耗费时间 五颜六色 刚所说
@jarellemason7291 3 дня назад
Cool Mandarin learning channel
@Thejeffe258 4 дня назад
@Thejeffe258 4 дня назад
@CheddavsChina-tm5mo 5 дней назад
The extra pictures really make a difference! You guys are doing a great job.
@ComprehensibleMandarin 3 дня назад
Thank you, I'm glad they're helping!
@vulongbanh4698 8 дней назад
清汤锅底【清湯鍋底】【Qīng tāngguō dǐ】 涮羊肉【shuàn yángròu】 油碟【Yóu dié】 、 芝麻酱【芝麻醬】【zhīmajiàng】 红油火锅【紅油火鍋】【Hóng yóu huǒguō】 吃得惯【吃得慣】【Chī dé guàn】 适中【適中】【shìzhòng】 排很长时间的队 不接受预约【不接受預約】【Bù jiēshòu yùyuē】 停车位【停車位】【tíngchē wèi】 自助餐【zìzhùcān】 炒菜【chǎocài】
@星火猫 9 дней назад
@trevormorgan3946 11 дней назад
Hello, I hope that you can read this in English. I love your videos and I think what your team on Comprehensible Mandarin is good because it does work to learn a language. I want to thank you for all of the hard work everyone has put into making these videos and continue to please post many more videos. I would like to add some input on how I think you could improve because I myself am an English speaker so I am very unfamiliar with the language of Mandarin. If you could make the videos more comprehensible for someone like myself with the most basic things like what a child would need to hear in order for them to understand what you are saying. Additionally, if you could slow down what you are saying and repeat what you say many times because repetition is key when learning a language instead of just going on to the next point. If you want to go over and look to see how Dreaming Spanish does it I think a similar fashion would work well for people to get the comprehension at the level that they are at with Mandarin and what your team is trying to accomplish here on this channel. What I have noticed is that it takes about 50 hours to get familiar with the language even though much of it is very difficult to understand but you know where a sentence starts and ends even though you do not know 100% of what is being said. If you could make the videos more comprehensible with basic stuff we can pick up more context of what is being said. Using more pictures with everything that is being said would help greatly as well. Using more hand motions helps too. I would love to see something like Dreaming Spanish but in Mandarin like what your team is doing. (if you do not know what I am talking about here is the website link (www.dreamingspanish.com/ ) (you can sign up literally with just an email no need to pay any money or anything and no I am not an affiliate to them and have. I no connections I am not trying to promote their product either just want to let you know if you did something in like manner in Mandarin you would improve your channel and also it would be more comprehensible for super beginners that are at a baby level Mandarin and do not know anything about the language.). I just find that the so-called easy videos that is created here at this channel are more tailored to individuals that are at an intermediate level rather than at a beginner or super beginner level. Please whoever is reading this and in charge of the channel just give it a try check out how dreaming Spanish does it because I really want to learn Mandarin but I can't find any good resources out there that are easy to understand and many of them do not post videos anymore this is the only channel that posts every day. Sorry for the long post. If you would like to talk more to me about this and have any questions about what I have just stated above just comment below and let's get in contact in email or something Thank you.
@trevormorgan3946 11 дней назад
Hello, I hope that you can read this in English. I love your videos and I think what your team on Comprehensible Mandarin is good because it does work to learn a language. I want to thank you for all of the hard work everyone has put into making these videos and continue to please post many more videos. I would like to add some input on how I think you could improve because I myself am an English speaker so I am very unfamiliar with the language of Mandarin. If you could make the videos more comprehensible for someone like myself with the most basic things like what a child would need to hear in order for them to understand what you are saying. Additionally, if you could slow down what you are saying and repeat what you say many times because repetition is key when learning a language instead of just going on to the next point. If you want to go over and look to see how Dreaming Spanish does it I think a similar fashion would work well for people to get the comprehension at the level that they are at with Mandarin and what your team is trying to accomplish here on this channel. What I have noticed is that it takes about 50 hours to get familiar with the language even though much of it is very difficult to understand but you know where a sentence starts and ends even though you do not know 100% of what is being said. If you could make the videos more comprehensible with basic stuff we can pick up more context of what is being said. Using more pictures with everything that is being said would help greatly as well. Using more hand motions helps too. I would love to see something like Dreaming Spanish but in Mandarin like what your team is doing. (if you do not know what I am talking about here is the website link (www.dreamingspanish.com/ ) (you can sign up literally with just an email no need to pay any money or anything and no I am not an affiliate to them and have. I no connections I am not trying to promote their product either just want to let you know if you did something in like manner in Mandarin you would improve your channel and also it would be more comprehensible for super beginners that are at a baby level Mandarin and do not know anything about the language.). I just find that the so-called easy videos that is created here at this channel are more tailored to individuals that are at an intermediate level rather than at a beginner or super beginner level. Please whoever is reading this and in charge of the channel just give it a try check out how dreaming Spanish does it because I really want to learn Mandarin but I can't find any good resources out there that are easy to understand and many of them do not post videos anymore this is the only channel that posts every day. Sorry for the long post. If you would like to talk more to me about this and have any questions about what I have just stated above just comment below and let's get in contact in email or something Thank you.
@trevormorgan3946 11 дней назад
Hello, I hope that you can read this in English. I love your videos and I think what your team on Comprehensible Mandarin is good because it does work to learn a language. I want to thank you for all of the hard work everyone has put into making these videos and continue to please post many more videos. I would like to add some input on how I think you could improve because I myself am an English speaker so I am very unfamiliar with the language of Mandarin. If you could make the videos more comprehensible for someone like myself with the most basic things like what a child would need to hear in order for them to understand what you are saying. Additionally, if you could slow down what you are saying and repeat what you say many times because repetition is key when learning a language instead of just going on to the next point. If you want to go over and look to see how Dreaming Spanish does it I think a similar fashion would work well for people to get the comprehension at the level that they are at with Mandarin and what your team is trying to accomplish here on this channel. What I have noticed is that it takes about 50 hours to get familiar with the language even though much of it is very difficult to understand but you know where a sentence starts and ends even though you do not know 100% of what is being said. If you could make the videos more comprehensible with basic stuff we can pick up more context of what is being said. Using more pictures with everything that is being said would help greatly as well. Using more hand motions helps too. I would love to see something like Dreaming Spanish but in Mandarin like what your team is doing. (if you do not know what I am talking about here is the website link (www.dreamingspanish.com/ ) (you can sign up literally with just an email no need to pay any money or anything and no I am not an affiliate to them and have. I no connections I am not trying to promote their product either just want to let you know if you did something in like manner in Mandarin you would improve your channel and also it would be more comprehensible for super beginners that are at a baby level Mandarin and do not know anything about the language.). I just find that the so-called easy videos that is created here at this channel are more tailored to individuals that are at an intermediate level rather than at a beginner or super beginner level. Please whoever is reading this and in charge of the channel just give it a try check out how dreaming Spanish does it because I really want to learn Mandarin but I can't find any good resources out there that are easy to understand and many of them do not post videos anymore this is the only channel that posts every day. Sorry for the long post. If you would like to talk more to me about this and have any questions about what I have just stated above just comment below and let's get in contact in email or something Thank you.
@trevormorgan3946 11 дней назад
Hello, I hope that you can read this in English. I love your videos and I think what your team on Comprehensible Mandarin is good because it does work to learn a language. I want to thank you for all of the hard work everyone has put into making these videos and continue to please post many more videos. I would like to add some input on how I think you could improve because I myself am an English speaker so I am very unfamiliar with the language of Mandarin. If you could make the videos more comprehensible for someone like myself with the most basic things like what a child would need to hear in order for them to understand what you are saying. Additionally, if you could slow down what you are saying and repeat what you say many times because repetition is key when learning a language instead of just going on to the next point. If you want to go over and look to see how Dreaming Spanish does it I think a similar fashion would work well for people to get the comprehension at the level that they are at with Mandarin and what your team is trying to accomplish here on this channel. What I have noticed is that it takes about 50 hours to get familiar with the language even though much of it is very difficult to understand but you know where a sentence starts and ends even though you do not know 100% of what is being said. If you could make the videos more comprehensible with basic stuff we can pick up more context of what is being said. Using more pictures with everything that is being said would help greatly as well. Using more hand motions helps too. I would love to see something like Dreaming Spanish but in Mandarin like what your team is doing. (if you do not know what I am talking about here is the website link (www.dreamingspanish.com/ ) (you can sign up literally with just an email no need to pay any money or anything and no I am not an affiliate to them and have. I no connections I am not trying to promote their product either just want to let you know if you did something in like manner in Mandarin you would improve your channel and also it would be more comprehensible for super beginners that are at a baby level Mandarin and do not know anything about the language.). I just find that the so-called easy videos that is created here at this channel are more tailored to individuals that are at an intermediate level rather than at a beginner or super beginner level. Please whoever is reading this and in charge of the channel just give it a try check out how dreaming Spanish does it because I really want to learn Mandarin but I can't find any good resources out there that are easy to understand and many of them do not post videos anymore this is the only channel that posts every day. Sorry for the long post. If you would like to talk more to me about this and have any questions about what I have just stated above just comment below and let's get in contact in email or something Thank you.
@trevormorgan3946 11 дней назад
Hello, I hope that you can read this in English. I love your videos and I think what your team on Comprehensible Mandarin is good because it does work to learn a language. I want to thank you for all of the hard work everyone has put into making these videos and continue to please post many more videos. I would like to add some input on how I think you could improve because I myself am an English speaker so I am very unfamiliar with the language of Mandarin. If you could make the videos more comprehensible for someone like myself with the most basic things like what a child would need to hear in order for them to understand what you are saying. Additionally, if you could slow down what you are saying and repeat what you say many times because repetition is key when learning a language instead of just going on to the next point. If you want to go over and look to see how Dreaming Spanish does it I think a similar fashion would work well for people to get the comprehension at the level that they are at with Mandarin and what your team is trying to accomplish here on this channel. What I have noticed is that it takes about 50 hours to get familiar with the language even though much of it is very difficult to understand but you know where a sentence starts and ends even though you do not know 100% of what is being said. If you could make the videos more comprehensible with basic stuff we can pick up more context of what is being said. Using more pictures with everything that is being said would help greatly as well. Using more hand motions helps too. I would love to see something like Dreaming Spanish but in Mandarin like what your team is doing. (if you do not know what I am talking about here is the website link (www.dreamingspanish.com/ ) (you can sign up literally with just an email no need to pay any money or anything and no I am not an affiliate to them and have. I no connections I am not trying to promote their product either just want to let you know if you did something in like manner in Mandarin you would improve your channel and also it would be more comprehensible for super beginners that are at a baby level Mandarin and do not know anything about the language.). I just find that the so-called easy videos that is created here at this channel are more tailored to individuals that are at an intermediate level rather than at a beginner or super beginner level. Please whoever is reading this and in charge of the channel just give it a try check out how dreaming Spanish does it because I really want to learn Mandarin but I can't find any good resources out there that are easy to understand and many of them do not post videos anymore this is the only channel that posts every day. Sorry for the long post. If you would like to talk more to me about this and have any questions about what I have just stated above just comment below and let's get in contact in email or something Thank you.
@CheddavsChina-tm5mo 11 дней назад
I always see comments saying you should add subtitles but i think what your doing is perfect. The point is to listen not read. Great content btw. I just became a patreon member. I look forward to LISTENING to more content haha.
@ComprehensibleMandarin 11 дней назад
Thank you so much!
@davidarnaud 16 дней назад
When you upload your video on RU-vid select machine translation automatic subtitles in English. Then we can follow along even if you use words we don't understand. It's simple and easy to do. Please do this for all your new videos if you want to grow your audience.
@Mandarin-xz5rt 17 дней назад
These tour videos are super comprehensible, I like them a lot.
@vulongbanh4698 19 дней назад
秋千 [qiūqiān] 一共有 金色 一座桥 一条河 过桥 大厅 一幅画 卫生间 大殿 喷泉 [pēnquán] 绕过 [ràoguò] 走上台阶 [Zǒu shàng táijiē] 进到大殿里面去 [Jìn dào dàdiàn lǐmiàn qù] 香炉 [xiānglú 柱子 [zhùzi] 两座建筑商店 一把伞 泰国的传统服饰 [fúshì]
@vulongbanh4698 19 дней назад
远处有一个喷水池 白庙 一座钟 拉绳子 瀑布 雕像 [diāoxiàng 顺着河流往前走
@lorrainegatanianhits8331 20 дней назад
Gf recommended this book series to me.
@sargentopimienta5190 20 дней назад
@zurba-j2i 20 дней назад
i really enjoy your videos teacher xue, i wish you could upgrade the mic setup it would be very helpful, thank you for your hard work 🌹
@vulongbanh4698 21 день назад
夜宵【yèxiāo】 烧烤【燒烤】【shāokǎo】 去海边烧烤 室内聚会【室內聚會】【Shìnèi jùhuì】 食材【shícái】 竹签【竹籤】【zhú qiān】 蔬菜【shūcài】 肉类【肉類】【ròu lèi】 一块一块串进去【一塊一塊穿進去】【Yīkuài yīkuài chuàn jìnqù】 烧烤架【燒烤架】【shāokǎo jià】 调味料【調味料】【tiáowèi liào】 孜然粉【Zī rán fěn】 烧烤粉 一颗一颗掰下来【一顆一顆掰下來】【Yī kē yī kē bāi xiàlái】 金针菇【金針菇】【jīnzhēngū】 韭菜【jiǔcài】 必备【必備】【bì bèi】 鸡翅【雞翅】【Jīchì】 鸡爪【雞爪】【jī zhuǎ】 生蚝【生蠔】【shēngháo】 清蒸【qīngzhēng】 吃起来的味道非常美味 羊肉串 牛肉串 猪肉串 给它串到竹签上面 腥味【Xīng wèi】 大多数人 秋刀鱼【秋刀魚】【qiū dāoyú】 虾【蝦】【xiā】 撒一些调味料 喜欢吃甜口的朋友们 一起吃,一吃聊天,吹着海风
@vulongbanh4698 22 дня назад
Thank you so much for your lessons, they're informative and useful as always🥰 卧室=房间 洗漱【xǐshù】 洗手间~浴室【yùshì】 一角(落)Yī jiǎoluò】 浴缸【yùgāng 泡澡【pào zǎo】 放一缸子的水 出汗【chū hàn】 水龙头/出水口 按钮 这边出来温水 把水排出去 地漏【dìlòu】-排水口【páishuǐ kǒu】 生动【生動】【shēngdòng】~形象【xíngxiàng】 浴帘【浴簾】【yù lián】 避免 跑到外面去了 把地板打湿了 不太好清理【Bù tài hǎo qīnglǐ】 长方形【長方形】【chángfāngxíng】 墙壁【牆壁】【qiángbì】 砖块【磚塊】【zhuān kuài】 瓷砖【瓷磚】【cízhuān】=>好清理 让墙壁长霉【讓牆壁長黴】【Ràng qiángbì zhǎng méi】 一般不会搞脏 不会湿掉 毛巾 吸盘【吸盤】【xīpán】 挂上去 淋浴喷头【淋浴噴頭】【Línyù pēntóu】 肥皂【肥皁】【féizào】 把身上打湿 用肥皂抹在身上 毯子【tǎnzi】 把手
@ComprehensibleMandarin 21 день назад
Thank you, I'm glad they're helpful!
@Mandarin-xz5rt 24 дня назад
She draws really well
@vulongbanh4698 25 дней назад
服务员买单 这是你的账单 随意说 高档一点 离开 中国当前比较流行的做法 通过外卖 噸噸桶【吨吨桶】【Dūn dūn tǒng】 可以插吸管的地方 很少使用现金 手机支付
@vulongbanh4698 25 дней назад
爸爸带着女儿一起外出去咖啡厅 点饮料 大手牵小手【大手牽小手】【Dàshǒu qiān xiǎoshǒu】 整个咖啡厅里面的环境 这边坐了一桌客人 显然是 戴着围裙【戴著圍裙】【Dàizhe wéiqún】 动画片 先生你要和什么嘛 跟我来一杯咖啡吧 加上半糖,要热的 记下了 记录本 转头问【轉頭問】【Zhuǎn tóu wèn】 可乐而且还要加冰块 还需要其他的吗 不用了我们暂时就需要这些 端着爸爸和女儿点的饮品来了 详细的看一下 咖啡的托盘 易拉罐【yìlāguàn】 易开罐【易開罐】【yì kāi guàn】
@vulongbanh4698 25 дней назад
去上学 主人公 闹钟 台灯 闹钟响了 起床了 伸懒腰 打哈欠 穿上拖鞋 拿了毛巾 打开开关 洗头发 洗发水 沐浴露【mùyù lù】 用水把身上的沫沫冲掉· 水珠子【Shuǐ zhūzi】擦干 短袖衬衣【短袖襯衣】【duǎn xiù chènyī】 头盔【頭盔】【tóukuī】 并不是【並不是】【bìng bùshì】 防晒帽【防曬帽】【Fángshài mào】 背上了橙色的书包 到学校之后,把摩托车停好 后备箱【後備箱】【hòubèi xiāng】 储物箱【儲物箱】【Chǔ wù xiāng】 放了头盔,外套 盖上车座 锁好之后【鎖好之後】【Suǒ hǎo zhīhòu】 旗子【qízi】 满头大汗 防晒衣【防曬衣】【fángshài yī】 阳光比较强烈【陽光比較強烈】【Yángguāng bǐjiào qiángliè】 保持皮肤【保持皮膚】【Bǎochí pífū】 晒伤【曬傷】【shài shāng】 晒黑【曬黑】【shài hēi】 晚上六点放学了 骑上摩托车回家了 今天的温度有多高 以便穿合适的衣服出门 循序【xúnxù】 到达学校
@vulongbanh4698 26 дней назад
撕开/撕掉 打开创可贴 对着伤口粘好了【Zhān hǎole】 药店【藥店】【yàodiàn】 诊所【診所】【zhěnsuǒ】 大夫【dàifu】 药粉【藥粉】【yàofěn】没有了 格外的撒上药【格外的撒上藥】【Géwài de sā shàng yào】 捏着伤口【捏著傷口】【Niēzhe shāngkǒu】来到了洗手间 快速跑步来到洗手间 就剩一个了【Jiù shèng yīgèle】 请你收好【請你收好】【Qǐng nǐ shōu hǎo】 日常备用【日常備用】【Rìcháng bèiyòng】
@vulongbanh4698 26 дней назад
案板【ànbǎn】 简单的展示【簡單的展示】【Jiǎndān de zhǎnshì】 不小心切到了手 好疼啊流血了【liú xiě】 西红柿 洋葱 额头冒汗了【Étóu mào hànle】 伤口上的血【傷口上的血】【Shāngkǒu shàng de xuè】给冲掉 水池【shuǐchí】 冲洗干净 开开了水管 把水管关上 干净的棉布/纸Gānjìng de miánbù/zhǐ 擦掉 创可贴【創可貼】【chuàngkětiē】=创口贴
@Ailanguge 26 дней назад
I came to know that by tapping on comments, my comment will be automatically liked.
@JoeCentury 26 дней назад
@bailong7461 27 дней назад
Comprehensible Mandarin 是 youtube 上最好的中文学习频道!
@ComprehensibleMandarin 27 дней назад
Wow, thank you so much!
@DuckForPope 27 дней назад
May I suggest something? I don't know if it goes against the ethos of comprehensible input but I would really love to be able to see written transcripts of these videos. Not subtitles, but maybe placed in the video description or as a PDF link. Sometimes there are words that I can't quite make out because of accent or because I've never heard them before and it would be really extremely helpful to be able to pause and reference the transcript for clarity. If you provided this for patreons only that would definitely work out in your favour I think. Anyways, another great video! Thank you so much for the continued excellent effort! ❤
@vulongbanh4698 27 дней назад
洗碗 拉面的摊位【拉面的攤位】【Lāmiàn de tānwèi】 用右手拿筷子 用右手端碗【Duān wǎn】 左撇子【zuó piě zi】右撇子【Yòu piē zi】 收拾【shōushi】 把盆里放进了水【把盆裡放進了水】【Bǎ pén lǐ fàng jìnle shuǐ】 加进了洗洁精【加進了洗潔精】【Jiā jìnle xǐ jié jīng】 洗碗抹布【Xǐ wǎn mābù】 洗碗海绵【洗碗海綿】【Xǐ wǎn hǎimián】 擦拭【cāshì】 摞了起来【摞了起來】【Luòle qǐlái】 下水道【xiàshuǐdào】 洗碗机 不用劳动
@vulongbanh4698 28 дней назад
大妈 阿姨 手提式的音响【手提式的音響】【Shǒutí shì de yīnxiǎng】 简单携带【簡單攜帶】【Jiǎndān xiédài】 跳广场舞 mianfei 自发 做练习 非常流行的锻炼方式 跑步 夜跑团【夜跑團】【Yè pǎo tuán】 拳击【拳擊】【quánjī】 姿势【姿勢】【zīshì】 蛙泳【wāyǒng】 自由泳【zìyóuyǒng】 共享单车【共享單車】【gòngxiǎng dānchē】 浑身大汗【渾身大汗】【Húnshēn dà hàn】
@vulongbanh4698 28 дней назад
这有一个舞台 音响【音響】【yīnxiǎng】 立式音响【立式音響】【Lì shì yīnxiǎng】 一根电线 插头插在了电源上 试一下音 试音通常说 广场下面来了有 做热身运动 活动胳膊 交钱 教练 运动衣 双手叉腰【雙手叉腰】【Shuāngshǒu chāyāo】 头上出了汗 补充一下身上流失的水分【Bǔchōng yīxià shēnshang liúshī de shuǐfèn】 各自回家 拔掉 收走 晚上广场舞【晚上廣場舞】【Wǎnshàng guǎngchǎng wǔ】
@sheareracuna896 28 дней назад
Thanks! It would be useful if the video titles said which level each video is aimed at (e.g. beginner, elementary, lower intermediate etc.)
@ComprehensibleMandarin 27 дней назад
Hi - All of our videos are aimed at beginners. With that said, we try to make them more comprehensible by adding visual support like pictures & gestures, not by dumbing down the language; so they might be useful up into the intermediate level as well, if you just listened without watching.
@sheareracuna896 27 дней назад
@@ComprehensibleMandarin Okay, I see. Thank you!
@bailong7461 29 дней назад
@vulongbanh4698 29 дней назад
冲剂药【衝劑藥】【Chōngjì yào】、 把冲剂撕开【sī kāi】 用勺子搅完之后 喝下了冲剂 躺在沙发上继续休息 受不了睡不着 跟医院打电话 实在太难受了 急性肠胃炎【急性腸胃炎】【Jíxìng chángwèi yán】 备些这种药【備些這種藥】【Bèi xiē zhè zhǒng yào】 夏季 生冷食物【shēnglěng】 以免拉肚子 挥手再见【揮手再見】【Huīshǒu zàijiàn】 咕噜咕噜【咕嚕咕嚕】【gūlū gūlū】 急忙【jímáng】 似乎【sìhū】
@vulongbanh4698 29 дней назад
食物中毒【shíwù zhòngdú】 两个人在约会 扇贝【扇貝】【shànbèi】 海鲜类 扇贝的壳打开【扇貝的殼打開】【Shànbèi de ké dǎkāi】 上洗手间/赶紧跑进xishoujian 推开门 蹲便【Dūn biàn】 拉肚子【lādùzi】 桶用来接水 水瓢【shuǐ piáo】用来舀水【yǎo shuǐ】 冲厕所【衝廁所】【Chōng cèsuǒ】 蹲便vs马桶 自动冲水的装置【裝置】【zhuāngzhì】 按一下按钮 吐【tù】 沙发的靠垫【沙發的靠墊】【Shāfā de kàodiàn】 拉肚子的药
@vulongbanh4698 29 дней назад
胡萝卜丁【胡蘿卜丁】【Húluóbo dīng】 青椒丁【Qīngjiāo dīng】 装盘【裝盤】【Zhuāng pán】 打了一个鸡蛋 煎荷包蛋【Jiān hébāodàn】 倒出盖在了米上 你的炒饭好了,请慢慢享用 【Qǐng màn man xiǎngyòng】 肚子有点饿了 翻炒【fān chǎo】
@vulongbanh4698 29 дней назад
走着走着他就想 很累啊我需要吃点东西 发现旁边有个摊位 坐在餐桌 鸡蛋炒米【雞蛋炒米】【Jīdàn chǎomǐ】 炒饭 火腿炒饭【火腿炒飯】【Huǒtuǐ chǎofàn】 给他来了一杯水 一根吸管 跟我来一份蛋炒饭 把水倒进被子 把炒锅放在火上 加入油 把蒜切好【Bǎ suàn qiè hǎo】 放蒜爆香【Fàng suàn bào xiāng】 火腿【huǒtuǐ】
@TalsonHacks Месяц назад
thank you so much for the video!
@mad056 Месяц назад
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii daijahao👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋 my fav intro
@JoeCentury Месяц назад
@talorrrani12314 Месяц назад