C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago
C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago
C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago
Bedi Alchemy SAMPLE
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JP109 | Healing Cinema: Tar
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JP102 | Healing Cinema: Elegy
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JP90 | Jungian Ever After: Rapunzel
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@nedthestaffieegan3452 7 часов назад
Wow that was a profound lecture, I can't remember the last time I was so engaged and tuned in listening to something. Thank you for uploading it
@Me_ThatsWho 2 дня назад
"the purpose of our maturation is to enable the Godhead to rejuvenate. when we are born, God is old. when we grow old, God becomes young. And when we die, God experiences rebirth." I will probably spend the rest of my days living with these inscrutable words, providing I don't lose my memory before then :)
@nyuszifu 3 дня назад
avoid listening, total waste of time this guy is a complete retard who adds nothing of value to Jungs works he spent the entire lecture shilling random books and discusses basically nothing
@annak29 8 дней назад
1:28:14 RE Anima/animus societal emphasis on animus as superior (logos) to eros is the trend but need both
@inlov33 12 дней назад
Where can we listen to episode 75?
@CoachTroyTaylor 13 дней назад
I love Jung and I am learning about ignatius. Thanks for posting.
@LailaLivsdatter 17 дней назад
@CarissaMurphy 21 день назад
This talk was so enlightening, I really needed that. Thank you for posting it!
@deborahunger4974 Месяц назад
Our moment: "The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters." --Antonio Gramsci, 1891-1937
@jackiesell2877 Месяц назад
So grateful for Donald Kalsched!
@Geo_not_Neo5381 Месяц назад
I'm convinced that this weasel tried to sacrifice the one from Los Angeles who offered up his living sacrifice to the Most High and it pleased The Most High. And the individual from los Angeles living sacrifice was completing the process of the fear of God and in the Bible it says , The angels of Lord encamps around those who fear Him which means that this scumbag Dr. Before he killed his wife and then commented suicide he said in heart in range that he will go to los Angeles and murder the one God chose to be king and it was angels who possessed him to kill his wife and then himself . This individual is so precious to God bc he completed a difficult path that broke the generational curse that was blocking the ppl from coming back to God. God only knows how many other victims are there who tried to murder God's chosen one. So I say F#$k Dr. Moore and all who have tried to take the life of the chosen one bc I know there going to hell. That's right in case you didn't know God's chosen King is Los Angeles waiting to be crowned the king of the world and may all the chosen one haters that are alive be cursed . F#$K THIS DR. MOORE AND HIS INFLATED EGO.
@amarshmuseconcepta6197 23 дня назад
You obviously haven't done any research this Dr was redrumed/ ⚰️☠️🏁🤺squad 🙄"you genius?"🤨
@Geo_not_Neo5381 Месяц назад
I never said I was the king....God said I was the king...I didn't choose it they chose me but you go ahead and try to make god feel He made a mistake in choosing me.
@Knaeben Месяц назад
7:50 psychology of splitting and projective identification 8:10 experience before complete ego formation 11:25 fear of a breakdown that's already happened 15:05 primitive defensive operations; overwhelming affect 15:40 mother as external metabolizing organ of psychological experience
@seasmith2268 Месяц назад
The usual Cali-socialist twisting of Jung's work, delivered in the usual halting um-uh-ah mindless professorial way. Rubbish, just read the original works by the genius authors, like Jung.
@swissrootful 2 месяца назад
great stuff, and what you said abut hope, indeed hopeful in a meaning-creating way!
@n.d8001 2 месяца назад
I can t stand to see a wounded animal😢
@tewtravelers9586 2 месяца назад
You definitely did a great job of making me lose interest within the first two minutes.
@clareryan3843 2 месяца назад
Really pleased I listened all the way through, seemed like it took a while to warm up and get through the formalities, but worth the patience👍👍
@HiiragizawaShindou 2 месяца назад
@MarcosRodriguez-gj8vi 2 месяца назад
@catherinepeppers791 2 месяца назад
Please carry on!
@reanolan 2 месяца назад
Wonderful tribute to Marion. Thank you for introducing her to your audience. She is an important figure helping individuals understand ourselves in the modern world, and too few people in the more recent generations know her work. I feel a point of correction should be made. Woodman was not one of Jung's students. She studied at the CG Jung Institute in Zürich (Küsnacht) under Marie-Louise von Franz and Barbara Hannah (amongst other lecturers and principals) in the 1970s. Jung himself died in 1961. so she was not one of his immediate students. She is, however, a visionary in her own right and developed some of the concepts Jung felt he had not adequately articulated - chiefly, the image and meaning of the Divine Feminine. Also, you conflate her trips to London and India, but I'm quite certain they happened in different phases. I speak as a former student of Marion's through the Marion Woodman Foundation. Again, I thank you for this introduction and I hope it inspires many unfamiliar with her to seek out her lectures and writing. Many of her audio lectures are broadly available on the internet, including on youtube.
@mirellavasileva2038 2 месяца назад
My guess about pricking the finger and the drops of blood is that this is a metaphor for loosing the queen's virginity and getting pregnant. Eating of the heart is supposed to give you the qualities of the person you have consumed in Snow White case her beauty and youthfulness. Modern take on this will be the film "Neon demon" by N. Refn.
@DJSTOEK 3 месяца назад
@angelcandelaria6728 3 месяца назад
Shared this with so many people
@angelcandelaria6728 3 месяца назад
This was my mother. Thank you for helping me heal 🎉
@thisisme24610 3 месяца назад
Thankyou so much for this
@jessicakelley2798 3 месяца назад
I don't think I agree too much with this guy and I find it frightening that his teachings are lifted so high. He calls people sleeping machines, I'd almost agree, accept I think that people are more like robots, doing what they are programmed to do, and it's not that they are sleeping, it is that they cannot refuse a command and are afraid to step outside of the box that they have been trained to operate within, because if they do, then they may not have a place in the box anymore. Social conditioning is the problem. The order of the world is the problem, it's not sleep, it's enchantment, it's conditioning. He calls it sleep because he's only read books that call for people to wake up, what it should be interpreted as is break the enchantment. Pay attention, because there are ways to break the enchantment that don't require much effort, but these ways have been basically outlawed over time. For example, sticking up your middle finger or just spitting were ways of breaking the enchantment, and what you ought to understand is that this system that enchants us, preserves itself by outlawing anything that could bring it down. It's not wake up, it is break the enchantment. Another thing this idea of the payment owed, our obligation is to be lawful people, to be kind and take care of one another, to help one another grow and mature into wisdom. This guy misleads people, but he also tells them the truth, he is not enlightened, he is trying to explain things that he has no context for. It's my covenant to suffer for God, and I don't appreciate his version of suffering and is obviously a mix of other things. The Jews have 3 ways that the world can come out of exile, and yes exile, where men sets the rules and tries to hold the seat of those who went before who were not in exile. Those 3 ways are through keeping the law, acts of charity and kindness, and if people cannot, then their third path is through great suffering. So they have plan A, B, and C, but their plan C is my Plan A, as I entered into this covenant as a child, it's all I know, and the point of suffering has many benefits. For example, when you love someone and they hurt you, you'll make up endless excuses for them, until you suffer enough to cast of the hold that they have on you, and then you are free to leave. For the people the enchantment, suffering may be necessary, because they put the needs of the institution above their own lives, above the law, and most importantly above God, it is necessary for them to suffer greatly, but it is also their choice, because all they really need to do is let go, but the problem is that they don't see any other options. So it's let go into what? where to go when the box is so big that it encompasses your whole world, and the answer is difficult, because it does require the desert experiment, where you God shows you who he is, and you learn to live by laws, kindness, and care for one another. I am not going to write a book here, but I wouldn't follow this guy, because he isn't leading you anywhere. He is just occupying your time and driving you down a rabbit hole. Peace
@wandajames143 3 месяца назад
@geoffreynhill2833 3 месяца назад
Starts ca. 5:30 😉
@geoffreynhill2833 3 месяца назад
PS: The subtitles are preferable to the speech. 🤨
@electriclady3691 Месяц назад
I have heard all of his wonderful accolades in each video his had talks, thank you so much.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t 3 месяца назад
stopping at 27:07, Moving through this, as if to say we will all survive this disaster,, This is completely against what the prohets wrote millennial ago, Not sure why Jungians hold this idea of hope, salvation, resurrection,, when the reality is complete total disaster annihilation. The prophets words will come to pass, All ALLLL cities will be completely totally annihilated, This is the future. WE do not need hope in some future phantomsmorgia, some ideal that will lead us further astray. This is why I avoid all things Jungian. I follow what Jung gave us, I do not follow any Jungism. I will continue my life long to read Jung and use this knowledge to come strongly against all things Jungianism. You guys get ready,, in 10 yrs I should be futher along in my Jung studies and I will not came as friend but as foe, your enemey. I am decades behind in my studies and God willing I will complete studies in Jung which will give me power to destroy whatever is not of Jung , harbored within your institutions. Just thought I would give you heads up. So you go re-consider your Jung and I will continue my studies, WE shall meet on the battle fields. Paul New Orleans PS do not save me a seat at any (world wide) JungianISM group meetings.
@DendriticFractals 3 месяца назад
Is this whole class avaliable? Super fundamentally informative
@samcrowe8477 3 месяца назад
Just drew my first mandala
@thetreeoflife6018 3 месяца назад
The shining City on the Hill is a farce, this is a corrupt kleptocracy. I like the Jungian take , the political talking points - not so much….
@ejenkins4711 3 месяца назад
I met a pycho he said his name was me, I said i dead on sister I'll just call yiu 2c
@lizafield9002 4 месяца назад
Every observation made here, i wanted to write or record as a timeless quote. Thank you! solid (but flowing & alive) wisdom here.
@Carmel明慧 4 месяца назад
I was saddened the other night to learn that Dr Rosen walked on in May. I only recently discovered his work on depression through this very talk, which led me to his book Transforming Depression, which I am still reading. I have found myself returning back to this talk several times recently. His sensitivity, sincerity and understanding are very consoling, which in my experience is something rare to find, even among Jungians. Thank you Dr Rosen, may you know that the spirit of your work lives on and may you travel well!
@Starstorm111 2 месяца назад
Oh… I’m back to this talk also. I did not know he passed away😢 This work is very appreciated. I too agree is rare to find this level of sensitivity and empathy for human suffering.
@Carmel明慧 2 месяца назад
@@Starstorm111 Oh, I'm sorry if my mentioning that came as a shock. I felt shocked too when I heard, even though I was aware that he was suffering some health concerns. I later saw a couple of memoriams online for David Rosen, which I found comforting to read. Sending you very warm regards, Carmel
@Riddlemewalker 4 месяца назад
Great conversation. Thank you so much for getting below the surface. Would love a follow up on more topics you touched on.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t 4 месяца назад
JUne has a few interesting ideas, Mostly she has delivered more confusion to Jung's ideas = Thus avoid Singer.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t 4 месяца назад
SElf Help books dont always work, WRONGGGG THat snakeoil NEVER EVER works. JUne misled astray
@theomniscientvoid9553 4 месяца назад
Great lecture, thank you. You almost sound like Terence McKenna.
@Philosophicalpaperti 4 месяца назад
It’s a crime that this doesn’t have more views. It’s one of my favorite things ever, I’ve listened to it multiple times. So much wisdom here. The true fruit of aging.
@TeamFriendship 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this resource! I find that people are so sensitive about gender, and yet it informs literally aspect of their lives. Women saying “there’s no difference between men and women” and then say “I’m looking for a masculine man.” So we can’t escape it, and like with everything in the unconscious there is so much to gain from unpacking it in the depths of your soul. I even sensed some trepidation of talking about it in this 1986 recording. Jung reminds me of Nietzsche, where it’s actually controversial to read his works that were inspired by the unconscious. It makes them so vital and rare, and I’m finally glad to understand how women are using this to great effect. I mean the idea that in the boss babe, sensitive guy era, where no one is dating or mating at the same levels, where isolation comes in the name of inoffensive unity. We need this great thinkers inspired work, done over a lifetime and revealed relatively recently, because as someone who’s spent his whole life studying philosopher, I have never encountered a psychological explanation and system of tools that can do what Active Imagination and an understanding of the archetypes can do. Someone asked me to describe it, wondering if it helps you see into the future. I told her it feels like falling in love, more than any kind of self help concept. That is what makes Jung so truly special, his worldview even allows for androgyny and gender bending or ideally whole people. That’s why integration not only explains the confusing things we’re seeing in the modern world, but how to embrace them in a very special way, internally and externally, to unlock true transformation worthy of myth.
@ghazanhussain2070 5 месяцев назад
Superb lecture. Ken's delivery was cleary and insightful.
@miketracy5603 5 месяцев назад
Oh Doctor Cwik.... Great doctor indeed!
@juliebagnellgrant9978 5 месяцев назад
Awesome, thank you!
@sp00g37 5 месяцев назад
Is remembering yourself akin to feeling in your body? Like when you sense your hands and work the whole way through
@ruhied957 5 месяцев назад
Check out her book Conscious Femininity...an important understanding for where we are... ❤
@spiralsun1 5 месяцев назад
One of the best videos I’ve ever listened to on RU-vid ❤ Thank you 🙏🏻
@SAVANNAHEVENTS 5 месяцев назад
I agree that these messages are absolutely speaking to right now.