Ben Fishermin
Ben Fishermin
Ben Fishermin
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The Beverly Hills of Malaysia!
4 часа назад
Malaysia changed my life DRAMATICALLY
7 часов назад
Avoid This Place in Langkawi, Malaysia!
14 дней назад
Malaysia is NOT what you think it is...
Месяц назад
@byteme9718 5 минут назад
You missed that proselytising Christianity in public in any way results in prison, a punishment foreigners have also been subjected to. Hand out a free bible, or a few brochures, and you'll be arrested within about fifteen minutes. This is because the government are petrified Malays will convert to Christianity, the same reason Malays face very harsh punishment of they leave Islam. Three northern states are actively seeking to execute apostates. The food and drink prohibition when voting is obvious. Much of the population is poor and their votes can easily be bought. The same applied in the Philippines where the CIA deposed Marcos by bribing poor locals with a good meal, a practice that still continues. Voting corruption/fraud in Malaysia is common so any means of control is beneficial. Democracy has failed here and the current government was chosen not by the people but the last king because polling resulted in a tie. The contenders were made up of coalitions of smaller parties so what may seem insignificant can have great influence. Think of it like the failed democracy of the US where votes for the Republicans and Democrats have been around 50/50 for decades. A small influence, Elon Musk and Twitter/X for example, could alter the outcome. So fortune telling is silly and Islam is not? The Muslim Malays believe in black magic and employ witch doctors, they also believe in genies.
@JoshuaLim911 6 минут назад
IPOH: Taiping has been placed third in the "Best of Cities" category, behind Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia, and Vancouver, Canada. The recognition was given during the 2019 Sustainable Top 100 Destination Awards at the International Tourismus-Börse (ITB) travel trade show in Berlin, Germany, yesterday. Taiping Municipal Council president Datuk Abd Rahim Md Ariff received the award. Abd Rahim said he was happy and proud of Taiping’s achievemen
@JoshuaLim911 14 минут назад
Many lakes left from tin-mining in the past….
@arivfotomoto3642 19 минут назад
I'm a Muslim in Malaysia, I have 6 dogs at my farm (plus 5 cats). Many other Muslim farm owners have dogs. They are useful to deter monkeys, squirrels, wild boars, the kind of animals that will destroy your produce. Speaking of which, my dogs stopped a king cobra two days ago. Keeping dogs is totally permissable in Islam for practical use. You'll find herders in Morocco, Turkiye, Pakistan, Afghanistan keeping dogs. But yes, licking the face is a no no... 😊
@azeedahhasleezan1678 26 минут назад
Don't talk anything related to our religion in public if you are not familiar with it. It may upset a lot of us. This is not New York where you can practically shit on anybody. Here people respect everyone including you as a guest. And in return you should respect the local population especially the Muslim by not talking shit about something related to Islam which you are not familiar with.
@tjwilson28 36 минут назад
Can you do a video on dating women in Malaysia? Like are they open to dating foreigners?
@JamesB-yc6qr 58 минут назад
Well, I’m literally love everything about Malaysia right now 😅 let’s be honest, west has nothing to show for it except their billionaires and corrupted politicians 🤡
@neal1006 Час назад
More often than not those Grab drivers are playing music to cater to their customers..since im am from an indian background they may tune to tamil radio or malay etc..its like that
@kiarahartamas Час назад
go to sri hartamas (not desa sri hartamas) in the afternoon. people walk their dog here all the time
@aurangzebjr5763 Час назад
Shut up.... Everytime american open his mouth, missinformation happened... Shut up
@peterreber7671 Час назад
These laws or maybe just regulations sound quite reasonable. Nothing out of the ordinary.
@JoshuaLim911 Час назад
Taiping means peace(in mandarin) while Perak means silver in Malay language. So it’s also known as the silver state.
@av603 Час назад
Great vlog as always! These were some relatively fun laws! Thank you for bringing them to our attention. There are weird old laws almost everywhere in the world that do not get updated as should be imo to keep up with social norms, USA's not excluded, lol. Those fortunetellers may want to provide "life advice" instead of their fraudulent psychic readings of the future... dunno. Here's a humorous question for y'all: So, if Mr. "Kale" and Mrs. "Cherry Brown" named their kids "Lexus" and "Amber", and their friendly little dog, "Coco", who is always running to other people for a good petting, happen to travel to Malaysia and are offered "free drinks" which they naively took during the election time unknown to them and who also happen to "jaywalk" without using designated crossings because there were none, sit down to watch the sunsets over the beautiful Malaysian horizon while the kids and dog are running around playing, and mom and dad briefly "french kiss" in a small moment of romance, how many combined years of prison is that for each one of them, dog included? Just kidding, don't include the dog... lol (rhetorical). What a vacation! You're doing a fabulous job, Ben! Malaysia seems so awesome!!! Let's goooooo!
@AtanAtan-rk2vk Час назад
Americans net people like alex jones
@ThailandOrBust1111 Час назад
Your learning thats what is truly valuable 😊.
@JoshuaLim911 Час назад
Dogs are allowed at dog parks
@AtanAtan-rk2vk Час назад
We dont want b come hollywood ..god bless you ben ❤️
@elbowstancenow1519 Час назад
So, do you watch Hollywood Blockbusters?
@AtanAtan-rk2vk 50 минут назад
@@elbowstancenow1519 dont i just hear from some american just so sad what that kids wast experian that fvvvking trauma ...freee american from elite maniac
@JoshuaLim911 Час назад
Dogs are allowed to be used by the police & Search & Rescue team
@RawDogTV Час назад
Stop saying 7000 baht without perspective. You can only get those prices in Bangkok if you get a long term lease. 12 months. Stop misleading people
@user-co4pv4oj2d Час назад
Yes as a animal lover myself, all creatures great & small it is a hard pill to swallow when it comes to our four legged friends! Although you can have a dog, but only as a guard dog. You have been doing some homework, a lot of rules mainly if you follow Islam, and as Malaysia is a Muslim country it is to be respected, whether you agree with it or not, a lot to learn, so much more. You have only touched on it, the west would be a much better place in my opinon, especially for children & so on. However when you donot know any different, it may take a while to realize it all makes perfect sense and it is the understanding, even if you only know the basics.
@WafeeTerengganu 2 часа назад
The rule is not haram but najis or impure if wet surface of either one got into contact with us because it is essential to keep it clean for the purpose of worship. Dogs still can be used within limited role such as to guard house from outside, as hunting dog or to herd the animals. Even the rules can be less tight in certain denomination based on jurisprudence.
@elbowstancenow1519 Час назад
Allah makes Muslims not sects. [Quran 6:159] Indeed, THOSE WHO HAVE DIVIDED THEIR DEEN AND BECOME SECTS - you, [O Muhammad], ARE NOT [associated] WITH THEM IN ANYTHING. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.
@WafeeTerengganu 43 минуты назад
@@elbowstancenow1519 so what's the rule according to your scholarly expertise?
@deedatfan6868 2 часа назад
That cat begging you for food
@elbowstancenow1519 34 минуты назад
He is a dog lover
@darkknight9811 2 часа назад
wanjo is OVERATED and PRICEY. Theres thousands of other Nasi Lemak out there that are much better in terms of flavours and PRICE. Hope you will find them soon! Happy exploring Ben
@jonathan-kh3zy 2 часа назад
Holding hands is fine but the kissing2 in public is gross. Get a room
@MojoZ20 2 часа назад
dude, just to be super clear on the dog - religious thingy :- 1) not a fully-consensus islamic religious thing, depending on the specific religious "mazhab" ie guru (?) followed. 2) most southeast asian muslims follow the Shafiee "mazhab", which stipulates that one can only keep dogs for hunting & property-guarding purposes. Cant keep em for pets, cant let em roam freely in the house. If one touches dogs with bare hands, need to clean up with water + ground dust. 3) turkey, pakistan, those other stans, + arab countries tend to follow other islamic "mazhabs" which allow keeping of dogs as household pets & minimal clean up.
@KamalAKhan 2 часа назад
2 live crew. The government tried to ban them, plus the mothers that got explicit lyrics stickers on CDs
@surayaw8901 2 часа назад
All the best, Ben
@abhs1141 2 часа назад
Of course kissing in public with lust is probihited . A small kiss is ok , on the forehead , a hug . But , for a Muslim , if you are not married , if you are found kissing in public , they will get to a police station , you will be fine . Adultery is not allowed for Muslim people . Of course if one does it in a private place , they might get away , but those are forbidden in Islam . Big sinner so to speak .. We have to draw a line ..why you want to kiss in public , to show people ?
@jayhatchpong 2 часа назад
Glad to know u r comfortable here.
@hilmiaziz5322 2 часа назад
I can live without dog...as you can't live without dog
@DocuFlow 2 часа назад
never heard about the voting thing. could be an archaic law, like the law in the UK that states you need to walk with a red flag in front of an automobile to warn pedestrians and horses.
@TheMightyBeer 2 часа назад
@cuddlyshihtzu 3 часа назад
go to Desa Park City Waterfront - it's in a residential area where almost everyone has a pet - be it dog, cat or rabbit out walking on lease. The park is dog friendly - it will be vy different from what you have experience and seen so far.
@goodflow3766 3 часа назад
Let's get it 🤘🤘🔥
@leowheng9372 3 часа назад
Good video ! I like it , very entertaining no matter details lost in translation. You'll feel your way around the country. Don't mind another video along these lines.😉
@darkcypha 3 часа назад
this is why the US are f-ed and we are not. it will get further f-ed because of BRICS. The Empire will fall, no more policing the world with dumb western standards
@nkh1976 3 часа назад
Immediately lots of view in Malaysia. Lol. It's showing Malaysian love to spend time in front screensssss...
@luckyluke1114 3 часа назад
Two things I do not discuss publicly: religion and politic.
@Hrangue 3 часа назад
That's a helluva sell... no dogs. That's the main thing I don't like about Philly--dogs and dog crap everywhere. Dogs in the supermarket, the restaurants/cafes, dogs on the train. People tracking around dog crap at packed street festivals. Dog crap in both sides of the crosswalk. Dog crap in the recycle bin and overflowing public trash cans with the green doody bags. It's not civilized. Malaysia gets it right. Can't wait to get over there.
@Noor881291 Час назад
Malaysian here, and I live in Philadelphia. I don’t mind dogs but some irresponsible parents of dogs don’t know how to clean up after their dogs. Sometimes I keep stepping on their poop. Some even don’t know how to train their dogs and can be aggressive. I was about being attacked by a pit bull before and that was horrible.
@Hrangue 10 минут назад
​@@Noor881291 Yes, I was close to getting bitten by a pit bull while I was on my morning walk last year. I had to stare it down without stopping, but without running. A couple of other times I had to cross the street to avoid stray pit bulls. The entitlement, neglect, and recklessness are too much... coming from too many people. The nicer the area, the more dogs there are. Do people in nice areas not like wearing nice shoes? It's insane. If I see the sidewalk loaded up with dog crap I just walk in the street. I'm excited for Kuala Lumpur. I knew somebody out there had to feel the say way.
@jannieabdullah7837 3 часа назад
I think you are talking rubbish here!
@al8775 3 часа назад
Don't love dogs but we love our cats...instead lol....
@zm261 3 часа назад
And things you said after digs things beverages and all maybe its not only about beverages it could be corruptions,about the songs, maybe it because some over offensive words that categories harassing ppl and bad for children to hear bad influence. Because that is how you get children nowadays corrupted because we see as we live in this good influence until we saw how this bad influence corrupted slowly by it. You dont have to agree, but we know and we saw what is good specially religions rules
@tiputertipah9664 3 часа назад
Regarding the ruling of dog in islam, there are disgreement among 4 mainstream islamic schools of thought (mazhab) according to Malikis schools of thought, dog is totally pure with no issue on clenliness of dog. Hanafis schools view dogs is impure only for its saliva, while Syafies and Hanbalis schools view dog and any kind of it offsprings or anything derived from it as total impure or dirty. And Malaysia (as well as other south east asian Muslim) follows this Shafies mazhab. However there are some who follow mazhab other than Syafie for personal use especially Muslims who are from middle east in Malaysia they are allowed and permissible to follow their mazhab, no issue since this disagreement is not something fundamental teachings of islam, it's just a small branch of islamic jurisprudence and Islam recognize it.
@elbowstancenow1519 55 минут назад
Allah makes Muslims not Sects. [Quran 6:159] Indeed, THOSE WHO HAVE DIVIDED THEIR DEEN AND BECOME SECTS - YOU, [O Muhammad], ARE NOT [associated] WITH THEM IN ANYTHING. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will form them about what they used to do.
@3208enrique 3 часа назад
Hi Ben, good topic to discuss. Malaysia is a multiracial country, it is far different from US. Malaysia have Muslim Hindu buddhist catholic christian just respect each others. Anyway don’t take it too personal on those negative comments.. treat it as a learning experience.Hope your channel getting better and better. Stay safe, stay cool stay positive
@byteme9718 Час назад
Are you seriously suggesting the US is not a multiracial country? FFS!
@AtanAtan-rk2vk 28 минут назад
@@byteme9718 yes they also have multi elite crazy billion air ..if we let every thing have right n free like america the elite will take advantage. Just like jeffy epstien n daddy...my kid n up b come justin bibber ...i pray for american people from alian n evil thing...
@jasonmccabe3649 3 часа назад
Here is a fun fact, after you vote at the voting booth you have to dip your left index finger into a jar of Indian ink to identify you have already voted. The ink stays on your finger for about 7 days.
@elbowstancenow1519 Час назад
Temporary tattoo
@zm261 3 часа назад
About dogs rules you talking about is obvious its not apply for non muslims ppl, you can have your dog even in your own house, feed and pet it as much as you like, but muslims its not about country law it is about religions law, even so muslims are also stilll bound not to abuse any animals including dogs, its a sin and will be punish, no hate towards animals because it is also Allah SWT creations . Its all about religion's law
@kikokat4366 2 часа назад
Exactly. Even we muslims do not have dogs but we are strictly prohibited from abusing them. I myself used to feed stray dogs
@elbowstancenow1519 21 минуту назад
The companions of the cave in Surah Kahf are sleeping with a dog inside, with them? If Allah does not criticize them in the Quran then how is it that dogs are such a dangerous animal?
@activ8me3 3 часа назад
Sadly there is a lot of hypocrisy in the muslim world around dogs. It is not really backed up by the Quran. Also quite a few Muslims have a moderate view on dogs and/or have one. Seems like part of your local viewers dislike a video about this subject. It seems that, apart from being a nice place, the country you are in also has a lot of strict rules.
@RamansSon Час назад
Ill give you 100 bucks if you can find the law outright forbidding dogs ownership for all in Malaysia , talk with facts not feelings
@elbowstancenow1519 32 минуты назад
​@@RamansSonHe said the muslim world
@elbowstancenow1519 30 минут назад
Exactly. Sectarians follow conjecture.
@vjm7540 3 часа назад
This is a muslim nation so there is a law on public over the top intimacy for non muslim but specially muslim is a red. Not sure on prison but probably its only imply on muslim person? Holding hands is acceptable, but i don't think everyone is a couple. Being said they probably just do it inside their car or at the resort or anywhere a bit private.
@badasspop9419 3 часа назад
Your T-shirt design is beautiful. Where to buy? I named my cat Maserati. I kissed my lover in a movie theater before marriage. There are cameras at some traffic lights. Do you know that you have a summons for hitting a traffic light? Muslims are forbidden to keep dogs because saliva and wet skin are considered impure. It's okay to touch a dry dog. There are half of Muslims who keep dogs but are criticized. In Islam, if you hold a wet dog or dog saliva, you must wash it 7 times with water and once with sand or soap. Dogs actually only follow their master's orders. Dogs only bark inside the fence of the house but are more docile when outside the house. There are also Muslims who keep dogs but secretly and only outside the house. In the teachings of Islam, alcohol is still allowed in the early stages but there is an instruction in the Al Quran that alcohol is prohibited because an unwanted incident occurs when Muslims pray in the next verse.. In Malaysia there is no ban on non-Muslims practicing their language, culture and religion and guaranteed by the constitution. Regarding tattoos, there is no prohibition in the Al Quran but it is prohibited by religious scholars because they are worried that ablution water before prayer does not absorb into the skin. But in fact, recently, many tattooed people embraced Islam. Marijuana is also not mentioned in the Quran, but according to religious scholars, it is haram for intoxicants. Okay, I want to go eat, mamak chicken fried noodles. See you in the next video.
@elbowstancenow1519 Час назад
Traditionalists teaching makes things haram when God did not explicitly say 'haram'. Sectarians are not satisfied with the Quran. Btw, i'm a muslim revert.
@dutch931 4 часа назад
It is simple Ben, I am sure you have heard this phrase. "When Muslims are in the minority, they ask for equal rights, when they are in the majority there are no minority rights"