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@knux333jw 29 минут назад
Even though Mario Party Superstars doesn't have a Story Mode, I like how it references the past stories of Mario Party games as canon to it. Through that book in the bonus section listing the past games. Although I wish it remembered the handheld games... if only so MP DS could get love.
@CakeKingYT 35 минут назад
Woah! This vid’s so good! You’ve earned a sub!
@Daniel-td5gi 48 минут назад
But star rush did have a little story mode I guess I understand why you wouldn't count it but I technically exists
@thegreatkamekus4524 53 минуты назад
It legitimately pisses me off that MP10 has no story.
@queenmiepje Час назад
water is wet
@Werten25 2 часа назад
We need a story where Bowser (or another character) steals all of the world’s spaghetti and it’s up to Mario and company to stop him!!
@evanvliek7813 3 часа назад
Wow!! I never knew that the netherlands had its own board. It seems random, but i like it!!
@galaxygerm1037 4 часа назад
Lotta the party games (mario party and the mario sports games) have bizarre stories. I mean mario super sluggers’ plot involves peach creating an island Specifically For Baseball and Bowser decides to take it over and thats. Ok. Tennis aces has Luigi get possessed by an evil demon tennis racket. Its like. Can yall not jus have fun? Mario kart doesnt need a story (kidding ofc i LOVE these weird lil stories. Mp8 has a soft spot in my heart bc the star rod comes from paper mario. Mpds is prolly my favorite tho) Also rlly funny theres an entire MP game thats only single player (advanced). Ik ppl r vv negative on that one but like it was on gba i kiiiiinda get why it was a solo campaign
@nathanblackburn1193 6 часов назад
I think it's like a soft reboot, like it'll be 90% on its own but with a tiny bit of call backs, I personally don't want it to be littered with call backs and returning characters, I think the game should be allowed to stand on its own so all these people talking about Fawful or Antasma coming back kinda bug me (I'm not referring to any specific people btw) Plus think about it, this will be a lot of peoples first Mario & Luigi game so it doesn't make sense to have a load of call backs and returning characters especially in the main story
@generalcrab0009 6 часов назад
I doubt it. You brought up SMB2 USA, which completely destroys your argument as that whole game was actually a dream, and thus, doesn’t actually count. How many times in the main series has she not been kidnapped? 2 times. 3D World and Wonder. That’s 2 games out of like, at least 15, not including Mario Land 1 and 2. She’s the reason Bowser works as an antagonist as well. Just look at 3D World and Wonder. As much as I love them, they have by far the worst plot in their respective sub-series. Bowser in those games makes zero sense. He kidnaps some fairies because he wants to build a theme park? What the hell kind of motive is that? An incredibly stupid one. What about Wonder? He just… actually, what the hell is his motive there? I genuinely can’t remember because it’s so bad. The point is, two spin-offs where she’s the main protagonist, a movie where she isn’t kidnapped and two playable appearances in games that actually happened aren’t enough to say she won’t ever be kidnapped again- she will. They aren’t going to shake up the “status quo” or whatever. That’s basically what Daisy, Rosalina and Pauline are. Each of them has been kidnapped in some way at least once. They don’t need every single female character to be all independent and a girl boss and able to defend themselves. There will definitely be games with her as the main character obviously, but the formula has worked well for almost 40 years, and I doubt they’re going to change it any time soon. And again, Bowser needs some good motives. Not any of this theme park nonsense.
@racinracerxp8645 15 часов назад
Oh cool new video
@Goomba1309 15 часов назад
I really wonder what Jamboree's story mode will be like, assuming it will even have one (which, considering it's been since Mario Party: Island Tour since we've had a story mode of any kind, may or may not be possible)
@Nzcade 15 часов назад
Mario Party story modes were weird, lol.
@excaliburofgachagames9241 17 часов назад
I think peach got kidnapped so much she had to teach herself to defend herself cause clearly the Toads are more than useless. Personally, i dont mind the damsel in distress. Especially the helpless ones. Men are meant to be there for the women they love especially since men are stronger and all. Peach in particular is a more feminine woman and less of a fighter. Seeing her fight is cool and all but also weird. Daisy seemed more like a fighter. But I do like playing as girls and having Peach as one of them is a good thing. If Nintendo kinda threw in a mix i think it would be fine. I think the main reason the trope died was because it was over done, and it isnt the only one. Zombies as a big thing, space was a big thing, Isekai in anime was a big thing and they all were over used and just died out and you see them spread out every now and then and are done more properly due to it. I think Peach got kidnapped so much because it was just a reusable situation. Now that Mario is moving to a online environment they need more Characters and Peach is just a very well loved woman as a princess should be. In a way, Mario can now move on after Peach was rescued by Mario into new stories. Now, its the flower kingdom but they could take this even further. Its nice helping Peach protect her neighbors. In a way, we are kinda keeping Peach from being kidnapped. We are better than Toads. Peach, get better Guards. They are useless.
@bowiemtl 18 часов назад
I go the idea this was going to be a continuation merely from the character design. The extension corps really reminds me of Antasma
@samuelpark505 22 часа назад
Plantapedia have to say Mario & Luigi Brothership is a new game.
@kevink2986 День назад
This is Mario and Luigi RPG 6.
@draven5947 День назад
Tantalus did Luigi's mansion 2 hd, not next level games
@ButterflyBlossom6415 День назад
Right now, I don't care how they put Peach (Kidnapped or Fighter) she's always my favorite Super Mario Bros character, but we have to admit that the "Damsel in distress" thing with her is getting old, and now it's better for her to do things, but still that doesn't mean Peach hates or doesn't need Mario even though she's getting stronger.
@Blastertronus 2 дня назад
I really hope Hi-Fi Rush is given the same treatment in the far future (in-terms of the IP being passed on to a new studio that understands it, but considering that this is Microsoft where talking about here in this comment, it’s a bit of a fat chance).
@Mymy_64 2 дня назад
I hope so. Compared to Bowser, Peach seems like a terrible ruler.
@excaliburofgachagames9241 17 часов назад
Naw, Toads are just useless Guards
@Number1SethRollinsFan 4 дня назад
This is definitely a sequel. Like it or not, Paper Jam is the 5th Mario & Luigi game and Brothership is Mario & Luigi 6! Seems to me that Peach and Bowser will be assisting Mario & Luigi as maybe some kind of special that you earn like in Super Mario RPG. How sick would it be if the Super Mario Bros. got 2 extra teammates later on in the game in the form of Wario and Waluigi? I don't know, though. It feels like it's just going to be the Super Mario Bros. in this game. Just like in SS, BIS (Bowser was separate), and DT. PIT saw the Super Mario Bros. teaming with their baby counterparts and PJ saw them teaming up with Paper Mario. My dream Mario & Luigi game would be the Super Mario Bros. teaming up with Wario and Waluigi! Maybe in a future Mario & Luigi game!
@Fooza05 4 дня назад
LM2HD was made by Tantalus btw not NLG
@DrSmug-yj9ot 5 дней назад
Alphadream is dead tho, unlike Square Enix, so it's likely even if Alphadream HAD partial rights, they were scooped up by Nintendo. (Tbh, I don't think Alphadream did.)
@MeowyMakes 5 дней назад
I wouldn’t complain about Peach getting kidnapped again if they took the Paper Mario approach- she gets kidnapped, but she still finds ways to help from where she is.
@PiantapediaYT 5 дней назад
That would be fun if it does return. Out of the games where she does get kidnapped, I think TTYD definitely did it as one of the best for that exact reason
@MrChidorinagashi10 5 дней назад
Why would this be a reboot... i swear yall do anything for views
@arturocastroverde3349 6 дней назад
I think this is the true Mario and Luigi RPG 5, 11 years after Dream Team. Paper Jam was more of a crossover
@sweetsilver8016 День назад
I agree with paper-jam being more of a crossover
@melissabraswell8432 6 дней назад
I feel like its not a reboot because in one part of the trailer there is an area that looks very similar to Mount Pajamaja from Dream Team, so maybe you can somehow explore some reimagined locations from Mario And Luigi's legacy. Plus, in the direct, they called it a new entry and not a reboot.
@mykeyboardismelting6856 9 часов назад
yeah there was also a purple spiky enemy that looked very similar to one from dream team's mushrise park its called a thorb apparently
@DoctorSanity 7 дней назад
One thing we're curious about is the ebb and flow of nostalgia versus new, by that we mean we can't help but notice that Mario's most straightforward kidnappings of peach tended to be around the New Super Mario Bros era, or the one where Mario stagnated referencing SMB1-3 heavily. The current Mario era is somewhat similar to the gamecube one in that it's experimenting and trying out a lot of new things. As a result we're not fully sold on the idea Peach won't be kidnapped again. But! We still agree on you for quite a few things. It all depends on how much Nintendo has sort of realized that... they just don't really need Peach to do basically the same plot? The pixies, the flower kingdom, etc, aren't really different from Peach in execution, and all for the better we'd argue. It lets us find out about new characters or locales, iconic as the mushroom kingdom is. Peach just being one of the casual fun characters featured is honestly sort of refreshing. Peach is a hyper femme, dolled up princess who loves to bake and dance and sing, but those elements don't inherently say anything bad about women. Her still getting to be that but just allowed to *join in on the fun* is, well, it's nice!
@JsYTA 7 дней назад
Every Mario Party I play online in Superstars is completely insane. It's always down to the wire they did a great job with that game. It's the only game strangers are actively passing out friend request.
@crashban4t.f.s.b783 7 дней назад
Geno is only owned by Square Enix
@supermariochaos7102 8 дней назад
I hope these future Mario and Luigi games resemble the first three with the first being a simple but fun experience the second having a dark tone and the third having a insane concept.
@aggyanubis5211 8 дней назад
The villains look like the Best fitness friends and their eyes look like antasmas
@nathanblackburn1193 6 часов назад
I really doubt that means anything though, given the long gap between the games I don't think the devs would overload the game with call backs and references as for a lot of people this would be their first Mario & Luigi game
@gcam26 9 дней назад
They probably noticed the mario series was a bit more boy-sided for a little while during the switch era, and toadette just doesn't have the same appeal of peach for girls. The movie and Showtime were definitely a big push towards making her character a lot more prominent, both in the games and marketing, and I have a feeling they will be experimenting even more with the status quo of the series, after all we got princess Daisy playable in Wonder after them experimenting with her inclusion in Mario Run many years before.
@fawfulthegreat64 10 дней назад
To me Paper Jam ticks way more of the boxes of a reboot than this. Every other Mario & Luigi game is rich with original characters, every sequel calls back to the events of the previous games with returning characters, and then there's Paper Jam. Which is just... a typical 2010s Mario game. Besides Starlow, nothing about Paper Jam's story and characters are Mario & Luigi in the slightest. While Brothership just in this first trailer OOZES with M&L energy. To me, Paper Jam was the reboot, stripping the cast of characters back to just what can be found in the NSMB series and going for a painfully played-straight 2D Mario-tier kidnapping plot. The M&L remakes were the original vision for the series gasping for air, before AlphaDream's debt and the lack of any fandom-side excitement for the remakes (which I will never understand) shoving them back under to drown. And then Brothership finally rising from the ashes and reversing ALL of Paper Jam's insulting sanitization. As far as I'm concerned Brothership is the Mario & Luigi 5 you couldn't put a gun to my head to make me call Paper Jam.
@mattimusprimal637 10 дней назад
When Rare was bought by Microsoft, all the DK Country/64 characters (created by Rare) went back to Nintendo’s ownership. So after Alpha Dream’s closer, their creations reverted back to Nintendo.
@jamesheatherly4209 10 дней назад
I think that it’s most likely because the story was getting old.
@Nando75549 11 дней назад
I kinda hope they bring back the Shroobs as an optional boss like with B'sIS. But that'd be unlikely.
@zariaalhajmoustafa2573 11 дней назад
Ah some of the developer of Alpha dream work in this game
@MplusL 12 дней назад
It took me an EMBARRASSING amount of time to realize that Shiveria represents Siberia, I have no idea why. Also, I really like your videos, man! Keep up the great work!
@PiantapediaYT 12 дней назад
Thanks so much!
@wariolandgoldpiramid 12 дней назад
26:55 I'm pretty sure Hanafuda Cards are mentioned in the Broshoure. Though personally, it's a mixed opportunity to have this kingdom also produce Checkpoint Flags - that would have explained why they always have Bowser's design. 😂
@PiantapediaYT 12 дней назад
Now that would have been very cool!
@LayeredGamer 12 дней назад
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD isn’t Next Level Games, it’s Tantalus.
@PiantapediaYT 12 дней назад
Yep! Nintendo have since also said that old AlphaDream staff is working on the game, so I’d say that’s bonus points for ILCA’s chances
@shui577 12 дней назад
The Mario & Luigi series got increasingly muddled towards the end. Remakes sanitized the original games' charm a bit, coinciding with the period that brought us Sticker Star during a shift away from traditional RPGs. Around the same time, we even saw a Mario & Luigi crossover with Paper Mario. Given the current RPG renaissance at Nintendo, a soft reboot that brings the series back to its roots makes a lot of sense to me.
@TupZZ-fe1gp 12 дней назад
I don't really see how it'd be, it looks like we're travelling outside the mushroom kingdom so it'd be kinda hard to know if things from past games are canon or not
@VillagerFilms2b2t 12 дней назад
This was a great watch. Your narration is clear and precise, your editing style is silky smooth, awesome stuff! You deserve way more viewership and subscribers! ❤❤❤ And, on topic, I wouldn't mind if M&L:BS was a reboot, honestly. A lot of the series main-stays started to get old once we reached Paper Jam (looking at you Starlow) and bringing back that earlier level of experimentation I think is great for the series in my opinion. :)
@PiantapediaYT 12 дней назад
Thanks so much!
@troybell7444 13 дней назад
7:26 I would not count on it. I seen peach get kidnapped at certain points in the Mario and Luigi spinoff games.
@Number1SethRollinsFan 4 дня назад
Why didn't you capitalize Peach's name? All names need to be capitalized!
@troybell7444 3 дня назад
@@Number1SethRollinsFan auto-correct.
@tayloramann2319 13 дней назад
The quality of this video is absolutely phenomenal for how little subscribers and viewers you have. I wish you good luck for the future.
@PiantapediaYT 13 дней назад
Thanks so much!
@Naruhinahaven255 12 дней назад
I was like huh little subscribers when I check I saw you had the amount of subscribers you had I am definitely going to be following your channel and watching your future videos
@Mymy_64 13 дней назад
It's definitely a sequel to the series. Otherwise they probably wouldn't add a subtitle.
@acesworld320 13 дней назад
@dannypalin9583 13 дней назад
This argument doesn't really work. Simply calling it Mario & Luigi would be too confusing for customers.
@Mymy_64 13 дней назад
@@dannypalin9583 If its a reboot than I failed to see how. It's a game about Mario and Luigi hence the name. Plus its been 4 years since the remake(9 for the last original game) I doubt casuals would really know the series at this point.
@PiantapediaYT 13 дней назад
The original already had a sub-title though, Superstar Saga
@Mymy_64 13 дней назад
@@PiantapediaYT And since then, every game had one. This is no different.
@CanadianMapping01 14 дней назад
I was thinking honestly this could be a soft reboot. Especially since partners in time they were adding new buttons while this seems only mario and luigi.
@whu13 6 дней назад
There was only Mario and Luigi in dream team so it’s probably just a new entry
@CanadianMapping01 5 дней назад
@@whu13 I meant how every game adds a new mechanic like how in partner in time x and y button, bowser's inside story was bowser, dream team was the touch screen and level changing and paper jam was adding paper mario. this game seems like it going back to simple but again idk maybe it is just a sequel and we havent seen new mechanics.
@mykeyboardismelting6856 9 часов назад
you can tell by the footage that their assigning hammers to X and Y so I believe there will be attacks requiring both hammer and jump commands via separate buttons
@Beenman2210 14 дней назад
The game looks great and I’m excited for it. The side modes kinda scare me. I think the way to improve Mario party is more and more customization rather than having random side modes . In super Mario party we got 5 mediocre side modes you’d never want to play more than once rather than one great mode with tons of replayability. But since this game is clearly going to have tons of side modes I hope they’re good.