John Garfield
John Garfield
John Garfield
We post a video to go with each newsletter at releasingkings.com/newsletter/
Marketing With Relational Transactions
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2024 09 06 Make Room for Marketing
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@እሴተ 3 месяца назад
I am here in 2024- This is a great message. God bless you.
@lukaszturkus Год назад
Thank you
@JohnGarfield_RK 3 года назад
Blog is here releasingkings.com/2021-05-30-jesus-has-a-question-for-you/
@arzellasimmons1987 3 года назад
You should adjust your mic so we can hear you better.
@amberwallace9270 4 года назад
This blessed me! Thank you!
@makfiregoxhufi8023 5 лет назад
Can u help me
@DavidNycz 5 лет назад
Spot on, the simple ingredient of teaching is legitimizing the Heart. The Heart is the place of the "voice" of the Shepherd; The One who gives us Desires and Sets Firm our steps as we proceed in an Abundant Life in Liberty. The gospel( the very best news) is that it is available to All. Yeah!!
@UIV7096 6 лет назад
Amen Religion I’d definitely a Bohemet suffocation if spirit.. We are Free!! Safe Travels. Ty for this vid😊
@UIV7096 6 лет назад
Amen your material is right on time Brother. I found your book Releasing Kings into the Market Place. An excellent read.. it really helped me define the battle I had inside my heart doing church yet having a great passion for business and writing books as a Author who put these things in me for His Glory to advance His Kingdom thru His Son Jesus Christ..
@terrigalloway6825 6 лет назад
Please please let us know when this book comes out in paper form. I do not have a Kindle. I am trying to patiently wait! LOL Thank you!
@terrigalloway6825 6 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this!! I needed to hear this, perfect timing!! LOL He always does that to me!! I want to get your book. Terri G.
@TaiEast7 6 лет назад
Super blessed by this! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
@theodorusj.timmermans2632 6 лет назад
Thank you, John!
@timhurt603 6 лет назад
I hade almost died my self as a lil boy in 80ds i found Jesus was vary real when this hade happen to me Instagram windycityfinest we are warriors of Heaven thank u for this share hood buddy Blessings to u
@jacquelinehagedorn4562 6 лет назад
So well said! Thank you,& God bless you! 🙏🏻✝️
@patriciarichardson5570 6 лет назад
I love how he incorporated the word of God into his experience. Great testimony. Thanks for sharing.
@rogermetzger7335 6 лет назад
Before I watched your video today, I wrote a paper (a little over three pages) about the protestant reformation and the need to continue it. Do you think that is merely a coincidence? I believe Christians are called to take the gospel message to the political leaders of the nations. I even agree that doing so should be a priority. In the early 1970s, I was asked to teach the adult Sunday school class of a congregation of which I was not a member. The pastor told me there was only one lay member of the congregation he considered to be “biblically literate”. That members had been teaching the adult class for several years and needed a break. I wrote my own outline and titled it, “How To Share Your Faith.” After I taught the class that first Sunday, the regular teacher spoke with me privately. He said, “You don’t need to bother to quote from the old testament. We’re a new testament church.” For the next three months, I continued to quote from the Hebrew Bible but, from then on, each time I did so, I asked the members of the class to look up the texts where Jesus or the apostles were quoting those same passages from the Hebrew Bible. There is more to the story (as you might imagine) but my point is that I consider a great deal of what is in the Hebrew Bible to be applicable today. I think maybe my vision of intentional reformation is a bit different from yours, however. Here’s why. Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Genesis 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. I’m a protestant. That means, among other things, that while the church may be organized, I don’t consider any organization of the church to BE the church. I consider believers--regardless of our denominational affiliation--to be the church AND I consider the church (believers) to be modern Israel and thus the “great nation” of which Abraham is the spiritual progenitor. Psalm 2:7 & 8 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Where you and I seem to differ in our interpretation is that the word, “nations”, as used in the Bible isn’t always a reference to the GOVERNMENTS of the nations. Sometimes it is a reference to the people who live in those nations. Yes, we should carry the gospel to every kindred, nation, tongue and people--and that includes the political leaders of those nations. Part of that gospel is that the kingdom of Jesus is not of this world. Who is the “Son” in Psalm 2 verse 7? The King James translators only used the capitalized version of such words in reference to deity. If they were correct in this case (I think they were), this is a reference to Jesus. Will the uttermost parts of the earth ultimately be his possession? That is my understanding. But many Christians today are making the same mistake the majority of the members of the Sanhedrin made 2,000 years ago--that of thinking that it was up to them to achieve that end. I agree that it would be wonderful if everyone in the United States (or the world) would live by biblical principles and I can certainly understand why some people think the best way to accomplish that would be for civil governments to legislate morality and enforce biblical prohibitions. That idea, however, raises some questions. That plan was tried in western Europe for more than a thousand years. On the surface, it seemed to “work” in the sense that people were terrified that infractions would be severely punished. It led to some horrible practices, however, that had less to do with morality than with the clergy’s--and to some extent the royalty’s--desire to control the peasants. Are you sure you want a system where a person is considered guilty until proven innocent? Are you sure you want a system where a person is subjected to extreme physical pain or extreme physical danger and only those who survive are considered innocent? Are you sure you want a system where, if someone accuses someone else of a particular “sin”--witchcraft, for example, the accuser is entitled to the worldly possessions of the person who is condemned? Even after the first steps of reformation had been undertaken, people who didn’t agree with the “official” interpretation of morality were persecuted. In England, for example, puritans and anabaptists were subjected to great cruelty. In the United States, whose version of biblical morality would we use? Many protestants think the Roman mass is blasphemous. Should we discriminate against / persecute / prosecute anyone who celebrates the sacrifice of the mass? Should we drown baptists because they don’t agree with other Christians’ concept of “modes” of baptism or don’t agree with some other Christians with regard to who has the “authority” to baptize? Should those who consider it a sin to drink alcoholic wine be allowed discriminate against / persecute / prosecute people who use fermented wine during the Lord’s supper? The Americans who died in the American revolution died for liberty. That includes liberty of conscience--the freedom to decide for ourselves how to interpret the biblical instruction. Even if I were to agree with you about what, exactly, Christians “should” do, I would still prefer to follow the golden rule and grant to others the freedom I want for myself.
@JohnGarfield_RK 6 лет назад
Not advocating theocracy or imposing my values on others. I agree there are lots of complications, but I am choosing to bring the Kingdom to earth... instead waiting for the rapture or the next opportunity to teach a class. We're here to make disciples of nations, not excuses.
@discodisco9770 6 лет назад
God bless you!
@roadrage9191 7 лет назад
As a Dutch guy I can say I stopped believing in the church as it has done too much evil recently with the pedophelia or is in my opinion even praising evil now if you look at the pope. I do believe in God though, just am searching for a more personal connection with God.
@JohnGarfield_RK 7 лет назад
We're are all with you my friend... Less religion, more of Jesus.
@ericsunkel1542 7 лет назад
Thank you John. This really spoke to me and confirms what Father has been teaching me over the last couple months. He has especially been speaking to me over the last two days. I love it when I see what he is doing. I read your email Releasing Kings when I can but I often don't get to. Today's I actually had time to read it and Father is all over it! God bless you for what you do in your ministry!
@JohnGarfield_RK 7 лет назад
thanks Eric
@JohnGarfield_RK 7 лет назад
the blog is here releasingkings.com/2017-08-06-meeting-god-at-work/
@kimberlyjean3374 7 лет назад
I am curious what brings most people to view these videos. I myself started watching these after the untimely death of my 29 year old daughter, 2 1/2 yrs ago.
@wayneelliott1180 7 лет назад
I didn't believe the shame and guilt organised religion was teaching. Sorry about the pain of losing your daughter - life can seem so unfair but there is purpose for it all. Our pain is not permanent.
@kimberlyjean3374 7 лет назад
Thank you for replying. You are right, life seems unfair for so many. I sure hope there is a purpose....nothing would even make sense if it were not so. Be blessed Wayne Elliott.
@MKimble515 7 лет назад
John, your words were so very timely for me.I appreciate your sweet demeanor and true faith. this has been a very difficult time in my life and you really helped me to put this into some perspective ( I've been struggling and praying for this for months now). Well said.
@JohnGarfield_RK 7 лет назад
The blog is here releasingkings.com/2017-04-30-partnering-with-the-king-of-kings/
@PropheticLifestyle 7 лет назад
Great insight. I love where the Lord is taking us creatively. Keep sharing this word.
@cornelisbakker9428 7 лет назад
Wonderful ! Be Blessed too !!
@andrewpayne6295 7 лет назад
I love your videos.
@bonnieingle7389 7 лет назад
Thank you, brother, for sharing. Very inspirational testimony. Be blessed.
@jordane.5497 7 лет назад
Amen thank you John
@mrschuyler 7 лет назад
I appreciate that this guy is lucid, obviously educated, and articulate. my problem is that he really doesn't describe his experience, and the whole thing is attributed to his Christian faith. His vid is just another bible quote. What he does not understand, apparently, is that he is looking through the lens of his own belief system. He saw Jesus and Heaven because he expected to. Were he Muslim and expected Allah and 72 virgins, what do you think he would have seen? I do believe there is an objective reality in that NDEs do happen, but this guy is playing his own movie here and I can't take it at face value.
@rudyragland5776 7 лет назад
He didn't describe his experience, because he didn't have a typical "near death experience", even though this was certainly a close call. Also, look at some of the videos of Muslims who have had near death experiences and have become Christians. One of them says that he was totally expecting to see the 72 virgins, etc, when he almost died, and was shocked to see darkness, and zero virgins. The Muslim guy's belief system said 72 virgins, and he realized he'd been wrong, and became a Christian. He didn't play his own movie, and he learned from the experience. All good.
@silvergirl3688 7 лет назад
Michael Schuyler Then go find one that you can agree with so you will believe it. Too bad that was his experience , not yours.take it or leave it, don't think he cares if you don't believe him.
@silvergirl3688 7 лет назад
Or don't accept it at face value
@khappy1286 3 года назад
You dont have to be here. He almost died so he called it near death. Makes sense. He is a gospel minister and has a big ministry and he is speaking to the people that look to him for encouragement.
@kidkratoski3778 7 лет назад
I was blessed in such a huge way God bless you brother.
@margiemassar-fjeld3845 7 лет назад
A beautiful testimony wonderful teaching and reminder to other Christians thank you for sharing with other brothers & sisters!
@mariadsg1185 7 лет назад
Thank you these are some great words of love . God bless you
@troybise8882 7 лет назад
Where do you live Mr. Garfield? I live near Spokane too....
@JohnGarfield_RK 7 лет назад
Hi Troy - kennewick, WA
@vanwilson7065 8 лет назад
I believe there is even more, something is keeping me from securing work. I have multiple diplomas and excellent previous experience. I have been told I am one of the hardest working people....
@Squidbillies1000 8 лет назад
Thank you.
@mindfullymila6773 8 лет назад
@mindfullymila6773 8 лет назад
@marko6695 8 лет назад
Great testimony,. Everyone can benefit from your video, and sorry about the injury. FYI this was not a Near Death Experience. NDE's are the experience one has after "clinical" death. Obviously coming back from it to recall the experience. Debatable if they're a hallucination or real, but a comma is just that.
@khappy1286 3 года назад
He almost died so to him it was a near death experience. He was necessarily thinking of the term used commin for dying and coming back. That's not the only way saying 'near death' us allowed to be used in the world. And yep, sounds like he almost died.
@mitchellwinks4280 8 лет назад
Hi John- Thank you for Sharing your experiences with us- A true Blessing!
@caottancandy 8 лет назад
@gardenjoy5223 8 лет назад
Thanks, Mr. Garfield, for sharing this with us. And for encouraging us that out of what seems to be a tragedy or defeat may actually spring forth new life in a greater measure than before. Don't worry about any scarring, for if people would still see it and would be bold enough to ask (or you would see them look and feel free to respond to that), than there's an open door for sharing again.
@malgorzatakawczynska6266 8 лет назад
hello JOHN I enjoy very much y videos ,just I have request , can y recorded them louder ..to listen clear I need to put the volume of my laptop till the END .PLEASE CARE ABOUT THAT , I AM YOUR FAITHFULL STUDENT .MAGOSIA KAWCZYNSKA , siostra BOZENKI GRECHUTY .EVERY BLESSING TO Y .
@randallnewton 8 лет назад
This is a great teaching! I was explaining to someone recently, a pre-believer, how part of my calling in God was to help others discover their destiny.
@jonmachmuller551 8 лет назад
Excellent John, I hope this finds you well and a most prosperous new year to you.
@JohnGarfield_RK 9 лет назад
the blog is here releasingkings.com/2015-05-10-welcome-to-warfare/
@JohnGarfield_RK 9 лет назад
Time to replace the Neville Chamberlain spirit with the lion... The scales are coming off our eyes as a nation. The blog is here releasingkings.com/2015-02-01-releasing-the-lion/
@JohnGarfield_RK 9 лет назад
Blog - releasingkings.com/2015-01-25-resetting-your-heart/ Being connected and living out of our hearts is the genius of life in the Kingdom. Even when it’s as hard as Paul sitting in prison writing letters, it’s fun knowing that we are co-laboring with the Father to bless nations. Most of us have it better than Solomon, but whether our cup overflows or gets emptied out, we still hear the music, we’re still dancing, and it still feels like a party. That’s the why of setting our hearts on the Kingdom. We’re bringing heaven to earth.
@JohnGarfield_RK 9 лет назад
Surrender is a lot different in the Kingdom. The blog is here releasingkings.com/2015-01-03-experiencing-surrender/
@JohnGarfield_RK 9 лет назад
Please share this with all the teachers you know Teachers are being invited to the top in the Education Mountain David's interview releasingkings.com/david-nycz/ Ed Mtn Blog releasingkings.com/2014-12-14-the-education-mountain/
@JohnGarfield_RK 9 лет назад
2015 is going to be fun. You're invited. You are not forgotten, and will not be left behind. The blog is here releasingkings.com/2014-12-28-whats-on-gods-heart/
@JohnGarfield_RK 10 лет назад
Everything we believe, say and do is the external fruit of what is already in our hearts. Mediation is what prepares my heart in advance for exploits. We should not be surprised by the goodness of God. We get to taste it before it happens. The blog is here releasingkings.com/2014-09-27-experience-the-language-of-the-heart/