Chicago Leadership Forum
Chicago Leadership Forum
Chicago Leadership Forum
In society today there is an increasing awareness of the profound need for professional leaders to be inspired by Judeo-Christian ideals and to apply those ideals to their everyday activities - in a phrase, to live a unity of life. In addition, we have a responsibility to help those around us - at work, at home and in civic life.

The Chicago Leadership Forum is a program designed for professional leaders in the Chicago area to address these critical issues. Its goal is to offer guidance and encouragement in the application of our principles to daily life.

The forum will offer session on four vital topics. The outstanding group of speakers will provide thought-provoking and challenging material. Considerations will include the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, Pope John Paul II and Saint Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. The sessions will also provide the opportunity to deepen professional friendships and enhance spiritual solidarity among one’s peers.