There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home
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Paradise Found:The Navel of the Earth
19 часов назад
Paradise Found: The Eden Zenith
14 дней назад
"I Don't Have Time to Homeschool."
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I Don't Even Know What to Say...
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@user-sz7yi8sk1k 18 минут назад
My dispensationalist friends stand that 70 A.D. possibly could be a "partial" fulfillment of Christ's words, but the complete fulfillment is yet to come. Just to help us understand how 70 A.D. is viewed to them. They are pretty strong and assured on this. They point out other OT prophecy that they see being inacted twice in time. 😕
@HeavenBound16 5 часов назад
I so appreciate you - on a myriad levels. Thank you for your deep dives. Thoughtful insights. Calm delivery. Easy listening. Articulate. Lovely manner. You draw us in and create a desire to discern truth. Thank you!
@ShadeStoneMusic 5 часов назад
Great Video Sister! The word 'season' really doesn't allow for 250 years or more; and there are no passages in the bible that would convince me it's anything but a short time. The number '1000' on the other hand is used symbolically in the bible many times...and we use it that way to this very day. For example: "I told you a '1000' times"..."I've seen that show a '1000' times". Grace & Peace.
@stevencavin 6 часов назад
Honest question though..Where do you propose we are on the timeline then? Is the Bible silent as to where we are? I totally agree that most of it is all fulfilled..the short season theory seemed to make sense..but to question that now..still learning! 😄👍🙌🙏
@MandosWorld85 7 часов назад
Hello, I've been watching for a while now, and I'm not clear on what your stance is on when it comes to the millennial kingdom already taking place. In your heart of hearts, do you believe that Jesus returned?
@-jeffs1801 8 часов назад
What about the millennial reign. Isn't that between the abomination of desolation and destruction of the second temple, and Satan being released for a short period of time? You completely gloss over that and it's a pretty big component on Revelation.
@YeshuaReigns2-t2d 9 часов назад
Bottom line is this: Full preterism cannot nail down scripturally that Christ began His reign in 30ad. They cannot refute Christ's words specifically stating that His reign was to begin at the overthrow of the apostate judean kingdom. And we know that happened in 70ad. His reign started in 70ad, not before. The thousand years started then, not before. Full preterism hasn't a leg to stand on here. I still can't find even one full preterist to prove by scripture alone that Christ's reign started in 30ad and lasted only 40 years. Yet they continue to postulate this nonsense. Peace.
@OneOfManyOfOne 10 часов назад
@15:23 :)
@AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 часов назад
No it means the translation is wrong, no little and 1000 years is the season for any of God's children
@truthisanabsolute 12 часов назад
Daniel went more like ". Whe you see the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy PLACE , where he ought not be... Judah run to the mountains...". It could mean PLACE in a book.. I lost my place in my book. The Mandela Effect changing the bible. I think we are in the Short Season.
@enos4571 12 часов назад
We are at the end of satans little season. Wake up.
@shellysangrey 12 часов назад
All was fulfilled in the first century. There is no scriptural evidence the little while is now.
@YeshuaReigns2-t2d 10 часов назад
Correct. We are in the little season now. Shelly says there's no scriptural evidence. Wanna bet? Here's the evidence: Matthew 16:28 "Truly I tell you, some standing here will not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom." Matthew 25:31 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne." These two scriptures prove that Jesus didn't take the reign till He returned in 70ad. This proves that the kingdom reign wasn't going on from 30-70ad as full preterism says. Therefore, the little season also did not occur at the end of the old covenant age as full preterism erroneously claims. Which means that the thousand year reign commenced at the start of the new covenant age post 70ad. The thousand years is symbolic of a long period of time actually more than a thousand years. History proves that since 70ad, the Christian faith grew and expanded for well over a thousand years until a relatively short time ago. Fast forward a couple of hundred years to today and what do we see? We see a post christian society who has been deceived into rejecting Christ and God altogether. It has all happened just as scripture said it would. Full ostrich preterism buries it's collective head in the sand and denies reality while preaching fables. Their house of cards falls in their trying to shoehorn Christ's thousand year reign into 40 years. They have absolutely no plain biblical revelation to back up their claim. None! Peace.
@prettycurvymama2930 13 часов назад
Do you have any advice for starting homeschool with a 4 year old? I hear a lot of people say “don’t worry about it until they are 6 or 7” but our son just turned 4 - 3 weeks ago and we opted out of sending him to 4K this year. Our whole family knows we intend to homeschool. They are not supportive and with cousins the same age who are going to school this year I’m getting so nervous my child will be compared and found lacking!😅
@lioneltalley2009 14 часов назад
Love ur channel. One question. Before the little season every mountain will be flattened and islands will be sunk. I still see mountains and islands being from the islands. Love ur channel just questioning the narrative lol God bless this question is very serious for the little season theory. And Jesus never leaves also. It doesn't state anywhere that he just ups and leaves
@shellysangrey 12 часов назад
That's apocalyptic language. It's not literal. It's descriptive of judgment.
@trevorcourtney5415 15 часов назад
The context is that the fire consumed the army that surrounded the city, not that the fire consumed the city? “And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them,” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭20‬:‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬
@shellysangrey 12 часов назад
Do you think the Roman soldiers survived?
@trevorcourtney5415 12 часов назад
@@shellysangrey I guess I am getting confused. I thought in the video you were saying that fire came down from heaven and destroyed the city? And I was pointing out that in Rev 20 it seems the beloved city was preserved and it was the army that was destroyed.
@shellysangrey 12 часов назад
@trevorcourtney5415 I see what you mean. That's not how I read the verse, but it's an interesting point.
@darrelsampson6182 15 часов назад
Hi Shelly, I really admire your work, but I do have a few reservations about your theory. Personally, I believe we are still in the "short season." The destruction of the temple around 70 AD, along with the writings of Josephus, sheds light on what the Jews experienced. They reported hearing strange sounds (Trumpet) and witnessing armies in the clouds (Rapture)-all of which were prophesied and, in my view, already fulfilled. During that period, I believe the rapture occurred as foretold. As Daniel wrote, Daniel 7:25 - the devil has the power and will to change times and laws. This is where we find ourselves now-after the 1000 years, when the devil was released and began exercising that power to alter time and law. That’s why we’re all struggling to uncover the real truth about history and how it was distorted after 77 AD and beyond. Lastly Rev 20 makes it clear Satan will gather the armies will travel - UP the Greek lexicon states "UP" to the breath of the earth is the sky " dome" and that is where the New Jerusalem Is above the firmament. Why do you see so many UFO and Weird things happening (gog and magog) and Space X sending rockets up to break the dome. That is what Revelation 20 is talking about.
@michaelseay9783 12 часов назад
You are the one struggling to understand things and uncover the truth because you don’t understand what the Little Season was. You are relying on information outside of the Bible instead of searching for it in the bible. The Little Season was fulfilled per Revelation 6, 7, 20, Matthew 24, and Daniel 12:11-12.
@cryptojoecoin5480 30 минут назад
@@michaelseay9783Really? Show us where in the Bible it tells exactly what time we are living in now. Not conjecture, I want to know the exact date we live in now by using only the Bible. The genealogies stop with Christ, so good luck. If we are in the little season now, then we are deceived because God said so. That’s why you think we aren’t in the little season now. You’re deceived.
@Balunliinfi 16 часов назад
I think we are still in little season.
@michaelseay9783 12 часов назад
show me a verse that proves that 🤣
@katieb9312 16 часов назад
When will we enter the new earth where there will be no more sin, death or sorrow?
@shellysangrey 16 часов назад
There is no more spiritual death for believers. There is still sin and sorrow on the new Earth. New earth is synonymous with new covenant. Read Revelation 21 and 22.
@YeshuaReigns2-t2d 16 часов назад
​@@shellysangreyWas Moses and all of the old covenant prophets spiritually dead?
@YeshuaReigns2-t2d 16 часов назад
After the little season which we are now in comes the white throne judgement where God ultimately sets all things right. Then will peace reign on earth. Peace.
@shellysangrey 16 часов назад
They were in Sheol, which no longer exists. You're right, though. No more death also means no more Sheol.
@katieb9312 16 часов назад
Where do we go when we die? Heaven or hell?
@tball3198 16 часов назад
Read Colossians 1:23...But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. ("The Good News has been preached all over the world"), and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it.
@jeffharper5497 17 часов назад
The Abomination of Deslation is all the christians who celebrate Easter, the fertility goddess Sun-day and Christ-Mass
@CrackYourOldPrograming 17 часов назад
That was great, but now of the Bible has been played through where would we be now ??
@djtuese5940 17 часов назад
The Abomination of Desolation tueseahkiong.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-abomination-that-causes-desolation.html
@michaelseay9783 10 часов назад
What was the Abomination itself? What is the one thing (or person) that would deceive even the elect? What were the 2 angels doing at Jesus’ grave when Mary claimed someone took Jesus’ body away? Jude 9 *_Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about_* *the body of Moses,* *_durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee_*
@jtv3421 17 часов назад
Condensed Timeline of Events (Beginning of Creation) Fall of Adam (1am) (Genesis 5-8,11,12,17) Fall of Adam until Abraham's covenant 3594 years (3594am) (Exodus 12:40)(Galatians 3:17) Abraham's covenant until the Exodus 430 years (4024am) (Exodus)(Joshua)(Judges)(1 & 2 Samuel) Exodus until Solomon beginning temple 640 years (4664am) (1 & 2 Kings)(2 Chronicles)(Ezekiel 4:4-6) Solomon beginning temple until 70 year Exile 430 years (5094am) (2 Chronicles 36:20-21)(Jeremiah 25:11) 70 year Exile until Cyrus decree 70 years (5164am) (Daniel 9:24-25)(Luke 4:16-21) Cyrus decree until Lord Jesus Christ ministry 483 years (5647am) (Daniel 12) Jesus Returns, battle of Armageddon // Last week of Daniel's prophecy 7 years (5654am) (Revelation 20) Satan is bound whilst Saints reign with Christ 1000 years (6654am) (Final Deception)(Final Judgement) satan's little season 346 years (7000am) The Great White Throne Judgement - A new Heaven and a new Earth There really is an end to time in this world. No idea exactly but it's close. Pretty sure it's impossible to connect the axact AD year to the AM year. It would seem some time around late 1600s. The 1000 years ended and satan was released. History was completed muddled and rewritten. Our bibles were altered slightly. Our churches, governments, schools, banks, etc were infiltrated successfully. These times come from the (MT) and (LXX). Bless.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 16 часов назад
Where does teh Bible say there is an end of timne in this world?
@jtv3421 15 часов назад
@@ChristCenteredEschatology Isaiah 24:19-20 (ESV) "The earth is utterly broken, the earth is split apart, the earth is violently shaken. The earth staggers like a drunken man; it sways like a hut; its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again." This passage refers to a time when the earth will experience great turmoil and will not rise again, implying a permanent end. Psalm 102:25-26 (ESV) "Of old you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away." Here, the psalmist indicates that the heavens and the earth will perish, wearing out like old clothing. Isaiah 51:6 (ESV) "Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and they who dwell in it will die in like manner; but my salvation will be forever, and my righteousness will never be dismayed." This verse foretells the earth wearing out, with a clear contrast between the temporary nature of creation and the everlasting nature of God’s salvation. Matthew 24:35 (ESV) "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Jesus states that the earth and the heavens will eventually pass away, though His words will remain eternal. 2 Peter 3:12-13 (ESV) "Waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells." This passage also points to the destruction of the current heavens and earth, to be replaced by a new creation. Revelation 21:1 (ESV) "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more." John’s vision of a new creation coming after the first earth and heavens have passed away suggests the end of the current world order.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 15 часов назад
@@jtv3421 You must allow the Bible to interpret the Bible. Heaven and earth refers to the old covenant and the temple. That is why Peter used the word στοιχεῖον stoicheîon, stoy-khi'-on in 2 Peter 3:10. Also notice waht Perter said in 2 peter 3:1-2 " Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior,' But where did Peter talk about the destruction of the Old heavens and earth? Answer: 1 Peter 4:5-7 They will give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 6 For this reason the gospel was preached also to those who are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. 7 *But the end of all things is at hand;* therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. 1 Peter 4:17 For the time *has come* for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? Now what was burned up shortly after Peter wrote 2 Peter 3? I can provide you ample evidence to show that the heavens and earth being spoken of is not the literal heavens and earth, based on the way the Bible uses that language. Can you provide a shred of evidence to show that we should interpret those terms differently then the Bible does? I have a video in the heavens and earth and a 2 part video on 2 Peter 3, where cover this in more detail and show what the scriptures say.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 14 часов назад
@@jtv3421 I can see an immediate problem with your time line. Daniel's 70 week was to be fulfilled in 490 years and it was. Daniel's 70 weeks was about Israel and their holy city and ended with the destruction of the temple. The only temple mentioned by Daniel is the second temple. I wrote a 54 page book/essay on this topic. Daniel 12 also places the resurrection at the time when the power of the holy people was shattered and Jesus confirms that this was to take place in the first century. It is best to let the clear teachings in the Bible guide our understanding of the more ambiguous passage and not bring into the text idea that come from outside of God's word.
@Wingnut923 13 часов назад
Clearly these writings are written down present and mostly past tense in the Bible. Now there are some scriptures that speak towards the future but not necessarily for this topic of discussion. How so if written present/past tense have anything anything to do with the end of the world today? I’m no expert of course but this is my thinking on this subject anyway.
@cryptojoecoin5480 17 часов назад
This is quite confusing. And I hope it’s not done on purpose. So, Jesus died, was resurrected, then ruled for 40 years? 40 years is not 1000. Satan entered into Judas, so when was he bound for 1000 years? How was he released in 70 AD? One thing that makes me believe unequivocally that we are currently in the little season is the amount of individuals who initially had it correct, and then backtrack. Always an indicator of attack by the enemy in one form or another.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 16 часов назад
The 1000 years is not literal. Satan referred to the Apostate Jewish leadership and not an evil spiritual being. Jesus said get behind me Satan to Judas, because Judas was acting as an adversary to God, which is what the Satan means. old Covenant Israel was supposed to be a light to the world, but instead they deceived the world. The war of Revelation 20 was the same war of Revelation 18 & 19. The war of Revelation 18 & 19 was against Mystery Babylon and Mystery Babylon was Old Covenant Israel. One of the reason for Mystery Babylon's judgement was that she deceived the nations (Revelation 18:23). Satan in Revelation 20 was bound form deceiving the nations. It was during this binding that the second exodus took place and the gospel was went out to all the world.
@YeshuaReigns2-t2d 16 часов назад
It's confusing cuz full preterism makes it so. Jesus didn't reign for 40 years from 30-70ad. That is NOT a symbolic thousand years. That's full preterist nonsense. Shelly got it right when she said satan was the apostate judean leadership. They weren't bound from 30-70ad then loosed. They didn't get bound till the city & temple were destroyed in 70ad. Then Christ and the saints began the reign. Full preterism has no scriptural harmony when it comes to the reign, little season, and Christ's ultimate victory over sin and evil. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that sin and evil are reigning now. FP says it will continue this way forever. Just ask any full preterist to cite the scriptures that say Christ and the resurrected saints began their reign and ended it while the old covenant age was still in force. You'll get crickets for an answer. Peace.
@cryptojoecoin5480 15 часов назад
You’re the spewing nonsense. Read your comment. First, I don’t care nor will I entertain labels of “full”, “3/4”, “17/32” preterist. It does nothing but cloud the issue. Second, your point of Satan not being an entity is out of line with scripture, and, as a side note, proves you’re blind if you can’t see him operating today in the culture. Third, I didn’t see the Judean leadership tempting Christ in the desert, beguiling Eve, or talking to God in heaven about Job. Prove unequivocally that the 1000 years isn’t literal using scripture or stop saying this. Lastly, I guess your gonna tell me next that you believe the silly narratives on how these state capitol buildings, castles, cathedrals, and universities were built right? 😂
@cryptojoecoin5480 15 часов назад
@@ChristCenteredEschatologyYou start your comment saying the 1000 years is not literal with nothing to back it up. Then move on quickly to Satan being a group of people. Not in line with scripture at all. Nor does it explain the mountain of architectural evidence around us that blind man could see wasn’t constructed by corrupt man according to the outrages narratives that mock us to our faces.
@michaelseay9783 11 часов назад
@@cryptojoecoin5480 2 Peter 3:8 proves that the 1000 years is not literal: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that *one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,* and *a thousand years as one day.* Here in this verse we have 2 complete opposite statements. God’s Word is always truth. So how can both opposing statements be true? It’s figurative.
@jerryswitzer5150 18 часов назад
Great channel ... thank you for your work ........ my question is .... if the little season already happened hundreds of years ago then where does that put us today...... doesn't judgement day take place just following Satan's little season ? and if so shouldn't we be in God's kingdom if we were judge so.........
@ChristCenteredEschatology 16 часов назад
We are in God's kingdom today. The judgement in Revelation was the against the Old Covenant violators. The Old Covenant is no more, so none can be judge under it. Being in the kingdom of God today has nothing to do with ethnicity or race, but whether or not you have received the gospel. Today, each us will be judged on an individual basis when we die.
@Jayrow1984 18 часов назад
If you guys remember what happened to Satan after Christ was crucified in The Passion of Christ , satan is chained up in the end...things that make you go hmmm🤔
@jennystern770 18 часов назад
They are bringing everything to life by writing it down, creating the future. There’s power and life in words
@annieo708 19 часов назад
Shelly I appreciate so much your seeking and sharing what you haved learned. There are always golden nuggets to be found in your research. But i cant accept the full preterist viewpoint for these reasons: The Revelation of Jesus Christ was written to the seven churches in the Roman Empire and then to the remnant that came after them. (Rev.12) It is not entirely about Jerusalem's destruction though that is part of it. The apocryphal writing describes worldwide events involving nations, ships and merchants, seas and rivers, and celestial bodies. It seems to me it is telling the story of a great exodus of God's people out of Judaism and Paganism by faith in Jesus Christ. For centuries believers thought that the Beast was the "holy roman" empire which had/has similarites to Levitical Judaism if you look carefully and also Babylonian paganism. The Seventh Day Adventists have much to say about that, though I disagree fundamentally with them about Saturday Sabbath. The youtube channel Bible Scribe has interesting research on the fall of Rome including cataclysms which seem apocalyptic for sure(Mt Vesuvius for one). I just cant accept the New Heaven and New Earth as being symbolic and therefore I remain in a more literal interpretation of the little season. Im trying to liberate my mind from viewing the book of Revelation as being written in strict chronological order, and more as scenes in an epic story of deliverance. Im thinking the first beast was Rome, the second was HRE/Protestantism, and the little season is this Masonic kingdom we're in right now. But of course I'm open to learning more. So my question is, have you left the notion that a Millenial Reign of The Saints with Christ has occurred already? To me this possibility is astounding and I would like further understanding about this.Thankyou for being part of this great discussion with Christian love.❤
@theramsays-em4nr 19 часов назад
The word for generation is "age" which is a period of time which can go longer than a person's lifetime such as in the case of Jesus in Matthew 1 where his generation is all the way from David. So the events in Matthew 24 started and continues because we still in the same age AKA the same generation. We know this because Jesus spoke about 3 set of events which are: 1. The destruction of the temple in Judae(JUDAE NOT THE WORLD) 2. The sign of his coming(SIGN OF HIS COMING NOT HIS COMING) 3. The end of the world(THE WORLD NOT JUDAE). All of this started and continues now because it's the same generation.
@shellysangrey 18 часов назад
There are 2 Greek words for generation. The one used in the passage you speak of means the current generation (as in current to the person speaking) every other time it's used in the New Testament.
@gandglv 19 часов назад
The Satanists in the synagogues and their Freemason puppets are using the book of revelation like a script. That's why see and will continue to see modern parallels.
@betsybarnum8040 19 часов назад
Something I don't understand--if the "little season" came AFTER Jesus' 1000-year reign, how could it have been in the first century? I'm trying to grasp the preterist chronology. I appreciate the research that you share.
@cryptojoecoin5480 18 часов назад
It wasn’t. The 1000 years ended somewhere in what we are told was the 1600s-1800s. There is no way to know. It’s actually somewhere around 1300 AD now.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 16 часов назад
The 1000 years was not a literal 1000 years. Satan was bound during Christ ministry and unbound for the final war in Revelation 20. Revelation 20 is the same war as Revelation 18 & 19. Satan/the devil was the apostate Old Covenant Jewish leadership and Mystery Babylon was Old Covenant Jerusalem. Revelation 20 was fulfilled when the war of Revelation 20 was complete, which was when Old Covenant Jerusalem was destroyed.
@betsybarnum8040 16 часов назад
@@ChristCenteredEschatology So, where are we now? What is the eschatology from here?
@ChristCenteredEschatology 15 часов назад
@@betsybarnum8040 We are in the never ending Messianic age. We are to be spreading the gospel and building God's kingdom here on earth until God call us out of out biological bodies. We then go straight to heaven and our biological bodies return to dust. Hope that helps.
@betsybarnum8040 15 часов назад
@@ChristCenteredEschatology Thanks, yes, it helps. Appreciate the explanation.
@christieferrell2611 20 часов назад
1881 Paris France International Exposition of Electricity Wikipedia has list of all worlds fairs dating far back
@ingridbond3432 20 часов назад
it is this precisely investigation that drew me to your channel - ty
@megansousa2659 20 часов назад
Loved Joel's book! His faith and endurance, after all he has been through, are so encouraging as I go through my own struggles. 😊
@ChristCenteredEschatology 16 часов назад
He has truly paid a price for speaking the truth.
@christieferrell2611 20 часов назад
You will get it quick when you realize Britain, Germany. Scotland France etc immigrants were coming here and building cotton factories, railroads, steel lights electric etc. so much more cashing in on the civil war for poor Americans, slaves in cotton mills, steel mills, They created the civil war to become rich. I don’t say rich like millions I say rich like trillions then took that money over to their countries & Britian, France & Germany royals & elites made trillions & killed these children’s parents & made them work in factories. They changed capital from Philadelphia pennyslvania to Washington so that they could set up Scottish rite freemasonry & control America & and its beautiful citizens. Beautiful black folks, beautiful Indian folks beautiful farmers. Becuz the Great Depression was right behind that. Makes me so mad I could stand on a soap box till Jesus comes back. Then ww1 then ww2 and on and on. I’ve been researching this for about 3 months now. Going to continue. Look up Carnegie, Morgan, Edison, Rothschild, Tesla, Westinghouse. Cotton mills from Germany, Those founding fathers who started in Pennsylvania. Not to mention Andrew Jackson who pushed the Cherokee Indians off their land so they could grow tobacco, cotton etc. I will stop now.
@reneesuter7884 20 часов назад
If the little season is over than why does it seem like we are all being deceived( all the nations) ? Where are we then in the timeline
@tmillar3642 19 часов назад
Was there a time when the nations weren't being deceived ?
@giveittomikey17 17 часов назад
There has always been deception since the fall of satan. I think the end of the little season is close but not yet. We still haven’t seen the Camp of the Saints or the gathering of the army that comes against the Camp of the Saints. Then God sends fire down on the army. When the end comes, we are standing in the presence of God. The great white throne judgement. There is nothing else that has to happen according to the word.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 16 часов назад
Sin is the fault of man. Satan is never blamed for sin in the Bible.
@MandosWorld85 7 часов назад
Very good question.
@revelationsingrace 20 часов назад
Hi Shelly! Thank you for courageously studying and sharing these things with us! It's true what they said, if Luke 21 hasn't happened yet, the temple would have to be rebuilt. For those hoping for a sudden rapture, they should realize that it wouldn't take place until after the new temple was built, the abomination was setup, we fled, and then the Christ returned to rapture us. I love your honesty in researching this subject.
@amyduncan7242 20 часов назад
Interesting dogs eat grass when they feel sick. I looked into this and soil has natural antiparasitic properties. 'Ōmura discovered a bacterium called Streptomyces avermitilis in the vicinity of a golf course in Japan. The bacteria make a compound called avermectin. “Microorganisms are very important in nature, and … I learn from microorganisms,” Ōmura said in a telephone interview with a representative of the Nobel committee.'
@dollybrooks3112 21 час назад
The book of Enoch uses 70 generations, instead of little season or little while.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 16 часов назад
The Book of Enoch is heretical.
@HellNoKamala 22 часа назад
I think in Revelations 20:5 it has tripped you up. It's speaking first of the first resurrection at the tribulation. Revelations 20:9 is after the millennium not before. We aren't in the last days but the end of time. Gog Magog had to happen after the thousand year reign not before.
@shellysangrey 18 часов назад
Im not tripped up. I am aware that Revelation 20:9 was after the millennium. 🙂 There is no end of time.
@HellNoKamala 17 часов назад
The End of time if we see our death. It was the End of days then for the original Covenant.
@shellysangrey 17 часов назад
@HellNoKamala I see. I thought you meant end of the world.
@SonofGodNOW Час назад
@@shellysangreyShelly, Bob Cruikshank has an amazing two -part series on Gog and Magog occurring during the book of Esther on Berean Bible’s channel. He taught it at the 2023 conference. It was so good.
@katiejon17 22 часа назад
It’s fascinating how our world works. Celebrities, useless and often evil, receive “honorary degrees” for doing and contributing nothing. Yet so many average people educate themselves to an advanced level... and no horror art degrees. Shelly - you certainly qualify as a TRUE academic in theology.
@brucetheman8883 21 час назад
While a degree is useful for certain careers that require those pieces of paper, they by no means an individual is wise, intelligent or knows how to use their brain in a logical, critical manner. I have 2 masters degrees, and I can say without question that I have learned far more outside of a university setting by doing my own research, studying and self learning. Also even in your select field of work for example, I have learned infinitely more than when I was going to university, in fact it's been so much easier to learn and grasp things by actually doing them and learning in real time than I ever learned while getting those pieces of paper. There are endless resources and information available for anyone to learn anything you desire to understand and know more about, free of charge usually or quite cheap, books do not cost much considering what you get in return if it's a useful book that is. The only thing stopping anyone from learning and becoming intelligent, well learned in topics of interest or things that will greatly benefit them, improving their lives is themselves. People are lazy as hell and unwilling to put forth even the slightest of effort or time if it means they have to do something physically and give up their Netflix or video games for a while.
@Captain-Donut 22 часа назад
❤️🙏 Love from Scotland 🙏❤️
@christieferrell2611 22 часа назад
It has happened many times. 70 ad did happen & it will happen again. Jerusalem is nothing right now. Some of the rock is sitting in any history. Not Gods holy temple but Jerusalem is not a Muslim city. They say that ishmael was sacrificed instead of Isaac. If Solomon’s temple is under there still what. Solomon was apostate. We are the temple of God and that is abomination of desolation of the soul. But these Zionist Jews are going to rebuild & sacrifice animals again. What a blasphemy against our Lord & Savior. I hope any Christians still there will get out.
@tilJ1080S 22 часа назад
Rev 20:10 says the enemy was thrown into lake of fire where the beast and false prophet “are” Rev 20:9-10 hasn’t happened yet
@shellysangrey 22 часа назад
I believe it has.
@tilJ1080S 22 часа назад
@@shellysangreyYou believe in no proof? (Scripture?)
@brucetheman8883 21 час назад
There is a lot of good evidence that many things that revelations and Jesus said would happen absolutely did come to pass and in short order just as Jesus Said. The issue is most of history has been so heavily manipulated, made up, hidden and suppressed etc. Also most churches people attend never talk about any of those stuff and tell people a certain narrative, they have doctrine which they can and can't teach, they literally can't talk about certain things depending on the church and which organization they belong to. Regardless a lot of the heads of the churches go to school to become pastors within their select religious organizations and they are taught from select doctrine and that's what they know, so they just regurgitate what they had been taught from others. Most people never even think to question anything or do a deep dive for themselves to learn if what they have been taught is 100 % factual, true, half true, partially true, completely skewed made up, or if it even adds up. Unfortunately Christians for example, a lot of individuals never even bother to read their Bibles and simply go on what they hear from others and when they go to church every now and again and hear what's being preached to them. Even the Bible, you have to find and read the correct version, many have been so edited, changed and completed chapters removed.
@michaelseay9783 20 часов назад
@@tilJ1080S Revelation 20:9-10 represents the finality Of the Old Covenant. Revelation 20:8 is an infinite verse. Satan still deceives, even after destroyed, by the spirits of devils released in Revelation 16:13-14. Those evil spirits were released for a reason: infinite deception. *Now *YOU* have the burden to prove that what you say is true. Back it up with scripture.* Don’t just say, “well, it hasn’t happened yet”. That’s not a valid argument.
@shellysangrey 17 часов назад
@tilJ1080S I believe soon means soon (as in soon to the writers). I believe all means all. I believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God. It is man's interpretation that has confused things. The evidence is God's Word.
@adamperez8555 23 часа назад
Eusebius is wrong about the town of Pella. Christ very well could have said flee to this town. He didn’t. He said flee to the mountains. The believers that did so were never seen again. They were taken up, as Christ promised, and as Paul described, in what is commonly referred to as the rapture. This is critical, as it was a fulfillment of his promise, and the tradition as put forward by Eusebius undermines this, and has been adopted as a denial of what Christ’s accomplishment, and used as a justification for the creation of a “Christian” orthodoxy, and the establishment of what would become the Roman Catholic Church from which every modern denomination ultimately is drawn from.
@shellysangrey 22 часа назад
They went through a mountain pass to get to Pella.
@XRP-Alchemy 23 часа назад
A set of lies agreed upon? The official historical narrative is a gigantic lie and cover-up.
@XRP-Alchemy 23 часа назад
Corona Borealis new nova Star of Jacob 👑 Happy Rosh HaShanah sign above of the Great Awakening? 🎇 Impossible to ignore? 🎺 🤔 Happy Jubilee!! 😊
@katharinelombard5178 23 часа назад
So if it happened in the first century, is it not possible that we are still in that time? I mean, the little season comes after the millennial reign… So if we are post little season then what does that mean? I’m not clear on what you’re saying as far as where we are now?
@shellysangrey 23 часа назад
A little season (or while) means a brief period of time. Luke 21:22 said, "these are the days of vengeance, to fulfill ALL (my emphasis) that is written." "These days" refers to THEIR time period, not ours. "To fulfill all that is written" means the fulfillment of all prophecy. We are in the new heaven and earth, which means "new covenant." The literal interpretation of "heaven and earth" is a western invention. It is not consistent with how that term was repeatedly used by the authors of the Old and New Testament.
@katharinelombard5178 23 часа назад
@@shellysangrey thank you so much🙌🏽❤️. It’s hard for me to understand all of this… But I’m trying so hard and want to better understand! So this means that the millennial kingdom did already happen, right? And what are the characteristics of the New Covenant?
@dollybrooks3112 22 часа назад
So if it happened in the first 70 or so years and they added 1,118 years to our timeline (as indicated in the Masonic Calender) and just maybe this happened in the year i755 like the 7 day Advent people believe (see the book by Ellen White) And maybe maybe they only found America sometime after that time, possibly 1776 . Then maybe they started plotting their plan, The little season may be 250 years this could all be over in 2 years. Just a suggestion!
@dollybrooks3112 21 час назад
I did comment and try to explain this to you but RU-vid took it right down
@katharinelombard5178 21 час назад
@@dollybrooks3112 thank you❤️. I did find this: “a promise of redemption by God to people as individuals rather than as a nation and on the basis of God's grace rather than a person's adherence to the law. Christ is … the mediator of a new covenant Interpreter's Bible” which sounds like to me a move away from religion and dogma. Would that be accurate?
@katrinahopps 23 часа назад
But this doesn't explain the evil that's in the world right now, today.
@shellysangrey 23 часа назад
Galatians 5:17, 19
@resqfreedom9308 21 час назад
Same EVIL, different time period!
@suzanbarnes401 21 час назад
Revelation 22:14-15
@rmfgbritusa591 21 час назад
Same evil since Eden. The only difference is that today they broadcast evil.
@tigger8935 21 час назад
John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil." How do you think his descendants will behave? And as time goes on, they can invent more ways to be evil.
@XRP-Alchemy 23 часа назад
We the Temple. 💎 Living Stones.
@XRP-Alchemy 23 часа назад
Days of Noah Harari? 💉 Get your Jabs?
@Seighme 22 часа назад
@@XRP-Alchemy Living stones-The Shepherd of Hermas discusses us as stones being accepted or rejected to build the set apart church, the true bride. Have you heard of this book? 1st century NATSARI writing...