Pop Strikers
Pop Strikers
Pop Strikers
Low Poly 3D Schlockmeister working on Azumi stuff. Terminally lazy. Runs on the Emotion Engine & the YM2612.
@WilliamTrentgtrent9 23 часа назад
ray tracing was around in the 80s. just was unfothomably too slow for games
@mleise8292 2 дня назад
It might surprise some that we only had "true hardware lights" for a _very_ brief time from 1999 to 2001. That was when the GeForce 256 added hardware support for up to 8 lights that the GPU would automagically use to light geometry. But already in 2001, this fixed functionality was phased out in favor of pixel shaders, so it became once again the programmer's responsibility to describe the lighting algorithmically.
@cyberangel82 3 дня назад
I really appreciated you making the actual demo scenes and explaining how it works.
@loganGranberry 4 дня назад
There's a lot this video gets wrong and just doesn't seem to understand, begging the question why make the video? In the end you resort to saying use an asset store asset. Really confusing. PS1 could do per-vertex lighting. Gouraud shading basically IS how you do per-vertex lighting (it's just the interpolation of the color/light value between verts). Textures are just textures, nothing in their use in SH1 makes them "tiles". Every game on the system did their assets this way. Super annoying video.
@user-ci5lc6bd9i 4 дня назад
чел тебе в шапке не холодно дома сидеть?
@VersecLoL 5 дней назад
I'm two minutes in the video, and they only thing I can already say is that the music is too loud and annoying. This is not a Nolan movie. If the music is just for background ambience, err on the side of caution and turn it down. Less is more. Also, dude. All that half baked explanation and then you just use an asset? Kinda lame.
@robertsloan2877 7 дней назад
What's the game at 1:10?
@ytmndan 7 дней назад
Tank controls NEVER made perfect sense. They were always clunky and awkward. Some remakes of former "tank control" games have remedied the camera change issue by simply maintaining the control directions relative to the previous screen until you center the control stick, and it works infinitely better than tank controls.
@atirutwattanamongkol8806 7 дней назад
I think the problem might be your light radius? Also, be sure to check the lighting window (if it's not present, you can find it in one of the toolbar items) and disable any light baking. You shouldn't need a special shader for barebones vertex lighting.
@masterzombie161 7 дней назад
Dude you really need to upload often cause looking at your schedule you take either years or months to make a video.
@franknord4826 8 дней назад
The title almost drove me away from this video because I thought "backgrounds are pre-rendered - big whoop, that's obvious?" but I was positively surprised actually watching it.
@stewartdalton454 8 дней назад
Great video describing the underlying tech. Also from an ex video editor, great work here too!
@ADAM_NORMAN 9 дней назад
PS1 is Gran Tourismo 2 had the first form of ray-traceing....
@SquaredbyX 9 дней назад
Can you go through all of the other youtube videos and put the names of the songs in the lower right corner please?
@aidennwitz 9 дней назад
raytracing was a thing since the early 70s or even late 60s. it's REAL-TIME raytracing that's a relatively new thing.
@macaroni900 10 дней назад
massive fucking dissapointment of a video, you have promise but you going and installing a asset pack is a bitch move
@omegafire6253 10 дней назад
Even today textures still look muddy when rendering in quote quote on quote 4k. Instead why not use 4k to create stunning renders.
@roadkill_52 10 дней назад
Why didn't you mentioned Alone In the Dark? I mean, not even ONCE, no mention at all. It's very sad how people are erasing important pieces of history in the collective mind. Alone in the Dark created this method, but the video not only omits it but try to suggest that capcom "created it". Sorry, but that really pisses me off.
@omegafire6253 10 дней назад
Fix camera gives a cinema experience. A professional decides the perspective to tell the narrative. Now it's the player hand holding the camera. A good balance was code Veronica.
@ladycuckiri4388 10 дней назад
I don't think having the light bounce with the vertex shading is necessarily breaking the visual language of silent hill. It seems like they tried to simulate that light bounce with the more interpolated vertices around the edge of the light-cone. It's just a linear sort of fall-off but it still gives me the feel of faked bounce light.
@FateReaper5 10 дней назад
You say a lot of words i don’t understand. I love your videos, your passion, and the way you even get me to somewhat understand what you’re talking about. Keep being awesome!
@KuraudoSutoraifu7 10 дней назад
eeee, Soul Reaver ost :D lol niceee
@gfixler 10 дней назад
him: Raytracing wasn't even a thing back in 1994 when these things came out. me: **remembers building out and raytracing scenes in POV-Ray in 1991** Granted, I had to type up a text file, explaining where spheres, cones, planes, cameras, and lights were, and just a Mickey Mouse I made with 3 chrome spheres hovering over a marble plane with a few lights took 24 hours to render at 640×480, but still 😄
@JohnBelluci 10 дней назад
I watched this and the previous video and was ready to go through the rabbit hole and binge all your other videos but it seems these are the only 2 (apart from the old stuff). Loved your videos and hope you make more. Good luck dude.
@PopStrikers 10 дней назад
Thanks! I’m working on the next one right now 👍
@chikoavena3407 10 дней назад
Half life also uses vertex color as the flashlight's light
@trinidad17 10 дней назад
To use per-vertex lighting you need a custom vertex shader (shoking!) on top of the pixel shader.
@beardalaxy 10 дней назад
Raytracing and even stuff like SSR is actually really distracting to me most of the time. Only looks good in extremely ideal situations but in motion you often get weird artifacts. Not so with these old techniques, or at least not nearly as often. The rasterized light of something like Metroid Prime is far more appealing to me. It's done so intentionally and it's hard to see the cracks unless you're actively looking for them, as opposed to your character's arm reflecting off the water 10m away or reflections smearing around on a mirror.
@ultimaweapon6 10 дней назад
Great video man I learned a lot
@Zeithri 10 дней назад
Funny x3 Subscribed because I'm intrigued to learn more. I always wanted to learn to make games back when I grew up in the golden age of gaming but, alas, that came and went sadly. Some people may bash on the simplicity of the asset usage but I think that it's more important that we're able to create our dreams nowadays with relatively ease compared to never being able to at all. And those who still want to learn the hard way are still more than welcome to do so by programming it all from scratch. There are some absolute mindbogglingly amazing programmers these days just as there are 3D artists. It always amazes me. But never forget the past, because the past used the neatest of tricks ever that so many triple A's want you to believe " _We can't have today, what we had in the past_ ".
@TarenGarond 11 дней назад
0:45 From what I've read the jitter is actually from the vertices jumping from whole number to whole number in the 2D space of the screen(Due to no subpixel precision of vertex positioning on the GPU) not 3D space.
@VergiI_Sparda 11 дней назад
yknow to be fair to the version before you found the free psx shader, it honestly looked to me like silent hill 2 lighting. or maybe 3, where there WAS bounce lighting/not full pitch black. youre selling yourself short calling it a 'janky unity project' like you did in the video, because yeah it wasn't full-black like SH1, but it was still emulating everything i've ever remembered about early 2000s PS1/2 games. honestly, i love SH1 to death, but your 'janky' version was really good, it looked nice as hell.
@guillermo9171 11 дней назад
Based SG13 SFF case enjoyer
@PopStrikers 11 дней назад
ITX for the win
@TrashHeap64 11 дней назад
Love this video! I think its also important to note that pre-rendered backgrounds had a depth map as well which went from black to white depending on distance. This let 3d models hide behind objects or stand in front of them. That's a little more difficult to replicate in Unity but there are examples out there on how to do it with a blender depth map. You can see this implemented very well in Microsoft 3d Movie Maker where you can move 3d characters through walls, through the floor, and behind windows/doors.
@scribez3507 11 дней назад
I love fixed camera angles in games! Such a nostalgic throw back for me when I see them in newer games. :)
@littleNorwegians 11 дней назад
Back at it! I love these. Super glad to see you make these. I always wanted to do something like this, but you do go above and beyond in your execution. Also, stylish ✨
@CaledonianMafia 11 дней назад
I wanted a video like this and here it is. Explained in full 👌
@bloodgoa139 11 дней назад
Small correction: ray tracing existed in the 90s. I was just very far from real-time.
@EviLDo0m 11 дней назад
anyone that uses Legacy of Kain background music deserve a follow
@crimester 11 дней назад
you just multiply the vertex color by (light attenuation - the distance to the light source from the vertex) clamped between 0 and 1
@isaiaslafon9329 11 дней назад
Nice video!
@unfa00 11 дней назад
9:19 I half expected the answer to be "we'll use Godot instead" 😆
@jtinkerton2547 10 дней назад
Exactly. Make material->Tick Vertex Lit checkbox->Done. Every other engine focuses so much on modern photorealism graphics that it takes you a month to hack together something that doesn't even look right.
@laurensdesmet70 11 дней назад
It was a widely used technique. The only hack in this video is you for creating the false claim, the shotty explanation, and then buying an asset in the most anticlimactic ending ever.