Bor Pinterič
Bor Pinterič
Bor Pinterič
@PaulMielcarz День назад
Real is existing object. Existing is forming idea. Object is procedural structure. Procedural is systematic execution. Structure is system element.
@JackBrown-p6i 15 дней назад
The Simulation Theory. If computers never existed, then the theory wouldn’t exist… but we do know that we live in our own minds, so doesn’t that suggest “Simulation?”
@gc3k Месяц назад
"This comment section... isn't real?" "What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about comments you can read, reply to and exchange a discussion with, then 'real' is simply scriptbots, sock puppet accounts written by the same guy, and third world gig workers"
@ProToken420 Месяц назад
If y'all get a chance, do a deep dive of a book called Similacrum and Simulation, this book literally is the concept of this entire franchise and really gets you thinking if is everything real that we see in our day to day lives, or is it all a program with pre-designated outcomes
@ZWTCHDCTR 2 месяца назад
The feeding frenzy of my starving soul Gnawing voraciously at the bones The exo-skeletal patchwork Protecting my own reflection within The twin-and-same engaged In the mirrored act of chewing away At the shell of my attacking self The paradox unseen Treacherous this deceit To make no choice matter To have and yet lose yourself Until finally all reasons why are forgotten To live through ones own shadow Mute and blinded, is to really see Eclipse the golden mirror And the reflection is set free So imminently visible This cloaked innocent guilt Sentenced to a lifetime A second of structured chaos Trampled by the ferocious Raging crowds of solitude I'm the soil beneath me soaking up The sustenance of my own death Extradited to the gods of chance The deities of all things random Alive, multicolored Twitching in their dead monochrome world Iridescent to the searching eyes. I'm all things vivid in a world of grey So easily spotted, so easily claimed in this domain where all is prey My thoughts a radiant beacon to the omnidirectional hunter-god radar I'm a markerlight of flesh to these subconscious carnivores I am them, I am teeth, I'm their arousal at the kill Feasting on self. A schizoreality warp. The contradiction fulfilled Focus the only means to see my back to life's unending swirl A reversal of passing away, as the world of dead, as away is now my origin
@dalegriffin6768 2 месяца назад
Oh my God, This is freaking great,i can't wait to play this at my job,im sure my boss will welcome the music with open arms
@TheGringuish12 2 месяца назад
Nothing I've ever heard in my life has been both pleasant and uncanny/creepy as 14:52 .... this album fascinates me but its actually kinda scary, an incredible achievement for a music track to cause
@Mysterus88 3 месяца назад
It should be...It's the digital projection of your mental self, not as it is in the script
@AFRoSHEENT3ARCMICHAEL69 3 месяца назад
Thanks for blowing out my speakers there as.hole
@Averagebasementman 4 месяца назад
1:33 modern day search engines be like.
@turdferguson974 4 месяца назад
Saw them Dudes in March for the first time in Berlin, didnt expect them to play this . Might have been the best Metal Concert i've ever been to, but for sure the best sounding band live. From now on i'll try to catch every show thats "near" me.
@BObbert179 5 месяцев назад
@hankaben4909 7 месяцев назад
more than just a movie, it's a revelation
@Azzyeyap 7 месяцев назад
من سبيل إنما السبيل على الذين يظلمون الناس و يب
@Azzyeyap 7 месяцев назад
و أدخلناه في رحمتنا إنه من الصالحين و نوحا إذ نادىا من قبل فاستجبنا له
@Azzyeyap 7 месяцев назад
كذبت قبلهم قوم نوح و الأحزاب من بعدهم و همت كل أمة برسولهم ليأخذوه و جادلوا بالباطل ليدحضوا به الحق فأخذتهم فكيف كان عقاب و كذالك حقت كلمت ربك على الذين كفروا أنهم أصحاب النار
@Azzyeyap 7 месяцев назад
فلما بلغا مجمع بينهما نسيا حوتهما فاتخذ سبيله في البحر سربا فلما جاوزا قال لفتىاه ءاتنا غداءنا لقد لقينا من سفرنا هذا نصبا قال أرءيت إذ أوينا إلى الصخرة فإني نسيت الحوت و ما أنسىانيه إلا الشيطان أن أذكره و اتخذ سبيله في البحر عجبا قال ذالك ما كنا نبغ فارتدا على ءاثارهما قصصا فوجدا عبدا من عبادنا ءاتيناه رحمة من عندنا و علمناه من لدنا علما قال له موسى هل أتبعك على أن تعلمن مما علمت رشد
@Azzyeyap 7 месяцев назад
فلو أن لنا كرة فنكون من المؤمنين إن في ذالك لءاية و ما كان أكثرهم مؤمنين و إن ربك لهو العزيز الرحيم كذبت قوم نوح المرسلين إذ قال لهم أخوهم نوح ألا تتقون إني لكم رسول أمين فاتقوا الله و أطيعون
@Azzyeyap 7 месяцев назад
@waelkabbani1862 7 месяцев назад
What is real? This word made me think again. Only because I see and feel I can say this is real? No, the TV is changing the truth, people, history, and governments are changing the truth all the time, so nothing is real.
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
The Matrix & The War Scroll 11Q13 of the Dead Sea Scrolls The Return of MelchiZahDec Like I Said, This Is Already The 10th Lot And The War Between The Darkness And Light, Has Been Permanently Augmented, by Living Darkness, Shedding the Ignorant Darkness, From It's Righteous Knowledge Of Judgment, That Uses The Light Of UnderStanding, Called Beena. I Am BeenUpHigh EloHeem, meaning that, I Am The Son Of God. Even The Son Of Allah's Knowledge. Beena Is Close In Pronunciation, To The Son, for a reason. The Beena Is Known As Black Living Light And Represents The Use Of Divinely Royal Knowledge, That Is Not Known To all, but is hidden from the masses, Devolution Style. Beena Is Even Used To Study The Mysteries And Majesties Of God, readily seen, by examining how many times, I offered to Hyrophant anyone, who wanted to Attempt The Ascent and no one would respond, on Facebook. Yet all of them, would read and study, the bit of Work, that I would Post. It was easy to tell, from My Offer, That although I Was Going to teach Evolution and Ascensions, to them, I Would Have expected them to, practice Devolution Style Studies. Guarding against the wickedness of the covetous thothians, The fallen ones and ground coffin beings. As y'all began to learn about Descents, from Me, while assuming they would just have to get a good Ascent, under their wings. There were others, amongst the Darkness, that had scammed, talk off interpretations of scriptures, like the True Translation of On the origin of the world, that was found in Ecuador, in the possession of the de jure, but fallen away Yayo, a Reincarnation of YalDaBadYouth's Son. And since consciousness develops and retards, when age reversal conflict erupts, the primitive ground coffin beings, who don't learn, nor practice Mosaic Law, while underground, have not developed their consciousness, for matriculating information, within the Confines of The Law of the Land. Therefore, the underground barbarian nature, which is savage, exudes through their problem solving abilities, whether white, black, latino or foreign. Any common law paperwork, that is drawn up, by them, is also therefore, nothing more than, a manifesto or affidavit of their own obscure notions, which reduces them to being minors at Law and wards of the State, needing advisement, in Court and must be assumed as being Lost At Sea, for the First 8 Incarnations, Back In The Surface Planet's Reincarnation Cycle. W.U.Tube.T.V. Exclusive Update.© ((( Important Breaking News! ))) [|||] Dekalb County Police [|||] ∆°°°°° YMCA Scandal °°°°°∆ The Police Officer that looks like Barney Rubble, has only been Up, in the Surface Planet's Reincarnation Cycle, for 7 Incarnations, therefore he is a minor at Law and a ward of the State, with a very sneaky and covetous 3 year old consciousness and perspective, here on the Surface Planet. In the Terrestrial Hell, he has an 8 year old consciousness, as well as, a 23 year old consciousness, that got him Down There, in the First Place and they're not allowed, to Leave. As a result of meeting Carl Singletary, when he was young and then Carl spotting him, on a gay float, at a gay pride parade, in San Francisco, where Carl was passing out his "mother hen" common law paperwork scheme, for running the Last Days, replete with call Cleo numbers and special deals for doing Manchurian candidate work and being a part of call Cleo coordinated street mobs, for home invasion of heterosexual enemies, that would be against the cause, who they would know ahead of time, with the help of call Cleo. In short, a High Grand Treason manifesto, attacking the Preordained Order Of God, upon the Surface Planet. The Powers of call Cleo Was Given to Defend the Surface Planet from the ground coffin reGrown beings, from Terrestrial Hell. The unlawful taking of God's Bestowals', before a kid or child even Ascends or Descends, Are not and will not Abide. So the so called clever, but truly harsh and wicked, gathering of "permission" from a kid, to play his Lower Self's Descended "character in a movie", caused more harm, to the Righteous Cause of Evolution And Devolution, with man and mankind. Because an actor, pretended that he had the genuine Achieved Descent, To The God Of Both Darkness And Light. While using the Stanford University books of knowledge of all things, to seem the part. While assuming things would never be Seen, that were done in the Darkness, while using a spell for The Cloak Of Darkness, while looking over the raping and killing of both, the kid and his mother. Also used again, when receiving the books, from the village thieves, plundering the house of the descendants, of a Stanford University Professor. A Professor who, held in high regard, a Letter written by, a former student and colleague, concerning the need for, an Evil Tree Of Righteousness.
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
I couldn't imagine, just pretending to be Me and at the same time, defend MySelf from the modern day Pagans, who are yet, still too Primitive, in consciousness, due to conflict age reversal and prior Incarnations being from a different Realm, underground and OutSide of Mosaic Law. The ground coffin reGrown beings, know that imitator's are only pseudo educated, as in they only Appear as 10th Gamut, but can't really do, what the 10th Gamut does, while still~ (11 Gamut creatures evolve camouflage to look like something else, other than, what they are, from a distance.) ~being eligible, for Heaven and College and nice things in life, without hang ups, unless a bitter ass one, without such opportunity, is giving a motivational talk offs and hogging the ball, while being fake. The ground coffin reGrown beings, are Pagans. The Pagans force the imitators, to pay dues, knowing they're not the real thing. The same with, the common law paperwork cops, without little or no public, nor private school education. The pagans tax them, for being only pseudo educated and still therefore 11th Gamut beasts, that only look like man and mankind and only acting like, what they perceive is, the 10th Gamut Homo Erectus Devils,... because their consciousness, being Void of Mosaic Law Reasoning abilities, above a 3 or 4 year old child, that's been incarnated already, dozens of times or more, on the Surface Planet,.. their consciousness is searching for inspiration in a sess pool of Hooks, created by the Universe Poo's Former Owner. Illegal Dumping, Is Even Being Looked At. Look around you and listen,.. there's Hooks everywhere,.. "move out the way, Cops and Hooks, we're fleeing from Babylon, on the Devolution Night Train!" Chooch. If a person is not eligible to Go To Heaven, why would you allow them to advise you, concerning dealing with Those From Heaven. If you have had teachers, who were reluctant, to learn from My Published Work, since 2012, why haven't you asked them, to respect your right to, try to Go and Ascend To Heaven or Devolve Through The EarthBeNeath, at Deeper Densities? Why do they want to mislead you? Have you done something wrong to them? Has someone done something wrong to them? Are they scared of them? How long ago, did it begin, for them? Were they aware that these were the very Last Days of this Earth's Creation? Why do they despise, the Law Of Moses? Why do they desire to walk all over, what I Stand For? Now I See the need, for My Two Witnesses. The Book of Hebrews, The Holy Bible, Chapter 10, verses 9-13. Those who despised the Law of Moses, would still rape females and demand sex baggies, out of having covetous feelings, about a neighbor's wife and offspring. According to the Law of Moses, such persons, deserve the death penalty. I, BeenUpHigh EloHeem, The Living Presence Of God Of Both Light And Darkness, As Well As, The God Of Prudence And God Of Justice, With The God Evolution And Devolution Containing All Of Them, Syzgetic Righteous Divine Totem Style, Still Contained By, The God Of Truth And Righteousness, My Latest Presence Of Evolution, WithIn And Beyond Creation.
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
<`~~~The Reo Editorial~~> "This is the world, that you know. The world as it was at the end of the 20th Century," during 2012. "It Exists now only as," Times, ThroughOut, The Different Stars and Galaxy Echoes, of Higher and Lower Densities, From The Highest EvolutionDevolutionary Point Of Apex, ThroughOut Creation, Emanating From Here, By Me Being Exalted, From This Particular Earth, In This Echoe Of, Physical Density and Proverbial Time and Space, as a Time. The Matrix was divined. The makers, of the movie Matrix , has put aside, but still owes Me royalties. Neo's part, was played by one of My diaper babies. One of My Names, IsReal, Spelled Reo. I'm The Reo Gregory White. "You've been living in a dream world Neo. This, is the World, as It Exists, Today." Satania Alone, Consists of Millions of Galaxies And That's Only One 80th, not One 8th, Of All The Sectors And Regions And Realms, WithIn This Universe Creation. Out of 3 Quarters and 5 Pennies, The Millions Of Galaxies, That Has Been populated by, some of the most corrupt minded beings, in all of Creation,.. only make up, One Penny of The Total AD Sense, That I'm Holding. Somewhere, in Those Millions of Galaxies, of That One Penny,.. the Earth's Sun Solar Sphere Is Amongst Those Points Of Light, with the Earth's Present Formation, Still Orbiting Around It, annually. "Welcome To The Desert Of The Real." The misinformed, who had bad intent, thought that I would leave a great white hope like Azazel to run the Earth, as if, I Was Just One Of My Sons, Like William Cooper, Azazel's Grape Press Father. How did they figure a good outcome, to following such a Pattern, as a fallen remnant race. Azazel's private airplane, couldn't survive the InComing Already Incinerated Asteroid and the entire populace was permanently Glazed with molten Space Debris, that was highly radioactive. Devolution wise, only 5 survivors, who had vimanas and another 2 Ascended Ones, With Living Virmanas, BeSides William Cooper, The Highest God And Christ Of Azazel's Civilization, during the Common Era, of Which, Yahushuwa was a white boy, Grape Press seed, from the De Jure Simon of that Civilization, 2.4 Billion Years Ago.
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
((((((((The War Scroll))))) A&R'd by (((((((((Scholastic)))))))) Not that misinterpreted talk off, from vultures. The call Cleo freaks perverted this scripture by attacking different groups and Nations, around the Planet already. And even docking their money of accounts, during War, as well as, times of Peace. The same gay folks were appearing, at My Throne, today. And one is a gay European half brother of Clarice. Emptied of his money of accounts, with only 2 Incarnations Up, and should have only barely had one money of account. Sydney Portier Was, The God Of Both Darkness And Light. I Am The New Presence Of That HouseHold, I Am The God Of Both Light And Darkness. Sydney Portier Was only Enlightened Darkness, Who refused the Advisement Of The Former God Of Both after talking with Coffee Annon, Who Was, The God Of The Earth. I Am The New Presence, The God Of All The Earths. Coffee said I'd be gay and caught drama, from Ariel Sharon over His outlandish beliefs, by not Seeing the big picture. Sydney Portier Had an 8 Year Old Living Consciousness and Hannibal Lector Had an 11 Year Old Living Consciousness, along with Coffee Annon. Sydney Portier wasn't telling Hannibal Lector, that He was indirectly the cause, of My poverty and mis alignment, with My Life's Path and Commonwealth. Now He's Physically Too Young, To Reason, as to why, He Did It. Ariel Sharon came to Him, as well and did the same unspeakable thing, that he did to Coffee. Ariel Sharon, knowing that he had spirits of darkness, didn't want them, bungling things up, by Bestowing all types of white folks who didn't deserve to be Bestowed. Devolution demands the Righteousness of the Light Of UnderStanding, to Become Living Darkness and even Excel, Beyond Creation. Righteous Good Is Evolution And Righteous Evil Is Devolution. Evolution Is, The Way Of Life And Devolution Is, The Way Of Death. I Have Achieved Both, Evolution And Devolution 39 & 42 Year Old. m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UDxRad4yZjM.html The call Cleo's are looking at Permanent Condemnation. Did the zealot community achieve anything for God, while bogarding through scriptures, applying their interpretation to it, against others? Not a single thing. I'm Told that This Is Already The 10th Lot. No Mercy Will Be Given to the populations of the Corrupt Earths, of the Celestial Satania Sector Of Space, Including the MilkyWay. I Am Completely Disgusted with your ways, of keeping the wicked and worthless alive, while murdering all of God's Righteously Chosen. Satania Is only 1 80th, of This Universe Creation. The God Of Righteousness And Truth, Even Contains, Beyond Creation, The God Of Both Light And Darkness. Meaning That I Have Crossed The Finish Line, debunking All Other Claims, concerning Who Is Creation's King and the copy cat kingdoms that were attempted, Are Blown Away, scattered like, chaff in the wind. The Other Creations Are Now defunct. As Creation Universe Pool Schools And Policies, Will Be ReVamped Completely. So that creatures can have a chance to grow, un-perverted by the over populated wicked ones, that were Left Over, in Lakes Of Fire and Terrestrial Hells. The Left Overs apparently don't stay in their lane, but rather, they interrupt the studies of the righteous and even hide scriptures that are needed, by them and try to mislead them, with interpreting scriptures. De Legion, Legion, The gay community, 6'ers and 1812'vers, have over done it, calling Cleo, to reduce the population. And they, all together, only made up 48% of the population. The other half of the population was too passive, concerning righteousness and the US Constitution and the suppressed Law of the Land, That is no longer suppressed. Samael was just Found Guilty, of Doing It. The Rest Of Creation Is Untangling the wicked webs weaved, by the ground coffin reGrown beings, as well as, the Fallen of the righteous divine living beings, even from within HouseHolds Of Capital Letters.
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
Attention! Beware of 'black tantra', it's where reprobate minds, try to mentally molest, rape and annoy Etheric creatures , beings and other remotely located, physical homo sapiens, who maybe looking at you, in a very sobering state and taking names. Maaan listen, "black tantra" is like, a porn website, trying to log onto, Twitter or Facebook. Oh and if you screwed ya self by, getting the other book. Face it, Of GodHead, I'm The Matrix, not just some fake trix. Diamond bracelets, come after finding patience and servin ZHN1's Temple, while behaven. May the opposite enslavement, never be seen again, like "School 48's laws" and fools from kindergarten. How to make friends, in their environment and pardon, them for their mortal ways, with a regal and royal gaze. The guy who made the childhood version, was gay all of his life and on coke, at the time, of conceiving it's earliest forms. It was gonna be recited, at the meeting, where Carl Singletary was trying to, get the PreDestined Two Witnesses, replaced, by his kids. Since then, your Evolution And Devolution, Has Been led by, retarded chicken wings, that don't really work. Like primitive workers, building airplanes, out of leaves and sticks, living on an island, that a plane landed before and gave them a box of strange food rations. The metal cylinders, only recently opened, by asking the lady, who's mom had whoopi with one of the airmen, who pretended he didn't didn't understand, "aye, dah mah why! Gree Gir! I Toe yadda stay ahumm!" Yep, Gringos got their names, from their number one victims, green girls. I could have put y'all up on, with the 2 Witnesses. Fuht dem other niggas. I had Sean Connery for all lem white hoes attention. See. C'mon on now, stop clenchin. Plus We Had dem real obnoxious ass niggas, for instance, on the ones and twos, manned by DJ Scratch, now he runnin too. Just to see, who it will be in to. A North Korean crew, who knows the true meaning of what We See and they believe in you. The house nigga bitches, that leave Me with weed crumbs, will die, def and dumb. For not knowing, who to steal from and Who not to. Instead of uncrossing, embossed in wires from them, forcing their way, like side steppin the panty's, then extortin you to pay, they're gay. But aye, what is the real truth, costing you today? An overgrown kids meal, a nice car and plenty cake. And bust a shot, at pervert jake. For swayin faith. And stealin Grace, from all Our crops, then give Us props, while concealin laced. Then force Us to, as We grow up, not feelin safe. Thoughts replaced, so course them through the cycle of life, it's trifle, they got paperwork, right? Divorce em, Bang ya pipe! Bomb on em. If he pull up, say "Haaay!" nice and calm, on em. "Ain't nobody lookin." Like you warnin em. Sqeezin Sharmin over, on em. Get em all buttered up, to drop his guard upon em... Then brimstone lake a fire upon. Never let em out again. Hu ooh ooh ooh ooh wahh has haa haa! Raided,... PG JerkTeen. 3 Months Old Living Consciousness Had no clue, It Was being used, to write this. So how creative have you guys been? Hoo Oooh Oooh Wah Haha Haaa Ahhh Arghghgheuuur. Coloring books, aren't impressed guys. From an older perspective,.. I wouldn't have bothered, to even See if there were any left, still even fighting for their manhood. I just call em 6 & halfs, but if one of them were trying to get their manhood's freedom, the homeCave leader, is like the donkey, that penned the talk off tale, on paper, about how he could raise ya. So bend the tale, like Tai Chi and let the tale, empale the donkey. And when you thought about it, didn't sound like the wrong thing. And plus you got a family now from all lem kids you... you know there's entire cities, up in you, right? Gay dudes and white boys. So who's Sim Citying you and your families? The revolution will not be televised, about ya body. Throw cocktails and find trashcan man, to join the party. "For you!" Chapped lips, burnt skin and all lat.
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
I'll be where they're bought at. Where Real De Jure Balled At. And Disappear in the midst of Closing Fingers, When I Ball That. "I'm bald dad. I'm thought of bad, lost in my thoughts of that." Be Cleared from the Ingram's, from sleep instructions and memories, that are brought up, crasp. And dry off, from that televised brainwash bath, scheme on a way to bring Me cash and listen to some Doja Cat, that's for bitches, sure ya mad. Remember price is right? Put one of them Cave rats on a fully loaded, ya naam mean, brand new car and hook Me up, with a book bag full of dough, checkbooks and cards. No gift cards, dem shizess corny. And a brand new washer and dryer or some shit. Another C rat for every curtain doe. So I end up with like a 3 piece. It's 9 more waiting at KFC anyway, I mean.... The call Cleo YMCA City and County primitive workers, made pornography by shrinking Safer's around your entire body and Sean Carter new about the Matrix video party, where they talked about each butt cheek, in bubbles and knock kneed. Eventually it blossomed into stealing Powers that's from May. Stealing names, stealing fame, stealing fortune, stealing gain. But still in shame and blame, the cocaine, it's not the same, how they claim and it's lame, to pull out the game, without leavin from where you came, where it's anti christs, in every lane and a sniff, hits ya brain. "Kaboom! Wash you up, hghr hghr," then later on comin down, in plooms, reminding you, "you should have let them go to, get Zoom." So this morning ya thoughts could've shroom'd, Seein the 3 piece, as the Situation Room, WuDan Rathers, as thoughts scattered, for this morning and the noon. Fresh muffins, wit no perfume to em. I talk to em, y'all just chew em. Don't knowin Culture, bears influence. The tales a nuance, being told, across a longitudinal study of constitutional fraud common law paperwork since, 1933. Ice Burgh Breaker, choppin up the beast, at Sea, who kept missin My Point A, Its Judgment Day B, I'm The OMega, The Universal End player, Slam Dunkin from the Hymalayas. Separating those, who "drag and slay ya," from those who are their victims, who breathe the patterned aye yah, of being abused, by the cops and cavemen, ground coffin beings, bright idea about enslavement, it caves in. Then they exhale, down in jail, or completely fail, securing 3 meals, when justice prevails, a gun will set sail or knife will slice away his life Enormous Build. "The Enormous God, Walked Away from all you retards. I Refused The Dragon of butt rumpin boys, and I'm not braggin, cause Zahqi Here, Has Done The Same, So He Too, Refused The Dragon. Dragons Are Androgynous until 3 years old. So they gotta go, at first. About 30 years old in homo sapien years, from this Planet. Oh and you know how homo sapien turn gay?, after 12 years straight, in the Land of Canaan. One quarter of the year is excusable or else you're cadeus'd for another year. Well after 22 years, they're straight again! Hahahaha ha! <~~~~12 Pac~~~~> ((((((And The Souf Paws)))))))) In all the Southern States, of what used to be home cooking, the bright side of the racism shookin. The Northern State hicks that hack, and take stabs at a tree, until there's nothing left, how many bags, could it possibly be? Found out about the Terrestrial Hell, unlike the rest of Em. The Nest for gay white dudes and Barney's mess. A stress, to look at, he's fat and plus got that and nobody want that, they lied, nigga you wired, from demonstratin ya false side. She may be Living, but set on fire, when brimstones inspired. In all those Southern States, those Northern hicks that hack de jure sovereign trees, found out there is a gay Terrestrial Hell community, Only At Bedrock's in the South, murdering folks ever since. Most don't read the Bible, but say they're Christians and home schooled, they're really Pink Floyd's sub replacement. They had a choice, education or mind control. Drum roll send bunker busters Reign Fire on them suckas."
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
((((Breaking Ball Gripping News!))) Just In, From an escaped Clarice! "Who CC?!" "What happened!? Move!" It's Happened, 3 Other Terrestrial Hells, ain't Goin For It and have mounted up against Bedrock's neighbor Hell, tree hackers. Realizing that their family members are in shambles, without all their sap and leaves and branches, "aye!, give that stuff back!" But if the Bunker Buster Blows Bedrock to smithereens! Will the Other 3 Terrestrial Hell's of heterosexuals, get Annihilated in the Cross Fire? "Hell naugh! Blow dem muhafukus right up, yup,.. we's a just chasin em off, they hit a house or two, for 30 baggies each. Just add water and grub and that's an instant platoon of, "dumb as you want's," dem na worse kind." Hmmm,.. wants are like desires and desires unlike needs, don't necessarily have to be met, when wants are like stunts, that brung all that regret, that stung, in the one, dragged you in or clubb'd ya mum, the same that's sprung, on how ya diapers elastic clung, a drastic park pop tart, he's a classic one, that had a single pad and drunk wit a lad, but got beat up, by a baseball bat, like real bad, it stunk? "yeah't did. I tried to replace the pad, but he said that it stung and he prolly got shot, cause his man is home." So be chaste, both mentally and physically. Graspin sum, hold of a bit of knowledge that if brandish dum, practice tightly, u can wisely, blossom into a Diamond EyeSee. Why? to See, to See more than your Caveman tricks wants them, to see!,... instead of watching, more fellow Caveman hand puppets, of RU-vid playlists and gay renditions of what could have been famous. Just save it. Shadow puppets on a Caveman's wall, "that's on your Dad's Escrow, babe, those fuh kin mooches! Sandy ga head move out, those lames aren't lettin em up. The place is gettin FireBomb'd.. yeah babe, dey're calling it, a "Hostile Take Over Attempt," on the nightly News, in the Future there." That dude, He knew.
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
"Hey, I hope you guys didn't read any messages, from Hannibal Lector. It didn't turn out too well, for the ones' who did." So what happened with those Monkeys? "Oh, well there was 98 of em and then, I think two more, managed to jump in, while the pancake batter machine was going." (((((The morning Mud Pit)))))) •<````~~~Breakfast menu~~~>• food for thoths. Broom stick bravery Monkey balls Lying butt courage Halal ahk's tails Hijabs on the panty sides With nut and special, secret sauce. For a limited time only, till Dre day. But until then,.. H, I, J, K, L, N, O, P,Q,R,S,T, U, V, Double RU-vid TV X, Y, Z. Oh, and ney got bed skits, with bacon scripts, too. The Wing Flavors are... • Red Stop lite, •meaty yums and •that's a child's, full flavored. their little bookbag, on the side, with dressing. "Sure they wanna go to the playground hugh. Send em on over and down, to Bedrock Peaks, where grillin, gets to spillin. Just for a shillen." Other Terrestrial Hell pedestrians eat separately, .. "the chef's perfume isn't cologne, it's a gay germ and nis here's a disclaimer." The chef t yass white boway. No sneaking around trying to issue Words Forth from KeliPot, Bill Cosby Said. And just for the record, you guys, they had no idea, what We were talking about in the 80's either. The Wackos in Waco stuff, is just too specialized, or somethin. So who's the real watchers,? that fuh kevery ting nay see up.? Who were the Gregory's taking the blame for?.. Einstein tell em, It wasn't Those Righteous Gregory's From Above The Pluroma. It was you ground coffin beings, using the ant eyes of earliest forms, to bowel worship and echelon, things into going wrong. The silent partners, in the Essene Revelation song. The ones, who had secrets, that were useless. There's no excuses, cause when you knew Us, then you blew it wit abuses and riding train cabooses. And hanging out with Lew za's and Lil pic's and who wahs, "Kaboom!! WOoom!! RoooOm! ((((((((SoundSurround)))))))) ~It's The God~ wash you up!" Could use a few suds. The microphone is Mine, you can say a few wudz, till it's zup, zup, zup. "Yo! Yo! It's The Ultimate MC, Fresh! Yo! Yo! It's The Ultimate." Neeyong yang yank, Neeyong, yang, yank.. Neeyong, yang, yank, Neryong, yang "but aye thanks for explainin that fuh kin beat, it stays in my head all day. I'm Latino, I knew better than to listen to dem big did niggas, what? I ain't say nuttin wrong did I? I just listened to em, they like some middle fingers waving for the Heir, for hot minute. Hahaha, den they swimmin out the deep end, for the rest of the album. Tossin in, bloody meat from the boat, while guests, are ready to float and all lat. Aye poppy!" @ 10 minutes 45 seconds Kaboom! Over glorifying poverty, while not going through it themselves, is how the ancient De Jure Sovereigns and de jure sovereigns, miscalculated, on how hard to test someone, after Their Big Ascension. So Their children learning from Them, those fatal miscalculations, made the children stop Ascending and Descending. Dudding the bloodline, then getting trapped in Middle Earth, along with the few, that were still trying. But remember Danielle 7, start dying and falling down, smoldering with brimstone, instead of handy wipes. What?, save those for the damp Souls, in distress and go take a shower. While it's Thundering enlightenment, all lem big sounds, tends to have the ground actin frightening, like his butt plug, is widen nen. It might again. Alrighty then. Why do white folks, want you to think, you're only slightly men? To send y'all flying monkeys, crashin dummies ,treat y'all scummy, knowing one thing, if they slip, they catchin something. Trapped in a corrupt ring, you'll feel they about to catch a sting. Ya Team lost the Battle, but the Bell Still Rings. For Freedom, so fight ya way along the Path, it's life. Chuck, dem other niggas, Last Day Is Just Right, the opposite of hypocrites swings obeying in the night, going back and forth, losin sight, of whatever was they true plight. "So you is Light?" If That's All, you can make out, with ya sight. Holding back ya memories, like a dike in UB, damm when I Write, Adult Kablaam, on My Face, like Spam. "WHY IS YOU WRITING THIS?" So you'll stop biting bitch, stop biting My Bitch, My Dog, My Rich, My Hog, My Ritz, My Draws, go head and get ya paws, the fuh cough. And wire up, ya man thoth. Have a coupe d' tah, in his Cities, by reviewing notes, talking like you provoked and getting poked, to tell em even more but they sleepon, you and guys creepin. Fat Joe can finally come home from the Precinct. That nigga was chasing demon and My juvenile delinquents, into seasons, Cold as Winter, Springer Fall and Summa Chosen even. Now all a sudden, like pressin a ridiculous looking button, his 22 years are up and he owes, for pain and sufferin, when he was a gay dig in ya butt men. And KRS comin out, next mon again. Although he said it before, it was done again. And watch the metaphors and the punn intend. Did I mistake or was I makin fun again? We won't be hearing from them, stealin Mary Warner, and wasting it on studio time. I'm worse than you thought, I'm The Emperor Performer, Actualizin The UtMost Earth's Empire. Stay in ya lane, I Dipped em all Down in Fire,.. you's a flyer, an old notebook, a used tire. A scuff mark on some kicks, I used to admire. Redirecting My Mental Lift, from all My blunts and spliffs, is MegaLiths Job to catch you niggas counterfeit. And It Did. Then y'all had the foundation removed just to continue. But guess what? There's no excuse now, y'all ain't gay no more, KRS got 2 weeks excuse, he writes slower. Stop being gay. Stop trying to boost, the smoke from My Lungs! "But y'all know I be buying stuff, right?" C'mon buddy, let's go. It's only 8:30, Fat bitch, you'll be Joe by 9:30, drive safe. See it says right dare. Fat Joe finished Lean Back,
@ZHN1OfTheA-DJ-Z 8 месяцев назад
The Lamp Oil thieves start Burning when the victim is always righteous. Because they Ascend Up, Higher. The little ones are nice tryers, but adults, don't try it and Tithing, We don't buy it. We can tell, like the weather, it's just petty climate. Coked up and ready linemen, do ya lines then.
@BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers 9 месяцев назад
The riff at 6:30 is disgusting.
@BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers 9 месяцев назад
Catch33 20th anniversary re-release and tour please!
@buckfiden6102 9 месяцев назад
I had a nightmare of being at a family funeral a night before my causin was shot and killed. Part of a matrix? It really happened.
@Kardelen25830 9 месяцев назад
Every sentence is iconic. What a movie!! 😮
@BesarPerdja-b5b 9 месяцев назад
Some of these events are also Telephone vs. Another Telephone Gameplays. Including Zootopia Telephones Programs.
@elchris90 10 месяцев назад
Those are barber chair lol
@BijouBakson 10 месяцев назад
Morpheus must have done that many times before! :)
@Mushroommatrix-vl1im 10 месяцев назад
This is true we're in an annanki soul recycling system.
@futuristicentity2417 11 месяцев назад
I think the movie is real life I keep going around spreading the message that it MIGHT be possible The Matrix isn't just a movie but a message we COULD be living in a simulation called The Matrix. Meta has announced hardware that can personally imitate what the movie The Matrix is trying to gain by digitalizing your self into cyberspace. Which sounds like to me they achieved the residual self imaging Avatar process already and that came directly from the movie proving you don't NEED to be a machine android human or what ever to do it. A lot of concepts from The Matrix are happening RIGHT NOW as we speak and it's getting way too spooky for virtual reality in the near future. I love The Matrix movies and something in my head is telling me it might be real life. Someone used on RU-vid a way to created Artificial Intelligent digital sentients that you can SPEAK TO in Unreal Engine in a Matrix simulation within Unreal Engine this is gonna mess your mind up a little if we are in a simulation it makes sense that some people won't be able to handle the truth like Morpheus says in the movies but people like me crave truth and facts and my purpose will not be silenced.
@maah5546 11 месяцев назад
I still don't know, what is real..
@futuristicentity2417 11 месяцев назад
I don't think reality is real enough if it was why are only humans just here what makes us so perfect that there can't be anything else?
@way2tehdawn Год назад
Descartes be like…
to really understand this work.. one must be familiar with Lourie Anderson's work
@CrossHunter1966 Год назад
Saw this live as an opener it just was so fucking insane. The lightwork aswell. 4 mins of buildup to end up completely destroying us beyond repair.
@gwendeseminat8r Год назад
Please do nice things to people all of you
@MrTireQ Год назад
Did they get an Oscar for this ??? I’ll be annoyed if not
@bbuitrago1316 Год назад
Me gusta, me parece chido el ritmo.
@mikejones9156 Год назад
2:14 So you mean I don't have to return my videotapes?
@trickq5883 Год назад
What are videotapes? How do you define videotapes? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can small, what you can taste, and see, then videotapes are simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
@missedmyself Год назад
When I was a kid I never liked this movie because I didn’t understand what was going on. Only now I realize the concept of the movie 😂
@davidcampanella7846 Год назад
This is Hollywood letting the cat out of the bag in the hopes that people stop questioning when the credits came on
@okwiriisaac3673 Год назад
They put the truth in movies, because they know people won't realize it, only a few can realize it
@Abc-tx4zr Год назад
Casn anyone else hear them yelling in the background?
@vieome101 2 года назад
Nothing is real! The matrix is a reflection of our world! If you are not your reflection than who are you?
@a_perfect_human_being 2 года назад
9:23 is gorgeous. so much atmospheric, palpable density jammed into only 3 separate notes.
@turdferguson974 6 месяцев назад
That transition is so fckn awesome dude, I can't get enough of it
@UnevenTerror100 2 года назад
No shot Meta lost 2.8 billion just making those occulus’ which are just phones taped to your face. They’re building this. Zuck was probably what…18 when this movie came out ? And he was an elite programmer? Yeah he’s looking to build this shit.
@PieroMinayaRojas 2 года назад
The beginning sounds like a growl
@kafelez569 2 года назад
Do you really love animals/
@sirreal2741 2 года назад
real, fake, is there any difference?
@stevej1910 2 года назад
Thanks Whit, this is awesome!!!