Dr Boon Lim
Dr Boon Lim
Dr Boon Lim
2 дня назад
I saw another video that could help some people where the woman said she took Gas-X before meals and it helped her a lot. Also, CoQ10 can help and taurine and arginine have been said to help.
@rosemarygregory9458 26 дней назад
Thanks so much for the info. This is something I've suspected but wasn't able to get a good explanation. In my case, salt is a trigger - quite clearly. If I have just a few truffle oil potato chips, within 15 minutes, there goes the afib. One of my first episodes of afib was triggered by drinking pickle juice for a prebiotic effect. Boy did that ever backfire!
@jimosullivan1389 2 месяца назад
FDA, CDC, American heart association...all wrong and totally corrupt. Funded by big pharma. Cereals are for animal feed. If food has more than 4 ingredients...dont eat it. No veg oils (no such thing !) , sweeteners, MSG (30 different names to confuse you), soy. no 'low fat' anything. Look up dr Suneel Dhand.
@hom296 2 месяца назад
I was going to have a procedure done (hernia op) and my doctor had me go in for a EKG and a blood test. The EKG showed afib and I can't tell that I have it unless i looked at his test chart. I feel "normal". Can't figure it out....
@robertalipio6180 2 месяца назад
Thanks so very much for your explanation on vagal AFib.
@BlueLineofthesky 2 месяца назад
Will NSVT or SVT possible have the same trigger as a-fib?
@davidf6326 2 месяца назад
So it's all down to a fundamental, underlying design fault? 😁
@MRAIDANGWALSH 3 месяца назад
My friend has AFiB it only shows up on his iPhone Apple scan. They kept saying he had anxiety here is Southampton. Where do you do Private Consults in London Clinics? Question for you from me, if you needed Surgery for an Ascending dilatation Aorta who/where would be your first choice for Surgeon in London?
@matthewtreinen1820 3 месяца назад
What program is this?
@sandydemel1663 4 месяца назад
Thank you very much for explaining everything using fabulous visuals.
@ajsdfkajsdf3219 4 месяца назад
Wow!! Super clear and helpful. Thank you very much for posting this.
@PacoOtis 4 месяца назад
Excellently presented and thanks for sharing and the very best of luck!
@ssheldon1616 4 месяца назад
Best explanation I’ve heard, given ECG’s and echocardiograms show nothing of concern.
@MW713 4 месяца назад
@DrBoonLim I knew it! I knew I was right. Each time I have been in afib (sometimes with RVR), I have had a vaso vagal synocopal or pre-syncopal episode. The very first time I experinced afib was when I regained consciousness from having a vaso vagal syncope episode. After that it has always been related to vaso vagal and I have those episodes on the toilet everytime. When I have this vaso "episode" I am ALWAYS having a very loose and many multiple B.M.'s. They have a very foul order each time. It lasts quite awhile. Even this last time, the night before I had a pre-syncopal vaso vagal episode on the toilet. I even called 9-11, but was fine once the EMTs arrived so, I sent them on their way. Lo and behold, the next night, I found myself in afib. This time it was not the type I could do a vagal move and get rid of it. I was shocked backed into rhythm.
@Nico-ys6oc 5 месяцев назад
How donwe treat this?
@RobDaman 5 месяцев назад
I had my gallbladder removed and AFib was detected post op. I always felt it wasn't a coincidence like the cardiologist told me. I had some sort of nerve issues 4 months later that involved numbness, vertigo, diplopia and tinnitus. It's been a recommendation for me to have an ablation but they mentioned clearing esophagus, etc. I'm leery my luck they'll hit a nerve and make something else worse
@RiDankulous 5 месяцев назад
It’s almost as if what we need is a major impact on our health. This is a message thing and some of the lifestyle medicine doctors Who promote very careful diet and I Follow it. Atrial fibrillation is a lot more complicated though obviously
@wendyfarrowartist 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this breakdown of the signals. I am familiar with the feeling of short little ectopics lasting maybe one of two beats. I’ve had them on and off for many years. Recently though I had two episodes, two months apart, of extended fluttering lasting about 4 or 5 seconds which caused me to lose blood to the brain, my vision went a bit dark, I got dizzy and went down to my knees but the recovered very quickly with a bit of heart racing for a couple of minutes afterward. I called 111 and they sent me to A&E but could not find anything on the ECG or blood work or basic exam. I have never fainted before so it was quite scary. What are your thoughts on potential causes of the extended ectopics. I do not drink or smoke or drink caffeinated beverages and I eat whole foods and am normal to bordering on underweight. Any thoughts would help me try to understand what happened and what I can do to prevent fainting. Thank you.
@tubqhe 6 месяцев назад
Explanations but no solutions! Perhaps Vitamin B1 - proper firing of your nerves... Magnesium, relaxes your body and heart?
@sparker931 6 месяцев назад
Alcohol causes afib it scars the tissue as it is a toxin. So binge drinking causes it not food
@guskoerner75 6 месяцев назад
Thank you! An amazing video with an easy-to-follow explanation. Is it possible my love of spicy food could have had a part in my developing AFib?
@thecyclinggreek274 6 месяцев назад
Dr Lim. Excellent video. I love the illustrative explanation. My Afib seems to be due to vagus nerve stimulation. Myh channel is about a old guy with Afib still racing bicycles.
@brentcolquhoun9025 6 месяцев назад
Great explanation
@mauricedegroff5669 7 месяцев назад
Thank you that helps me understand it better
@karinmaegaard5224 7 месяцев назад
gosh al mighty, this explains sooo much, thanks a million :-)
@SprinkleofPepper 7 месяцев назад
Concise and excellent. Thank you, Dr. Lim.
@brucemjson 7 месяцев назад
This is fascinating!
@Stephen0988 8 месяцев назад
I have a Cardiologist and he seems unable to answer this question, is it safe for me to use Electro sex toys below the waist, specifically electro penis and anal toys. I have a pacemaker for Brady Tachy syndrome and have PAF. It seems that suitable information is not available, some say it is safe others say avoid at all costs.
@jeffanderson2137 8 месяцев назад
What a great demonstration of the anatomy as well as mechanism of triggering A- fib. What software was used in the video?
@timkathsmith 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this! I continue to suffer from this connection. Your animation and explanation are fascinating.
@donmulder8061 8 месяцев назад
Two months ago I was drinking a cold fruit and protein smoothie. I took too big a swallow of it and it was too cold and it got caught in my esophagus and felt like it was burning my upper left chest (freezer burn). It was stuck there. And then it triggered "brain freeze." Both the esophagus burning sensation and brain freeze were terribly painful. As I was dealing with this pain I also had a sudden arrythmia come out of nowhere. My Fitbit resting Heart Rate went up to 96. My resting heart rate is usually about 50 to 60 when ambulatory so I figured I was having a PSVT episode as I have had them occasionally since I was a kid but the trigger for them was always "positional" in nature (i.e. when I crunched my torso into a weird position like doing ab exercises but never a cold drink). I learned early on to do vagal maneuvers for my SVTs so I was able to lower my heart rate from 96 to 68 after three attempts but I was left with severe, continuous ectopic beats and lightheadedness and fluttering in the upper left of my chest. I called my electrophysiologist who I see for a prolonged QT interval and told him I got an an arrhythmia and have skipped beats from drinking a cold smoothie. He sent me a patch monitor which confirmed I had been in Afib the entire time I wore it. So now I am going in for a cardio inversion to see if they can bring me back to sinus rhythm and talk about an ablation in the future. Having a long QT interval prevents me from using chemical cardioversion. Hopefully this will not become a persistent thing. The doctor laughed at me when I told him I gave myself Afib from drinking an ice cold smoothie and getting a brain freeze. He said "you didnt give yourself Afib from drinking a old drink." I have never had Afib before this. My PSVT episodes were rare, go back to childhood and had distinct different triggers and always completely cleared immediately upon doing vagal maneuvers. Have you ever heard of this brain freeze trigger for Afib? Can the uniqueness of the trigger mean perhaps it may only be a unique case and not become persistent?
@gg-dw1yq 9 месяцев назад
What software are you using to display the anatomy?
@Li-ty4ve 9 месяцев назад
I am almost 80. AF, as I do suffer infrequently, is not a heart or blood disorder but of nerves associated with food, drinks and excess exercise post-effect. Most minor AF incidence happened during sleep after the events described. Useful to popped up your head during sleep using higher pillow. Reflux due to old age also contribute to AF discomfort symptoms but may not register heart rhythm dissync. Dr Lim is spot on. My Public Hospital Cardiologist still insisted I take blood thinner to be safe. This is despite all the tests taken that there is no heart or blood pressure issues.
@henrylemelay5436 9 месяцев назад
Dutch:alcohol zoals,gin,wodka,genever heeft gèèn invloed op atrium fibrileren.Rode wijn wel doordat bij de malalactische fermentatie catecholaminen gevormd worden ! apotheker
@stevieneilson2451 9 месяцев назад
Brilliant 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
@rygarq2 9 месяцев назад
I got Afibb when I drink or stop drinking. I stopped for 5 days and it's getting worse. May be withdrawal.
@russdadog 9 месяцев назад
Ok but how do i fix this problem what doctor's should i see for this problem any advice would be greatly appreciated.
@larryg7109 9 месяцев назад
I seem to get it when I eat at fast food restaurants. I think they’re using MSG. Does anyone else get that?
@bh8263 9 месяцев назад
You are the first physican to explain what I have been telling my EP and others for 22 years. So, what would be the treatment for this type of trigger?
@dougcoleburn1579 9 месяцев назад
I would think the mini maze surgery as you need to treat the outside of the heart not the inside with ablation.
@CynthiaArmstrong7 9 месяцев назад
Can you comment on Ozempic please?
@CynthiaArmstrong7 9 месяцев назад
The question about the apple was exactly what I wanted to ask. Thank you.
@CynthiaArmstrong7 9 месяцев назад
What do you think about the Carnivore diet?
@CynthiaArmstrong7 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this most important video. You need to be interviewed on the low carb channels to get your message out. I also really enjoyed your afib video. Please consider making a video on left bundle branch block. I feel like a walking time bomb waiting to explode. I am sure there are many more of us and we don’t understand what is happening to us. Please make more videos. You make difficult information understandable to the layman.
@jasminenabilah8468 10 месяцев назад
thank you for the explanation doc. it's very clear and excellent with the help of 3D representation. May I ask what kind of app or program you use for the 3D animation?
@nancyedgington5546 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Dr. Boon Lim
@nancyedgington5546 10 месяцев назад
As a previous (20 + years ago) ICU/CCU RN this is a good reminder of what I have seen dozens of times in the past. Thank you for taking the time...I have had a KardiaMobile for almost 2 years and for me it was a great purchase since I have been in and out of a sustained and at times very symptomatic bigeminy .
@joeharvie8362 11 месяцев назад
Great video!
@uduakdan6209 11 месяцев назад
Thanks a lot for the details especially in the right atrium.
@joannaspivey566 11 месяцев назад
Thank you very much for this information. Did you recommend any treatment for this? At what point would you recommend treatment? ie: how often or how many ectopic beats before any treatment is given?
@lesbrown8099 Год назад
Thank you…