🚨 First of All, all Muslim men read An-Nur 24: 30 "Men Lower your insight أَبْصَارِهِمْ.🚨
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Who is Kafir (Disbeliever) in #Islam
21 день назад
#revertmuslim  -  #Quran Al-Araf 7: 189 - Explained
6 месяцев назад
#revertmuslim - What is an Authentic Islamic Hijab?
6 месяцев назад
Revert Muslims  Getting Harassed by Muslim Men
6 месяцев назад
@priomquraishi1164 14 дней назад
Also it doesnt matter even if a western disbeliever is an infidel, every meccan muslim were infidels and polytheist pagans before they accepted Islam, it is Allah's will who He guides to the truth
@priomquraishi1164 14 дней назад
The God of Jews and Christians is indeed Allah, the unseen God, muslims came from the descendant of Abraham, and all Abrahamaic religions have only One God, doesnt matter the name Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is UNSEEN. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you
@priomquraishi1164 14 дней назад
U have just proven that u r ignorant, no knowledge of religious scriptures, only out to spread hatred, wat religion of the unbelievers do u think r true? Do u think a cow is God like hindus? Does any other religion have genuine historical prophets who fulfilled prophecies?
@priomquraishi1164 14 дней назад
U have just proven u r ign0rant of religious scriptures, only out to spread hatr3d, which other religion except the abrahamaic faith is true according to u? Worshipping cows like hindus? Only the abrahamic faith has true historical prophets who fulfilled prophecies and brought laws of God to the world, many of which r still kept followed in majority of the world
@davidwilliam754 16 дней назад
@vengeance00269 16 дней назад
The problem isn't Muslims, Most of them are good, the problem is Quran, which teaches hate!!!
@davidwilliam754 16 дней назад
@geess007 16 дней назад
Great presentation. Islam is uniquely hateful and has caused much pain and suffering for many nations throughout history.
@Number1MisinformationHater 21 день назад
Nafs (soul) is a feminine word. Zawjaha means its spouse, so it could be its husband or its wife depending on the context.
@shukriyusof2104 22 дня назад
Are you aware that by regurgitating the mantra, _"if you don't believe in Allah AND prophet Muhammad you are an evil person"_ you are, in fact, propagating TAGHUT without THINKING! There is NO SUCH thing as BELIEVE in Allah AND PROPHET Muhammad anywhere in the Quran... only *obey Allah and obey the messenger!* The mantra _"believing in Allah and believing in prophet Muhammad"_ is a pillar of the religion invented by the Sunnis, Shiites & Sectarians. Please go study the difference between the words, BELIEVING as opposed to OBEYING in any language that you understand. And, also please go study the difference between a MESSENGER and a PROPHET in any language that you understand. And then use the verses of the Quran to confirm everything! _peace_ *The Quran is its own dictionary. The Quran explains everything in detail!*
@shukriyusof2104 22 дня назад
The saddest part is when you quoted this verse without actually UNDERSTANDING what you have quoted! _2:256 There is no compulsion in religion. The difference between guidance and error has been made clear. Whoever rejects false gods and believes in God has grasped a firm, unshakable support. God hears all and knows all_ *believes in God has grasped a firm, unshakable support!* Now, please go find any verse in the Quran that says as your Sunni/Shiite/Sectarian man-invented mantra, _"believe in God and believe in the PROPHET Muhammad"_ and make a video out of it! What is the difference between a Christian and a Sunni? Only in names! They both want their worshippers to *believe in God and believe in Jesus as son of God/believe in prophet Muhammad.* _peace_ *The Quran is the only book we must read and understand before we expire.*
@shukriyusof2104 23 дня назад
Correction : _"Who is Kafir (Disbeliever) __-in Islam-__ according to the Ahl-sunnah-wal-jumaah._ Although you quoted some verses of the Quran, you are using the teachings of your Sunni/Shiite/Sectarian religious scholars to translate & interpret those verses. The saddest part is that YOU do not realize that you are simply regurgitating the *kufar* invented by those Sunni/Shiite/Sectarian scholars. Please be aware that the Quran defines *kaffir/kuffar/al-kaffirun* as one who conceals the truth by fabricating lies & untruth by mistranslating & misinterpreting THE QURAN! Allah created us humans and He is fully aware of the true nature of humans... ALL of MANKIND... with no exception! Everything in the Quran is *the truth and nothing but the whole truth* and the only way a human can _"kuffar"_ is by concealing it through lies based on mistranslation & misinterpretation of the verses. You quoted 2:6 but you interpreted the verse to mean... *they will no believe in Allah and they will not believe in prophet Muhammad as His last messenger.* However, the next verse you quoted says, 2:39 _but they who disbelieve *(walazina kafaru)* and deny *(wakazabū )* our revelations such are the peoples of the fire... So, what does *(wakazabū biāyātinā)* mean? Is there anywhere in the Quran where _"denying in Our ayaats"_ is inclusive of _"not believing in the prophet Muhammad as His Last MESSENGER?"_ There is this verse 33:40 but it does NOT say _the Last Messenger_ but *the last of the PROPHETS **_(l-nabiyīna)_* It is evidently clear that the Sunnis, Shiites & Sectarians have mixed falsehood with the truth by equating *rasool* the same as *NABI.* Please go read and understand the Quran because, according to the definitions clearly written in the verses of the Quran, you Sunnis, Shiites & Sectarians are also the Quranic "kuffar/kaffir/al-kafirun." You *mistranslated & misinterpreted the AYAATs of the Quran* to fit the narrative of your man-invented beliefs in the Sahihs Bukhari/Muslim/AbuDawood/ibnMajah. _peace_ *There is only one book we must read if we wish to die as Muslims... The Quran.*
@pervezmalik4299 23 дня назад
Not only fakirs will go to hell even muslims who commit terrorism and shirk and believe in the graves and follow those that went astray may Allah show right path to those who seek the right path he’ll is a place that is terrible and it’s told by Allah in the Quran but some people don’t want to believe in allah book and his last messenger Allah has said openly in the Quran that those that don’t do shirk will be pardends even if he has done sins that are high as a mountain I pray all humans refrain from shirk
@MERAJKHAN-pd1nw 23 дня назад
We are not supposed to say anything wrong about anyone God is the judge
@abdurrazzak2970 23 дня назад
I think you are agent of Satan.
@abdurrazzak2970 23 дня назад
I think you are agent of Satan.
@abdurrazzak2970 23 дня назад
I think you are agent of Satan.
@muneerqatat3051 24 дня назад
If some indian muslim youth rejoice for a pakistan winning in cricket be considered as sedition against the country n shall be put into jail or anyone from non muslim also does samething even he shall not be given a ladoo but be punished n in same way if God punishes a kafir for his infidelity or being ungrateful or considering other as equal to God one kafir consider it objectionable n unnecessary finds fault with God though a kafir may not believe in God or his power to conduct judgement day
@muneerqatat3051 24 дня назад
Kafir has got different meanings n concepts n simply speaking means disbelieving in Allah n his messengers n his scriptures n his angels n his conducting of day of judgement but also has other connotations also like infidel like infidelity of a woman or say being unfaithful to ones marital partner so being unfaithful to God meaning not willing to worship God alone or give exclusive credit to God but pray or worship others also alongside Allah or say including someone else also in God's divinity so its like doing sedition against country or kafir considered enemy of Allah n faithfuls or muslims also n kafir is someone who hides meaning one who selective error n not be inclined to chose guiduance n perverse minded and hides deliberately those verses where God is stated to be compassionate n merciful n unnecessary kafirs finds fault with God's punishment to people for disbelief n wrong doing n be offended for kafirs considered as fuel of hell fire though kafirs dont believe in hell or heaven or Allah's judgement of mankinds deeds n resulting reward or punishment in form of heaven n hell n kafirs conveniently forget non believer in sanatan dharma are called as mallich or filthy or asuras or demons or gentiles in bible so islamic concept of kafir is more decent than other religions
@vijayarenganramiah8418 24 дня назад
Kafir in arab means disbeliever. If i dont believe in your your religion i am kafir and if you dont believe in my religion you become kafir. So whats the difference.Non believers in anything are called kafir.
@MahaRaja-kx2ye 24 дня назад
Any Muslim who believes in Allah and Muhammad is kafir ( kafir akbar). Allah is a pagan god and rational Muslims know this. The true God is God, the God almighty who is merciful, compassionate, don’t allow hatred. While Allah and Muhammad teach hatred, killings and all evils. Quran and Hadith are full of hatred teachings.
@SHAHSAHEB-ft5kd 25 дней назад
The question -- The topic related to Islam. The fear from disbeliever of Islam. All the religion, believer, follower fear the danger or attack comes from the believer of other religions. Such as Hindus, Christians jews and other followers fear from growing Islam as an threat to their belief religion. So do the Muslims also fear the same way that their belief is threatened by non Muslims. As all belivers of different religions have their rights to protect their religions, so do the Muslims have the right to protect their religion Islam. Thats the point in this discussion.
@Basitnisar-4f 26 дней назад
Sister what to say about extremist and bad Muslim person
@vinoddamji5729 26 дней назад
Is there anything nice written anywhere in the scriptures about kafirs.
@tasneemzaidi9341 24 дня назад
ha ha ha ..........it is so complicated when Muslims are behaving so evil and Kafirs are doing good for humanity all are confused .
@saumyashah4831 23 дня назад
nothing, its the most hateful piece of literature
@Gernalism.O Месяц назад
Mam what to do with these peeli chapal Wale mamu
@user-zu6ly2vn6u 4 месяца назад
Lying pretendars
@user-zu6ly2vn6u 4 месяца назад
@user-zu6ly2vn6u 4 месяца назад
You could be a pretender
@user-mg5ou5fi4l 6 месяцев назад
The Quran is a EVIL book
@user-mg5ou5fi4l 6 месяцев назад
Nobody is good in islam it's a cult
@user-mg5ou5fi4l 6 месяцев назад
According to the quran and muhammad al islam man is the same woman lover's sex MUTAH adultry BEATING WOMAN woman is sex slaves in this cult
@garalddonohoe1094 6 месяцев назад
🎉 P r o m o s m
@Syed_12 6 месяцев назад
@BrandonJJackson 6 месяцев назад
Put that thumbnail down. Dont you have respect towards our prophet to visualize his face. SHAME ON YOU! Audhubillah!!! Allah azawajal ordered to cover the Awrah in the Quran!!!! 24:31, 24:60, 33:59 and alot of ahadith from our beloved prophet. Youre pure fitna. I dont recommend to ask her any question. 2:2 This is the Book! There is no doubt about it -a guide for those mindful ˹of Allah˺
@MUVAHHID867 6 месяцев назад
Muslims beware of this evil women she is openly lying, the verse she mentioned regarding the araaf is a lie, Allah talks about the man and his spouse but she edit here and pretended the verse in negative manner, but there is nothing like that in the verse and the hadees she is quoting it is also wrong regarding dog women , mother Aisha, said that prophet Muhammad did not said that and mother Aisha corrected the women who understood the hadees wrong and said to her i used to sleep when my feet touching the Prophet Muhammad(saw) it doesn't break the wudu or prayer. She is a liar and doing propaganda, beware she is a liar and lying about the men harrassing the reverts, she is not a revert but a liar. Read everything she posts here before grabbing anything. And the verse of Quran says that if you hear any news or information, check it ist investigate whether its truth' or fake or else you will be ashamed later if you accept it s it is. May Allah protect muslims from such evil who are openly lying and have no shame about that.
@mahabubhossain8775 6 месяцев назад
God Bless Us . Professor , Physicist Stephen Hawking Said That Quran Is A Wonderful Book Please Read The Quran For Inner Peace , Loving , Caring , Shearing . Love You All .
@user-tt8yj7vm3m 6 месяцев назад
Be aware of some accounts on the website who pretends to be muslims ,but in fact they are not ,and they are enemies of islam and try to give a negative opinion on Muslim men ,so please be aware
@prajwaltamrakar4888 6 месяцев назад
😂😂😂 welcome to Islam
@Chris-wk7xq 6 месяцев назад
I cant tell if this person likes or hates islam 😅
@vincentwitt7919 6 месяцев назад
She's a Liar im out!
@DeeniReviewEducationalPurpose 6 месяцев назад
Update .. Timestamps 7:17 , Quran 7: 189 is right according to Ibn Kathir and ayat itself. I will make a separate video specifically on 7: 189 and will post very soon. Thank you
@marwaya7370 6 месяцев назад
Salam sister please change the thumbnail, the drawing of the niqabi woman isn't appropriate. Have a blessed day
@moxanation73 6 месяцев назад
Your comment is the proof that everything she says is true.
@marwaya7370 6 месяцев назад
@@moxanation73 Sister our faith tells us to not sexualise or portray women in a sexual manner, especially sexualising a modest uniform. My apologies if my comment came out sounding rude or harsh. I'm advising her the word of god that is above my personal opinion or her personal opinion, using that as a thumbnail to share her message isn't appropriate or professional, She's free to change it or not, but I kindly suggest to her to change it which would be better to decrease donoub, increase barakah and become better muslims, have a blessed day.
@moxanation73 6 месяцев назад
@@marwaya7370 You’re completely brainwashed.
@marwaya7370 6 месяцев назад
@@moxanation73 Respectfully my friend, sexualising a religious uniform is a form of disrespect. You have no room to call me "brainwashed" due to religious beliefs, and I have no room to judge yours. Let's respect each other even if we don't share the same beliefs. As a muslim woman I informed the owner of the channel who I also assume to be muslim, that's it.
@moxanation73 6 месяцев назад
@@marwaya7370 She’s not disrespectful, she criticizes a religion and it’s part of freedom of speech which is allowed on RU-vid
@ounaisghuizaoui8114 6 месяцев назад
U're a hindu 😂
@lyviaAsturi 6 месяцев назад
Okay but what that picture in the begining
@fatimaqazi3349 6 месяцев назад
Hi there. I do not mean to be rude and apologize if I come across as disrespectful, but many of the sources you have utilized are either false or taken out of context. The women´s video was explaining the behaviour of these men (which is absolutely disgusting) and which are not allowed in Islam, and how she was feeling threatened by the comments they made. The things these men said are NOT allowed in Islam as Islam values women so much and thinks of them as diamonds that need to be protected and that not everybody can see for we have more value to us than our bodies. We ARE human beings. Islam tells us that paradsie is at the feet of the mother, that whoever raises to righteous daughters will enter paradise, that the best of men are those who are the best to their wives, and to lower their gaze around the opposite gender and respect one another. For that reason we are brothers and sisters. I am sorry but you used Surah Al-Araf verse 189 incorrectly, rather it does not say that. I am not sure how you got that. Here is the verse: 7:189 ۞ هُوَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍۢ وَٰحِدَةٍۢ وَجَعَلَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا لِيَسْكُنَ إِلَيْهَا ۖ فَلَمَّا تَغَشَّىٰهَا حَمَلَتْ حَمْلًا خَفِيفًۭا فَمَرَّتْ بِهِۦ ۖ فَلَمَّآ أَثْقَلَت دَّعَوَا ٱللَّهَ رَبَّهُمَا لَئِنْ ءَاتَيْتَنَا صَـٰلِحًۭا لَّنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ ٱلشَّـٰكِرِينَ ١٨٩ He is the One Who created you from a single soul, then from it made its spouse so he may find comfort in her. After he had been united with her, she carried a light burden that developed gradually. When it grew heavy, they prayed to Allah, their Lord, “If you grant us good offspring, we will certainly be grateful.” - Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran This speaks about women and men finding comfort in one another and how her light burden that develops is pregnancy when carrying a child. It in NO way says that women are toys or that they are to be used for mens enjoyment. I am sorry again if I came across as mean, but I hope that you will research everything again and see the context by looking at the tafsir (exegesis) of the Quran and the explanation of hadith.
@DeeniReviewEducationalPurpose 6 месяцев назад
وقد زبر عمر رضي الله عنه امرأته لما راجعته وقال ما أنت إلا لعبة في جانب البيت إن كانت لنا إليك حاجة ...........' 'Umar scolded his wife when she talked back to him saying, "You are no more than a toy in a corner of the house; if we have need of you [we take you], otherwise, you sit as you are." (Tuffaha, Ahmad Zaky, Al-Mar’ah wal - Islam, Dar al-Kitab al - Lubnani, Beirut, first edition, 1985, p. 180)
@DeeniReviewEducationalPurpose 6 месяцев назад
Narrated `Aisha: The things which annul prayer were mentioned before me (and those were): a DOG, a DONKEY and A WOMAN. I (Aisha) said, "YOU HAVE COMPARED US (WOMEN) to DONKEYS and DOGS. By Allah! I saw the Prophet (ﷺ) praying while I used to lie in (my) bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I disliked to sit and trouble the Prophet. So, I would slip away by the side of his feet." sunnah.com/bukhari:514
@DeeniReviewEducationalPurpose 6 месяцев назад
apart from 7:189 - rest of all references are accurate and Sahih!
@DeeniReviewEducationalPurpose 6 месяцев назад
I will make another video on 7:189 - But I do suggest you to search all other references because these are authentic!
@sahab4942 6 месяцев назад
Please google Al Araf :189 how she is lie. Please the viewer please google of this verse of quran you you will fine the truth
@DeeniReviewEducationalPurpose 6 месяцев назад
Narrated `Aisha: The things which annul prayer were mentioned before me (and those were): a DOG, a DONKEY and A WOMAN. I (Aisha) said, "YOU HAVE COMPARED US (WOMEN) to DONKEYS and DOGS. By Allah! I saw the Prophet (ﷺ) praying while I used to lie in (my) bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I disliked to sit and trouble the Prophet. So, I would slip away by the side of his feet." sunnah.com/bukhari:514
@MUVAHHID867 6 месяцев назад
Yes she. She is a liar I read it as well.
@lalitaupadhyay7522 6 месяцев назад
Jai shree Ram ❤❤
@josepcabre3046 6 месяцев назад
@josepcabre3046 6 месяцев назад
@polokucoch8112 6 месяцев назад
May the Peace of Jesus be upon you.
@josepcabre3046 6 месяцев назад
@josepcabre3046 6 месяцев назад
@ainulhoque7032 6 месяцев назад
About your tangent on "love your wife". I don't understand why you need specific wording? Theres no trinity in the bible. The bible isn't even in its original language. Our Lord COMMANDS us to treat our wives with kindness.
@magnuscritikaleak5045 6 месяцев назад
She is a grifter. Anyway the Qur'an only route is true.
@ainulhoque7032 6 месяцев назад
You are an apostate if you don't believe in ahadith.