Naxet Gaming
Naxet Gaming
Naxet Gaming
Full Time Solo Dad, Part Time Gamer. Currently enjoying making shorts of Helldivers 2 gameplay, highlights, funny moments, and fails. PC gaming with buddies on Playstation. Come join us as we spread Liberty and Managed Democracy!

My other channel with other games, mainly SNES or Super Nintendo games like Rock 'n Roll Racing. Streaming, VODs, and highlights are all there, along with other things like Fish Keeping and Cooking.
Playing Life With Josh:
@dq_dipped_cone7142 8 дней назад
Brother that watch dog put in some work on you 😂😂
@Naxet420Gaming 8 дней назад
Now that I have a better grasp on the camera, watching some of those fights was hard. LOL Just wait until the next video, I'm afraid to see how many tries it took.
@dq_dipped_cone7142 8 дней назад
This games the best
@Naxet420Gaming 8 дней назад
I'm having a blast so far. They need to fix the coop mod ASAP.
@hariman7727 13 дней назад
@Naxet420Gaming 13 дней назад
Cleared a couple campaigns since making the video. Still no issues with the spear. :)
@hariman7727 13 дней назад
@@Naxet420Gaming yay!
@danielphillips1171 14 дней назад
Just play the fucking game, it's unique and a lot of fun. Neckbeards always complain, it's a game, grow the fuck up.
@Naxet420Gaming 14 дней назад
Just play the game? Yeah, I'd love to... Maybe you missed the point. Looking at the rest of the comments too much for you? Seeing a LOT of people having various issues....? Guess we're all neckbeards.... Tool...
@Naxet420Gaming 14 дней назад
Oh look... a patch to address it. Now I get to test it and get back to making WTF moment videos........
@dq_dipped_cone7142 14 дней назад
That’s crazy.
@enigma2297 15 дней назад
The finaly make the spear really good... but then it crashes your game? Oi vai
@Naxet420Gaming 15 дней назад
Couldn't say it better myself. :)
@nerovipus6327 15 дней назад
Hardly had any major bugs and only crashed once the whole time ive owned it. Dont know anyone whos had the sort of issues these videos describe and definitely not in this quantity. We keep playing it and we keep having fun. Calling it "unplayable" feels overdramatic.
@Naxet420Gaming 15 дней назад
I'm gathering data to add to the bug reports, if you don't mind a couple of questions. Are you all playing on PC or PS5? What difficulty as level 9 seems to be where the issue is happening most? And if on PC is the CPU Intel or AMD? Thanks in advance. :)
@skuncky 15 дней назад
the only annoying part i can complain about after almost 400 hours into it are the crashes on console, especially when youre about to extract. for the balancing part i honestly dont give a shit i switch my primaries because it gets boring to use the same thing over and over again. theres def. Flaws with the guns but if i notice shit's bad i just dont play it and use smth else. id still say the game is fun overall and people should give it a go, theres been way worse games over the past years
@Naxet420Gaming 15 дней назад
I couldn't agree more. I only picked the spear up to change up what I was using. Then this happens lol I agree with you on the balancing, it is just something you live with. The crashing is a real problem.
@ReviewOrcsUSA 15 дней назад
This game's really buggy. I had UI issues when I used my keyboard, so I'm forced to use controller (which is acceptable but annoying). Nowadays I'm experiencing 50+% of the time a reinforcement bug where the stratagem doesn't work (if it happens & everyone dies, only 1 person revives over and over again). Being able to join without checking for server region is horrible. Worst, pressing F5 always tells me I have about 50 ping, which is definitely false.
@Naxet420Gaming 15 дней назад
The reinforcement bug is really bad, I totally agree. I was unaware of the keyboard issue you mentioned? Could you give me a little more detail and I'll start watching that too.
@ReviewOrcsUSA 15 дней назад
@@Naxet420Gaming When I used the stratagem key combined with others (not sure, perhaps the map and sprinting), the stratagem UI would disappear for the rest of the game. On controller, I haven't had that issue. I'm guessing the play testing was focused on console. This happened a month ago when I first played.
@Naxet420Gaming 15 дней назад
@@ReviewOrcsUSA Ah ok, thanks for the info. I've heard of some odd issues with that menu, but I don't think it is listed in the known bugs yet. I'll have to double check.
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
I just want to mention that the video includes more issues than just the spear, and it appears from the comments that I am not the only one having the other bugs with the textures and so on. A lot of feedback I've gotten is "just change the way you play." I totally understand this reaction, but I have to ask, since this issue is with something the devs have put in the game, an actual game mechanic. What if running 4 wide receivers had an 80% chance to crash your game in Madden? Just change the way you play. What if using cams in R6S ran the same risk of hard crashing your game? Would you have an issue with it, or would you just change the way you play? The game breaking bugs seem to be getting worse, not better is all I was trying to point out. I will be jumping on tonight to see if it has been fixed as some have posted as well. Thanks for the feedback!
@cosmoBT2200 16 дней назад
they fixed it
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
Did they release a hot fix? I was just searching youtube for any one reporting something like that. The footage was from yesterday morning and I haven't jumped on since as I have to come up with a new loadout.
@NDB1010 16 дней назад
I wouldn't say it's not worth a buy and play. People should simply be aware the game is a work in progress with decent polish but a few clear issues. Which resurface with new updates. It's game design 101 really
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
I totally agree. I was having fun making WTF moment videos until the constant QA issues started plaguing the game. Like the plasma shotgun/bubble shield issue? How did something like that get out to the live version of the game? The game is a blast, but the public should know what they are signing up for. That's the only point behind the video. :)
@NDB1010 16 дней назад
@Naxet420Gaming I think it's an issue of output. Live service design is inherently different than the make, wrap, and put a bow on top game design. I put some time to learn c++ and unreal engine. What most don't understand is that the smallest things have a butterfly effect on the rest of the game. It's why all these live service games are riddled with old and new bugs. Any update ripples throughout areas that were not touched. Then you try to fix that problem, which makes another pop up and another. Now you got yourself a nice game of whack a mole. Sadly, with continuous new content comes continuous fixes for said content, new and old. There's a benefit to buying completed games that don't update every week.
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
@@NDB1010 Can't argue with any of that at all. I get the game is bigger than they expected, but I don't think a smaller community would be less bothered by how things are going. They seem under prepared to release content post launch, which is super odd to me as it is a live service game. Now I'm hearing of emotes, clans, armor color changes, which can only cause those butterfly effects you mentioned, instead of focusing on what they currently have. I'd rather be able to sign in and confidently play the game we have than get new things every week or so. They are talking about taking a summer break when the spear is hard crashing the game, the shield is still having the movement issue, and on and on. Even the comments to this video talk about other issues than the spear. It is crazy to me how bad the QA has been with this dev. This game brought me and my friends back together after many years and we love this game, but dang, it's hard to recommend it in the current state.
@mryellow6918 15 дней назад
this game is not a " work in progress " if it was it would have been sold as.
@NDB1010 15 дней назад
@mryellow6918 define live service for me and then continue with that thought
@emz1412 16 дней назад
its one weapon that's bugged bro. "Unplayable". Actual whiner.
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
So if using the spear is my current preferred loadout, the game is unplayable. Why not take the weapon out of rotation until they actually fix it instead of making it worse and worse with each patch? See, that's a suggestion... Only weapon that is bugged? What about the shield? Whiner? Got'cha. BTW, did you watch the intro or the actual video? The spear crashes were not the only example given. Just curious. Thanks for your input, your opinion has been noted. Have a good one.
@emz1412 16 дней назад
@@Naxet420Gaming Use another loadout. Big deal. Fixing bugs takes time. They can't just take the spear stratagem away. The shield isn't bugged you just suck. And yes I did watch the whole video, whiner. Maybe don't try to bug out the geometry of the game and you won't get stuck. Whiner.
@sigefry 15 дней назад
You wanker, there are many many many more issues that one weapon bugged you complete brainlet
@Naxet420Gaming 15 дней назад
The bugs are getting worse, not better. Tool. I'm not the one reporting the issues with the shield... which are also listed in the known issues... Tool. Sorry I didn't realize diving away from a bug was "trying to bug out the geometry of the game to get stuck." Tool. Thanks for gracing us with your OPINION.... TOOL. *waves
@emz1412 15 дней назад
@@Naxet420Gaming grow up manchild. Did you get your insults from a church?
@xavierrodriguez8432 16 дней назад
The spear and ballistic shield are currently bugged, you’ll keep crashing if you use them.
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
They should pull them down until they are fixed. Just my opinion. :)
@flandrescarlet4489 16 дней назад
@@Naxet420Gaming would make sense to disable them yeah : D
@flandrescarlet4489 16 дней назад
i cant even buy stuff without my screen flickering and then my purchase doesn't work
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
I've had multiple people telling me it has been fixed today, so we'll see. About to hope and on give it a go. :)
@KrisISDoinYourMOM 16 дней назад
had a match where we had a jammer and the last guy deployed got stuck inside the drone tower right next to the jammer, he couldent nade himself and the bots couldent get to him so we were stuck there talking for like 5-10 mins before finally a 4th man deployed and we had to explain to him that because the third guy was stuck within jammer range we couldent deploy and were softlocked, he proceeded without saying a single word, to sprint his ass to the drone tower, taking out HUNDREDS of bots along the way, dodging and weaving, using every shot to his advantage, once the drones were dealt with, he was finally able to call down a hellbomb on the jammer, blew that shit uppppp! and got the crew back in the game! we were already low on reinforcements by that point in the match, so when the last waves came in as we were extracting, our supplies were running low, the 4th guy kept his cool and was stimming up the guys who ran out, he even dropped his HMG for me when i ran out of primary ammo. in the chaos of the fight, we were surrounded and split up near the end, as the amount of bile titans and behemoth chargers where getting to be overwhelming. this guy somehow baited a bile titan and TWO chargers onto him and dropped his last 500kg on his feet, he turns towards the extraction shuttle, looks at us as the bomb lands right behind him with a bile titan mid spit and two chargers just about to slam him, and says "lets play!", sticking his fist out towards us with a look on his face that only said "you got this guys, don't worry about me" as all four of his limbs and head split off into different directions a high speed. the level of bravery and courage he showed would make general brasch blush. also the game doesn't crash like that for me, i do experience bugs and "some" crashes rarely, i get more of the infinite loading screens. seems to be partly your setup that effect what types of crashes you experience. also when i limited my fps to 72 on my 144hz monitor its buttery smooth no dropped frames and no studder at all idk if that helps it not crash or not but i would suggest trying some different settings out, if your cpu and gpu are maxed out 100% of the time while playing it could lead to instability.
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
That report has been submitted to General Brasch for review for awarding the "Super Earth Bad A.." medal for epic defense of Democracy! (Sounds like that was an awesome mission lol) My background is in IT, so I do have monitors running on the CPU/GPU situation. Helldivers has never pushed my system even while recording while playing in 2k. Seems like something changed in the last patch that took the Spear from bad to worse. I hadn't started recording when the first crash happened, but all I did was tab out to respond to a message and tab back in. The game just disappears, no error or anything, just a hard crash. I'm still a huge supporter of this game and hope they get is handled, but I will be honest and say that I'm not keeping up with the news as much, definitely not playing as much, and might just give up in the next few months with the crazy amount of awesome games coming out.
@cainlove829 16 дней назад
Dude I was having so many crashes today it was absolutely ridiculous, I was also getting some sort of bug where when I was walking but not sprinting my guy kept veering off to the right
@Naxet420Gaming 16 дней назад
I've seen a couple others reporting the veering issue. Not sure what is up with that. Since launch, I've been pretty lucky and not run into many of the bugs most people are reporting. Since the last "big patch" though, my loadout is completely unusable. I'm down to playing only a couple times a week now due to all the issues which sucks.
@KillerPsycho101andGames 18 дней назад
Shes a keeper
@Naxet420Gaming 18 дней назад
Facts. Every man needs one of those. :)
@dq_dipped_cone7142 19 дней назад
Got it 1.Get close 2. Get close 3.reload 4. Get close Did I pass!
@Naxet420Gaming 19 дней назад
LMAO Yes, must be point blank range. :D
@noobatron2663 22 дня назад
Can't believe this is the only video on YT that covers the Spear fix, cheers mate!
@Naxet420Gaming 22 дня назад
After a long wait, it is really nice to be able to use it. I'm having a blast. :)
@noobatron2663 22 дня назад
@Naxet420Gaming great touch on the editing too. Just gave you a follow. Happy helldiving!
@Naxet420Gaming 22 дня назад
@@noobatron2663 I really appreciate the support! I hope to run into you on the battlefield. 😁
@TheMandalorian91 23 дня назад
Can't think of a more boring repetitive mundane game than HellDivers II. What a waste of money I spent on this.
@Naxet420Gaming 23 дня назад
Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy it. Not for everyone for sure. One of my buddies only played once. I feel the same about games like R6S, but everyone has different jams.
@magikarp9718 Месяц назад
The PSN debacle took off at least 100,000 players when the game was at its peak; something that still hasn't and likely won't be fixed at this point. Then there was a series of godawful nerfs that seriously hampered the enjoyment of most of the weapons people really used. Then there was the botched DLC, Polar Patriots, which was so bad the CEO had to step down to help fix the situation. Then recently with Meridia people kept having bugs spawn under the drill, breaking it instantly. It really feels like this game was made by a bunch of people who don't even play their own game, published by a company who really doesn't give a singular shit about its players either.
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
I can't agree more with you about it feeling like they don't play their own game. Zero QA happening on things before they go live. I think the "big patch" will be make or break for this game. Either it brings back the fun, or most of us are done.
@magikarp9718 Месяц назад
@@Naxet420Gaming Exactly. Hell, right now less than 30k people are online.
@Bourinos02 Месяц назад
Because it's the case for all games except PvP games that went long enough through their game cycle.
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
I'm just super curious why it seems like all the content they had at launch is all they had ready/in the works. Even if it wasn't a smash hit, were they just not planning any extra content once it went live?
@Bourinos02 Месяц назад
@@Naxet420Gaming What? The game released 4 months ago and they already added 2 battle passes with different weapons, new ship upgrades, added 2 different mechas to the game...
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
@@Bourinos02 Seems most agree the war bonds were rushed and uninteresting. The devs admitted the same themselves. It is like the game launched, was a hit, and they found themselves going, "Oh crap, what are we working on now? What do you mean nothing??? Quick, ideas!"
@SomeRandomHelldiver07 Месяц назад
if they added land vehicles that aren't mechs already then the game would've been 20x better (and yes I do mean Warthog inspired vehicles or something like those- because that would be sick.)
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
Anything at this point lol give us something to sink our teeth into. You can't tell me this was all the content they had been working on.
@SomeRandomHelldiver07 Месяц назад
@@Naxet420Gaming Fr, like they nearly had everything in the game perfected to the max until they stopped listening to the community and I guess they're making some new faction, which is kinda a disappointment because this game has so much potential to be phenomenal.
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
@@SomeRandomHelldiver07 My buddy played the first one, so I guess the black hole is lore for how the next enemy appears. I don't get how they are making so many mistakes after such a great start.
@anoncuber1510 Месяц назад
people in foreign countries become disillusioned after the PSN incident, and the game STILL being unavailable for purchase demotivates them further plus playerbases experience a natural decline especially after about 90 after launch.
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
They aren't helping their case either. Now everything is "cooking" and they refuse to give any real info. What exactly have they been doing?
@dq_dipped_cone7142 Месяц назад
Well put! Nice vid
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
We trying again today? lol
@dq_dipped_cone7142 Месяц назад
@@Naxet420Gaming I’m down after dinner
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
Currently - Friday night at 8pm CST - the player count seems way lower than the last time I played. I really hope everyone is just waiting for more content as there is a solid base here for a long running game. The current approach just isn't working.
@dq_dipped_cone7142 Месяц назад
I think alot of the FOMO has worn off that people had when the game first came out. It grabbed everyones attention and was being streamed every where, now everyone has unlocked everything and is running through level 9's with a competent team. As you said the best part of this game is playing with your buddies, if you don't have that, well then once everything is unlocked why stick around?
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
Couldn't say it better myself. :) We're already having to spice it up ourselves. lol
@gypsysspaceship Месяц назад
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
Hope you enjoyed it. :) Still trying to find my "style." lol
@dq_dipped_cone7142 Месяц назад
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
Which meme was for you my dude? lol
@gypsysspaceship Месяц назад
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
Thank you! :)
@dq_dipped_cone7142 Месяц назад
Hahaha love the music!
@Naxet420Gaming Месяц назад
I still can't believe you got that on camera. lol Keep sending those clips my way.