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Overcoming Fears of Uncertainty
4 года назад
An Islam Christian Debate: Part 2
7 лет назад
An Islam Christian Debate: Part 1
7 лет назад
2016 Rhine River Cruise
8 лет назад
@joey6818 9 дней назад
26:25 - 26:40 The Bible is just a start and not the only reference and validation of Christianity. It also the Catholic Apostolic traditions, the miracles (Fatima 1917), spiritual discernment and mystical on-going prayer responses from God. Plus a religion must be a model of morality and good-will. Islam's prophet being a child molester and stoning a promiscuous woman to death (and numerous atrocities) is not a reflection of a worthy religion.
@EPN-j8t 16 дней назад
Why is it impossible for me to convert to Islam? 1. The One and Only Allah ! It is impossible for the Creator to be One and Only like all his creatures (the sun, the moon, animals, humans, plants, trees, Satan...) Rather, the logic is that God is the opposite of what he created , he is One but not Only ! 2. The name of the religion! Since Islam mean surrender yourself to Allah , so the only Muslim in Christianity is Judas Iscariot who surrendered Jesus, Judas Iscariot is the first Muslim and the rest are his followers! 3. The stolen religion! There is nothing new in the Quran, including what is called "scientific miracles", does not exist in other religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and others, so there is nothing new in the Quran , draws your attention that it only exists in "Islam"! 4. The Quranic verses are expired! When you ask Muslims about some verses in the Quran, their answer is that they were in the time of "Muhammad" and are not valid for the current era! How can a book that is supposed to be the book of the one eternal God include "expired verses"! While Jesus' words in the New Testament did not fall out a single word, and therefore Jesus' words are the words of the one eternal God! 5. Some of God's attributes such as "the arrogant, the humiliating..." and some of his verses "God is the best of deceivers , God does not love the exultant...", all of these verses and attributes do not convince us that they are from the Creator! 6. God who is unable to protect his books! The Quran is based on the principle that his previous books were " corrupted "! So what kind of God is this, who is unable to protect his books? 7. April Fool's Day! The God of Muslims says in his book that he "likened someone to his prophet", so he committed an April Fool's Day with the people instead of just raising his prophet ! So what confirms to us that his new book "the Quran" is not an April Fool's Day as well? Does a Muslim get a paper signed by "Allah and his Messenger" that the Quran is not an April Fool's Day as well? 8. Blasphemy against the Paraclete (the Holy Spirit)! Islam is based on the principle that the Paraclete is Muhammad and his book! As Jesus said, "Every sin will be forgiven except the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit!" ........................
@almodatheryasser6471 12 дней назад
1- then you are not even Christian ( which is a monotheistic religion which believes in only one god) 2-islam means submission your will to god and obey his orders in other word Judas would be one of the worst villain in Islam because he betrayed the messenger of god who is Jesus 3-not a single Muslim claim that islam is a new religion but a continuation of the messages of the previous prophets (abraham,moses, jesus) 4- no they are not expired and most muslims dont believe that they are expired but sometimes they are taken out of their contexts 5- a classical example of taking verseus out of their contexts 😂😂😂😂😂😂 the quran is saying that there are plenty of deceitful people who think they can deceit god, but they are the ones who are being deceited 6- god has protected his book, and it is literally available for everyone but people chose to misguide themselves 7- no god said that people thought they killed Jesus, but they never did so you baisaclly made that up 8- again you are making things up , Quran explicitly states that Muhammed is only a human not a Holy Spirit or anything and also quran states that insulting any prophet is a sin whether he was muhammed or jesus or moses
@EPN-j8t 12 дней назад
@@almodatheryasser6471 Yes , it's a monotheistic religion , but Three constitutes the One God ! That's why the Christian God no one like him ! And we need a God stronger than Paul and Constantine not a God weaker than Paul and Constantine ! Anyway, Muslims hate Paul because he's the only one who warned about Islam and asked to not to believe any angel who preaches another gospel !!!!!
@almodatheryasser6471 12 дней назад
@@EPN-j8t bro you dont even understand your religion what you are saying is a pure Hersey even to Christianity, its not about needing a stronger god than the other we are not making gods its about choosing the truth again form your comments you dont even understand Christianity you are making your imaginary religion and attribute it to Christianity
@EPN-j8t 8 дней назад
@@almodatheryasser6471 I understand my religion dear ! Explain me why you the think that the Creator is single like everything he creates and after that you say " No One like him " !!!! You can't say " No one like him " if he's single like you !!!!!
@mariahiras7240 16 дней назад
Quran made in Hong Kong! A copy of the Bible and Torah only composed with Chinese whispers!
@SherwoodBurke-g9s 17 дней назад
Jackson Ronald Jackson Karen Harris Richard
@de-daa 21 день назад
Audiobook version of Pilgrim's Progress helped me get through the book. I've gone through it several times now. Love it
@arestedescoyoca 23 дня назад
Something remarkable about the parabable regarding the vineyard (the world) depected like handed over to servants, the moment the owner of the vineyard wants to ask the harvest he send multiple people to do so until nothing avails the owner sends his only son and still killed. Here it is clearly shows God is not after of our own belief but the harvest he wants (the work) HE wants us to do and the people he wants us to be. JESUS eventhough the ultimate way but HE originally is not sent first to harvest the good of HIS people. AS a CATHOLIC to believe to Jesus as my savior does not deminish the fact the HE being the same God of the beginning and the end demands a fruit of HIS VINEYARD - OUR RESPONCE.
@PeterHaki-m7b 23 дня назад
We Christians know only Jesus and his word the Holy Bible.Amen
@Roquea.207 23 дня назад
Islam is based in lies,deception,confusion and for my opinion is the antichrist since is the biggest religion of this planet that opposes and rejects the divine nature of Jesus the Son in the flesh and also the everlasting father and the Holy Spirit If you are an honest person seeking the truth in life Islam will be the perfect tool for the devil to get you There’s well known RU-vidrs like Christian Prince and Sam shamounian that are destroying Islam and their lies and nonsense converting thousands of Muslims to Christ ..Islam is all it is a nonsense you would need to be blind and there is no reward for anybody than going to hell on their knees so Alah would go to hell and pick the chosen ones up please type here in RU-vid those warriors of God I mentioned you’ll learn a lot I’ll leave you some: -If is the best of creators why himself said in chapter 21:17 “who can I create a man ( have a son ) without a wife ? “And send to the filthy son of the devil Mohammad to find him one -Also in chapter 112 verse 1 and 4 he refers himself like “one of many “ and That’s what the original Arabic word means “one of them “while Muslims fill their mouth saying all the time Alah is one Also Alah refers himself like “best of deceivers “ How can You love or worship a God that can lead you astray ?! Go inform yourselves, and do it quick folks this is most likely the Antichrist the Bible predicts They are migrating to everywhere and their method is imposing Islam by force or kill you is how they believe .
@fabianmalang 25 дней назад
Even the angels were not given the privilege of eternal security.The moment Pride, ego, rebellion climaxed in Lucifer & his followers, he lost all his privilleges & resulted to free fall from heaven to a pisition lesser than mortbelieDo merely belief in Jesus Christ is guaranteed with eternal security? You mean sola fide is enough to becom 20:54 e perfect even if one become apostate later and yet still be holy / perfect enough to be eligible to enter in God's holy presence? That's nominalism & most absurd unbiblical belief system.
@khalDanni 25 дней назад
He has a problem to accept that the Quran is the word of God not because his eyes are blind but because hes heart is blind 🙈
@gorabels5622 25 дней назад
@dreameryt1685 26 дней назад
salvation can be loved affirmative
@barbarasmith1085 27 дней назад
The reason they don’t agree is Catholics believe in infused righteousness and Protestants believe in imputed righteousness.
@TheTruth-jf8ui 28 дней назад
The Allah who is One and Only like Lucifer is not worthy of worship! The Allah who is unable to prevent his books from being corrupted is not worthy of worship ! The Allah who committed an April Fool’s Day to his people regarding his Prophet instead of just exalting him does not deserve to be worshiped !It's mean that his his new book The Quran is an April Fool’s Day too and does not deserve to be worshipped ! The hour has approached, so that what is in the Bible in the Revelation of John will be fulfilled, where Jesus will come and throw the One and Only Lucifer and the false prophet into the Lake of Sulfur!!! Get ready !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@TheTruth-jf8ui 28 дней назад
The Allah who is One and Only like Lucifer is not worthy of worship! The Allah who is unable to prevent his books from being corrupted is not worthy of worship ! The Allah who committed an April Fool’s Day to his people regarding his Prophet instead of just exalting him does not deserve to be worshiped !It's mean that his his new book The Quran is an April Fool’s Day too and does not deserve to be worshipped ! The hour has approached, so that what is in the Bible in the Revelation of John will be fulfilled, where Jesus will come and throw the One and Only Lucifer and the false prophet into the Lake of Sulfur!!! Get ready !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@barbarasmith1085 28 дней назад
My pride kept me Catholic too long, thankfully God gave me grace to run from it!
@sentumbwefarouk9247 29 дней назад
Your saying mary is not a deity in the bible....and u say why The author of the Quran makes association yet u have the biggest christian group (catholism) worshipping mary....aren't u shooting urself?????..logic......
@samemerzidis3810 Месяц назад
All the Muslims say that the Bible is corrupt due to them to have excuses to dishonor our faith ,example to many bibles etc but they believe Jesus is on the side of Allah but Mohamed why not? Glory to Jesus our God the only true God for all people's
@shvideo1 Месяц назад
What kind of a family do you lead Mr Horn? Do you disown them if they cross your “line”? Do they have any assurance at any time that they are part of your family? And if salvation is a gift that cannot be earned, how can you un-earn it? Also, you cannot lose what is eternal, can you, by definition? Finally, who on earth would follow a “god” that can reject you if you fail to measure up? Our earthly families have more empathy and compassion than that! I adore and worship my God and my Lord and Savior Jesus and am eternally His bond servant. With all respect, I am grateful for this debate.
@marielubanda-lt8bt Месяц назад
Muslims are lost they will never discover
@TheTruth-jf8ui Месяц назад
Islam is in revelation john 12:12 : Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you!He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” ...................
Christians, one is one, not three. You have to understand it cause it is simple math
@TheTruth-jf8ui Месяц назад
We know Dear !!! Our Christian God is One but not only ( 1×1×1=1) , Lucifer is One and Only !!! But how in your religion , Allah is One and Only like Lucifer ??? Where's his dignity ???
@TheTruth-jf8ui do you hear yourself? You are saying that God is one, but he is three, don't you think it's a little stupid?and question for you, Jesus is God?
@jamese5936 Месяц назад
@@АминчонШермухаммадов You pretend as if you understand God's nature. Well the truth is neither us Christians or you Muslims truely understand him. And we will never understand. For example, can God create a rock he cannot lift? If the answer is no, then he has limits. If the answer is yes, then he is not all powerful.
I think Dr . James is a little bit stupid. Can it be a square circle?😁😁😁
@jamese5936 Месяц назад
Its unfortunate that insults are your contribution to what was a respectful conversation.
@Rabbit19964 Месяц назад
Trent slammed dunked!
@favournnamdi2883 Месяц назад
Acts 8:13, 18-23 (KJV) Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done. And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. Peter used the word "perish" specifically. Paul explained I think in 1st Corinthians that he put his body under subjection so that he would not be a castaway after he had preached to others. And Jesus told the churches ihe write to in the book of Revelation that they had to endure to the end. It's not who once believed that will be saved. But who continues to believe and continual belief is evidenced by continual obedience.
@bricelegendnducho Месяц назад
this is lovely,watched part one and two and I can say God is about merging Muslim and Christians. we are closely getting there.God help us
@dogescout5868 Месяц назад
White did a wonderful job showing Trent’s inconsistency in the cross-examination. Trent answered like an open theist.
@kendaugherty3828 Месяц назад
Catholics are not even Christians. End of debate! "Yet the grace of Baptism delivers no one from all the weakness of nature" - i.e. sin.(Catechism 978) That is a cheap, man-made grace because it doesn't deliver anyone from their sins. Baptism "delivers no one."
@Rabbit19964 Месяц назад
Wow it’s almost like it purifies original sin and not The Desire to Sin. Baptism saves because it purifies, Sin Stains which is why we need purification
@kendaugherty3828 Месяц назад
@Rabbit19964 Baptism does not save you. You cannot be "reborn" by water. Only those who have faith in, who believe in Jesus Christ alone, are "born...of God"/"born again."(John 1:13; 3:3) The so-called first Pope, Peter, said the following about Jesus: "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved," except for "the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth."(Acts 4:12&10) Those who believe receive the Holy Spirit: Jesus speaking about those who believe: "He who BELIEVES in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those BELIEVING in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified" - John 7:38-39 Conclusion: Water Baptism "delivers no one," so after the baptized sins, he must go to a sinner (a priest) in the Sacrament of Penance to be "reconciled with God and with the Church."(Catechism 978&980) If you want to be free, believe in Jesus. If you want to remain a slave and in your sins, stay with your Church's Tradition.
@Rabbit19964 Месяц назад
@@kendaugherty3828 “There is also an antitype which now saves us-baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” ‭‭I Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@gracegarsia Месяц назад
After watching this debate , I conclude that salvation given by God for us would never be lost 100%. Because Jesus never failed.
@TheTruth-jf8ui Месяц назад
When The One and Only Lucifer tempted Jesus in the wilderness, he said to him: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written that he will give his angels charge over you to protect you, and that they will bear you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot on a stone.” !!!! This is how the Muslims are, the followers of Judas Iscariot, like their Allah who knows the Holy Bible for our God, “ Jeovah ” They extract from it whatever they want and interpret it as they desire!!! Wait in the Barzakh like the foolish virgins , you blasphemers of the Holy Spirit (the Paraclete)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@TheTruth-jf8ui Месяц назад
When The One and Only Lucifer tempted Jesus in the wilderness, he said to him: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written that he will give his angels charge over you to protect you, and that they will bear you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot on a stone.” !!!! This is how the Muslims are, the followers of Judas Iscariot, like their Allah who knows the Holy Bible for our God, “ Jeovah ” They extract from it whatever they want and interpret it as they desire!!! Wait in the Barzakh like the foolish virgins , you blasphemers of the Holy Spirit (the Paraclete) !!!!!!!!!!
@kingfaysalbrakat543 Месяц назад
This is amazing and represents what the Islam and Christianity relationship should look like. Rather than hating each other they are disagreeing but still respect each other because the religions are both not so different
@razo0mlama103 Месяц назад
Imaam tongue is like a serpent tongue keep interfering rather than listening,
@Sumit-b9c Месяц назад
I love this video, but one thing not so close, because muslim scholar asking second question without listening completely the answer of the first question
@TheTruth-jf8ui Месяц назад
Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Muslims want to convince us that Jesus is a liar and that the Old Testament is corrupted. The Muslim God has 99 attributes, including arrogant and humiliating, but none of them are heavenly father or loving. They want to convince us that our God is the same as their God. There may be some mistakes in the Bible in translation, but it is certainly not corrupted. The most important thing is that someone who deceives his people once, as the Muslim God did with their prophet instead of just raising him up, cannot be believed in a single new word he says ...........................
@JoshxDude92 2 месяца назад
Love Dr. White. I really appreciate the Muslim scholar's willingness to have a conversation. Not an indictment against either man, but I'm really not a fan of this "conversation" format or debate. I think structure is necessary so that there's less interruption and more time for both to complete their thoughts.
@Jacques414 2 месяца назад
What would you do as Muslims if Christianity was the correct religion? After you turned the Paraclete (the Holy Spirit) into a prophet and a book of poetry, sorcery and jinn ? While Jesus said that every sin is forgiven, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Will you crying like the crying of the foolish virgins in BARZAKH for the door of the Kingdom of the Holy Trinity to be openned for you ??????????????
@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
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@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
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@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
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@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
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@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
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@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
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@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
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@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk 2 месяца назад
Tony johnson kelly howard jeff sergant ed rikkert josh rikkert daimler Chrysler gary tose inman dick calvin corvallis University conspiracy bogarts Medford donny blake / Frank Daniel de Bernardi legacy Tacoma portland mean brother
@Ma21L 2 месяца назад
You know, I just wish people weren't so ignorant.. and understand islam and Christianity are indeed connected and related to one another! People think Allah is a different god .. when in reality its god, in the Arabic language! Anywho, this debate should be disturbed world wide. Especially to those extreme terrorist organisations.. from both religions.
@Jacques414 2 месяца назад
Muslims who imposed this name on Arab Christians !!! And Arab Christians name Jesus يسوع ( yassouh) not issa , that's why their religion is nothing to do with Abrahamic Religions !!!!
@Jacques414 2 месяца назад
Then Jesus said to him: “Put your sword back in its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword!” (Matthew 26:52). Congratulations to you for following the killer wolf whom you waited for three days to rise from the dead, but he did not rise. He perished and you will perish with him......................
@Jacques414 2 месяца назад
Then Jesus said to him: “Put your sword back in its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword!” (Matthew 26:52). Congratulations to you for following the killer wolf whom you waited for three days to rise from the dead, but he did not rise. He perished and you will perish with him............. ........