All Chat LoL
All Chat LoL
All Chat LoL
All Chat is the only League of Legends Esports Podcast made by the fans, for the fans, bringing you the latest news and highlights from all four major regions every week.
2024 LEC Winter Split Playoffs Preview
5 месяцев назад
@damiester1 22 дня назад
A little awkward now that TES stomped Gen-G no? lol
@AllChatLoL 19 дней назад
Nahhhh EWC is a Mickey Mouse tournament - still have GENG winning worlds
@damiester1 19 дней назад
@@AllChatLoL T1 fans would disagree with you now lol
@LucasM-dq9gh 23 дня назад
Really cool episode!
@AllChatLoL 23 дня назад
@LucasM-dq9gh Lets go! Thanks so much! We really enjoyed doing the quiz games, more of those to come for sure!
@rachelheke5737 2 месяца назад
T1 all the way :D
@AllChatLoL 2 месяца назад
Worlds and MSI B2B?? :o
@rachelheke5737 2 месяца назад
Damn straight T1FIGHTING
@federicobortoluzzi2652 2 месяца назад
Oscar the worst hahahaah
@AllChatLoL 2 месяца назад
Oh yeah 100%. We made this list before play-ins and he was without a doubt the worst of the major region top laners going into the tournament. Obviously he started GIGA smurfing and put 369 in the dirt during that Camille game, but ranking him last was correct. Check back on Wednesday tho cause we will absolutely be talking about his performance in this week's episode.
@user-bc2fo2xw8m 2 месяца назад
OMG that G2 placments EWWWWWW I will come back may 19 will bros wtf is that I cvan trow up
@brandonverzijl6234 2 месяца назад
whats wrong about the G2 placements?
@AllChatLoL 2 месяца назад
We'd love to get proven wrong and see G2 at the top of everything by the end of MSI, plz don't throw up tho
@AllChatLoL 2 месяца назад
@@brandonverzijl6234 righttt who does BB go over? Yike? They're a sick team, but their strength is defo the sum of their parts
@belesir8847 2 месяца назад
Good list overall but you guys slept on Jackeylove hard, he probably has the best mechanics of any adc at this tournament and is a prodigy himself (he was hyped for years before he even debuted). He's also a unique adc in this tournament because he and Guma are the only ones who are able to pick Draven into strong Kalista/Varus lanes and do well with it. He has his int moments for sure so you can debate between him, Elk, and Guma, but he's for sure better than Peyz at the very least.
@AllChatLoL 2 месяца назад
Might be a little bias from a Peyz fan, definitely think Jackey is insane which is why they're same tier, but I think this is going to be Peyz's breakout international that will cement him as one of the best in the world. Or I could be way off and look like an idiot 😂😂😂. Hopefully they play each other, cuz that matchup is going to be so fun to watch.
@johnnyapplepiel3788 2 месяца назад
"I think he will [perform better] because of the team around him". When it's a literally an individual player tierlist. Also talks about Peyz being a prodigy lmao. JKLove literally won worlds his first year as a pro but yeah lets talk about Peyz and his lck titles. Guma and Peyz above JKLove and Keria above ON lmao. Didn't know "by players for players" meant blatant lck favoritism. Should change it to "by lck for lck".
@AllChatLoL 2 месяца назад
Chillllllllllll I'm just a big Peyz fan and think he's gonna pop off and surprise some people 😂😂😂. We had 369 as #1 Top and Knight in the same tier as Chovy but you must've missed that. Also it's "by the fans, for the fans" so we're just giving our own takes as fans of the game!!
@CreamyPesto505 2 месяца назад
I don't play this game, but I've played other games at a semi competitive level, and have a background in traditional sports. You don't understand how important it is to have a good team around you to perform. If your team isn't playing at a high level, your individual performance is going to drop.
@johnnyapplepiel3788 2 месяца назад
@@AllChatLoL Will no shit because every analyst with even half a brain is putting 369 number 1 and Knight as a s tier player. If you didn't do at least that this list will look like a complete joke.
@user-hj4vw5kf5h 3 месяца назад
Good list 👌 EU fan here
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
Thank you! Tried to keep it pretty fair, excited to see what form of G2 we see!
@rafayetrasti6191 3 месяца назад
I really like your list. I personally though feel like Gen G is going to win this Msi. Idk why i have a really strong feeling about it. Canyon over Peanut is just such a massive upgrade. Edit : my only worry is that Chovy and Peyz might be trauamatized by Blg from last year lol
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
Thanks! I don't blame you for having Gen.G winning, I think GEN/BLG/T1 are all super capable and a lot of people are saying this is THE Gen.G year - Canyon is a huge change for the team fs. The Gen.G mental block against BLG is definitely going to be a hurdle tho like you said. - Jack
@Aikocake 3 месяца назад
my guys put g2 on same tier as tes lmfao
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
It felt like a weird call to make while we were doing it too, and we acknowledged that there seems to be a big gap between TES/G2. But it does feel like G2 should be a tier above the other LCS/LEC teams, and TES does feel like the weakest of the LPL/LCK teams. Guess we'll see!
@Aikocake 3 месяца назад
@@AllChatLoL it’s simple. look at a line graph 0-100 fnc(0)--g2(__)--tes(100) what you’re stating is the gap between g2 and tes is less than the gap between g2 and fnc. you’re rating g2 for example at 60-75 fnc(0)-----g2(75)--tes(100) which is a bold statement considering how close the g2 fnc finals were. it’s more like fnc(0)--g2(35)-----tes(100) but it’s your tier list, just subjectively wrong is all
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
@@Aikocake That's a really good explanation of your way of looking at it. I think where we differ is that I like having G2 in TES tier because I see both G2/TES as being able to upset S tier teams, where I wouldn't give that same credit to FNC for instance. We also ended up making our tier list kind of a combination of domestic performance/international potential/international results, so part of having G2 that high is that we see G2 having better results than FNC/FLY/TL, but not winning MSI - similar to TES.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
@@Aikocake Another thing to consider, and I'd love to hear your thoughts, is G2 looked significantly better before their laneswap strategy and throughout both Winter and Spring split, but the recency bias with the FNC series might be underrating them a bit. They didn't look great in the Spring Final, but you can't deny that they were miles above anyone else in LEC/LCS before then. I don't think its too far off to say they can compete with the best if they play normally and pull out some draft surprises instead handicapping themselves with their laneswap strategy. - Grayson
@MesterWilliam-ny9nq 3 месяца назад
if there is a western team to beat a asian one it will always be more liklely for g2 than the rest
@rachelheke5737 3 месяца назад
I'm not worried about tiers lol I just want the two teams that are doubted and hated T1 and TES lol be so angry they want revenge and dick over the top teams so we have a T1 vs TES final haha it would be epic lol
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
That would be SICK, honestly if that happens, I'm on board! I think there's a very good chance T1 makes finals, and I would be happy to see this TES team make finals too. Plus, that would likely make for a really engaging and hype tournament in the quarters and semi's! - Jack
@rachelheke5737 3 месяца назад
Why is it though T1 beats Geng Internationally but not domestically? lol
@rachelheke5737 3 месяца назад
All I can say about MSI is I'm ready to see an all-out war in the playins because it's all or nothing. Then play against the first seeds and whatever happens after that because we all know the meta is definitely favoring the Chinese Than LCK, there are some good pocket pics and such if T1 can get a handle on the meta, I think maybe for Chovy too not sure about the rest in geng.
@rachelheke5737 3 месяца назад
I guess if they bring lane swaps to MSI and use them against T1 it wont matter. T1 kept the gold close when playing HLE then they came back and were like 11-12k ahead but god knows why they made mistakes and lost that game lol but still stomped in that series. After that, they knew how to counter it and it didn't matter when Geng tried it against them so should be good and ready for lane swaps :D
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
LEC/LCS top 2 seeds are considerably better than minor regions, but people are right if they claim that PCS/VCS have had good results against any teams below that. PSG went 5 games with BDS last Worlds and actually looked like the better team despite losing (up 2-0 and almost 3-0'd before a throw). GAM also beat Team Liquid in a Bo3. Team Whales beat BDS in a Bo3 too. If we're solely talking about historic achievements, then PCS actually has 1 more Worlds win than NA lol. So, while I agree that NA/EU are underestimated a little, you were also disrespecting the PCS/VCS regions too much.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
We meant no disrespect to the minor regions, just making the point that there's a lot of people who consistently believe that NA teams will lose to them. It was super hype to see how well PSG and TW did, and same with GAM beating TL, I think we're just still not sold that those results are the standard.
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
@@AllChatLoL It's not the standard every year, but PCS and VCS are consistently strong enough to challenge lower seeds from NA/EU. I'm sure you've heard of the legendary Flash Wolves. Those guys looked like they could beat LPL/LCK at some points. GAM infamously through the help of a bug ruined TES's 2022 run lol.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
@@damiester1 Oh for sure, I still miss the Flash Wolves, what a legendary team. And thats a fair point, even non-VCS/PCS teams have had moments of stepping up too. I mean the KaBuM incident will ALWAYS be remembered, even if it was a flash in the pan. - Jack
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
Ok, the Doinb slander is crazy. There's no way you compared him to Zeka lol. Doinb was a super carry after his 2019 WC title. He's leagues above Zeka in accomplishments or even just pure eye-test. I don't like Doinb's personality, but he's still an all-time great even if he's scraping by. The same with Showmaker. He was the main carry threat from 2019-2021 on his team even during Canyon's prime. He's obviously a little washed now, but this guy definitely deserves his spot above Chovy in all-time arguments until Chovy wins anything internationally.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
My bad 🤣I'm a little behind the curve when it comes to the pro league scene since I've been watching since 2021. I'm definitely a little late to the party, but I'm learning more and more from your comments, and that's what I love about doing this!! There's so many more people out there to learn from, and so many fans out there that have informative and structured takes like we're seeing from you, that help us look less like donkeys in the future. - Grayson
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
Chovy has only been to semifinals once I'm pretty sure and that's with Ruler in 2022. So the bad rosters you were talking maxed out in quarters.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
Just looked it up, can't believe he's only made semifinals at worlds once. Still find it impressive that the HLE roster made it out of groups though too. Do you think this is GenG's year? Does he at least make an international final?
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
@@AllChatLoL I don't think we can say who makes finals until we see the draws. BLG beating Gen-G is almost as iconic as Gen-G beating T1 now. There are specific team match up counters due to playstyle differences. There's also the scary possibility of civil war in the first round at Worlds because of the format. If you're an LCK fan, the worst nightmare would be Gen-G vs T1 first round etc.
@rachelheke5737 3 месяца назад
@@AllChatLoL haha is it another GenG and T1 final:P
@rachelheke5737 3 месяца назад
@@damiester1 that wont happen because T1 is going through the playins with the other teams
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
I honestly appreciate LEC Teams trying new things. That was their method of beating Eastern teams, so why copy Korean teams after their 2019 run? It feels like G2 is finally getting back to what they're good at. Whether or not this works against better teams is a question, but at least you're bringing them down to your level with strats.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
Totally agree, not confident that G2's lane swaps will be effective enough of a new strategy to actually work, but historically, the LEC has been successful when they have been creative with picks and strategies. G2's Pyke flex in 2019 was iconic! Guess we'll see how it goes this year!
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
Creme didn't really come out of nowhere though. He was on OMG last year and had a little bit of a miracle run in Spring. This guy's pretty much the next big midlaner in China that everyone wants. Obviously Top Esports would be the team to attract such talent since Knight and Yagao already filled the slots of JDG and BLG. Fun fact, LNG was supposed to sign Creme last year, but changed their minds and went with Scout. That's why there's a little bit of a grudge between those guys. I'd also argue that Jackeylove's only quiet game against JDG was game 3. He was hard carrying game 2 on Kalista in teamfights until Meiko decided to trade Nexus for pick.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
We totally missed the Creme/OMG spring miracle run, you're right! He's looked like a pretty considerable threat especially on melee's for a while now. Didn't know about the Creme/Scout situation, thats really interesting and makes for a super cool story line, especially now that Creme is seeing so much success.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
Also, we might've misworded Jackeylove being quiet until Game 4. It's more just a testament to how strong his team is now, and not having to be the focal carry point anymore that we know him as now that he has studs in 369 and Creme the team can also lean on more heavily!! It's like pick your poison with TES, and no longer Jackeylove or bust.
@damiester1 3 месяца назад
You always introduce this as a podcast for all regions, but 90% of the video is about LCK lol.
@AllChatLoL 3 месяца назад
the math ain't mathin' 17 minutes out of the 58 are LCK related 😂😂 But you're right, sometimes we do talk about certain regions more when there's more we're interested in. At the end of the day, we're just a couple of fans sharing what we found intriguing out of the four major regions each week, and we appreciate the feedback/insight!! Also since you're checking us out, watch some of our other episodes and let us know if you feel the same way. We've had people say we focus too much on LCS before, so we're doing our best to spread things out!
@j-man5353 4 месяца назад
I have definitely wandered into a place i was not meant to be in. There were so many acronyms and slang terms in this tiny chunk of conversation that I masnt even able to decipher what these dudes are talming about.
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
I can't even imagine you trying to figure out what we're saying, if you're not in the League of Legends Esports space, we might as well be speaking another language 😂
@alexisgaming2265 4 месяца назад
Oldest Lec player
@Silobajer 4 месяца назад
Corki in pro league 😮 oh my days..
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Crazy how far he's fallen 🫡
@je.z 4 месяца назад
and it's definitely not because the champ is overtuned.
@darylejobejr3495 4 месяца назад
He clicked twice and rolled his face on the key board
@pocketblue 4 месяца назад
You would miss the second kill here, and probably the first one if you think this is a hilarious joke that you just typed. Pdf champs be pdf champs but this took skill just saying!
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
@pocketblue he lowkey would've had 3 if he didn't get hit by the arrow I think 😳
@AtroSpecter 4 месяца назад
The guy who lost to WEAKSIDE WILLIAM KEKW
@plague_mommy13 4 месяца назад
7 dat it?
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Ur right, my bad, 5th highest in the history of the lcs is trash
@Tsino69 4 месяца назад
Big fish, small pond. Will still get bodied internationally. LCS is only as good as Challengers league.
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Nah, he'd win.
@damiester1 4 месяца назад
lol outside of NA,/EU the regions only got 2 minutes each?
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Yeah, if you check out any of the other episodes, the time is basically evenly split across all 4 regions, we were just trying something new this time because we wanted to try and do a full LCS playoffs rundown and it ended up going really long. Sounds like you would prefer a more 25/25/25/25 split moving forward?
@resy-t9382 4 месяца назад
triple by himself *taliyah in pit*
@dripvine 4 месяца назад
That is NOT Keria btw
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
I think you're talking about the guy at the end, good call out! That is a clip of Guwon (T1 Esports Academy Jungler subbing for Oner) apologizing for taking Keria's penta!
@Dabdays-fc2sx 4 месяца назад
Kench was Keria
@piko7591 4 месяца назад
Its lcs tho
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Idk man, Quid is looking pretty different 👀
@kimchisenpai 4 месяца назад
​@@AllChatLoL Its lcs tho
@SkateMigs 4 месяца назад
Homie kinda looks like Tahm Kench
@qeekmje6299 4 месяца назад
you guys are foul 💀
@timgoodliffe 4 месяца назад
thats not keria
@firesanji3699 4 месяца назад
@Dabdays-fc2sx 4 месяца назад
@terrence3117 4 месяца назад
Aaaaaand they lost to immortals
@SuperSinSlayer 4 месяца назад
b a l a n c e
@whereismysupersuitfreeze5883 4 месяца назад
tbf their comp was so doshit like 3 tanks and 2 mages ? ofc they wont do shit when naut has 2 mr items and boots
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Oh yeah the TL draft is absolutely not it, just made it even more funny to see them try and scrap with the Nautilus
@uncartumtv3840 4 месяца назад
like literally no skt ran over every single lpl team like they were playing kindergardeners finals was 3 0 i mean come on lpl literally bought their way through and skt said nah man you going down
@mlgbblade5221 4 месяца назад
only at worlds, at msi however it’s quite the opposite
@jamilangon5798 4 месяца назад
If this is soloq. Varus: FF 15 jung diff 😂
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Oh, immediate 9x report jungle in the chat 😂
@jamilangon5798 4 месяца назад
@@AllChatLoL always jungle's fault why they lose lane 😅
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
@@jamilangon5798 ESPECIALLY when it's ADC that dies 💀
@RealLukifer 4 месяца назад
Haha. That clip was brutal
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
You know its tough when your ADC get solo killed by their support 💀
@EvanDelck 4 месяца назад
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
Thats what we're saying!
@HTHAWK93 4 месяца назад
People think about solo performance. Proplay needs team performance....
@flow2196 4 месяца назад
I think everyone is stronger on the second team except for top lane where I think bin beats out 369 but overall second team wins
@AllChatLoL 4 месяца назад
This is correct 100%, take that Grayson 😤
@41NewVAWE 5 месяцев назад
Whos saying that? EU Chovy my ass lmao
@wildfangpunk5018 5 месяцев назад
NIsqy's a fraud, so far Yoya was right
@Chewbakero 5 месяцев назад
well thats why his name is irrelevant 😂
@wuhu0 5 месяцев назад
Who is people saying this in question
@SergioSanchez-gh3cp 5 месяцев назад
Flash ashes Arrow?
@gh0st555 5 месяцев назад
Shouldve dodge ashe arrow imo
@now7173 5 месяцев назад
@justinyi5731 5 месяцев назад
Super dope of Faker. Glad he was so upfront with the kid. Even if the kid isnt pro gaming I hope he's working towards his passion 😢