Linda Hall Library
Linda Hall Library
Linda Hall Library
The Linda Hall Library is one of the world’s foremost independent research libraries devoted to science, engineering, and technology. Through the Library’s collections, programming, and strategic partnerships, the Linda Hall Library brings science to life in new and relevant ways to help others better understand the world in which they live.

Programming Themes:
Human Health and Behavior
Technology and Innovation
The Built Environment
This Planet and Beyond

A Survey of Career Paths in Astronomy
2 месяца назад
Day-to-Day Work of an R&D Scientist
2 месяца назад
Tips for Getting into Game Development
2 месяца назад
The Sun in Early Modernity Roundtable
3 месяца назад
After Hours with Medieval Science
3 месяца назад
How Do I Become a Biologist?
4 месяца назад
After Hours with Aldus Manutius
4 месяца назад
Women in STEM: Angela Kennedy and Beth Noser
5 месяцев назад
Totality! The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
6 месяцев назад
Science in the Race to the South Pole
6 месяцев назад
How Do I Become a Meteorologist?
6 месяцев назад
@ИринаКим-ъ5ч 15 часов назад
Williams Laura Young Charles Williams Charles
@timwaywell День назад
plenty of good science is done by SETI but the idea that we can detect radio signals form other alien civilizations does not work for me as radio is at best only useful within local planetary systems and there must be a different method used for star system to star system
@simossosias3727 3 дня назад
He is so outdated!
@BeatlesBowieKrimson 3 дня назад
He's wrong. It's not literally a billion web pages. It's 972,000,000.
@peterolbrisch8970 3 дня назад
17:53 Your body is full of clocks. Just like some of my exes.
@vincewatkins8439 3 дня назад
It is horribly solipsistic to suggest that every decision we make actually creates a new universe.
@MarioBonina-pm3gt 3 дня назад
Advance study is a scammed advance study is a scammed advance study is a scammed advance study is a scammed advance study
@dmanson4649 5 дней назад
I can travel into the future.
@Kent-pm7je 5 дней назад
Men are the telonmere
@Kent-pm7je 5 дней назад
@Kent-pm7je 5 дней назад
Linda i love you 40000 foot view as you leave little to be left after close consideration.
@sameerbhat2599 6 дней назад
There is only present, leaving behind past moving towards future.Time doesn't exist.It has been discovered as a source of perceiving a change with in the speed limit of light in this observable universe
@lonewolfmtnz 6 дней назад
420 time .... flick flick puff puff cough cough
@Paultricounty 6 дней назад
MilkyWay has only 100:billion stars, the universe has only a 100:billion galaxies? I thought that estimate had been changed a while ago.
@VK6AB- 7 дней назад
Sir Alec Jeffreys was the discoverer of DNA fingerprinting. Climate change is dominated by total insolation which is determined by the variation in the Earths orbit around the Sun - hence the glacial maxima and minima described in this lecture. The Climate is always changing, it is likely Neanderthal man became extinct during the last age where they failed to adapt to the competition of more or less current man.
@iokuok2 7 дней назад
Since telescopes like Hubble and James Webb can look billions of light years away and see the light reflected from objects as they were at that time, billions of years ago; I'm wondering is it possible to point the telescope to two different locations where an object has been and see the same object at two different times? Its hard to wrap my head around this one. When I look at that now famous picture with all of the galaxies in It, who is to say one of those galaxies is also one we've taken now closer to us and older.? Sooo can we look back toward the center of the universe and see our own galaxy billions of years ago? That being said have you ever tried to reconstruct what we see in the sky at night, since it represents an illusion of many times, and ages, in the past, to what or how each object looks or really exists in this moment? What trends do you think that would show different to what we see now? For example TCRB would be long gone maybe positioned somewhere else? Betelgeuse might already be a supernova? How much does this relationship of what we can see right now matter, compared to what state the things we see are actually in right now? Thank you for considering these questions!
@awumsurimtui8114 7 дней назад
Wish this man was alive during the pandemic, i wonder if his death months earlier was not an accident, he had choice words for Fauci and the establishment
@peterchrysostomou610 8 дней назад
This proves that life is pretty much a game. If we can find all this stuff and be able to make genetic changes as we see fit making different types of animal versions then it pretty much we are created... Not created by some spirit god thing, it's more realistic that we are part of some simulation reality with rules built in... Not that that's the case because it's unknown but we are definately finding the rules and as we do we can really change things at will... We will eventually be able to fly over deserts and turn them into lush fertile grasslands just with a wave of our wand technologically speaking. Wow
@ZeldaSneakyLink 9 дней назад
I have a question in regards of plan c. U mentioned using somatic cells being able to simulate and accept a new surrogate cell from being starved n desperate to survive. What if we were to do the same with non relevant species like cross breeding hybrids? And also gene splicing specific genes for special traits not just brown to blue eyes but a human with wings? For example from that to mythical creatures wouldnt have theoretically resulted from ancient super advanced genetic modifications?
@ZeldaSneakyLink 9 дней назад
Also in regards to plant gene splicing i was thinking flower, tree and fruit hybrids for gene modification?
@treyakasprings 10 дней назад
Maybe when we die we then go back to do it all again & again & again & so on “””””””””” 🕰️⏳⌛️⏱️⏰
@andriesscheper2022 10 дней назад
Most are homo dumb ass... 😊 Much of his lecture is outdated. He doesn't mention Neanderthal axes as a weapon. And as a scientist he ought to know you shouldn't present speculations as a fact. So my thum is down.
@WagesOfDestruction 11 дней назад
Question we have looked so long, when do we admit failure
@macawism 13 дней назад
There is no reason to think that Neanderthals would not have been as inventive as HS, given time and enough population numbers to generate the flow of ideas that leads to urbanisation and so on…
@matthewtroxel4839 13 дней назад
I'm a homo sapien but I identify as neanderthal
@SP-bg8on 13 дней назад
Fascinating. Gives me cooter tingles
@pascalguerandel8181 14 дней назад
I agree ...so outdated!..no longer called cromagnom...now called homo sapiens...we are called Homo sapiens sapiens. Also neanderthal early weapon technology were more advanced but later we progressed faster 😮😮😮
@beyondnuisancebjornnielsens 14 дней назад
dearest friends ( france :), although most peuple en dearestly close acquaintance$ with such une genie~en~us genius scholarly chemist docteur kary mullis hath wittily quipped that he hath acted rather eccentrik et strangely , nonetheless, docteur kary hath inspired multitudes auf utterly unknown strangers' guest$' peuple who guess really with his a~maze~sing et funniestly upper extremities' humerus boner'$ pridefully arrogant et cocky humerus quip$ en the pasta'$ pastor~like peaching preaching talk~king wisestly :) ya know, sum innovationally pioneering scientists hath built une magnetikally accerational flux field$' cyclatron~like accelerating device which hath employed highly strong magnetik fluxes' field$ en orientational speeding up meticulously chosun originally charged nuclei partilles en bombardments with another kind$ auf nuclei partikles en all das / die / der coupling pilot'$ boldest experiments et endeavor$ en lawrence livermore'$ cleverestly u~crane lab$ which hath subsequently synthesizerd several artificially made combined fusionary newish atomique nuclei element$ one after another en lab'$ settings chronologikally ever since welt war$ like einsteinium, berkeleyium et californium , etc :) well, there art/ist one partikularly interestingly funniest slickass et kickass magicien synthesized newish atomique ~ made element which hath appealed to greatfully greatest scholarly re~search study interests amongst multitude$ auf scientists nationwide et worldwide from new~clear physicists to scholarly chemists to national sekurities' darpa~fun~ded weaponry scientists as well, namely, the funniestly slickass et kickass magicien synthesized newish et jewish beste zanger atomique nuclei element ist famously welt~known as " wo~men " , aka as well as known as en chemist$' periodik table'$ encoded symbol as ( wo : ) well, such une serendipitously synthesized newish et jewish atomique synthesized element out auf series ( serious ) rather brutally et ruthlessly rough et tough atro~citie$' speedy bombardments with other accelerating nuclei atomique partikles en magnetik fluxes' orientational fields' thrusts hath a~maze~sing elaborated pretty pretty verdammt interestingly well such spektakular chemistrie proper~ties as une funniestly slickass et kickass interestingly realdeal authentik phenomenal element en chemist$' nobel prize~winners' laureates' laughing his~stories en well~archived rekord$ down thru the timelines auf all ages :) ( wo~men :) or ( wo :) hath une chemikally highly craziest loco irresistible affinities with certain preciously highest mark~et value$ lustrous lustre shiningly bright et colorful attractive heavy metal$ like gold$ et silver$ like une funniestly slickass et kickass interestingly goal$~digging miners' lady en gold's rushmore lunatiks' behavioral dynamics en theater'$ performing arts' professional golds~digger :) wenn such une funniestly rarest seen atomique nuclei element ( wo~men :) or " wo " , en chemist$' periodik table'$ assigned symbol , react$ with such certain preciously highly ~ prized mark~et value$' elements like gold$ et silver$, they hath gott " hot et heavy " en exothermik chemistry en actions et reaction$ to hath re~leased a~maze~sing et spektakularly tremendous massive energies en exothermik chemistry'$ reactions' playfully meaningful wayfulness like new~clear funniestly fusionary experiments auf the sun :) however, wenn such une exothermik chemistry'$ pilot project'$ experiments art nicht properly condukted with highest concerns et interest$ en relevantly et respektively standards with regard$ to safe~ties' scientific protocols ' procedure$ , all the exothermik tremendous heat$' energies can effortlesslyly have incurred meltdowns auf virtually anything one can effortlesslyly conceive the threat$ et thread$ auf overwhelmingly extraordinary sun' heats en global warming'$ irreversible meltdowns auf nordik glaciers en both pole$ leading to rising water levels auf the seas engulfing virtually all low~lying islets auf kiribati'$ et massive flood$ et extreme weather catastrophe$ like globalky loci heatwave$ as well :)
@user-le4cl8mx6f 15 дней назад
Walker Linda Garcia Eric Garcia Margaret
@marthamurphy7940 15 дней назад
Thank you! This was so informative and fun, I wish I could have been there!
15 дней назад
At first I saw a reptilian but a second glance showed that it's just a double pupil. You could throw a great side-eye if you ever wanted to. Congratulations on your Foxnews debut. You sure got asked a lot of questions. I have a feeling you'll be back.
@Foundingmother1 15 дней назад
Would have appreciated seeing the maps associated with the lecture .
@genepozniak 16 дней назад
This is a story of racism! African Homo sapiens had the same brain size and shape we did! 😠
@brettrosenberg 16 дней назад
Weird, I had remembered this as being posted by Pendergast Institute but search for it and found nothing.
@user-bj1cb5kv8l 17 дней назад
Taylor Kimberly Thomas Deborah Hernandez Joseph
@gertjevanpoppel7270 18 дней назад
Can we compare the size of a baby elephant with a baby woolly mammoth ?...maybe this will help in the answer of a female elephant can carry a mammoth baby....
@MeHere-e2u 18 дней назад
How could anyone trust anything he says when he made HUGE mistakes the audience corrected him on.
@jakelm4256 19 дней назад
What’s the latest on this translation? I’ve studied the Almagest for years and would really like to look at this.
@BehroozCompani-fk2sx 22 дня назад
Time travel without relativity. Time seems to be like an index that indicates what comes after/before/simultaneously in a change. It seems the only definition that makes sense in all situations. Your refrigerator is not a relativistic moving platform, but it is a time machine. You freeze a chicken andin 2 months you get older but the chicken come into your future as it was. Relativistically it should get older than you because it's atoms and molecules were going slower than yours which were vibrating at a higher temperature. Are you getting dizzy?
@BehroozCompani-fk2sx 24 дня назад
Time Time seems to be like an index that indicates what comes after/before/simultaneously in a change. It seems the only definition that makes sense in all situations. Your refrigerator is not a relativistic moving platform, but it is a time machine. You freeze a chicken andin 2 months you get older but the chicken come into your future as it was. Relativistically it should get older than you because it's atoms and molecules were going slower than yours which were vibrating at a higher temperature. Are you getting dizzy?
@radwanabu-issa4350 24 дня назад
Apes are almost identical (98%) to homo sapiens genetically/biologically but almost different (98%) culturally, the success of humans is related to agricultural (10000 years) and industrial revolutions (200 years) which are purely cultural!
@NikkiTrudelle 24 дня назад
22:05 I thought the laws of independent assortment made it so you’re not exactly 50% your parents and 25 % your grandparents
@ronallen1562 24 дня назад
the future is the past for another future, so you cant change the future, as it would be the past.
@jenscuthbert2007 25 дней назад
19:46 *PCR* technology is a "photocopier for DNA"... Wow . That's scary given it was marketed as a test for Covid. Was it really used for that purpose?
@mchammer1836 29 дней назад
Back to the future #1 is right up there with the best movies of all time. Thank God they didn't base it on the science 😂
@penguinista Месяц назад
Chimpanzee behavior is not similar to that of humans on the Autism spectrum. Normal chimps look you right in the eyes and have complicated, nuanced social interactions with other chimps. The book 'Chimpanzee Politics' by Frans de Waal does a good job of conveying the sophistication of chimp social abilities.
@jonnyolson4387 Месяц назад
He didn't tell their important story. Instead, he made them victims. Sad. Hard to find inspirational books for my daughter, who is NOT a victim.
@deebee4575 Месяц назад
She has been caught by Congress lying to the American people about the origins of COVID-19.
@AlmightyLatinKing Месяц назад
💪🏽sustainability and efficiency.
@JeremiahMoss24 Месяц назад
I love all your products and I use them regularly in my gardens. I just got the three plant juice to bloom juice bundle and appreciate and I'm grateful for the Girls Products KC pride ❤️💜
@lausanne67 Месяц назад
Very interesting
@robertredbeard1855 Месяц назад
Such a silly definition. I can build a receiver for radio out of a few components. I did it at 12. And all you need to transmit radio is to make a spark. So not really a good standard.