We're the world's largest independent music library.
Here you'll find the latest playlists, DJ mixes, live streams, new and archived tracks for our music fans and film clients. We want you to be part of our community, so feel free to suggest your favourite vintage album or a great playlist idea.
We are home to authentic world music, recordings from orchestras and studios such as Abbey Road and Synchron Stage, contemporary music and commercial recordings from artists such as Nelson Riddle and Acker Bilk. Our songwriting credits include Drake, Chance The Rapper, Pink Pantheress and many more.
We work with 35 agents worldwide to license our music for TV, film, streaming, commercials, games and online productions. Placements include Netflix series, films such as Tenet and Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, and video games such as Roblox. Our team and partners support you with curated suggestions and ensure a streamlined and secure licensing process.
I love 20th century orchestral muzak like this because of stuff like spongebob and ren and stimpy's production soundtracks, so this mix really hits the spot
i get kinda sad when i listen to music like this, because even tho my dream is to be a musician, ive lost hope that im gonna make music like this ever..
Warning. Reactor core is at critical... All reactor core safeguards are now non-functional. Please prepare for reactor core meltdown... Manfred Minnich - No More starts