70x7 Path to Forgiveness
70x7 Path to Forgiveness
70x7 Path to Forgiveness
@ElsjeMassyn 3 месяца назад
I am so glad Elizabeth was rescued from the clutches of those religious demonic half-humans. That she came out on the other side so beautiful, wise and victorious Elizabeth - your name means: CONSECRATED TO GOD He is truly using you to knock out religious concepts that God did not establish Well done!!
@michaelammerman91 3 месяца назад
I think it’s outrageous that they let barzee out of prison!
@jonawesolowski-thecommunit9968 5 месяцев назад
I've been studying the Book of Joshua and the help that Rahab gave the spies. A harlot, a white, she was looked down upon by soo many. But God saw her. As I have learned, no matter what someone's past(mine included) God can and will use it to further His Kingdom
@tattycakes2k2 7 месяцев назад
How enormous your heart must be to be grateful that your abuse wasn’t so bad because other people have it worse. What a compassionate gem of an angel she is.
@Fee212 8 месяцев назад
Elizabeth is a credit to her faith and loving mother. What an inspiration to us all. She is so gentle, kind and sweet.
@barryh.4220 Год назад
She is so beautiful ....
@butterflyeffect8214 Год назад
Shes so pure.
@timodne5741 Год назад
This is the guy who took a fat s in front of Jaycee🌸
@timodne5741 Год назад
Instant demonism👹
@lindaslovablebabies3808 Год назад
😢I’m from Kendal Rae! She is so sweet! I’m so sorry this happened to her! She is such a strong woman
@paullivingston6312 2 года назад
I agree totally. I did the same thing in 2007. Forgiveness is for us not the perp. Ya
@ElsjeMassyn 2 года назад
Beautiful brave angelic woman
@jazminmartin6654 2 года назад
The immense amount of love I have for Elizabeth is unparalleled, what a strong and resilient woman! I am elated she got the happy ending she deserves and I can't wait to see where the rest of her life takes her.
@taylorsversion9567 2 года назад
this is why young girls and boys, especially girls (obviously) should not be taught crap like the concept of virginity and it's "piousness" . even if it is something you believe in, keep this bs to yourself. you don't know whose mental health you're permanently damaging.
@doryinsanime6862 2 года назад
She is bless with her family and friends and husband and children. I’m so happy she alive now god bless you.She has very strong soul.🥰😇😍🙏she a survivor. I love this important,inspiring video.💖
@bheenachoytooa1604 2 года назад
You are a very good orator and smart person too. Love from Mauritius 2022
@optimus6858 2 года назад
i hope she recovers
@ijeomaokeakpu8311 2 года назад
Well done Elizabeth!
@tomatofaceddisgrace 2 года назад
An amazing person. Loved it when she shut down Nancy Grace.
@SKinSKorea 2 года назад
Amazing survivor! Elizabeth has grace and strength! A traumatic experience has yielded deep compassion and wisdom.
@katymontalvo9059 2 года назад
Wow what a powerful message she is so very strong
@_Z0YA_COOKS 2 года назад
Came streight here from Kendall Rea's video :)
@Dovid2000 2 года назад
Elizabeth Smart is a beautiful person. Her experience, as awful as it was, has made her a stronger person.
@ryanciani3324 2 года назад
what does a laptop computer have to do with watching it
@Pink_143_6 2 года назад
As we all should, look at your glass half full and not half empty. There is gratitude even through the most difficult times that we endure. 🙏🏼❤️
@Pink_143_6 2 года назад
A sweet, brave and courageous young woman. I hope she knows just how much of a positive influence she truly is in our world. Beautiful girl. She looks just like her father Ed 👍🏼🌸
@sierraclark6129 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is waiting for you with His arms open wide!😁
@jaytravis6970 2 года назад
She is so inspirational. I absolutely adore her hunor through this as it is my coping skill as well. Her mix of humor and inspiration is truly a grace to this world. 💛
@vocalsunleashed 2 года назад
I wish forgiveness was as easy as she says, but when you have PTSD that's near impossible because the traumatic events keep you from being happy by haunting you...
@Mae-pu7ck 2 года назад
Hearing her story in full from her perspective is powerful. knowing that she went through all of these traumatic things and still coming out alive just goes to show how you can over come things. Even when it seems impossible there’s always that light at the end of the tunnel. I personally am atheist but I love to here other peoples religions and how much faith they have in something. Going through all that I know I would turn away from faith cause how could you not? I’m sorry I’m rambling but at the end she is probably one of the most strongest humans I’ve ever seen genuinely.
@beatajenei8043 2 года назад
Hello,can you suggests a foundation or organisation who would help somebody to forgive? A technique how to forgive? Thank you.
@matilda4406 2 года назад
She wants to feel better, that's fair enough. But she can only feel better if she gives him forgiveness????? i don't think so. Cut the cord. What he gets or doesn't get should not be connected to Elizabeth. A little bit of confusion there
@matilda4406 2 года назад
Elizabeth's story shows how religious children are less assertive and more compliant with abuse when compared with healthy home environments.
@journeyjulie3973 2 года назад
You’re assuming that Elizabeth’s level of compliance had something to do with her upbringing. Have you ever been abused? It’s absolutely paralyzing and traumatizing. You shut down just to survive. You can’t judge her for that.
@journeyjulie3973 2 года назад
*judge her family… is what I should have said
@matilda4406 2 года назад
@@journeyjulie3973 Can't judge who? I think we need to judge all of them. That is, have some evaluation. I can't think of anything worse than a parent realizing what they have done to their child/children. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But I'm really not sure where you are coming from. What's your point?
@journeyjulie3973 Год назад
@@matilda4406 Your comment appears to assume that abuse is directly a result of a religious upbringing. Which is absurd. Abuse is abuse. It’s horrible. It can happen to anyone, religious or not. Religion is not abuse. I know people who grew up without religion, whose parents were controlling and manipulative and neglectful, who were taken away from these unhealthy homes and put foster care to rescue them from hell. These parents were completely secular. Yes, some religions teach parents to control their children. But this is not what I have seen or experienced. And it’s absurd to make this kind of broad generalization and judgment on all religious people.
@journeyjulie3973 Год назад
I agree with you that yes we need some level of evaluation and accountability, and that systems (whether religious or or not) which empower parents to be dictators are harmful and should be called out.
@B1ueskysRainingstars 2 года назад
Wow. Really? A kid in her class, said he wanted his wife to be a virgin??? Who taught him/made him believe that's so important? Shame on him and his parents. Women are not to be weighed in their value by any sexual means. You never hear anyone talking about men in that manor, what makes them think it's okay to value women in that way?
@markleightonson1770 2 года назад
Wisdom for the the seriously injured.
@3vimages471 2 года назад
45 people dislike this? I will never understand some people.
@MaryG57 2 года назад
The different between Elizabeth smart and Jaycee Duggar,Elizabeth parents are rich and Jaycee not probably is why she was find sooner and Jaycee keep captive for 18 years.
@xotennisxgirlox 2 года назад
Virginity is something you give to another, it’s not something that can be taken from you.
@keithole575 2 года назад
The best way to manipulate people is through religion.
@waynebooker498 3 года назад
Good for her.
@wendymathews1030 3 года назад
What an incredible woman she is. I’m so happy to see her have a happy life, that she didn’t let this destroy her. God bless you, beautiful Elizabeth.
@natakrb1725 3 года назад
She kept saying , “don’t give up!” Well so many years she has been in captivity and never trying to escape. WHY ,WHY!!??? You were outside, so many times! Yes , she was a little brave girl at her 14 …. But not brave enough! There were some girls kidnapped and for 4 years got locked down by this phycopat! But they WERE underground for god sake . One of the gils got pregnant twice. But they were always trying to escape. I think they should start teaching our kids of self defense …at school! Instead of basketball,football and other useless sports for their life . I can’t believe this ! Don’t give up on fooling these nuts people! Get smart about this ! Focus and do something. They left you alive, so fight for your life and run! She never used her chance that God gave it to her!
@natakrb1725 3 года назад
@@halliegeary8701 Don’t care for your verdict about my persona! It is .. what.. it is!!!! Even cops kept asking her.. Why wouldn’t you try to escape? You were walking outside with these people. Just start running. This was a recording from police video files during an investigation. She was just brainwashed.
@estrellaashleywilliams4061 2 года назад
Okay she was 14-years old she was a child raised by a loving and protective family she was sheltered that's not a street smart child a psycho broke in her house and room her he threatened her death and death of her family held a knife on her troat he raped her everyday and tied her up who wouldn't be terrified do you expect a 14 year old girl to win against two grown adults with deadly weapons who wouldn't be terrified and don't even consider her with other survivors cause every kidnap victims react and handle things differently unless you were put in her situation we have no right to judge her cause we weren't there and unless we were in her shoes we don't know what we are going to do
@jamiewoods7764 2 года назад
She actually tried escaping once but he caught her and give her punishment so she decided not to do it again she actually was gaining their trust and playing by the rules
@natakrb1725 2 года назад
@@jamiewoods7764 You are in the store shopping, wearing Islamic face veil, long dress . Drop on the floor dead… in sec people will try to help. This is America. It’s not Islamic county. In seconds people will call 911. Even when she was surrounded by police officers, she couldn’t say her name. They had to separate them.
@riverqueen4561 3 года назад
Elizabeth Smart is inspirational...cried all the way through this piece...💔➡️❤
@athenahill4337 3 года назад
35:00-36:00 what she says in this minute is exactly what I have gone through my entire life “family is forever divided”
@kats9755 2 года назад
I'm so sorry you've been put through that experience, I hope you're able to heal and find peace ❤
@ledosecur 3 года назад
Wow you were really blessed due to your family faith since your ancestors! I really proud of you. Lord Jesus Christ always bless you and your family.
@idkimjusthere2 3 года назад
So happy to see her smiling and thriving in life!! ♥ Very grateful that she's ALIVE!!
@ModedeScode 3 года назад
What an absolute doll. Takes notes ladies on how to BE a lady.
@topsi91 3 года назад
I wonder why she never mention her sister who practically saved her
@brandyhurst1596 3 года назад
She’s such a beautiful brave woman.
@user-fi9dz6qh3l 3 года назад
I Am Elizabeth Smart (2017) f'u"l'l M'0'V'1"E ➩ bit.ly/2RFxW9u All Subtitle !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品 lōrō stati di sålutê rispettivi 00:03:01 prevenīrlī Ši tràká filmā ir tik forša, tīk netīcama. Es tikkō påbeidzú