Gamer and drinker of coffee
Mechabellum FFA is a BEAUTIFUL chaotic mess!
4 месяца назад
Do Hackers Still Cut the Mustard in Mechabellum?
4 месяца назад
How do we best approach Scorpions in Mechabellum?
5 месяцев назад
Never Basetrade Against Swarmhosts :D
11 лет назад
@niffolast 9 дней назад
you suck. boom! roasted
@niffolast 9 дней назад
i don't want to be mean :(
@GriffNdor 9 дней назад
Nice aim against the druid in encounter 5, bum. Blame the game some more to cope with being trash. My grandma could do better and she isn't even alive
@al69420 18 дней назад
3:23 omg you got so lucky bro lol literally 1 HP 😂😂
@Rekatan 18 дней назад
Ya that was wild lol. Didn't get a ton of good fights from the event, but that one was great
@al69420 18 дней назад
Subscribed! Good thoughts man.
@nomadicwolf6132 27 дней назад
Definitely agree. Only recently started playing the game. Got to level 60 Druid before multiclassing came out. Barely had a grasp of the game as it was, & just as I began to understand the nuances of fighting against the different classes, the novice ability to strategize & anticipate actions from other players went out the window.
@ashleymckinley998 28 дней назад
Fighters with blood exchange, sprint, and daggers, enough said. Not fun.
@icejamx 28 дней назад
you are completely right. if multiclassing gets brought to the main game i will be quitting
@kitsune9076 28 дней назад
What if i want to be a warlock that identifies as a druid? You bigot
@kitsune9076 28 дней назад
I like it.
@Shuu2108 28 дней назад
saved fulglor aegis and kuma for end of wipe lost fulglor with triple dreamwalk wizards and phantomise lost kuma and aegis to triple warlocks with chain treant. 10/10 end of the wipe will never save stuff again
@propiranna 28 дней назад
Multiclassing seems like an interesting concept. It would be fun to be able mix some things from a different class and see what you can create. The problem occurs when ppl min-max it, and DaD having PvP makes it so things can be unfun when said min-maxing occurs. Although that already occurs with the base classes, so im not really against it happening as well with multiclassing. I would agree that the current state of multiclassing is rough. But i dont agree that not providing a solution to be an appropriate response. Personnally would suggest that only a combination of 2 skills and/or perks equipped from anything other than the base class to be a limit. Hell maybe they tweak the base classes labelling so each class falls into caster, half caster or martial, and would need need a perk to enable the usage of skills/perks from the other category, effectively limiting what you could choose as options. A system like that, or even more complex one, could work to reduce min-maxing with multiclassing. At the very least, im curious to see multiclassing return in a new form. This run of it does likely have more ppl seeing multiclassing for the first time since the game has gone F2P. So hopefully some constructive criticsm for ppl with less overall experience with the game can provide some more insight compared to vets that already have an idea of what the game should be. With the additions of the skins, DaD seems to be more and more like DnD, so i am excited for what could possibly become their version of multiclassing.
@bigbookgmod 28 дней назад
id say its fine if they add it everytime like a week before wipe or when the ranks get set & locked in
@yeeet3898 28 дней назад
I really like the multi class feature
@zzdoublezz7280 28 дней назад
YES! , multiclassing just fully unbalances everything. Just makes everything a shit shows a fighter throwing fireball ???!??! like what??
@jimonothy 28 дней назад
Yes, I want you to dig in to the fact that all rogues are scum
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
Hahaha this guy gets it!
@Zombiesbum 28 дней назад
I kind of disagree that multiclassing changes the game to a "more optimization focus". Currently if you want to do well in solos, you have to cap your MS. So the game is already far beyond the point where you must focus on optimization. And as you said, what multiclassing does do that can be detrimental (if implemented as a core feature) is remove the ability to discern what you're fighting. Usually if you see a guy wearing plate with a mace, then you know it's probably a Cleric. But with multiclassing you wouldn't know if it's a Cleric that can also cast fireball.
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
@Zombiesbum I totally agree with your move speed example, and I'd argue that the move speed meta also is objectively bad for the game's health. I think the process of optimizing a build is a lot of fun, and healthy for any game. There's that invisible line though where it stops being fun and becomes an obligation instead. Not sure where that line is but multiclass is definitely way over it 🤣
@Halo-vh9ku 28 дней назад
its actually fucking cheeks multiclassing in this game BUT, I tried poison tipped arrows on my ranger it got me thinking itd be a great fucking subclass
@zrakodeloco 28 дней назад
Fantastic breakdown of what makes this game unique, and how the multiclass system dilutes what we all love.
@benmak1039 28 дней назад
We already had this conversation last time they experimented with multi classing and as fun as it can be at times it just totally destroys any and all class identities and roles
@gutrap_3062 28 дней назад
the magic missle in dreamwalk form is lovely
@randyb4191 28 дней назад
Nah I like this, needs some tweaking but i love how much it opens the game up
@helkhat_ 28 дней назад
You brought up 2 good reasons for why they brought it back. Mine was I hoped they just wanted to give free players a chance to play around with more class stuff without having to lose their progress or get a quick look at what perks/skills people thought were broken
@whois2264 28 дней назад
when 7 days left, give us 3 days of multiclassing and 4 days without it. Multiclassing brings fresh air which is welcomed for a couple days imo.
@Scylla-l9w 28 дней назад
its fun get over it
@marble1686 28 дней назад
found the 63 agility panther that got their first kills this wipe after the patch 🔥
@feetenthusiast1015 28 дней назад
I’m digging the “event” for final week of wipe. Keeps it fresh even though it might not be fun. I have a lot of hours
@udontseethetruth 28 дней назад
Multiclassing is nonsense for dark and darker. However i feel they should definitely look into subclasses instead of multiclassing.
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
Totally. Subclasses that add more to the base class identity rather than taking away would be amazing. Things like "fighter-mage" could still emerge out of that, but if it's done in a way that adds new abilities and identity to the subclass rather than just haphazardly taking a core component of the wizard and giving it to the fighter, I think it would be a big win
@erich1380 28 дней назад
I think something like the tri class system could work like rogue fighter barb, lock, wizard cleric, etc where you can only get one thing from that group. Thay way its still the melee vs ranged flavor
@Joel-wj9ql 28 дней назад
The game would absolutely benefit from more subclass speciation. But this ain't the way
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
100% We already have some subclasses organically developing. Everyone knows what is meant by "paladin cleric" even though that's not an official subclass. If suddenly Cleric was given a choice between a Paladin and Priest subclass, no one would bat an eye, and if anything the cleric's class identity would become even more intricate and engaging
@lookingforsmalldads7588 28 дней назад
While I get the concept and philosophy of multiclassing, the problem with it is almost immediately the diversity and uniqueness it provides is immediately thrown out the window when the "best" overall metas are formed (landmine barb, dreamwalk flame walker warlock, uberbuff druid, etc). While to an extent this happens with the base game, it'll always be harder to be an all round better class/build than everyone else due to soft countering that distinct class differences brings naturally. Obviously skill is a huge factor too but with multiclassing it's literally ONLY down to skill and reaction, game knowledge and game sense take a super hard backseat unlike non-multiclassing where game knowledge and sense are almost MORE important than mechanical skill. I just don't think DND should ever be multiclass in the main game. I'm ok with it being a post-season week long "LTM" style thing but I wish they'd stop trying to pretend it's good for the game. It damn near killed the game last time it was implemented in base.
@yeayea115 28 дней назад
yeah. multiclass is weird as hell but I will say the 192% actionspeed tumble build is absolutely hilarious.
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
@@yeayea115 I think if it can be an optional event for us to just mess around with in the future, it's a solid way to blow off steam with goofy builds still down the road
@innerg_92 28 дней назад
I hate to disagree, I think this is such an AMAZING addition to the game. Maybe because I am new but this just feels like such a sick way of making more unique builds
@Zorkalot 28 дней назад
If ur unaware multiclassing was already in the game for a few months before they took it out. It can be fun but trust me it killed the game
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
@@innerg_92 Disagreement is great! We should all respectfully disagree like this more often. The internet would be a better place. The consensus I've often heard from veterans is that the multiclass system is bad for new players. I'm not a veteran but also no longer brand new, so to hear your perspective that it's an enjoyable experience is great for me.
@zenpool5918 28 дней назад
Found the guy with the objectively incorrect opinion
@perismthesped 28 дней назад
unfortunately it's objectively shit killed the game before might be fun for people who got their rolls and god tier builds but for some don't even get their perks they wanted so their forced to fight people with meta op builds with shit ones terrible design hope they remove mc and never bring it back
@innerg_92 28 дней назад
@@Rekatan I have been having fun trying to find interesting mechanics to build around personally, and would love to see it balanced a bit and fine tuned to actually work for more than the couple main builds being ran.
@skidmech2909 28 дней назад
A possible remedy is having penalties to multiclassing, such as the old 10% weapon dmg reduction on weapons mastery. I think it would balance out if mutliclassing gave up a perk slot.
@nil0ww598 28 дней назад
i think a limited time gamemode would be cool little end of season event for example randomised perks, skills and weapons/armor would be like a fun thing for a bit after the season ends when it doesnt really matter what you do
@OtherworldlyWisp 28 дней назад
oh you poor, poor soul. You would not survive a week in the ye olden days...
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
Haha I love the early days of a game when devs are just trying anything and everything to see what sticks. I also wouldn't make this kind of video about a game at that stage though. Now, DaD has some proper roots, so there's room for this kind of analysis.
@cualquiera89 28 дней назад
it could become a core feature if it was in a diferrent gamemode, so If you want to have fun doing random things (because no everyone just like to copy the best build but to just mess around) you could play multiclass but if you want the normal game we all are here for you could
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
Absolutely, if they separate it out into a different game mode then the player count will speak for itself. Maybe people end up loving multiclass and 90% migrate to that game mode. My money's that it'd be the other way around though. As long as Dark and Darker maintains its population, there's room for both.
@fanglei 28 дней назад
I Hope multiclass will only be event based, and never a main feature.
@Ram21s 29 дней назад
A interesting take on something I have no dog in the fight on. I haven't played Magic and I don't play Dark and Darker. What I really find interesting is listening to someone with knowledge on a game and having actual reasonable critiques on the subject. Thanks for trying something different :D
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
@Ram21s Someday I'll try to convince you to try dark and darker 🤣. It's a fantastic game
@Eivel 29 дней назад
It's the best analysis of the multiclass system I've heard and I completely agree. You described the feeling I have since the day of the change - the class diversity just disappeared. I'm having a temporary fun with some random builds, but I feel I get bored quicker than normally.
@253carter5 28 дней назад
exactly how i feel, you are not alone. Can't wait to get back to normal dark and darker soon.
@Rekatan 28 дней назад
@@Eivel Thanks! I tried to keep it fact based and analytical rather than getting into subjective stuff. I'm glad it hit the mark more often than not
@tolec420 29 дней назад
I dont care if i loose to a 80 pdr demon whatever im having so much fun with my bard druid, 5 songs and the panther chicken jump
@Daragh356 29 дней назад
I could see it being a core part of the game, although with alot of balancing involved, probabaly something along the lines of only one secondary class and reduced effectivness of abilities/perks
@lukevaillancourt4071 29 дней назад
7:00 can’t compare magic to coitus
@Rekatan 29 дней назад
Hahaha challenge accepted. The algorithm will have an aneurysm if I make two mtg related videos in a row, but after a few "regular" videos, I'll mix it up with a video on this topic :P
@Isaax 29 дней назад
The moment you get burnt alive by a move speed Warlock with Phantomize & Dreamwalk & Flame Walker & Debuff Duration Bonus, you understand why this can never ever be a core feature in the game
@erich1380 28 дней назад
Well it would just need to get implemented in a much less significant way. Like you get one perk/spell and that's it
@jei6529 28 дней назад
@@erich1380 nah fuck multi classing i hope this shit never comes back
@erich1380 28 дней назад
@@jei6529 Im trying to say if they were dead set on Implementing it, that's one of the only ways it wouldn't be game breaking
@jei6529 28 дней назад
@@erich1380 oh yeah i got what you were saying which is a good idea. i just personally don’t like multi-classing
@erich1380 28 дней назад
@@jei6529 I'm right there with ya. I got bis gear I'm not even gonna run because id rather it go to the void than see some ass hat druid rogue or demon fighter two tap me
@Hedgeknight420 29 дней назад
Multiclass sucks . Can’t wait for the wipe . I think the DaD devs are just friends with the dungeonborne devs cuz they’re basically passing us to the crew like some groupie chick
@DioBrando-iq9no 29 дней назад
multiclassing is only fun with friends and no gear imo. solos just isnt fun with landmine barbarians and 75/75 pdr mdr tanks that are still fast etc etc. and gear makes multiclassing even wose because you can get ridiculously strong by building into some crazy synergies, making gear diffs a much bigger problem.
@Rekatan 29 дней назад
Ah that's a good perspective I hadn't considered, duos and trios can get a lot more longevity out of the event vs solo. I could see that being genuinely fun for a bit as an optional event. I think the biggest thing is it shouldn't replace the core DaD experience. If it was an optional, occasional event no one would mind
@JuanAntonioGarciaHeredia 28 дней назад
100% right. Multiclass is very enjoyable in sub 25
@SpeedGoodComms 28 дней назад
@@Rekatanthe dreamwalk situation is literally taking so much fun away it’s crazy. They are fricking immortal
@coldcoder3138 29 дней назад
As long as they add it only for limited time, I'm fine with multiclass.
@Rekatan 29 дней назад
I think as long as we get a heads up next time, it's not the end of the world if they keep doing it as a rare event. It just means some of us will take a break during that span
@coldcoder3138 29 дней назад
@@Rekatan Yeah, that too, it just came in all of a sudden. And it gets boring real quick, I met some people in solo who ran regular build.
@MorbidlyArtistic 28 дней назад
@@Rekatan AGREED doing some solo games rn
@Insequres 29 дней назад
500hrs on DnD and will not be remotely touching this game till multiclass is removed cuz wtf thats cringe asf and meant for sole losers aka sgf apparently
@Insequres 29 дней назад
as for your opinions yeh i thought they were all dog shit, none should ever be implemented game is already easy for fucking noobs
@Insequres 29 дней назад
learn to fucking adapt, i work 6-2 as an oil worker im not fucking spending the rest of my damn day looting
@azurethefox 29 дней назад
as a veteran with almost 1000 hours in game playing dark and darker u have no idea how right u are
@Rekatan 29 дней назад
On one hand I imagine the vets can push the system further since they know all of the classes better. On the other hand I bet it gets boring even faster as a result
@fishwoman7825 28 дней назад
Veteran? bro is a new gen player
@DsSc-r8g 28 дней назад
Sorry 1k hours is not a vet. I’m new with 500 hours. 3k hours for vet status
@azurethefox 28 дней назад
@@DsSc-r8g its called a life and work
@Ram21s Месяц назад
Great job in there, some fun learning the ways of the newest patch. Keeping the content fresh. I like it! Excellent use of speeding up the chase there, fun music to pair it with too.
@Rekatan Месяц назад
@@Ram21s Thanks! I had a lotta fun with that editing (when lightworks wasn't freezing up 🤣). The last couple of patches have really shaken things up. Ironmace definitely isn't afraid to keep things interesting!
@SuperWarZoid Месяц назад
he probably looted the cloak during the match lol
@Rekatan Месяц назад
Yaaa he did, it has the looted tag. They're so rare that I forget they actually can be looted without a boss kill lol
@noternan841 Месяц назад
9:33 A classic race track in Dark and Darker today featuring a ranger and a barbarian!
@Rekatan Месяц назад
Vroom vrooooooom!