Inner Cosmos With David Eagleman
Inner Cosmos With David Eagleman
Inner Cosmos With David Eagleman
Neuroscientist and author David Eagleman discusses how our brain interprets the world and what that means for us. Through storytelling, research, interviews, and experiments, David Eagleman tackles wild questions that illuminate new facets of our lives and our realities.

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@carolynquffa6 39 минут назад
With the activity and energy involved in brain function, why doesn't the brain get hotter?
@thearamsay9578 2 часа назад
I understand that people who are blind also have REM sleep. I’m interested because I’m blind from birth totally. Only, I never see any visuals because there are no visuals for me to see. I guess my visual cortex is being used for tactile stimuli any thoughts? I am interested in something. How and why does using cannabis affect dream recall? Also, I’ve never experienced any synaesthesia in my dreams, even though I have synaesthesia up the boot. Everything but visual anaesthesia because my brain lacks all visual information. I’ve never noticed cannabis making me forget my dreams until recently when I started using it all the time for it’s medicinal purposes. Including the THC. I used to have beautiful dreams every time I exposed my body to chocolate before bedtime. They would be very sexual, or very romantic, even fairytale like. I wonder if any kind of study has been done on certain foods and certain dream content. I find chocolate to be very euphoric. Not if I eat it every night though. If I give my body a week or two without it and then suddenly before bed, I give it a pint of death by chocolate ice cream, I usually end up having a euphoric dream. I just wondered about the whole chocolate and dolphin connection.
@thearamsay9578 2 часа назад
I understand that people who are blind also have REM sleep. I’m interested because I’m blind from birth totally. Only, I never see any visuals because there are no visuals for me to see. I guess my visual cortex is being used for tactile stimuli any thoughts?
@NH_HN 3 часа назад
My phone appears in my dreams sometimes. But it either breaks or I’m trying to type and words keep autocorrecting and letters are missing on the keyboard. I also have awareness that I’m dreaming and talk to relatives who have passed. Whether they’re real or just a creation of my brain, I’ll never know.
@brigidsingleton1596 3 часа назад
I mostly remember my dreams all day* ... If I remember them when I wake up, I tend to easily remember them for ages afterwards* If I _don't_ recall a dream when I first wake up, then the dream's details usually doesn't emerge later. I have had a sleep EEG which proved that in the deepest of sleeps, I can _hear_ what's going on within the room, plus nearby sounds or conversations going on outside the room where I'm sleeping. The 'sleep technician' said she was amazed at the level of sleep I had had for just twenty minutes _on less than half the dose of the caplet given to induce the necessary sleep_ for the test, (following the application of multiple sensors glued to my scalp!) I was also sleepy for the rest of that day, and it was as if I had had an epileptic seizure - which I had experienced frequently since I was six years old, after having a wooden chair fall from its stacked position on a table near where I was sitting in the floor, in Primary School. (I also had Meningitis when I was _seven_ years old, but I don't recall dreams from when I was asleep when I had that illness). My dreams have never given me images of falling, or of slipping on randomly positioned areas, my dreams have always appeared as 'real life' albeit in odd locations, such as either being where I grew up, or in places I have never been, and yet recognise as a dwelling or as a 'real place' ... I have never dreamed of falling, or chasing, or being chased, or of friends or family within my field of vision. I am aware of people I know, but I don't see them. I speak to them. Very rarely I have dreamed a friend was a famius person. Mostly I dream I am walking...but in waking life, I use a wheelchair now to get anywhere. I dont dream about driving, or riding a bicycle, or swimming and I _don't_ do those activities in waking real life. I did used to ride horses but I dont remember horseriding in my dreams, sadly. I wouldn't describe my dreams as "being in colour"!! I describe my dreams as being real life...and I never describe my real waking life as living life "in colour". I don't recall ever having dreamed un black and white, and I am 71 now, and never saw a television until I was six years old, listening to the radio only. My Mum took me to the doctor when I was younger than six, worried by my dreams and / or made up stories... The doctor just told her that I had an active imagination and would probably become an author when I grew up... (I'm not sure Mum was calmed by the notion!) I write poems and rhymes, but have never written a book. I wish I had! If I did, it might be either an autobiography, or a work of fiction... It might ( _now_ ) even have a title, of sorts...to do with dreams!! I dont worry that my dreams are understood, or whether or not they can be determined as having meaning. I either dream.p, or not, enjoy them, or not, and just live my life with my imagining brain "just doing its stuff"!! It is _not so unusual_ to dream 'lucid dreams' ... I've done it off and on for as long as I can remember... Doesnt everyone?! 🤔🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️🇬🇧🙂🖖
@JeffChr 3 часа назад
I’ll not look at a psychotic homeless person the same ever again. Instead of being fearful, I may be more inclined to accept, gently. 😢
@DavidJones-kz6ik 3 часа назад
Love Jeff!!
@DavidJones-kz6ik 3 часа назад
Interview starts at 9:00
@JeffChr 4 часа назад
how do these concepts relate to nightmares, especially in children?
@KellyBeaudry-h8g 4 часа назад
I wonder if the fold mode is a natural method to deal with unwinnable situations Does it contribute to pain relief or resignation at the final moment.
@markgeorge9400 4 часа назад
Thanks to TikTok it's so hard to watch a long video 😢
@Monkofmagnesia 5 часов назад
Do brains dream or is it just the mind that dreams?
@Naidu-k8m 7 часов назад
Dreams are what our brains try to help our hearts to resolve its frustrations n other emotions. So when we wake we have done some clarifications of our many mental disturbances.
@Naidu-k8m 7 часов назад
Our brains never stop processing data. Its not something we can turn it off ever. Sleep is our body in a suspended state which the mind has already helped happen.
@CarolH2O 8 часов назад
I have dreamt about text myself, fission, fusion, fury was one dream.
@EnchantedBliss-1111 9 часов назад
Just a great content ❤❤❤
@prestonbacchus4204 12 часов назад
Only living things dream and that requires the whole living body, not just the brain.
@carissafisher7514 12 часов назад
I missed the part where he said we can't tell time or watch TV in dreams? Is it part of executive functioning? I can read, but just rarely.
@lordemed1 13 часов назад
David, methinks you’re missing a fundamental point. The basis of dreaming is usually emotional. Follow the emotions and things make more sense.
@carissafisher7514 13 часов назад
Last night, I dreamt I was driving this big truck and crashed off the edge into water. I didn't realize that I was dreaming until, when I hit the water, I could not feel the cold water. Then I realized oh... it's just a dream. I can see in color in my dreams. Reading is sometimes difficult. But when I was pregnant I could easily read, "It's a girl, it's a girl." And yes, my dream was correct, I had a girl.
@djangowoof 14 часов назад
I think we are regressing. Look at the planet! We have allowed emotions like greed rule us.
@michaelmoore7975 16 часов назад
Has anyone ever heard of "dreaming while awake" or maybe "conscious dreaming"? It happens sporadically, maybe ten times in the past ten years since it 1st started. It's not a thing I have any influence or control. I have been a longtime lucid dreamer; control and influence has never been an issue there. This is different and not at all pleasant. It happens when I'm particularly tired and just laying down. I want to note here I'm also a longtime practitioner of _autogenic training;_ so I completely empty mind and before I'm asleep, a dream will "jump" into my conscious mind. I recognize it as a dream immediately just as would if I were lucid dreaming...but this is conscious reality. That's the shocking part. _That my mind _*_all on its own_*_ initiated a dream without any warning or influence,_ while I was still awake. The best way to describe it, is the dream "jumped" into my waking mind. But they are short, fragmented snatches of familiar dreams and they last just a second or 2. Never a complete dream. It's kinda disturbing something is initiated without conscious influence. It's like there's 2 of me.
@minhsp3 17 часов назад
I disagree, most of my dreams involved being lost but i don't have my cell phone but my cell phone do not work properly
@rbspider 17 часов назад
Why at three thirty a.m. Am I watching this video trying to get back to sleep? I hope it bores me to sleep.
@boriskonnikow4425 18 часов назад
Sorry, but your “theory” about black and white dreams vs colorful ones because of watching TV is ridiculous. In 19th Century there was no TV and according to you people did not have any dreams.
@George_Tropicana 19 часов назад
I love that the title of so many of your videos start with “why?” or “what?” I feel like I’m programmed to be a “questioner” so these videos are really satisfying , scratching an itch-ish😊
@micsnz 19 часов назад
Wow. So many gems in this video. Just wow!
@alvin12822 21 час назад
Yep it happened to me few times.. everything under my control.. the feeling upon waking up is like after having a long laugh.. 😆
@AttackChefDennis День назад
This comment may get me some not so nice replies but anyway. I would say those brains or Minds that have a proclivity to believe conspiracy theories are lacking an ability to think critically about the world. Perhaps even lack curiosity about the world in general. Growing up the usual response to questions to my parents that they didn't know was to tell me to go look it up in the encyclopedia and find out for myself at age 9. That pretty much instilled desire to deeply find out about facts about the world and how things worked how systems worked how governments worked how everything worked and I'm still doing it at 56 and I don't think I have believed the single conspiracy theory in my life that I know of. My point is: if you lack the ability to think critically about any subject, and therefore have no deep knowledge about how things work in the world, conspiracy theories make just enough sense to drag you in. I'll guarantee if you took 10 conspiracy theorists and gave them the SAT or ACT test 8/10 would do poorly.
@gregsanders5833 День назад
Do a study on people that suffer depression , and how much money they've got . You WILL find a correlation . Give poor people a shot at life , where they can work and save money , and not go into debt , and you'll cure 99 percent of Depression cases . Most people have "Reactional Depression" . Only a small percentage have "Proactive Depression" . Ever seen any individual that doesn't burst into joy and laughter after winning Lotto ???? THAT always seems to CURE Depression ......... until they blow all their cash ..... It's almost ALWAYS outside influences that cause "Depression" , so let's work on fixing THAT stuff . It's so simple . I realised this fact since I was a KID. So stop beating around the bush with LIES ., and mainly look after the poor people with head trauma and other unfortunate diseases that suffer REAL Depression .. And tell all the others to physically and financially improve their own lives , which will make them happier .
@stevenbliss989 День назад
The numbers are going up because politics and society is becoming more and more VEIL EVIL EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@stevenbliss989 День назад
That means anti-depression chemicals are likely to NEVER EVER become a reality!
@stevenbliss989 День назад
That's interesting. My severe depression is triggered by exactly that, NO WIN TRAPPED SITUATIONS! I have discussed this with my psychiatrist, but it went nowhere!
@lilbitdunmusic День назад
I've been lucid dreaming since I was a child, is it really that rare or just not something people are talking about
@Richard-1776 День назад
Because anyone with brains soon realizes that they are alone, and worse, surrounded by brainless fools.
@Stefch2 День назад
We dreams because it is not someone else business. This is a personal experience
@heathervt День назад
Really enjoyed this discussion and it gave me more insight into the depression I'm experiencing now. Thank you.
@ritatownsend7408 День назад
The med I never ever hear about in these talks is the MAOI’s. Criminally underrated. The “side effects” are so outdated as to be laughable. As in don’t eat banana peels. The tyrosine connection is no longer an issue as it is not as prevalent as it was 70 years ago. I’ve had dental surgery while on this med. Reviews for things are usually when people have negative experiences. Not this. Overwhelmingly positive. And there is no 6-8 week wait. A slight difference is felt in 24-48 hours. This drug does not target individual neurotransmitters. It targets them all using a different mechanism of uptake than the SSRI’s etc. Doctors are loath to prescribe it bec of the outdated info. And once Prozac came along and was pushed so hard by the pharm companies the use of this excellent medication dwindled to almost zero overnight. Too bad. Works especially well for those with ADHD rejection sensitivity. And it CAN be combined with other psych meds. Give it consideration if you’ve tried everything. Insist. You can always stop if you want. FYI I’m on generic Parnate. 7 years. Still working
@stephaniej5848 День назад
Meditation affects your neurology- that's what tms does for me
@Greanwitch День назад
Also I’ve had many dreams which actually came true in the future
@Greanwitch День назад
You’re not correct in one way. I have had dreams where I was instantly able to due math without writing it down and doing the calculations. I have years ago dreamed of being given texts and in the dream I was able to read them
@Greanwitch День назад
You’re not correct in one way. I have had dreams where I was instantly able to due math without writing it down and doing the calculations. I have years ago dreamed of being given texts and in the dream I was able to read them
@carissafisher7514 13 часов назад
Yeah, I don't know what he is talking about!!
@jonamega7114 День назад
This will have more credibility if the other guy could provide some videos to proved his work and not you just talking… or maybe you can do some animation
@user-xl7zh7tf6i День назад
Thru' the episode David really lived in a dreamland and he has such dreamy eyes.
@Anita95_original День назад
For me it has been a burden, recognizing faces everywhere for ever and not able to connect these to anything, pointless. Hearing an advertisement and never being able to forget the shit. Yeah, it is a burden.
@ronaldmacpherson3345 День назад
Why we dream? To overcome anxiety from the days before
@csmithvenice17 День назад
Brains don’t get depressed; people do
@podaly День назад
Is fold mode related to hibernation or torpor?
@Pamonheiro День назад
Great lecture. Question: what about a dream, very real , full of details when you interage with e others people in a coerente manner, its like living another life. That happens to me , almost every night.
@GilMello-g8v День назад
Fantastic content and communication skill.