Hey guys!
I'm just a regular nerd that enjoys playing video games for the lore and, story and world. Here you will find videos that pertain to mostly those things, as well, as some playthroughs and reviews. My main focus is Guild Wars 1+2, but I make videos for other games, too.
Guild Wars 2 - Secret Language in Guild Wars?
8 месяцев назад
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 28 минут назад
about that dreamworld, maybe they cause it as a palce where those mushrooms bubble come from in POF
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega День назад
about asashim, if you can get in, so will varesh's demons. but also, only someone with royal blood can get in, like erm.. Talhkora?, why cant she just open the door?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega День назад
isnt that island that dissapears supposed the be Janthir?
@Aerali День назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega is it? I don't think that was ever clarified. And the isles of Janthir are very far away from the Elona.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 23 часа назад
@@Aerali it was a theory back then, because one the white mantle says that saul travelled south to janthir, and at that time (without eorn and the far shiverpeakls, the map was cut off at the north, Janthir was a mystery where it was, and that guy talked about a mysterious dissapearing island, so there was that fan theoty about janthir
@Aerali 23 часа назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega yeah I think this was based on central Tyria having a different layout I think. Looking at early maps of ascalon, there was a coast on the southside. So I think that's where that came from.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Час назад
@@Aerali its a very old theory, like 20 eyars old, i agreed with it back then. but saul maybe traveled south to use a mursaat portal to go north, thats why that guy said he went south
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega День назад
that rescue kormir mission, is full of starwars reverences, the Moon Fortress, the shackes on zhedd(chebacca), the cellblock codes
@Aerali День назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega omg! Didn't even realize this! It's so hard to notice these things when you are streaming and talking to people haha
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega День назад
at the beggining about the energy managment, but you are a paragon, with Zealous Anthem, making all allies in earshot gain energy with attack skills for 10 seconds
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 2 дня назад
have you killed Enadiz the Hardheadeed yet?
@Aerali День назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega uhm I might have at some point
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega День назад
@@Aerali i still find it funny, as its a reference to the soccer player Zidane, who headbutted another player
@kosLuftar 2 дня назад
This probably a coincidence but "Ura" in Albanian means bridge. Bridges between worlds/realities have been mentioned a couple of times in this expansion.
@Aerali 2 дня назад
@@kosLuftar that's interesting! Could perhaps mean something. Thanks for sharing.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 2 дня назад
about the nightmare tower, i dont like how they did not put in the marjorie/kasmeer dialogue about kasmeer's clothes at the end of it in the remake of season1, that dialogue was just funny
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 2 дня назад
when gw2 came out, i got myself a new computer, i specifically specified the specifics of that new pc to be double of what gw2 needed:D, i still remember that karka fight, alot of people had issues, for me it wasnt that bad, probably because i got my computer specifically to play gw2
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 2 дня назад
i kinda dont like how in gw2 they removed hexes and enchantments, and made it all conditions and boons
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 2 дня назад
one of the comments in the chat talked about fire ele immune to burn, but earth ele can bleed. but that was kinda explained at some point in gw1 by defs i think. 'bleeding' isn gw doesnt always mean blood, its just leaking, for humans its blood, for sylvari sap, and for elementals its magic
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
i always find it funny, thr number of demons spawned, the batlegroup ypou have with you should be able to kill them, no reason to retreat
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
watching the stream while doing bosses for the aurene variants:D
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
just a sidenote about hogwarts legacy , the spiders and the bad guys, are both in the story and in the overworld
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
some elites use the mchics of other professions. so i once had the idea of a ranger elite, using the necro minion mechanic, and the 'minions' you use are dinosaurs from gw1, with the elite being the tyrannus (like the flesh golem)
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 4 дня назад
that bar story, what about saying something like: "its 9 , we are closing, so im cleaning the bar, you are the owner, you have a key, im going home" i see you said later you get bitched at that, but at that day, maybe it was needed to say it.
@Aerali 4 дня назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega I would never be allowed to say something like that. They would expect me to stay until the last person leaves. They need me to serve them drinks and be happy about it until they want to leave.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 4 дня назад
@@Aerali thats horrific
@Aerali 3 дня назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Oh yeah. And it's only getting worse. Luckily, I have found another job now, so thank goodness for that.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
@@Aerali good luck in the new job
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 4 дня назад
talking abpout warcraft, my 'whitemoon' name comes from the Priestess of the MOON, on a WHITE tiger
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 4 дня назад
boobs on asura would also break the lore, as asura are attracted to intelligence and big ears, not to boobs
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
you hate too much green, as long as you are not colorcist against pink
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
about that music, i have that for gw2, my character screen has differnet musics from gw1 and 2, mostly main themes but also the 5 racial themes. it does sometimes make me hyped to paly certain expansions or races
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
aww, you didnt mention that if you actually take a Black Moa to that grouptalk they all run away screaming
@Aerali 5 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega oh I didn't know this! That's adorable! We might have to try that out.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@Aerali your too late for your nightfall character, but i think they also repond to 'foreign' characters when they first get there, so you can try the factions character
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
this is late, but i say get the Bear, that special attack skill it has works with paragon shouts
@mishking9547 5 дней назад
I think our character in the pokemon world is adventurous and CHOSE to be in the back of the truck :P
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
last time i did shiro i used a group of heroes build all with knockdown skills, Shield of judgment, Wanderlust, and then earthbind, he was on his ass the 80% of the battle:D, its hilarious:D
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
at the end i think you tooka good group of henchman, his Battle Scars can make him sooo OP
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
sorry to say, but your favorite area, silent surf is not in gw2, but if you look east from the hatchery in gw2, you can sea silent surf, but its just beyond the edge
@Aerali 5 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega yeah I know. The area is even called silent surf.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
that gyala hatchery, i see in the end you do the backdoor way:D, basicly thr only way to get full credit
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
i think i missed the stream, it was around 4 am here
@Aerali 6 дней назад
Sorry, that's me usual time for streaming
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@Aerali then i probably gonna miss most of the streams, but maybe there will be a chance in the weekend, someday. its a timezone issue between the us and europe:D
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
well, about the emperor not killing shiro, at that harvest ceremony he was acting suspicious, with the change of plans having the girls and shiro in the temple too, seemingly normaly he goes alone
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
with the convocation, Argo uses Argo's Cry, it is basicly meteorshower, but he is a boss so double damage, thats why half you party died
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 7 дней назад
now imagine if the kryptis Peitha, had danika's voice
@Aerali 7 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega oof rough times haha. Nothing against Danika but yeah wouldn't want that in my ear all year.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 7 дней назад
the bear having the attack skill, that lowers the DPS, but it also triggers some paragon skills, being an attack skill, so it has some uses
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 7 дней назад
about what killed you in the nd, probablly Mind Burn from the boss 60 +60 damage AOE and doubled for the boss, basicly your clkumbed up party took 240 damage each + burn, and then it fired lava arrows with 130 damage each
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 8 дней назад
i do wished we got more explanation who those spirits guys actually are, and why seemingly they are only in cantha, they do remind me a bit of davy Jones and his job
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 8 дней назад
all that festival stuff is very useful for getting the items for some of the titels for GWAMM
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 8 дней назад
what i find interesting, i noticed that the kodan in janthir wilds dont seem to use the riverwater exept for machinery. wich makes sense as its supposed to be salt water, as it comes from the great saltwater lakes around Divinity Coast. i think anet forgot about that when they made Queensdale, as those 2 dams hold back salt water, Lake Doric is all salt water
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 8 дней назад
that area in iron mines is probably the cutscene about thunderhead being breached
@Sethekk_GER 8 дней назад
Glad you did the desolation, keep it up! Best series on youtube. Especially for the nostalgic kick.😅
@Aerali 8 дней назад
Thank you!
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
the temple of the unseen is another buildings thats compeltly missing from gw2, well mostly, tyhr outer walls are there, but the temple itself is missing. Now it cpould be that it is supposed to be ontop of the ground pillars, and when they game came out we could not get up the higher ground level, so they didnt add the templeruins.
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Yeah, I guess. I dislike that that entire area looks different. It's a little weird.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 8 дней назад
@@Aerali i totally agree, i like the mursaat, so that temple was the first thing i checked when i could explore the world and i was so dissapointed. i think 95% was brought over properly, but that last 5% is most of the time very prominant locations in gw1
@Aerali 8 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega yeah I actually did the same thing. It's a shame but at least Mursaat seem to be coming back into the story finally.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 8 дней назад
@@Aerali still not sure, we only had mabon, and he is dead, but he was also missing his wings (was that ever explained?)(did they explain why the eye of janthir dissapeared, while Mabon was still alive?)
@Aerali 8 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega They did not explain the eye disappearing. And it does appear to not have completely disappeared either since we see it at the end of SotO. The wings actually were explained. It says somewhere (or he might have said it himself) that he hid his wings as to not seem so sinister (or something along those lines) I mean I feel like we are certainly at least getting some Mursaat lore since I think we are going Bava Nisos. Whether or not actual Mursaat will appear in the story is still a mystery.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
doesnt adelbern track his line back to king doric, so technically he is royalty. Barradin was the brother of the previous king, so he was next in line when the king was killed. Adelbern is also of royal descent, just not the line that was king at that moment
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega true. The exact heritage on where exactly they stood in terms of that stuff is never really explained but there are "conflicting" or rather confusing parts. He is said to be a descended of Doric in the manual but Devona says he wasn't born into nobility. So he must be some kind of bastard son of a branch family or something like that.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
@@Aerali buy nobility and royalty dont mean the same, its possible the barradin line went onto be kings, while the adelbern line went into commoners. could have been the first 2 children of doric that mdoe got seperate lines
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
small sidequestion: do you have a stream schedule?
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Not right now. I usually stream Sunday Monday Tuesday 9 pm EST but I just got a new job so my schedule will probably change. I usually tweet out when I go live, so thats one way to know.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
@@Aerali i dont use twitter, so i hope youtube give a messgae
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
@@Aerali i do hope i can catch you live at some point
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega would love to have you!
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
talking about legendary armor, i have been playing the game since 2010 (yes 2010, killed the shatterer already in 2010), i still dont have legendary armor, i do have plenty of weapons:D
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega haha yeah I am slowly working towards my first set of armor right now.
@fordie8music584 9 дней назад
Go do some rifts and then do a thing then more rifts and also the meta then another thing and mabon dies but dont forget to do even more rifts. When you are done closing a rift before you move on in the story go ahead anc close a couple more rifts because.... Thats the part of the story im on right now.
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@fordie8music584 Yeah it's comically bad. Half the time when they tell you to do rifts their reasoning isn't even good 😂
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
i do want to mention 1 thing when you went the dsesert maps, wich bothers me and i think alot of egyptologists, its 'Hieroglyphs' 'Hieroglyphics" is not an existing word, there is 'hieroglyphic' (no S), but thats the same as 'germanic' and 'runic'
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Oh, you are so right. Sorry about that. English is my second language so sometimes, stupid comes out haha
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
@@Aerali its not a you thing, its done all over. it does make an easy point to find out of someone knows what he is talking about. if you see a video or tv show about egypt, and the 'scientist' talks about hieroglyphics, you can basicly dismiss the person as he doesnt know what he is talking about and is probably not a real scientist anyway.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
you noticed how the mountain part in dragon's lair is part of the cinematic. sam as why Hell's precipice has that little boat at the mursaat docks, its for the cinematic
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
i still wonder if we go to abaddon's mouth in the new expansion as part of the story to stop the titans
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Interesting thought! I'm really curious to see how we will tackle the Titan thread.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
@@Aerali i do am slightly mpore hyped for it, i was not. but now that i seen that the loe isnt broken yet, and what was broken is mentioned, so it can still work. and the scepter and foundry are mentioned, so they did not forget about it. maybe story will be very good
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
about the underworld not being the same that can be explained as in gw1 the catacombs are between ashford and barradin, in gw2 its between ashforf and ascalon city
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
this may out of place, but you talking about SOTO made me watch the trailers again, including EOD. But we now are 2 expansion further and im asking myself, WHO is that greeen dragon at the end of the EOD trailer, it looks like the dragon in the Way Forward cinematic., it does not look like Soo-Won
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega yeah it is strange. I'm sure it's supposed to be soo won but it looks nothing like her. I think they were trying to not give anything away about how she looks or that she is actually a good dragon. The dragon in the trailer is almost a little reminisced of the one we got with the kesho cinematic.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
@@Aerali i still hope we get a chtulhu expansion someday, with water, deep ocean, tentacle horror, really horor themed about that creature still in the deepsea that kicked out the karka and quagan
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
that underworld part is part of the pvp maps/ underworld quest with The Darkness in Tomb of Primeval Kings
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
i do sometimes still wonder why the sea turned to jade and the forest to stone, what part of dwayna;s magic has to do with jade?, and why the explosion was purple lightning. (i do like how it shows shiro using blue and red magic, adds to my idea that the Ancient Magic from hogwarts legacy is Divine Magic)
@Aerali 9 дней назад
@@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega yeah the mystery of what the harvest festival is all about still has never been answered. Like what are the origins of that. If you go back to one of my old theory videos, I actually had a theory connecting it to soo won but that obviously didn't come true, but I still wonder.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 9 дней назад
@@Aerali lets see if i can find that theory, but it still may realed to abaddon, maybe even kralkatorrik. make sme think if the Death wail, Cataclysm and Searing are related