Word Wise Ministries
Word Wise Ministries
Word Wise Ministries
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📖 2 Timothy 3:16
"All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work."
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Psalm 11 - (v2) Electric Rock
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Psalm 11 - (v1) Harps
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Psalm 10 - (v3) Emo Rock
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Psalm 10 - (v1) Ballad Rock
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Joel Osteen Is A False Teacher
18 дней назад
Psalm 9 - (v5) Hard Rock
18 дней назад
Psalm 9 - (v4) Anime Rock
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Psalm 9 - (v3) Piano + Techno
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Psalm 9 - (v2) Youthful Rock
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Psalm 8 - (v5) Heavy Metal
25 дней назад
@olimstorytelling6011 26 дней назад
Wow 🤩
@Saints_ravenfortheRainbow Месяц назад
Thank you Jesus. Y--h is awesome. I love you.
@MirandaSees 2 месяца назад
Couldn't ask for better music. It's gives life. Wisdom. ❤
@plimpus4668 3 месяца назад
funny how the god-given morality will literally just change when Adonai needs it. Thou shalt not kill (only if i command you to do rip open the bellies of pregnant women of pagans).
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@@plimpus4668 I'm sorry you have no foundation for anything immoral, claiming things are immoral, but having no foundation to calling it immoral. Thou shalt not murder (not just kill) are rules for us on how we are to treat each other, but God is eternal and has self-attesting authority to determine what happens to us. When we rebel against God, He has the right to send evil people to do wickedness against someone, "rip open the bellies of pregnant women of pagans". We have no right to life, unless God says we do. And those who have sinned against Him deserve hellfire. He has the right to say and do it. (You don't have the right to rebel against God unless God first gave you the right to do so. That's terrifying.) I'm sorry you simply hate God, but Christ is the way, truth, and life.
@plimpus4668 3 месяца назад
@@WordWiseMinistries he commands people to murder, and it is his will that human morality is not cleared defined, because these laws are neither objective or eternal. Rest assured that if your schizo canaanite diety is real, you will rot in Sheol for being a heretic and the follower of the arch-liar Yeshu.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@plimpus4668 I'm sorry you have now foundation for anything immoral, claiming things are immoral, but have no foundation in calling it immoral. You're misrepresenting and mischaracterizing what is from scripture and my God, Jesus Christ. I'm sorry you hate God so much that you misrepresent Him and His word. But Jesus gives Mercy to those who have faith in Him and sincerely seek Him out in repentance.
@plimpus4668 3 месяца назад
@@WordWiseMinistries false messiah
@TheMahayanist 3 месяца назад
I don't see why we need absolutes and I don't know what you mean by biochemical.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@TheMahayanist 1. Is it absolutely true we don't need absolute truths? The question demonstrates absolution is true. (Not everything is absolute, but absolute truth exists.) 2. I think you're misunderstanding a massive logical issue. Something that is absolute is not stemmed from our necessity, but instead that there actually is absolution outside of humanity. 3. If there is no immaterial truth outside of humanity, then anything that happens within you is just a chemical reaction, a feeling. (Biochemical)
@robertlight5227 3 месяца назад
Do you have any physical evidence for the alleged physical claim of Jesus?
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@robertlight5227 There is no ultimate authority outside of Jesus Christ that anyone can point to for ultimate morality. (Who is the one that gets to say what is right and wrong ultimately?) Else, it's just a baseless, self-justifying feeling. You ask for PHYSICAL evidence...I demand IMMATERIAL evidence. There is a spaceless timeless immaterial truth, morality, and authority that exists outside of humanity. The entirety of my argument in the video was about the IMMATERIAL evidence that exists outside of humanity, that by the self-attesting nature of objective truth, morality, and authority, it all points to God. And that God revealed Himself through Jesus Christ, demonstrating the totality of His mercy and His wrath that was due to us sinners. But Christ took that punishment upon Himself, for those who have faith or trust in Christ for that righteousness so we may stand blameless before the One who judges us justly, God the Father in heaven. There is physical evidence, and it's through the scriptures, the Holy Bible. Repent and believe in Christ for your salvation.
@robertlight5227 3 месяца назад
I asked for physical evidence for JC. Got any?
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@@robertlight5227 I told you. You just refuse to listen, because you hate truth.
@robertlight5227 3 месяца назад
@@WordWiseMinistries Do you concede then that there is no physical verification for a man called Jesus? If u cant do that much what shld we all think of your far grander claim that JC was divine?
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@@robertlight5227 Historical evidence, is how you measure history, events and people, from the past. Physical evidence may help, but it's not the only means. You're asking for physical evidence for someone in the past, as the sole rule and measure to determine history. That's like saying I would like to have a meter of water. The measurement, how you measure something, is different than what you're asking for. You're asking me to do something that I cannot do (nor can you). I also cannot provide physical evidence for every single person that ever existed and currently exists in the entire world. So, according to you, if I don't have physical evidence of every single person in the past, and every single person that exists today, then therefore they don't exist. (That's beyond silly.) Your prideful and short sided argument is demanding something from me that you yourself cannot do, you hypocrite. You are using an argument improperly, because you simply hate God.
@ThePVTfaszkivan 3 месяца назад
If cringe was a drug you could be called Heisenberg for such purity.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@ThePVTfaskivan Attacking my character is the tell tale sign of a failed argument, attesting that evidence doesn't matter to you. You have hate in your heart and hate God all the more. We are commanded to repent and turn towards Christ for our salvation, and life eternal is a free gift for those who repent and have faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior.
@subbasslines 3 месяца назад
Repeating something doesn't make you right! Repeating and repeating and repeating, it's mental torture, can't you delve deeper to why this way is better or worse? Or construct a sentence without saying god this god that, also form a intelligent thought without repeating something from the bible which ever version you think is right. How many different story books about god jesus are there? Why can't god tell everyone which is the true one? That's right which god? Using the fear of god calling people fools for not believing your story book, they don't believe because they want to do bad things 🤦 maybe they cover up and protect predos, the mega churches and churches profit of people wanting to help others not feed the greedy preachers pockets your god does nothing to those wicked and evil people. All this fighting over this god that god. Where is this god? Same old story you must believe or you go to hell, repent now. Just disgraceful, so many lies. Atheists don't hate god, they are not buying what you are selling, do you have a mental illness? Why say things what aren't true? Do you believe in the other gods? Basic intelligence and empathy will tell you rap e is a horrible act. Laws govern what is right and wrong. If I were to poke fun at your god should I be stoned to death or get some lashes or should god talk to me or do you think you have the right to dictate punishment? How can you say your religion is correct when other people say the same thing? Why isn't there one version and everyone agree or accept only one? Brainwashing is what your video is. Look up the definition. Also Atheist.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
1. You're criticizing my method, not realizing the method is building upon each word, EMPHASIZING the next point, where ultimately, it ALL circles back to just a self-justifying biochemical reaction. 2. You are asking about Jesus Christ, God, who He actually is. But your comment suggests you are asking the question rhetorically, because you have already made your own conclusions and aren't seeking a dialogue. 3. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, Psalm 1:7. You have no fear of God, you are speaking about God ignorantly, and choosing to continue in your ignorance, not wanting to know rightly who He actually is. You just want to pick a fight. 4. "Atheists don't hate god," but your words, your dialogue, your tone, speaks that you do. It's called, "irony". 5. "Do you believe in the other gods?" Your continued ignorance about who the God of Abraham is amazing. "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god." - Isaiah 44:6 6. "Basic intelligence and empathy will tell you rap e is a horrible act." Of course, because violating another person is evil, because they are made in the image of God. Else, there is no inherent value of a person. And according to you, there's no objective morality, so according to you...who cares what happens to self-justifying, emotional accidents? 7. "Laws govern what is right and wrong." At one point, slavery was legal. So...you...in the past...you would NOT have been against slavery, because it was legal at that time. 8. "If I were to poke fun at your god..." You have been doing nothing, BUT mischaracterizing God out of ignorance, demonstrating your HATE towards Him. 9. "How can you say your religion is correct when other people say the same thing?" God created everything, nothing spawned out of nothing, objective morality determines there's a moral law giver, life doesn't spawn from non-life, the historical record of the past events...so on and so forth. No amount of evidence is going to convince you. You just hate God and have demonstrated that thoroughly.
@subbasslines 3 месяца назад
​@WordWiseMinistry Meaning of brainwash. to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing other information from reaching them. You have a lot to learn. We adapt and change over time. Actions cause reactions. No, I didn't ask who he is. I asked which version is true. Eg Westboro Baptist church, Mormon, Jehovah witness, Roman catholic. Just to name a few it's a long list. Why are there so many? Can't god correct them? So much disagreements in Christianity why can't you all agree and join as one? How can I know or hate who he is if everyone tells a different story? Do you know about Brahma? God created everything from what? For a baker to make a cake they need ingredients. God created life out of? Morals change over time, parents teach, family and the people around the flora and fauna play a role to, the information which gets absorbed plus the influences, dictate your morals. If you haven't walked in someone's shoes don't speak for them.
@vdub2014 3 месяца назад
Lol why do christians insist on making these all of the time? lol this is embarrassing man. I see that you are trying to grow your channel, maybe you should have an atheist on for a chat? I would be willing to dispute all of the claims in this video, not in the comments section though.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@vdub2014 "lol this is embarrassing man." But remember, you're just a biochemical, temporary, subjective, reactionary, opinionated accident, with no rhyme or reason in this universe, where power is the way, hypocrisy is okay, and there are no absolutes. I can never be wrong in your world view. You emotionally don't like what I have to say. That's it. Also, I've been an atheist most of my life. You just simply hate God, with no desire to seek Him or understand Him. I understand. But God is merciful if you seek Him out earnestly.
@vdub2014 3 месяца назад
@@WordWiseMinistries okay, so you don't want to have an intellectually honest chat lol got it. good luck with the copy/paste apologist channel dude
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@vdub2014 "okay, so you don't want to have an intellectually honest chat lol got it." You started out by saying what I'm doing is embarrassing. As a former atheist, I understand your position MORE than you understand mine. If you want to have an intellectually honest chat, NEVER mischaracterize or misquote God. But we both know you won't, because, "Fear of the Lord is beginning of knowledge." Psalm 1:7 And you do not fear God, thus you have no true knowledge. (Because you misunderstood what I'm doing with my channel and it is NOT an apologist channel. You haven't watched all my videos. You're speaking out of ignorance. Proving yet again, you are speaking ignorantly.) But fortunately, God is merciful to those who seek Him out earnestly. And I want that for you, despite your feelings about me. God is the god, for those who seek Him, through Jesus Christ.
@vdub2014 3 месяца назад
that was a really longwinded way to admit you are a coward lol
@cynthiawachira8809 3 месяца назад
Christians have also changed their moral compass over time 💀this was a hard watch
@Renan-n3y 3 месяца назад
​@@WordWiseMinistriesso you say, but that's just your opinion.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@@Renan-n3y Another user has not addressed anything in my video, but instead challenges the validity of my claims by merely saying it's an opinion, ironically proving the point of my video. (You know that there is an objective truth, morality, and authority outside of humanity, but believe ultimately all morality is relative.) And when challenged, claim something is merely an opinion. Thank you for demonstrating the point of the video. 👍
@Renan-n3y 3 месяца назад
@@WordWiseMinistries still just your opinion.
@KasperKatje 3 месяца назад
​@@WordWiseMinistriesso owning people, "eternaly" punishing 1nfants, 2 men having fun and girls who have no proof of their v1rgin1ty based on the hym3n/bl0od myth etc. are still moral...got it.
@ved2360 3 месяца назад
@@WordWiseMinistries Yeah, you all say that, while completely disagreeing with other Christians completely 180 on different issues. Migrants bad. Must help migrants. LGBT bad. Help LGBT. You can spend thousands of years exhorting others to behave in exactly the way you want them to and you're no closer to getting the rest of the world to agree. The cosmology of other religions are also completely incompatible with your own. Your god certainly is nowhere to be found to take your side in your ceaseless debate. To believe what you do, you just have to not be very smart or ignore the evidence in front of you.
@maxdoubt5219 3 месяца назад
What do Xians believe? They believe, "God is good but it's a 'special kind' of goodness which can't be told apart from pure evil." 🤔🤨🤣Of course, Any Xian can refute me - on _that_ score - with a list of hypothetical acts; acts which cause so much pain, suffering, misery and grief that, although you believe your "evil Satan" might perpetrate such acts against people, your "good" god _never_ would.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@maxdoubt5219 The comment you posted... 1. Shows you didn't watch the video at all, or at least didn't even understand the basics that morality isn't true without Christ, else it's just a self-justifying emotion. 2. You're, at best, misunderstanding, (or worse, mischaracterizing), the God from the scriptures, from the Holy Bible. You know who the true God is, you just hate Him. Without God, Jesus Christ, all you are it's just a biochemical, temporary, subjective, reactionary, opinionated accident, with no rhyme or reason in this universe, where power is the way, hypocrisy is okay, and there are no absolutes. I can never be wrong in your worldview. Yet you comment "condemning" me on "evil", but "evil" is morally equivalent to what is good. But, Christ commands repentance, from our way towards Him, for our salvation, from our rebellion against God. Repent and believe the good news of Christ.
@justmyopinion2205 3 месяца назад
She truly hates herself but is blaming God for her own fk ups. She would never ever dare blame herself.
@DiegoSantosU 3 месяца назад
Use the World English Bible or the Berean Standard Bible instead.
@WordWiseMinistries 3 месяца назад
@DiegoSantosU I am looking in to using the Berean Standard Bible moving forward. Thank you for the recommendation. 👍
@riddleball4275 4 месяца назад
Tradition is good so long as it doesn't effect growing in a positive way, no longer a catholic but what he said is fine. The Catholic church has infact now starting to change their veiws on some things, they need to go further but has been more open to change than other religions.
@WordWiseMinistries 4 месяца назад
@riddleball4275 Progress for the sake progress is regressive. Truth matters most and if something is true, there need not be change. The Catholic Church has been infected with Liberalism. Liberalism doesn't care for truth, for there is no inherent objective moral truth to go towards. Christ Jesus commands repentance and to turn towards Him for your salvation. Care more about what God said, not what the world says.
@orcshardy 4 месяца назад
A conservative is someone who has values, sometimes they value something they shouldn't. A liberal is someone who is seeking values, sometimes they find them in places they shouldn't. Treating one or the other as a childish or naive path is belittling and reductive.
@joshhall5336 4 месяца назад
@kevlarstone4184 4 месяца назад
Pope is a lowlife freak.
@WordWiseMinistries 4 месяца назад
@kevlarstone4184 We still need to pray for those who have power over others, for their salvation and turning from the sin towards Christ. : )
@ghostZero82 4 месяца назад
What is this for real because that's not what conservative is! Tell me this a joke because what he describes he himself is guilty of 😂.
@robertriley4105 4 месяца назад
this pope is a clown
@zach9962 7 месяцев назад
@bogomagazine 7 месяцев назад
If god is omniscient then his creations believing or not believing in him makes no difference and simply does not matter.
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@bogomagazine Absolute truth, morality, and authority was the main point of the video. You decided to abandon that entirely and talk about "omniscience", which was absolutely irrelevant to the video. You just demonstrated the point of the video ironically. You have a willful hatred against God.
@bogomagazine 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries wow. Interesting response, especially considering I am deeply devoted to my spiritual walk and deeply connected with God. Interesting that you assumed attack versus being open. I’ll make sure not to follow now that I understand the aggressive nature of your approach when talking about ‘god’ (cause when speaking about God these types of responses are unmerited.) Very disappointing. My point is god is so much great than us. We pale in comparison. Have the day you deserve!
@bogomagazine 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries please don’t tell me this is how you “teach” people to interact with supposed non believers (which I am not, but you assumed I actually HATE god.) judgemental arrogance is the biggest problem with Christianity and this attitude is not helpful. I suggest you take some time to dive deep and search your soul cause this ain’t it!
@DevrimTX 7 месяцев назад
The very fact that different people have different morality, lets you know morality is subjective. Not even christians have kept their morality unchanged over time. Never mind the differences in morality between different denominations.
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@DevrimTX You just confirmed that those that reject God are just biochemical, temporary, subjective, reactionary, opinionated accidents, with no rhyme or reason in this universe, where power is the way, hypocrisy is okay, and there are no absolutes.
@DevrimTX 7 месяцев назад
@johncane4507 7 месяцев назад
Really? Interesting but evolution has been observed. Gods has not 🤔
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@johncane4507 Absolute truth, morality, and authority was the main point of the video. You decided to abandon that entirely and talk about evolution, which was absolutely irrelevant to the video. You just demonstrated the point of the video ironically. You have a willful hatred against God.
@bogomagazine 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries oh this is a boiler plate response you give to everyone with no thought or care behind it. Wow! Even more disturbing from something that calls itself “Christian”
@multistorysandwich 7 месяцев назад
Me when I spit out complete nonsense. What are you saying? 😭
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@multistorysandwich8789 Hypocrisy is objectively immoral, but those that reject God deny any objective morality that is outside of humanity. Thus, those that reject God have no foundation in saying hypocrisy is "wrong", other than an appeal to subjective authority. (Those that reject God just find hypocrisy 'icky', therefore it's 'bad'.)
@multistorysandwich 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries hypocrisy is bad because it hurts people isn't that hard to get around your little brainwashed head
@ShiniGuraiJoker 7 месяцев назад
​@@WordWiseMinistries still one of the most ignorant arguments there is. Short of malicious people, no one lives by such a basic ans daft reasoning when they do not believe in a god. You also allow exceptions to morals set by god toward humans and when every time god does exactly what he tells us not to do.
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@@ShiniGuraiJoker Every standard you are basing judgement against God and myself for being wrong about anything is....if you reject God (not a god, but the only God that has ever existed), is the judgement you give from yourself is just a biochemical, temporary, subjective, reactionary, opinionated accident that has no rhyme or reason that exists (it's just a chemical reaction). According to you, by denying the true and living God, I can NOT be wrong, because I can not be absolutely wrong. Thus, according to your world view, I CAN and AM correct.
@ShiniGuraiJoker 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries I never stated that at all. You are attempting to assert something I did not even slightly hint at. Do better. If you want to try and get your W what I currently believe, we can talk. You don't have a clue about me and make blind assertions.
@pinkymixology4965 7 месяцев назад
Is this like a genuine argument?
@cmdrnightfang4411 7 месяцев назад
If it is its 2 faced never try to mix faith with politics it never mixes
@tberry79 7 месяцев назад
It is an actual argument, and it is correct. If a person does not believe in a power higher than humans, that means humans are the ultimate decider of what is good and bad, right and wrong. Which means in the end, people can just label other people as bad and wrong, and justify themselves attacking them.
@thomaswillard6267 7 месяцев назад
It's always fun to see Christians paint themselves as victims to rationality, when in reality they merely refuse to be rational themselves and therefore are rightly ridiculed by rational people who don't want to abdicate their agency to a fantasy The philosophy you describe does not insanity, it is absurdity. The same absurdity that Christendom takes part in every time they are arbitrarily claim that their particular religion is the way and the truth and the lights
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@thomaswillard6267 Your response no where challenges or debunks my argument. You shifted the goal post challenging "strawman" arguments of Christianity that I didn't make.
@TheErtybgh 7 месяцев назад
Christians trying to understand why we dont except 1 more god other than the 999,999 gods they dont believe in is hilarious.
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@TheErtybgh " Christians trying to understand why we dont except 1 more god other than the 999,999 gods they dont believe in is hilarious." If you mock Christianity, comparing "Christianity" to "other gods", your arguing from a severely ignorant position. If you notice, you haven't addressed ANYTHING in the video. You just made baseless claims that are irrelevant to the argument to express your hatred against God.
@TheErtybgh 7 месяцев назад
@The_Christian_Academy okay any why is Alah false? Or the Hindi gods? I can point at the typical inconsistencies and impossibilities most would point at. But why don't you believe in those other gods?
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@@TheErtybgh If you notice, this is the SECOND time you haven't addressed ANYTHING in the video. You are begging questions that seem insincere. (That it doesn't matter what truth, evidence, or reality is shown to you, you seem as though you will simply dismiss it.)
@Lushthoughts 7 месяцев назад
Yet no one can varify a god exists. You can probably prove that a jesus of Nazareth existed at some point but there’s no objective proof that he was a god in any sense of the word. So saying “I believe in god” is a subjective sentence because it’s your opinion that god exists. The Bible is a cool fantasy story though I wish it didn’t have so many iterations and typos though. It’s like a blank page and you can make up yourself who and how god is based on how you tell the fables. Cool concept mediocre execution
@Lushthoughts 7 месяцев назад
You can believe whatever want though stay safe :)
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@garymullen7713 If you notice, you haven't addressed ANYTHING in the video. You just made baseless claims that are irrelevant to the argument to express your hatred against God, specifically Christ.
@Lushthoughts 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries I did acknowledge everything in the video silly Edit: I did make another comment tearing down her argument but she deleted it. Ty have a nice day
@Lushthoughts 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries”those that reject god all they are is a blah blah blah blah blah” “when all words are SUBJECTIVE rape and consent is the same thing so if everything is special nothing is special” *insert cringe incredibles shit here* did I sum it up enough for you my point is God as you know it is a SUBJECTIVE thing not an OBJECTIVE thing because he/she/they have no verifiable proof that they exist. All you have is a book filled with so many different revisions and meanings interpretations by people who were like ya I actually think this is wrong now! Christians if you want to argue why god exists. Just please don’t bring up objectivity because there is none in your religion
@bucketcat7599 7 месяцев назад
@sparklelikeaghost 7 месяцев назад
The irony in this video is crazy. You're so smug, and so wrong.
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@sparklelikeaghost Your statement isn't an argument, it's an accusation. You haven't substantiated your claim, you just throwing dust. It's as though, you are making an appeal to truth, to conclude what is moral, and are expressing that opinion.
@sparklelikeaghost 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries are you okay bud? Do you need to talk to someone? Perhaps start a hobby?
@dragonsbolt4085 7 месяцев назад
you are allowed to believe in any religion. that is an opinion you are allowed to have. i am also allowed to *not* believe in any religion or religious texts, as that is my opinion
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@dragonsbolt4085 I made a one minute video. Nothing about my argument was mentioned, you just shifted the argument to "freedom of religion". Despite its irrelevancy, there is no objective claim to any right, without an objective truth, morality, and authority outside of humanity. In your rejection of God, your claim of "you are allowed to believe in any religion. that is an opinion you are allowed to have." Is wrong. Because the religion of murdering people in their own homes and 'r@ping' women LIKE HAMAS DID in Oct 2023, is something you support. Because "you are allowed to believe in any religion. that is an opinion you are allowed to have."
@sparklelikeaghost 7 месяцев назад
@@WordWiseMinistries wow you're batshit crazy, dude. Get help
@wootska 7 месяцев назад
Noted, you can’t be a nuanced, moral, or sane person without being a christian.
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@definitelynotafurrytotally That's not what I implied at ALL in the video. Without spaceless, timeless, immaterial truths that exist outside of humanity, those that reject God have, "NO BASIS" in their morality, because it ends up being subjective. Thus, morality is ultimately, "JUST AN OPINION".
@elevenmink3851 7 месяцев назад
If you think that’s bad wait til you hear about catholic church
@WordWiseMinistries 7 месяцев назад
@elevenmink3851 Agreed. The Catholic church is not Christian, because they claim their traditions are from God. The Catholic Church fundamentally has a different faith than the true Christ. Despite the Catholic Church's heresy, humans are flawed and we must not base our thoughts of Christ based off their failures of men. That also doesn't take away from a homosexual's parasitic behavior that is detrimental to humanity and is inherently immoral.
@brintonpatterson6879 7 месяцев назад
What so morality just doesn't exist because people just can't not wanna kill anyone
@grantscott7971 7 месяцев назад
”For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.“ ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬