Spanish and Go
Spanish and Go
Spanish and Go
Learn Spanish and travel the world with Jim and May. Spanish and Go is your resource for learning real-world travel Spanish. Our goal is to help you learn Spanish and to bring you closer to experiencing the culture, meeting the locals, and appreciating the beauty of each country where Spanish is spoken.

In Spanish and Go you will find a wide variety of interesting topics discussed in Spanish in a spontaneous and natural way which will help you:

✅ Improve your listening skills.
✅ Learn or practice useful words and phrases in Spanish.
✅ Discover how you can visit the places you see in our videos.

Want to improve your Spanish and travel the world? We can help.

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El camino es el destino. The journey is the destination.

Off the Beaten Path in Colima, Mexico
3 года назад
I Paid $25 For Dental Work in Mexico
4 года назад
@stacydela День назад
Cant see my download in my email
@SpanishandGo День назад
Please check your inbox again! You should have it now.
@TheSpirit99 4 дня назад
The funny thing is we try to speak spanish and person we encounter think we know the language and use advanced level back to us😅😅
@lissabelle09 4 дня назад
This was awesome. Super guay. Me encantó! :-) Gracias!
@SpanishandGo 3 дня назад
¡Gracias por vernos!
@dannagle2350 4 дня назад
I keep seeing different ways to ask this. How would you ask, "do you have_____ ?"
@SpanishandGo 3 дня назад
¿Tienes…? Or ¿tendrías…? The latter sounds a bit more polite because it’s more of a ¿might you have?”
@tlindsay1007 7 дней назад
I love your videos, but the loud music makes it difficult to hear what is being said!😢 Without the music, I would give the videos an A+.
@SpanishandGo 6 дней назад
Sorry the music was a bother. This was our first “how to” in Spanish video that we published. We try to make the videos as accessible as possible by adding subtitles in Spanish and in English (just select your preferred language under the “CC” button), and by creating an accompanying blog post (which you can find here: spanishandgo.com/learn/how-to-order-food-in-spanish/), but unfortunately, we can’t change the music after the video has been published. We’ll have more related content soon. Thanks for watching!
@yoshihorror1948 8 дней назад
Are these videos only usable in Mexico or will Spanish 🇪🇸 people in Spain understand me too? 🤣
@SpanishandGo 7 дней назад
Yes, you can use this video for ordering in Spain, just like you can use British English in the USA and be understood. They are the same language with slight variations. Thanks for watching!
@yoshihorror1948 8 дней назад
Superb !!
@SpanishandGo 7 дней назад
Thank you! Cheers!
@dzungtudo 9 дней назад
The fonts are not clear
@SpanishandGo 8 дней назад
Hmm… that’s the first time we’ve heard that comment. Did you make sure to watch this in HD? We also have all the phrases from this video at: spanishandgo.com/learn/directions-in-spanish/
@jerryscool2008 9 дней назад
im CURIOUS if africans had a BIG influence on latina culture WHY does it seem like they dont LIKE black people these days
@BenRoderick-h3h 10 дней назад
Hernandez Steven Lee Kevin Williams Kevin
@lazerghost565 10 дней назад
#1. You're not used to foreign food especially if it's your very first time in México or in another foreign country #2. Excessive alcohol #3. Unpasteurized dairy such as cheese and milk #4. You eat too much #5. You're not used to the heat and weather #6. Your body is going to react differently to everything I'm not saying this because I think that, I'm saying this because I am from México and many many foreigners especially American tourists have gotten in my country 🇲🇽. It's not the people's fault for your food poisoning, you're just not used to foreign food and anything else you consume that's it. Also been to Guatemala 🇬🇹 and nothing happened to me over there, same thing you're not used to foreign and ethnic food, water, weather and others etc.
@SpanishandGo 9 дней назад
Exactly. Our channel is mainly for people from the U.S. and Canada. They have a different micro biome and tolerance to food in other countries.
@josepalos6848 10 дней назад
@SpanishandGo 8 дней назад
Means cool. 😎
@Onejisan 10 дней назад
Im trying to learn to roll Rs because i want my Duolingo High Valyrian sound more authentic
@DefoeBob-p6r 11 дней назад
Williams Ronald Thomas George Lee James
@egorsokolov6959 12 дней назад
How can i understand the S dropping dialects of Spanish
@SpanishandGo 6 дней назад
The first step is recognizing that it is often missing. So if you hear, “¿quiere ma’ agua?” You know they’re saying “¿quieres más agua?”
@jason3000tt 12 дней назад
This was very helpful......how to go further?
@anthonygolden3685 12 дней назад
News flash ....MASKs do Not work....mask outside is ridiculous
@SpanishandGo 12 дней назад
We agree. Wearing masks outside is ridiculous-absurd, even. But so was the law in Puerto Rico that threatened to fine anyone caught outside without a mask $500. That was money we couldn’t afford to risk. The pandemic was hard on our business, and facing huge fines just to make a point wasn’t in the cards when we recorded this. 👍
@yourabot9418 12 дней назад
@SpanishandGo 12 дней назад
Hola 👋🏻 ¿Cómo estás?
@rommelmanson9212 13 дней назад
De portugueses e italianos ? No te lo crees ni tu , mi niña
@guitarslim56 15 дней назад
"slangs" is not a word.
@SpanishandGo 14 дней назад
You’re right. Speaking several languages is hard. Thanks for watching!
@Etibarsalmanovs-o9g 17 дней назад
Jones Kimberly Jones Carol Clark Nancy
@Furio_G 17 дней назад
Got her papers and she gone...
@SpanishandGo 17 дней назад
Check out our weekly podcast. 232 episodes and counting. podcast.spanishandgo.com/ 😉
@norcaldrones5389 19 дней назад
Wow you need some practice making videos. Nobody wants to see your dirty laundry. 🤦‍♂️ you barely showed the cenotes.
@shawnerz98 19 дней назад
Loved the outtake at the end. 😂
@SpanishandGo 19 дней назад
😆 Thanks for watching!
@EthanM.C 20 дней назад
Tengo un Mexico money coin
@HeliofromSpain 20 дней назад
Nice video! In Spain and as far as I know in most Spanish-speaking countries people have two surnames, first from the father's side (in Spain is now possible to put first the mom's) and second from the mother's side). Thus, no woman loses her surnames and origins when married, although people from anglo-saxon name system may be rather puzzled when noticing that no surname "matches" within a Spanish family accoding to their logic. As for "de", maybe it was some outdated tradition about 60 or 80 years ago adding the husband's surname to the wife's in social contexts in some high-class people in Spain.
@Gabachazo 20 дней назад
Que quiere decir "Bamba" en chilangolandia?
@AlmaRamirez-r6f 20 дней назад
UN MILAGRO EN EL QUIRÓFANO El 29 de Junio de 1976 estaba yo en el quirófano de un hospital donde se me practicaba una cesárea de mi segunda hija y tuve una hemorragia fatal. De pronto me ví cayendo como por un pozo de piedra, iba cabeza arriba y pies abajo, como si hubiera entrado a un elevador y el piso no hubiera estado y yo me hubiera ido vertiginosamente al vacio. Así me vi descendiendo; no sabía que me estaba pasando, solo sentía un terrible dolor por mi cesárea pero aumentado cientos de veces al dolor que se siente en el cuerpo físico, no sabía que había muerto ni sabía a donde iba, pero iba llena de pánico, un terror, miedo indescriptible mucho mayor al que hubiera podido sentir en la tierra. Iba cayendo totalmente desnuda con mi cabello volando todo despeinado. Entre mas descendía el terror aumentaba, no sabía a donde iba pero presentía que no me iba a agradar ese lugar abajo. Al ir acercandome mas al fondo comencé a oír gritos agónicos como de millones de personas en tormento constante gritaban Ayyyy yaaa nooo por piedad ya nooooo y tambien gritaban con desesperacion AGUUAA AAAGUUAAA AAAGUUAAA y lloraban angustiosamente, de una manera desgarradora. Al oir yo todo eso mi terror, miedo, pánico aumentó y grité desesperada: DIOS MÍO QUE ME ESTÁ PASANDO!!! En ese instante ví una gran mano con una manga ancha blanquísima con destellos azules y al momento me vi en el quirófano del hospital donde me practicaron la cesárea, estaba yo flotando sobre la mesa de operaciones y sorprendida me fijé que había un cuerpo muerto sobre dicha mesa y cuando le ví la cara grité: Pero si esa soy yo!!! Un segundo despues me vi volando hacia arriba, pasé unas nubes muy blancas y me vi vestida con una túnica blanquísima y mi cabello peinado y quieto. Llegué arriba como a un gran pasillo y pude ver a mi lado izquierdo un gran jardin con hermosas flores, aves y mariposas multicolores, todo en colores suaves. Vi que todo está vivo, allá no existe la muerte. Me fijé que las flores y todo lo que vi cantaban en tono suave, hasta el aire, todo alababa a Dios al unísono. De reojo algo llamó mi atencion a mi lado derecho y al voltear vi una gran puerta entre abierta de donde salía una luz dorada preciosa, la curiosidad me ganó y traté de caminar hacia allá para ver que había detras de esa gran puerta, pero no pude moverme parecia que tenía pegamento debajo de mis pies. Y en ese instante lo vi, estaba parado entre la puerta y yo. Majestuoso, Hermoso, era Jesus! Era tan grande que solo pude ver el lado derecho de Su cuerpo del hombro hacia abajo un poco antes de Sus pies, nunca ví Su rostro. Estaba vestido con una túnica blanquísima con un cinturon de oro. Ví que levantó Su mano y supe por instinto que me iba a regresar y levanté mis brazos y le dije: No Señor! El me dijo textualmente: "Aun no es tu tiempo, tu tienes que regresar a la tierra porque tienes un ministerio que cumplir allá" De inmediato ví mi espíritu entrando a mi cuerpo físico muerto y desperté y débilmente me quejé. Andaba una afanadora limpiando el sangrerío que dejé ahi en el quirófano, y al verme moverme y quejarme salió corriendo, tropezándose, levantándose y gritando: LA MUERTA ESTÁ VIVA!!! LA MUERTA ESTÁ VIVA!!! LA MUERTA ESTÁ VIVA!!! En un instante vinieron los médicos y al comprobar que estaba viva, no lo podían creer y se decian entre ellos: No puede ser! No tiene ni una gota de sangre ni ningun otro fluído en su cuerpo, ademas tenía 37 minutos muerta!!! Ésto tiene que ser un milagro!!! Y me llenaron de agujas todo mi cuerpo poníendome sangre a todo lo que daba y sueros y glucosa. Y mi ginecólogo dijo "pónganla en tal cuarto, ésta muchacha no dura ni 24 horas" y mírame, ya pasaron 48 años de ésto. Pero "ésto" no es todo: 5 meses despues, a finales de Noviembre de 1976 tuve otra experiencia con la muerte. Sufrí un ataque masivo al corazon y morí; de pronto me ví parada en una playa y volví a ver aquella gran mano que me sacó del infierno, tenía en esa mano mi corazon hecho pedazos, metió Su mano al mar y cuando la sacó traia un corazon nuevo palpitante y lo colocó en mi pecho y yo desperté por segunda vez de la muerte, y le agradecí a Dios por darme mi nuevo nacimiento espiritual Juan 3:3; y me sucedió literalmente lo Escrito en el libro de Ezequiel 11:19-20 donde dice Jehova "Yo quitaré el corazon de piedra y les daré uno de carne y lo haré latir; y ustedes serán mi pueblo y yo seré su Dios" Antes de todo ésto yo no creía en Dios ni en cielo ni en infierno, pero ahora entiendo que si existen, los 3 son reales! Muchos siguen doctrinas de hombres y demonios, son engañados y se pierden por no conocer a Dios. Les recomiendo que lean La Biblia Reina Valera 1960. Tengo 48 años de ministerio, comencé como misionera cristiana, maestra Bíblica sana doctrina, predicando en las prisiones y en las calles a drogadictos y prostitutas, muchas almas ganadas para Cristo y jamás pedí dinero para trabajar en la obra de Dios. Jesus nos dió todo de gracia, así es que demos de gracia (gratis) lo que de gracia hemos recibido; el evangelio de Jesus no se vende, no se debe lucrar con el. La gloria eterna a El. Cristo los ama. Testimonio verídico de lo que Cristo hizo por mí: Alma Rodriguez 🌹
@conchacasado4757 23 дня назад
Lo mejor es nacer aquí y que tú madre sea andaluza, aprendes muchas más palabras
@gloriakadar3288 23 дня назад
Im from Colima but colima dosent have much to offer.
@williammcenaney1331 24 дня назад
Dolingo works well when I study Japanese with it, but the cartoon characters don't sound Japanese.
@Claudette68 25 дней назад
I am from Colombia and was not sure about the Venezuela until she said they use the word chamo. I also have a doubt about the Colombian lady since she also talked like people from Costa Rica who are called “ ticos” because they ended too many words with “ tico” that mean diminutive. Only the lady from Spain talked with Spanish accent easy to know because she pronounced the letter c like th. The rest were talking very slow and their pronunciation was NEUTRAL. People in Chile have a different accent, same in Venezuela and Colombia
@alicecasiano185 25 дней назад
Pichear= ignorar algo o alguien
@alicecasiano185 25 дней назад
Chava'o= jodido. Puñeta es una expresion de coraje o frustración. Como cuando te das un golpe y expresas el dolor con un: puñeta!
@RescueAlwaysOfficial 27 дней назад
Two dead birds too? Awful!
@ratantiwari4620 27 дней назад
if you want to come to india please let me know
@RescueAlwaysOfficial 27 дней назад
Dry black beans are very common in the stores here in Yucatan, Mexico. They are a staple. It's definitely black beans over pinto beans, etc. here. On Mondays- across Yucatan state- people eat beans with pork for dinner. Not me though.
@RescueAlwaysOfficial 27 дней назад
Sad to hear about the dead frogs and iguanas on the road! ❤
@jameslangford4748 28 дней назад
My wife is doing Italian and she is stuck in a loop in her app called 'Daily Refresh' and she can't get out of it to move on to other lessons. Please advise.
@valm.5243 28 дней назад
I am a Canadian citizen and I have to say. Canada has got to be the safest country on earth. I think the social financial support helps so people are not so desperate that they have to resort to crime to survive. The down side about being Canadian is that some of us are not as street smart because we don't have to be. Videos like this help but feels daunting. For example, am I supposed do carry a dummy wallet and a real wallet so I can give the dummy wallet up during the shakedown/mugging?
@SpanishandGo 28 дней назад
I believe you when you say Canada is one of the safest countries. I'm from Minnesota, and people's demeanor here is quite similar to that of Canadians. I also think Minnesota, especially my hometown, is one of the safest places in the U.S. After visiting Mexico for over ten years, I can say that I rarely use a dummy wallet anymore. I used to carry one along with my regular wallet in case I ever needed to give it up, but fortunately, I've never had to. Don't overthink it-Mexico is generally safe for tourists.
@valm.5243 28 дней назад
I am a Canadian citizen and I have to say. Canada has got to be the safest country on earth. I think the social financial support helps so people are not so desperate that they have to resort to crime to survive. The down side about being Canadian is that some of us are not as street smart because we don't have to be. Videos like this help but feels daunting. For example, am I supposed do carry a dummy wallet and a real wallet so I can give the dummy wallet up during the shakedown/mugging?
@alanserjeant4947 27 дней назад
Yes. many people call it a "Toss Wallet". When the muggers want your wallet you get the toss wallet from the correct pocket (very important 🙂) and aggresively throw it away. As they go after it you run like heck in the other direction.
@DickMHz 29 дней назад
I used to sleep during my classes in high school and always did well on my tests. 😂
@ElGuapoSalsero 29 дней назад
Los chilangos creyéndose especiales cuando las expresiones son usadas en todo el país
@ingela_injeela Месяц назад
Duolingo in HEBREW: The creepy "aval" ghost voice! (אבל)
@JorgeBobe-ok1nw Месяц назад
Jurutanga is new to me,,I rather say Pailas,,pa cinsora
@lornabegley9913 Месяц назад
Your video makes me nostalgic for Puebla. We stayed for a month while traveling the east coast of Mexico. Puebla was one of my family's favorite places to be in for food, places to visit, & architecture. My son & I were elated to find a museum with dinosaurs for free on Sundays! I would love to see more of your cooking, May.
@Onbehaard Месяц назад
This is all lovely and clear. However, I do wish teachers and ocntent creators would specify what variety of Spanish is being taught so that one can scroll past the ones not aim for Iberia, if necessary. I know it hardly matters at this basic level, and all the varieties of Spanish are equally valid. But for a trip to Spain, I do want to sound Spanish and not Mexican. There are some differences between Spain, for example Mexico in everyday language. For example, in Spain they say, "Tengo una reserva." and not reservación. I also remember the phrase, turn fight at the lights. where the word for 'to turn' used in Spain is definitely not one to use in Mexico!
@diddy103177 Месяц назад
Having the goatee with no mouthstache draws even more attention to your tight lip/closed mouth way of speaking.
@SpanishandGo Месяц назад
Interesting. You’re the first to comment such a thing.
@JesusDelgadoParra Месяц назад
Grasias porque estoy me ayudó en mi exposición
@JesusDelgadoParra Месяц назад