Unlocking Hollywood: The NFT Revolution Begins!
11 месяцев назад
iShooks Time of Inception
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@jacksadovnik8013 6 дней назад
Great debate overall. However, was a bit cringe hearing Alex siding with Hamas so much - even though I know he doesn’t like them and is totally against them. Defending Hamas is akin to defending Nazis… actually Nazis probably weren’t as bad, so yeah.
@Stephen-e2 6 дней назад
Steal their land, treat them like second class citizens in their own land and then lecture them for not towing your party line 😅😅 The pure arrogance of the Zionist Thieves is unbelievable Demonic State
@MostafaMoghaddam-xs4ki 6 дней назад
All these happenings because of killer mullah in IRAN Which they get support from Western Europe and American and Arab Just to steal from Iranian innocent people and kill their culture Killer mullah are eating dinner and breakfast with Democratic Party of USA UK and Arab Long live Israel and Israelis
@ScorpionSuerte 7 дней назад
Nigeria: Under secular law, the age of consent is 18, but in some northern regions where Sharia law is applied, girls can marry and thus engage in "sensual" activity as soon as they reach puberty.
@ScorpionSuerte 7 дней назад
Alex looking more and more like a Professional Slap League journeyman
@laurynasbudinas4585 2 дня назад
He has lyme disease
@mercer1995 8 дней назад
Israel needs to raise a king to protect them and grant equality to all within
@AmankayaBessent 8 дней назад
Really enjoyed this video! Your thoughts on this are really eye-opening for the crypto community. For further details, take a look at my bio. Can’t wait for the next update!
@karlmason6145 8 дней назад
So bizarre that people will argue that there bombs and bullets are the good ones????
@masrurchowdhury1157 9 дней назад
Israeli nazis causing Palestinian holocaust Israeli lies and propaganda there would be peace in the middle east if there was no Israel the Syria and Sudan are civil wars caused by British and sustained by others in the region. Israel is stealing land and killing Palestinians since 1948
@shutupavi 10 дней назад
Wow Rabbi. At some point i’m going to come back to this video and fact check on practically everything. Your facts are almost all wrong about history, science, law, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that your halachic and hashkafic statements are misstated and not just ignorance. SMH . I don’t know who you are but I’m sure everyone who listens to you gets a little more ignorant and miseducated.
@ishookco 10 дней назад
Go for it looking forward to being right - Rabbi Beni
@PlayingWithFireChannel 11 дней назад
fun debate. thanks for having me on!
@jeffmccart6819 11 дней назад
They live among us, but yet don’t understand 😢😢😢
@shamoonchoudhury1952 12 дней назад
Mate your the biggest terrorist there is and people are sick and tired hearingbyour bullshit.
@gerardsoppe 13 дней назад
What a nonsense, the same applies for the apartheid state that has children’s songs that say that Lebanon is Israels. Stop the occupation and people will not want to resist.
@antelopenetwork5455 14 дней назад
Let’s be clear and answer it very simply. Palestine does not exist and Palestinians were and still are Jews. Learning unbiased real untainted history should be a requirement before a debate.
@thierryorella7017 15 дней назад
Palestinians are the best when it's about to cry for themselves...they prefer to keep their war alive than themselves.
@sajeersayed2008 15 дней назад
Death to israhelllll
@sajeersayed2008 15 дней назад
Death to israhelllll Jeiwsh scumbug stooge
@sajeersayed2008 15 дней назад
Death to israhelllll
@bradleyjones4984 15 дней назад
@gbedumallam 15 дней назад
You mean they should abandon Islam?
@__martian__ 15 дней назад
Do they ever get tired of lying? They arr so exhausting 🙄🙄
@charlesgeronimo1364 15 дней назад
It's called corporate sin. The Palestinian civilians are guilty of harboring and tolerating violent terrorists. They are condemned by who they protect
@حمیدرضادولتشاهی 16 дней назад
@ishookco 16 дней назад
Syria Palaestina (Koinē Greek: Συρία ἡ Παλαιστίνη, romanized: Syría hē Palaistínē [syˈri.a (h)e̝ pa.lɛsˈt̪i.ne̝]) was the renamed Roman province formerly known as Judaea, following the Roman suppression of the Bar Kokhba revolt, in what then became known as the Palestine region between the early 2nd and late 4th centuries AD. The provincial capital was Caesarea Maritima.[1][2] It forms part of timeline of the period in the region referred to as Roman Palestine.[3] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria_Palaestina
@BeaTüriger 16 дней назад
Mag sein das der Name sich geändert hat die Menschen sind aber die gleichen geblieben. Ihre Nachfahren sind immer noch da, sie sind nicht über Nacht verschwunden. Sie sind heute Christen und Muslime und wenige sind jüdisch, das sind die Israeliten. Die Wischnokowskis aus Polen sind Konvertiert und sind damit keine Semiten und Nachfahren von Jacob.
@JustASaab 16 дней назад
Let's talk before Oct 7
@JhonWik554 16 дней назад
Must be stupid to listen to a fake fish face stop putin garbage out era the truth is showen😂
@HectorHectorious 16 дней назад
duck face is terrible at propaganda, she should stick to doing tricks!
@tippusultan8173 16 дней назад
Israel is an occupier. Palestine is an occupied territory. netanyahu is a criminal as per international court of justice. Get out of Palestine. Stop with the lies and implement complete ceasefire.
@sinhaentertainments8398 16 дней назад
Pathetic lies
@kbarnbrook4993 16 дней назад
There was a palestine, no Israel. Canaan was ruled by the Egyptians, israelites never conquered Canaan.
@kbarnbrook4993 16 дней назад
Complete nonsense Palestinian were mentioned in 5th century bc by the greek historian and geographer Herodotus and the 3rd century BCE philosopher Aristotle mentioned Palaistine in the histories.
@f1ah 16 дней назад
shalom officer
@simeonapajarillo6499 24 дня назад
I stopped drinking soda and juice 3 months ago. I'm slowly loosing my weight
@p.f.droney8973 26 дней назад
Rolex and Breitling stores are packed with watches here in Arizona. They are NOT selling. Stop spreading false news.
@Fiboswany 26 дней назад
Next time you pass by one of those stores do me a favor, walk in & try to buy something. Come back to the comments when with what they tell you please, thanks.
@Zip962 26 дней назад
No shock ! grey market is dead ! everyone gets a watch now ! you have the money just go to the AD ! simple
@circlethebaggins1865 26 дней назад
If he has an English name, say it. Say it now.
@JonathanNelson-nelsonj3 27 дней назад
Supply and demand are the factors, but really it amounts to what someone is willing to pay and willing to take. If supply is low relative to demand then only those willing to pay more will get one. When supply is high relative to demand then a buyer can shop around until they find someone willing to sell for the lowest price.
@mitishhakulshreshtha4708 28 дней назад
@FebrianoWrite 29 дней назад
Great content, as always! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). How can I transfer them to Binance?
@ishookco 29 дней назад
never share this information publicly
@paulaanderson9428 Месяц назад
Citizens who barely are making ends to manage to live in America are growing exhausted from the AIPAC regime which seemingly is a Discriminatory practice to target those who oppose Genocide. It's over. We see the truth now. Cease Fire -Free Palestine and discontinue Apartheid.
@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Месяц назад
As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.
@Checkeroute Месяц назад
@@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Yes that shmuck was something wasn't he?
@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Месяц назад
Let not the faithful be swayed by your deceitful tongue, for you walk the path of serpants and deserve only the wrath set aside for those who profane His name. Your end is as certain as the dawn; it is the pit that awaits you! The Lord is a God of justice, and He will not withhold His judgment from those who turn their backs on their heritage. Tremble, O you who have turned from the way of the Lord, for the day of His vengeance is near; none shall escape His hand. Your legacy is marked in stone. It shall be one of shame and eternal reproach!
@Checkeroute Месяц назад
@@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Yes the God of Justice awaits those who worship the temporary material riches of this fleeting world
@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Месяц назад
Behold, it is an abomination to witness one of the chosen defending blasphemies! Woe unto you who revile your own flesh and blood; for this sin reveals the deep corruption of your mind. Such treachery springs not from ignorance but from a heart blackened by wickedness and pride, seeking the favor of the ungodly with sheepish abandon. Cursed is the son of Jacob, who aligns himself with the enemies of his kin, for he has cast aside his inheritance and made a covenant with evil. The Lord’s wrath shall burn hot against him; his name shall be blotted out from the Book of Life, and he shall be forgotten among the righteous.
@Checkeroute Месяц назад
@@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr The chosen of God's mercy are those who submit to the laws of God not those who historically breaks them
@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Месяц назад
You who despise your own people and would seek the superficial praise of sickly outsiders! You’ve bartered away your sacred heritage for the empty flattery of the foolish and the ignorant. Your betrayal is a dark stain upon your soul. The favor you seek will turn to bitter ash in your mouth. The judgment you desperately flee from will find you, and the hollow approval from the nations will not save you from the reckoning that awaits.
@Checkeroute Месяц назад
@@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Yes the God of justice awaits those who worship The temporary and fleeting riches of this material world. They have never learned
@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Месяц назад
You who have turned your backs on your chosen lineage to curry favor with the Gentiles! You have traded your birthright for a moment's approval; your treachery shall be your undoing. I will bring judgment upon you, and your name shall be a byword among the nations.
@CoolhandLukeSkywalkr Месяц назад
Cursed are you the sons of Israel who would turn from the path of righteousness to walk in the ways of the wicked! Your shame shall be as a cloak upon you, and your deeds shall be laid bare before all. You have become a reproach to your people, and your treachery shall not go unpunished. Rut with the cattle.
@Checkeroute Месяц назад
Is Candice anti-semitic? I've never heard her say anything against Africans and Arabs lol
@operatortime4070 Месяц назад
You mean this is What Israel has been doing and October 7 was a response to this perverted behaviour. Israel is the only invader.