Hearthstone and Overwatch Daily News and Guides; along with Heroes of The Storm, Blizzard and PC Gaming and much more!

Hey, I'm Hammeh and welcome to FailCraft - We post videos 3-5 times a week, including..

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We're all about enjoying gaming and having no shame in being new or a bit useless at times - whether we're learning a new game together or trying to compete badly, join us as we crash and burn whilst hopefully learning something along the way!
@charisky0989 Час назад
I love Ramattra
@BatalionHunter 2 часа назад
all i hope is that this has a pve mode because im not a fan of the pvp stuff usually
@alexanderparra9240 8 часов назад
This sounds similar to the SPARTAN program in the Halo universe. With the ethical concerns and a majority of the candidates not surviving.
@TheTwistedTraceur День назад
im here to make everyone angry venture is a woman? venture is a man?
@thywolfshark 2 дня назад
I feel that if the game would have been named Team fortress 3 instead the baclash would be nowhere near as bad. Buut won't judge a game without playing it first. Hard to tell what this game plays like yet.
@jahagkagau6061 2 дня назад
Its 'dont fail me'
@ohdiggy5832 2 дня назад
1:03:13 gyattttttttt tracer
@annesavisaboochuy 2 дня назад
hes so much more british than i thought
@grubby55 2 дня назад
give me inviteeeeeeee
@zc8673 3 дня назад
Emre is coming to the game!! Streamer mode confirmed it!
@TessTickles1 3 дня назад
Don’t know if I’m a fan of Valve anymore.
@lukapitkanen3333 3 дня назад
The fact that IceFrog is the one making the game gives me a lot of hope. I’ve played enough Dota to know this guy is legit (ever since 2012). I’ll judge it once I get to play it myself, it looks interesting.
@MrYTThor 3 дня назад
Overwatch is dead if Deadlock has a decent PVE mode
@Hammeh 3 дня назад
I wouldn't say dead. Different games :)
@gonzalot.605 3 дня назад
I could never get into MOBA games, so I guess I'm going to skip this one. I'm glad Valve is still making games, though.
@wm1573 4 дня назад
This also has wokeness in it unfortunately. With gender and pronoun bullshit
@Hammeh 3 дня назад
Head someplace else with the hate please. No room for that here.
@wm1573 3 дня назад
@@Hammeh oh great another NPC wokeness slave channel
@gorgeousfreeman1318 4 дня назад
"They make killing too simple" Oh I like you
@NealMohan-vo8gw 4 дня назад
@Hammeh 4 дня назад
Nah, we're not like this here. Head someplace else with the hate please.
@TheUnknownDeath 4 дня назад
I think it will get revealed at the international this year.
@Hammeh 4 дня назад
Fingers crossed! I might try go TI :)
@toiletfx5679 4 дня назад
Lemme guess its gonna be a sweaty ass competetive game just like Dota 2, CS and Valorant. Yep no sorry not interested anymore...
@Hammeh 4 дня назад
Remains to be seen! Will reserve complete judgement until I play it. If the chill game modes are there, people chill. Played plenty of chilled dota and valorant :)
@DMT4Dinner 5 дней назад
Looking forward to it
@Hammeh 4 дня назад
You and me both!
@jeremoople 5 дней назад
I dont understand how anyone can be mad about this. Other than us not knowing nearly enough yet to know if the game is going to be good, it's a new Valve game that came out of nowhere! Even if it turns out to be bad, it proves that Valve is willing to make games again. It's also bizarre to frame this as the game we're getting instead of Half Life 3, Portal 3, Team Fortress 3, or Left 4 Dead 3 because those games were never promised to us and simply don't exist as far as we know. Deadlock could be an absolute dumpster fire and we still wouldn't have lost anything.
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
Indeed, it looks like it could be fun from leaks, so why not give it a go! Honestly I'm game for this, content and RU-vid aside. Been playing valve games since Half-Life, so it's nice to see a new world, too!
@whitefalcon630 5 дней назад
An omnis kills a British gal Ramattra: And that is how we rise above our programming Focken hell that's Robotic
@sunlightInky 5 дней назад
I really hope they dont scrap the game concepts and basically almost remake the game from 0 just cuz there is a vocal minority who already hates the game just by looking at alpha footage, looks like it could be a great game when polished
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
People playing it seem to be have a lot of fun. I'm just like 'Let Me In!' :D at this point :)
@hashslingingslasher3083 5 дней назад
Game is similar to Gigantic
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
Has some vibes of it for sure,, battlefront, paragon, dota like I said..but fast gameplay with a lot of movement. Excited to try!
@Tentaku64 5 дней назад
Out of all of the Hero Shooters I know, this one really leans to the MOBA aspects the most. I'm really looking forward to how it turns out in the end.
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
Absolutely! It has definite Icefrog and moba touches on it. A willingness to try some interesting abilities too...the climbing into air on ice looks insane!
@Brasco- 6 дней назад
Why third person just for skins
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
Some people love 3p. I think it makes it accessible to a Fortnite/3p audience, which is pretty big. But, of course, skins will fund this somehow..
@squeef 6 дней назад
I really wanna ask if this game is actually at all like tf2 or Overwatch? and if it's a good idea to make that comparison at all? My issue is that it just looks like a moba with some unique mechanics and a 3rd person over the shoulder gameplay. And I wonder that if the game is just that, making such comparisons will just hurt it through many people expecting something they're not going to get at all.
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
Fair question! I haven't played yet but have watched a lot of content. I think if you take the third person flavour of fortnite, the class/hero elements of team fortress/overwatch, the map and moba gameplay of dota/a moba, and somewhat sandwich them together..this is the feeling of Deadlock for me currently.I wouldn't describe it as any of those individually. There's a headahot damage multiplier in this for example. Aim matters. Hope that makes sense! Valve, please let me in 🥺😁
@dn4339 6 дней назад
This leak has taught me one thing: Valve fans are impossible to please. “They don’t make new games!1!1!1” >Makes a new game “No not like that!”
@The_Painter0624 6 дней назад
It's valid to not like the way a company makes something even if you were asking for something
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
Hahaha - honestly, i think we just need to play it and see more to find out. I'm excited for it! Equally, I get that people might not be, but it's all off the same 'looking at leaks' and some speculation currently. People seem to be having fun with it though, which gives me reason for optimism :)
@Lilian040210 6 дней назад
Yay more ugly, plastic, stupid comedy cartoon garbage! We have so little!!!
@DDog_steam 6 дней назад
You know what would be a good idea for this game, if we going to get characters or the costumes from valve game. Imagine getting a combiner but not a human one, or getting a new robot version of a bot from portal games, or finally, finally like tf2 character that is old or related to tf2. Also imagine getting a zombie from left 4 dead in this game with a gun.
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
Well we had companion cube Io in DOTA 2..I missed that portal crossover :( I'm sure it could happen!
@cantbelieve5231 6 дней назад
Cool they allow bot hosters to commit actual crimes against innocent people and then just create this to take advantage of OW2being shit. They did the same by stalling the halloween update during jungle inferno until the Overwatch halloween event was in its last stretch and bot hosters were existing there too.
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
I am a Team Fortress Classic and 1.5 og, to start - love those and TF2. I played amateur competitive team fortress at a low level in the past. I feel your pain on TF2. I think it's good Valve try something new (perhaps to get a new audience), and hope that TF still gets some attention too.
@altereichwald9483 6 дней назад
Many people hating the game whereas no one has played it yet. In my opinion it will be something in between: not innovative as we would expect it from Valve, but at the same time it doesn't make the game bad. Innovativeness of a game is not as important as the gameplay, which already looks intense and requiring focused attention from the player. The game is fun as long as it keeps you involved in the gameplay process. If Deadlock is able to do that, it will be at least a good team shooter. I'm not saying this situation is not disappointing at all, but probably not as disappointing as some people on the Internet are saying. Let's play the game first
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Honestly, looking at the leaked video (there is a lot), there are a chunk of people playing it in closed testing right now. It looks fast and pretty fresh. I'm keen to try, not in a shilling sense. Moba X team shooter has been tried before - ish, but this looks pretty fun! Not writing it off :)
@brycedarnell7395 6 дней назад
It’ll die in a year.
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Why do you think that? It's definitely a tough market out there for live services and shooters - it'll have to capture the imagination/play in a fun different way to find its tribe for sure. I'm optimistic, but need to give it a good play! Fingers crossed for more open testing sometime soon!
@brycedarnell7395 6 дней назад
@@Hammeh There's already a much better game made back in 2007 that is also a shooter... only better.
@joushi5273 6 дней назад
I feel like it’s worth saying that I haven’t heard anything negative from anybody that’s actually been playing the alpha so far myself included the game is still really early on in development yeah but fuck it feels really good so far
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Agreed - everyone I've seen feedback from who has played a good amount seems to really enjoy it. It looks *fast* - lots of movement. Something almost Fortnite-y about it. What do you think? I heard they may have stopped invites yesterday, is that true? :( Chuck me a referral if not :D <3
@tabbycrumch3062 5 дней назад
it is INSANELY fucking fun. Cool kits for a lot of the heroes too . i come from dota 2, and there's a lot of nice quality of life stuff. i love seeing the visual representation of how pushed the waves are on the map
@Hammeh 4 дня назад
Nicee glad it's sound good! Hoping can get in soon 🥺
@CometdownCat 6 дней назад
Ive never seen your face before and I can't lie I was kihda surprised to see it cut to you talking........not in any negative way or something but like you were just this pleasant voice giving me great overwatch tidbits over the years.....your face is quite fitting with the pleasant voice in fact..... Hopefully this isn't coming off too weird 😬🫠🙃
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Haha, no worries, it's not weird, I've had similar type of reaction before. I've done facecam stuff in the past (and streamed!), but not most of the time indeed. Just experimenting a bit as I get videos going again. Some tell me to stick to talking/no facecam, others don't mind, others don't care! We'll see how we go!
@robodragon1710 6 дней назад
You know I've never really played the type of game that deadlock is but I'm still super excited to try it out when it releases. Excited to see the lore too because valve always does pretty good with that stuff!
@2pizza847 6 дней назад
It's a moba. It sucks. Very badly. You will die of boredom, just like i almost did when i tried dota.
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Honestly the world looks fun, and I see why they pivoted from a sci-fi world. This feels a bit more steampunk-y, esoteric, much more of its own vibe than other team shooters right now. I'm excited to try it out, the key is if it can find its own sweet spot that people enjoy between the mix of games it is - or make its own genre..
@2pizza847 6 дней назад
@@Hammeh again. Ai generated characters. Boring gameplay with cancerous mechanics.
@robodragon1710 5 дней назад
@2pizza847 why are you so quick to judge it based off its genre? Plus there are people that like MOBAs like Dota so your point doesn't stand in an objective sense at all.
@2pizza847 5 дней назад
@@robodragon1710 dota fans are like ill people in medieval times for other fans of valve games. And judging by leaked gameplay... It's awful. Weapons do no damage. Tons of stun locks. Slow movement. Rails trying to offer somewhat decent movement, but you are a sitting duck when you use them. Dota2 gameplay with lame ass towers. It's just bad.
@sadmarinersfan8935 6 дней назад
I know people are going nuts over why did they make his but I think it looks fun plus it’s such a unique design taking stuff from so many different genres
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Honestly, I'm just happy Valve are trying some new-ish things and making some games. The challenge of a mixture of a lot of things to create a new game - it needs to find a sweet spot. It won't be a hardcore MOBA fan's game completely, or a hardcore team shooter fan's game completely, perhaps - but if it's enough to be in a sweet spot inbetween that people enjoy, it can find its tribe :)
@Lilian040210 6 дней назад
Unique design? Gameplay wise? Because visually it's the same lazy cartoon garbage we've seen for 10 years
@user-ur4nl6dq2x 6 дней назад
You sold me at "valve" 😂
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
It honestly looks fun! and different. The proof of the pudding will be in the playing...but, looking at the leaked footage out there, there's a lot of action in this game, movement tech etc...fingers crossed we get some kind of announce soon!
@maze7873 6 дней назад
the world reminds me alot of hellboy
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
I mean, the detective on the menu screen reminds me a lot of hellboy world....definitely has those vibes!
@norre_ 6 дней назад
Fuck the doomers, DEADLOCK GANG
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
I'm in!
@dgeci 6 дней назад
Feels a lot like a lovecraftian world.
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Sure - there's steampunk, bit of horror, a lot of spirit world type stuff...fun mix!
@dgeci 6 дней назад
@@Hammeh Yep
@dgeci 6 дней назад
Any chance for a ... console release?
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
I mean, a step at a time, it's not even announced and in closed testing right now - but, remember the Orange Box? Hammeh remembers the Orange Box. Hammeh showing his age :)
@dgeci 6 дней назад
@@Hammeh I remember the orange box yes. I was there too. But it was a thing from another time. They also released Portal or left 4 dead on consoles. But counter strike is not on PS5/XBOX (which is silly when u think). Dota 2 is not on consoles either, but none of the moba from the competition are. Also to consider, Smite, Paladins and all the hero shooter a la overwatch are on consoles. So... my question was more for the Valve "connoisseur". Does Valve generally release games on consoles in recent years or they have a kind of steam exclusivity mindset?
@Hammeh 5 дней назад
I think honestly, for the right title, they might consider it in future, but who knows. PC native Mobas, tough to console port a bit. Third person shooter variant? Might be easier. Get your point, they haven't done it in a while! May well depend how early it is in development and how committed they are.
@PHoMi126 4 дня назад
Even if the game port to console, they will drop the support after like 2y at best
@dgeci 4 дня назад
@@PHoMi126 It's gona be a game as a service probably. Meanning with a battlepass. The support will be forever-ish.
@fitisdead8029 6 дней назад
I’m exctited
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
You and me both fit! What's most exciting about it for you?
@Mim-id5um 6 дней назад
I know that it's in alpha but I'm just disappointed in Valve's direction at the moment. There's already too much hero shooters in the market and the fact gameplay have only been described with the comparison of other games is a very bad sign coming from Valve. Valve was known to make their own unique mechanics that other developers take inspiration from, not the other way around. Valve is known to cancel so many projects and neglect their older titles. The fact that Valve chose to make this game instead making anything else or supporting their titles is disappointing.
@haggis0257 6 дней назад
How many hero shooters are there? He named pretty much all the ones I can think of and most of those are at least half a decade old. Most people seem to think we need more to force the devs to strengthen the genre.
@mattevans4377 6 дней назад
And yet Overwatch practically has a monopoly. People need to keep trying till something sticks.
@DrawAndErase 6 дней назад
I'd be down for a different hero shooter, outside of valorant, overwatch apex and paladins I think the different game mode helps and there's nothing really out there sticking combining moba and shooter since smite is just a 3d moba and paragon is dead. It might get more unique later, but it's got like zipwires and stuff right, that's kinda new.
@Soup_of_goop 6 дней назад
From what I’ve seen and heard about this game. It really seems like a very different hero shooter. It’s got some big potential
@Saandy_ 6 дней назад
There aren't many hero shooters on the market that are actually good. When TF2 came out, nobody was doing hero shooters, and there was a lot to innovate on. Today, the genre has a lot of potential for innovation, but a lot of the fundamentals are going to be the same. We are in a different time compared to 2007, and if you want to make a groundbreaking game you've gotta do it in a genre that hasn't seen much AAA attention (VR for instance, and HL:A was groundbreaking). Either that or create a new genre. From what I've seen of Deadlock, there's innovation in there, and I doubt it will play like any other hero shooter.
@teharbitur7377 6 дней назад
Kinda interesting that they went with a 6v6 format even though most team games are 5v5. I wonder if it's because the maps are bigger. The world setting kinda reminds me of a more modern version of Candela Obscura.
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
The map looks pretty big from the leaked footage! Teleporters and zip lines to move around, 4 lanes.. I think 6v6 moba fps is an interesting one. The setting could be fun and from the visual novel storyboards, there's quite the backstory to this world! Time will tell but I'm optimistic :)
@Soup_of_goop 6 дней назад
Yeah it seems to be a Fantasy Noire setting with some more advanced technology as well. Kinda reminiscent of Dishonored.
@christopherknowles 5 дней назад
Lane meta will be crazy 3111, 2211, 1111+2 roamers, etc etc
@matthewmarchetti5395 6 дней назад
Cool new games Valve could have made: -Half Life 3 -Portal 3 -Team Fortress 3 -Something VR -Some new, creative and interesting title -Literally anything other than another team based shooter
@trisfaleel 6 дней назад
All games that have way too much expectation placed on them and valve is scared to make them
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
I'd love all these and get it! Equally, I'm excited for Deadlock. If some can nail a moba team fps, I'd hope it'd be them :)
@matthewmarchetti5395 6 дней назад
@@Hammeh Valid
@DrMetropolis 6 дней назад
Its a MOBA, not a hero shooter. basically Dota2 in third person.
@Saandy_ 6 дней назад
We'll just have to wait and see. Valve is still filled to the brim with so much talent, and I think this could be huge and even revolutionary for the genre if they are serious about it. If Artefact and DOTA Underlords never came out, people's expectation and hype for this would be through the roof.
@testtube173 6 дней назад
I find it interesting the things that excite gamers. When they see Marvel Rivals Spiderman swinging into walls and swinging wildly trying to do any damage they cheer and call out "hey it's alpha!". Then when they see Deadlock which is also in alpha filled with movement options spells builds open maps with multiple routes and rail systems to navigate them they scream it looks bland and not colorful enough. I guess I'm just too old because Deadlock looks so intriguing and Marvel Rivals looked like a bad Paladins ripoff with horrendous movement.
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Fair. I like the look of both for different reasons. Deadlock looks like it has depth!
@grzyruth9205 6 дней назад
Hmm, game from established and respected developer and publisher or some Disney cash grab. Such a hard decision. REMEMBER TO BUY AS MANY FUNKO POPS AS YOU CAN!
@2pizza847 6 дней назад
People hate this pile of horse shit because it's a mix of dota( a boring game) and third person shooter (a lame genre). It has ai generated characters. It is slow af, it has retarded rails (they just make you a fucking target practice). This slop of a game isn't a fucking shooter, weapons do no damage and just tickle enemies, the only way to do real damage is ults. And no, i have no fcuking idea wtf marvel rivals is.
@2pizza847 6 дней назад
Btw sloplock looks like a chinese ripoff of valorant
@chococo1447 6 дней назад
@@2pizza847 valorant looks like a chinese ripoff of deadlock on how fluid the animation on deadlocks are lol
@kungtruthfighting6504 6 дней назад
this game is shyte
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
@Soup_of_goop 6 дней назад
Bro. You haven’t played it. You literally have no idea what your talking about
@2pizza847 6 дней назад
​@@Hammeh so far it all looks like awful game design: stunlocks, no movement (rails that make you a target practice doesn't count as a good design), shooting is unfun and guns do no damage at all (in a SHOOTER GAME) which makes aim not important, the only way to deal damage is ultimates. We could've gotten half life 3 or team fortress 3 instead of this chinese valorant/overwatch copy. If you think of it, it's the first multiplayer game valve are doing on their own. The rest were originated from mods for their and other companies' games. And these are mid to masterpiece tier games (dota2 is shyte tier). That's why sloplock is going to fail: that's valve's first *online multiplayer* game
@gues.t 5 дней назад
@@2pizza847 It's in the alpha stage
@matthewmarchetti5395 6 дней назад
Half Life 3?
@Hammeh 6 дней назад
Not confirmed. Not yet 🤣
@matthewmarchetti5395 6 дней назад
@@Hammeh ☹
@Arzeefy 6 дней назад
You know banger game, if icefrog heavily involved
@6u1ll3 6 дней назад
We have Yoshi
@2pizza847 6 дней назад
But we only have dota and sloplock. Mobas (one of the lamest genres in gaming)
@brotherman1 6 дней назад
@@2pizza847 valorant player
@Hammeh 4 дня назад
Love their avatar. Yoshi's Island was my city. Prayers to yoshi to open invites please, think I might be sitting in queue from weekend :(
@wm1573 4 дня назад
“If icefrog invovled” they literally made the game