New Hunt Who Dis
14 дней назад
Guilty Gear: Strive - The Cai Special
Месяц назад
Guilty Gear: Strive - Live Play - Floor 9 SOL
4 месяца назад
Guilty Gear: Strive - One Of Those High Ky's
4 месяца назад
@KelpPardue 5 дней назад
I love this game! It’s so diverse, strange and wonderful 😊
@bwanden_ 25 дней назад
Great match against Elphelt! She has giving me the most problems with her Rekka but slowly starting to find the gaps! Love the content brother!
@mrluthfians01 Месяц назад
thank you, i will stay on mid ladder
@jaydoles88 Месяц назад
@Ai_Reborn Месяц назад
As a player that gets into Celestial, The problem is that the entire Tower system is horrible. Celestial as a whole has mid level, high level, and pros all in the same pool. It’s both chaotic and heavily inconsistent in terms of raw skill level.
@lessonman_3961 Месяц назад
How old is this? Using wild assault for hard knockdown isn't a thing anymore.
@juliustaylor9920 Месяц назад
The ranking system def needs to be revamped. Before cross play I would get celestial religiously with goldlewis. As soon as crossplay dropped I got demoted to floor 9 after a year of flopping between 9 and 10. Floors 10,9, and 8 can be extremely sweaty at times (when I'm playing johnny and not goldlewis). Practice makes perfect. And always watch high level gameplay of the character you're playing.
@Elink88 Месяц назад
Thank you all for the comments. Overjoyed to have more than just my own eyes looking at these matches. Please keep the multi paragraph suggestions and critiques coming. My ego can take it 😅
@RavenUwU605 Месяц назад
I think this is more of a lack of matchup knowledge than player skill. That celestial Johnny wasn’t that good, he dropped a lot of combos that could’ve ended in wall break or putting a card down to continue pressure. The best way to learn the matchup is to watch how better players play the matchup.
@firestorm9939 Месяц назад
Good job!!! You're playing very good. Now I'm trying to get to the 10th floor. It's shocking to see this level of play.
@chargeheby882 Месяц назад
The celestial Johnny noticed you were not timing your meaties corretly, reason as to why he opted to challenge your meaties with fast wakeup options, such as wakeup grab. A higher level player, such as this celestial Johnny can easily eyeball mistimed meaties - even if you didn't mistime it before. They can just eyeball a mistimed meaty. I just rewatched your vid. I highly suggest you practice your meaties more, especially during hard knockdowns. Just a friendly reminder :)
@pacisco Месяц назад
The way I think about the climb to floor 10 is you are learning about your character. Then to get into celestial consistently is where one needs to begin to learn about the other characters. Honestly, you looked pretty even against this johnny but it seemed like you didn't know how to respond on defense. It takes a while but if you keep reviewing your replays and labbing in training mode you'll be able to hit celestial easily :D
@livac488 Месяц назад
0:30, use gazelle step here, you will be +6 in their face with guard crush, it's a very opressing strike throw situation, c.s beats everything other than blocking (which keeps your pressure going) and throw loses to jumps, backdashes, and DPs, don't use 6P too much in neutral vs bedman, it's not good against his grounded buttons (loses to 2s, 2d, 2k and 2p which are like, all of his main good grounded buttons, while it does win against 5k and f.s, it's rarely worth gambling your game on that), it *can* be useful when he's in the air, but it does lose to j.h 0:50, could have canceled into ride the lightning instead of RC for super wall break and positive bonus, a few missed conversion after that Don't go back after jumping bedman's projectile, your goal is to get close to him, take every opportunity you have for that 1:09, should have waited to burst if you wanted to burst, probably would have been better to not even use it, had it even landed, he would have a bar of meter and be at max range while you're low on health, it was basically won already 2:19, good burst, shouldn't have jumped left and right afterwards though, stay grounded, your air buttons aren't that good, he's in the corner, don't just throw out random 6ks either, if you're going to throw out buttons, use f.s, 2s, 2d, 2k, 5k, or even beak diver since he's in the corner 3:06, do **NOT** mash on f.s or 2s unless they show you that they don't do 2h first, it's a 3frame gap into a move that puts them into their desired position, they will use it a lot, if you want to do anything other than block here, it's DP (which is actually quite strong here, since it forces them to respect) 3:53, I know it worked here, but there was no reason to use beak, it's commital and not very rewarding considering at this range, f.s or 2s would connect which are better reward wise and commitment wise (both block and hit) Do not use 2h in neutral, it doesn't cover anything that your other buttons don't and is very commital for no reason Please respect nagoriyuki on your wake up, he will instantly murder you if you try to mash on wake-up On a DP clash, cancel with FD, it's safer than J.P 10:00, j.d is really not a good pressure tool, if you want to bait throw/super, walkback and block, otherwise, go for close slash (Make sure to run up enough to close slash, you accidentally far slash a lot!) Do not do 2k 2d overhead as a combo, do beak diver instead 13:17, if you're going to mash anything, mash a 5 frames, 2s wouldn't have won against neither strikes nor throws 13:40, make sure to super wallbreak if you can, especially when the ennemy has meter, breaking the wall with follow up cost you one bar of motivation too, which is valuable Do not use DPs as a roundstart except as a hard read 16:26, at further ranges of f.s, use either wild assault or beak diver at 16:30, the only way you could have canceled here would have been if you did grab instant RC (which works too, and is the safer way to do throws, but it does less damange, it's a conscious risk reward thing, you had no way to react here) 17:27, you *need* to whiff punish with either 2s or f.s, much like at 18:05 or plenty of other places, you usually do either elk hunt or 6p as whiff punishes, which, on top of being bad to whiff punish(6P has low range and elk hunt is slow) will also net you worse rewards 18:20, forwards mega fist is -6, punish it with a 2k 18:26, whether it be on block or on hit, c.s dash is usually a very bad option, it's very commital, and really doesn't do much for you, if you want to throw, simply wait a little, then dash into throw, it will be harder to react, and much more threatening, as there is also the threat of a delayed 2s to scare them from doing anything
@livac488 Месяц назад
6:02, couldn't have jabbed out, you were in guard crush, it gives you no throw invul, unlike blocking or getting hit (which give you 5), you could only backdash, jump, or tech (delay tech works, and in current patch, DP would work too) for the most part, your main issues are that you're punishing things with the wrong tool (punishing a reversal with 2k) Very strange meter usage, you can cancel the start-up of any of your special move's follow ups with a super for *way* more damage and a better oki, some other routes where you weren't too sure but that's just more of a lack of knowledge I think? And you should be more patient on defense, don't mash on wake up unless they use fake set-ups, and be more patient with the YRCs unless necessary, some strange jumps as well? There's no need to jump to bait supers, if anything you're only getting a worse punish from that I'll try to watch your other videos to give you tips on those as well
@brentsacolin Месяц назад
Cool how you analyze ur replays. Keep it up
@Raven-dy1gr Месяц назад
I'm currently bouncing from floor 9 to the 7 with baiken(at the moment in i'm in floor 8) , I took advantage of this time without internet on PC to try to learn new things with her to try become celestial, this video just shows me that I have a long way to go, holy
@livac488 Месяц назад
Don't worry, it takes some practice, but keep it up and you'll get there, there's a lot of great ressrouces around that can help you too! (Character discords are usually a great place to ask for match-up specific advice, or even more general things, also, be sure to check out some gameplay of your character at a high level (against various characters) additionally, makes sure to use dustloop to learn about other characters too (framedata of key moves, and to know what you can or can't punish), depending on how much you play, you can most likely reach it much faster than you'd think!
@zurgtm7715 Месяц назад
I only made it to floor 10 once with I-No. Went up against some super high level Nago player and got absolutely destroyed 3 games in a row and got immediately booted back down to floor 9. Mind you I have over 2000 wins with I-No so it took me very long just to reach floor 10 in the first place, I can't imagine making it to celestial and maintaining your spot there. I'm currently now learning how to play Sin and I'm bouncing between floor 8 and 7 because im not very good with him yet, but I'm hoping to eventually make it back to floor 10 and try to stay there for at least abit. Good luck on your journey to the top.
@Raven-dy1gr Месяц назад
good luck for you as well my friend, i hope some day we can get a match in celestial
@livac488 Месяц назад
@@zurgtm7715 The effort that it takes to get good doesn't rollback, so once you get good enough, it gets pretty effortless to get celestial on the first day, but of course it takes time to get to that level
@livac488 Месяц назад
Also, one word of advice, most celestial players know your character less than you think, they can fall for a lot more scams than you'd think, don't overestimate them, you should try to abuse their lack of knowledge if you want to get celestial as easily as possible, things that looks like safe jumps but aren't, set-ups that looks to be grabbable but aren't and such Additionally, learn to utilise fuzzy jumps (block for a few frames and then try to jump, if they try to frame trap, you block, if they leave a gap, you jump), you can set it up by having chipp do dash 2k grab on one recording, and dash 2k 2d on another, once you get used it, neither the grab nor the 2d should hit you This is an absolute game changer and will hard carry you against a lot of people, that can also be done with backdashes, jabs, and grabs, but jumps are the safest Of course, it has counterplay and such, but you'll only have to really worry about it when you fight really good players, which is a very small portion of even celestial players
@usyagi3746 Месяц назад
Some things i wanted to point out throughout the video (i'm editing this shit as i watch) Really early on and a bit further into the video, i noticed you've jumped back at least a couple times on your opponent's wakeup. If you want to bait something like a super/dp, you can just hold back/downback. Keeps you in range for (ideally) something like a c.s starter. I've also noticed you seem to like j.d. That move is honestly.. not great. Near the end of a round where you baited super (with a jump back) you opted for j.d to punish, which i suppose in the scenario makes sense, but remember to special cancel it on block/hit since to my knowledge there's typically no other way to do anything out of it aside from spending meter. Near the end of the one Johnny match, you tried to identify that you should've jabbed out of the grab he killed you with. Normally, that'd be correct, but guard crush pressure (if done properly) kind of forces blocking vs backdash/jumping. Guard crush removes(/alters?) the throw protection you normally get from blockstun and changes the RPS situation (among other things). I highly recommend checking out the dustloop section on it. I feel like you could definitely learn/practice doing kara super (especially because i feel the timing isnt really as tight as other karas). I think it'd really help your damage output and confirming wall breaks; it also quickly snuffs burst attempts to deny said wallbreak if they dont react to getting hit by something like hoof stomp just prior. If your opponent keeps backdashing on wakeup, some things you can do are pick a more active button, delay your meaty c.s a little bit, or even just do a hard callout and keep running at them to catch it. I see you got a punish on this johnny after doing IAD over his mist finer to escape the corner, however it didn't combo. I think you've been doing j.s as your jump in button, but typically you'll want to use j.h Around 10 minutes, you spend the meter for RTL to put him in the corner but then you just cede all that screen space to him by walking back to round start. Either keep up the pressure, or if you're worried about his 100 meter and wakeup super, at least just hold down back at that close-ish (not throw range) to mid range and play reactively. 12:26, yeah it's typically not advised to burst on stuff like 5k or c.s, since they're usually jump cancellable and prime burst bait spots. Shortly after, you mention your struggle with getting thrown out of your oki. Tying this in with your thoughts earlier about shimmying and the like, the answer is typically just press a button earlier or practice your meaty timing. If you think your opponent is just doing wakeup grab everytime, that should be your cue to reap the rewards of counter hit city. Either whatever knockdown you got isnt good enough for a full run up > c.s and you need to run most of the way and opt for something like meaty 2s, *or* you're fucking up your meaty timings and you've gotta practice Godspeed, soldier
@AllantheBob Месяц назад
Yep, those are all great points, by biggest tip to you is working on your Oki. Firstly, timing your meaty so that you are never thrown out of it, and then baiting supers and dp by blocking just outside of throw range (so you can’t get thrown while baiting reversals, might want to look into fd breaking for this). Lastly learning how to kara into tyrant barrel. These three things will make your offence a lot scarier and last a lot longer
@johncolton2516 Месяц назад
Thanks for the video!
@pairofrooks 2 месяца назад
@pairofrooks 2 месяца назад
Ok Ky actually appeared I'm satisfied. 😂 Vs the predictable airdash approach from that Slayer (or anyone else) it isn't enough to just 6P or DP reliably. You gotta jump up with jS air to air and perform an air combo for actual damage, not just the one hit damage that an AA gives. I don't own Sin so idk his routes but jS into maybe another button, airdash, more buttons, is a good start. You can punish predictability very hard. EDIT TO ADD also can't Sin air super after a air combo?
@Elink88 2 месяца назад
@pairofrooks that's some good advice. I think with Sin the DP punish is an ok route because you can follow with a gazelle step or convert into a RTL. jS, jH is definitely the move since there's no jD routing for Sin. I say all that but I'll just end up 6p'ing or jpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjp
@pairofrooks 2 месяца назад
I like the part where you jumped 😈
@Elink88 2 месяца назад
Daisuke didn't give us double jumps so that we would keep our feet on the ground.
@Mudkkipzz 2 месяца назад
Great matches! The I-No block tip was something I hadn't thought about. I hope to see your matches in celestial soon. I'm hard stuck 9F right now.
@KURI_DONO 2 месяца назад
sup, hope you'll get celestial f)
@Mudkkipzz 3 месяца назад
As a newer player (about 2 months), I appreciate the play by play vids like this. I started with Sol then Bridget for a while, but now I main Faust.
@Elink88 3 месяца назад
Keep grinding 💪 May you always pull meteor showers
@redford81 4 месяца назад
Just came across this channel on a whim, you got a very calm voice which really works for commentary. Keep up the great work man
@Confelgi 4 месяца назад
I thought this Ky was me for sec lmao. Love the replay commentary! I’ve been learning sin so actually is somewhat helpful.
@ashtonkat378 5 месяцев назад
@gnrc 5 месяцев назад
completely unrelated to gameplay, but i noticed you actually went into the pause menu to change sides and i didnt even know that menu was there lol theres a very common shortcut across most fighting games where if you hit left+reset youll start on the left corner, and if you hit up+reset the characters will swap sides etc this is the first time ive ever seen anything about you, the algorithm just happened to recommend me it so idk what kind of experience you have, but thought id comment bc itll save you a lot of time and patience if you didnt know
@Elink88 5 месяцев назад
That is so funny, I figured out that shortcut you mentioned maybe a week ago! Thanks for the tip (and I hope others see it!)
@Junior_fgc 5 месяцев назад
Some tips I have for sin is the stomp can be really good in pressure after making an opponent block something like close slash. It can catch someone mashing and you are at an advantage so they can’t press buttons and you can combo it with 5k or close slash if you’re close enough. Also if people are interrupting the overhead something’s you can do is standing heavy into elk. It beats all mashing and only loses to throw or dp. You can also just do standing heavy into nothing since it can’t be punished and you can see if they are reacting to the hoof stomp or just doing it after 5h. Also try to mix up when you do it to catch them off guard. If you want to learn more you can go to the channel GGST: High level gameplay they have a playlist of really good players playing matches for every character it’s a good way to see what top players are doing and try to implement it into your matches.
@Elink88 5 месяцев назад
I always wondered what could link after the stomp. I also always default to 2H to try and get the full launcher combo but maybe some 5H's could be used to be a little safer.
@Sskipster 5 месяцев назад
I love watching these videos because I'm on my own journey to celestial and comparing our struggles and strengths is awesome. You're getting so good I hope I see you on the ranked tower!
@pairofrooks 5 месяцев назад
Well played.
@pairofrooks 5 месяцев назад
Nice. I recently had a "i will work on these" video on my own channel. In my case I was trying to maximize damage for a few specific scenarios. I should cook up some mixes tho, since I play Ky and he doesn't have anything out-of-the-box ready to go in that area other than standard tap/charged dust. I do know Sin has the 50/50 hi/lo off of Hoof Stomp / Elk Hunt. And yeah that 2S is certainly a button, yes it is.
@Elink88 5 месяцев назад
Maximizing damage is such a rabbit hole. I'm barely ready to explore that terrain when I'm not even PRC'ing after whiffed grabs. Best of luck to you and your filthy Ky gameplay.
@pairofrooks 5 месяцев назад
@@Elink88 it sure is, but remembering that anything found must be executed in the heat of a match... puts a cap on how optimal one can go. I know more than a few places where I can get more damage with a slightly different route, but the timing requirements are outside what I can perform reliably. PRCing whiffed moves is always good... if you have the reactions. I kinda don't, RRC and BRC are my first friends. Also: I'm doubling your homework.
@Elink88 5 месяцев назад
@@pairofrooks YOU DON'T CONTROL ME (plus I've already gone on 3 errands)
@pairofrooks 6 месяцев назад
"These beasts are the WORST"
@Elink88 6 месяцев назад
Floor 10 is LOUSY with beasts rn
@pairofrooks 6 месяцев назад
"what's this celestial Ky doing on a lower floor?" Me: :sweats profusely:
@Elink88 6 месяцев назад
"How could someone fall from such great heights in a tragic story of hubris? Anyway I'm whiffing these 6p's and-"
@pairofrooks 6 месяцев назад
It ain't Ky but I'll watch.
@Axilron 6 месяцев назад
Takes a lot of work to commentate and play at the same time. Keep it up! Would love to either get some games in or offer you some tips in vc some time if you're down.
@giovani6230 6 месяцев назад
I like the way you scrutinize your own replays! It helps me know what to look out for watching my own replays!
@ericb7937 8 месяцев назад
So exciting to see air rework. This could be the best game ever if they make it as diverse as naval battles
@jaydoles88 10 месяцев назад
Hope you upload more
@Elink88 10 месяцев назад
You and me both, but I'm elbow deep in baby diapers currently. That said, new BAR video getting posted today!
@katietate3084 Год назад
*Promo sm*
@Robstraws Год назад
Gotta watch out for dem gatuhs!
@LefteyeL Год назад
Great to see more people playing BAR!
@johncolton2516 Год назад
Congratulations! Will miss the frequency of videos, though ❤ all the best to your wife and coming offspring 🎉🎉🎉 enjoy fatherhood
@dashsubzero8885 Год назад
Gratz on the baby on the way!
@johncolton2516 Год назад
@slogiranakoala2855 Год назад
Damn, I wish I could see the actual map and game from UIs lol
@literarynick Год назад
Absolutely love this game.
@chirag1091 Год назад
Hey, this was great content
@jaydoles88 Год назад
@jaydoles88 Год назад