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STMicroelectronics at SIDO Lyon 2024
4 часа назад
EVSPIN32G4-DUAL: Demonstration board
Месяц назад
@NorrisDenise-f1h 14 часов назад
Lewis Matthew Lewis Betty Lewis Brian
@zaelael День назад
後継品が X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 でいいのかな
@zaelael День назад
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 が生産中止品なんですけぉ・・・
@pakfones День назад
I can't stop myself you deserve more than a Like 👍
@undercrackers56 День назад
2024: The code resulting from these steps do not send notifications to the ST BLE Toolbox. Search for "if (updateflag != 0)" in module custom_app.c. Look at the enclosing function and you will see that variable "updateflag" that drives the notification will ALWAYS be zero. Change it to "if (updateflag == 0)".
@grhinson День назад
No one is getting my prints
@edgarwcl 3 дня назад
Sorry, not too understood the usage, can emphasise more. Support your team.
@Fixaj 4 дня назад
@natehunt1727 7 дней назад
Great course. Very thorough, yet also easy to follow. I learned a ton!
@AhmadKarimi-sohrabzade 8 дней назад
@anishyadav7617 8 дней назад
Sir please tell me how to get job in this company electronic in diploma and pcb designer please sir
@vijay9890944135 8 дней назад
Why person voice and speaking manner is like this ,looking like he drunk and speaking ,please repeat all videos with clear voice
@sergeylikhogrud1672 9 дней назад
(STM 🦁)🫶🤝(Arduino 🐥 )🤷‍♂️
@jasonpeng457 9 дней назад
whydoes it sound like the man is whispering into the microphone?
@riadhkramou1751 11 дней назад
I am from Algeria. I have been looking for a stlink programmer and stm32microcontroller for a while, but I did not find it in my country. I want to get it, please.
@eos1d3 11 дней назад
I read eevblog saying this device needs USB-C port. Normal USB ports won't work.
@EdwinFairchild 11 дней назад
Yeah it needs a power delivery capable (USB PD) port
@NewTekk 8 дней назад
​@@EdwinFairchild Hi Edwin, no more stm32 videos ?
@EdwinFairchild 8 дней назад
@@NewTekk well I work for them now so I have a lot of parts on hand but also my bandwidth and ideas on what to do next are low, any suggestions?
@NewTekk 8 дней назад
@@EdwinFairchild testing the TSC (touch sensing controller) I think no one has made a real video about this peripheral and how to use the touch library ?!
11 дней назад
Thanks for sharing.
11 дней назад
Thank's for sharing.
@wolpumba4099 12 дней назад
*STHS34PF80 Infrared Sensor: A Technical Overview* * *0:01** Introduction:* This video introduces the STMicroelectronics STHS34PF80 infrared sensor, a low-power device for detecting object presence and motion. * *0:43** TMOS Technology:* The sensor uses Thermal Metal Oxide Semiconductor (TMOS) technology, fabricated using SOI CMOS and MEMS processes, for high performance and a small form factor. * *1:01** How it Works:* The STHS34PF80 detects infrared radiation emitted by objects. It has a sensing element with one part exposed and the other shielded, allowing for differential readings to improve accuracy. * *2:12** Key Features:* * Compact SMD packaging with digital interface (I2C and SPI). * Embedded presence, motion, and ambient temperature shock algorithms for low power consumption. * Wide field of view (80 degrees). * Detection range up to 4 meters without a lens. * *2:34** Applications:* * Smart home automation (HVAC, lighting, thermostats). * Occupancy monitoring. * Asset tracking. * Access control and security systems. * *4:26** Advantages over PIR Sensors:* * Detects both motion and presence. * Smaller form factor. * No lens required (up to 4 meters). * Digital interface and embedded algorithms simplify integration. * Lower power consumption. * *5:54** Next Video:* The next video in the series will cover how to evaluate the sensor using an ST development kit and software GUI. I used gemini-1.5-pro-exp-0801 to summarize the transcript. Cost (if I didn't use the free tier): $0.03 Input tokens: 5790 Output tokens: 655
@wolpumba4099 12 дней назад
*Optimizing the STHS34PF80 Infrared Sensor: Lens and Cover Integration Guidelines* * *(**0:39**)* *Material Selection is Crucial:* The sensor operates in the far infrared spectrum (5.5 to 20 micrometers). Materials like acrylic or standard cover glass are NOT suitable. Use materials with high transmissivity in the 8-14 micrometer range, such as: * High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) * Silicon * Chalcogenide Glass * *(**0:52**)* *Application Needs Dictate Optics:* Consider factors like: * Area of Coverage * Desired Detection Distance * Required Field of View * Mechanical Constraints (size, mounting, etc.) * Operating Environment * *(**1:44**)* *Simple Cover vs. Fresnel Lens:* A simple cover may suffice for some applications. For increased distance or wider field of view, a Fresnel lens is recommended. * *(**1:58**)* *Evaluation Kit Available:* The STHS34PF80 evaluation kit (STEVAL-MKI231KA) includes: * The sensor * A lens holder * A compact Fresnel lens (TMOS63-10) for long-range, narrow field-of-view detection * *(**2:29**)* *Fresnel Lens Examples:* The video highlights Fresnel lenses from Fresnel Factory: * *TMOS63-10:* Long-range spot lens * *TMOS10-12030:* Wall-mount lens * *TMOS00-03:* Cover window * *(**3:15**)* *Key Takeaway:* Proper material selection and lens integration are essential to maximize the performance of the STHS34PF80 infrared sensor for presence and motion detection. I used gemini-1.5-pro-exp-0801 to summarize the transcript. Cost (if I didn't use the free tier): $0.02 Input tokens: 3920 Output tokens: 739
@wolpumba4099 12 дней назад
*STLink v3 PWR Overview & Functionality* * *0:20* *Dual Functionality:* The STLink v3 PWR is both a programmer/debugger and a power measurement tool for STM32 microcontrollers. * *0:25* *Power Supply & Measurement:* It can supply power (1.6V to 3.6V) and measure current consumption (nanoamps to 500mA) of a target application. * *0:45* *Standalone Operation:* It can function as a standalone power source and current measurement unit, independent of a debugger. * *0:30* *Synchronized Debugging:* Allows for the synchronization of code execution with power consumption measurements for real-time analysis. * *15:49* *STM32CubeMonitorPower Integration:* Works with the STM32CubeMonitorPower software tool for visualizing and analyzing power consumption data. * *1:56* *Connectivity:* Features a standard STDC14 debug connector, power connectors, a bridge connector (for USB to SPI, I2C, CAN bridging), and control LEDs. * *8:53* *Advanced Measurement Features:* Offers programmable sampling rates, automatic self-calibration, and overcurrent protection. * *0:38* *Ideal Use Cases:* Power optimization, debugging low-power applications, identifying power consumption anomalies, and verifying firmware performance. I used gemini-1.5-pro-exp-0801 to summarize the transcript. Cost (if I didn't use the free tier): $0.05 Input tokens: 12652 Output tokens: 531
@wolpumba4099 12 дней назад
*Measuring STM32U Microcontroller Current Consumption with STLink v3 PWR and STM32CubeMonitorPower* * *0:00** Purpose:* The video demonstrates how to measure the current consumption of an STM32U microcontroller using the STLink v3 PWR and STM32CubeMonitorPower software. * *0:22** Required Hardware:* * STM32-based board (Nucleo-U83RC used in the example) * STLink v3 PWR * USB Type-C cable * *0:25** Required Software:* * STM32CubeIDE (version 1.16.0 or later) with the appropriate STM32 Cube library * STM32CubeMonitorPower (version 1.1.1 or later) * STM32CubeProgrammer (version 2.16.0 or later) * Terminal application (like Tera Term) * *2:00** Procedure Overview:* * Configure an example project (PWR_MODES_SELECTION) in STM32CubeIDE. * Connect the STLink v3 PWR to the target board, powering the MCU directly from the STLink. * Run the example project, which allows selecting different power modes via the terminal. * Use STM32CubeMonitorPower to measure the current consumption in each selected power mode. * *5:50** Key Takeaway:* The STLink v3 PWR, combined with STM32CubeMonitorPower, provides an affordable and effective way to measure the power consumption of STM32 microcontrollers, helping developers optimize for low-power applications. * *7:22** Important Note:* The video highlights the importance of disconnecting the USB cable during low-power measurements to avoid ground loops and inaccurate readings. I used gemini-1.5-pro-exp-0801 to summarize the transcript. Cost (if I didn't use the free tier): $0.05 Input tokens: 10728 Output tokens: 713
@dineshraghuwanshi5359 12 дней назад
why no subtitle ?,
@j0llytimes135 15 дней назад
Please put video on stm32l432kc
@nirgalZG 16 дней назад
How to set a project up in STM32Cube MX configurator to achieve those speeds? Sadly I can't find any tutorial on this and currently I'm struggling with speeds around 2kB/s... When I compare it to my previous project featuring extarnal BLE module which is Telit's Bluemod S42 and transfer speeds around 60kB/s then i feel frustrated...
@matteoverzeroli2367 16 дней назад
Very interesting tutorial. However, I encountered a problem when trying to receive notifications. Specifically, as reported in some threads on the forum, in the Custom_Mycharnotify_Update_Char function, there is an if condition that is never satisfied, which prevents the notification from being triggered. Anyone has the same problem?
@digitalzoul57 17 дней назад
How did you get the fill_acc_buffer function
@user-zq1te1sr7x 18 дней назад
I have a question. At the beginning of the video, in STM32CubeMX's Pinout & Configuration, you proceeded without the options for "boot" and "appli." However, the board I'm using is the STM32H7S78-DK, which has these two options, and I'm not sure which one to choose. Could you please advise?
@Nothing-27 20 дней назад
So useful! Tks so much! Pls more such as the video!
@hosseinsamadi2644 22 дня назад
Thank you for the video. Actually I made the OTA on a STM32WB35 several months ago and now I saw your video to solve a problem I'm facing with. The initial OTA bootloader and an user App work well for me, but I want to merge the OTA bootloader with some more stuff and change size of it to bigger than before. So it growed and the start addr of user App now is 0x800D000 (instead of 0x8007000), But it doesnt work. I have new constant address for magic number on 0x800D140 (instead of 0x8007140) on the user App. On the OTA bootloader I modified the start vector: #define CFG_APP_START_SECTOR_INDEX (13) , on the app_config.h file and even I defined it on general preprocessor macros in the properties of project. I'm searching a lot to fix my problem, the problem is after trying OTA bootloader, after sending the user App, the user app dosn't start and it will return to Bootloader OTA and advertises there. Could you please give me some tips about what I'm missing for this changing start Addr of user App? So in a brief, I just want to change the start Addr of user App from 0x8007000 to a new Addr like 0x800D000. On the .hex file which is made by STMCUBE-IDE I can see the magic number Addr and its value on supposed sections, and everything seems prepared, but doesn't work. Best regards.
@engchoontan8483 22 дня назад
ST = singapore techologies = sore = loser = TDAxxxx
@sinulation1425 22 дня назад
@stmicroelectronics it has been three years and you have not improved the voice quality, maybe KI can help you with tha ;)
@YashwanthKrishnaChityala 23 дня назад
Hi, Did we miss changing the pin reservation for EXTI pin? I was not able to enable unless I reserved to either secured or unsecured core
@amitkorgounkar2267 24 дня назад
Hello, Thank you for this video series on bootloader. This is my first time in bootloader programing so i am having some difficulty in understanding the linker file flash memory part. What i have understood is we are booting from flash memory on 0x08000000 with length of 32, the my_memory region created with 0x08018000 is for the application i assuming , correct .MEMORY { RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 36K FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 32K MY_MEMORY (rx) :ORIGIN = 0x8018000, LENGTH = 32k } than why again in application we are creating this regions MEMORY { RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 36K FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8008000, LENGTH = 64K MY_MEMORY (rx) :ORIGIN = 0x8018000, LENGTH = 32k } why cannot we use flash with 0x08018000? i am getting confused to partition on bluepill STM32F103c8 board. What i have created is Bootloader : MEMORY { RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 20K FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 16K MY_MEMORY (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08004000, LENGTH = 48K } Application: MEMORY { RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 20K FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08004000, LENGTH = 48K }
@lehuubaothuan8559 24 дня назад
He fix that:❤ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-d7oh0aux1zQ.htmlsi=GcXbIWLpqcpm2Ysw
@grigorianoby 24 дня назад
why there not showed where to set conditional defines (eg. IAP_DEMO) ?
@arunkannan47 24 дня назад
Can we also use Nucleo-H723ZG? as Nucleo-H745 is now obsolete
@ArthurLi-h8b 25 дней назад
Hi, where can I find this 'Move and animate widget' example? if I want to try it out myself.
@user-uw3ws5qe4w 25 дней назад
I ask like the others ... WHERE DO YOU GET THE DISPLAY DRIVER FROM ?????
@davidvileta4526 26 дней назад
Thanks for these tips. In truth, I think most people just want ST to transfer CubeIDE to Theia. Eclipse is so clunky and old. Please make the upgrade happen!
@Eeter-of7dz 26 дней назад
Half a year ago everything worked, but this is broken right now. Haven't been able to import local projects crated in STM32CubeIDE, because it doesn't allow to select CMake as the toolchain. Importing a project created with STM32CubeMX works as you can select CMake as the toolchain - the project builds, but the debug and launch features give an error that no compiler was found in cache. also you can't open this project in stmcubeide anymore. Previously I was able to import a project crated in STM32CubeIde and build, debug and launch in both vs code and CubeIDE.
@ujjwalkala1705 27 дней назад
Thanks for the video 👍
@pejmanhashemi9002 27 дней назад
Where is display driver?
@user-uw3ws5qe4w 25 дней назад
any luck on getting the driver ?
@xProfessorCha0s 28 дней назад
still a fantastic video 10 years later. direct and understandable. Thank you for this insight
@jenniferpatton5108 28 дней назад
The sound is terrible
@LiveEnjoyment 29 дней назад
For those using FREERTOS and the CMSIS CORE V2, here is what you need to change: change offset to following FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08008000, LENGTH = 512K - 0x8000 delete: #if defined(USER_VECT_TAB_ADDRESS) /*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in Sram else user remap will be done in Flash. */ /* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */ #if defined(VECT_TAB_SRAM) #define VECT_TAB_BASE_ADDRESS SRAM_BASE /*!< Vector Table base address field. This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */ #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00000000U /*!< Vector Table base offset field. This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */ #else #define VECT_TAB_BASE_ADDRESS FLASH_BASE /*!< Vector Table base address field. This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */ #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00000000U /*!< Vector Table base offset field. This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */ #endif /* VECT_TAB_SRAM */ #endif /* USER_VECT_TAB_ADDRESS */ section and replace it with just: #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x8000 delete: #if defined(USER_VECT_TAB_ADDRESS) SCB->VTOR = VECT_TAB_BASE_ADDRESS | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal SRAM */ #endif /* USER_VECT_TAB_ADDRESS */ and replace it with just: SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; At least this is what worked for me, i hope it helped someone who is having trouble getting their program to work.
@v24blog46 Месяц назад
I can not down load V1.7 , when i choose 1.7 but when down load 1.2 why??? this wrong of website.
@IgorChekhovtov Месяц назад
was it so difficult to add int this example "receive" part? Maybe it was better to leave old UCB implementation without threadx?
@scottlewis2653 Месяц назад
go check out VIA ARTiGO A5000, bcs its soon gonna be the talk of the town