Kraus TBI
Kraus TBI
Kraus TBI
Dr. Gary Kraus, Neurosurgeon, explains Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), concussion, recovery, neuroplasticity, dopamine, brain function and much more!
Through informative videos and interviews, we aim to demystify TBI and shed light on its impact on daily life.
Whether you're a TBI survivor, caregiver, healthcare professional,or someone intrigued by the brain's wonders, our channel offers a community where you can find valuable information, personal stories, and practical tips for navigating life after brain injury.

Gary Kraus, MD
Kraus TBI, Pain & Spine Institute
Houston, TX
@kraustbi ​

Questions?Contact Dr. Gary Kraus

Disclaimer:The content provided is for information and educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician
@Mooregirl 10 дней назад
Great video thanks❤
@bhargavcs9686 12 дней назад
My Mother Met with accident She is 56 years old. She had a Moderate TBI head injury after 9 days she discharged from the hospital. Know one month over she was not getting Sleep in night and she is getting very angry for simple things and all. Will She become Normal like before or is there any life long symptoms please tell me And how to control anger please Tell Me.... And will she recover Completely how long it will take please tell Me
@LivingWithDan 18 дней назад
Of course there wasn't
@LVGaryD1 19 дней назад
Wow. I have suffered at least 18-19 tbis in my nearly 68 years. I knew I had concussions, but until I flew out of my truck going 80 mph and broke everything from my neck down my right side, I never considered the brain injuries to be anything serious. Matter of fact, I had so many injuries in my big accident that a tbi was not even important at all to the doctors. First and foremost, I was paralyzed for 6 weeks. After my spine surgery, nerves slowly came back. Seven weeks after my accident, I started walking again. I am to the point that all I need to do is fall down and not even hit my head and BOOM!, another tbi. The problem is, my neurosurgeon said I had post-concussive syndrome. That was in 2017, and I have had it at least six time since then. My now retired MD, a good friend, retired in 2017. Now I trust only my neurosurgeon to care for me. He says to do what I do, PEMF, chiropractic, and marijuana gummies. The worst thing is, I get angry often, and I seem to have lost my creative side. I used to write a song in an hour. Since my first nig accident in 2005, I have not completed a single song. That is very frustrating. I am a dealer in a casino. New games that are very simple take me six months learn. However, my math skills are better than ever. I make a lot of mistakes, but my bosses say, "It's okay. It is a brain injury issue. Oddly enough, I rarely make a math mistake. It is always something stupid, like pay black when the number is red on roulette, or mark the wrong number. Sadly, I am a Virgo perfectionist, so if I make 2-3 mistakes in a day, I get very angry at myself. Also procrastination is a big issue. Glad I found this page. Thank you. Going to be binge watching now.
@LifeIsWonderful675 Месяц назад
I was left with Complex Partial Seizures or Focal seizures I think they now call them in 2004 after numerous blows to the head which damaged the "left temporal lobe" during a Domestic Violence incident. I was left with a Traumatic Brain Injury at the age of 43. In 2005 I was having two seizures six months apart until the doctors started me on Epilim which I stopped suddenly in 2007 because of the side effects which then increased the seizures. This then brought the seizures on monthly so I am now having anywhere from 2 - 5 seizures a month at approximately the same time every month around the same time when my hormones changed. It is unethical that I was never told about the keto diet before trying me on medication as it may have stopped the two seizures a year. In 2007 the doctors decided to start trying all sorts of different medications again. This went on for about six years with no change to the seizures, in fact the medications were making the seizures worse. I have around 20 - 24 seizures a year which I have documented for many years. I decided to stop all medications in 2012 because they were not making any change to the amount of seizures I was having. I am still refusing medications and started researching the keto/carnivore diet about two years ago after one of my first bad falls in June 2022. I slowly started to change my diet and eat a lot more meat and stopped all sugar, carbohydrates, alcohol and various other foods. I have been trying numerous variations of the diet but the seizures have not stopped. I am trying desperately to not have to take the terrible medications that have side effects that can also cause seizures but I am loosing hope. I have one last doctor that follows the carnivore diet I have made an appointment to see in October. After that I it will be trying the drugs again. I am now 63 and over the years the seizures have escalated to Drop Seizures. I have had many Drop seizures over past few years but I had been lucky enough not to have had too many bad falls as someone had always been close to stop the fall. In June 2022 I sustained three falls, one bad fall where I hit my head on the pavement after collapsing and falling backwards. An MRI and a CT scan were taken and showed no damage. I was then sent back to the same Neurologist I had seen in 2005 who prescribed Keppra which which did nothing before to stop the seizures so I have refused all drugs again. I had a bad fall two weeks ago which I never remember and was taken to Emergency again but no tests were taken as I said I was feeling ok. I have sustained bruising over the left side of my face which is slowly subsiding which I am now able to cover with make up. I have had a terrible headache off and on over the past two weeks so will be waiting for my appointment in October.
@robertglenn411 Месяц назад
I had a brain abscess that eventually burst, but only after causing a plethora of lasting and debilitating damage to my brain. I hate watching videos like this, as I experience the very effects described herein, but never even hear a single word about organic or disease related damage. It seems my family thinks I’m making it up … and why wouldn’t they? Doctors on RU-vid videos rarely explain that you don’t have to have a crack to the head to experience so much mental health damage. The same problems can happen from sudden illnesses or infections.
@carolyngidewall64 Месяц назад
Can a frontal stroke be considered a tbi?
@acmechanic27 Месяц назад
I am sorry this Neurosurgeon very knowledgeable but this is terrible learning format he uses!
@carolyngidewall64 Месяц назад
Is a stroke considered a TBI?
@carolyngidewall64 Месяц назад
Is a stroke considered a brain injury?
@mylove757 Месяц назад
Thank you! Great video!!
@DollysParadise Месяц назад
Are you still making videos, we miss you!
@gingersnap5245 Месяц назад
My sister was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and continues to recover for the past 42 years from a self-inflicted GSW to frontal lobe. Our family is her caregiver because she has multiple diagnosis following her attempt on her life. Executive functioning is all but gone. She learned to walk 2 years after awakening from her coma. My question is can she still suffer from schizophrenia? We don’t trust anything she says because organized thought and decision making, or successfully planning anything are not present. Her main drive is eating and watching movies. She appears to enjoy family gatherings. Emotionally, it is sad to say this, but she doesn’t cry and will laugh inappropriately.
@Richard-kl9bb Месяц назад
BS video, it does not explain DTI
@aidanmulligan9768 Месяц назад
My Son was in a car accident in March 2019. The car he was riding in went through a fence and a piece of that fence went into the right side of his scull. He has all of the issues that you describe and seems to be in denial about his TBI. Although he is doing remarkably well I wish he would agree to see a neuropsychologist . He says he doesn’t need a Doctor. Any advice would be appreciated. I loved your video, I will share with my husband and other two Sons to help them understand why there Brother asks the way he does.
@Corrieri85 2 месяца назад
I was in a motor vehicle accident in 2005 and collapsed the whole right side of my brain. The vehicle i was in hit a concrete barrier at the beginning of the bridge with the passenger side of the car head on and i bounced down the door frame and was pinned in between the bottom of windshield and dashboard when the airbag went off and bounced my body off the ceiling of the car. I spent almost 3 months in a medically induced coma to allow the swelling to go down. Shortly after being released i started having conscious seizures that eventually turned into full blown seizures. I still worked or should say tried to. I ended up earning 38 of the 40 credits needed and have been awaiting disability now for almost 3 years and finally have a hearing with a judge in September.
@zsurya11 2 месяца назад
Its not that I can't recognise everyones faces I recognise some faces like my parents and 2-3 close people but for anyone else i can't recognise even if that is my neighbour but once i start talking to them or find any special trait about them i can recognise them Is it considered as face blindness?
@LoLoRose777 2 месяца назад
Thank you, doctor! This is such meaningful and compassionate presentation of extremely important information that should be shared far and wide. More awareness is needed of this mostly invisible, yet far-reaching and long lasting type of injury that many continue to be affected by. I'm thankful to still be alive, and have the opportunity to continue to observe how my brain works now, and it's beyond fascinating at this point (once I got past the first 6 or 7 years - being angry about noticable deficits and being in denial about actually having a brain injury, erroneously thinking my memory is totally fine haha, and a plethora of other nuanced and more obvious things. These responses only wasted time, yet the regulation wasn't really there to recognize that at the time). Brains are truly incredible! Thank you again, Doctor, for your time in bringing this video to us!
@motherofintuitives 2 месяца назад
my 18 month old has autism and agnosia
@IntegrityMeansAll 26 дней назад
He’s still a baby so the positive thing is his brain is still highly plastic (neuro plasticity) and with professional help and training the brain and avoiding any bad influences he still has a lot of chances - you should research a lot about positive reinforcement and other ways to train your child’s brain in a positive way
@motherofintuitives 26 дней назад
@@IntegrityMeansAll it's a girl...she got her father's boyish version of autism though....she is getting all kinds of therapies and support so things are going good with her so far.....
@IntegrityMeansAll 25 дней назад
@@motherofintuitives that’s good to hear 🩷 I hope the treatment will help her 🙏 Kudos to you, because some parents don’t even care
@richardamantite678 2 месяца назад
It's been 17 years or longer since my first TBI and 10 years since the TBI I almost died from. I'm not even recovering from the first one yet! Personality change is the most devastating part. It's like I'm not who I used to be twice over. Irritability can be brutal when I'm persistently triggered by a family member. It's like I have been given superpowers to do and to be what I never wanted to do and to be. In fact, it's almost always opposite to what I wanted to do and to be.
@reginaldwilliams617 2 месяца назад
Yes I could only recognize faces only up close. From a distance everyone faces was a oval object... it's better now...
@reginaldwilliams617 2 месяца назад
Nice video... im suffering now with a TBI.... this is life changing
@ladybootalkstruth9583 2 месяца назад
OMG!!!!!! I know GOD lead me here!!!!!! THANK YOU 🙏🏼 😇
@cfarlow5830 2 месяца назад
Thank you for your positive words and for making this video.
@ninajohnson6578 3 месяца назад
Can you talk about TBI and aging? I had a moderate TBI almost 50 years ago in a ac accident. I always worked and my major issue has always been aphasia. My doctors treat me as if my TBI has no effect this many years later.
@graemegeorgeharrison2468 3 месяца назад
Born 1980- 1984 near drowning holiday 1984 loss of consciousness/concussion falling off 12ft wall onto head Frequent heavy nose bleeds for 10 years 1992 fell 20ft out of tree hit head 1993 slipped on black ice loss of consciousness for over a minute cracked skull on rock, 10 stitches in back of head. 1994 skating backwards down steep bank hit head on iron gate, bad concussion 1994 hit in head with cricket ball at full pace concussion 1994 hit in head with a rock concussed 1995 knocked unconscious with head to head collision playing Rugby at school 1995 hit on top of head with plaster cast, concussion memory loss 1997 concussed after being repeatedly hit several times to head 1999 carbon dioxide poisoning whilst diving 1999 hospitalised after car crash lost over a pint of blood 2001 knocked unconscious for over 5 minutes in Riga Latvia outside of nightclub 2002 near drowning in Cyrprus Navy 2004 near drowning whilst diving 2007 concussed after fight with doorman in Perth Australia 2010 -2014 heavy recreational drug use 2017 collapsed at work in Belgium with stroke like symptoms. Medically evacuated back to UK 2020 - Nigeria cerebral malaria (hospitalised) Doctors rule out tbi….I’m in constant agony low mood, memory and confusion. Don’t know what to do, just want to call it a day
@graemegeorgeharrison2468 3 месяца назад
I can’t feel any other than pain burning and ringing, no memory just darkness, my life is closing in
@tedwilliams1994 3 месяца назад
I had a temporal lobectomy in 1994. I went 19 years seizure free. On my job, I suffered a TBI, I got beat hit in the head by a projected metal cart. My head was hit on the side where I had brain surgery. I now live with Dycristic seizures and have a VNS device implanted in my chest.
@drewoneill5908 3 месяца назад
Excellent video
@cindymobley8926 3 месяца назад
I wish you were near me!!! I finally was able to see a PA for a neurologist's office, but it took a year and a half to get anyone to see me. Had the ER nurses fighting to get me in. Live near Boise. Suffer from Aphasia, migraines/headaches daily, dizzy, double vision, fatigue, sleep a lot, can't remember things after i just was told or did something, only told to take Tylenol, white spots on my brain told proves migraine problems, swearing in my head is new, was extroverted and now seem to be introverted, light sensitivity, jumpy, angry, basically 2 pages of symptoms. So hard to get someone to listen to me! Have a 4.0 in college, 5 star chef, but i can't think. Had 2 brain injuries in 3 months, but the 2nd one was hit at a stoplight by a truck that plowed into me while i was stopped. That one made me have different sized pupils, still do, and was exponentially worse. I haven't recovered - feel like i am locked in a brain that isn't me. Need help.
@Onoesmahpie 3 месяца назад
Why do you put the Schrodinger equation and other QM stuff in the thumbnail? Kinematics are relevant to car collisions, not quantum mechanics
@JKnSK 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this. You're right when the compass is your brain and it gets messed up is hard to stay positive and keep going. Do you see many brain injuries due to illness? I am so isolated and alone💔
@JKnSK 3 месяца назад
My brain injury is caused by CIRS, from toxic mold exposure. It has been debilitating. I have distorted vision and PCS. I have young children and my life has been taken away from me😭 It is so hard. I'm trying everything to bring my neuroinflammation down but the struggle is intense.
@Quadster19 4 месяца назад
From personal experience a family member of mine had a traumatic brain injury and surprisingly had a near full recovery. The part thats difficult is this person often makes rude comments. I think for the most part that it isn't deliberate however, it really hard to tell and many of us are often offended by this person. I often have to reflect to before the injury and remember that I didn't have any cross words with this person.
@leehedderwick3399 4 месяца назад
What an incredible analogy Dr Kraus. Thank you so much 🙏
@RoadRunnergarage8570 4 месяца назад
I was in a weather related head on collision on 3/31/97 and sustained several physical injuries including a TBI...
@Lacaza3 4 месяца назад
The music is too loud can’t heard you well
@robinweaver9546 4 месяца назад
I survived a severe TBI in 2003. I have Encephalomalacia on the left side of my temporal parietal area. I became a DON 11 months after my accident. Outside I was trying to be ok but I was struggling. I worked so hard on building new pathways. I never said I can’t. 20 years later I am now struggling with that injury. I have horrible Tinnitus. Migraines. Daily. Recently diagnosed with Hyperadrenergic POTS. I survived an accident that killed my husband instantly. Raises my 4 boys. Fought hard. Now I am struggling more then ever with this injury from 20 yeas ago.
@annie.bo.briggs 4 месяца назад
It's kinda weird that I couldn't remember anything from the day of the accident even 2 hours before the accident. Where did that go? I had: • Left subarachnoid hemorrhage • Right inferior cerebellum intraparenchymal hemorrhage • Right occipital bone fracture • Right supraorbital fracture
@user-hp1qj8uh4d 4 месяца назад
@ratsaimatu 4 месяца назад
I may very well have Auditory Verbal Agnosia.
@Dillon-ux6it 4 месяца назад
Last Summer I got struck in the left temple by an object (likely a rock) kicked up by a landscapers weed eater at ballistic speed. I didn’t lose consciousness but have suffered post concussion syndrome ever since. I have been coping with short term memory loss, sensory overload, photophobia , trouble concentrating at times, balance issues, vertigo, sleep disturbances, and constant throbbing pain in my temple. I pray every day I will completely recover from these symptoms and regain the ability to conduct my life without constant pain.
@nataliaspencer4346 4 месяца назад
Appreciate the information you’re giving
@nataliaspencer4346 4 месяца назад
Can you do a video about the shearing of the brain
@watson2991 5 месяцев назад
@jimmackey2909 5 месяцев назад
Fascinating and informative. Now 76 YO, then 15, passenger in car T-boned by 80 MPH vehicle. Ended up ~100 feet from collision. Going by some neurological sites, damage to entire left side plus brain stem, frontal lobe and corpus colosum. Totally blind right eye, bi-lateral tremors, short term memory issues, personality change, etc. Also, I didn't even know I had a TBI until about 1997. Memory was improving til I got in to my 60's. (sigh) Discovered over the years how much memory plays in day to day and working life. Even with all the other difficulties and more I haven't mentioned, if a genie offered to only fix my memory I'd grab it in a heart beat! Average job length til in my 60's was 3 to 6 months due to memory issues even though I excelled in the beginning. Life was "interesting". Last thing, thank you for the work you're doing to help others in this predicament.
@graceplz8417 5 месяцев назад
So your telling me that if I get rid of this useless organ that doesn’t do much for me I’d be 3 pounds lighter!? (I got the surgen on speed dile lol) 😂
@RoadRunnergarage8570 5 месяцев назад
I had my TBI at age 26 in 1997 in a bad car wreck as well as other several physical injuries... I was in the hospital for 26 days and in Physical Therapy for 18 months... I had several career failuers post TBI-( I attempted to become a Special Education Teacher,Car Salesman and 911 Radio Dispatcher but my TBI limitations got in the way)... I then struggled with depression,anxiety and suicidal thoughts partially due to the career failures.. I cannot multitask,repeat myself and struggle with short term memory...I then had to fight the court sesason for 15 years to (FINALLY) recieve SSDI-(Social Security Disability Income) through 4 appeals and 3 attorneys... I now drive for a car dealership and build model cars as a hobby which help me keep my TBI and PTSD symptoms at bay and has been very good for my self esteem as well...
@CentaCo 16 дней назад
Thank you for sharing this. A challenging journey you've had. Best wishes.
@amiraayor4248 5 месяцев назад
I listened to this video every morning when I'm heading to work. I must say you have seriously changed my daily thoughts I used to have before. You're awesome Dr Kraus.
@wagfinpis 5 месяцев назад
The mind may be a universe but materialist can only estimate 100 Million neurons in the brain as to 100 to 400 Billion stars in just the Milky Way Galaxy.