Welcome to my youtube channel I post Super Smash Bros Ultimate video's. If you enjoy my videos be sure to subscribe.
(Shoutout to Retr0Artist on twitter for the banner!)

@mirandaprins8065 2 дня назад
Steve’s f-tier in the thumbnail because his beard is gone thats the only reason
@vaexsil 2 дня назад
@Ducksaregreat 2 дня назад
You had me on the first 4, then you whipped out a Mii and lost me 😂
@gracielealves6264 11 дней назад
I think the real problem isn’t that the new fighters are too broken, it’s just that other characters don’t have the tools to deal with them. It’s just like invasive species. In a vacuum, cane toads aren’t necessarily bad, but when they got to Australia, the local meta AKA wildlife didn’t have the counter play to deal with them, so they instead had their survival threatened. For example, when Min Min invaded the Smash ecosystem, since the main anti zoning tools for a lot of characters, their reflectors just didn’t work since Min Mins attacks are technically not projectiles, their viability got threatened. Overall, it’s not about being OP, it’s about other characters not having the necessary tools to beat you.
@daddyappa8366 28 дней назад
nice vido, I dont know why that dude is so mad lol
@vaexsil 28 дней назад
If you mean ItsAGamer, he's a friend of mine, but I agree he could've been a bit more polite. Also, thanks for the love ❤️
@peachyman8211 Месяц назад
It kind of just makes me sad and lose motivation to play a game, thats why i cant support it
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I get that.
@itsagameriag Месяц назад
Shielding is frame one, tf you mean "takes 3 frames to come out"
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I meant that there is a shield lock for 3 frames, my bad. (No reason to be so aggressive, lil bro)
@cesars.9912 Месяц назад
@vaexsil The video is awesome, by the way, but respectfully, you made it sound much more complicated than it actually is. Sure, it's only technically three frames faster than a shield drop, but you're forgetting your opponent wasn't moving away during a parry "shield drop," so it's not technically just +3 since you basically skip the shield drop animation entirely. And can do things oos not normally possible like walk oos or literally any move oos. Also, parrying projectiles and parrying normal moves is now the same thing. IIRC, it was fixed through a patch in 2021. Lastly, certain moves that fall into an "indirect hitbox" list give an extra HUGE frame advantage over a normal parry for some reason. (+13 frames of frame advantage instead of the usual +3) There's no rhyme or reason to this; the game just does this. I don't know why, sadly, I forget which moves fall into this category. I do know that Robin arc thunder falls under said category.
@cesars.9912 Месяц назад
Actually, I found an old list that has some of the moves that fall into the indirect category, by the way. These are: byleth landing nair gunner bair/uair ness/lucas down b rob empty laser levin late dsmash/sour usmash seph landing dair dk down b (ground) zss down smash And theres more that i don't have noted down, but you get the point.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know this tbh but this was also just supposed to be a mini guide, I could've said more things but I didn't want the video to be too long. Thanks for the corrections tho!
@cesars.9912 Месяц назад
@@vaexsil np, I respect the hustle👍
@psyk1k986 Месяц назад
Only works online. I'm a semi pro fighter and in great shape, quite attractive with a good career. Nothing bothers me haha. I've won a couple locals and lost some recently, but people aren't toxic to me because I'll give them a dead leg or steal their girlfriend, if they have one. I'll gladly get DQd knowing some clown who thinks they're cool for playing princess peach and beating an electric cartoon mouse can't walk because of a light punch to the leg. "Have your girl save you" as i wink at her. A good one is getting the girl to smile after you tell them they couldnt stop me from doing it haha. Note im very humble, but ill bring the shit talkin to a real level, real fast when your only skill is smash and you think you can get under my skin. I will have people laughing at you so fast and with my public speaking skills, they will take my side. I'm also halfway decent at the game. I do well at my locals. All but four characters in elite smash as well. With a busy life, I haven't really pursued bigger tournaments though.
@MD-se8ft Месяц назад
Taunting or tbagging does not mean toxicity . toxicity is bad and the smash community is filled to the brim with it. Don't encourage such behaviours, there is a reason why leffen is hated.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I get what you mean. But tauntung and tbagging are considered toxic. And I don't think being toxic is a bad thing as long as you stay within your limits.
@clunk238 Месяц назад
This is true, infuriating your opponent with a little toxicity is just another tool to win the mental game, but I would avoid taking this toxicity out of the game in any way. In my opinion, it will earn you more hate than it's worth. Regardless, tilting your opponent so they start performing worse is genuinely an effective strategy that I think shouldn't be so frowned upon. At the end of the day, if you're irritated by someone taunting in a videogame, you bear the fault for letting it get to you and distract you from what matters. Ignoring toxic behavior and trash-talk is the simplest way to avoid getting tilted, and I believe it's really not that hard when you realize how nonsensical it is to be angry at a videogame character performing various silly gestures.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I agree that because of the community, it is better not to use this strategy. But getting angry at taunts or tbags is, like you said, more the fault of the person getting triggered.
@psyk1k986 Месяц назад
The last time someone tried to troll me at a local, I pinched their bicep and almost made them cry. Soft boys shouldn't talk trash even if it's not serious, because my pinch wasn't serious, so why you crying? I prefer a more "mentor" or chill strategy when interacting with people, not the "don't touch grass and my girlfriend cheats on me" method you speak of. That way, people don't talk shit behind your back lol. Unless it's silly ball busting around friends.
@sora4440 Месяц назад
This is something that has been known and done in almost every sport. Its just playing mind games. Unfortunately, gaming communities are too soft to understand that trash talk and brash behaviour are useful tools to gain a competitive advantage against opponents. Its why home field advantage exist in sports. It takes a mentally tough individual to not let it affect their game...
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I agree, I can definitely see why people don't like it. But I agree that the gaming community doesn't like it, especially the smash community, they are so toxic, but when it happens to them, they are the biggest softies.
@sora4440 Месяц назад
@@vaexsil Yea tbh, the Smash community didn't used to be this bad. I mean back in the Melee days, everyone talked hella shit. Thats how we had the whole East Coast vs West Coast thing. Just mad trash talking on smashboards that eventually led up to FC3. Tbf, other gaming communities have gotten soft too. The FGC days in the 00s and 10s were some crazy times. Popping off used to be common and now popping off can be seen as rude. Times just change...
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Yeah. But that's how it is. If I'm right, I'm not just gonna say I'm wrong, tho. People in the comments telling me I'm wrong while taunting was made to be toxic is something I will stand for. I'm not gonna "admit" that I'm wrong.
@sora4440 Месяц назад
@@vaexsil I don't think its a right or wrong thing. As long as you aren't breaking any rules of the competition, all is fair. There are gentleman and unwritten rules in alot of competition but who cares. Baseball probably has the most gentleman rules but they still don't care. We still see people getting butthurt about bat flips so. Are trash talking and bat flips against the rules?? No. But are they lowkey disrespectful?? Yes. But in the world of competitions, anything that you can do to get an advantage within the rules is fair...
@psyk1k986 Месяц назад
So if a player is at a local, and says I need to get better, is it fair to say "if I had a dollar for everytime your mom and girlfriend said that to me about you in bed, I'd be rich"? Or pinching their cheeks like their grandma and call them cute?
@rawrbecca_ Месяц назад
Also, what about screaming as loud as you can when your opponent is trying to do a precise input (like Luigi 0-td), pooping your pants before the start of the set to distract your opponent with the smell, and wearing a shirt that has a photoshopped image of you making out with their mom? Where do we draw the line?
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Bro, I didn't even say this 😭💀. I clearly specified MULTIPLE TIMES that there ARE limits.
@rawrbecca_ Месяц назад
@@vaexsil All of the things I mentioned would give you an advantage, and are legal to do. So why not do it?
@vaexsil Месяц назад
The examples you give are so unrealistic as well??? Who would shit their pants before a set????
@rawrbecca_ Месяц назад
@@vaexsil there’s an NFL player named Channing Crowder who used to pee his pants every game for a competitive advantage. If pooping your pants can distract your opponent, why not do it? It’s fine to be toxic to win right?
@vaexsil Месяц назад
You wouldn't even be able to do that since you would get kicked out. That's so unrealistic.
@rawrbecca_ Месяц назад
Just don’t get mad when no one wants to play you, everyone cheers when you lose, and people refuse to fist bump after the game.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
It's not that serious, bro 💀. It's so obvious that this is satire as well...
@rawrbecca_ Месяц назад
@@vaexsil Doesn’t seem like satire in the video, other commenters seem to think it wasn’t satire either
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Well it was...
@Drawmation_ Месяц назад
@@vaexsil You say that this video is satire, but you directly contradicted that in a previous statement of yours, "People in the comments telling me I'm wrong while taunting was made to be toxic is something I will stand for." So which is it? Is this video satire or not? Do you think being toxic is good or not?
@vaexsil Месяц назад
If we look at the facts, being toxic is optimal. That is just true. But I originally made this video as a joke. It's a joke with me and a friend and I decided to take it a step further.
@CocoaBean3977 Месяц назад
I don't want to dog pile on this person for their video but I will say that as somebody who competes competitively in locals for smash ultimate, being toxic in order to get the win may give you temporary victory but it's so much more rewarding to defeat an opponent while both players are at their best. Plus it doesnt breed a negative mind set in other players or yourself in the long run. Good mentality and earning those wins with your practice and skill far outweighs the wins you get by hurting the other players mentality. I'm personally not someone who gets upset at taunting or teabagging but comments out of the game are just going to make people either laugh at you (not in a fun way) or not want to engage with you. I know this point is mostly made at the end but then why not start with that?
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I kind of mentioned it throughout the entire video that I think that making actually mean comments is just being a bad person. I just said that a sarcastic comment is okay. I don't see what's wrong with a dumb little joke during a set. If the other person asks you not to do it, then yes, you have to stop. I could see why you don't like them, tho. But getting mad over taunting and tbagging is a problem of the player getting angry/ triggered too fast. I could see getting irritated by tbags, but taunts were designed for a reason, so I think getting mad over taunting is more of a personal issue.
@CocoaBean3977 Месяц назад
@@vaexsil if im playing casuals with friends, sure a little joking is one thing. but if youre in a match that matters to you and the opponent wants to try talking smack during the set or after a win, I dont really see the merit in that anymore especially if i dont know the person. im sure every friend group is different but i was more concerned with making these comments to people in tournament settings with randoms. people are there to play and win and have fun not listen to someone's attempts at mind games yknow?
@dexxle Месяц назад
vaexsil is quite the name
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Thanks, I know.
@lgschaef Месяц назад
I understand that it may help to win but don’t encourage being toxic man. It just makes the competitive scene worse and less fun for everyone.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I think that as long as your not personally attacking someone, it's okay. I get what you mean tho.
@itsagameriag Месяц назад
This is the primary reason I didn't want him to make this video it's quite cringe tbh.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
It's good content + I said multiple times that being toxic is not the same as being a bad person and explained that as well so I don't see the problem.
@psyk1k986 Месяц назад
@@vaexsil meh. If you can be toxic about something as miniscule as smash, it says a lot about you.
@Ccosmic Месяц назад
womp womp
@benjaminlura7318 Месяц назад
Joker is kind of lame without Arsend. Thats what makes him good.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I think base Joker is really cool and Arsene is just kinda lame.
@TortleV3 Месяц назад
But sorry for asking but if you see this comment would it be possible to turn down the volume of the musik for your videos because it makes it harder to understand what your saying even though the Musik chose is pretty good.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Yeah, people have been telling me this. Every video I lower the volume and it's still too loud, the reason it sounds so loud in the end is bc I forgot to turn up the volume of my voice.
@TortleV3 Месяц назад
Nice Video man also love the fakt you used Smash as an example as a German who has played smash bros for as long at has been out and loving to be Toxic this video is very entertaining also love the way you Elaborate on some points 😊
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Really appreciate the kind words man ❤️
@instant7856 Месяц назад
got a new sub
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Thank you! ❤️
@justarandompurplefox3243 Месяц назад
I exclusively main 2 fighters, Incineroar and Wii Fit Trainer. The DLC fighters haven’t introduced any new problems for these 2 characters that weren’t already present - Incin still gets camped, Wii Fit still gets shut out by disjoints. The key is to learn your matchups. I have over 2k hours logged into Smash 4, where I honed one of the worst characters in the game through all the DLC launches, and brought that to Ultimate.
@Villagerirl Месяц назад
Mii Swordfighter can also ledge trump easier with Gale Stab and Reversal Slash. Gale Stab you just run off and side b into the stage and for RS you down b into the stage; both very easy to learn and get down
@wildmonkeycar Месяц назад
Greninja can "Hydro Trump" by using his UpB while on stage. Not only does it go super far and fast, but if done well, the windbox from Hydro Pump will push the opponent even farther from the ledge, allowing for better kill power Downside: It's a tricky input, and messing it up means you die, hence why you don't see it used very often
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I know. But it's not that optimal if you can just do ISLT instead
@wildmonkeycar Месяц назад
@@vaexsil It can be- He moves so fast in Hydro Pump that you can effectively trump from roll distance on-stage, which can really catch people off guard. Plus, instant ledge trump is harder for Gren, due to his absurd fall speed
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Once I am home, I'll try it out
@robertjohnson6154 Месяц назад
☹️ *Promo sm*
@vaexsil Месяц назад
@0oShwavyo0 Месяц назад
In terms of character specific ledge trumps, greninja also has some ledge trump setups with hydro pump and Ganon has some with wiz kick (falcon kick probably works too I’ve just never labbed it). They are a bit finicky to set up but look really cool and catch people off guard because the trump comes from so far away.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I know, as Greninja main I can confirm they are cool, but not really optimal. It is very reactable. Smaz for ganon and falcon.
@thefolder69 Месяц назад
if you get a ledge trump as Byleth, fast fall + reverse up B is confirmed which basically guarantees a kill on any character above like 60%, and even earlier for characters with bad recoveries.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Yeah, you can do the same with the Links with up b (and mii swordfighter hero spin)
@Lenyous Месяц назад
hi just to say that you forgot that cloud has an easy ledge trump by running offstage -> instant ub reverse towards the ledge (it's a bit slower than a ledge trump vanilla and that a ledge slip but vanilla ledge trump is so hard to do with cloud and with limit it's almost frame perfect)
@vaexsil Месяц назад
I thought he had one with up b, but after 20min in training mode and not being able to do it, I gave up....
@driptcg Месяц назад
​@@vaexsil once u practice the timing its essentially 100% consistent imo
@satorushigami422 Месяц назад
Fun fact: bowser also has an easy ledge trump set up. Just down b on the edge while they recover. If you do it early you hit them and sucessfully edgeguard them. But if you hit it just right , you will ledge trump your opponent and can go for a kill cuz you're bowser.
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Oh yeah, I didn't really think of that 🤔
@kakaraka132 Месяц назад
Really good topic hope more people watch this video
@vaexsil Месяц назад
Thank you, I hope so too!
@itsagamerfgc 2 месяца назад
What up Vaxination remember to lick and soobscrib
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
So true
@rimzaaah5892 2 месяца назад
Great video just please lower the background music
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
This has been pointed out a lot, I will work on it!
@rimzaaah5892 2 месяца назад
7:08 lmaooo
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
@rimzaaah5892 2 месяца назад
Fixed the timestamp
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
I still don't get what's funny tbh
@devinfischer5567 2 месяца назад
When a character is hard to win with it means that their tools take considerable amount more effort to make effective when compared to other characters, but when executed properly should guarantee wins just like any other high tier. When a character is bad it means that they lose most situations regardless of how well the player of the bad character used their tools
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
Thanks, this was actually really helpful!
@thisistruthschannel 2 месяца назад
this video is really well made, kept my attention throughout it too, your script writing is really good but my only advice id give is to lower the volume on backround music but otherwise this is really good, you got a lot of potential and i cant wait to see where you can take this. good luck vaexsil
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the advice!
@Fishy_squad3354 2 месяца назад
You forgot piranha plant
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
Yeah, I guess, but he wasn't DLC for those who preordered the game, so I don't really count him.
@itsagameriag 2 месяца назад
Piranha Plant deserves a separate video
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
@rimzaaah5892 2 месяца назад
Even then he was a really forgettable character, a video on him would be kinda unnecessary
@KidKRoolexe 2 месяца назад
It was Myron not aaron
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
I'm pretty sure it was Aaron, since I fact checked it.
@KidKRoolexe 2 месяца назад
@@vaexsil my bad was remembering summit 5
@KidKRoolexe 2 месяца назад
Also on summit 6 Aaron and ACola seemed to only played eachother during squad strike, can you send me the vod of them playing in bracket when ACola switched to Kazuya
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
Oh no, I just cehcked again. You are right. It was indeed Myron at Smash Utimate Summit 5. I was wrong. My bad.
@KidKRoolexe 2 месяца назад
@@vaexsil all good lol
@mjdevlog 2 месяца назад
You have potential bro. Idk but your voice and the way you talks just feels "RU-vidr" to me. Also nice topic and bcoz of this i watched your prev video too
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
I really appreciate the nice words man, I really do. It's been my dream since being a kid to be a RU-vidr, so you saying that I sound like one really means a lot! ❤️
@Pinata_Banana 2 месяца назад
Underrated. Hope your channel blows up!
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much! ❤️
@itsagameriag 2 месяца назад
Good played, nice video good zoning. (I really like the Kazuya part especially)
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
Also put the most effort into that one. Kinda of felt like the visuals were needed there to prevent people from getting confused 😅
@alexdaemon09 3 месяца назад
I think the script was amazing, but I want to watch the character you are talking about 😂
@vaexsil 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I thought about that a little too late. I was already processing it in my editing software when it came to mind. Will do it next vid tho.
@alexdaemon09 3 месяца назад
@@vaexsil 🔥
@yawbyss981 3 месяца назад
I miss when Joker and Wario were the characters everyone was afraid of
@vaexsil 3 месяца назад
Honestly, same here
@SkullChao 3 месяца назад
Dude, this video is so good that I thought I was watching a completely different RU-vidr Which one did I think I was watching? I don't know...
@vaexsil 3 месяца назад
Maybe RisterMice?
@SkullChao 3 месяца назад
​@@vaexsil my brain just wasn't functioning right
@vaexsil 3 месяца назад
@SkullChao Haha, we all have those moments
@legrandliseurtri7495 4 месяца назад
Not even a mention of Toriguri in the banjo section, ok... You even said that Banjo has had no impact at all on the meta to this day.
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
Don't get me wrong, TG is very good. But Banjo just isn't that good.
@ygt0812 2 месяца назад
How about now after BOBC6? XD
@vaexsil 2 месяца назад
Again, I think that Banjo is still a little bit underrated, but he is still not that good, TG is just a god.
@MrGameguyC Месяц назад
Small correction, the community generally considered Banjo Mid Tier, borderline High Tier at release. It took some time till they were labeled as Low Tier. Also can't forget about the Breegull Blaster macro that gives them an infinite. lol
@coolleorealms1495 4 месяца назад
No views cause everybody is watching Genesis:/
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
My vids usually don't get views the first 2 to 3 days 😅
@orangeslash1667 3 месяца назад
@@vaexsil Banjo needs to be very patient and attack when the opponent makes a mistake or be campy if Banjo can't find an opening. He's kinda like Sonic in a sense. In Banjo Tooie, boss fights are about running away from the bosses until they expose themselves. It also take about 6 mins to beat the Hag 1 in Banjo Tooie as well. Breegul Blaster cause pressure or cause quick damage. One trick I discovered is that Banjo can edge guard with nair, and if Shockspring jump isn't enough he can use Wonderwing to make it back on stage.
@vaexsil 3 месяца назад
I know, but there are just so many bad things about the character that just makes him extremely underwhelming.
@orangeslash1667 3 месяца назад
@@vaexsil That's because you can't play Banjo like any other DLC character, he can't afford to be aggressive. He has to focus on ether punishing or zoning?? He's up there with Mewtwo as one of the fastest zoners in Smash. As well as one of the few characters with a bury option along with DK, R.O.B, and K Rool.
@vaexsil 3 месяца назад
Believe it or not, I actually do know how to Banjo and Kazooie. They have some strengths and can be pretty explosive sometimes, but everything just isn't enough for him to be considered a good character.
@Crimson_Wraith. 4 месяца назад
Nice video
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
Thank you! ❤️
@RayBcv1030 4 месяца назад
Surprised you didn't mention the rise and fall of ZSS. She went from mid tier, to top tier, to high tier again with her place in the meta falling consistently.
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
Gonna be honest, didn't really notice that one
@Pennsylvaniapride- 4 месяца назад
I think secondary is great if your main has a bad matchup chart! Some good secondary characters are wolf,game and watch,meta knight,and min min
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
Those are good secondary characters indeed!
@J_armesan 4 месяца назад
I lik dis vid
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
Thank you bro!
@ashykinz5162 4 месяца назад
As a inkling and pichu main I miss the good old days 😂 great video subbed
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
I understand. And thanks a lot!
@onewingedakuma6835 4 месяца назад
Steve being as powerful as they are is crime only rivaled by Sephiroth not being heavier than he is currently(Sephiroth should be at least a mid weight and at most a heavy weight).
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
Fr, they had no reason to do my boy Sephi so dirty.
@onewingedakuma6835 4 месяца назад
@@vaexsil They did my boy Sephiroth so dirty. In terms of Mii costume characters: Dante got done so fucking dirty.
@mohammadalhusaini810 4 месяца назад
He also has god awful frame data meaning if you miss an attack at mid percent you are most likely dead. He deserved to be broken man 💔
@vaexsil 4 месяца назад
Yeah, his frame data really pushes him back as well imo, combine this with the fact he is hit and run and that he doesn't really have vertical range (besides u-air and u-smash, but this are really committal) he just got done so dirty bro.