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Staten Island after Sandy II
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New York Needs Generators
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Help After Sandy (New Version)
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Help After Sandy (Old Version)
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Andrew Kimbrell on GMO's
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The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Oswald
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Whats Behind Libya
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Susan Lindauer - CIA Whistleblower
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The Best Diet
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Not brought to you by Philip Morris
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Binders Full of Flim Flam
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Vote Yes Prop 37
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FBI Fed Follies
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The End of Economic Growth
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Gun Control
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Michael Hudson
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The Shale Gas Shell Game
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The media helps Africa
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Reality TV
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The Power of Fame
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Wendell Berry and Wes Jackson
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Our Economy is a Ponzi Scheme
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@weaverjoshuab Месяц назад
Still doing it today. Crookes with trump the patsy like Oswald
@chrissandi9613 2 месяца назад
Coiffure requiring attention here.
@andorrasrevenge1683 4 месяца назад
That’s the coolest dudes
@brianeggers7460 5 месяцев назад
This is the real deal. Makes you wanna take to the streets!
@eskay_ess4505 6 месяцев назад
13 yo vid w 40 comments?
@rezakarampour6286 7 месяцев назад
' Israel And Assassination of Kennedy Brothers . ' RU-vid Video .
@you.me.4995 7 месяцев назад
◄ Isaiah 10 ► King James Bible Par ▾ Woe to Tyrants 1Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; 2To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless! 3And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?
@kcsunnyone 10 месяцев назад
@tarangita Год назад
what about the airplanes, and the people in the plane, are they all fake???
@saul96youngdrip51 Год назад
I can bet 10000000000 he was a math teacher
@jamesbirsen648 Год назад
And may he rest in piece (pieceof shit) - he is no relation to mankind, but to the pigs he worships.
@SeltaebEht Год назад
LOL it is already open
@SeltaebEht Год назад
Do you realize that THESE monologues will NEVER happen again in the future?
@SeltaebEht Год назад
Amazing work on this video. (((ºJº))) Peace !
@catherineh399 Год назад
It would be clear to see that the "plane" that hit the pentagon was not what they say it was. Thats why there is only 2 pieces of footage, both from a shitty potato parking-lot cam taking pictures every couple seconds. (((They))) will never release the other approx. 87 cam footage.
@uhlijohn Год назад
Russian language interpretation of Chertoff is "son of the devil". Off with his noggin'!
@Georgi_Slavov Год назад
Again US soldiers are betrayed and pay with their health bc the gov wants to keep its dirty secrets-before the First Gulf war same happened with agent orange in Vietnam.
@islamokhazarian366 Год назад
@armandopazjr4397 Год назад
This man was and will always be an American hero, silenced as part of the ongoing conspiracy of our government.
@johnkesich8696 Год назад
9/11 bombers?! Freudian slip there? Anyone who has actually looked into 9/11 knows that the destruction of WTC 7 was text book controlled demolition - except they were over liberal with the explosives and the building came down at closer to free fall than any of the acknowledged controlled demolitions David Chandler studied. As for the towers, your "lying" eyes will show you (if you believe them" that neither collapsed - pancake or otherwise; they were blown apart from the point of impact downward - with at least one multi ton mass of structural steel being hurled into a building 600 ft away. 9/11 was a CIA/Mossad false flag just like the USS Liberty. Why is Brasscheck peddling this BS video?
@edmakan1197 Год назад
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller- 23 Sept 1994...
@NeverPullOutInMexico Год назад
is this Natasha Lyonne???????? lmao talks just like her
@ChristinaHolly Год назад
They, the deep state, killed JFK because he planned to do away with crooked US government organizations… USA populace fed propaganda. Every corporate media site states same exact approved narrative. Now they are dragging us into another war.
@ChristinaHolly Год назад
Scott Ritter, weapons of mass destruction inspectors, concluded in 1990s there were none, and Democrats, including then Senator Biden, disagreed and went so far as to say that determination was above his pay grade.
@ICheckYourSoul Год назад
fix the volume
@aaronz7056 Год назад
Roger Craig's B.S. claims: A) He was with Deputy Mooney when they discovered the sniper nest. Flatly contradicted by his own WC testimony. B) He saw 3 hulls lined up in a neat row in the sniper nest. Flatly contradicted by officers who actually discovered the nest and the scattered shells. C) He saw "Mauser" on the recovered rifle. Flatly contradicted by other officers (Deputy Weitzman freely owned up to his goof in misidentifying the rifle after only a cursory look at it), by news film of the rifle, and by himself, in his 1968 interview where he assures the L.A. Free Press he couldn't ID the gun because he "didn't know foreign rifles." D) Word came down of a second rifle - a Mauser - being found on the roof. Flatly contradicted by every other officer present. Craig later altered his account so the roof rifle disappears from the story while the recovered Mannlicher-Carcano now transforms into a Mauser. E) He saw it was only six past one when he heard Tippit had been shot. Flatly contradicted by other witnesses, evidence and by himself in his 1968 interview F) He saw a .45 slug recovered from the plaza grass. Flatly contradicted by his own WC testimony, and the testimony of every other officer and witness present. G) He saw Oswald flee the plaza in a Rambler station wagon. Flatly contradicted by other witnesses and evidence demonstrating Oswald's true escape route, by bus (where he was recognized) and by cab. Oswald still had the bus transfer in his pocket when he was arrested. H) Oswald told him in Captain Fritz's office the Rambler belonged to Mrs. Paine. Flatly contradicted by every other officer present and by FBI and Dallas PD documents proving Mrs. Paine's car was a Chevrolet. I) There were attempts on his life. No supporting evidence exists for that claim, nor is there any evidence of why it would be necessary to "silence" this guy when his credibility would have been shredded on the stand by any decent lawyer.
@c123bthunderpig Год назад
He looked a lot like Jack Lord of Hawaii Five O.
@aliciamelendez5476 Год назад
I agree. Good, hardworking, decent people including me are being singled out for TSA screenings for no reason by TSA Neanderthugs.
@mooneyes2k478 Год назад
This is probably as stupid a thing as has ever been spoken. "Military grade rust and aluminium". What's next, civilian pixie powder? Christian-grade BBQ?
@luissosa3712 2 года назад
The United States is the enemy nunnevr one of this world who wants world peace
@Bovice..YT-handles-are-fn-dumb 2 года назад
Yes.. Greedy capitalist bankers are communists... The ideas of communal wealth building, brought to you by selfish individualists.
@davidbeckett5962 2 года назад
I have read and watched many things about the Kennedy assassination, and this interview is one of the most honest and true I have seen. This stand up guy who was only doing his job had to pay with his life, how many more life’s have been spent and lost just because they was in the wrong place and just said what they seen. Hopefully but I doubt it the truth will come out this is a very sad thing that happened how different the USA and the rest of the world would have been but sadly the people that did this killing not only killed JFK but they killed the spirit of what the USA stood for at that time. To the family of Roger Craig I don’t know if you will ever read this I hope you do there are many people including myself that think your father was such a brave man God bless
@badapplek 2 года назад
This was 2005. Imagine the magnitude we are experiencing this via social media in 2022.
@kingceaseforever 2 года назад
What a one sided video
@samsonsuarez2367 2 года назад
Fuck the IRS
@martentrudeau6948 2 года назад
excellent video, thank you
TSA is out of control. And I'm glad I don't fly much. Because common-sense unfortunately cannot be taught!!!!
@nicolelivington9154 2 года назад
America would have been better off without Ronald Reagan as president . He ruin the country in other ways , as well . He might be the reason the minimum wage isn't livable , today . This guy has a lot to teach us . I didn't even know there was a such thing as the fairness doctrine , until I started listening to him . Hopefully , someday we'll get it back .
@mariesavannah2369 2 года назад
These men of power are demon possess and they use their power to terrorize women but there is a God is haven that is watching and taking note that will bring them into judgment that they wont be able to escape
@dannyhughes4889 2 года назад
I can't believe that this is allowed by RU-vid. Perhaps only if Covid is mentioned are there issues.
@williambrown2930 2 года назад
The very notion that vaccines protect our immune systems from disease is an evil lie that has been cultivated onto the public for decades. The fact that the US Military has been using its own men as Guinea pigs should greatly anger everyone. It’s illegal and utterly corrupt, and business as usual for the people in charge. You’ll all get to stand before God one day and finally get your due reward for the lifetime of wickedness that you participated in.
@yesbrth 2 года назад
The same with the new shot mandates! I DO NOT consent. Clinton's executive order 13139: "...that the President waive the informed consent requirement with respect to the use of an investigational drug." is proof they see us as cattle, not humans. FREEDOM NOW!
@DianeDi 2 года назад
Agree this video is very relevant our world today. Just say no to these experimental jabs.
@dannyhughes4889 2 года назад
Read my Comment posted today. Unfortunately a very true story. I didn't want to publish the name of the Country involved as it could afford more ammunition to the already long list of haters.
@DianeDi 2 года назад
@@dannyhughes4889 I can't find any other comment by you Danny? Maybe RU-vid is messing with the comments.
@dannyhughes4889 2 года назад
@@DianeDi Looks like it as I see that my original comment has been taken down already. I comment quite a bit of RU-vid but this is the first time someone has pointed this out. Perhaps a take down is automatic when the word starting with V is mentioned.
@DianeDi 2 года назад
@@dannyhughes4889 best to use the term "jab". On my own videos so many comments never appear people ask me why I removed them. I would NEVER do that unless it was obvious spam.
@kenmccarthy9037 2 года назад
Is anyone surprised by the s*** going on in Canada now? The people of Ontario actually elected this piece of s*** to Parliament. He's currently "Thye Minister of Emergency Preparedness" and is President of the Privy Council.
@tarangita 2 года назад
Osho is poisened by CIA...!
@machochopper2222 2 года назад
the police officer running up the grassy knoll was French hitman in a police uniform, he had just shot Kennedy in the Head. He went down to the grassy knoll to collect the film from a young army cadet who was filming from the Grassy knoll, got the film or whole camera from the boy and went back up the grassy knoll to the railroad area. He had already handed the gun off to an accomplice dressed in a railyard worker uniform who took the gun apart in 2 clicks to make it smaller and put the gun into a tool box and walked away slowly. There was a deaf man eyewitness to all of this standing on the overpass bridge looking into the back side of picket fence rail area. He was paid off by FBI to keep quiet, he was deaf anyway so it made it pretty easy. So it is quite astonishing that he actually saw the shooter run up the grassy knoll in a fake police uniform, as he said prior in the interview, there were no Dallas police officers on the ground. The one he saw was the French Hitman dressed in a fake Dallas PD uniform. Fact.
@BigFists2024 2 года назад
Everybody is a cartel expert now Ahahahahah
@grimfandango6137 2 года назад
Sorry. The rifle in the video is NOT a Mauser. It IS a Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle . The the stock and the magazine exactly match the Italian rifle, and clearly do not match the Mauser. Do the research for yourself, it's all on a Google search images. Other than that CRITICAL misrepresentation, the rest of the information seems credible. But this error is too big to be ignored. When this video was compiled, they had no idea how powerful and easily accessible photos of both weapons would be, sitting in your chair at home, withing 5 minutes.
@kenmarchlenski4477 2 года назад
I was in 9th Grade when this happened. All I wanted in life was my buddies, girls and sports. Even then, I KNEW within days this was All Wrong although I didnt' have enough experience to know about "Removing (I.e. Killing) the Patsy before he can Talk" was SOP for such open-air and public assassinations! America gave this a pass in 63 as it was a Profolatic action by the Enemy against their mistake in judgement by allowing a real Patriot to become President. Then we Gave "911" a Pass and that was the Kick-off for the Game. Now, Covid is the Winning strategy and it's Luninati 49 and the Entire West 0 at the 2 minute Warning! See what happens when the Press is part of the Enemy! That's WHY the First Amendment is the "FIRST" Amendment! They Shit and the Press Covers it all up with plausable lies or even terribely weak lies! Our 'Part' in this Rout was that we couldn' be bothered to Think Hard and believe the horrible Truth! To allow oneself to See and Believe in a "Vast-Conspiracy" would Require us to get Up off our dead stupid asses and DO SOMETHIING! Instead, we Chose to recline back down, fold our hands, order a Pizza and turn on the TV! !
@patrickjack2943 2 года назад
The "Secret Service" guards the secrets of the elite, ultra wealthy masters of the world and enforces the orders of the President's masters. The secret service is a police force that makes certain the President obeys the orders of the ultra wealthy masters of the world, that's why they are there.