The Wiener Holocaust Library
The Wiener Holocaust Library
The Wiener Holocaust Library
The Wiener Library is one of the world's leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust and Nazi era. Formed in 1933, the Library's unique collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony.
Exhibition Panel: Archiving ISIS
4 месяца назад
A survivor of ISIS captivity in her own words
5 месяцев назад
Jackson Mark Robinson Helen Clark Patricia
@vanessabernardo3124 9 дней назад
Hitler was never going to invade Portugal, that was just a threat towards Churchill, also lets not forget that Churchill threaten with the USA to invade the Azores, even though Portugal and England have the oldest alliance in the world! Salazar wanted to avoid war because every Portuguese citizen remebered what WWI brought to Portugal!
@vanessabernardo3124 9 дней назад
Also Salazar unlike Franco was not antisemitic he was proud of the Ultramar empire and saw all of the citizens as Portuguese with equal rights from Africa to Asia unlike the other colonial powers. However, he was against zionism and communism. Salazar whose best friend was jewish felt Zionism was a racist ideology because it seperated people by pretenditing that being jewish is an ethnicity. He believed a Portuguese jew was just as Portuguese as a catholic and it was a negative reminder of what the vigoths and the inquistion brought to the Iberia peninsula.
@vanessabernardo3124 9 дней назад
Portuguese jews are not German jews. Many of the German jews looked down upon the Portuguese christians and jews when arriving even after the humble and generous Portuguese offered them what they had. many of the refugees also went to former portuguese colonies and married portuguese citizens and the ones that assimilated consider themselves to be Portuguese and are Proud of it immersing themselves within the community especially Polish jews. There is a cultural difference between the Anglo saxon nations and their culture. This was evident with the German jews and how they felt extremely superior. Anyway I am Portuguese with jewish Portuguese roots and I feel zionism has highjacked the hebrew nation just like christian zionists highjacked christianity.
@BuckleGeoffrey 27 дней назад
Davis Timothy Gonzalez Susan White Timothy
@Ephilates2024 Месяц назад
Thank you for your work, which is relevant and important.
@redwater4778 3 месяца назад
Eisenhower forced 17 million Germans out of their homes in the eastern province. They were forced to walk to the west . 6.6 million never arrived.
@TheBighobby 4 месяца назад
free gaza
@trekker3468 5 месяцев назад
Erich Maria Remarque, the author of All Quiet on the Western Front, was high on the nazi kill list. They could not get their hands on him. Instead they excuted his sister.
@ronstratford1424 6 месяцев назад
Archaeologists DONT cry. This one ought to be compelled to go back to grad school to take (or retake): 1. Field methods and techniques of dirt archaeology. 2. Methodology of processing and curating archaeological artifacts (especially human bone) 3. Philosophy of Science 101 (so she can learn the difference between science and pseudo-science. This person is an embarrassment to the illustrious history of British archaeology from Carter to Renfrew.
@drgas6459 7 месяцев назад
I don’t agree with the implication that Claude lanzmann was wrong in his editing, the big picture remains true; atrocities were committed in Poland , always the slant to relieve antisemitism without evidence other than personal opinion is sloppy and obviously incorrect
@drgas6459 7 месяцев назад
Hard to understand her pronunciation especially with names
@davidsabillon5182 9 месяцев назад
Like commented and subscribed 👍
@sergiofrei Год назад
How about cleaning in front door? Plenty of stuff, starting with 1ww&2ww...
@chrislondo2683 Год назад
I remembered there was comment on here where some was defending Trump and the person who was against got into an argument.
@johnelliott0101 Месяц назад
Was does Trump have to do with this narrative?
@chrislondo2683 Месяц назад
@@johnelliott0101 , it was some comment I saw years ago.
@jingham9990 Год назад
So another Johnny Good Boy Gerry hatchet job on their beloved leader
@edwarddelarosa8228 Год назад
What's your point ? Every Military on Earth has committed crimes from the beginning to current . I don't think any Group or single person believes that the German army was crime free, ask any Viet Nam veteran what was done to POW's when Americans were found in the field besides the search and destroy body count system.
@pieterwillembotha6719 Год назад
What was the Holocaust?
@rustyshack2349 Год назад
@ExRhodesian Год назад
All the work that has gone into blackening the name of the Wehrmacht makes me conclude it is a huge distortion produced by the usual suspects. I bet this chap has made a good living, yeah his bosses must be very pleased.
@ExRhodesian Год назад
@The Richest Man In Babylon Wikipedia is a tainted source controlled by the same scoundrels who own the media and advertising plus more. To rely on them.as a source is ludicrous.
@ExRhodesian Год назад
@The Richest Man In Babylon Gassed kids well why then they they have nurseries and classrooms at auschwitz? Look at all the survivors now who were children in the camps some even born there.
@modest_spice6083 Год назад
LMAO. The Wehrmacht doesn't need any blackening. We all know that it is a criminal organization that is a willing instrument in the various genocides that it did for its Nazi regime during WW2. It's already degraded enough, enough to kiss every demons' asses in hell itself.
@safpsy 4 месяца назад
Pray tell, who are the usual suspects? By your name "ExRhodesian" I think everyone knows where you are coming from.
@leeriches8841 2 года назад
The International Tracing Service were a great help and very supportive in my request to find out more about what actually happened to my family that did not survive the Holocaust. Unfortunately they never had any information for me that I didn't know but I will always truly appreciate the time and effort they put into their searches. I've now unfortunately exhausted all other options and resources now and sadly will have to leave my poor relatives to history and all that's left for me to say is (albeit rather reluctantly, nor at all morbidly or in a sick way) is that hopefully their deaths were quick and painless.
@ankomitarashi7083 2 года назад
8:55 a communist revolution? What kind of revolution are we talking about here
@DutchColonialEmpire 9 месяцев назад
October revolution Bolshevik party takin power in russian empire
@corryjookit7818 2 года назад
@susiestreeter2592 2 года назад
Hello will I gain my freedom and rights to my family enhairatance
@corryjookit7818 2 года назад
#SusieStreeter Inheritance is the correct spelling. I think your finger might have got stuck momentarily on the keyboard.
@redaug4212 2 года назад
The Nazis weren't quite "right wing" by German political standards at the time. Other than that, great lecture.
@redaug4212 Год назад
@The Richest Man In Babylon I'm afraid not. If they were extreme "right wing" they would have been trying to reinstate the federal monarchy of the German Empire. Hitler and the National Socialists had little to no love for the Prussian nobility or the class-based systems of Imperial Germany.
@alias6967 Год назад
Right wingers never gonna cope and own up to their side doing horrid shit
@stevea2488 2 года назад
"Lets Make Germany Great Again" , I like how you threw that in with your commentaries in the Netflix world War in colour series. Don't you ever get bored with being a political shill and an asshole asshole ??
@krazyflipy5801 2 года назад
It was time to let go of Dziewulski y Lange's terracotta tiles in 2016 already. Dubious and rather willful-looking inaccuracy spotted - without the internet even. Catalogued one of those at local Museum, unrelated country, with own hands and eyes, years ago. Spotted the 6-pointed pierced mullet star logo - same since 1886, when Jozef Dziewulski and partners Lange brothers registered their ceramics factory in Opoczno, Poland - immediately, in the initial British "documentary" featuring this dubious "archaeologist". The mullet star logo is found on all Dziewulski y Lange terracotta products and on the, ahemmm, back side of their tiles. That is the side that gets plastered to the wall/floor, you know. These are the facts and the historical, real data about the tiles. Took a lowly Museum Assistant and a good library all of 10 minutes to find out in the early 2000's. Takes professors emeriti in world's most expensive universities quite some time, it seems. I see the establishment and MSM running hard with its "truth" about the Teblinka tiles. No, I am not a "neo-nazi" nor a "revisionist" - detest all bat shit crazy supremacists the precise same, regardless of what god appointed them. Only interested in provable facts and rational conclusions to be made.
@brycecrousore1985 2 года назад
Impossible to listen to. In 2020, you haven't figured out a Zoom call?
@石立德-g3n 2 года назад
it's so important that the world does not forget this dark period in History.
@martiakatz8442 2 года назад
When looking down and reading the microphone loses every other word. What a shame this important lecture was so difficult to listen to.
@ralphtom3431 2 года назад
@gatormcklusky5850 2 года назад
Looks like the US Government in power right now has this Hitler thing going on right now hands down. 🕳🕳🕳🕳10/17/2021.🕳🕳🕳🕳
@henryhoover3953 3 года назад
Noice 😉
@ecossembot 3 года назад
...Why do we continually avoid discussing the war crimes and atrocities committed by the Allied high command? When? When will it be time to hold them accountable?
@joeylonglegs4309 2 года назад
Why do you continue to use whataboutism, a logical fallacy, to justify the Wehrmacht’s crimes?
@condedooku9750 2 года назад
Sorry Wehraboo, but Hans is a war criminal.
@obiwaankenobi4460 2 года назад
Allied war crimes that were neither systematic nor very widespread.
@redaug4212 2 года назад
Why would he be talking about Allied war crimes during a lecture about Wehrmacht war crimes? Why is your first reaction to discussion about German war crimes "what about the Allies?"
@Rokaize 2 года назад
What war crimes? Did members of allied armies commit war crimes? Yes. Was the entire point of the war from the allied perspective a war crime? No. The German armies entire goal WAS a war crime in and of itself.
@davecollins6113 3 года назад
Not the best dissertation of what I've seen on it, very poor descriptions of certain facets of it, but, it does get the general point across, the Wehrmacht was anything but innocent, they were very complicit in what happened, and it was absolutely intentional from the beginning. They planned to kill all the Russians and all the Poles and all the Slavs eventually, or at least keep some slaves around for a while, then when they didn't need them anymore, dispose of them. When the Russians went into Poland in 1939, the only thing they really did differently, was they simply enslaved the refugees from the west and created some temporary gulags in Poland, shipped the ones they didn't need, back to the eastern gulags, and disposed of anyone who wasn't likely to be a good Communist. Poles couldn't hope for much in the way of a guarantee of life, either way, over the long run. Many ex-soldiers ran a disinformation campaign on the role of the Wehrmacht, and even the SS, in what happened in Europe thru the 50's to the 70's. Many autobiographies conveniently leave out certain periods in the author's deployment, or lightly mention something they "heard about in the next town", or "saw while they were transiting back and forth from the front".
@flyboyben8384 3 года назад
The Soviet occupation of eastern Poland was qualitatively different than the Nazi occupation of western Poland. The Soviet agenda was class war, the Nazi agenda was race war. Race wars are wars of extermination. You can't change the fact you are a Slav or a Jew. You can change your "class" -- you just become a supporter of the Communist regime.
@david-stewart 3 года назад
Very informative. danke schön
@chaimphoto 3 года назад
Please continue with your good work. My mother was on a death march but I never got the details from her.
@tadschell2285 3 года назад
In the Netfix series Greatest Events of WWII Dr. Megargee states: "Really, if you had to identify a theme for Hitler's election campaigns, It would have been" 'Let's make Germany Great again." In my view, Dr. Megargee's noteworthy academic and research achievements are tarnished by what I consider to be a political cheap shot.
@youbidoubidou 3 года назад
He nailed it!
@honved1 3 года назад
A political cheap shot? Against who?
@andrewtanczyk4009 3 года назад
Seems as if he created that because his political ideology. Therefore too biased to even trust that it was properly researched
@bohemiancorporal 3 года назад
The Wehrmacht was ‘in it’ up to the wine-stripped trousers of the General Staff. There were two Holocausts: the one in central Europe proper and the one in the ‘East,’ the Soviet Union. The Wehrmacht was fully aware of, and enabled, carnage and slaughter beginning in Poland in 1939. There was no surprise when Hitler penned War Directives, undated and amplified after the invasion, outlining how cruelly the Slavs, Jews, Communists were to be liquidated as an active policy measure of Barbarossa. The internal dialogue within the Wehrmacht was to try and not get too associated with the atrocities of the SS and Einsatsgruppen. Many generals fully co-operated and assisted the SS in their deadly campaign. Had they lived I believe the Allies, post 1945, would have found it impossible not to have von Reichenau and Model ( among many) join Keitel and Jodl on the gallows. Even everyone’s favourite anti-Hitlerian general, von Rundstedt, was held in full captivity, almost to his death as it was politically opportune not to try him for war crimes but impossible to release him for enabling Einsatzgruppen’s in the Ukraine. Many generals also penned stupid, self incriminating orders to their troops calling on them to aide and abet-clearly criminal-crimes against humanity. Oh and everyone in the fatherland knew the broad outlines on the slaughter in the east. Read the trial transcripts of von Leeb, von Manstein ( who served time) and how the eastern front generals were involved in the commission of war crimes.
@quentinquentin6752 3 года назад
You are spot on. I am left feeling ill by the lazy way so-called “academics” label Trump supporters as no different to Hitler’s Brownshirted thugs. The difference is obvious and is so obvious they betray the historical record when flippantly tossing these barbs around. Trumps daughter is Jewish. His son in law is Jewish. He has Jewish grandkids. Let’s compare that to Hitler! Oh yeah there is no comparison. Trumps supporters seem to be vastly supportive of Israel and the Jewish people. Let’s see how that compares! Oh yeah again it doesn’t. The leftist academics who spew this garbage do an incredibly poor job. It makes the truly heartbreaking suffering of people back then seem comparable with our times. How many journalists did trump imprison? None. How many newspapers did he shut down? How many parties did he ban? None. How many wars did he start? None! I could go on and on. Academics will go the way of the dodo if they continue to spew this obvious ahistorical nonsense. The clueless kids in front of them during class may not know any better but someday they will and in between times we all know it’s vile to spread such disinformation. They do NOT get to rewrite history.
@Themeni3 3 года назад
Shush shush
@philippebaron5360 3 года назад
france bloch serazin french jewish ; engineer she was the artificer of the parisian resistance in 41/42;heroin of the french communist resistance guillotined by nazis in FEBRUARY 1943
@internetowihusarze 3 года назад
Traitors killed all heroes ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dXDAxAS1daM.html
@raphaelrifkin-zybutz6616 4 года назад
Great reading! What’s that accent?
@noa777noa777 4 года назад
@meravl7054 4 года назад
thank you Daniela, it was a very interesting lecture.
@user-cn9pi2vb7l 4 года назад
very interesting. thank you
@WilGraceSon 4 года назад
I just want to say it is such a wonderful idea that the Wiener Library makes these talks accessible and public. Thank you.
@kfleming78 4 года назад
i was going to crossbreed my tomato plants to create a new race of tomatoes but the "experts" in this conversation made me understand that doing this is EVIL. Of course i think that these "experts" just have a vile irrational hatred for white people and this conversation ONLY applies to white people
@ed4709 4 года назад
Another liberal demorat that is manipulating history for their agenda. He compares MAGA to Hitler and continues his indoctrination of lies to the younger generation. This guy has no business teaching Or lecturing. He is corrupting the young minds of this great country.
@annejones8777 4 года назад
@annawiniarska5425 4 года назад
Very interesting
@Jordaaan1 4 года назад
@weasel101 4 года назад
This guy is a propagandist and a fake. His views are twisted in reality but down party lines. Misconstruing history to his own ideals. Piece of shit.