Our Scottish Future
Our Scottish Future
Our Scottish Future
At Our Scottish Future, we believe Scotland can do better.\u2028

We can have a better politics than one of constant division and suspicion. We can to do better on protecting our NHS, fighting poverty and inequality, and on saving our shared environment.\u2028 And we can do better by better cooperation, because not only are we united with our fellow Scots in looking for something better, but with people across the UK.\u2028

Join us, and help us build a positive, progressive and patriotic movement for a better Scotland in a reformed UK.
Gordon Brown - "Give people hope"
6 месяцев назад
Panel: Sharing the Opportunity
6 месяцев назад
In Conversation with Ex-Unilever CEO Alan Jope
6 месяцев назад
Panel: Innovating Health and Life Sciences
6 месяцев назад
Helen Puttick on Scotland's NHS
9 месяцев назад
@kaithefilmgeek 2 месяца назад
This was no discussion. It was unionist propaganda.
@jamesreid6137 4 месяца назад
IS A SCOTLAND REFERENDUM IN THE AIR.....RICHARD J MURPHY...( AN UNBIASED OPINION )........he is irish and lives in england.
@Dss322 4 месяца назад
I would love to know your thoughts on the snp cult now young man, This lot have destroyed our country and they don't give a toss, Most of them should be jailed for theft or sex offences.
@penne657 6 месяцев назад
Yes he’s right independence is the answer
@mikesmall8618 6 месяцев назад
Brilliant but hilarious. What Gordon describes has happened under the Union.
@tanyagarcia1759 7 месяцев назад
@jjanderson121079 7 месяцев назад
This is the guy that said a Scottish currency needed reserve of £250billion. When UK reserves are a tenth of that. He's a Scotland in Union member.
@MyCharlesgreen 8 месяцев назад
Another British nationalist think tank...lol...Answer this , why is Glasgow poorer than Oslo? Oh, there is too much govt....the english govt needs to go from Scotland.
@tommcmanamon8327 8 месяцев назад
Scotland's 5.4 million receives Barnet formula subsidies from the UK government. Greater Manchester 3.5 million receive no extra monies from the UK government.
@BritainforBritain 8 месяцев назад
She loves making a fuss over nothing. Wanting people suspended from their jobs. 👎
@knight20102 10 месяцев назад
They have been talking of a federal union since the act of union was passed in 1707!!! Its like EU reform, it gets talked about a lot but it never actually happens. Now that reminds me I must take my old hats to the charity shop!!
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
Cast your mind back to 2014 and liebour's litany of lies and broken promises. Here are just some of them. Lie No:1 Their slogan, _"Better Together"._ Really? 😂😂😂😂 Lie No:2 Vote _NO_ to secure our place in Europe. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you *Brexit.* Lie No:3 Vote _NO_ to save 2,000 HRMC Income Tax jobs. The jobs were lost. Lie No:4 Vote _NO_ or companies, like _Scottish Widows_ will leave Scotland. They did anyway and are now based in London. Lie No:5 Vote _NO_ to secure the building of frigates on the Clyde. The factory was shelved. Lie No:6 Vote _NO_ to save British Steel jobs. Wastemonster did _nothing,_ gave _no_ support and it was the Scottish govt that saved the jobs. Lie No:7 Vote _NO_ or subsidies for Scotland's renewable energy sector will stop. It stopped, regardless. Lie No:8 Vote _NO_ or redundancies will occur in the oil industry. It now sufferers mass unemployment. Lie No:9 Vote _NO_ or lose the *HS2* planned for Scotland. It was later DEEMED, by Wastemonster, that there is _'no business case'_ for a fast train service to Scotland. Lie No:10 Vote _NO_ or lose *£1 billion* to develop _'Carbon Capture and Storage'_ technology. It was cancelled. Now, almost a decade later, the facility is being offered as a bribe. Lie No:11 Vote _NO_ and Scotland's Parliament will be made permanent. It never happened. Lie No:12 Vote _NO_ and receive _DevoMax, Home Rule or near Federalism._ Not one was granted. They were ably supported by their tory cronies, let's not forget... Lie No:1 Vote _NO,_ _"as Scotland should be leading the UK, not leaving it"._ On the day the _NO_ vote was delivered Wastemonster enacted EVEL, an act that ensures no Scot can ever, again, be a UK Prime Minister. Lie No:2 Vote _NO_ and receive a *£200 billion North Sea oil boom investment.* It never materialised. Edinburgh University's Post-vote analysis showed *37%* of _NO_ voters had believed the lies that Scotland would have received far greater powers. Both parties are a cancer in Scotland, looking for a way to keep stealing our resources and revenues!
@jimf671 10 месяцев назад
Lots of utter b0110cks being expressed here. This guy sounds like he has been bought. Has he been promised a knighthood? By this muppet's reckoning, Finland, Norway, Czechia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ireland should all be failing because they too became independent while just as 'to wee, too poor, too stupid' as Scotland. The reality is that Scotland's position is superior to any of those high performing economies. It is markedly resource-rich, highly educated, has a broad-based economy, highly-developed infrastructure and a wide range of established national institutions. The much-vaunted UK on the other hand is currently the consistently worst performing economy in NW Europe and for Scotland the UK represents the road to ruin. Remember, half the countries of northern Europe; the richest and most successful nation states in the world; need to fail for the Unionist case to be correct.
@jimso771 10 месяцев назад
Gordon the Scottish people know you sold them down the river with the lies you told when you and the other two amigos gave us the so called vow, what a load of lies that turned out to be so Labour is dead in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@david_porthouse 11 месяцев назад
Well surely with the deteriorating quality of governance that we are getting from Westminster, the SNP should be getting votes in Berwick and Carlisle? Just one snag…
@pathughes8902 11 месяцев назад
Listened to him saying how well the MSPs worked together in the past etc. etc Roll on beginning August 2023. Nasty Mr Harper shows how he hates the Tories. Check out Tory MSPs who are the most competent with skills in Agriculture, Law and Business Medicine etc. etc. Check out their voters who according to polls 50% would consider tactical voting but it is rarely reciprocated. Many Lib Dem and Labour seats would have gone to SNP without tactical voting. Both Labour and Lib Dems have gained by tactical voting. Jackie Baillie by 5000 votes to beat SNP. Some have got into habit of tactical voting but my days are over after helping one of the most obnoxious, lying,self promoting Labour politicians get elected. (Was told he was a nice young man) I agree with Robin Harper's reasons for leaving the Scottish Greens as they are unlike no other Green Party in the world. Toxic combination of MSPs. Unfortunately young people in general know little of what goes on in Holyrood and so many of our children are voting Greens in local elections and others.
@PULSE88 11 месяцев назад
Hear, hear! 🍻
@cathjones4899 11 месяцев назад
This is mostly nonsense Ronald. You are a victim of economic orthodoxy.
@andrewwotherspoona5722 11 месяцев назад
Assuming that the population debt is transferred to Scotland. Most countries that leave a colonial type setup do not carry any of the debt. There is no obligation to do so. It could also be argued that financial payments from Scottish oil negate most if not all of the debt. I'd also wonder if Scotland wouldn't be the country with the appreciatinv currency. Oil, gas, electricity and other natural resources will probably see the Scottish pound buy more English Sterling.
@mevpd1396 11 месяцев назад
Write it down on a scroll, put it on the front page of the Daily Record and call it a vow like last time you said a changed Union would make us stronger. That worked out great
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
*BOOM!*. 👏👏👏👍
@AyeTVsco 11 месяцев назад
Literally nobody says there's no common ground. Independence just makes common sense. Look how that No vote Gordon told us would make Scotland 'stronger' has gone... Ireland, Iceland, Norway... Denmark wouldn't accept this, halfway house, failing Union nonsense. How long have Labour said they'll 'reform the HoL? It took them 111 years to give us a parliament. Nah. Every single one of our independent neighbours do much better for themselves than the Union does for us - a stronger Scotland has the normal powers of an independent country. Either that or we fall further & further behind as we have been for decades.
@christarant2538 11 месяцев назад
How Brown who flooded the UK market with cheap foreign Labour and decimated the working man’s wage but can still stand up there with his big stupid looking face and continue to pontificate is beyond me. That man is no friend of Scotland and no friend of the Working Man or Woman
@whir4us 11 месяцев назад
What has happened to mortgages since the tories came into power? Oh yes, they have gone up and up. Got that government wrong.
@colinjackson9664 11 месяцев назад
Better Together, never again Mr Brass Neck.
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
@andrewwotherspoona5722 11 месяцев назад
I agree wholeheartedly with Gordon Brown. I too would prefer to maintain the UK. The issue is does Starmer want this? If he does want a more federal UK then great. But he has to explicitly state this during campaigning. Otherwise these are just false platitudes and the Scottish electorate should vote for an independence party.
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
Kid Starver will say anything to attain the keys to No10. He has utterly destroyed the liebour party. Blair is his self confessed hero. That tells you all you need to know.
@colinjackson9664 11 месяцев назад
Better Together, never again. We are not mugs.
@tatradak9781 Год назад
This is a Whitehall funded propaganda service.. Try again.. No one is watching...
@tatradak9781 Год назад
Well laddie you still haven't got a clue or your being paid to troll English propaganda.. Nobody changes side like you suggest unless you've been brain washed..
@tatradak9781 Год назад
England needs to do the preparing not Scotland.. Its England's loss and Scotlands gain..
@tatradak9781 Год назад
@@Tondaloona03 hahhhha..... Hahhahahhh.... Hahhahahah.. FFS.. I love RU-vidrs.....
@colinjackson9664 Год назад
Better Together, No Thanks, we fell for that in 2014. There are almost 200 independent countries on earth, none of them are forming their own UKs. How many precedents do you want ? BTW you've been threatening to abolish the HOL for over 100 years whilst helping to fill it with ex Labour MPs.
@jimmyjohnstone6096 Год назад
Pish talk in the company of liars !
@steverichmond7142 Год назад
This is just wrong. I have worked in international finance and he's just a propagandist.
@steverichmond7142 Год назад
He's a Manc.... That's it. He's clueless on Scotland. The SNP have already done all the idiot Starmer proposed yesterday and Scotland is the largest producer of wind energy per head of population IN THE WORLD. Andy Burnham doesn't understand an independent Scotland as a concept.
@thefastandthedead1769 Год назад
Scotland is still waiting for The Vow to be fulfilled! Look at what they did in the Smith Comission... The power over air guns, road signs and to tinker with income tax! Liebour!
@LondonSteveLee Год назад
How can this man show his face in public? His scorched-earth fiscal policies and resulting debt spiral have doomed this country to third world levels of povery within 50 years - along with his party's ten fold immigration increase that became the new norm - meaning the Scots are out-numbered by Asians and Eastern Europeans! The English money tree is about to run dry for the Scots - there's hardly any of us left to keep the lights on!
@margaretdundas680 Год назад
@Old_Scot Год назад
So long as you accept the sovereignty of Westminster, NOTHING you do matters, because Westminster can take your authority away at any moment. Just as the Tories have destroyed local democracy in front of our eyes over the lasts 40 years, they can take anything away from us.
@TribalmonkeyS Год назад
Scotland has highest drug deaths in Europe but drugs laws are devolved to Westminster . The problem is Labour need to pander to the conservative swing voters in England so probably won't devolve powers and certainly won't decriminalise.
@thefastandthedead1769 Год назад
Well said!
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
We made point. 👏👏👍
@georgefuters7411 Год назад
I used to respect Gordon Brown, until the failed promises of 2014... everything that was promised disappeared, everything that was threatened came to pass, just as happened in 2016 with breakshit! Just as many English now wish they'd voted otherwise in 2016, many scots feel the same about 2014, but Wastemonster can't afford to let us go now so are bending over backwards to deny the democratic will of the nation to be tested! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Saor Alba 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Seo an Latha, an uair seo tha 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@thefastandthedead1769 Год назад
Well said!
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
Word! 👏👏👏👍
@neilanderson2374 Год назад
Nah. The problem is Westminster and the Crown, there is absolutely no way they are giving up power. Independence is the only way forward, then we can have a respectful conversation on how the 4 nations collaborate.
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
Spot on, Neil. 👏👏👏👍
@hertzvanrental100 Год назад
Oh please retire. There is no gold left.
@alastair6356 Год назад
Vow mark 2 Federlisation is the legalisation and the continued colonial theft of Scotlands resources by our coercive exploitative neighbour. The lie of Union as an equal partner is exposed, they are trying to turn our Nation into a region of a greater England. He tells us what he wants but does not let have what we want. ( What is it they dont like about democracy ). Resentment is Brexit ,resentment is enforced poverty, resentment is only getting 1/3 of your taxes paid to UK back into Scotlands economy by our Westminster masters . We have had enough of the lies the Vows the exploitation the food banks asset stripping the hobbling of our economy for the spives in London that pay Gordon for his warped propoganda . Red , Blue ,and Yellow Tory's.
@aion5837 Год назад
Ha ha ha. Who warned the markets that he would be selling off UK gold? GB. They price of gold fell through the floor. When the EU bought large amounts the price rose again. Who fired the recently appointed EU finance director because she called for an open investigation into the billions of euros that couldn't be accounted for? GB. Go away you utter snake.
@kayedal-haddad Год назад
Haven’t we heard all of this before and yet never delivered?
@mmcc5846 Год назад
Brabin going on about child sex abuse ,how many British are in in Epsteins blackbook,301 British peter mandleson and tony Blair sre just few from labour
@mmcc5846 Год назад
I thought labour already had party conference this year
@steverichmond7142 Год назад
A stronger Scotland already exists... we provide all the energy and London uses it.
@LondonSteveLee Год назад
The North Sea runs down as far as Essex - and most of the profitable gas rigs left are actually in English waters.
@steverichmond7142 Год назад
@@LondonSteveLee That's not true. The most productive fields are still in Scottish waters towards Norway. The figures due on 30 June for Scottish oil production will show levels similar to the previous year. The following year is predicted to fall but only because of the transition to wind. Scottish wind turbines currently produce more energy per head of population than anywhere else in the world and that figure is certain to rise with the new offshore wind farm stretching from Eyemouth to Dundee, across the Firth of Forth.
@billyandrew 10 месяцев назад
@LondonSteveLee Put down the comics and take up adult material...or carry on looking the 🤡
@steverichmond7142 10 месяцев назад
@@billyandrew Scotland has surplus energy using alternative energy sources. The sewer that is London just wastes money on useless infrastructure projects.
@davidorrell764 Год назад
Gordon, if the UK is so good then why is not so good already? You have had 300 years to make it work. It isn't working. Scotland is not England in the same way as Belgium or Finland are not england.you have no power. You commit Scotland to English conservative control and you have no answers as to how that can ever change.
@demetos5432 Год назад
Drakeford the Desperate, communist , socialist to the core and Corbyn admirer. Bet he likes cricket and cucumber sandwiches.
@gordonburns9911 Год назад
Drakeford look at the state of Wales 😂 Bring on the SNP clowns 🤡 Wallace must be turning in his grave, the Scots have become a feeble nation of cowards.