@lastmanstanding5423 11 месяцев назад
Ian vs Jasse match was absolutely brutal. Well done lads!!
@THESNAKEPITWIGAN 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for your comments. We agree it was a cracking match! :)
@lastmanstanding5423 11 месяцев назад
This is awesome!!!
@THESNAKEPITWIGAN 11 месяцев назад
Thank you. Really appreciate your feedback 🙏🏽
@martindoll5884 Год назад
Can you please get the camera a little closer to the mat so it will be easier to see what is going on
@Papasquatch73 7 лет назад
At 2:20 the announcer says the ref is making sure the wrestler is not across his throat. weird did they going to live guillotine chokes. I know the grovit but chokes have their place as well.
@johnstrickland1134 7 лет назад
THE Snake Pit! Beautiful ....
@JeroenLondon 8 лет назад
I train jiu jitsu an no gi jiu jitsu myself, and this is very interesting to watch. would love to join a catch seminar someday!
@XMartinv90x 5 лет назад
Same here I train both GI and NO-GI Jiu Jitsu and indeed. I will be competing in a Catch Wrestling tournament this December. Greetings from California, U.S.A.
@sgreenfield666 9 лет назад
The snakepit is operating under what are generally accepted as the norm for catch wrestling as practiced in Lancashire,the snakepit operates under the rules that were wrestled under Billy Rileys gym. Even in America catch matches were for the vast majority practised under the strangle hold being barred. If you look at the circumstances under which strangleholds were allowed then you will find that it was to do more promoters and specific individuals and creating champions. As far as pinfalls , you are correct ,same goes for submissions so in that case we should operate under a rolling fall/no sub rule,all the snakepit is doing is preserving the art of catch wrestling as practised under the gym,if people wish to change things then they can but then it becomes something else. If you wish to compete with chokes go compete in those competitions however we practice catch as taught by billy riley and under a ruleset that was the accepted norm from late 1800s to the point where all in came in
@NoDoSwLa 9 лет назад
The guy in the first seconds does the......"worm 2.0"!
@dustinguest7354 9 лет назад
do u have any new ones for 2014
@Dragonfighter2013 10 лет назад
Catch Wrestling looks cool. It's like submission wrestling with amateur wrestling pins(I think).
@kalikaputra 10 лет назад
nice to see catch on the raise again,just that much better for all grappling sports. Hope they dont get all bogged down by adding too many silly rules like judo and bjj.
@64wy4x8s 10 лет назад
Keep catch wrestling alive!
Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the post. Hopefully you will enjoy watching more matches that we will be posting after our November tournament this year too. Thanks again for your positive comments
We have a few guys from London who come up to the GB seminars. We also have been asked to run one at Woking Leisure Centre in September and so we will keep working hard to develop it throughout England so that hopefully in the future it will be more accessible to everyone. Thanks for your positive comments we really appreciate them.
@johnstrickland1134 11 лет назад
There's pins in Catch. You can use a bottom scissor, but I'd be very careful in doing so.
@xStephanxHusseinx 11 лет назад
Brilliant competition. Makes me wish it wasn't all freestyle down here in London. Good stuff.
That's very interesting. We have another BJJ guy who comes to our international seminars from Finland Jasse Junkhari (as on the video) and he made observations recently regarding how Catch has really helped him improve his game so much and look at how he approaches his matches. you will see him fight twice on the videos and will note how in the second one he completely changes his gameplan for the second match. thanks for your comments.
@DeplorableBigot 11 лет назад
As a practitioner of BJJ, I am lucky to be enrolled in a gym that has incorporated wrestling, judo, and sambo into their jiu-jitsu program. I think most BJJ practitioners miss the point of the guard; we practice it because it the best possible option from the worst possible position you could be in: on your back. You don't want to be on your back by default, you want to be on top smashing them. I'm kicking myself in the ass for not learning how to wrestle in high school.
no problem.
@zachambley 11 лет назад
Thank you for the reply.
Hi, thanks for the enquiry. at the moment all the instructional material is reserved for Snake Pit members but our future plan is to also have some material that can reach those with interest in catch but unable to make the seminars. Keep an eye on the website for updates. Thanks
@zachambley 11 лет назад
@THESNAKEPITWIGAN will you be releasing any instructional material for those interested in learning catch?
@IgnatiusCheese 11 лет назад
Love his accent "he's from caaaaadiff" lol
hi yes, if you look on the website snakepitwigan at the top of the main page above the Snake Pit logo there is a header "Rules" .... this gives a full detailed list of all the original rules and those we use still today. thanks for your enquiry
@wvcruffler123 11 лет назад
Do you have a list of the rules under which you ran this particular tournament?
@scarred10 11 лет назад
some of the matches have the camera too far away,you cant see anything
We seek to improve each year. We live streamed the event last year and had much closer cameras so hopefully you will enjoy watching those matches more
@scarred10 11 лет назад
i mean they should allow chokes,joint locks arent definite finishers,some people will sacrifice a broken arm as weve seen before in a ring or in self defense.If youre strictly interested in sport grappling ,then my point isnt relevant.The judo pin rule of 25 seconds is a better one,it takes time to escape in most cases.I reckon your rules are more spectator friendly but annoying as hell for grapplers.I know i could escape many pins but not in a few seconds,escapes need to be chained together.
@JamesMMcCann 11 лет назад
Ah, okay. Cheers.
Hi James, in the Catch Snake Pit rules it is as soon as the referee gives the pin
contd .... the guy fighting up cant get choked but can get cross faced and elbowed and so wont want to stay underneath for long but there are still moves that he can do to win even from that position. the guy in the dominant position also has many techniques from the hooking in position, nelsons etc so it keeps the sport active and allows a fast paced match and a flow of counters when 2 experienced catch fighters are competing.
we havent removed it as it was never there in catch. in Catch if they go on their back it is a won by pin immediately to their opponent and so they have to fight their way back up. this opens up many techniques for both wrestlers.
@scarred10 11 лет назад
thats ridiculous,youve removed the most effective tech in all grappling,without chokes theyll all turn to turtle
@JamesMMcCann 11 лет назад
If you're on your back for 2 seconds you lose. As I understand it, anyway.
@djeq721 11 лет назад
I don't think I fully understand the rules, a lot of the time the guy on the bottom is just sat on his hands and knees motionless, can he not use guard work? Are you not allowed your bog standard joint locks?
hi, no there are no chokes allowed in Snake Pit Catch. The reason being that we have tried to keep the rules as close as possible to the original rules of Catch as practised in Wigan and in the gym (formerly known as Rileys gym now better known as Snake Pit Wigan). The reason that we have also kept this rule is because we wanted to ensure that the wrestlers continued to fight from underneath and have to get up as this opens up many Catch techniques especially from hooking in position.
@guerillagripcatchclub 11 лет назад
I gotta find a way to get there. I've been following catch for a very long time, and would love to test my amateur skills.
@davydrose3786 11 лет назад
thanks my friend am going to look in to this i live in norwich connecticut usa and am 21 years old think there is a place in this world for stage and legit wrestling and if poker and golf haf fans why not catch wrestling with mma so big it is possiblefor a catch as catch can wrestling company to triumph on tv if it had the right guys in the back
Thanks John :-)
You're welcome. thanks for your comments and encouragement. Much appreciated
Exactly! Couldnt agree with you more about tv viewing. Re TRaining... if oyu are interested in training with us we have an international week in November 2013 and the GB seminars throughout the year.. check the website for details of how to apply.... just google snakepitwigan
thanks Stuart, glad you enjoyed watching it :-) ... watch out for the 2013 which we are hoping to be bigger and better :-)
@guerillagripcatchclub 11 лет назад
Excellent tournament.
@davydrose3786 11 лет назад
the best stly of real wrestling is catch as catch can
@davydrose3786 11 лет назад
so cool i wrestler catch at a camp and school but now am trying to find a new place were i can al so i would love to see some one make a pro catch as can wrestling and put it on tv if boxing can stay a live with ufc why not catch wrestling
@VikingBlod75 11 лет назад
This is fantastic that catch as catch can is making a come back thanks so much fr posting this.
@johnstrickland1134 11 лет назад
This is great stuff.
Hi, thanks for your query. There were no chokes because the tournament was held to as near to the original rules as possible to original Lancashire Catch Wrestling rules. Under the original rules no chokes were allowed.
@tichtran664 7 месяцев назад
But dragon sleeper okay?! At least as a neck crank?!
@THESNAKEPITWIGAN 7 месяцев назад
​@tichtran664 This will depend on whether the windpipe is blocked or not. So the referee will observe closely in this instance
@DirektorMK 11 лет назад
Why are there no chokes?
Hi guys thanks for your posts. So pleased to see interest in Catch! :-). We're going to be putting next years seminar dates on the Snake Pit Wigan website for both the national & the international sessions.There will be 8 seminars for GB & then there will be an international week the 1st week in November with the tournament at the end again. Following this tournament though we are hoping to schedule more Catch tournaments during the year but the dates for this havent yet been confirmed.
@makepool 11 лет назад
This is really good to see. I've been interested in Catch for many years. I really wanted, and still want, to practice Catch but I thought it was moribund. Glad to see I was wrong but sadly I'm from Nottingham so I suppose I will have to wait longer to try my hand at CACC. So, when's the next tournament?