Eze Ajuju
Eze Ajuju
Eze Ajuju
@theedwardian 2 дня назад
I tried to make the airburst launcher work and had some success but the fact that it will detonate ON your position if it detects a single tiny terminid you didn't notice- is a major design flaw.
@Creshex8 2 дня назад
I think some more sentries would work better than taking mines. Mines I feel have cooldowns far too long for the little value they bring.
@cheznugget 4 дня назад
I've been maining this for a whole now I'm using it as a mass swarm clearer RL-77 380mm barrage Mortor sent Auto cannon sent I mainly run bots and I'll normally go solo clear the map of outposts secondary and minor objectives while my team does main I use the auto sent to assist the mortar if stuff gets close or if they push me and for the bloody gunships 380 is my panic fall back button or clear outpost button rl-77 clears the chaff the 380 and mortar might miss including fabricators my main problem is probably fact striders which I could just change to dominator for but atm I prefer the adjudicator Boost I use experimental stim Armor heavy medic
@Rovaneon 7 дней назад
Respect for using a loadout that would make most helldivers tremble in fear.
@NewYear7878 7 дней назад
Mines AND rocket launcher. I bet your allies love you 😂
@stephaniefink8024 Месяц назад
OMG I forgot that Royale was in the daytime previously 🤣 ALSO "MURDER GUYS MURDER"
@MCVillager461 9 месяцев назад
Thanks man. This was helpful