TZ Homestead
TZ Homestead
TZ Homestead
Please come watch us on our journey to our homestead. We are currently are in planning phase.
Our 5 mile driveway
7 лет назад
Easter morning trip to town.
7 лет назад
Hidden waterfall
7 лет назад
Building our Green Archway
7 лет назад
Our long cold trip.
7 лет назад
Vehicle Rescue Kit
7 лет назад
Wranglerstar is he EVIL?
7 лет назад
Meet the whole crew!
7 лет назад
Rocket Stove Water Heater #003
8 лет назад
Rocket Stove Water Heater #002
8 лет назад
Rocket Stove Water Heater #001
8 лет назад
@jamesadams9027 5 лет назад
if we wanna share stuff and motivate others then great, so we should get rid of monetized accounts. Or stop watching accounts that are monetized. Stick to sharing and motivating.
@wfgprojects5602 6 лет назад
Great talk! Thumbs up for you!
@GeorgiaRidgerunner 6 лет назад
How do you feel now that Wranglerstar posted the video everything wrong with Christian's in 12 minutes... I unsubbed and blocked him...
@tzhomestead1083 6 лет назад
Honestly I personally typically do not watch these type of videos of his. HOWEVER, after your comment I went back and completed watched this from start to finish. I can fully understand his point of view. From my personal exploration of religion, I do not fault his view.
@bgoodd 6 лет назад
Solid words bro! Good message. Cody is real people thanks for backin him!
@fibber2u 6 лет назад
You're right time to unsubscribe but no need to express hate.
@petercarroll2581 6 лет назад
@tzhomestead1083 6 лет назад
How am I a hatter?
@HomeImProveMentHow 6 лет назад
Good stuff bro good stuff I just liked and subscribed to your Channel. I'm also getting people together on a platform where we bring ours ideas are Hobbies are interest and it develop friendships and build a platform for brainstorming impounding ideas out I think tank and a platform so that we can Network build channels and develop throwing them I hope to hear from you Ken
@chromedome1120 6 лет назад
Great Video Thank You
@schymark8392 6 лет назад
Haters gonna hate. If somebody wants to mouth off. ITS AMERICA, the big mouth got the right to say what they want.
@schymark8392 6 лет назад
Wranglerstar is a solid MAN.
@gerardmulvihill104 6 лет назад
This is a good video if you don't like what he talks about your right don't watch his channel I like his show
@howtogetoutofbabylon8978 6 лет назад
Ha! Clickbait! It worked. Thank you for this video. Cody is one of the premier people in the world, and I am very grateful for his patience, steadfastness, and consistency in producing superior videos on such a vast number of critical topics. Thank you for supporting him!!! I subbed you. Blessings on your new channel!!!
@johnmontague69 6 лет назад
Wranglerstar for President.
@robertgonzalez8419 6 лет назад
I love Cody and his family, he's a mans, man love that about him. Doesn't mater what the haters are saying, we are not to be moved by people as Christians the only one who should have power to move us is the Lord God almighty. Eph 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. God bless you all who are standing for righteousness making this world a better place, Mark 12:30-31 And you shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.
@twistedconfliction939 6 лет назад
TZ not really clickbait, you basically answered your title question. He's not and i agree you have to do whatever you can to provide for your family. Haters are going to hate no matter what you do, just another view getting the videos out so thank you haters, wouldn't survive without you.
@juliestevens6931 6 лет назад
Bravo!!! Well said! You are right on the money (pun intended) about Wranglerstar. :o)
@TroyJParr 6 лет назад
Well said.
@danmanfarm 6 лет назад
Nice words!
@johnmckinney1493 6 лет назад
I have some classic axes amd sledges and if i had the money i would have him do it. I don't so Im going to use his instruction.
@hanzo6257 6 лет назад
TZ means in arabic. My butt
@Edgardocelectric007 6 лет назад
I watch his channel on regular basis and mostly it's ok, I do get good content for the most part, do I think it cheesy when he hawks a product which I think is junk sure, but it pays his bills and that's ok with me he's has a great family, and most of all he's a good god fairing man. I don't agree with everything he puts on, but I respect him and I continue to watch
@samuelluria4744 6 лет назад
Do you not check your volume levels when you make a video?? It's very annoying to have to listen to you whispering.
@383strokerv8 6 лет назад
Keep it up
@DavidKnight30175 6 лет назад
If you chose to watch the stuff with all the bad language that on you. But some of us creators try our best to be safe for the whole family to not have any bad language on our channels like mine and Wranglestar.
@rapunzeleh546 6 лет назад
don't care about the clickbaiting since i have blockers. but wranglerstar used to be a homesteading channel. now it's a huge commercial... BTW actually the golden rule is not 'if you don't have anything nice to say...'... it's DO UNTO OTHERS. i think you're thinking of bambi. calling a place a 'homestead' when it's just an suburban house with an acreage is somewhat false advertising - if you live in an apartment in a city, he's probably grizzly adams. but for those of us that really DO clear our own land, and build our own houses, and raise our own livestock or crops, he's not a homesteader at all. and now he's sucking the corporate teat for free crap, all that money is going into turning their lives right back into the lives they had when they lived in the city. lives full of 'things', excess, gadgets and money money money. the content was good at first. now it's just stuff to keep the number of required vids up so they an trick out the adventure van. also, if you put public content up, you have to expect you will get comments, both good and bad. if you only want good comments, have it as a pay only membership by your 'fans'... you'll also see just how much your content is valued.
@hannahmich7342 6 лет назад
We do not agree with everything he does but I can still accept him at face value. That is all anyone could ask for.
@andersersand 6 лет назад
a dude upset by a youtube video, not hugely impressive
@ozarkprepper1718 6 лет назад
I thought I was special when I fell a leaning tree with a bottle jack.Then I watched wranglerstar do it and felt normal again.
@tombob671 6 лет назад
Common civility to each other creates an atmosphere of respect 👍👍👍👍👍
@MarcoTedaldi 6 лет назад
Wow, just keeping that driveway in shape looks like a lot of work! I hope you can make it happen.
@tzhomestead1083 6 лет назад
TY for you concern. Currently we are in the R&D portion. We have invested a front mount snowblower for a 45HP tractor. The family helping us out, have only had to blow it once this year. I will be there permanently around May 2019 and looking forward to the challenge.
@MarcoTedaldi 6 лет назад
TZ Homestead that's cool! I hope you continue to share your progress, I'll happily follow it. (I don't think you can drive 8km here in Switzerland without going through at least one village ;))
@tractorman4461 6 лет назад
Though I hate the clickbait titles, I consider whose channel it is on. If its on a channel I follow, it doesn't matter, but if it is on a channel I'm not subscribed to I bypass it the vast majority of the time. So I'm willing to bet that there are tons of people like me who are missing out on finding a lot of very interesting channels solely BECAUSE of clickbait titles. My loss is also their loss. Actual titles that are accurately portraying the content of what I am searching for are those that gain my attention. That being said, my gain in finding what I am truly interested in is their gain in possibly recruiting another subscriber by being accurate in their description. Though I do not have any video content uploaded yet, I will eventually....and when I do, I hope I never fall prey to ridiculous titling (unless of course the subsequent video is filled with ridiculous content). Btw TZ, you nailed it .
@tzhomestead1083 6 лет назад
LOL Ty for your response I am just a simple person trying to share what we are about to take on. I do not intend to use click bait unless as you mentioned. I hope that you return to the channel and find something helpful in the future.
@RichieRich845 6 лет назад
Nothing evil here, clickbaite used for good. I totally agree with you. Everything has to change, nothing stays the same and you don't have like everything. Thumbs up!
@bobbailey4954 6 лет назад
Wa wa wa
@alexthorpe7550 6 лет назад
awesome dude
@jessjulian9458 6 лет назад
Just like you, everyone has a right to their opinion. And I don’t like you preaching to me so I won’t subscribe. Best of luck.
@peterkoolwijk 6 лет назад
who or what is wranglerstar?
@billschofield4802 7 лет назад
Your right the family is wholesome
@theyakuza4927 7 лет назад
THANK YOU TZ ! You have another new subscriber. I find that most haters really hate their own lives that they feel stuck in.
@gentelbenn62 7 лет назад
I knew some of these problems, but not the depth. Do what you need, I just have to with the flow. Then hopefully we all can get U tube to get real again. Even if we need to move to a new Tube site
@OutdoorEnthusist 7 лет назад
Wow, you are really intense (truth be told, a little too much.). I don't know if you are looking for a friend, acquaintance, or a son. I am a 57 year old retiree with 38 years working in and for the US Army & DOD. Cody seems to me to be an alright young fellow. Hal
@Penster-Elle 7 лет назад
I hope you don't mind, but (as I was lead here by Wranglerstar's video on Clickbait), I will copy an essay that I wrote in response to his video. People are accusing you of being a 'Sell Out'. I've thought further about this, and... Mr and Mrs Jo Average go out to work every working day. Just like I have done all my adult life. I imagine that most of us have, at times, hated our jobs, or our bosses, or something about the work you do. Sometimes you have to do something that irks you, or goes against your principles, ideology, scruples, belief or whatever. Yet you do those things and you stick at the job. You grit your teeth, then go home in the evening and have a moan to your significant other. The next morning you clock on as normal. This is called 'being a responsible adult', and 'providing for your family'. Now, for most of my adult life I served in the British Army. I often had to do things like I have mentioned above, or go to places I didn't want to go to for far longer than I wanted. I carried on and did it - unless it was illegal of course! I did my job and then went home to my partner and moaned. And at the end of every month I was rewarded for doing those things with a healthy pay cheque. So, was I selling out? Doing things I didn't really like or want to do just to get the money to support my partner and my son? Well, if I was, then I'm pretty sure that Mr and Mrs Jo Average were as well. However, I don't think I was selling out. I was providing for my family. Just as Mr and Mrs Jo Average do. Just as Cody has to do. I'm sure that RU-vid doesn't pay as much as some people think. If you think about the time taken to plan a project, script it, get the tools and materials needed, shoot it, edit it and upload it (on a camera that's not cheap, with lights that aren't cheap, with help that's not cheap and a computer that's not cheap). I would hazard a guess that it comes to about 18-odd hours to produce a 20 minute video. That's 2 days of WORK! Should he not be paid for it? 'Sell Out' my backside! He's doing a job, he's doing it in a way that gets him paid reasonably for it, and (in my opinion) doing it well. So, no apologies for the essay. I will continue to watch the channel. I will start to click the 'like' button and I will support a responsible husband and father who is earning some money to provide for his family. Edited to add some other thoughts that occurred to me. Most of us have been to a job interview. You turn up 'suited and booted', hair looking perfect, CV (or 'resume' for our US cousins!) looking perfect and so on. The interview is our chance to 'sell' ourselves. To say to a prospective employer that we are the best person for a job, and no-one else on earth could do it as well as us. We might 'exaggerate' our greatness and experience to reinforce the view that we must be taken on if the company is to survive. How can they possibly prosper without us? You know what I mean. You speak your best, mind your 'Ps and Qs' and so on and on. We market ourselves in an effort to be picked from the rest - and there could be many, many more out there who could do the job as well or better. But you get the job because you were better at selling yourself. You stood out from the crowd. You made yourself unforgettable. I guess you can see where I'm going here can't you? Wranglerstar has the same issue. He must market himself every single time he produces a video. "I cut down a tree" doesn't sell as well as "Timbeeerrrrr! I go havoc with an axe in the forest!". Is there a difference? I don't think so.
@matthewdiehl1647 7 лет назад
We all liked Cody when he was straight up. Now he's gotta play the game to keep it Rollin but it takes his time and effort to do what he does so if u enjoy his product then let the man get paid. Straight up.
@clarencepickering4190 7 лет назад
Your a good man to stand up for Cody. Thank you for your service . And may God bless you
@aplaceinthesunyt 7 лет назад
Lets not forget what this hypocrite said in his 17th Feb upload Pewdiepie Drama & Casey Neistat's Fall From Grace. "The reality of it is I'm nothing more than a guy with an amature camera making videos and uploading them on youtube on my laptop. Let's see it for what it is, This is not (starts laughing) anything really more than that. It's just me sharing my life." Then within 10 days he is now a business man maximising youtube income to support his family. Working so hard on videos to give us high quality content. A180 degree about turn. Then this self righteous, holier than thou, man of God has the audacity to complain about those who criticise him for this.
@litchar 7 лет назад
So his content is first class, up lifting, educational, entertaining and family safe but his thumbnails and titles are scum-sucking slime. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's the American way.
@petercallaghan4718 7 лет назад
Good comment. Cody and many others provide great information (such as Paul Sellars). The problem is more I think with RU-vid as the means to publicise your offerings and earn directly from that and other sponsorships - if it's necessary to sensationalise a title to get viewers then there is something basically wrong with the vehicle and the business plan. The same happens in many advertising scenarios of course, either as a direct campaign to sell a service or product or by association for another to sell their product (which is how you tube works). The key thing is are you tube content providers happy to have their good work associated with the products or people profiting from association with them and/or click bating or is there another way for them to operate? One way to help avoid the click baiting trend is for subscribers to only subscribe to worthwhile content and so render cluck baiting redundant. In the news recently is also that many big you tube advertisers are withdrawing their adverts as they have no control over dubious content they are associated with. As a long term prospect you tube will probably not survive as it's self regulating, or not, and purely based on money.
@GriffinBenchmark 7 лет назад
First of all, thank you for your service! Second, great video! Not many people have any idea how hard Cody works and how driven you have to be to do what he's done. Take care and God bless!
@willnotcomply1328 7 лет назад
New sub, I'm with ya!
@hendrikplumer6814 7 лет назад
Well spoken!
@totherarf 7 лет назад
Look mate, you are correct! We do not know each other. We are not quintessences or friends ...... But you have the truth of it! Well said! It is also nice to see groups on here that I follow (I did not expect that, and it feels all the better for it)! Bottom line is a man has to stand up for something. Standing up for something gets you noticed by those who are like minded! Warm and Fuzzies to all! ..... and thank you all for being who you are ..... Together you are Awesome!