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Algicosathlon Episode 9 - "Winning Big"
14 дней назад
Algicosathlon Episode 5 - "Falling for You"
2 месяца назад
Algicosathlon Episode 4 - "Mexican Standoff"
2 месяца назад
Algicosathlon Episode 3 - "Monetary Conflict"
3 месяца назад
Algicosathlon Episode 2 - "Powerful Defender"
4 месяца назад
Algicosathlon Episode 1 - "Kidnapped"
5 месяцев назад
Cloud Island: Back in Action Episode 8
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Cloud Island: Back in Action Episode 7
6 месяцев назад
Cloud Island: Back in Action Episode 6
11 месяцев назад
Cloud Island Recap
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Cloud Island Episode 11 - Finale
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Cloud Island Episode 10
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Cloud Island Episode 9
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Cloud Island Episode 8
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Cloud Island Episode 7
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Cloud Island Episode 6
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Cloud Island Episode 5
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Cloud Island Episode 4
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Cloud Island Episode 3
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Cloud Island Episode 2
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@angelsolis7536 День назад
Wow an hour episode now I’m thinking about how long the last one is
@JosephWhite-r7d 2 дня назад
Langworth Coves
@JustinMcNeill-w1n 3 дня назад
Thompson Timothy Lee Ronald Clark Donna
@scpexplorer266 4 дня назад
5:46 Black Peking out
@scpexplorer266 4 дня назад
@yehmen96 4 дня назад
Spoilers (kinda ig?) so far this series has been really great but i do have one thing that im kinda not liking, every elimination is a twist so its getting kinda predictable that the most voted in the first 2 rounds wont be the one that is dying other than that this series is awesome great story and characters looking forward for episode 11
@nickthequick5300 4 дня назад
Teal got out very early which In the later episodes will prove how important teal is
@mingxingbao5441 5 дней назад
Platinum AND silver are almost definitely working for the games
@nickthequick5300 5 дней назад
I’m surprised that Navy (with the help of blue) actually got revenge on purple I thought that she would live a little longer.
@riswantoriswanto5280 5 дней назад
From what I seen so far I think that the follwoing is the jester: 1.(most likely)Navy 2.Brown 3.Blue 4.Gray 5. Tan 6.Cyan
@riswantoriswanto5280 5 дней назад
From what I seen so far I think that the follwoing is the jester: 1.(most likely)Navy 2.Brown 3.Blue 4.Gray 5. Tan 6.Cyan
@mingxingbao5441 5 дней назад
Why would navy play the swap token then
@Ruwinka 5 дней назад
called that purple is gonna die here. i think lime is the jester because i kinda makes sense for me. if you get the jester role you wouldn't be excited nor happy. you would feel sad and depressed and the same thing happened to lime. further more he got upset during when the host said there was a jester. besides the other character aren't the jester as well Red- too risky for an arrogant person and i know it is not him because he would play safer. brown- there is no way in the world he get 2 roles. being the one that got an advantage and jester yellow- she never had minor drawback or became sad cyan- nah she is the safest person navy-he said so lavender- i think it is just her personality pink,tan,blue,gray are the people that i think had a chance. tan has done nothing to impress us or entertain us. gray i don't have anything to back him up. blue is it sus and cyan and brown knows he is sus. pink because of the visions i highly doubt that the jester is pink or gray and the others
@slicersugar 5 дней назад
Spoilers I think Purple was eliminated unfairly. If you look at the scores, I’m pretty sure Cyan and Purple got less than what they were supposed to. Because the differences between all the stakes are essentially the same, that means that the average of the contestants or each team determines their point gain. And Blue and Brown had the same average as Cyan and Purple (6.5), so they should have gotten the same amount of points. But if you see the video, Cyan’s team ended up getting around 5000 points LESS than Blue’s, which is what caused them to be UFE. Now, maybe there’s some rule I missed while watching this series, or something got played on them to set them back, or they were just held back so Purple could die, but regardless, I hope you look into this detail. Great movie/video nonetheless!
@Bluigis 5 дней назад
The inconsities in the points is due to the removal token played on Purple. For whatever reason I decided to deduct the points from the ones they gained this episode as apose to their points they had from last episode. It's still the same outcome regardless, but past me decided to make it more confusing. Even I had to go and double check to see what happened.
@user-nj1uk8vy1o 5 дней назад
Wait what??? This video has 1 hour!?!? Come on!
@auchakhei1214 5 дней назад
Blue had just won two tokens in one episode
@SmallKaiCR 5 дней назад
An hour long episode is absolutely crazy! And it isn't even the finale. How many episodes are there going to be? Spoilers below! Come on Red! You can't be lifting one of my favorite characters up by their neck! I mean, he did deserve it, but still 😅 And then we get another look into Pink's vision. I'm seeing some parallels between Brown and Red with Platinum and Swamp. Maybe there's some deeper meaning there 🤔or maybe I'm just looking to deep into it lol. This whole elimination I was just waiting for a plot twist. I was like, there's no way it's just going to be this easy. And Navy sure seemed to think the same thing I did, lol. Can't say I didn't see Purple's death coming, but I didn't think it would happen like that. I'm excited to see how this series continues!
@Bluigis 5 дней назад
Planning on doing 20 episodes. Still working on the last 4 right now.
@steveiscool8867 5 дней назад
Man do I love this series. But quick question for you commenters. Who do you guys think the jester will be? I definitely have a few Ideas and I feel like they have to be reviled soon. Just am wondering what some others peoples Ideas are.
@SmallKaiCR 5 дней назад
Hmm... I'm thinking one of Pink, Lavender, or Yellow. It almost certainly isn't Red or Navy, as they both could have just taken their win by now. I also don't think it's Brown or Blue. If I haddd to pick one, I would probably lean towards Pink, maybe. It would be kinda funny if Pink ends up being it after Brown has been claiming the role since episode 3, lol.
@string6474 5 дней назад
I've been trying to figure this out for way too long. It's gotten to the point where my brain is changing who I think the jester is every second. Currently, I think the most likely is Lime. I think this because even while everyone was voting Purple or Navy, Lime still got a vote. I'm thinking it's possible he voted for himself, since he didn't have a reason to be voted for.
@Chigadoo 5 дней назад
Either Gray or Tan
@DruwinkaFernando 5 дней назад
I think it is lime. I have comment below saying why is him
@yehmen96 4 дня назад
i was thinking it was either purple or lime and since purple is you know i definitely think its lime
@ultralexk6413 5 дней назад
Bro finally
@string6474 5 дней назад
Analysis: LMAO HOW HAVE I CORRECTLY GUESSED THE THUMBNAIL CHARACTER 4 TIMES IN A ROW NOW? Anyways, now Purple is eliminated. Initially, I suspected Gray, but I guess I was at least partially right, in that a swap token was still used. Honestly, Purple had it coming, she got my favorite character killed. I knew what Navy was planning the moment he started laughing (He's literally me fr fr). Other things that happened: Brown stole Red's token, Blue got cheat codes for the slot machine, Blue also has 9 million dollars now, Yellow probably stole the gun from Tan, Lime has two pieces of the escape token, apparently not everyone running the game actually knows what's happening, we have more info linking this to Cloud Island, and we know more of the people from the previous game. Swamp, Carmine (interesting since she and Magenta were friends), Celeste, and most importantly, Platinum. And we also know that Brown and Pink were friends with Platinum and Silver. Now this may seem far fetched, but hear me out- I think that Platinum and Silver are the two suited people running the game. From what we've seen, Platinum's personality seems to correlate with the gamemaster. And I think Silver was brought in since she and Platinum were friends. Also, the naming system for the people running the game would still line up if these two were involved. That's all I have to say. Each episode just gets better and better
@Chigadoo 5 дней назад
It's funny how I predicted who would be eliminated and who would win the challenge: Also loved how you used the Change of Scene(for those who don't know, it's a Geometry Dash level)) music Spoilers: I was expecting Purple to get eliminated, as she poses no relevance to the story anymore. Purple was indeed a good character, but her death was expected the moment Maroon died. Now that Cyan is the only member left of team Cyan, Purple, and Maroon, I'm gonna assume that the act ends if all 3 members of a team die. Meaning that Cyan has to probably die for the next act. I do know that Pink and Red aren't dying anytime soon, as Pink's visions are possibly going to be very important for their escape, and we have yet to know about Red's arrogancy. I'm starting to think Tan or Gray is the jester, probably because they WANT us to believe the jester is either Blue/Brown/Lavender, and considering this is inspired from Statistics, it'll probably be someone who no one ever thought of suspecting. Also it looks like Yellow is inspired from GW's Pink :). Overall, good episode!
@derpylemon852 5 дней назад
Let's go gambling!
@nickthequick5300 5 дней назад
And the story goes on
@jenyqiqi8507 11 дней назад
I vote th eliminations is brown,because brown consindered the last place
@Thomas-sc7jh 14 дней назад
@DruwinkaFernando 16 дней назад
In my opinion it's either purple or lime who will die next. It looks like both their roles are finished.i know red,lavender,pink,navy and brown and blue is safe. Msybe pink will have a close call
@Chigadoo 10 дней назад
Lime could play an important role in playing the gambling machine, as one of the rewards is a token needed for their escape. So, it could be Purple who's dying next.
@string6474 16 дней назад
I've been cooking up a new theory, but I don't really want to state it. Mainly because I'm VERY confident in it being the case, and I don't want to potentially ruin suspense. All I'm going to say is that I don't think Lavender is the jester anymore
@SmallKaiCR 15 дней назад
You can't just leave me intrigued like that, lol. I'm hoping that Lavender isn't the jester, but I definitely see the possiblity that she is. I'm betting that the jester is either Pink or Lavender honestly. There's definitely been moments where Pink could have defended herself better but didn't, and maybe that's why she lost her memory. It has to do with her being the jester? Just theorizing here, lol. I'm curious as to why you don't think Lavender is the jester at all.
@Chigadoo 15 дней назад
Based on how the story is going so far, I think we're meant to believe that Lavender or Pink is the jester. So, also considering how this is inspired from Statistics, I'd say the jester is probably the one that no one ever believed was them.
@string6474 15 дней назад
@@SmallKaiCR I guess I can explain a little bit. I've been cycling through the jester being Yellow, Navy, or Lavender since I feel that they have the most evidence that it would be them (Pink is also up there, but I don't think she's as likely). And honestly, it still could be Lavender, but I have her crossed off due to the fact she's being targeted by Brown (And also that she is confirmed to be younger, so her scared personality could probably be attributed to that). And my main theory is basically that Brown is going after Lavender because her survivability is 100%. It'd take forever to explain why this is, but if you've seen Statistics, you should know why
@Chigadoo 14 дней назад
I don't think Red is the jester at all. Red gets pissed off easily if he's even considered for voting. Also observe that he used his defense token during the first round of voting.
@string6474 13 дней назад
@@Chigadoo I don't know why I wrote down Red, I think it was because of how he treats everybody, but that doesn't make much sense at all
@user-zm3xk2mm2k 17 дней назад
I have a feeling Red's gonna get out when someone gives him a defence token replica
@user-zm3xk2mm2k 17 дней назад
We don't know for sure, but I think NAVY IS THE JESTER. That USB stick could contain the missing rules
@Avocados-channel 18 дней назад
⚠️⚠️spoiler warning⚠️⚠️ Black=Rengoku+Tamayo(😗😗)
@Avocados-channel 18 дней назад
Can see the body of the person who was eliminated?
@Ruwinka 18 дней назад
Yayy let's go. You light up my mood. I have exams starting from tomorrow. Rc and commerce 1st and other mother language next and then history,English,IT,Science,Maths,music
@SquidwardsGamingPC 18 дней назад
My top 5 favorite characters are: 1 - Navy 2 - Blue 3 - Brown 4 - Cyan 5 - Lavender
@GigaMac932 18 дней назад
I quite enjoyed this episode. I'm liking the character interactions, and I gotta say that the twist at the end was very interesting to watch. These visions that Pink is getting are pretty intriguing. There's definitely some similarities between the contestants in the vision and the main contestants. Maybe it's like an altered timeline or something? Excited to see where some of these plot lines go in the next episodes.
@DruwinkaFernando 19 дней назад
New episode yay
@SmallKaiCR 19 дней назад
Woah! This episode was by far my favorite so far! Spoilers! Brown was very interesting this episode! He admited to be the first one here, and I'm guessing the info cards will hold some sort of relevance (Prob means he's not going to die soon, yay!). I'm excited to contine seeing more of him, because while he is most definitely a very questionable character, I can't say that he's not entertaining lol! Getting a look into Blue and Black's past was cool, and honestly it made me think that maybe Black would live a bit longer. Turns out I was wrong (Seems to happen a good bit, lol). Can't say I really cared for Black that much, but I still enjoyed him overall. Seeing Lavender so sad was also hard to watch. I really enjoy her character, and I just want to see her happy (I have a bad feeling she won't be...) And can I just say I LOVED this elimination. I saw that the jester team was up for elimination and knew it was going to be chaotic, and boy was it. I thought Gray was going to be killed her since she hasn't been very important to any sort of plot, but I guese it made more sense to kill off Black. It was a pretty fitting end to him as well, dying because of his gambling (This is why you shouldn't gamble, lol) Overall, a very good episode! If the ones to come are even close to this one, I am more than excited!
@yehmen96 19 дней назад
Spoilers lets be real black was never going to survive you should also post stuff in the community tab it might be cool
@PhongAD2k6 19 дней назад
42:27 donut 🗿
@angelsolis7536 19 дней назад
11 more episodes also I think they might be more then 1 survivor bc there are different stages and ep 6 didn’t had any deaths so I think they might be more episodes like that
@mingxingbao5441 19 дней назад
Brown tends to be in the gray area for me, he sometimes has sympathetic moments and most of the time… manipulative crap bag
@string6474 19 дней назад
Spoilers Black, another one of my favorites, has been eliminated. Wasn't too surprising, though. I initially expected someone else to get eliminated, but they got more development this episode, and Black screwed himself over with his chance token. Anyways, analysis. My theory that Brown was the first one to arrive was proven to be true, although for a different reason. We now know that the organization running this game has information on each of the contestants in the form of ID cards. I honestly expected this, considering the "Statistics" inspiration. There is also now an organization called "Solitare" who was doing experiments on Blue. I think this could be how he got his potential mind-reading powers. Solitare could possibly be the organization running the game, or at least related, but we don't know currently. Lastly, we are learning more about the previous competition held by this organization. There are more parallels between some of the contestants then and the current contestants. Based on this, I think Cocoa was probably a survivor of the previous game, considering both Lavender and Purple know about him. I wonder if we'll get to know more about him. Anyways, that's all I have to offer currently. This is probably my favorite episode yet, keep up the good work. (Also, I've somehow correctly guessed who the character would be in thumbnail 3 times in a row now)
@Sketchman-sm 19 дней назад
The story continues
@nickthequick5300 24 дня назад
Maybe pink used to be working for the host but I guess something happened and they erased her mind?
@nickthequick5300 24 дня назад
It’s just a theory
@worldofcolorz 28 дней назад
Womp womp Magenta 🤣🤣🤣
@GigaMac932 28 дней назад
Getting on here a bit late. Once again, another entertaining episode. Trying to remain spoiler free, I'm guessing that the reason why character 'A' at 30:41 got so defensive is because character 'B' figured out the flaw in what character 'A' was saying. The timing of character 'A's story doesn't line up, as their statements are directly contradicting their other ones. Interested to see if I end up being correct.
@Sketchman-sm 29 дней назад
Magenta was shot Orange was dissolved in acid Olive idk And green was cut by a saw Next is a bomb probably
@Sketchman-sm 29 дней назад
I did not expect that ending
@Cyanfan Месяц назад
@upg_rblx Месяц назад
I miss this era of blugis, who else agrees?
@ratIokoo 29 дней назад
@Ruwinka Месяц назад
brown is a the traitor. how did he knew lavender walk for 15 minutes. he is the traitor. probably this is what cyan was supposed to say and brown also have a gun. he is very suspicious. Lavender for sure is making it to the finale
@Chigadoo Месяц назад
He might have been the first person to arrive, as that most likely explains why he knew lavender was walking around for 15 minutes. I also think this is what Cyan figured out and Brown shushed her for it.
@CXX425 Месяц назад
i love this show 30:49 ok brown wth
@Thisistoohot Месяц назад
Fun facts: Red hasn’t been up for elimination for 6 days in a row! Isn’t that a shocker?