@anonamouse.p4115 Месяц назад
I love listening to you and people like you speak geek with Steve Albini. It reminds me of the dedication to craft and DIY that I just adore(d) 😢 about STEVE ALBINI. ##thankyoustevealbini
@arlingtonhynes 2 месяца назад
It’s weird that Albini would like “Funhouse” so much, because it runs completely against his recording philosophy: It sounds great. It sounds like everyone involved really cared about making a record that sounded good and was enjoyable to listen to.
@arlingtonhynes 2 месяца назад
But “The Weirdness” is a Steve Albini record: You can tell he just didn’t give a shit.
@brandonhendrix7223 3 месяца назад
Ya know, I like The Weirdness. Always have. I mean it's just ok. It's not a lost classic by any means, but I also don't think it's the abomination many say it is. But my esteem of it has gone way up over the years. I mean think about it: what could be more "Stooges" than trashing your legacy? Did they ride off into the sunset, reputation intact? Fuck no! They reformed and did a record most think is shit! Like saying "Stop being so precious about us, we're fucking dirtbag fuck ups!" Like, I said, what could be more Stooges than that? And on that level I love The Weirdness! Also, love Albini's sheetmetal "production" ( I know he hated that term)
@ScottMasson 3 месяца назад
I spent my entire 20s in Chicago’s music scene. Was not a fun scene after awhile. It was super fun between 2002 and 2006. It became something very artificial, competitive, and lame after 2006.
@object_ash 3 месяца назад
Bye bye Steve x
@worldcheerleader 4 месяца назад
RIP Steve
@youtert Год назад
Who are the band that "turned into dope fiends"? The Amps?
@vblegh1620 Год назад
@aleksandarfrick2656 Год назад
He liked to fire his own ass and run through the room ( one book about Nirvana ) , then they call Paul Stanley to talk about Kiss -Nirvana colab. album 🙂
@bigcountryspoundcake4513 2 года назад
Wouldn’t blame him if he smashed Kim was so hot
@vvessel_ 2 года назад
Saying a producer is getting lazy because he always uses an sm57 on a snare drum is kinda childish in my opinion. I don't think Steve Albini even cares about someone else doing that.
@sexmexsux 2 года назад
2:53 Tweez by Slint
@DennisMHenderson 2 года назад
god damn stop trying to delete raw power because you think you invented some Williamsburg acceptance. stooges reign every musical sight of shit because stone cold said so
@MrMotherfuck123 2 года назад
Those Deals are crazy
@radioactivehalfrhyme 2 года назад
Little did Steve Albini know that “vegan necromancy” is the most Tumblr pair of words ever spoken.
@timstevens3183 3 года назад
For those not aware, the drummer who described his bass drum as a "wet ham slapping a catchers mitt" was Britt Walford of the band Slint, and also the drummer for the first Breeders album Pod! Love Britt's drumming and I always love hear Steve tell his hilarious bass drum sound description!
@uncooldispatch5438 3 года назад
Smart dude 😍
@N0rthT 3 года назад
This may not be it, but I think Steve albini might just be genuinely blown away by kim's music, voice, writing etc., So much that he doesn't understand why not everyone in the world feels this way. I sorta have that with a musician. His style is so hand in glove with my taste it's strange. I love a ton of music but no one hits my ear like his. He has more appeal than the music, but in the brief interaction I've had with him, I've been cautious. I don't want anything to happen that would turn me off to his music... I don't need to be his friend... I'd just be happy with the tunes... Incredibly happy. Music interest is weird. Its part prejudice and part sound I think. Albini strikes me as choosey. I know people who need their music to be complicated and their musicians to be regarded as geniuses by the world. Other things drive the rest of us, but musical taste as prejudice is something I think about a lot. I can look back at howbi looked at the world at different times in my life and see what drove me to love and hate certain music. I think prejudice is fine in music context. People can listen to what they want for any reason, even if it's a bad or unfair one. I had a teacher who was like the whiplash guy when I was 4 years old. Luckily it didn't turn me off to the piano, but a certain type of square classic contemporary music makes my skin crawl.... For example. My musical interests are varied, but I'm particular. That musician whose music is perfect for me hits the right side of all my prejudice. Maybe thats the deal with albini and deal, or maybe it's just sexual😆
@prokesuk 3 года назад
That pic at 2:50 looks like it's from one of Devo's old movies
@PL-wg8co 3 года назад
Theres been a vibrant "punk/music/crossover/art" scene in Chicago this entire time, never seen Steve around.
@PL-wg8co 3 года назад
@Mastodon1976 Whats that?
@drofnoise555 3 года назад
he actually doesnt talk about ANY recording techniques. only philosophies
@Malegys 3 года назад
Kim Dealer !
@neal8759 3 года назад
yes the weirdness is not pretty but the stooges' great work overshadows the bad and steve contributed nothing to the flaws of the album because all he did was fucking record it and steve even says that iggy mastered it at abbey road but this video is just him talking about his experience which i think is great
@pena.3302 2 года назад
Right on man..!!
@dyr234 3 года назад
steve is cool, shellac and breeders rule.
@brunovalmaggia1399 3 года назад
The Stooges at my house.. what a dream!!
@cx34r 4 года назад
Albini ruined Pod , it sounds like the neighbors recorded a Breeders rehearsal on a micro cassette recorder.
@iainrobb2076 3 года назад
I'd prefer it to be recorded and mixed better, myself. Vocals are too low in the mix. Drums are well recorded but the guitars can sound a bit brittle or sludgy. Similar to the sound he got with Surfer Rosa, but SR has more dynamic range.
@Adrian_Franco 2 года назад
@@iainrobb2076 Yeah the drums are way too loud on Pod. Kind of ruins it for me but I like the songs.
@iainrobb2076 2 года назад
@@Adrian_Franco The songs are mostly great. It's the production which is shit. The only Albini production he got totally right was on Nirvana's In Utero, which ironically he believes he could have done a better job with, i.e. it doesn't sound like sludge recorded in a tin box. He's one of the most overrated engineers / producers in the history of rock.
@sanjxpali 4 года назад
Great piece, Sanj (The Pali Gap)
@JamesDeWeaver 4 года назад
"There's always some loser that wants me to record his Band". Steve Albini '89
@JamesDeWeaver 4 года назад
"There's always some loser that wants me to record his Band" Steve Albini '89
@michaelmcdonald8452 2 года назад
What was the point of this comment?
@MeatSnax Год назад
The great thing about Albini is he'll just do it. You too can cut a song with one of the greatest rock producers of all time for like 4 grand right now!
@JamesDeWeaver Год назад
@@MeatSnax agreed!🙌
@ExcitedAnacondaSnake-hg8ec 3 месяца назад
@@MeatSnaxnot anymore
@anonamouse.p4115 Месяц назад
​@@ExcitedAnacondaSnake-hg8ec #thankyoustevealbini
@DennisMHenderson 4 года назад
It takes a supreme effort to make something as bad as the weirdness. seems it was a success. the band should have been awarded albini in a jar
@MarcFarful 4 года назад
What's the name of the song at beginning?
@GamesWithBrainz 5 лет назад
The weirdness is one of the worst albums ever made but it's not Steve's fault
@Malegys 5 лет назад
Didn't she just become a junkie?
@marknewbold2583 4 года назад
@orpheussf 5 лет назад
If you took a blank sheet of paper and made lists of what you wanted your experience to be 1.) In the studio 2.) In the facility during downtime and breaks 3.) In the house gear and mics 4.) In the engineers and crew having their act totally together to support getting your sound down on (analog) tape, recording at Electrical Audio ticks every box. Their nerdiness only BEGINS with the weird boiler suits. From the best placement of mics around the drum kit to best winding of cables, even the spacing of the outlets, they do their best and always looking to do it better. HOWEVER, you need to have your plan together before you go in. It's not a place to go if you need them to fix your songwriting or arrangement, or find you a diva to come in and play little cymbals in the background. They will not "fix it in the mix". Have your songs and parts chosen and rehearsed. They'll give you their input, and you should listen, but know what you want and be prepared to lead. Listen not only to the bugs they've recorded, but also to bands at your level-they've done a lot of them too. If you think Steve's a dick, you're wrong. He's just about the best, but you gotta keep up. He's honest enough to admit he kinda messed up on Tweez, and gets why Slint went to Brian Paulson for Spiderland- and it takes humility and honesty to get that you missed that boat.
@shanewreck2322 5 лет назад
Iggy Pop - Beat Em Up ! ❤🤘
@2latuile 5 лет назад
Amazing how many peoples are criticizing Steve Albini for things he is definitly not responsible for. Get your straight facts people, Steve Albini is NOT a producer (whatever might get written on the album's notes), he is a sound engineer, and his whole ethic is to never interfere with the band's artistic decisions whatsoever. Also, he always refused to get royalties on any album he recorded and insists on being paid a straight fee (and a rather low one considering both his experience and EA studio's quality). So comments about him "making money on a rep he doesn't deserve" or "being a lousy producer" that "makes the band sound awful" etc are just totally moronic.
@michaelmorphites6733 3 года назад
But he WAS the producer here, so your point is invalid
@2latuile 3 года назад
@@michaelmorphites6733 No he wasn't - whatever the credits might read, Steve Albini NEVER "produced" any record. "Producer" means you invest money and/or time on the record, get royalties, and are allowed to make artistic decisions, all things that Albini always refused to get involved with. Yes, there are quite a few albums where he is credited as "producer", but that's either the band's or label's decision to credit him that way - technically all he did was sound engineering work, period. Steve Albini's rather pecular work ethic is quite well known and documented, so please do at least a minimal search before posting nonsense.
@michaelmorphites6733 3 года назад
@@2latuile nah. If he’s credited as producer, then he’s given his permission to be labelled that. You’re trying so hard to argue a point that can’t be argued. You are wrong. Take it, comprehend it, digest it, and fuck the hell off you prat. Later.
@neal8759 3 года назад
@@michaelmorphites6733 it was the label that credited him as a producer, all he really did was record the fucking album
@67psychout 2 месяца назад
@@michaelmorphites6733 Steve has said in many interviews. He sets the microphones up and records the band. That's it.
@Latexlaila 5 лет назад
And now this stooge is all over my recommended
@STIKFIGUR3 6 лет назад
dang, lotta hate for Albini in these comments. I'm going to disagree with the nay-sayers. he's engineered some excellent records, and his philosophy (which he is very transparent about) puts the band's vision FIRST (as it should be). this is a man who understands what it means to make art with integrity. in general, I really admire the way he records and mixes, but I understand that it's not for everybody.
@shanewreck2322 5 лет назад
Yes Indeed, and one of those records are PJ Harvey's "Rid Of Me" !
@dogpetdog 6 лет назад
he loves that stupid joke
@ShiningTrapezoid 7 лет назад
So many "engineers" could learn from the points made here. Way too many studio and live guys try to make every band fit into their preconceived notions of how things should sound, instead of actually capturing the sound of the band.
@dannyhart3982 7 лет назад
The Weridness is a pretty Bad to mediocre album, Aside From Atm That's a Great song I really like that track.
@PatrickTK21 7 лет назад
Oh man, I was hoping he'd mention something about The Amps album. Didn't Albini produce a bunch of those songs?
@askyles91 7 лет назад
Dont hate the 57.
@thediseaseisthecure 7 лет назад
Always loved 57's... Until I could afford better mics. Hahaaa
@JohnBassarcticsoundstudios 7 лет назад
Theres not much you can't do with a 57 and a 58 also the 57 great for rock vocals.
@InsaneCarville 5 лет назад
I agree with the versatility but haven't had good experience with rock or any other vocals personally. Each to their own, just found your comment interesting
@ROOKTABULA 7 лет назад
Few people have made as much money on a rep they don't deserve as Albini has
@jessegilpin7883 3 месяца назад
What about your mom??
@scottcooneymusic6736 8 лет назад
pod is one of my favourite records of all time.
@Gollas4k 5 лет назад
Breeders are great in general but with Steve Albini as a producer and Britt Walford on drums they had the best foundation for this masterpiece
@andyknowles772 3 года назад
"Josephine.. do you think you're going bald"?
@tweezerfetish 8 лет назад
I like squirrels
@liamshanley_21 7 лет назад
I keep seeing your comments on videos and I just gotta say the autechre display pic with the Slint reference name cracks me up
@tweezerfetish 7 лет назад
+Liam Shanley Recognition at last!! Thanks dude!
@bamslackwood433 7 лет назад
Is that some kind of metaphor?
@AB.BABY. Год назад
@saftovooey4569 8 лет назад
SM57 always wins. Always.
@ShiningTrapezoid 7 лет назад
@nisbend 6 месяцев назад
@cleve2323 8 лет назад
Yes, it was certainly foolish to book time to master the album the morning after a concert as Iggy's ears had not time to "cool". Definitely not their best showing in many areas, and it might not be financially prudent to re-master though might be nice to set the "record straight".